An original way to make muffins in a slow cooker. Muffins in a multicooker Muffins in a multicooker silicone molds Redmond

An original way to make muffins in a slow cooker. Muffins in a multicooker Muffins in a multicooker silicone molds Redmond

With this delicious recipe muffin in a slow cooker Galina shared with me. Galina writes that the author of this recipe is a certain Frenchman who opened a chain of cafes in Riga with these cupcakes. And oddly enough, he shared the recipe on the magazine page. I halved the ingredients because... The slow cooker holds a maximum of 6 muffins, and the recipe was given for 12 muffins. So, if you want to bake muffins in the oven, increase the ingredients by 2.


  • butter - 65 g
  • sugar - 4 tablespoons (without slide)
  • flour - 1 full glass (or 137 g)
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • milk - 50 ml (cream can be used)
  • baking powder - 3/4 teaspoon
  • vanillin
  • raisins, candied fruits, chocolate or blueberries

Recipe for delicious muffins in a slow cooker:

Grind butter at room temperature with sugar and egg (you can beat it with a mixer).

Add milk, flour, baking powder and vanillin to this mixture. Knead the dough.

At the very end, add steamed raisins or candied fruits to the dough. Mix.

Fill silicone molds with dough. I didn't grease the molds with oil.

Place the filled molds into the multicooker bowl.

There was enough dough for five silicone molds.

Close the lid and set the “baking” mode.

Bake muffins in a slow cooker Panasonic 60 minutes.

Cool the finished muffins, remove from the molds and sprinkle with powdered sugar. Can be watered

Having placed a plate of chocolate muffins on the table, I experienced a somewhat strange feeling: could I really be able to bake such small muffins in a slow cooker?! The more I master the capabilities of my multi-helper, the more I am convinced that a multi-cooker in a modern woman’s kitchen can easily replace a stove, a steamer, and an oven. By skillfully using the modes that the miracle saucepan is equipped with, you can easily prepare porridges, casseroles, first and second courses, brew various drinks and bake wonderful pastries - from a banal apple charlotte to fragrant fluffy bread.

Personally, I was attracted by this recipe due to the complete absence of fat in the dough, which means that the calorie content of the finished product is low, which allows us girls to treat ourselves to a delicious dessert with a cup of coffee without painful remorse. It will also be relevant in situations where proteins need to be disposed of, so I think many housewives will take note of it.


  • 3 eggs (or rather 3 whites)
  • 0.5 cups sugar
  • 1/3 cup flour
  • 1 tbsp. cocoa
  • a pinch of vanillin (can be replaced with vanilla sugar)
  • a pinch of salt

Method for making muffins in a slow cooker

To make chocolate cupcakes you only need whites, so the first thing I do is separate the whites from the yolks.

I note that it is important that the eggs are cold - this way the whites will beat better. Then I immediately pour them into the bowl, add a pinch of salt and just beat lightly at medium speed with a mixer until soft peaks appear.

Now I increase the speed and, without stopping whisking, gradually add all the sugar little by little. Beat the whites with sugar until stable, dense peaks form.

Sift flour with cocoa and vanillin into a separate bowl,

then carefully, using folding movements, with a wooden spatula, mix the dry flour mixture into the protein mass.

I place the finished dough into silicone molds, filling only 2/3 of the molds, since it will rise during the baking process.

I place the preparations in the multicooker bowl and start the “oven” program with a temperature setting of 150 degrees.

After 30 minutes, the chocolate cupcakes are ready (I check if they are ready by piercing them with a wooden stick).

I am a huge chocolate lover, so I decided to decorate the cupcakes with chocolate icing, which I prepared while the baked goods were cooling. I won’t describe the process of preparing the glaze; you can easily find it on this wonderful culinary site.

I pour glaze over the cooled cupcakes, sprinkle with confectionery sprinkles, decorate with mint leaves and serve for tea.

The experiment was a success!

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Total comments 21:


    Good afternoon Oksana, is it possible to use paper molds instead of silicone molds?

    • Natalya, you need to try. I think it's possible.

    Amazing cupcakes that just melt and you can eat them with your lips! I cooked for 2 eggs approximately based on the amount of food. Thanks for the recipe!!!

    Can I leave vanilla out of the cupcakes?

  1. Please tell me, is it safe to cook with silicone molds on a ceramic bowl? Will there be any marks left on the bowl?

    • Place a sheet of baking paper under the molds - then you are guaranteed that there will be no marks left.

      • What is the power of your multicooker? I have Redmond M90, 860 W

  2. I did everything according to the recipe….for some reason the dough turned out a bit runny…and I added flour and raisins…. baking...waiting

    • Veta, how did it happen?

    I wanted to bake muffins. It turned out that I only have aluminum molds... can they be used in a slow cooker? Probably not

    • If you put something under them so as not to scratch the coating of the bowl, then you can.

Fragrant pastries are always present on the dinner table, but, due to the fast pace of life, most often they are played by representatives of store counters. So that you have something to snack on during the day at work or your kids at school, you should prepare muffins with chicken and mushrooms at home in advance. A natural homemade treat that you can take with you will save you from many health problems and significantly save your budget.

How to cook muffins in a slow cooker

Muffins are a great substitute for fast food. Preparing such a dish will not be difficult. You can involve your children in preparing fragrant baskets. Both for you and for them, a simple process will turn into a pleasant pastime.

  • Muffins are often confused with cupcakes, but they are two completely different types of baked goods. Muffin dough is prepared much faster, and the filling in them can be very different. It is very convenient to prepare such baked goods in a slow cooker. The main thing is to create the recipe correctly, and the “smart oven” will do everything for you.
  • Dough for donuts that will be cooked in a slow cooker is best made with kefir or fermented baked milk. The right oven temperature will make the baked goods soft and airy.
  • There is no need to open the lid every 5 minutes and monitor the rise and baking of the products. Such movements will only cause harm and the muffins will not bake. Place the molds in the multicooker, set the desired mode and wait for the signal. Now you can confidently take out the finished “buns”.

  • If you don’t have muffin tins on hand, you can make fragrant baked goods without them. Grease the multicooker bowl with vegetable oil, then pour the dough into it.

In the “Bake” mode, you can prepare a similar muffin only in a larger size. After that, cut it into squares and serve.

  • Prepare the meat ingredients for the muffins in advance. Boil, fry or use a prepared (for example smoked) meat product. Raw meat will definitely not cook inside the dough.
  • The best option for a slow cooker is to cook American muffins in it. They are made exclusively using baking powder. To bake 2-3 batches of these crumpets in a slow cooker, it will take no more than 1.5 hours.

Chicken muffins with mushrooms in a slow cooker


  • Kefir - 250 ml; + -
  • - 2 pcs.; + -
  • - 300 g; + -
  • - 1 pinch; + -
  • - 2 tsp; + -
  • Baking powder - 1 tsp; + -
  • - 300 g; + -
  • Pickled honey mushrooms- 200 g; + -
  • - 2 pcs.; + -
  • Greens - to taste. + -

How to cook chicken muffins in a slow cooker

The tradition of baking muffins appeared a long time ago. Once upon a time, one early morning, an English housewife prepared cakes for tea from the meat leftovers of the evening meal.

And now it’s hard to imagine a person who doesn’t like muffins. Making breakfast buns in a slow cooker is very convenient. You put the molds with the dough in the multicooker, and you go about your business.

  1. Cut the chicken meat into small cubes or divide it into thin fibers. Grind the pickled mushrooms in a blender. Peel the tomatoes, chop finely and place in a separate bowl. Drain the resulting juice from the tomatoes and only then add them to the dough.
  2. Pour slightly warmed kefir into a deep bowl and combine with eggs. Mix them with a whisk until smooth.
  3. Combine wheat flour with sugar, salt and baking powder. Mix the dry ingredients with the kefir mixture to create a liquid dough.
  4. Add chicken, tomatoes and mushrooms to the dough. Mix the mixture well, distributing the filling evenly. At this stage, add finely chopped herbs to the dough.
  5. Take suitable muffin molds (silicone or paper), grease them inside with vegetable oil, and then fill the molds 2/3 full with dough.
  6. Place molds (approximately 6-7 pieces, depending on the size of the multicooker) at the bottom of the multicooker bowl.
  7. Set the “BAKING” mode for 45 minutes. After the readiness signal, open the lid of the multicooker and leave the muffins in it for a few minutes.
  8. Then remove the finished products, release them from the molds and serve.

Chicken muffins are best served hot with butter, but when cooled they will not disappoint you with their taste. Green tea or any fermented milk product will perfectly complement golden brown baked goods.

Muffins in a slow cooker with mushrooms and smoked chicken

Donuts with smoked meats are suitable for all occasions: for a family breakfast, a friendly tea party or for a celebration. If you are decorating a buffet table, then these muffins will be the most popular treat. Therefore, we recommend preparing more of them.


  • Eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • Ryazhenka - 300 ml;
  • Flour - 1 tbsp;
  • Salt - 1 pinch;
  • Baking powder - 1.5 tsp;
  • Smoked chicken - 300 g;
  • Champignons - 150 g;
  • Basil - 2-3 sprigs.

How to cook muffins in a slow cooker with mushrooms and chicken

  1. First of all, prepare the filling: cut the smoked chicken into small cubes. You can use any part of the chicken: be it the breast or the ham.
  2. Boil mushrooms in salted water for 10 minutes. Drain in a colander, cool and cut into slices. Finely chop the fresh basil.
  3. In a separate bowl, knead the dough for future muffins. First, mix the eggs and fermented baked milk together, and then gradually add the wheat flour. Once kneading is complete, add salt and baking powder.
  4. Now add chicken, mushrooms and herbs to the dough. Mix thoroughly again and the mixture is ready for baking.
  5. Prepare your baking pans, then pour the dough into them. Do not fill the molds completely, leave room for rising.
  6. Place the filled forms in the multicooker bowl. Set the setting to BAKING and cook the muffins for 40 minutes.

Muffins with chicken and mushrooms are a pleasure to prepare, and even better, after a while, tasting them in pleasant company.

Step 1: Prepare the dough.

Place the butter in a mixer bowl and mash it thoroughly with a fork until it becomes soft. Attention: You can also pre-melt the butter in a water bath or simply in the bottom of a small saucepan. Now mix it with sugar and eggs. After the mass becomes more homogeneous, use a special strainer and, sifting, add flour, mix everything with vanilla and baking powder. Using a mixer, knead all ingredients until smooth and thick without lumps. The sugar should completely dissolve.

Step 2: Bake muffins in a slow cooker.

Using a tablespoon, place the muffin dough into special silicone molds; there is no need to grease them with oil before doing this. Place the still raw muffins on the bottom of the multicooker, close the appliance with the lid and select the mode "Bakery", and set the timer to 30-40 minutes. After your mechanical assistant signals that everything is ready, proceed to serving dessert on the table.

Step 3: Serve the muffins.

Remove the finished muffins from the molds as soon as they have cooled slightly. Place the dessert on a saucer, brew tea, coffee, cocoa or any other aromatic hot drink. Enjoy the treat yourself and treat others.
Bon appetit!

You can add bananas, apples, grated chocolate and even dried fruits to the muffin dough (after soaking them first).

The top of the muffins can be sprinkled with powdered sugar or ground nuts.

You can also put multi-colored paper “skirts” for cupcakes in silicone baking molds.

How to cook muffins in a slow cooker? Most of us are accustomed to the fact that such a dessert can only be baked in ovens, but this is not entirely true; muffins can also be prepared in a slow cooker. This will be especially convenient for those who do not have an oven or it does not work very well, also if you need to cook only a few pieces, but you don’t want to run a large oven because of this.

The longer we use a multicooker, the more it becomes clear that this kitchen assistant can easily replace a stove, oven, pot and pan. And the most important thing is that you just need to put the food and add spices, it will do the rest itself, nothing will burn, and it won’t run away.

Muffins originate in England, where they were invented as “little bread”. Today there are two main types of muffin preparation: English and American. In the first case, yeast is used to prepare the dough, and in the second, soda and baking powder are used. Which of these types to choose depends entirely on your taste. But no matter what you choose, the dessert turns out very tasty and light.

This recipe is very easy to follow and will also be of interest to those who try to use as little fat as possible in their dishes; there is none here at all. It will also be useful for those who, after preparing another delicious dessert, have unused proteins, since they are the ones used in the preparation of muffins according to this recipe. Remember, in order for the egg whites to beat well, they must be cooled by putting them in the refrigerator for about half an hour.


  • Egg whites – 3 pcs.
  • Sugar – 0.5 tbsp.
  • Flour – 1/3 tbsp.
  • Cocoa powder – 1 tbsp.
  • Vanillin (vanilla sugar)
  • Salt – a pinch.

How to cook:

  1. Beat the chilled whites with a pinch of salt until a stable foam forms. Add sugar and continue beating until smooth.
  2. In a separate bowl, mix sifted flour, vanillin or vanilla sugar and cocoa.
  3. Stirring gently, add the flour mixture to the whipped whites. You need to knead the dough with a wooden or plastic spoon, carefully, in one direction, without making sudden movements.
  4. Place the finished dough into the molds, filling them 2/3 full, since the muffins will increase in size and rise during baking.
  5. Place the filled molds in the multicooker bowl and turn on the “Baking” program. The approximate cooking time is 30 minutes, but it is better to base it on how your multicooker bakes.
  6. Ready-made cupcakes can be sprinkled with powdered sugar or topped with chocolate glaze.
Bon appetit!

Raisin muffins in a slow cooker

Muffins are English muffins, but very small in size. Initially, these were small breads, not sweet and less varied. Today they belong to a variety of sweet pastries and desserts and have many cooking options. Most often they are baked so that they fit in the palm of a person.

Delicate muffins filled with raisins, chocolate pieces or blueberries will be a wonderful breakfast or dinner. Everything is prepared very simply and quickly, and if a friend unexpectedly comes to chat with you, you can always please yourself with her delicious muffins.

This recipe makes a delicious and easy dessert of six muffins. If you need to prepare a larger number of cupcakes, then all ingredients need to be doubled.


  • Butter – 65g.
  • Sugar – 4 tbsp. (without slide)
  • Flour – 1 tbsp.
  • Egg – 1 pc.
  • Milk – 50ml.
  • Baking powder – 3/4 tsp.
  • Vanillin
  • Raisins, chocolate pieces, blueberries or candied fruits.



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