Low-calorie cereal. List of the healthiest cereals for weight loss. Porridge recipe

Low-calorie cereal. List of the healthiest cereals for weight loss. Porridge recipe

Everyone eats different cereal dishes. For some it’s just for breakfast, for others it’s an excellent side dish, but for those who are on mono diets that consist only of cereals, there are countless of them. But which cereals are healthy and really help you lose weight, and which ones only slow down your metabolism? Are there really weight loss cereals that burn fat? First things first.

In fact, cereals are the richest sources of carbohydrates, and those who are losing weight believe that it is carbohydrates that make them fat. But that's not true.

There are two types of carbohydrates:

Fast carbohydrates. These carbohydrates are quickly digested and increase your sugar levels. These products include: fruits, bakery sweets, cakes, pastries, chocolate;

Slow carbohydrates. The body takes quite a long time to digest foods that contain slow carbohydrates, and, therefore, after them there is no feeling of hunger for a long time. Just cereals are one of them.

Of course, in addition to carbohydrates, cereals are rich in other beneficial properties: proteins, fiber and various minerals. All this helps to normalize the functioning of the body. Porridge is useful for losing weight and maintaining normal stomach function. But not all of them help burn fat, and even interfere if prepared incorrectly, especially if the porridge is flavored with butter and cooked with full-fat milk.

What cereals can you eat while losing weight?

Oatmeal ranks first on the list of healthy cereals for weight loss.

One of the finest porridges, which has the lowest calorie content (366 kcal). High in protein, it also contains fats, carbohydrates, phosphorus, zinc and a huge amount of fiber (which is very important to consume for the normal functioning of the body).

The fourth place is occupied by flaxseed porridge, which is not yet in great demand in Russia.

But in vain, because flax seeds are the lowest in calories (295 kilocalories), contain amino acids, B vitamins and a lot of other important microelements. It also perfectly improves digestion.

Barley porridge is an excellent ally for weight loss because it is very low in calories.

And its advantage is that it takes more calories to digest it than it contains. Those. By eating only barley, you can really lose weight and burn calories. In addition, it is rich in minerals and vitamins.

Barley porridge is recommended not only for those who want to lose weight, but also for diabetics, because it reduces the amount of sugar in the blood. And like oatmeal, it perfectly cleanses the intestines and quickly copes with constipation. However, those who suffer from diarrhea should limit their consumption of barley porridge.

For those who watch their figure, it is no longer news that wheat porridge helps to stay in good shape.

It is very low in calories, helps regulate the body's metabolism and removes cholesterol. If you have problems with hair and nails, millet cereal will be perfect; by the way, it contains a lot of calcium, which will strengthen your nails and stop hair loss. In addition, wheat porridge perfectly improves immunity.

Millet cereals are no less useful.

It is also very low in calories and helps remove excess fat. Its properties are very similar to wheat porridge. When choosing millet cereal, you should pay attention to its color; the brighter the color, the more nutrients it contains.

Now you have the answer to the questions “which porridge is the lowest in calories” and “which cereal is the healthiest,” so don’t worry about choosing, but alternate the healthiest cereals for weight loss.

Unfortunately, not all cereals are equally beneficial for weight loss. There is also a list of cereals that, on the contrary, slow down weight loss. But this does not mean that they need to be completely excluded from the diet; you even need to eat them in small quantities, but in small quantities. What cereals are these?

My favorite since childhood, semolina porridge, is not the most favorable product for weight loss.

If you are looking for the answer to the question “what is the highest calorie porridge,” then here it is.

Semolina porridge is a bad ally for weight loss; it contains negligible substances and contains phytic acid, which interferes with the absorption of calcium. In other words, semolina porridge is a differently processed flour. But eating flour is not very good for your figure, so it’s clear that you can’t lose weight on semolina porridge. And when choosing cereal for a child’s breakfast in the store, the question “which” should exclude semolina.

But now a very popular myth of all women's magazines will be destroyed. After all, in any glossy diet, there is a place for rice, and this is a terrible mistake, because rice porridge for weight loss not only will not help, but vice versa.

Despite the fact that rice is perfectly absorbed by the body, it has the same method of purification as semolina, and therefore contains almost no useful substances. But, of course, this does not apply to brown rice, which cannot always be found in a supermarket near your home.

When you buy cereal, remember that the lighter the cereal, the less nutrients it contains.

Choose the healthiest cereals and combine them. How to follow a proper diet if you want to lose excess weight? There is a diet of 7 porridges - a combination of the healthiest and lowest-calorie porridges per day (you can eat one type of porridge per day). Can I eat other foods on this diet? The menu should include more than just porridge.

You can eat cereals with vegetables (raw, steamed, stewed) and drink kefir. The diet is designed for 7 days:
Monday - wheat;
Tuesday – millet;
Wednesday – oatmeal;
Thursday - rice (use brown rice);
Friday – barley;
Saturday – buckwheat;
Sunday – a mixture of all the above cereals.

If you look at the reviews of the seven grains diet, it turns out that this is one of the most effective diets.

You can use other reviews and recipes for losing weight using porridge, especially since there are a lot of them now. You just need to keep it in moderation. Do not limit yourself completely, and do not try to eat your daily allowance at one time, this is the main point of the porridge diet.

Do not forget that any porridge will help you lose weight, but provided that you prepare them correctly and boil them in water.
Learn how to cook cereals correctly! And, of course, you cannot add butter and sugar to the porridge; you should also limit salt if your goal is to lose weight.

Losing weight on porridge is a great idea, because this way you can perfectly saturate your body with nutrients, without starving yourself, and by eating, lose excess weight and feel great at the same time. A good way to lose weight, isn't it?

And remember that mono diets only harm the body. Do you want to lose weight and stay healthy? Not a single product contains all the substances necessary for the body; at most, this can be done with porridge (eating one type of porridge all day), but no more. After all, you can starve to lose weight, but what damage can you do to your health?

Lose weight healthily, but wisely!

Among the many daily goals, there is one, and for some, a priority - to make your figure slimmer, to lose weight. Everyone knows how to bring this to life. But the fact is that out of all the variety of methods, you need the most labor-intensive, time-saving, pleasant and cheap. Of course, if you follow a diet and regular exercise, your body will gain health, flexibility and definition for a long time. But at a certain moment there is not always free time, enough financial resources, or no health problems. Just for those who are temporarily constrained by restrictions, who are in no hurry to lose a couple of extra pounds, albeit quickly, but not for long, for those who want to pleasantly lose weight and one simple condition is proposed: include cereals in your diet.

The benefits of cereals

From childhood we are taught that eating porridge is healthy. That's right, because the cereals from which this dish is prepared are a very valuable product. Its value lies in the microelements, vitamins and fiber it contains, which give us energy and health for life. But few people know that fiber helps us cope with fat deposits and removes toxins, cholesterol and fats from the body. Namely, these properties of cereals help us lose weight.

Cereals are good for weight loss. There is one condition - their diversity. Because each cereal carries its own “set of benefits” and has a special effect on our body. It’s good that porridge can be combined with any product: meat, vegetables, berries, fruits, etc. A cereal dish can be either independent or as a side dish. You can even make a very tasty dessert. And all this will be absorbed 100%, unlike exotic dishes and imported weight loss products.

What are the best cereals for weight loss?

1. Oatmeal or Hercules

One of the healthy cereals for weight loss is oatmeal. So popular and so famous. The British, for example, traditionally eat this porridge for breakfast. In addition to fiber, it is rich in vitamins E, PP, group B, and among mineral elements - calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc and magnesium. In addition to benefiting your health, you will add slenderness to your body. It is not recommended to overeat oatmeal, or eat it in large quantities per day; it is enriched with fats; it will not only contribute to weight loss, but on the contrary, it will add an extra kilogram.

Hercules and oatmeal are different from each other. If the first is cereal, then the second product is unrefined grains. They are also absorbed differently. There are a lot of fast carbohydrates in cereals. They tend to be quickly absorbed and increase blood sugar. At the same time, the feeling of hunger appears or intensifies. Oat grains or cereals, a product that has not undergone heat treatment, take longer to cook, but retain all the beneficial nutrients. It is important to distinguish between these two cereals based on the amount of fiber. Since Hercules is a peeled flake, there is less fiber in it, and vice versa, there is much more of it in unrefined grains.
Therefore, oatmeal grains are healthier for weight loss. - not only tasty, but also healthy!

No less popular than oatmeal. It contains both protein and complex carbohydrates, which makes this cereal unique. Porridge from this cereal is simple to prepare and healthy to eat. A small portion of buckwheat can provide you with nutrients and energy, creating a feeling of fullness for a long time. What buckwheat porridge contains: iron, which increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood, phosphorus and magnesium, which are beneficial to the nervous system, calcium. Vitamins - P, PP and group B.

This cereal is good for weight loss and health. For those who choose an active lifestyle plus a diet, buckwheat will provide energy and a long-lasting feeling of fullness, protein is a building material that will help muscles create body relief, iron, which will help the blood deliver more nutrients to all organs.

The advantages of buckwheat include its environmental friendliness. This cereal is grown without the use of chemicals that fertilize the soil and stimulate active growth and fertility. Buckwheat porridge is absolutely safe, and is the key to the success of your figure.

Another useful cereal for weight loss is. Eating such porridge will not add a centimeter or a kilogram to your body. Although this product also contains carbohydrates, the properties of the cereal, accelerating metabolism, prevent fat deposition. Barley porridge for breakfast is highly recommended, as a long feeling of fullness after eating a portion will free you from unwanted snacks throughout the day and keep you from overeating.

In addition to losing weight, this cereal is useful for the body with vitamins from the group: B, D, E, . In addition to them, cereals contain minerals: phosphorus, potassium - to maintain heart function, manganese and calcium.

Barley porridge can be eaten by diabetics, because... it does not increase blood sugar levels, but rather lowers them. This means that this cereal will also help patients with diabetes in the process of losing weight.

There are many people who have sedentary jobs. In addition to excess weight, they experience constipation and some problems with intestinal function. In this case, warm barley porridge is the cure.

Wheat porridge is perhaps the most valuable dish for those who want to lose weight. Wheat is the lowest calorie of all cereals and should definitely be present on the table of anyone who wants to be slimmer. Wheat cereal also helps you lose weight by regulating fat metabolism, removing fat and lowering cholesterol levels. All this improves blood circulation, which means it improves the delivery of micronutrients to all organs of the human body.

The conclusion can be made simple: regular consumption of wheat porridge will improve digestion, get rid of fats and cholesterol, and improve the condition of hair, nails, and skin. Like many cereals, wheat cereal contains fiber, which will remove toxins, including. the remains of medications after a course of treatment will increase immunity and stop the aging process.

Millet has similar properties to wheat groats. It also removes toxins, antibiotics and fat cells from the body. It contains vitamins of group PP, B and E. Minerals: magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, sulfur. When choosing cereals, pay attention to the color: the brighter the yellow, the more beneficial properties. If you eat only millet porridge for some time, you can lose an extra 5 kilograms of weight quite quickly. If there is nowhere to rush, then include this cereal in your diet for weight loss using cereals.

In total, the properties of five cereals are described above. This means that if you add dietary (without milk and sugar) semolina porridge and add one fasting day (for example, kefir), then you have a menu ready for the week. It is quite possible to lose up to eight kilograms in this way.

If you don’t need such a quick result, then stick to your normal diet, but cereal food should be an indispensable daily dish. For those who want to enhance the weight loss effect of a porridge diet without physical activity, it is recommended to add less salt and granulated sugar to the preparation of dishes. It is better to remove butter or replace it with something more beneficial for weight loss, for example, flaxseed oil. If you want to make milk porridge, then take milk no more than 2.5%.

They say that over time a person gets used to everything, who knows, maybe your method of losing weight will become a habit for you. This means that by acquiring healthy habits, you will gain overall health.

Cereals are a source of carbohydrates, which play an indispensable role in the diet. Therefore, you should not exclude them even when losing weight. However, they often become undeservedly forgotten due to fears of increased calorie content.

But there are weight loss cereals that burn fat and thus have a positive effect on healthy weight loss. The main thing is to know what cereals you can eat while losing weight and choose the right one with a low glycemic index and high fiber content.

Remember also that the serving should not exceed approximately 80 g when cooked. Of course, everything is individual here.

Legumes (peas)

The presentation of valuable nutrients in peas is highly competitive, particularly for weight loss. Pea porridge is an excellent source and can fill you up for a long time.

Legumes, in general, are low glycemic index foods. When choosing which porridge is the lowest in calories (for weight loss), pay attention to peas - they are characterized by a very low calorie content.

In addition, it contains relatively little fat, but a sufficient amount of complex carbohydrates and proteins. Legumes will also help build and maintain muscle mass.

Why should oatmeal be present in the diet? Oatmeal contains many vitamins, minerals and omega-3 fatty acids. It is even present in the diet of professional athletes!

An oatmeal mixture (the main one of which is oatmeal), containing complex carbohydrates, is useful as part of a healthy and tasty breakfast, which can be supplemented with protein (milk, yogurt, cottage cheese), fruit or a handful of nuts.

After a bowl of this cereal, you will literally get a boost of energy. Oatmeal can be eaten in the morning (for example, in the form of high-quality granola bars without glaze and hydrogenated oils) or as part of lunch with a serving of quality protein. Oatmeal is not very suitable for an afternoon snack or dinner.

Composition per 100 g:

  • more than 60 g of complex carbohydrates;
  • 7 g fat;
  • 13 g protein;
  • about 370 kcal.

How to cook?
Need to :

  1. 1/4 liter of water or semi-skimmed milk.
  2. 50 g oatmeal.
  3. 1 tsp butter.
  4. 1 tsp honey
  5. fruits and/or nuts.

Pour water/milk into the pan and add the cereal. Bring to a boil while stirring. After 10 minutes, when the mass becomes thick enough, sweeten with honey, transfer to a bowl, add butter, fresh/dried fruits or nuts. You can decorate with 2 tbsp. grated coconut

When choosing the healthiest cereals for weight loss, be sure to pay attention to quinoa, which can serve as a replacement for rice and other starchy side dishes. Among other things, the Incas prepared from it a slightly fermented alcoholic drink, Chicha.

Quinoa, due to its nutritional composition, belongs to the so-called. "superfoods"
From a nutritional perspective, quinoa is an excellent source of protein. According to some reports, it is assumed that this crop can even replace meat.

Quinoa contains 8 essential amino acids, which determine the nutritional value of proteins in food. In addition, this cereal contains the amino acid lysine, which, as a rule, is present in limited quantities in grain crops.

Have you ever wondered why the Chinese or Japanese have such slender figures? The answer is simple - they often eat rice.

This culture is an excellent basis for creating a dietary diet. If you love rice and often include it in your menb, your choice is right. The definite disadvantage is that a diet consisting only of these grains is a bit boring. Therefore, rice can be supplemented with spices, fruits...

This diet will help you lose those extra pounds fairly quickly.
Rice and diet are related terms. This grain contains a lot of fiber, which swells in the stomach, gradually releasing carbohydrates.

The glycemic index of rice, however, is low. Therefore, after consuming it, there are no fluctuations in blood sugar levels.

The disadvantage of the rice diet lies in the fact that if taken radically, the body may become deficient in some important nutrients. It is primarily a protein that the body needs to function properly. Thus, the radical diet should not last more than 10 days.

When deciding which cereals you can eat while losing weight, pay attention to basmati rice, which has a very low glycemic index.

Singer's diet

Singer Dara Rawlins successfully tried the rice diet. She claims to do a rice detox once a month. For a 3-day diet once a month, your body will thank you by being able to regularly get rid of harmful substances.

Flax for healthy weight loss

The good thing about flaxseed is that it can be consumed in dozens of different ways, depending on what works best for you. But it is important to know that the seeds should be chewed thoroughly or (best) first crushed or ground.

Otherwise, the flaxseed will pass through the digestive tract completely intact and show no effect. In crushed form, it can be added to absolutely all dishes.

Flaxseed snack with banana:

  1. 2 tsp Flaxseed.
  2. 1 tbsp. chia seeds.
  3. Unroasted cocoa.
  4. Water.
  5. 1 ripe banana (with brown spots possible).

Mix both types of seeds in a bowl with cocoa and add water. Leave for 30 minutes to swell. You can soak the seeds overnight if you are preparing porridge for breakfast. If the resulting mixture is too dense, add water. Mash the banana with a fork and mix it with the settled flax.

The taste of flaxseed is practically neutral and, therefore, its use is as versatile as possible. It can be combined with salty and sweet, mixed with dough for home baking.

However, it should be remembered that high fiber content requires adequate fluid intake, otherwise flaxseed will do more harm to the body than good.

Hello, dear friends. Welcome to the “Me and Fitness” website, where we discuss and analyze the most pressing issues on weight loss, body shaping and a healthy lifestyle. Today we will tell you what cereals you can eat while losing weight.

Fans of proper nutrition know that the worst enemy of slimness is carbohydrates. But this nutrient comes in two types - simple or complex. are not beneficial for the body, they increase blood sugar levels and cause hunger, increase appetite. This group includes sweets, fruits, and baked goods. Because of them we get better.

But complex carbohydrates, of which cereals are a prominent example, are beneficial for men and women. They satisfy hunger well, nourish us with vitamins and minerals, and are a source of energy.

Properties and selection of cereals

Eating porridge during a diet is useful not only because of the content of complex (slow) carbohydrates. Most cereals contain vegetable protein, fiber, micro and macroelements, and vitamins. Experts in the field of weight loss recommend eating porridge for weight loss, because they help cleanse the body of waste and toxins, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and stimulate the process of burning fat cells.

Remember that not every cereal is low-calorie. A dish prepared with milk, with the addition of sugar or butter will bring minimal benefit. It is very important to choose the right cereal. Never use fast food products, and also pay attention to indicators such as glycemic index, vitamin and protein content, and calorie content.

To make it easier for you to choose cereals for weight loss at home, the “Me and Fitness” team has compiled a list of the most healthy options that you need to eat to lose weight. It included the following cereals:

  • Oatmeal. Probably everyone knows how to prepare this dish. She is a powerful antioxidant. Cereals help absorb proteins and amino acids. 100 grams of the finished dish contains no more than 345 kcal.

  • Buckwheat. It is considered to be the queen among cereals, because it contains the maximum amount of minerals. In 100 gr. – 329 kcal.

  • Manna. A 100 gram serving of semolina contains 338 kcal. This is not the most effective cereal for weight loss, but in moderate quantities it can be beneficial and normalize metabolism.

  • Pea. It is rich in fiber, vitamins and mineral salts. 100 grams of boiled pea porridge contains no more than 90 calories.

  • Millet. It contains copper, manganese, zinc and nicotinic acid. Caloric content of 100 grams of product is 334 kcal.

  • Wheat. Its active substances help improve skin condition and improve metabolism. 316 kcal – this is exactly how much is contained in 100 grams of the finished dish.

  • Barley or pearl barley. It improves the functioning of the stomach and intestines and helps fight constipation. Contains few vitamins, but charges the body with strength and energy. There are 324 kcal in 100 grams of cereal.

  • Rice. Only brown, unrefined rice will be beneficial. There are 81 calories in 100 g of product. It is rich in vitamins, contains starch, fiber, and perfectly cleanses the intestines. White rice is high in calories and is rarely used for weight loss.

  • Corn. An excellent option for allergy sufferers. 100 gr. corn grits - 337 kcal.

When purchasing, remember that light-colored cereals contain the least amount of useful nutrients. Choose a high quality product. The grains must be whole and large, without dust and impurities.

Preparing dietary porridge

In order for the porridge to bring maximum benefits, you need to choose the right cooking method. Cereals can be boiled, but it is better to do it in water. If you really want to try milk porridge, take low-fat milk options. You can cook porridge not only in a saucepan on the stove, but also in:

  • microwave;
  • multicooker;
  • oven.

There are recipes according to which the cereal does not need to be boiled at all, just pour boiling water over the portion and let it brew. Most often, buckwheat or oatmeal is prepared this way.

You should not buy cereals whose packaging is marked “cooks in 3 or 5 minutes.” If they can be cooked quickly, then they have been pre-processed and refined, which has reduced their nutritional content. Having chosen for yourself the cereals that you can eat while losing weight, so as not to gain weight, it remains to find out when it is best to consume them and in what quantities.

It is better to eat porridge in the morning or for lunch. They will saturate the body with essential nutrients and vitamins, giving strength and energy for the whole day. Having eaten porridge for breakfast, you will forget about the feeling of hunger for a long time. Try to avoid porridge in the evening. For dinner you should eat something light, such as kefir or a small portion of boiled chicken with salad. As for the dietary portion, it should not exceed 100-150 grams.

Weight loss programs

Porridge can be included in any diet, but mono-diets are especially popular. They are characterized by harsh conditions, but allow you to lose weight by 5-10 kg in a short period of time. The most famous, effective and proven cereal diets are:

  • On buckwheat porridge. The maximum duration of the program is 2 weeks. These days you are allowed to eat only porridge, drink water, herbal teas, and kefir. Buckwheat goes well with other products, so there are more loyal weight loss programs using this grain.
  • On the pearl barley. You can stay on this diet for 7-10 days. Barley is boiled in fresh water. Before going to bed, porridge is consumed together with kefir 1% fat.
  • On oatmeal. Steamed oatmeal is eaten. Course duration is 7-14 days. You can add berries and fruits to the porridge.
  • On 7 porridges. This program lasts one week. Every day you can eat only one type of cereal, but in unlimited quantities. The final day is to eat an assortment of all the cereals used in equal proportions.

You need to get out of this diet smoothly and carefully, gradually adding other foods to the menu. It is important to drink a lot while dieting. The daily fluid intake is at least 2 liters. Porridges are also an ideal solution for fasting days.

We hope you have made the necessary conclusions for yourself, and now you know when and what cereals are best to eat in order to lose excess weight, become slimmer and improve your well-being.

We tried to answer all the questions on this topic, if we succeeded and the article was useful to you, share it with your friends on social media. networks. Thank you in advance, see you again!

Lose weight without fasting and exhausting workouts? Easily! A porridge diet will give you a feeling of fullness, energize you and take care of your figure! Find out which porridge is best to choose, diet secrets, tasty and satisfying menu.

Porridge is one of the first dishes in every person’s life, the benefits of which are beyond doubt: it energizes, quickly fills you up, strengthens the immune system and normalizes the functioning of the digestive system. It is not surprising that there is a special diet based on cereals, and more than one. Proper nutrition, and this is exactly what it becomes when consuming cereals, is the key to healthy weight loss.

The essence

Porridge diets are used for weight loss with enviable frequency. Even nutritionists consider such nutrition programs to be among the healthiest. It's all about the effect that grains have on the body:

  • remove waste, toxins and carcinogens, that is, thoroughly cleanse and prepare the “soil” for rapid weight loss;
  • improve stomach function, eliminating problems with stool and eliminating many side effects of weight correction;
  • provide vital substances, eliminating the need to take special vitamin complexes;
  • give energy and good mood, due to which there is a decrease in psycho-emotional stress and subsequent overeating;
  • provide a long-lasting feeling of fullness, reducing the volume of daily portions;
  • minimize fat consumption by developing correct eating habits and preventing the accumulation of excess weight in the future;
  • They supply you with plant proteins, preventing you from losing muscle mass.

Cereals used for weight loss are a valuable source of fiber and ballast substances that gently and effectively remove everything harmful from the body while simultaneously normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Any porridge diet involves limiting harmful foods and drinks, which are the main reason for gaining excess weight. By avoiding fast food, baked goods, fatty and fried foods, a person begins to lose weight naturally.

A special feature of the cereal nutrition program is the stabilization of metabolic processes. This is a necessary condition for healthy weight loss.

According to reviews of the cereal diet, it is not suitable for those who want to lose weight quickly. For example, in a week you can become lighter by a maximum of 5 kg, but you will not experience any discomfort. The advantage is that the duration of the diet can be adjusted independently. To, say, see minus 10 kg on the scales, the diet can be extended for 2 or more weeks.

Which one to choose

Porridges from the instant category are not suitable for the diet, since the contents of the brewing bags are not beneficial. If you need to lose weight and at the same time improve your body health, you should choose a diet based on natural products (the energy value is given for cereals cooked in water):

  1. On buckwheat. "Queen" of cereals. Rich in vitamins, proteins, potassium, calcium and phosphorus. Recommended in special diets for obesity. Due to the presence of complex carbohydrates, which are absorbed by the body for a long time, it gives a long-lasting feeling of satiety. Cereals take a long time to digest, and the body draws energy for this from fat reserves. The peculiarity of buckwheat is its good compatibility with almost all dietary products - from kefir to lean meat. Calorie content per 100 grams – 90 kcal.
  2. On pea. One of the lightest porridges. Doctors consider it very beneficial for the liver. Since peas contain a lot of fiber, when consumed, harmful substances and excess liquid are actively removed from the body. Regular consumption normalizes lipolysis - fats stop being deposited in problem areas. This is the perfect breakfast for weight loss. The dish is low-calorie - only 90 kcal per 100 grams.
  3. On oatmeal. Oat bran is a good “brush” for the intestines. Also, with their regular consumption in the form of a ready-made dish, cholesterol levels are reduced, metabolism is normalized and cravings for sweets are suppressed by controlling blood sugar levels. Energy value is about 88 kcal per 100 grams.
  4. On millet. According to some experts, this is the leader among dietary cereals. Millet not only stops the deposition of subcutaneous fat, but also promotes the active removal of existing fat from the body. It also frees the body from excess fluid. During the diet, it enriches the body with nicotinic acid, manganese and protein. The taste of the cereal is very soft, and dishes based on it are easily digested. Calorie content of 100 grams – 90 kcal.
  5. On wheat. An undeservedly forgotten cereal that perfectly regulates lipid metabolism, so that fats are not deposited in problem areas. Contains a lot of fiber, which provides quick and long-lasting satiety. An additional property of wheat is that it reduces cholesterol in the blood. With regular consumption of the dish, skin elasticity is restored. Cereals increase endurance, so they are considered the best choice for physically active people. Energy value – 105 kcal per 100 grams.
  6. On pearl barley. The fat content in its grains does not exceed 1.2%. Proper preparation and consumption triggers a number of biochemical processes in the body, which ultimately lead to weight loss. Cereals are especially useful for those trying to lose weight in the hips and overcome visceral fat in the abdomen. This is facilitated by polyunsaturated fats and oleic acid in the cereal composition. During a pearl barley diet, there is no deficiency of nutrients, so all organs and systems function without interruption. Calorie content of 100 grams – 109 kcal.
  7. On the corn. The most “harmless” cereal because it is hypoallergenic. Its arsenal of strengths for weight loss includes the following properties: it breaks down fat cells, reduces cholesterol levels, and removes toxins and waste. At the same time, corn inhibits the processes of decay in the intestines. Satiety when eating cereal occurs quickly, even if a small amount is consumed, which is due to swelling in the stomach. Calorie content of 100 grams – 86 kcal.
  8. On the rice field. Rice, like a sponge, absorbs and removes all kinds of harmful substances from the body. Thanks to its composition rich in vitamins and microelements, it improves the functioning of all organs and systems. With regular consumption of boiled rice, lipid metabolism is normalized, which means that fats are no longer stored “in reserve.” It is noteworthy that brown rice also has fat-burning properties. The energy value of the classic white product is 81 kcal per 100 grams.
  9. On manna. Contains building material for the body - protein - and quickly saturates. A diet based on this grain is suitable even for physically active people and athletes. 85% of semolina consists of slow carbohydrates, represented by starch. The process of breaking down the polysaccharide in the digestive tract requires a lot of energy, which the body draws from its own fat deposits. In this case, the digestive organs do not feel any stress. Energy value of 100 grams is 80 kcal.
  10. On linen. Almost half of it consists of plant dietary fiber, which “sweeps” waste from the intestines and normalizes appetite. Has mild diuretic properties. The choline content of flax helps control most processes of fat metabolism, including the breakdown of fats. The flaxseed porridge diet does not deprive you of protein, which is important for physically active people. Calorie content of 100 grams – 100 kcal.
  11. On barley. The cereal is suitable for people with diabetes, is rich in phosphorus and speeds up metabolism, which leads to weight loss. It has low calorie content - only 76 kcal per 100 grams.

To create a porridge diet for weight loss, it is important to know not only the benefits of each dish and its energy value. The glycemic index is very important. The lower it is, the better for weight loss: food is digested more slowly, and less fat is deposited.

The leader in this issue is pearl barley, the glycemic index of which is 25. The second place is shared by flax and pea cereals - 35, the third place is taken by wheat - 45. The glycemic index of millet and oatmeal is 50, barley and buckwheat - 55, rice - 56. The most lagging behind are considered corn and semolina, the glycemic index of which is 70 and 80, respectively.

Important! The better the quality of the cereal, the faster the process of losing weight or fat burning will begin. This is why it is so important to give preference to natural oats rather than an instant product; brown, not white rice; not canned, but dry peas.

Rules of application

To lose weight on a cereal diet, you first need to learn how to cook cereals correctly. The option with added milk, butter and sugar will not work. The traditional diet involves relying on a completely different product, the preparation method of which is the same for almost all cereals:

  1. In the evening, rinse the grains and add cold water 1:3.
  2. Bring to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes.
  3. Remove from heat and wrap. Leave to infuse overnight.

The exception is flaxseed “flour”, which does not need to be cooked (steaming is sufficient).

In Rus', any porridge was prepared according to several recipes: liquid, viscous and steep. Viscous is ideal for weight loss; it is also called “sludge”.

The following portions of the finished product look preferable for weight loss:

  • In the morning - no more than 150 g.
  • During the day – 300 g.
  • In the evening - about 200 g.

To achieve good results you will have to follow these rules:

  • Before you go on a porridge diet, you should arrange a fasting day to prepare the body. Apple or kefir will do. You can also do a cleansing enema. This will increase the effectiveness of the diet.
  • While sticking to your diet, you will have to drink more clean water - at least 1.5 liters per day. It's even better to drink a glass of water at room temperature before each of your main meals. Your appetite will decrease, and the portion you will need is several times smaller.
  • Porridges are slow carbohydrates. This diet allows you to be physically active. Too intense exercise is not required - walking for 1-1.5 hours is enough. In this case, weight loss will occur faster, and the result will be supported by tightened skin.

Advantages and disadvantages

To make the right decision - whether to lose weight on porridge or not - it is worth assessing all the strengths and weaknesses of the diet.


  • Availability and budget;
  • no serious side effects;
  • Benefit for health;
  • cleansing the body of salts;
  • normalization of the digestive tract;
  • saturation with vitamins, minerals, macro- and microelements;
  • lack of strong feelings of hunger.


  • Slow weight loss;
  • ban on sweets;
  • bland taste of dishes;
  • monotonous diet.

Important! Porridge with a high calorie content and an appropriate glycemic index can work in a different direction - contribute to weight gain rather than weight loss.

Of course, a cereal diet has more advantages. With the right approach and focus on results, you can overcome the disadvantages. In any case, such weight loss is much safer and more effective than “hunger strikes” on water, apples, etc.

Sample menu

An undeniable advantage of the cereal diet is the variety of grains that can be used. And even if you listen to experts who recommend deleting semolina and white rice from this list, the assortment will not become scarce. Depending on your own needs, you can adhere to the following programs:

For 1 day

Porridges belong to the group of products with average calorie content (again, the vast majority of 100 grams of the finished product contain no more than 100 kcal). Since for weight loss the total energy value of the daily diet should not exceed 1200-1400 kcal, a fasting day on cereals can be called effective and healthy. You can lose an average of 1 kg per day by cleansing the intestines and removing excess fluid from the body.

There are 2 options for a one-day cereal diet:

  1. Mono diet. Involves consuming 500-700 grams of cereal (ready-made!) and several cups of green or herbal tea without sugar. Water is welcome in any quantity. Oatmeal (instant cereal in the form of flakes is excluded - you need to choose rolled oatmeal), millet, pea, corn, buckwheat and flaxseed are considered the best for mono-days.
  2. Mixed menu. If eating porridge all day is problematic, you can opt for combined one-day diets. Excellent options from the point of view of nutritionists: with fruits (500 grams of cereal and 4 apples or 200 grams of berries), with vegetables (can be used as salads without adding salt and oil), cottage cheese (250 grams per day) or kefir (about 4 glasses ).

It is noteworthy that a quick one-day fasting on cereals has virtually no contraindications. The exception is individual intolerance.

You can repeat the one-day program once every 2-3 weeks.

For 3 days

A three-day diet can be strict, with 500-700 grams of boiled cereal and several cups of tea per day, or more gentle with the addition of green apples and vegetable salads as a snack. Losing weight promises to be stunning, but not everyone can endure the “marathon”. Firstly, the diet is meager, so a breakdown cannot be ruled out. Secondly, the menu for all three days is the same.

The easiest to perform is the three-day buckwheat diet. The diet consists of 500 grams of boiled cereal without salt and oil, 2 green apples and 2 glasses of low-fat kefir, to which you can add greens. The following program seems even more comfortable:

First day

  • Breakfast: 150 g of buckwheat, black tea with lemon without sugar.
  • Lunch: 200 g of buckwheat, a glass of mineral water with lemon.
  • Afternoon snack: grapefruit, tea with lemon balm and lemon.
  • Dinner: 200 g buckwheat, 100 g vegetable salad, water with lemon.
  • Breakfast: 150 g of buckwheat, half an orange, black coffee without sugar.
  • Lunch: 100 g buckwheat, 150 g vegetable salad, water with lemon.
  • Afternoon snack: 100 g of buckwheat, tea with mint and lemon.
  • Dinner: 150 g of buckwheat, tea with rose hips.
  • Breakfast: 100 g buckwheat, 100 g vegetable salad, water with lemon.
  • Lunch: 200 g of buckwheat, grapefruit, water with lemon and a teaspoon of honey.
  • Afternoon snack: half a grapefruit, black tea with lemon without sugar.
  • Dinner: 200 g buckwheat, 50 g green salad, herbal tea.

If you want not just to lose weight, but to eliminate fat in problem areas, it is better to choose a three-day brown rice diet. The menu consists of 700 grams of boiled rice, 1 liter of orange juice and 2 apples. There is also a less strict option:

First day

  • Lunch: rice, vegetables and green tea.
  • Dinner: rice, a glass of apple juice.
  • Breakfast: rice and unsweetened black coffee.
  • Lunch: rice, vegetable broth, a piece of boiled chicken breast, green tea without sugar.
  • Dinner: rice, a portion of seafood, herbal tea.
  • Breakfast: rice, green tea without sweeteners.
  • Lunch: rice, a piece of boiled beef, broccoli and apple salad.
  • Dinner: rice, glass of orange juice.

The most difficult, according to those losing weight, is the system on corn grits, and the most enjoyable is the three-day oat diet. However, in addition to the main course, only skim milk is allowed. Definitely one of the most effective, but also the toughest - pearl barley program for 3 days. During the entire period, it is allowed to eat only pearl barley, boiled in water without salt, sugar, honey and butter. The regime is very strict, but many tolerate it due to excellent weight loss - up to 1.5 kg per day.

Side effects during a three-day cereal program are rare, but not excluded. These include decreased ability to work, headache, abdominal discomfort and nausea. According to reviews, a deterioration in complexion and a decrease in concentration are possible. If the side effects become more pronounced, it is better to stop the diet and eat something nutritious.

You can repeat a nutrition program lasting 3 days, provided the body reacts normally, no more than once a month, and preferably every 1.5.

For 5 days

Five-day diets are classified as express programs, but more effective than three-day ones. During the specified period, along with losing weight (usually, on average, they lose from 3 to 5 kg), it is possible to fully cleanse the body and develop correct eating habits.

Among porridge food systems for a period of 5 days, they especially highlight buckwheat(although you can use any cereal if you wish, using a three-day mono diet as a basis). It is simple and effective, and most importantly, it does not limit the volume of food: during the entire period, you can consume any amount of boiled grains, as long as you do not add salt, sugar, sauces and spices to them. At the same time, the classic version of the program allows you to additionally use only a glass of kefir, which you drink before bed, and herbal tea. There is also a softer option, providing meals according to the following menu:

First day

  • Breakfast: buckwheat, a glass of kefir, green apple.
  • Lunch: buckwheat, 200 g of vegetable salad with lemon juice and olive oil dressing.
  • Dinner: buckwheat, a cup of fermented milk drink, apple.
  • Breakfast: buckwheat porridge, apple.
  • Lunch: buckwheat, vegetable salad.
  • Dinner: buckwheat with kefir, herbal tea.

For the whole day I eat only buckwheat and low-fat kefir.


  • Breakfast: buckwheat, 100 g of cottage cheese, a cup of kefir.
  • Lunch: buckwheat porridge, 200 g of vegetables, a piece of boiled chicken.
  • Dinner: buckwheat, a cup of low-fat fermented milk drink.

You need to consume 1 liter of kefir and a glass of boiled buckwheat per day.

According to reviews, in 5 days on such a diet it is possible not only to lose at least 4 kg, but also to restore the health of hair and skin. In addition, hemoglobin levels increase.

For those who don’t like buckwheat, it’s suitable "multi-diet". The basis of the diet is porridge, any kind. The exception is semolina; white rice is not recommended either. The program is gentle, as it allows the consumption of almost all fruits and vegetables, and sometimes you are allowed to indulge in even a handful of dried fruits or nuts. The diet contains honey, so those with a sweet tooth will not have to suffer. Failures on such a diet are rare.

The “multi-diet” menu is structured as follows:

First day

  • Breakfast: cereal on water.
  • Lunch: a handful of nuts, herbal tea.
  • Lunch: lean porridge, 1 teaspoon of honey.
  • Afternoon snack: vegetable salad.
  • Dinner: porridge with water, a handful of berries.
  • Breakfast: lean cereal.
  • Lunch: a cup of fermented milk drink.
  • Afternoon snack: a cup of green tea, half a grapefruit.
  • Dinner: lean porridge with apricot added.
  • Breakfast: lean porridge.
  • Lunch: a glass of yogurt.
  • Lunch: grains in water, 1 teaspoon of honey.
  • Afternoon snack: orange, herbal tea.
  • Dinner: lean cereal, a handful of raisins.


  • Breakfast: lean porridge.
  • Lunch: a glass of fermented milk drink.
  • Lunch: lean cereal, 1 teaspoon of honey.
  • Afternoon snack: leafy vegetable salad, green tea.
  • Dinner: lean porridge, pear.
  • Breakfast: cereal on water.
  • Lunch: a handful of nuts, green tea.
  • Lunch: lean porridge, 1 teaspoon of honey.
  • Afternoon snack: fruit salad.
  • Dinner: grains in water, a glass of kefir.

It is not at all necessary to eat one grain for all 5 days. Experts in the field of nutrition consider the following sequence of eating porridges by day to be acceptable: millet, oatmeal, rice (brown rice), buckwheat, barley. In any case, you will be able to lose weight quite well - on average by 3-4 kg. At the same time, you can use such a system, due to its usefulness and diversity of diet, once every 4 weeks.

For 7 days

The weekly version of nutrition programs is most in demand. This is primarily due to the opportunity to lose more kilograms - at least 6. The range of diets is also becoming wider:


According to nutritionists, diets based on strictly selected cereals lasting 7 days are most effective in terms of weight loss. Yes, they are quite difficult to tolerate, but at the end the body gets used to healthy food, and the volume of the stomach is reduced, which is followed by a reduction in portions in everyday life.

What cereals can you eat on a diet? Any, but the following are considered preferable:


If you follow the classic mono-oatmeal diet, you will have to eat only cereal and drink water for 7 days. This option is not for the faint of heart, because breakdowns are very likely, as is a rumbling stomach. For those less hardy, there is a simplified version of the menu:

  • Breakfast: a portion of oatmeal with water, half an apple, a cup of herbal tea.
  • Lunch: natural yogurt or cottage cheese.
  • Lunch: a portion of oatmeal on water with the addition of 1 teaspoon of honey, a glass of low-fat kefir.
  • Afternoon snack: carrot salad with honey.
  • Dinner: oatmeal with low-fat milk, a few walnuts, half an apple, a cup of chamomile tea.

Pearl barley

Pearl barley, due to its specific taste and difficulties with preparation, has never been a favorite of those losing weight, but a seven-day diet based on this grain has been named one of the best. The diet is as follows:

  • Breakfast: a portion of barley on water with the addition of berries or dried fruits, black unsweetened coffee.
  • Lunch: a glass of fermented baked milk, yogurt or low-fat kefir.
  • Lunch: pearl barley soup in vegetable or chicken broth, fresh vegetables (beets, cucumber, tomato, celery), green tea.
  • Afternoon snack: apple, grapefruit, orange or kiwi.
  • Dinner: cereal with vegetables, a portion of low-fat cottage cheese, herbal tea.


The main advantage of a flaxseed porridge diet is the complete absence of hunger. In addition, flax is credited not only for weight loss, but also for suppressing many diseases, especially the digestive system. Another question is the unfamiliarity of housewives with such a product. You can’t buy flaxseeds for cooking at the market or in a store - you need flax seeds. They are ground in a coffee grinder and steamed with boiling water. The menu is structured like this:

  • Breakfast: a serving of cereal with the addition of grated apple, herbal tea without sugar.
  • Lunch: salad with carrots and orange.
  • Lunch: lean soup, a piece of boiled chicken breast.
  • Afternoon snack: 2 tablespoons of flaxseed porridge and a glass of kefir.
  • Dinner: boiled fish, green tea.


Black rice is considered an ideal product for a seven-day diet. After cooking, the dark long grains acquire a purple-lilac hue. A useful feature of the cereal is the minimal amount of sodium. Unlike white, it does not retain salt and water inside the body, and is also completely free from harmful fats. But black rice knows how to saturate it with glucose, so a decrease in performance can be avoided. The menu looks like this:

  • Breakfast: a serving of rice with 1 teaspoon of honey or berries, green tea.
  • Snack: a glass of low-fat fermented milk drink.
  • Lunch: Lenten soup with rice water.
  • Afternoon snack: apple, orange or pear.
  • Dinner: rice with mushrooms or stewed vegetables, herbal tea with a slice of lemon.


Buckwheat is an environmentally friendly product that is not affected by fertilizers. Its taste remains pleasant even in the absence of sweeteners and salt. Therefore, it is ideal for a weekly diet: you can get rid of excess weight without a strong feeling of hunger, weakness and drowsiness. It is known that the buckwheat nutrition program is the best choice if you have a lot of excess weight, since in just 7 days you can lose at least 6 kg.

A buckwheat diet lasting a week, which allows for the simultaneous consumption of vegetables, is recognized as the best in terms of effects on the body. The diet looks like this:

  • Breakfast: a portion of buckwheat with water, 1 fresh cucumber, green tea without sugar.
  • Lunch: vegetable salad with vegetable oil.
  • Lunch: lean buckwheat soup with vegetable broth, carrot and cabbage salad.
  • Afternoon snack: herbal tea.
  • Dinner: buckwheat with water, baked vegetables with added herbs, green tea.


Traditional medicine positions the cereal as a natural diuretic and enveloping raw material. In addition to everything, it is endowed with anti-aging properties. Simply put, after sitting on such a dish for a week, you will be able to lose weight, become healthier, and even look slightly younger. The barley diet has a rather appetizing menu:

  • Breakfast: a serving of cereal, a banana.
  • Lunch: a glass of kefir.
  • Lunch: vegetarian cabbage soup, vegetable salad.
  • Afternoon snack: apple, carrot and orange salad.
  • Dinner: a serving of cereal with olive oil, a glass of fermented milk drink.


This group includes diets that involve the consumption of not one, but several types of cereals for a specified period. The advantage over separate systems is a more varied diet with the same low calorie content of dishes.

Buckwheat and rice

A combined diet based on buckwheat and rice is more suitable for cleansing the body than losing weight. In 7 days you can lose only 4-5 kg, but at the end of the program you can forget about puffiness and sludge.

  • On the first day of the diet, you should eat buckwheat. Additionally, you can lean on fresh vegetables, herbs and green tea.
  • The second day is rice. You need to choose brown. It can be used in unlimited quantities. In between main meals, you should eat vegetables and drink tea.
  • From the third day, buckwheat and rice should be alternated. Snacks also consist of vegetables and greens. If you feel very hungry, you can drink no more than 100 ml of low-fat fermented milk drink without sweeteners.

A more balanced version of the buckwheat-rice diet is a menu with the addition of apples and cottage cheese. In this case, additional products can be consumed only in the first half of the day.

"6 porridges"

The essence of the program is to alternate 6 different cereals, each of which is allocated 1 day. It is not necessary to adhere to a strict sequence, and this is a strong argument in favor of the diet: you can choose cereals according to your mood. The following porridges are used:

  • Wheat. Additionally, you are allowed to eat no more than 350 g of fresh vegetables. Stewed cabbage is recommended for breakfast, fish broth for lunch, and kefir for dinner.
  • Millet. In the first half of the day you can eat grapefruit. Fresh cucumber is recommended for breakfast, vegetable broth for lunch, and cottage cheese for dinner.
  • Oatmeal. You can add a handful of dried fruits to breakfast, a glass of apple juice to lunch, and yogurt to dinner.
  • Rice. Again, it is better to take brown. In the morning you are allowed to drink a cup of black unsweetened coffee, and instead of dinner - a glass of kefir.
  • Barley. In the first half of the day you can eat some vegetable salad. Steamed fish is additionally prepared for lunch, and an omelet for dinner.
  • Buckwheat. The first meal is served with the addition of boiled beets, fresh cabbage salad is added to lunch, and dinner is completed with 150 ml of low-fat yogurt or cottage cheese casserole.
  • Suvorovskaya. Prepared from various cereals specified in the diet. An additional apple is taken for breakfast, baked fish for lunch, and a glass of yogurt for dinner. The second option is to consume 100 grams of each porridge six times a day.

According to the rules of the program, the daily portion of the dish is prepared from a glass of cereal. You need to cook without adding salt and spices. Dishes made with milk are also prohibited. It is important to remember about the drinking regime - at least 2 liters of water per day. Additional liquid consists of green and white tea.

For 10 days

In general, ten-day cereal nutrition systems are a longer version of weekly ones. The only difference is that every other day you can cook the grains in milk. Programs made with buckwheat, oatmeal and barley are especially good. To avoid discomfort and harm to the body, it is important to correctly create a menu:

  • For breakfast, it is suggested to use porridge (with water or low-fat milk) with the addition of a small amount of berries, fruits or nuts. Drinks include green tea or unsweetened black coffee.
  • For lunch, it is recommended to eat lean soups with added cereals and salads from seasonal vegetables.
  • For dinner you should eat porridge with water, but not every day. Sometimes you can replace the dish with steamed fish, vegetable stew or a piece of lean chicken meat.
  • Fruits (except bananas and dates), low-fat fermented milk drinks and dried fruits in moderation are recommended as snacks during the 10-day diet.

The average weight for the entire period is from 6 to 9 kg. The main thing is to drink as much water as possible.

For 14 days

Two-week diets on cereals are tolerated differently - it all depends on the degree of rigidity of the diet. Buckwheat, for example, can only be tolerated by the most resistant, because the menu is quite meager and monotonous: 500 g of porridge, a small portion of vegetables and fruits, 1 cup of low-fat kefir. The result is minus 10-14 kg in 2 weeks.

Particularly popular among the gentle ones oat diet, it is also the most effective. The menu looks quite varied and tasty:

  • Breakfast: Oatmeal with milk or water (every other day), 1 teaspoon of honey, Fruit (orange, grapefruit, pear, apple).
  • Lunch: Soup (vegetable, fish, mushroom, with dietary meat, cheese, with spinach), Second course of your choice: steamed fish, vegetable salad, steamed chicken cutlets, vegetable stew).
  • Dinner: Oatmeal jelly. Dish to choose from: a handful of dried fruits, an omelet, a salad of fresh vegetables or sauerkraut, cottage cheese, stewed mushrooms, oatmeal pudding.

By following this program for 2 weeks, you will be able to lose at least 8 kg without spoiling your stomach or harming your health.

Another option for two-week weight loss is wheat diet. Again, you need to eat not only cereals, because otherwise it will clog your stomach with fiber and it will stop functioning normally. The diet should be balanced, that is, supplemented with proteins and a small amount of fat. The main thing is that the energy value of the daily menu does not exceed 1200 kcal. Within the program, wheat porridge remains the main dish. To prevent it from getting boring, it is important to look for different cooking methods: with milk and water, with fruits and berries, in a slow cooker and in the oven. In addition to wheat, other cereals are allowed, but in strictly limited quantities; fresh vegetation - fruits, vegetables, herbs; dairy drinks and low-fat products. Every other day you can eat seafood, chicken breast, fish, eggs. In order for plant fiber to perform its functions, you need to monitor your drinking regime - drink about 2.5-3 liters of clean water per day.

If a two-week porridge diet is well tolerated by the body, and the results are inspiring, it is quite possible to extend the diet for a month. There will be no harm to health, provided the diet is balanced and there is sufficient water consumption, during the “marathon”.


The basis of any porridge diet is cereals, and this scares many people. The good news: in addition to the universal ones, there are delicious recipes for preparing them, using which you can significantly reduce the likelihood of a “breakdown.”

Oatmeal with milk

Pour 50 g of oatmeal with 1.5 cups of boiling milk. Boil for 10 minutes.

Buckwheat with milk

Pour 2 cups of cold water into a cup of buckwheat. Cook after boiling for 15 minutes. Drain the water, add 0.5 cups of low-fat milk to the cereal. Bring to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes.

Brown rice in the oven

Soak 200 g of brown rice in 600 ml of cold water in the evening. In the morning, drain the water. Pour 400 ml of clean water over the rice and boil. Place the container in an oven at 180 degrees for 40 minutes.

Wheat porridge in a slow cooker

Rinse a glass of grain, place it in a multicooker bowl and pour in 3 glasses of low-fat milk. Cook on the “milk porridge” setting until the dish is ready.

Millet with kefir

Pour 100 g of millet into 400 ml of water and boil until tender. All water should evaporate. If there is any left, it needs to be drained. Add low-fat kefir at room temperature to the cereal. Mix.

The grain should be chosen in a bright color - it contains more microelements!

Flaxseed porridge with apple

Pour 4 tablespoons of flaxseed flour with the same amount of boiling water. Wait 10 minutes. Add grated apple and stir.

Corn porridge with dried fruits

100 g of raisins and dried apricots (cut into cubes) are washed and soaked for 1.5 hours. Mix 2 cups of water and milk in a saucepan and bring to a boil. While stirring, add a glass of cereal. Cook for 15 minutes until thickened. Transfer the porridge and dried fruits into a pot, alternating layers. Close the container tightly and simmer in the oven for 1 hour at 90 degrees.

Barley with vegetables

Boil 300 g of pearl barley. Cut the zucchini into small cubes, chop the onion and carrots. Fry vegetables in a dry frying pan. Blanch and puree 3 tomatoes. Mix with vegetables and simmer for 10 minutes over low heat. Add pearl barley to the vegetables and simmer for another 10 minutes. When serving, sprinkle the dish with fresh herbs.

Rice and vegetable soup

Chop the carrots and onions, grate the parsley root. Pour 2 liters of cold water over the vegetables. Cook until carrots are done. Drain the broth and boil the rice in it. Add vegetables to the container and boil for 5 minutes. Before serving, decorate with herbs.

Soup with chicken and barley

Remove fat from chicken breast. Fill with water and put on fire. After boiling, reduce heat and add 1 onion. Boil for 1 hour. Scald 100 grams of pearl barley with boiling water and add to the broth. Roughly chop 1 small turnip, 1 carrot and 50 g celery root. Add vegetables to broth. Cook until the pearl barley is ready. At the very end, pepper and add fresh herbs.

Diet cutlets

Soak 100 g of white bread crumb in 100 ml of milk for 10 minutes. Pass 1 onion and 500 g of chicken fillet through a meat grinder. Mix with the bread crumb without squeezing it out of the milk. Add 200 g of boiled rice to the minced meat. Form cutlets and place on a greased baking sheet. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes.

Oatmeal jelly

Pour 100 g of rolled oats into 500 ml of heated water or milk. After 15 minutes, strain using gauze. Divide the liquid into 2 parts. Add 25 g of starch into one, and a little vanillin into the second. Place the liquid with vanilla on the fire and bring to a boil. Combine with the first liquid. Return to heat and cook until jelly.

Quitting the diet

The “finish” of every diet is the right way out. By immediately pouncing on your favorite foods, you can not only regain lost kilograms, but also gain new ones. In addition, heavy food negatively affects the condition of the stomach, which has been eating cereals for some time.

The correct way out of the porridge diet is based on five rules:

  1. Continue eating grains.
  2. Gradually increase portions.
  3. Gradually add salt to dishes.
  4. Limit your intake of fatty foods for a week.
  5. Follow the diet and portion distribution.

The first day after losing weight is practically no different from the most limited diet. From the second, you can supplement the menu with baked chicken with vegetables or grilled fish. From the third day you are allowed to start eating eggs and beef. The diet must include fresh vegetables and fruits, dairy and fermented milk drinks.

Advice from experts: in order not to gain excess weight after finishing the cereal “unloading”, in the future you need to include healthy porridge in the menu every 2 days.


The following contraindications are considered universal for losing weight on porridge:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • diabetes mellitus (does not work when eating barley);
  • serious pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • taking powerful medications.

Depending on the type of cereal, the list of contraindications may be supplemented:

  • Buckwheat should not be consumed if you have cardiovascular diseases, metabolic disorders, oncology, or stomatitis.
  • Rice is not recommended for those with liver disease, kidney failure, or a tendency to constipation.
  • Corn grits are prohibited for varicose veins and thrombophlebitis, increased blood clotting and kidney diseases.
  • Millet should not be consumed regularly if you have low stomach acidity, constipation, or thyroid dysfunction.
  • Flaxseed porridge will not be the best choice for urolithiasis, duodenal ulcers, and gallbladder diseases.
  • Wheat porridge and barley should be eaten in moderation if you have celiac disease and are in the postoperative period.
  • Semolina is dangerous if you are allergic to gluten.

Oatmeal is considered the most harmless and has virtually no prohibitions on consumption. In rare cases, its regular use, as required by the nutrition program, leads to problems with stool.



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