Nuts with honey - recipes for making healthy honey-nut mixtures. Sour cream honey cake with walnuts Nuts with honey in dietetics

Nuts with honey - recipes for making healthy honey-nut mixtures. Sour cream honey cake with walnuts Nuts with honey in dietetics

So, let's continue about the lampshade. In a cozy environment, you rarely want food with the prefix healthy lifestyle or pp or keto or something else similar to a fashionable hashtag. Comfort food should be warm, soft and spicy. For me it mushroom soup and chicken cutlets.

But in the world of desserts, my calming character is the honey cake. My very first honey cake was baked by my godmother, and since then I have asked for it as a gift for every big and small holiday, especially for my birthday. It takes half the night to prepare, with close attention to every cake and every peak. sour cream. Its cakes are thin and crispy, soaked in cream, and remain crispy around the edges.

In general, the texture of this cake is even more poetic than the taste: the crunch is replaced by softness, the cold of whipped sour cream is replaced by warm air inside the cake, the gingerbread honeyness is replaced by a creamy nuttiness. And there is so much love in this cake that you get enough of it with every bite. After all, such a feat can only be accomplished for someone you love very much.​

Sour cream honey cake with walnuts


For 10 cakes:

4 cups flour

2 cups sugar

6 tbsp. honey

200 g butter

2 tsp soda

For cream:

1600 g homemade sour cream not less than 35% fat content

1.5 cups sugar

2 tbsp. vanilla sugar

200 g walnuts

How to cook:

  1. Prepare a water bath. Personally, I insert one pan into another, with the small one “hanging” by the handles on the large one, without touching the bottom. I boil water in the big one.
  2. Place butter in a small saucepan, heated in a water bath, melt, add honey and sugar.
  3. Stir the mixture until smooth, without bringing to a boil.
  4. Add soda. It will chemically begin to interact with honey. Wait for the mixture to lighten in color before removing from heat and cooling slightly until lukewarm.
  5. Beat the eggs, whites and yolks until smooth.
  6. Combine the warm butter-sugar-honey mixture with the eggs, stirring constantly.
  7. While continuing to stir, gradually add in the flour.
  8. As a result, you will get a viscous dough - slightly thicker than charlotte dough.
  9. We draw identical circles on baking paper, spread thin cakes along the contour with a spoon and bake in the oven at 180 degrees.
  10. Remove the cakes after about five minutes, when they are just starting to brown.
  11. Place them side by side to cool, but not on top of each other.
  12. Place the cooled cake on the circle drawn on paper and cut off the excess. Reserve crumbs for decoration.
  13. Prepare the cream while baking. To do this, beat sour cream with sugar and vanilla sugar until it dissolves. Do not overbeat the mixture so that the sour cream does not turn into butter.
  14. When the cakes have cooled, they can be soaked in cream.
  15. Grease the top cake especially thickly, and the sides of the cake too.
  16. Grind the remaining pieces of cake and walnuts in a blender. Sprinkle them on all sides of the cake.

They say you need to let it soak for a couple of hours in the refrigerator. But I like to eat it after 30 minutes, when it has already become cold, but the cakes are still crunchy.

Many people know about the benefits of nuts with honey and the potential harm of the product, but few people pay due attention to the correct preparation and administration of the composition. But this mass has quite bright properties and in its effectiveness can be compared with some medicines. Before introducing a healing product into your diet, you should familiarize yourself with its features. Otherwise, instead of the desired improvement in health, you will have to solve new problems.

Chemical composition of the classic nut-honey mixture

The classic recipe for a honey-nut mixture involves the use of walnuts and any type of liquid honey. In some cases, additional ingredients are added to the composition, but the combination of these two products is enough to expect positive results for both men and beautiful ladies.

The following substances in honey deserve special attention:

  • B vitamins.
  • Minerals.
  • Glucose and.
  • Natural antioxidants.

Their action will be complemented by chemical compounds present in walnuts:

  • Vitamins C, K and R.
  • Fixed oils.
  • Protein substances.
  • Amino acids.

It is only at first glance that it seems that there are not many useful components. In fact, combinations of these substances trigger important chemical reactions that lead to therapeutic effects. Even basic recipe nuts with honey allows you to get results that can only be expected when using medications.

Benefits of nuts and honey for the body

Honey, as part of a mixture with unique properties, acts not only as a source of useful substances, but also as a conductor. Its physical characteristics make it possible to greatly enhance the effectiveness of biologically active ingredients. Even if there is no indication for taking the mixture, you can get a boost of energy from it that will last for the whole day.

Regardless of which recipe is used to prepare the nut-honey mass, it will give the following results:

  • Elimination of minor problems in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. The elasticity of the vascular walls increases, the heart muscle strengthens. This helps stimulate the heart, reducing the risk of heart attack. Unpleasant tingling sensations behind the sternum stop or become much less frequent.

Tip: The protein that walnuts are rich in is very different from their animal counterpart. It is absorbed faster and more completely by the body, providing muscle fibers with building material. Therefore, athletes should not replace this basic ingredient with any other nuts.

  • Normalization of psychological state. A mixture of nuts and honey can be used as natural antidepressants. They restore internal strength, improve mood, and restore good spirits. The mass relieves symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome and activates brain function.
  • Elimination of certain types of ailments. The nutritional mixture normalizes digestion processes, which helps fight constipation. The mass also increases appetite, which is very important if you are underweight. Systematic or course consumption of nuts with honey relieves insomnia and reduces migraine headaches.
  • Strengthening the immune system. Thanks to the abundance of vitamins and the ability to gently cleanse the intestines, nut and honey dessert increases the body's protective properties. For this reason, it is recommended to include it in the diet of adults and children before the start of the cold season.

The preparation, based on natural products, perfectly satisfies hunger and satisfies the body's need for sweets. If you put it on the menu, you can give up a lot of tasty, but not very healthy products and foods that have a negative impact on health.

The benefits of nuts with honey for men and women

Honey in combination with nuts has a special effect on the reproductive system of women and the male body. If you use a sweet dish as a medicine, you can solve a number of problems.

Nut-honey mixture is useful for women for the following reasons:

  1. The mass increases the sexual desire of the fair sex.
  2. It increases the likelihood of conception and even promotes healing from certain types of infertility.
  3. The product is also useful for nursing mothers. It not only enhances lactation without changing the composition of milk, but also helps to recover faster after pregnancy and childbirth.

The composition is no less useful for men. It stimulates blood circulation in the intimate area, which allows you to expect the restoration of a number of extinct functions. A course of taking nuts with honey increases libido, normalizes sexual function, improves the composition of seminal fluid, increasing sperm activity.

Nuts with honey in dietetics

Having studied the benefits and harms of nuts and honey, you can begin to introduce them into your diet. Many women are confident that sweet and high-calorie mass can be used for weight loss. This is a myth that has not been confirmed by practical results. Quite the opposite, violating the rules for using the product can cause extra pounds. To prevent this from happening to those who are trying to lose weight, the following rules must be strictly followed:

  1. Should not be added to classic recipe foods that will add calories to it.
  2. It is strictly forbidden to eat only honey with nuts, even if you manage to stay within the daily caloric intake. Such experiments lead to the development of allergies, gastritis, and the appearance of burns on the oral mucosa.
  3. Regardless of your diet, you should eat no more than 1 tablespoon of nuts with honey in the morning, washing them down with a glass of clean drinking water.
  4. Only half an hour after taking the composition can you start breakfast. You should not eat mass in any quantity during the day.
  5. After leaving the diet, you need to continue to eat honey according to the same pattern for about a month. This will help you stay on track with proper nutrition.

This approach to nutrition is relevant for men and women. To some extent, it even increases the effectiveness of the diet. The mood does not deteriorate, stressful situations do not occur, hunger does not torment so much.

The nuances of eating nut-honey mixture

To start treatment with a mixture of honey and nuts, it is not enough to choose a suitable recipe, prepare the mass and include it in the diet. You need to learn a few rules, adherence to which will help reduce all potential risks and get only benefits from traditional therapy:

  1. Nuts for the composition must be in shell. They need to be cleaned immediately before connecting the components. We take natural, liquid honey from the apiary. Honey mousses that are popular today will not work!
  2. You should not chop nuts; whole nuts will be more beneficial. If you want to separate them into large pieces, you should do this with your hands. But we definitely throw away the partitions.
  3. In the process of preparing the composition, metal containers and tools should not be used.
  4. The finished mixture should sit in the refrigerator for 2-4 weeks. It is better to cover it not with a nylon lid, but with a homemade one made of paper.
  5. Use the nut-honey mixture in the morning, on an empty stomach, 1 teaspoon or tablespoon.
  6. After a month of taking the product, you need to take a break of 2-3 weeks.

If you want to add auxiliary ingredients, you need to work with them according to the same scheme. Just don’t use more than 4-5 components. A lot in in this case doesn't mean good.

Harm of nuts with honey

Violation of the recommended dosages and rules for consuming nuts with honey can lead to the development of a number of side effects. They can be different - from the appearance of signs of an allergy that has never existed before to rapid weight gain. In addition, before starting therapy, you need to make sure there are no contraindications. These include:

  • Tendency to gain weight.
  • Diabetes.
  • Acute and some chronic diseases of the digestive system.
  • A history of food allergies.
  • Chronic heart and vascular diseases.
  • Respiratory problems.
  • Kidney or gallstones, inflammation of the gallbladder.
  • Inflammatory joint diseases.
  • Any dermatitis and pathological skin rashes.

Honey cake with nuts is a cake familiar from childhood. Previously, it was baked for the New Year, and for these purposes a special recipe, developed over time, was used. Nowadays such a treat is very often prepared for children's parties. very often found in restaurant menus and on the shelves of confectionery stores. But the most delicious treat is, of course, prepared with your own hands. Each housewife has her own “signature” way of preparing honey cake, but the technique and basic composition of the products remain common to most recipes.

Honey cake with nuts is good because it is prepared from the most affordable products. To prepare the cake, you can safely use candied old honey. It will still need to be melted, since it is needed only for the aroma and honey taste, and not for its benefits. The most important condition is that the honey is natural and has never been heated before. The taste of the cake may vary depending on the type of honey used. So, for example, buckwheat or acacia can make the taste of the treat more intense. The cream for honey cake with nuts can be anything. You can prepare cream with condensed milk and butter, sugar and eggs, sour cream, etc. Raisins are sometimes added to the cake dough, but this option is not suitable for those who like too sweet baked goods.

So how can you bake a delicious honey cake at home?? First of all, you need to master a method often used by housewives in cooking, such as a water bath. Melt butter with honey and sugar on it. The mixture should have a homogeneous semi-liquid consistency. Honey cake with nuts consists of several cake layers, each cake is baked separately in the oven. To make the baked goods soft, the cakes need to be slightly underbaked - this is one of the secrets of a delicious honey cake. Honey cake with nuts happens different types: With custard, with condensed milk, with chocolate filling, etc. Show your imagination and decorate the treat to your own taste, the main thing is to stick to the standard recipe. By the way, if you don’t want the cake to turn out too sugary, you can make a honey cake with.

The cake preparation time is about 1.5 hours.

  1. Two spoons of honey;
  2. Two eggs;
  3. 8 g baking powder;
  4. A glass of sugar;
  5. 420 g butter;
  6. Three glasses of flour;
  7. Walnuts - to taste;
  8. One and a half cans of condensed milk.

Cooking process:

  1. Place butter (or margarine) in a deep bowl and melt in a water bath. Once the butter has melted, add sugar and honey. Warm the mixture over moderate heat, stirring occasionally. The result should be a homogeneous honey-oil mixture.
  2. Next, add baking powder (or soda on the tip of a knife) to it. Continue heating the mixture, stirring, until it turns white and increases in volume. Remove the bowl from the stove and leave to cool.
  3. Break the eggs into the mixture and beat thoroughly. Add flour, knead soft elastic dough. Add chopped walnut kernels (pre-fried in a dry frying pan). Divide the dough into eight parts, roll them into cakes.
  4. If the dough turns out to be too soft and it’s difficult to roll it out with a rolling pin, you can put it in a greased pan and gently spread it along the bottom with your fingers. The cakes are baked at 180 degrees for 6-10 minutes. The cakes should be removed while they are not yet completely hardened - they should remain quite soft.
  5. While the cakes are cooling, make the cream. To do this, soften the butter and beat with a mixer until a homogeneous mass is formed. Then, without ceasing to beat, add boiled condensed milk to the butter and continue to beat until a fluffy consistency is obtained.
  6. Place the finished cooled cakes in a stack and trim off the uneven edges. Coat each cake with cream, also cover the sides with cream. Sprinkle the cake with chopped nuts or chocolate chips. Place the cake in the refrigerator to soak (ideally overnight).

If you are cooking, take care of the interesting design. You can use any nuts, grated chocolate or chocolate figures, candies, berries, some fruits, etc. for decoration. If you don’t have time to prepare a honey cake, buy ready-made honey cakes. In this case, all that remains is to prepare the cream, coat each cake with it and leave the cake to soak for several hours.

Even a novice housewife can handle making a honey cake with nuts. If you follow the presented recipe, the end result will be a delicious treat. Lush cakes, delicate cream And amazing combination nuts and honey will not leave indifferent even those who do not have a sweet tooth.

Prepare the dough. To do this, put honey, eggs and sugar in a bowl. beat until smooth (you can just use a whisk, without a mixer).

Add flour sifted with soda and mixed with ground hazelnuts. Mix the dough.

Divide the dough into 5-6 parts and bake the cakes. The easiest way to spread it is through the side of the springform pan: put it on parchment, put the dough in the circle and spread it with a spatula. We remove the board.

Place the parchment on a baking sheet and place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Bake for 7-9 minutes until golden brown. Repeat with the remaining dough.

We cut the cakes to one size and grind the scraps into crumbs.

Preparing the cream. To do this, combine room temperature butter with condensed milk and beat at low speed until smooth. Add sour cream and roasted and ground hazelnuts (be sure to fry - this gives a special taste to the cream), beat again.

Layer the cakes with cream.

Cover the sides and top of the cake with the remaining cream. Sprinkle with crumbs from the cake scraps.

Place the cake in the refrigerator overnight.

Before serving, let the cake stand room temperature about 15 minutes. Then cut and serve.

Enjoy your tea!

Hello my friends!

I think I won’t be opening America to anyone if I say that nuts with honey are very tasty, very nutritious and very healthy!

There are a huge number of recipes for a wide variety of mixtures with.

Let's figure out why nuts with honey are so beneficial, how they should be consumed and how to cook them correctly with your own hands.

From this article you will learn:

Nuts with honey - benefits and applications

Look how many combinations of nuts and honey I managed to remember:

  • walnuts with honey
  • dried apricots honey nuts
  • honey raisins
  • honey nuts dried apricots raisins
  • honey nuts prunes
  • raisins dried apricots nuts honey lemon etc.

Let's take a closer look at the main active components of these useful combinations.

What are the benefits of nuts?

  • Nuts are a storehouse of vitamins and microelements: B vitamins, vitamin A, E, P, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, potassium, sodium, etc. In terms of vitamin and mineral composition, they are superior to fruits!!!
  • Nuts are a source of easily digestible plant proteins and essential amino acids. For example, argenine, which is responsible for the elasticity of blood vessels.
  • Nuts are record holders for the amount of nutrients and vegetable fats, including healthy unsaturated fatty acids.
  • Nuts are powerful and slow down the aging process.
  • , as a rule, have a very low glycemic index, which allows them to be included in the diet for people with diabetes.

What are the benefits of honey?

I think everyone knows about the benefits of honey. I'll just say a few words.

Honey is a unique biologically active product that has a healing effect on the human body at the cellular level.

It has anti-aging, antibacterial, antitoxic, wound-healing, soothing, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, hypotensive and metabolic effects.

(Don’t forget that we are talking about), because pasteurization of honey neutralizes all the enzymes in it.

Honor and glory to the one who once combined these two components together, creating a mixture unique not only in taste, but also in health benefits!!!

At the same time, it is completely absorbed by the body, providing maximum beneficial effects.

Today, you can buy nuts with honey in any supermarket, or you can prepare it yourself by using your imagination and adding dried fruits, lemon, spices, and other healthy ingredients.

Recipes for preparing honey-nut mixtures for health

I suggest you consider possible options preparation of honey-nut mixtures in more detail.

Walnuts with honey

Perhaps this is one of the most common options.

This mixture has great nutritional value, since walnuts contain up to 80% healthy fats.

They contain a lot of phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, iodine and vitamin E.

Thanks to this, a mixture of walnuts and honey is especially effective for use during the recovery period after illnesses, for raising energy, during intense mental work, during periods of stress, for maintaining normal heart function, for enhancing metabolism and reduced potency in men.

There are options for adding dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes) to this mixture to improve the functioning of the digestive system and increase the proportion of potassium and magnesium, which we need for the normal functioning of the heart and nervous system.

You can add lemon to this mixture to enrich it with vitamin C.

Almonds with honey

This healing blend is best prepared if your main goal is to support your cardiovascular systems.

Almonds have more arginine, an amino acid that supports a healthy heart, than any other nut. It is also an excellent source of vitamin E (24 mg for every 100 g).

As you know, vitamin E is an antioxidant, a vitamin of youth, which is also necessary for the good functioning of our reproductive system.

In addition, almonds have the ability to cleanse the blood and remove bile.

Hazelnuts with honey

Hazelnuts are no less healthy than all other nuts and have all the beneficial properties of a nut.

An additional advantage of hazelnuts is its anti-carcinogenic properties, which are explained by the content of a special substance in the nuts - paclitaxel, which actively fights cancer cells in the body.

Therefore, you can safely combine hazelnuts with honey.

Peanuts with honey

Peanuts are one of the most common, but no less healthy nuts.

It is rich in fiber, B vitamins (thiamine and riboflavin), micro- and macroelements (iron, calcium, sodium, phosphorus), and also contains folic acid, which is involved in the renewal and restoration of cells in our body.

It is best to use roasted peanuts to prepare a mixture with honey, because when roasting peanuts, the amount of beneficial antioxidant polyphenols increases.

Pine nuts with honey

These small nuts are simply irreplaceable for vitamin deficiency, weight loss, they perfectly restore strength and increase immunity.

Therefore, this mixture should be eaten during the period of recuperation, when there is a lack of energy, vitamins, and reduced immunity.

How to cook nuts with honey?

In fact, there is nothing difficult about this; even a child can do it.

The most important thing is to take good honey and quality nuts.

  • Option #1

You can, of course, prepare each mixture separately.

To do this, mix shelled whole nuts with honey in a 2:1 ratio, pack in a jar and store in the refrigerator.

  • Option No. 2

But I do it differently.

I mix a handful of all the nuts I have in the house (walnut halves, almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, pine nuts, pecans and even), grind them in a blender and pour a good 2:1 ratio.

I mix everything.

If desired, I can add a glass of ground raisins, a handful of ground raisins and the juice of one lemon to this mixture.

But this mixture has a short shelf life, so you shouldn’t prepare it a lot.

How to eat nuts with honey?

Nuts are very high in calories, 4-5 kernels per day is a normal portion for an adult.

In combination with, this calorie content increases.

Therefore, it will be enough to consume 1 dessert spoon per day after breakfast.

For children, half a teaspoon per day will be enough.

Contraindications for use

Nuts with honey should be taken with caution by patients with diabetes mellitus and those who suffer from intolerance to bee products.

You can buy real organic high-quality nuts and dried fruits in a wide range, look and choose!

Now is the time to prepare such a mixture for the whole family and enrich your body with healthy nutrients!

Alena Yasneva was with you, be healthy and take care of yourself!

Cover photo @ Belish



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