Meat stew with cauliflower. Vegetable stew with cauliflower, photo recipe Vegetable stew with potatoes and cauliflower

Meat stew with cauliflower. Vegetable stew with cauliflower, photo recipe Vegetable stew with potatoes and cauliflower

Let's start preparing cauliflower stew by frying the vegetables. Personally, I only fry carrots and onions. Everything else will just stew. Of course, you can fry everything, and not fry anything at all, but, as for me, the option that I propose is the most familiar and our favorite.

We clean the vegetables and chop them. Carrots can be grated or, as I do, cut into small pieces.

Add diced onion to the pan. Before that, throw a piece there butter and a good tablespoon of vegetable. Fry the onion until slightly golden but still juicy. Now add the carrots, stir and fry for a couple more minutes.

Add a spoon here tomato paste and fry for another minute. In my case, I didn’t have this same paste on hand, so I added 2 tbsp. your ketchup recipe. Don't add store-bought ketchup! It contains many chemical additives that cannot be subjected to heat treatment!

Zucchini is a great substitute for zucchini. If it is not young, then the skin is peeled and the seeds are selected.
In general, in this stew it is quite possible to change the ingredients according to availability. Sweet paprika is also very good here, but mine doesn’t particularly like it, so I don’t add it.

Since zucchini has a delicate skin, I don’t cut it off. You also don’t have to choose the seeds (the core), but I did scrape them out a little, because the vegetable was a little soft, and I just wanted to partially select the core.
Add diced (not small) zucchini to the pan.

Cauliflower. In the recipes I have seen on the Internet, it is pre-boiled or at least scalded. I don’t do this, I don’t see the need. Just wash and cut off the inflorescences.
Throw the cabbage into the frying pan, cover with a lid (low heat) and start with the tomatoes.

It is better to remove the skin from tomatoes. I have ripe, homemade, meaty ones. I simply lifted the peel with a knife and peeled it off - no problems. If that doesn’t work, then pour boiling water over the tomatoes for a minute, and then drain them into cold water. That's it, remove the skin.

Chop the tomatoes and add to the vegetables in the pan.
Mix everything a little and carefully and close the lid tightly. Let it simmer for 20 minutes on low heat. I don’t add any water, since the vegetables themselves give juice, in which they are stewed. Just close the lid tightly so that it all doesn’t evaporate.

All that remains is to peel and chop the garlic and add seasonings. We will do this after 20 minutes of simmering.

20 minutes have passed, add garlic, a couple of pinches of sugar, salt and pepper to the pan. Stir gently, cover again and simmer for five minutes. At the end of this time, taste it and, if the vegetables do not seem soft enough for your taste, then simmer for another five to ten minutes. As for me, 20-25 minutes is enough. Adjust salt and pepper. Personally, I sprinkle my portion with hot chili.

When serving, it is quite appropriate to sprinkle the cauliflower stew with any greens.
Bon appetit!

Vegetable stew- a unique dish, because by changing even one ingredient, you can get new taste. Therefore, you will never get tired of this type of side dish. If you try to experiment, you can prepare a very tasty vegetable stew from zucchini and potatoes with cauliflower, which is now available to everyone. Try it, the result will pleasantly surprise you.


  1. Cauliflower – 400 gr.
  2. Potatoes – 4-5 pcs.
  3. Beets – 1 pc.
  4. Onions – 1 pc.
  5. Carrots – 1 pc.
  6. Zucchini – 1 pc.
  7. Garlic – 2 cloves.
  8. Mustard – 1 tsp.
  9. Salt, ground pepper - to taste.
  10. Greenery.
  11. Vegetable oil.


  • We clean the beets, wash and dry. After that, cut it into small cubes (the smaller the beets are chopped, the faster they will cook).

  • Peel and chop the onion.

  • We also peel the carrots, wash them and cut them into cubes or strips.

  • Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan (it is better to use olive oil) and first fry the onion in it until golden brown.
  • Then add the carrots to the onions and fry together until the carrots are soft, this will take about 5-7 minutes, but during this time you need to constantly stir the vegetables so that the onions do not burn.

  • Then add beets to the vegetables, mix, cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes, then stir and simmer for another 3-5 minutes under the lid.

  • Add chopped garlic and mustard to the vegetables and mix. Season to taste, add ground pepper and transfer to a deep bowl with a thick bottom.

  • Peel the potatoes, wash them from any remaining dust and dirt and cut them into strips.

  • We also wash the zucchini, if necessary, cut off the skin (if it is very dense) and cut into strips.

  • Heat a little more in a clean frying pan. vegetable oil and first fry the potatoes in it until half cooked.

  • Then add the zucchini to the potatoes and fry everything together until the potatoes are ready and the zucchini is soft.

  • Pre-soak the cauliflower in cold water for 20 minutes, allowing the iodine to come out. After this, divide the cabbage into inflorescences and cut into small pieces.

  • Add the cabbage to the potatoes and zucchini, add salt to taste and simmer everything together for another 3-4 minutes.

  • Transfer the potatoes with zucchini and cauliflower into a pan with fried vegetables, mix gently, add salt if necessary and simmer everything together in the pan for another 3-4 minutes.

  • Let the stew of zucchini and potatoes with cauliflower brew for 30 minutes under the lid, then decorate with herbs and serve. Bon appetit!

Vegetable stew is prepared in different ways: in a frying pan, in a saucepan, in the oven; a completely different set of vegetables and seasonings is also used. Today I'm making a vegetable stew with cauliflower and zucchini.

I will prepare vegetables by lightly quickly frying without salt in olive oil, at the end I simmer a little under the lid, adding fresh tomato and soy sauce. That's all! The main thing in my stew is not to overcook (i.e. not spoil) the ingredients; ideally they should be al dente, but that’s what you like.

Let's prepare the food, you can take what is currently in your refrigerator, only cauliflower and young zucchini are required, because... they are stated in the title.

Wash, peel and prepare vegetables for large cutting.

Heat some of the oil and fry the onion first, then add the carrots (they take the longest to cook).

Add the baby squash, continuing to cook, shaking the pan or turning the vegetables with a spatula.

Add cabbage and bell peppers, disassembled into florets.

Fry a little and add any spices to taste.

At the end, add a tomato cut into medium cubes, pour over the remaining oil, soy sauce, cover with a lid and turn off the stove (if electric), do not remove the frying pan.

After 5-7 minutes, the vegetable stew with cauliflower and zucchini is ready!

Serve as a separate, completely independent dish, sprinkled (optional) with toasted seeds or nuts and garnished with herbs. Can be served as a side dish with fish/meat, or complemented with fluffy rice/potatoes. In any case, very tasty.

Summer is the right time to unload yourself by including more fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs in the form of various dietary dishes: soups, salads and stews. Today we are preparing a version of a tasty and light dish from frozen cauliflower (because even in summer you need to look for fresh), potatoes and vegetables. This stew is prepared quickly, as well as eaten. This great option for a low-calorie dinner or lunch. But if you are not vegan, serve the stew as a side dish to your main dish. It will be more satisfying this way.

To prepare vegetable stew with cauliflower and potatoes, we need the following ingredients. Vegetables must be washed and peeled in advance.

Cut the onion into small cubes, garlic into thin slices (or you can use a garlic press).

Cut the carrots into semicircles or, if desired, into smaller pieces.

Place the vegetables in a frying pan with oil and sauté for 5-7 minutes.

Meanwhile, cut the potatoes into large pieces.

Place in a frying pan and add a glass of hot water. Add salt to taste and simmer for 7-10 minutes.

Meanwhile, blanch the frozen meat in boiling salted water. cauliflower.

Then drain the water, drain the cabbage in a colander, cool slightly and divide into smaller inflorescences.

Cut the tomato into small cubes.

Place the cauliflower and tomato with the rest of the vegetables, add dried basil to taste.

Simmer the dish for about 10 minutes until the potatoes are soft and the vegetables are cooked, adding more liquid if necessary. At the end of cooking, add fresh chopped parsley.

Stir and let the dish sit under the lid for literally 7-10 minutes.

Vegetable stew with cauliflower and potatoes is ready! Serve to the table as independent dish or as a side dish for fish, eggs, chicken. Bon appetit!



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