Meat pizza with mozzarella. Homemade meat pizza. A few simple recipes: Meat pizza recipe

Meat pizza with mozzarella. Homemade meat pizza. A few simple recipes: Meat pizza recipe

There is no person who doesn't love pizza. The optimal combination of good dough, delicious filling and a large amount of cheese will not leave anyone indifferent. And there’s no need to talk about meat pizza. Using meat or poultry fillet, ham, sausage, frankfurters or others as filling meat products You can endlessly enjoy a hearty and incredibly tasty dish.

There are an incredible variety of recipes for such pizza that will help diversify the menu and give a well-known dish new shades of taste.

The most tasty pizza comes out when two or more meat products are combined in the filling.

The classic recipe would be pizza with minced meat and sausages. Pizza made with semi-finished pork is very tasty.

The good thing about this dish is that the necessary products are accessible and always available in almost every kitchen.

List of ingredients:

  • flour premium– 450 g;
  • vegetable oil – 4-5 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt – 1/2 tsp;
  • yeast – 1 pack;
  • milk – 400 g;
  • tomato ketchup – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • sausages – 3-4 pcs.;
  • minced meat – 150 g;
  • tomatoes – 1 pc.;
  • cheese – 150 g;
  • sour cream – 50 g;
  • mayonnaise – 50 g;
  • seasonings - to taste.

After checking that you have all the necessary ingredients, you can start preparing your favorite dish.

Cooking method:

  1. To prepare the dough, pour milk into a deep container, add dry yeast, add 2 tablespoons of sugar and 6 tablespoons of flour. Mix the mixture thoroughly and leave for 20 minutes. It is important to ensure that the mixture foams. After 20 minutes, add salt, remaining flour and vegetable oil. Practically ready dough All that remains is to knead thoroughly.
  2. Roll out the prepared dough into a thin layer (about 7 mm thick) and grease with ketchup.
  3. Place a layer of pre-fried onions on top of the ketchup.
  4. Place a meat layer consisting of fried minced meat and sausages on the onion.
  5. The final layer will be thinly sliced ​​​​tomatoes
  6. The final touch is grated cheese and seasonings. As spices, you can use both special ready-made pizza mixtures and your favorite and time-tested seasonings.

Grease each layer with mayonnaise or tomato paste. For lovers of spicy dishes, mustard is suitable; it can be added in doses. You should be especially careful if there are children in the house. For them, it is better not to include mayonnaise and hot seasonings in the greasing mixture, or at least reduce their amount as much as possible.

Place the fully assembled masterpiece of culinary art into the oven and bake for 25 minutes at 180 degrees. Baking time may vary slightly depending on the thickness of the filling layer, so it is better to check the degree of readiness and not remove the dish ahead of time.

Once the pizza is ready, leave it on the table for about 20 minutes, covered with a towel. This will allow the dish to brew and acquire a special aroma. After this, you can serve and enjoy the delicious dish.

On thin dough

Meat pizza on thin dough - a special dish. It is believed that only in such a pizza is it possible to fully enjoy the toppings.

  • flour – 175 g;
  • water – 125 ml;
  • vegetable oil – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • dry yeast – 1 tsp;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. For creating thin dough mix flour with yeast and add salt. Mix water and oil separately. After this, pour the liquid mixture into the dry mixture, stirring constantly. The dough should become homogeneous. To do this, knead it well, put it in a bowl, cover with a towel and place in a warm place for 40 minutes. After this time, knead the dough again, roll it out and place it on a baking sheet.
  2. Stuffing, as in classic recipe Pizzas are best laid in layers, greasing each layer with ketchup or mayonnaise. For dietary option, you can reduce the amount of mayonnaise by limiting yourself to a layer of mayonnaise “mesh” on top or bottom of the filling.

It's important to know that thin pizza Ideally, it should be baked in a wood-burning oven at approximately 500 degrees. It is impossible to achieve such a temperature at home. However, you can “cheat” a little and send raw dish into the oven preheated to 300 degrees for 1 minute. In this case, it is better to use a stone sheet as a baking sheet. But you can also use traditional metal. The main thing is not to overcook the dish in the oven. It is also impossible to reduce the temperature. You can dry out the pizza.

Cooking with minced meat

Pizza with minced meat can be made on the basis of any semi-finished meat product: pork, beef, chicken, mixed.

List of required ingredients:

  • flour – 1.5 tbsp;
  • baking powder – 1 tsp;
  • water – 0.5 tbsp.;
  • vegetable oil – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • grated cheese – 6 tbsp. l.;
  • minced meat – 300 g;
  • tomatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • salt, seasonings - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. For the dough you will need water, flour and baking powder. Knead it and let it rise a little. To do this, leave it for about an hour in a warm place.
  2. Next, lay out layers of cheese, minced meat with spices, thinly sliced ​​tomatoes, and another layer of minced meat.
  3. To bake, place the raw dish in the oven, preheated to approximately 190 degrees for 20 minutes.
  4. The finished pizza can be sprinkled with parsley and served with sauce.

It is worth noting that if the filling is used minced chicken, you can add corn, olives or pickled cucumbers to the pizza. The dish will taste very pleasant.

Pizza with meat and mushrooms

List of required ingredients:

  • flour – 1.5 tbsp;
  • baking powder – 1 tsp;
  • water – 100 ml;
  • olive oil – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • meat – 200 g;
  • mushrooms – 6 pcs.;
  • tomatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • cheese – 150 g;
  • greens - to taste;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. You can use meat cut into small pieces or use minced meat. In this case, the meat is placed both raw and boiled or fried. Raw pieces can be marinated.
  2. For the dough, mix flour, oil, water and baking powder. Let it rise for half an hour and drain thoroughly.
  3. Place cheese, mushrooms, tomatoes, and meat in layers on the rolled out dough. Sprinkle the layers with cheese again and decorate with herbs.
  4. Bake pizza at 190 degrees for no more than 15-20 minutes.

Quick recipe in a frying pan

Pizza created according to this recipe turns out very tender. This cooking method is indispensable if guests suddenly arrive or you need to quickly prepare breakfast.

It is worth noting that for cooking you will need a frying pan with a bottom diameter of about 28 centimeters. If there is no such utensils, you can proportionally reduce the composition of the products.

List of required ingredients:

  • chicken eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • sour cream – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • mayonnaise – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • flour – 9 tbsp;
  • sausage (or ham) – 150 g;
  • tomatoes – 1 – 2 pcs.;
  • cheese – 150 g.

Cooking method:

Puff pastry pastries

Very unusual and tasty option pizza turns out to be puff pastry. However, preparing it at home is extremely labor-intensive, so housewives most often use ready-made dough purchased in a store.

List of required ingredients:

  • puff pastry – 250 g;
  • chicken fillet – 700 g;
  • tomatoes – 1 pc.;
  • any cheese – 400 g;
  • mushrooms – 150 g;
  • flour – 50 g;
  • tomato paste – 5 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - to taste;
  • spices - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. To create the dish, prepare vegetables, mushrooms and meat. It is better to cut the tomato into rings, the mushrooms into slices, and the meat into small cubes. To give pizza a more refined taste, the meat can be fried in a frying pan until golden brown with the addition of salt and spices.
  2. Place the dough on a baking sheet and grease it with a little ketchup. Lay out on the base in layers meat filling, mushrooms, tomatoes. Moreover, it is better to squeeze them out a little so that the pizza does not become liquid.
  3. Be sure to tuck the edges of the pizza to create small sides.
  4. Sprinkle the dish generously with cheese and place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 20 minutes.

Whatever the pizza, it will not go unnoticed. Each person will find a recipe to their taste that will delight them for a long time.

Pizza can be prepared not only with meat products - sausage, sausages and sausages, but also with full-fledged meat. This dish does not require any boundaries when choosing toppings. Make pizza with beef, pork, lamb, bacon, ham - any type of meat will be good on pizza!
You can make your own pizza dough using basic recipes or use store-bought stuff - of course, a lot depends on this ingredient, but the main thing is the filling!
Pizza with beef, pepper and pickled cucumbers
Ingredients: pizza dough, filling – 500g boiled beef, 4 pickled cucumbers, 1 boiled egg, onion, tomato and sweet pepper, 4 tbsp. mayonnaise, ½ tbsp. wine vinegar.
Roll out the yeast pizza dough and place on a baking sheet. Cut the beef into strips, place on the dough, also cut the cucumbers and Bell pepper, tomatoes and cucumbers - in circles, chop the onion. Mix all the vegetables, sprinkle with vinegar, put the vegetable mixture on the meat, grease everything on top with mayonnaise, lay out the sliced ​​​​egg in circles, put in hot oven and bake the pizza for 20 minutes.
Of course, you can add one of the main ingredients for pizza to the recipe - cheese of your choice.
Pizza with ham

Ingredients: 150g smoked lean ham, 125g swiss cheese, 100g milk, 4 tomatoes, 2 eggs, yeast or unleavened pizza dough, pepper, salt.
Roll out the dough and place on a baking sheet. Cut the ham into cubes and fry. Finely chop the tomatoes and cheese, mix with the ham, place the mixture on the pizza base. Beat the eggs, mix with milk, pepper and salt, cover the pizza with this mixture and bake for 20-25 minutes in an oven preheated to medium temperature.
Pizza with pork and leeks

Ingredients: 800g leeks, 200g onions, 125g smoked pork, 100g each grated cheese and milk, 3 cloves garlic, 2 eggs, 2 tbsp. butter, pizza dough with herbs, pepper. Finely chop the leeks, garlic and onion, cut the pork into strips or cubes. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Fry onions and leeks in butter for 5 minutes, add garlic and meat, fry everything until lightly browned. Place the filling on the rolled out pizza dough and sprinkle with cheese. Beat the eggs with milk, season with pepper and salt, place on the filling, bake the pizza for half an hour.
Pizza with lamb and rice

Ingredients: 250g lamb, 200g cheese, 5 fresh tomatoes, 3 cloves of garlic, 1 onion and egg, 1 glass of dry rice, black pepper, salt, puff pastry for pizza.
Boil the washed rice until fluffy and cool. Boil the lamb, cut into strips, chop the onion into rings, finely chop the garlic and boiled egg. Combine the prepared products, pepper and salt, mix. Roll out the dough and place it on a baking sheet and place the filling on top. Puree the peeled tomatoes and cover tomato puree filling, sprinkle grated cheese on top and bake the pizza for half an hour in a preheated oven.
For the filling, you can mix the meat with various meat products - sausages, sausages, it will be even “meatier”!
Pizza with smoked sausages and meat

Ingredients: 200g boiled meat, 100g grated cheese, 18 smoked sausages, 10-12 olives, 4 tbsp. tomato puree, 3 tbsp. olive oil, yeast dough for pizza.
Place the pizza base on a greased baking sheet and drizzle with oil. Finely chop the boiled meat, place it on the base, brush with tomato puree, add chopped sausages, olives, sprinkle with cheese, drizzle everything with oil and bake the pizza in the oven until done.
If your loved ones really love meat, feel free to combine several types of it for the filling, add various meat products - the pizza will be very filling and tasty, bon appetit!

Meat pizza is probably the first thing that comes to mind when ordering pizza. For some reason, everyone believes that pizza must contain meat, in any form. The origin of the word "pizza" appears to be related to the Latin verb, which means "to break." This is how bread was broken in ancient times in the Mediterranean region. I read somewhere that perhaps pizza comes from the Old Hebrew פִּתָּה פיתה, Arabic كماج or Greek πίτα.

Pizza has a long history. The first written mentions of pizza date back to sources more than 1000 years ago, although flat bread with toppings laid out on it has been known since ancient times. Despite the fact that pizza has long become a culinary tradition all over the world, it is still believed that pizza is primordially Italian dish, origin from Naples.

Ingredients (pizza 34 cm)

  • Pizza dough 400 g
  • Bacon, ham 150 g
  • Mozzarella 150 g
  • Tomatoes 4 pcs
  • Onion 1 piece
  • Black olives 10-12 pcs
  • Salt, oregano, black pepper, wine vinegar 3

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Meat pizza. Step by step recipe

  1. You can use my favorite pizza dough recipe " ". After the dough has risen, knead it and roll it into a flat cake 5-7 mm thick. Place the dough on the pan, after lightly greasing it with olive oil. Be sure to prick the dough with a fork in several places. Let the dough rise on the pan so that it ends up fluffy.

    Pizza dough

  2. Cut the ham into very thin pieces and fry in a frying pan until lightly browned.

    Cut the ham into thin slices and fry in a frying pan

  3. Slice the onion very thinly and marinate in wine vinegar within 30 min. If you don’t have time, you can pour vinegar and boiling water for 5 minutes and rinse with cold water.

    Filling ingredients

  4. Leave one ripe tomato for the filling. Scald the remaining tomatoes with boiling water, remove the skins and seeds. Grind the tomato pulp in a blender, add salt and pepper, simmer the pulp in a frying pan until a thick sauce is obtained.
  5. Cut one tomato into thin slices.
  6. Meat pizza may also contain tomato sauce. Then one tomato is enough for the filling. Grease the dough tomato sauce.

    Brush the dough with tomato sauce

  7. Place chopped tomato on the dough and sprinkle with 1-2 pinches of dry oregano.

    Place chopped tomato on the dough

  8. If possible, squeeze out any liquid from the pickled onions and place the onions on top of the tomatoes.

    Place onions on top of tomatoes

  9. Arrange the pieces of fried bacon or ham evenly.

    Arrange the fried bacon pieces evenly

  10. Grate mozzarella over the ham and place whole black olives.

    Grate mozzarella over ham

  11. Place the pizza in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Meat pizza is baked for up to 20 minutes.

    Place the pizza in an oven preheated to 180 degrees

  12. Cut the finished meat pizza into 6-8 pieces with a special knife.

Pizza with minced meat and caramelized onions

This pizza has several flavors at once: slightly sweet caramelized onions and bell pepper, creamy Alfredo sauce with mozzarella and fried with garlic Ground beef. Pizza with minced meat and caramelized onions RECIPE COMPLEXITY: COOKING TIME: 45 minutes PT45M PT45M NUMBER OF SERVINGS: 6 servings CALORIES: 350 kcal


Dough (pizza base) 1 pc. Beef (minced) 250 g Cheese (grated mozzarella) 1 cup Onion (red) 1 pc. Bell pepper (red) 1 pc. Garlic 2 cloves Sauce (creamy alfredo or other to taste) ½ cup Butter (butter) 2 tbsp. l. Spices (Italian seasoning) 1 tsp. Salt ¼ tsp. Pepper (ground black) ⅛ tsp.

Melt butter in the pan and add chopped onion. Fry it over medium heat for about 20-25 minutes, stirring occasionally. The onions should be browned and caramelized. Once it's ready, transfer it to a bowl.

Add ground beef and minced garlic to the same pan. Cook over medium heat for 5-6 minutes. Drain off excess fat. Add cooked onion, Italian seasoning, salt and pepper.

Brush pizza base with sauce. Place layers of minced meat, coarsely chopped bell pepper and grated cheese. Distribute the ingredients evenly over the dough.

Bake the pizza for 10-12 minutes until the cheese is melted.

Pizza with chicken, artichokes and pesto sauce

Just five ingredients, 20 minutes to prepare and 270 calories per serving. Pizza with chicken, artichokes and pesto sauce RECIPE COMPLEXITY: COOKING TIME: 20 minutes PT20M PT20M NUMBER OF SERVINGS: 6 servings CALORIES: 270 kcal


Dough (pizza base) 1 pc. Chicken (boiled breast) 250 g Artichokes 170 g Cheese (grated fontina or other semi-hard) ½ cup Sauce (pesto) ½ cup

Preheat the oven to 230 degrees.

Slice the boiled chicken breast thin stripes.

Grate the cheese on a coarse grater.

Brush pizza base with sauce. Place chicken pieces and artichokes on top. Sprinkle with cheese.

Bake for 8-10 minutes. The dough should be browned around the edges.

Pizza with three types of meat

Beef, pepperoni, bacon - a pizza recipe for real meat eaters. Pizza with three types of meat RECIPE COMPLEXITY: COOKING TIME: 30 minutes PT30M PT30M NUMBER OF SERVINGS: 8 servings CALORIES: 355 kcal


Dough (pizza base) 1 pc. Bacon 170 g Beef 120 g Sausage (peperoni) 100 g Cheese (grated mozzarella) 220 g Mushrooms 60 g Olives (chopped) 2 tbsp. l. Sauce (for pizza or spaghetti) ⅔ cup Oil (olive) 1 tbsp. l. Spices (garlic powder) 1 tsp. Spices (onion powder) ½ tsp.

Preheat the oven to 220 degrees.

Mix olive oil and ½ tsp. garlic powder. Grease the edges of the pizza.

Shred the beef and season it with onion and garlic powder. Fry the meat in a large skillet over medium heat until cooked through. Pink colour. Drain off excess liquid.

Brush the pizza base with sauce (reserve an inch from the edges).

Layer the browned beef, sliced ​​pepperoni, and bacon slices onto the dough. Add mushrooms, olives and grated cheese.

Bake the pizza for 10-15 minutes.

White pizza with chicken and feta cheese

White chicken meat on white cream sauce Alfredo with feta cheese. And to make the pizza even tastier (and prettier), we added a few slices of red tomato. White pizza with chicken and feta cheese RECIPE COMPLEXITY: COOKING TIME: 20 minutes PT20M PT20M NUMBER OF SERVINGS: 4 servings CALORIES: 635 kcal


Dough (pizza base) 1 pc. Chicken (boiled breast) 250 g Cheese (feta) 120 g Cheese (grated Parmesan) 1 cup Tomatoes 1 pc. Garlic (chopped) 3 tbsp. l. Sauce (creamy alfredo or other to taste) 1 cup Tomato paste 2 tbsp. l. Butter (ghee) 2 tbsp. l. Oil (olive) 1 tbsp. l. Basil (dried) 1 tsp. Oregano (dried) 1 tsp.

Preheat the oven to 190 degrees.

Slice the boiled chicken breast and tomato.

In a small bowl, combine melted butter and olive oil and chopped garlic. Add tomato paste, basil and oregano. Grate the Parmesan and mix with the remaining ingredients. Pour Alfredo sauce over everything.

Place the chopped chicken breast on the dough and pour over the resulting sauce. Top with a few tomato slices and feta.

Bake the pizza for 10-15 minutes.



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