Oregano is a delicious spice that also heals! Oregano seasoning (oregano): use in cooking What is oregano seasoning what can be replaced

Oregano is a delicious spice that also heals! Oregano seasoning (oregano): use in cooking What is oregano seasoning what can be replaced

The famous spice called oregano, which is associated with Italy, is not only the prerogative of Mediterranean cuisine. Oregano, or oregano in our opinion, grows almost everywhere. Oregano seasoning Used in a huge number of dishes, it is also suitable for our everyday Russian cuisine.

Dried and fresh leaves are used in cooking oregano seasoning from which it is obtained if they are crushed into small particles - but it is better to do this yourself and immediately before use. This way the taste will be brighter and richer. By the way, speaking of taste, dried oregano can be described in taste as pleasant, subtle, but bitter, reminiscent of marjoram (a related plant). Photos of oregano are often confused with basil, but this is a mistaken opinion. These are completely different plants.

Where is oregano seasoning added?

In practice, oregano is used in cooking in many dishes. As a separate seasoning, oregano is used for preservation, marinades, and hot drinks. However, most often oregano is used in combination with other seasonings, for example, as part of Italian herbs, in combination with fennel, thyme, garlic,. Added oregano seasoning at the very end, when the dish is almost ready.

Despite the fact that this plant grows all over the world, oregano seasoning is most often used, of course, in Italian cuisine. It is used to prepare almost everything national dishes. Whether it's pasta, real one, different sauces(especially tomato), fish, vegetables. Therefore, you can safely add oregano to such dishes. However, boldly does not mean in large quantities. Dried oregano has a pronounced taste, so it is best to use it in small quantities.

Oregano seasoning use in your kitchen

He advises experimenting. Prepare not just banal pasta, but Italian pasta. Cook it yourself tomato sauce, add oregano seasoning, pour this sauce over pasta or spaghetti, and treat your loved ones Italian pasta. Or lightly sprinkle oregano on pizza. The taste will be no worse than in a restaurant.

Finds oregano seasoning use for medical purposes. Eating oregano seasoning improves digestion, increases appetite, and relieves cramps and indigestion.

Professionals working in the kitchens of famous restaurants, as well as experienced housewives, know very well that from a completely trivial set of products you can prepare dishes that can differ significantly from each other.

Meanwhile, the original taste, unique aroma and special attractiveness can be given to most culinary delights by the right combinations of spices and aromatic herbs.

Some of these products deserve additional attention and a more detailed study of their capabilities. In this case, an experienced cook would first of all recommend taking a closer look at oregano or oregano (as it is also called). In Italian cuisine, this seasoning quite rightly occupies a special place, giving traditional dishes characteristic taste and aroma.

What is oregano?

The oregano plant itself or oregano is an annual half-meter shrub. He comes from the Mediterranean region. The main countries supplying this seasoning are: Türkiye, Greece, Syria.

Originating from the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, oregano has been successfully grown in both Europe and Africa. In particular, the ancient Egyptians cultivated this plant for more than 3,000 years. In Ancient Greece, during the era called classical, this spice was widely used for both culinary and medicinal purposes. Well, oregano began to actively penetrate into other European countries from the 13th century.

Oregano has many names:

  • spiritual color,

  • bedbugs

The name of the plant itself comes from a Greek phrase literally translated as “the joy of the mountains” or “the decoration of the mountain.” Because during flowering, oregano covers the mountain slopes with a bright, fragrant carpet. It looks very impressive and even magical. Even now, the wild variety of oregano remains quite common on the slopes of the mountain ranges of Spain or Italy.

This herb has been widely used since ancient times not only as a remedy. The ancient Egyptians considered it an excellent disinfectant and preservative, and the ancient Romans mixed it with lavender and rosemary, using it to scent baths and clothes.

In fact, there is a difference between oregano and ordinary oregano:

    oregano is a wild plant, best suited for pickling and teas;

    Oregano is an excellent seasoning that is grown specially and more and more new varieties continue to be developed.

This spice has gained the greatest popularity due to its excellent combination with meat dishes, vegetables and seafood.

Composition, calorie content and properties of seasoning

100 g of product contains approximately 306 Kcal, 11 g. protein, 20 gr. carbohydrates and 10 g. fat But essential oils, the composition of which is simply amazing, are of great value.

In fact, oregano contains 2 valuable essential oils: thymol and carvacrol. They have antibacterial and antioxidant properties, which allow these substances to be used for a wide variety of medicinal purposes:

    with their help you can relieve pain in the digestive system,

    effectively fight various infections

    and even repel annoying insects.

Full calorie table

general information Carbohydrates Minerals Vitamins Lipids Amino acids
Water 9.93 g Sucrose 0.91 g Calcium, Ca 1597 mg Vitamin C 2.3 mg Fatty acids, saturated 1.551 g Tryptophan 0.203 g
Energy value 265 kcal Glucose (dextrose) 1.9 g Iron, Fe 36.8 mg Thiamine 0.177 mg 10:0 0.004 g Threonine 0.322 g
Energy 1107 kJ Fructose 1.13 g Magnesium, Mg 270 mg Riboflavin 0.528 mg 12:0 0.246 g Isoleucine 0.441 g
Proteins 9 g Galactose 0.15 g Phosphorus, P 148 mg Nicotinic acid 4.64 mg 14:0 0.004 g Leucine 0.78 g
Fat 4.28 g Potassium, K 1260 mg Pantothenic acid 0.921 mg 16:0 0.792 g Lysine 0.5 g
Inorganic substances 7.87 g Sodium, Na 25 mg Vitamin B-6 1.044 mg 18:0 0.505 g Methionine 0.127 g
Carbohydrates 68.92 g Zinc, Zn 2.69 mg Folate, 237 mcg total Fatty acids, monounsaturated 0.716 g Cystine 0.11 g
Fiber 42.5 g Copper, Cu 0.633 mg Folic acid, food grade 237 mcg 16:1 undifferentiated 0.004 g Phenylalanine 0.449 g
Sugar, total 4.09 g Manganese, Mn 4.99 mg Folic acid, DFE 237 mcg 18:1 undifferentiated 0.712 g Tyrosine 0.297 g
Selenium, Se 4.5 μg Choline, total 32.3 mg 18:1 c 0.712 g Valine 0.585 g
Betaine 9.8 mg Fatty acids, polyunsaturated 1.369 g Arginine 0.449 g
Vitamin A, RAE 85 mcg 18:2 undifferentiated 0.748 g Histidine 0.144 g
Carotene, beta 1007 mcg 18:3 undifferentiated 0.621 g Alanine 0.5 g
Carotene, alpha 20 mcg 18:3 n-3 c,c,c (ALA) 0.621 g Aspartic acid 1.009 g
Cryptoxanthin, beta 7 mcg Phytosterols 203 mg Glutamic acid 0.975 g
Vitamin A, IU 1701 IU Glycine 0.517 g
Lutein + zeaxanthin 1895 mcg Proline 1.712 g
Vitamin E (alpha tocopherol) 18.26 mg Serine 0.314 g
Tocopherol, gamma 24.42 mg
Tocopherol, delta 0.92 mg
Vitamin K (phylloquinone) 621.7 mcg

But this is not the entire composition of oregano. So, the spice also contains other elements:


    B vitamins, vitamin A;

    ascorbic acid;

  • tannins;



    rosmarinic acid and others.

Article on the topic: What is bulgur, the beneficial properties of cereals, its contraindications and several recipes.

Beneficial features

Among a wide variety of spices and aromatic herbs rich in antioxidants, oregano ranks first. The phenols and polyphenols it contains can effectively counteract various harmful effects on the body's cells, including sources of threat such as cancer. The use of oregano is equally important in the prevention of diseases affecting the circulatory and cardiovascular systems.

The significant content of calcium, iron, fiber, manganese and vitamin K, as well as the essential oils already mentioned, allows this seasoning to have an inhibitory effect on the development and growth of harmful bacteria in the mouth and intestines. A successful combination of essential oils and other valuable components opens up many possibilities.

In addition, oregano:

    resists intoxication of the body;

    accelerates cell regeneration;

    is a natural antiseptic;

    has a positive effect on the nervous system;

    and, in general, due to its rich vitamin and mineral composition, it has a beneficial effect on the entire body and strengthens the immune system.

Use in folk medicine

Naturally, adherents traditional medicine We couldn’t ignore such a storehouse of vitamins. They actively use oregano for:


    cough and sore throat,


Infusions, decoctions, teas, compresses and baths are made from parts of the plant. It is believed that oregano is a good antidepressant, sedative and even sleeping pill (the latter applies more to children, who can be given tea with oregano if they sleep restlessly).

The spice also helps to survive a severe hangover, as it speeds up metabolism and removes toxins.

The seasoning is useful for women's health. It relieves pain during menstruation and helps during hormonal imbalances during menopause.

For a nursing mother, oregano will stimulate lactation.

The plant has diuretic, choleretic, diaphoretic and expectorant properties.

The strong half of humanity can take the spice so that everything is in order with male power. The main thing is just not to abuse it.

Increases appetite, which is actively used in the fight against anorexia.

And external use of oregano relieves itching and reduces inflammation.

The magical side of the issue

Since ancient times, this herb was called “wife’s grass” and was used as an anti-love spell. It was believed that if a husband begins to look towards young girls, then he needs to add oregano to his tea and then he will come to his senses.

There is some truth in this, since it is highly undesirable for men to consume excessive amounts of spice. This negatively affects libido.

Contraindications and harm

Where there are benefits, there are also contraindications. This case is no exception - oregano can cause harm. We have already mentioned men twice, but that’s not all. People who should avoid eating oregano:

    with cardiovascular diseases,

  • with kidney and liver diseases,

    for allergy sufferers (especially those who are allergic to lavender, mint, sage, basil),


    pregnant women.

In addition, it is better to limit the intake of spices before surgery (2-3 weeks), as it can affect blood clotting.

And those who take any medications should definitely consult with their doctor.

Role in cooking

Oregano can go well not only with Italian dishes teeming with tomatoes, olive oil, different types of cheese and meat products.

This aromatic seasoning plays a significant role in various cuisines - from Greek to Mexican. She successfully enhances dishes from seafood, eggs, vegetables, different types meat or fish.

It is used in the preparation of marinades, sauces and even bread. In some ways, oregano is more than a simple aromatic additive. And the whole secret of this special position lies in the essential oil contained in this plant.

Back in the Middle Ages, oregano began to be used in European countries to add a refined aroma not only to local dishes and cereals, but also to various sweets, cakes and puddings. There is written evidence that back in the 14th century in Spain, oregano was used in preparing shellfish dishes and added to stews.

But during the Renaissance, this spice, among other things, became a popular component used in the preparation of beer, mead and ale. It is worth knowing that without a bunch of oregano you cannot prepare a real béchamel sauce, since it is part of the famous “bouquet garni”, which must be added to milk at the initial stage.

"Bouquet Garni"

This “bouquet” is a fairly simple and truly ingenious invention of the famous chef, which, unfortunately, is not so often used by modern housewives. Some people don’t want to cause themselves additional trouble, while others simply forget in the chaos of the kitchen about such an important component that can give you simple dish originality, aroma and unforgettable taste. Meanwhile, everything is very simple.

Simply take some fresh parsley, thyme, rosemary and oregano, tie them together and drop them into broth or other liquid at the right time. There is actually no standard recipe for making such a bouquet - the very principle of flavoring a dish with the help of a bunch of several aromatic herbs, which after use are removed from the pan and simply thrown away, is important.

If desired, you can add bay leaves and sage or any other components to this “bouquet”. Adding bouquet garni to marinades used to pre-process fish, poultry or meat not only takes advantage of the antioxidant properties of aromatic spices, but also imparts a delicious taste to the final product. And it is desirable that one of the components is oregano.

Video about the benefits of oregano (oregano)

Some dishes would not be as tasty and original without spicy spices added to them. Oregano, a plant known since ancient times, has an incomparable taste and magnificent aroma. Oregano or oregano - what is it and what is it eaten with?

Oregano is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Lamiaceae family. It has small oblong-ovate leaves and small, two-lipped, pinkish-white flowers, collected in spikelets forming a panicle. This plant is common in Russia, as well as European and Mediterranean countries. It grows on mountain slopes, forest edges and clearings. Translated from Greek, the word “oregano” is interpreted as “mountain decoration”. An alternative name is Oregano.

Oregano has an amazing aroma.

By the way, oregano has long been a well-known plant; the ancient Greek physician and philosopher Hippocrates mentioned it in his works.

The main use of oregano is cooking. The dried and crushed leaves of the plant are used as a seasoning.

Useful properties of seasoning

Oregano is also used in medicine. Medicinal infusions, decoctions and teas are prepared from the leaves, stems and flowers of the plant. Oregano can also be used externally - lotions and compresses with it effectively heal wounds. Baths with the addition of oregano tone and improve well-being.

This is interesting. Legend has it that on the island of Crete, animals wounded by hunters - deer, wild goats - sought and ate oregano (it was also called ash tree). The animals ate the grass, and the arrows soon came out of their bodies by themselves. The wounds healed, and if the arrow was poisonous, the ash tree neutralized the effect of the toxic substances. People noticed this interesting feature and began to use oregano for medicinal purposes, and soon discovered other properties of this plant.

Main beneficial properties of oregano:

  • Wound healing. To quickly tighten wounds, lotions and compresses based on herbs are suitable.
  • Antimicrobial. Infusions and decoctions of oregano neutralize the effect of harmful microorganisms that enter the body along with poor-quality food.
  • Antispasmodic. The gentle action of oregano can relieve spasms and reduce pain.
  • Painkiller. Oregano oil is used in the treatment of diseased teeth and joints.
  • Calming. By adding oregano to food, you can get rid of nervous system disorders and improve sleep.

Oregano is also very beneficial for women. It can be taken to relieve painful periods. Oregano is also relevant for nursing mothers suffering from a lack of milk. Oregano infusions are recommended to prevent diseases of the genitourinary system. During menopause, the plant helps fight hormonal imbalances.

Oregano is also useful for gastrointestinal problems: it normalizes stool, improves the digestion process, and has a mild laxative effect.

Oregano decoction helps fight colds by eliminating cough. In general, this plant is recommended for respiratory diseases: asthma, tuberculosis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, acute pharyngitis. In such cases, not only decoctions help, but also rinses based on oregano.

Oregano compresses and applications help fight eczema, neurodermatitis and acne.

Traditional healers use the plant to treat alcoholism.

What dishes do you add spice to?

Oregano is a seasoning that has a bright bitter-spicy taste. Both fresh and dried leaves of the plant are used in cooking. In addition, the flower buds of the plant can be used in spices.

Together with basil, oregano is considered an indispensable ingredient in Mediterranean dishes.

Oregano is added to many dishes.

The original taste and aroma of oregano is used in the cooking process:

  • various spicy mixtures of herbs;
  • pickling vegetables;
  • pasta, pizza;
  • bakery products;
  • various sauces (especially tomato);
  • marinating fish;
  • baked potatoes;
  • meat-based soups;
  • bean dishes;
  • scrambled eggs and omelettes;
  • homemade sausage;
  • fried and stewed meat.

What can you replace oregano with?

What can you replace oregano with? The taste of the spice is bright and unique. However, the plant has many relatives that can replace oregano in case of its absence.

Marjoram is considered to be the closest to oregano in terms of taste. Sometimes oregano oil is replaced with marjoram oil and the difference is almost unnoticeable. A good replacement option would be basil mixed with mint or parsley in tandem with dill. Cumin and thyme are a little reminiscent of oregano. You can use the Herbs de Provence mixture instead of oregano.

But! You should know that the herbs listed do not even have approximate useful properties, which distinguishes oregano.

How and how much to add oregano

The main principle in using oregano seasoning is moderation. The strong aroma of spices added in large quantities can spoil the dish.

How to add oregano:

It is important not to overdo it with seasoning, otherwise you can ruin the dish.

Take a dry spoon and measure out the amount of spice indicated in the recipe. Do not pour the seasoning from the jar into a hot dish that is emitting steam. Rising moisture can spoil the oregano in the jar, causing the latter to stick together into a lump. Before use, fresh grass should be finely chopped and mashed by hand. This will release the unique aroma of oregano.

Advice. Sometimes the recipe does not indicate the exact amount of spice. In this case, you should first add a quarter teaspoon of seasoning to 4 servings (500 g) of meat and minced meat. Add 1 tsp to the sauce and pasta. freshly chopped or dried herbs, in salad - 0.5 tsp.

When to add oregano:

Fresh leaves are added at the end of cooking to add a bright aroma. The stew is also seasoned at the end of cooking. When cooking broth, in combination with other herbs, all plants need to be tied into a bundle and placed in a gauze bag. It is lowered into the pan, and after preparing the broth, discarded. IN soft cheese, salads and fruit desserts spice is added in advance. This gives the dish the opportunity to soak in the aroma of oregano.

Despite its obvious positive qualities, oregano spice is not recommended for use in some cases:

  • serious pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • acute forms of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • kidney disease;
  • individual intolerance to plant components;
  • pregnancy (excessive consumption of spices can provoke uterine contractions, resulting in miscarriage).

Do not forget that the use of oregano can affect the effect of certain medications.

Men should take into account that oregano has a strong relaxing effect, and therefore may not have the best effect on potency. Regular use of infusions and decoctions of oregano can even lead to sexual impotence.

Oregano is a perennial plant used in cooking and medicine. The bright taste and spicy aroma make oregano leaves a popular spice in many countries. Oregano seasoning is used in Italian, Belgian, Caucasian and many other cuisines.

With the help of numerous seasonings you can add exquisite taste and piquancy to the dish. The most common option is greens, including the well-known oregano. Meeting it for the first time, it is difficult to understand what kind of ingredient it is. And then we will try to understand this issue.

What is oregano and what is it eaten with?

The name "oregano" refers to a green perennial plant that belongs to the Lamiaceae family. Commonly called oregano, and forest mint, spirit color or motherboard. The closest relatives with which this herb is usually compared are basil, marjoram and mint. Oregano can reach 3/4 meters in height. At the top it is branched, like the rhizome. The stem is dense and erect. It has white or red flowers. You can notice blooming oregano in the summer - from June to August.

As a seasoning, it became famous for its unusual taste: pungent, bitter, warm taste, but quite strong. It can often overlap the taste of other seasonings, so you should be careful with it. The plant, like its name, originated from Greece. The first information about him that has managed to reach our time dates back to the 1st century AD. Oregano is translated from Greek as “the joy of the mountains.” The most fragrant varieties of this plant can be found on the rocks in Italy.

Here's how dried oregano is made:

  1. The plant of the second year of vegetation is cut at a height of up to 20 cm from the ground.
  2. The stems are freed from the tops and dried in a room with low humidity (ventilated rooms, attics, etc.). The temperature does not exceed 40 degrees.
  3. The finished seasoning is stored for no more than 2 months in a special container where light does not penetrate.
Oregano is added to meat, potatoes, mushrooms, vegetables for pickling, pates, and fish. You can also add it to desserts. For example, in ice cream, oregano will enhance the refreshing effect. A great addition to ham sandwiches. Can be added as dried version, and fresh leaves.

Please note that there are contraindications for consuming oregano. It should not be used by people with stomach ulcers and other severe diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. If you have kidney and liver problems, then treat the seasoning with caution and do not overuse it. The same applies to pregnancy.

Bouquet of vitamins

In addition to its interesting taste, oregano is very useful product, having a number healing properties. The most common ones are the following:

  • The leaves and flowers of the plant have antihistamine, antimicrobial and antiseptic properties. They are used for wound healing effects.
  • A good helper against poisoning. Prevents the spread of bacteria in the body from poor-quality food. Saves from flatulence, stomach upsets and diarrhea. For this purpose, decoctions and tinctures are prepared from oregano.
  • Relieves muscle problems. For example, for rheumatism or radiculitis, a massage done with oregano oil helps better than various ointments or tablets. A good alternative to antibiotics.
  • Nervous system disorders are treated using this plant. By adding it to your food, you can improve your sleep, reduce anxiety, and worry. In addition, it is absolutely safe for both adults and children.
  • Women are advised to drink a decoction of oregano. It helps relieve pain and discomfort, as well as cope with emotional instability.
The main active components in the plant, due to which the therapeutic effect is achieved, are tannins, ascorbic acid, essential oil, thymol, carvacrol, terpenes, bitter substances. Research by English specialists has proven that Oregano decoction is much more effective than penicillin and streptomycin. In addition to kitchen and pharmacy products, oregano is added to perfume products - colognes, soaps and lotions. Its aroma is very bright and easily recognizable.

Replacing oregano

A seasoning like oregano is very unique and unlike any other. Therefore, if this ingredient is indicated in the recipe, it will not be possible to replace it with 100% accuracy - the result will still differ from the original taste intended by the recipe. But there are several options that will help if you don’t have this seasoning on hand:
  • "A mixture of Provençal herbs." A seasoning that can be found in the lines of a variety of manufacturers. This mixture contains oregano, so it will still end up in the dish.
  • The best option to replace oregano is basil. They are rightfully considered interchangeable herbs and also go well in a dish. In order to bring their tastes even closer, add dried or fresh finely chopped mint to the basil.
  • Thyme would also be a good substitute.
  • Finely chop the dill and parsley, mix and add to the dish.
  • Replace oregano with a pinch of cumin or marjoram. And if you have both of these herbs on hand, you can safely mix them, this will only improve the taste of the dish!

note that You can replace oregano only for its taste, but not for its healing properties!

Is basil different from oregano?

Basil and oregano are so close to each other that many people think they are the same plant and seasoning. In reality, there are many differences between them - both tasteful and external.
  • Both plants belong to the same Lamiaceae family. But basil is slightly smaller in size (60 cm). Basil flowers are pink or soft lilac, sometimes white, like oregano. The leaves are bright emerald or purple.
  • Oregano is a member of the oregano genus, while basil is a member of the basil genus.
  • Speaking about taste, we note that Oregano is used to make tea, but basil is not suitable for this role.
  • Either way, basil and oregano taste different. Oregano is more bitter, tart; basil has a kind of “pharmacy” flavor, reminiscent of something between a bay leaf and cloves.

Irina Kamshilina

Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than cooking for yourself))


Among the many spices of Mediterranean cuisine, there is a tart spice. Its taste is bitter, but surprisingly warm - it cannot be confused with anything else. Thanks to its special piquancy, you can achieve an unforgettable taste without adding any more spices. The plant has found application not only in culinary arts, but also in folk medicine.

What is oregano

People knew how to prepare a dish with forest mint back in ancient times. The first description of this plant is given in a source from the 1st century AD. “The Joy of the Mountains” - this is how oregano began to be called in Greek at that time. The name was associated with the special aroma of species growing in the mountains, which have a piquant taste that could please even the most discerning gourmet.

We need to figure it out: oregano – what is it? The spice looks like a herbaceous perennial bush with small inflorescences, reaching a height of more than half a meter; it looks like thyme. It begins to bloom no earlier than the second year of life. In cooking, fresh flowers or leaves are used, which are added to dishes and drinks, but the dried stem is stored longer. The main difference from other seasonings, for example, marjoram, is its pronounced taste. Store dry oregano in a hermetically sealed container.

Oregano - beneficial properties

For all its usefulness, this culinary ingredient, both fresh and dried, has contraindications. These include stomach diseases: chronic gastritis, as well as ulcers. If an expectant mother is invited to dinner, you will also have to think about how to replace forest mint or how to prepare a dish without spices: consuming it during pregnancy can lead to miscarriage. Even healthy people are not recommended to overuse the spice. Men should be especially careful, because excess seasoning can lead to decreased erection.

Oregano – seasoning

Fresh and dried oregano is used in cooking; the seasoning is in great demand. Dishes where this spice is added are varied. In Italy it is called “herb for mushrooms” and is combined with meat, fish, potatoes, mushrooms and even desserts. Ice cream with forest mint is very tasty, the refreshing effect increases. You can add dried spice to a ham sandwich. Combined with lemon, garlic and olive oil, dried oregano is a suitable ingredient for a marinade. The spice is used to prepare salads and sauces – it’s also very tasty.

Oregano - uses

The key to the usefulness of oregano spice is careful use, in which all substances are preserved. When preparing dishes with it, you need to follow some rules so that it turns out both healthy and tasty. You need to add forest mint shortly before the end of cooking and in small quantities. This spice goes well with many well-known seasonings - basil, thyme. The same herbs can be used when you have to decide what to replace forest mint with and how to prepare something from Italian cuisine without it, although it is difficult to imagine Mediterranean cooking without oregano.



This is interesting: