Dukan bran pancake. Dukan bran pancake recipe. How to bake your favorite oat pancake from Dr. Dukan

Dukan bran pancake. Dukan bran pancake recipe. How to bake your favorite oat pancake from Dr. Dukan

Pierre Dukan made a revolution in the world of beauty, namely in the nutrition system of many people, giving them both a well-fed life and a beautiful figure. Of course, some foods, especially in the initial stages of the diet, are not available. But you can make the same pancakes according to Dukan. Moreover, this will not harm your figure and will allow you to enjoy your favorite product.

Attack: pancakes

The Dukan diet is divided into specific stages. And the first of them is Attack, which is quite tough. But even there you can treat yourself to delicious pancakes. The attack is characterized by rapid weight loss, and all this in tandem with pancakes. Well, isn't it great?

Grocery list:

  • a pair of chicken eggs;
  • a couple of tablespoons of low-fat curd or cottage cheese;
  • double rate of skim milk;
  • 20 gram shot of boiling water;
  • a tablespoon of bran, which needs to be ground into flour;
  • sweetener to taste;
  • half a teaspoon of ripper.

How to do:

  1. Using a mixer, beat the eggs into a fluffy foam.
  2. Pour milk and liquid sweetener into them in a thin stream, whisking continuously.
  3. Now it’s time to add cottage cheese. Beat until lumps disappear.
  4. Mix the bran with the cultivator and add it to the main mass.
  5. Without stopping whisking, pour in boiling water.
  6. Let it stand for a quarter of an hour and you can start baking in a dry Teflon pan.

With bran and more...

Those losing weight according to Dukan know exactly their daily intake of certain foods. For this recipe, three such products are used: corn starch, skim milk powder, and oatmeal bran. Therefore, you need to be careful not to go too far according to your norm.

Grocery list:

  • a couple of tablespoons of oat bran;
  • half a tablespoon of corn starch;
  • a tablespoon of skim milk powder;
  • egg;
  • one and a half 50-gram shots of kefir;
  • water;
  • sweetener and flavoring to taste;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • a little ripper.

How to do:

  1. Using a fork, beat the chicken egg with salt and sweetener until smooth.
  2. Due to the fact that the pancakes are made with kefir, they turn out tender. Add it and mix. We introduce the ripper.
  3. Add bran and mix again, let it swell a little. A quarter of an hour will be enough.
  4. Mix starch and milk powder. Add them to the main mixture. If it turns out to be thick, add a little water to give it the desired consistency.
  5. Bake in a hot Teflon pan without using any fat. Do not make them too large, otherwise there is a risk of tearing them when turning them over.

Recipe for pancakes with starch, cinnamon and cottage cheese

Pancakes according to this recipe turn out to be very tender and simply melt in your mouth. It is also important that they are prepared with cinnamon, which is not only aromatic, but also helps with weight loss. If cinnamon isn't one of your favorite spices, just leave it out. And if you don’t use a sugar substitute, these pancakes will be an excellent base for filling with minced meat and onions. Even those who are not on a diet will appreciate this dish.

Grocery list:

  • a tablespoon of low-fat cottage cheese of soft consistency;
  • a couple of tablespoons of corn starch;
  • 100 gram shot of skim milk;
  • an incomplete 50-gram shot of boiling water;
  • a pair of chicken eggs;
  • a teaspoon of liquid sweetener;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • a pinch of cinnamon;
  • a pinch of soda.

How to do:

  1. Add eggs to the curd and mix.
  2. Add salt, soda, cinnamon and sugar substitute. Mix.
  3. Provide half the normal amount of milk. Mix.
  4. Add all the starch. Mix. The dough will be quite thick, as it should be. This will avoid the appearance of unwanted lumps in it, which spoil the whole taste of the pancakes.
  5. Dilute with the remaining milk and pour in boiling water, quickly stirring the dough.
  6. Bake pancakes in a dry frying pan.

You should get about 7 pieces of the most delicate pancakes.

Starch: pancakes with and without it

Traditional pancakes contain flour, which is not allowed on the Dukan diet. And most often it is replaced with starch in order to give the dough the necessary consistency. But sometimes you can do without it, you just need to add a mixture of bran to the recipe. These pancakes are perfect for filling them with meat with or without vegetables.

To prepare them, you need to mix the following products into a homogeneous mass and bake them in a dry frying pan:

  • a couple of tablespoons of oat bran;
  • a tablespoon of wheat bran;
  • half a teaspoon of ripper;
  • egg;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • a couple of tablespoons of kefir;
  • a tablespoon of soy isolate;
  • a tablespoon of bran flour;
  • water is needed to give consistency.

The recipe with starch is simpler. And most often, the products listed below are available at home in almost everyone losing weight according to Dukan.

For it, mix the following products and bake:

  • egg;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • sweetener for sweet pancakes;
  • a couple of tablespoons of cornstarch;
  • ripper on the tip of the knife;
  • one and a half 100 gram shots of kefir;
  • a third of a 100-gram shot of boiling water.

Pancakes with milk

These pancakes are very tender and are an excellent solution for a quick snack or breakfast. And with them your figure will not suffer one bit. The main thing is not to go over the daily allowance of acceptable but limited foods. And if this rule is followed, then your favorite delicacy will become available even for daily consumption.

Grocery list:

  • a couple of teaspoons of skim milk;
  • six teaspoons of skim milk powder;
  • two large chicken eggs;
  • a third of a sachet of ripper;
  • one and a half teaspoons of corn starch;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • sweetener optional.

How to do:

  1. Mix dry ingredients.
  2. In a separate bowl, beat milk and eggs.
  3. Combine both mixtures. Stir and leave to swell for a quarter of an hour.
  4. Fry in a hot and dry frying pan.

It turns out very tasty if you fill them with curd or meat filling.

Kefir pancakes

Also a very simple but delicious pancake recipe. You can eat them at least every day, because all food standards are met.

Grocery list:

  • a couple of tablespoons of oat bran;
  • a tablespoon of wheat bran;
  • 100 gram shot of low-fat kefir;
  • a tablespoon of starch;
  • a pair of chicken eggs;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • sugar substitute as desired and to taste;
  • a pinch of soda;
  • a little boiling water.

How to do:

  1. Mix the bran and pour kefir over it. Leave for a quarter of an hour for them to swell.
  2. Beat eggs with salt and sugar substitute.
  3. Add starch to them. Mix.
  4. Add the mixture to the bran component.
  5. Dissolve soda in a small amount of boiling water and add to the main dough.
  6. Cover with cling film and leave for another quarter of an hour.
  7. Mix. Then you can start baking pancakes.

Gorgeous pancakes for the Alternation stage (video)

To lose weight, you don't have to go hungry. And even everyone’s favorite Maslenitsa will not pass hungry and empty. After all, you can make pancakes according to your own recipes without breaking your diet. This means your body will continue to become beautiful and slim, while you will eat delicious pancakes. Dukan has developed a wonderful method of losing weight, and most importantly, it’s very tasty.

How to prepare a recipe for bran pancakes according to Dukan - a complete description of the preparation so that the dish turns out very tasty and original.

The Dukan diet is popular in European countries. Why, you ask? The reason is very simple - efficiency and long-term preservation of the result. Often - forever. The main food in this diet is animal protein, which is found in lean fish and meat, and then complex carbohydrates of fruits and vegetables are included in the diet. You can eat food throughout the day, at any time. It is not difficult to stick to it, since you can cook almost anything, for example, Dukan pancakes, and the dishes do not become boring, since there are many of them and they are very diverse.

Thin lace pancakes according to Dukan

Dukan pancakes with oat bran

Pancakes with bran are different from the ones we are used to - made from flour. We advise you to take oatmeal, not rye or wheat, as they are quite tender and are well suited for our baking. They will differ from the usual ones only in the oat flavor, but it is very pleasant. And if you eat it with unsweetened low-fat yogurt, you won’t notice the difference. Necessary ingredients: one egg, a third of a glass of low-fat kefir, one measuring spoon of sugar substitute, salt to taste, two spoons of oat bran, ground, one spoon of skim milk powder, half a spoon of corn starch, soda on the tip of a knife, a little water.

Cooking pancakes according to Dukan, recipe with oat bran

Lightly beat kefir with egg, salt and sugar substitute. Add oat bran and wait about five minutes until it swells. Then add corn starch and milk powder. Mix the mixture thoroughly until all lumps disappear. Turn on the stove, grease the frying pan with vegetable oil and let it heat up. By the way, just four to five drops of oil are enough, and in the case of a non-stick or ceramic frying pan, it is not needed at all. Meanwhile, add baking soda to the dough and mix well again. Dilute with warm water if the dough is thick and bring to the desired consistency. As soon as the frying pan has warmed up well, bake pancakes according to Dukan. Considering that the ground bran sinks to the bottom, it is recommended to mix the dough well each time before pouring the pancake. We remove the finished product with a thin spatula, there should be no problems. We try not to grease the pan anymore. According to this recipe, you should get five to six pancakes.

Recipe for making pancakes at “Ataka”

If anyone doesn’t know, “Attack” is the first, most crucial period of the Dukan diet, when a person loses maximum weight, and when the most stringent food requirements apply. To complete the recipe we will need: four tablespoons of skim milk, two tablespoons of low-fat cottage cheese, two eggs, a spoon of corn starch, three grams of sugar substitute, half a teaspoon of baking powder, vanillin and one spoon of boiling water. Now we’ll tell you how to cook pancakes according to Dukan on “Attack”. Add milk to beaten eggs, cottage cheese, baking powder, vanillin, sugar substitute and starch. Beat all these ingredients until smooth and add boiling water, stirring all the time. The consistency of the dough should be liquid. Grease a frying pan with a minimum amount of oil, heat it up and fry the pancakes. They are perfect for filling with yogurt and low-fat cottage cheese.

Dukan lace pancakes

The name itself speaks volumes about what a delicious dish awaits us. To prepare it you will need the following ingredients: one glass of skim milk, three eggs, baking soda or baking powder, corn starch - a teaspoon, skim milk powder - three tablespoons, sugar substitute and salt to taste. Cooking Dukan pancakes using starch. Using a mixer, beat the milk with the egg whites and eggs, then add all the dry ingredients. Mix thoroughly until there are no lumps left in the mixture. Let it brew for 10 minutes. Fry the pancakes on both sides, and grease the pan with paraffin oil. Bon appetit!

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Pancakes according to Dukan on attack

With bran (a mixture of bran, starch, milk powder)

Without bran (starch and curds)

Without starch (bran mixture)

With milk (milk powder, starch)

With kefir (a mixture of bran and starch)

Dukan pancakes are made from healthy ingredients. therefore they do not harm the figure. Even those who do not follow a diet like the taste of pancakes.

The Dukan diet prohibits flour, but at the same time leaves the opportunity to enjoy pancakes and bread. How to cook pancakes according to Dukan. We bring to your attention some recipes.

Pancakes according to Dukan on attack

Attack is the very first stage of the Dukan diet. It is during this period that active weight loss is observed. To prepare pancakes, take 2 eggs, a couple of tablespoons of low-fat soft cottage cheese, double the amount of skim milk, 20 ml of hot water. You will also need a spoonful of bran (heaped) - they need to be ground into flour. A sugar substitute (3 g) will help sweeten the pancakes, and baking powder (1/2 tsp) will add fluffiness.

Beat the eggs, add milk, sweetener, cottage cheese, baking powder and bran. After whipping the mixture, pour in a spoonful of boiling water and stir quickly. Fry the pancakes (the dough is quite liquid).

With bran (a mixture of bran, starch, milk powder)

This recipe for Dukan pancakes combines corn starch, milk powder and oat bran (0.5 tbsp/1 tbsp/2 tbsp). You will also need an egg (1 pc.), 80 ml of kefir, a little water (the norm is determined by consistency). A sugar substitute will add flavor to the pancakes. You can use a small amount of salt. To add fluffiness, you will need baking powder (1/2 tsp).

Beat the egg, sugar substitute, salt, kefir with baking powder. Add bran and stir. After this, add starch and milk powder. If necessary, pour in a little water. Fry the pancakes in a non-stick frying pan.

Without bran (starch and curds)

These Dukan pancakes contain cottage cheese and starch (1 tbsp/2 tbsp). To prepare them you will also need milk, boiling water and eggs (100 ml/40 ml/2 pcs.). Also use a sugar substitute (1 tablet), salt. Soda (on the tip of a knife) will add fluffiness to the pancakes. These pancakes go perfectly with meat, so prepare the filling from an onion, 300 g of minced meat and spices.

Beat the egg, cottage cheese, salt, sugar substitute, add milk and gradually add starch and soda. At the end, pour in a little boiling water. Bake pancakes (you will get 7-8 pieces).

Fry the onion in a non-stick frying pan, add minced meat, season and salt. Fry until done, adding water if necessary. Fill the pancakes with meat and roll them into an envelope.

Beat the egg with sugar substitute and salt, add 2 tbsp. corn starch, a pinch of baking powder. Dilute with kefir (150 ml), pour in 20 ml of boiling water.

Without starch (bran mixture)

Turn oat bran and wheat bran into flour (2 tbsp/1 tbsp). Add 0.5 tsp. baking powder. Beat the egg with salt and sugar substitute, add 2 tbsp. kefir, 1 tbsp. soybean isolate and bran flour. Bring to the desired consistency with water (if you do not dilute, you will end up with pancakes).

With milk (milk powder, starch)

You will need 1 tbsp. low-fat liquid and 3 tbsp. powdered milk. Also take 3 eggs, 1 tsp. baking powder and 1 tsp. corn starch. Use salt and sugar substitute to taste.

Combine dry ingredients. Beat the egg, dilute with milk, combine with the dry mixture, leave on the table for 10 minutes, after which you can fry. You can fill the pancakes with cottage cheese filling (rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, add a little milk and sugar substitute).

With kefir (a mixture of bran and starch)

Prepare a dry mixture of oat and wheat bran (2 tbsp/1 tbsp). Pour the mixture with 1 tbsp. kefir Leave for 60 minutes. Then add 1 tbsp. starch, 2 eggs, salt and sugar substitute. Dissolve a pinch of soda in 100 ml of boiling water and pour into the mixture. After 30 minutes the pancakes can be baked.

Dukan pancakes are prepared from healthy ingredients, so they do not harm your figure. Even those who do not follow a diet like the taste of pancakes.

Pancakes with kefir (stages 2, 3, 4 of the Dukan diet)

We combine all the ingredients. We add a sweetener if the pancakes have a sweet filling; if desired, you can also use a little vanilla.

Beat the dough with a blender, turning it on at maximum speed, for approximately 5-7 minutes - the resulting batter will bubble strongly, which will give the finished pancakes a delicacy.

Pour a little batter into a pancake pan (heat evenly and, if desired, grease with a drop of oil), distributing it evenly over the surface of the entire pan.

Fry on one side for a couple of minutes, turn over and let the pancake fry on the other side.

Serve ready-made kefir pancakes with any filling allowed on the Dukan diet to suit your taste (meat, cottage cheese, etc.). If desired, sweet pancakes can be topped with condensed milk or low-fat yogurt. Enjoy your meal!

Pancakes according to Dukan. Cooking recipes

The Dukan diet is popular in European countries. Why, you ask? The reason is very simple - efficiency and long-term preservation of the result. Often - forever. The main food in this diet is animal protein, which is found in lean fish and meat, and then complex carbohydrates of fruits and vegetables are included in the diet. You can eat food throughout the day, at any time. It is not difficult to stick to it, since you can cook almost anything, for example, Dukan pancakes, and the dishes do not become boring, since there are many of them and they are very diverse.

Thin lace pancakes according to Dukan

We offer a recipe for simple but very tasty pancakes that are perfect for your diet. For seven to eight pieces you will need: 60 ml of skim milk, 30 grams of corn starch, one egg, a sugar substitute, for example, a teaspoon of aspartame, two teaspoons of olive oil and a pinch of salt. In order to prepare pancakes according to Dukan, first of all you need to knead the dough. Mix the egg with milk and mix well. This can be done either with a fork or a whisk. Now the mixture needs to be brought to room temperature: 4-5 seconds in the microwave or let it stand indoors for half an hour. Then add sugar substitute, salt and starch. It is recommended to sift the starch through a sieve and mix everything with a whisk. As a result, the dough turns out to be liquid, but thanks to the egg and starch, the pancakes set quickly. It's time to fry pancakes according to Dukan. Heat a Teflon frying pan well and grease it with oil. We repeat this operation as necessary. Pour the batter into a frying pan, fry and wait for it to brown. It is best to remove the finished pancakes with a thin plastic spatula.

Dukan pancakes with oat bran

Pancakes with bran are different from the ones we are used to - made from flour. We advise you to take oatmeal, not rye or wheat, as they are quite tender and are well suited for our baking. They will differ from the usual ones only in the oat flavor, but it is very pleasant. And if you eat it with unsweetened low-fat yogurt, you won’t notice the difference. Necessary ingredients: one egg, a third of a glass of low-fat kefir, one measuring spoon of sugar substitute, salt to taste, two spoons of oat bran, ground, one spoon of skim milk powder, half a spoon of corn starch, soda on the tip of a knife, a little water.

Cooking pancakes according to Dukan, recipe with oat bran

Lightly beat kefir with egg, salt and sugar substitute. Add oat bran and wait about five minutes until it swells. Then add corn starch and milk powder. Mix the mixture thoroughly until all lumps disappear. Turn on the stove, grease the frying pan with vegetable oil and let it heat up. By the way, just four to five drops of oil are enough, and in the case of a non-stick or ceramic frying pan, it is not needed at all. Meanwhile, add baking soda to the dough and mix well again. Dilute with warm water if the dough is thick and bring to the desired consistency. As soon as the frying pan has warmed up well, bake pancakes according to Dukan. Considering that the ground bran sinks to the bottom, it is recommended to mix the dough well each time before pouring the pancake. We remove the finished product with a thin spatula, there should be no problems. We try not to grease the pan anymore. According to this recipe, you should get five to six pancakes.

Recipe for making pancakes at “Ataka”

If anyone doesn’t know, “Attack” is the first, most crucial period of the Dukan diet, when a person loses maximum weight, and when the most stringent food requirements apply. To complete the recipe we will need: four tablespoons of skim milk, two tablespoons of low-fat cottage cheese, two eggs, a spoon of corn starch, three grams of sugar substitute, half a teaspoon of baking powder, vanillin and one spoon of boiling water. Now we’ll tell you how to cook pancakes according to Dukan on “Attack”. Add milk to beaten eggs, cottage cheese, baking powder, vanillin, sugar substitute and starch. Beat all these ingredients until smooth and add boiling water, stirring all the time. The consistency of the dough should be liquid. Grease a frying pan with a minimum amount of oil, heat it up and fry the pancakes. They are perfect for filling with yogurt and low-fat cottage cheese.

Dukan lace pancakes

The name itself speaks volumes about what a delicious dish awaits us. To prepare it you will need the following ingredients: one glass of skim milk, three eggs, soda or baking powder, corn starch - a teaspoon, skim milk powder - three tablespoons, sugar substitute and salt to taste. Cooking Dukan pancakes using starch. Using a mixer, beat the milk with the egg whites and eggs, then add all the dry ingredients. Mix thoroughly until there are no lumps left in the mixture. Let it brew for 10 minutes. Fry the pancakes on both sides, and grease the pan with paraffin oil. Bon appetit!

Dukan pancakes with oat bran | Becoming slim is easy and pleasant!

Dukan diet recipes: Dukan pancakes with oat bran

Diet stages: from Cruise

Good afternoon friends! Dukan pancakes with bran are a little different from the flour pancakes we are all used to. I’ll say right away that it’s better to take oat bran, not wheat or rye. Oat bran is delicate and ideal for baking. In the absence of oat bran, you can, of course, try wheat bran, but they are much coarser, and our Dukan pancakes will be much less like “real” ones.

The only difference between these pancakes is that they have a light, pleasant oat flavor when eaten plain. With low-fat unsweetened yogurt or toppings, the flavor is virtually undetectable.

And yes, I’m a fan of pancakes with kefir, so it’s here!

This recipe is suitable for Cruise, but to cook it on Attack, you need to exclude corn starch and take 1.5 tablespoons of bran (instead of 2).

  • sweetener – 1 measuring spoon (fitparad)
  • salt - to taste
  • ground oat bran – 2 tbsp. spoons
  • skimmed milk powder 1.5% – 1 tbsp. spoon (=1/3 of the product from the list of additional ones)
  • corn starch - ½ tbsp. spoons (=1/2 of the product from the list of additional ones)
  • soda - on the tip of a knife
  • water - a little to get the desired consistency

online store DD 39.

Lightly beat the egg, kefir, sweetener and salt. Add ground oat bran (2 tablespoons on Cruise, 1.5 tablespoons on Attack) and let them swell slightly for 5 minutes. Next, add milk powder and corn starch (we don’t add starch on Attack). Mix everything thoroughly so that there are no lumps.

Now you can turn on the stove, grease the frying pan with vegetable oil and let it heat up. You need very little oil - 3-5 drops. If the frying pan is ceramic or non-stick, then you can do without oil.

Add soda to the dough and mix thoroughly again. If the dough seems thick, you can dilute it with warm water (or boiling water) to the desired consistency. I dilute it a little more thinly than usual because the cornstarch thickens when heated.

The pan has warmed up - let's start baking! Bran, even ground, sinks to the bottom, so before pouring a new pancake, the dough must be mixed thoroughly.

I didn’t notice any difficulties when baking; they came off quite normally, like regular ones. I greased the pan with oil only at the very beginning, once. You may need to grease more as you go, depending on the pan.

From the specified amount of products I get 4-5 pancakes with a diameter of 18 cm.

My favorite thing is Dukan pancakes with low-fat yogurt and fruit, what about you?

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Pancakes without flour | Becoming slim is easy and pleasant!

Dukan diet recipes

Diet stages: from Cruise

Pancakes without flour - again for the Dukan diet, and not only for it.

If pancakes with oat bran were prepared at random for the first time, and this combination of products turned out to be successful, then this recipe was found on the Internet.

To be honest, I tried it with slight trepidation. After all, the previous recipe that I tried to bake pancakes about two months ago discouraged me from trying anything new in pancake production for a long time. For the first time, the dough stuck tightly to the pan and did not want to form a golden crust. I had to tear it off, wash the frying pan and start over.

This time everything worked out! Thin pancakes with holes, very elastic. It’s convenient to wrap the filling in these – they don’t tear or break. I did find one drawback - an eggy aftertaste, although perhaps it just seemed that way to me. A filling with a bright taste will help you not to feel it. For example, minced beef, stewed with onions and tomatoes, or salmon. Or a sweet option - add a little cinnamon and more sweetener to the dough than in the recipe.

The quantity of products is calculated for one person. I forgot to indicate the phase of the diet - of course, Dukan does not allow corn starch on Cruise On Attack.

  • yogurt 0-1.5% (or soft curd 0-1.5%) – 1 tbsp. spoon
  • milk 1.5% – 3 tbsp. spoons
  • sweetener, salt - to taste
  • corn starch - 1 tbsp. spoon (=1 product from the list of additional ones)
  • soda on the tip of a knife

Pancakes according to Dukan | Fast weight loss

admin January 17th, 2014

Do you have a desire to snack on something tasty? But what stops you is the fact that not everything tasty is healthy?

You don’t have to stop and try healthy and therefore no less tasty Dukan pancakes with bran.

Oat bran is a cereal product that is completely natural, unprocessed, coarse and very useful in protecting against excess weight gain.

Nutritionist Dukan believes that bran should be consumed daily throughout your life.

Eating bran by the spoonful, even with kefir, sooner or later you will get bored and your stomach will ask for variety. That's when the Dukan pancake recipe comes in handy.

They are a little specific in taste, since they are prepared not from flour, but from bran. Although after frying the taste of bran is practically not felt, it can be completely extinguished with the filling or low-fat yogurt.

It is best to take bran for cooking not from rye or wheat, but from oatmeal. They are tender and perfect for baking.

Pancakes according to Dukan: recipes

Recipe No. 1 Pancakes with skim milk

oat and wheat bran, low-fat cottage cheese, 1 egg, skim milk, spices, seasonings and sweetener - to taste. It is not forbidden to add a little vanillin.

Method of preparation: mix all ingredients in a blender.

Add 5 drops of oil to a hot frying pan. Pour the dough into the pan and bake.

The pancake batter may turn out runny, but don't be alarmed.

To prepare them, it is optimal to use a frying pan with a smaller diameter - they cook faster and do not tear when removed from the frying pan.

Tender, thin and holey curd pancakes cannot be greased with oil, which is why it will be satisfying to prepare the filling for them.

Filling option: mix no more than one hundred grams of low-fat cottage cheese and 50 ml of yogurt (50 ml) with sweetener and vanilla to taste.

It is important to control the thickness of the filling. Do not overdo it with yogurt - otherwise the filling will leak out of the pancakes.

You can use yogurt not only with regular yogurt, but also with pieces of fruit, and also replace it with kefir.

Dukan pancakes with kefir

egg, 1/3 cup low-fat kefir, 1 tsp. sugar substitute, 2 tbsp ground bran, 1 tbsp milk powder (skimmed), ½ tbsp cornstarch, a pinch of soda and salt, water to form a soft consistency.

Preparation procedure: beat the egg, sweetener and kefir. You don't need to beat it too hard, lightly is enough. Leave the bran in the mixture for 5 minutes to swell.

After the allotted time, add milk and starch. Mix vigorously, add soda.

If the dough seems thick, you need to add water. If desired, you can add cocoa, then the pancakes will turn out chocolate.

Grease the frying pan with oil. You shouldn't pour too much of it. Just 5 drops are enough. We start baking in a preheated frying pan.

A nuance - the bran sinks to the bottom of the bowl, so before scooping up a new portion of the dough, the mass must be mixed.

You should get 5 pancakes (18 cm in diameter). By adding low-fat yogurt with fruit, you can serve.

Dukan diet stage 2 cruise recipes

Dukan attack diet recipes

Diet for gastroduodenitis menu recipes

Bran pancakes

Bran pancakes are for those who care not only about taste and health. Great combination benefits for the figure and taste!

Ingredients required per serving:

Bran 2 tablespoons

Chicken egg 1 piece

Low-fat cottage cheese 1.5 tablespoons

Cooking method:

1. Mix bran, cottage cheese and egg (or only its white).

2. Heat a non-stick frying pan and pour all or half of the dough onto it, depending on what size pancakes you like. Fry for one and a half minutes on each side until golden.

3. Serve for breakfast, as a snack or as a side dish to any hot dish.

Classic thin oat bran pancakes according to Dukan

Egg - 1 pc.

Milk (0%) – 150 ml

Salt - a pinch

Olive oil (for lubrication) - 1 tbsp.

Oat bran - 50 g

Sugar substitute - to taste

How to cook thin pancakes according to Dukan: step-by-step recipe

The flatbreads that are made according to this original recipe are no different from those that we bake from regular wheat flour.

They are suitable for the Cruise diet stage. You can eat only half a serving per day, leaving the second for the next day.

First you need to turn the bran into flour. If you have a coffee grinder at home, this is not at all difficult.

Mix milk with egg, sweeten and salt.

Now you need to mix the egg mixture with the resulting flour and mix well.

Baking delicious oat bran pancakes according to Dr. Dukan does not take too much time if you have a good non-stick pancake maker. To avoid the dough sticking, do not forget to grease the bottom with a drop of vegetable oil before each pancake.

You can serve this healthy and tasty treat with either minced meat stewed under a lid or low-fat sour cream. In any case, the treat will be appreciated, and not only by those who are on a diet.

Dukan oatmeal pancake: breakfast for your loved one


Oat bran - 1 tbsp;

Wheat bran - 1 tsp;

Egg - 1 pc.;

Curd (0%) - 1 tsp;

Milk (0%) - 3 tbsp;

Sugar substitute - to taste;

Salt - a pinch.

How to bake your favorite oat pancake from Dr. Dukan

First, mix the two types of bran, then add the curd mass.

Separately prepare the milk-egg mash, salt and sweeten it. Combine both parts of the dough and mix until smooth.

It is advisable to fry the flatbread in a dry frying pan, like a pancake.

If you don’t have non-stick cookware at home, you can drop some olive oil on the bottom.

The pancake is surprisingly good on its own and with low-fat cottage cheese as a filling. And if you sprinkle cinnamon on top, you’ll have to share your breakfast with your family!

Pancakes with cottage cheese according to Dukan: recipe without starch


Liquid milk (skimmed) - 150 ml;

Eggs - 1 pc.;

Oat bran - 7 tbsp;

Soda - ¼ tsp;

Salt and sugar substitute - to taste;

Cottage cheese (low-fat) - 150 g;

Cinnamon - a pinch.

Homemade pancakes with cottage cheese according to Dukan

Using a coffee grinder, we obtain bran flour and mix all the products except cottage cheese and cinnamon. We make a filling from them, which can also be slightly sweetened.

You can bake pancakes without oil in a frying pan with a special non-stick coating and low sides - this makes it easy to turn them over. If you don’t have such a vessel on your household, you can use a regular one, but its bottom should be thick to evenly distribute the heat.

Fill original bran pancakes prepared at home with filling and roll them into tubes or triangles.

Dukan Diet: Fluffy Oat Bran Pancakes


Medium-sized eggs - 2 pcs.;

Oat bran - 2 tbsp;

Corn starch - ½ tbsp;

Soft cottage cheese (without fat) - 2 tbsp;

Yogurt (0%) - 3 tbsp;

Baking powder soda - 0.5 tsp;

Sweetener Mildford - 4 tablets.

Homemade fluffy oat bran pancakes

Sweetener tablets need to be turned into powder, combine bran, starch with it, add cottage cheese and yogurt.

We bake the pancakes by greasing the pan bottom with olive or sunflower oil using a paper napkin, removing the excess.

Low-fat sour cream is an excellent addition to the treat.

To lose weight and bring your mortal body into the desired shape, you have to impose a strict taboo on many goodies. But Dukan’s dietary homemade pancakes made from oat bran are very welcome, since they are not at all dangerous for the waist. And losing weight “with taste,” as practice shows, bears fruit much faster!

How to bake Dukan pancakes with kefir

Typically, in classic pancake recipes, flour is an essential component, but what could we do without it, because it is wheat or other grain milling that is the basis of our favorite, most delicious flatbreads.

As for Dukan baked goods, we will act rationally. Of the cereal products, we are only allowed oat bran or corn starch. These are the ones we will focus on.

Pancakes "Dukan" with kefir and bran

You can prepare very tasty diet pancakes at home using this recipe. But it is worth remembering that the use of additional supplements (skimmed milk powder and starch) is allowed only from the alternation stage.

In terms of taste, Dukan pancakes with kefir are quite pleasant, and after frying, the specific bran or starchy taste is completely lost, and we can enjoy our traditional Maslenitsa treat without a twinge of conscience.


Chicken eggs - 1 pc.;

Low-fat kefir - 80 ml;

Sweetener 0 calories - ½ tsp. or 1-2 tablets;

Oat bran - 2 tbsp;

Skimmed milk powder (SMP) - 1 tbsp;

Corn starch - ½ tbsp;

Soda - ¼ tsp;

Salt - ¼ tsp;

Water - 50-100 ml;

How to make Dukan pancakes with kefir

First, let's prepare a kind of flour from the bran by grinding it in a coffee grinder. After this, we begin kneading the dough.

Beat the egg into a container and, using a mixer, mix with kefir and sugar substitute until smooth.

Soak ground oat bran in the mixture for 5 minutes, and after the allotted time, add skim milk powder, corn starch and soda to the main mixture.

Our dough turns out to be quite thick, and therefore, without ceasing to stir the dough, add water into it until the consistency of liquid sour cream is obtained. If desired, you can add 1 tbsp to the main pancake mixture. low-fat cocoa powder, then we will have a chocolate dessert.

Now grease the hot frying pan with oil and begin to fry the pancakes on both sides over medium heat.

As a result, we should have 5-6 pancakes, which can be served with low-fat fruit yogurt or low-carb jam.

Dukan pancakes with kefir without bran

Kefir 1% or 0% fat - 1 glass

Corn starch - 2-2.5 tbsp.

Dietary sweetener - to taste (2-3 tablets per 1 liter)

Baking soda or baking powder - 0.5 tsp.

How to prepare a recipe for bran pancakes - a complete description of the preparation so that the dish turns out very tasty and original.

Recipe for making tender bran pancakes step by step

The recipe for making pancakes has been known for a very long time. This is evidenced by a wide variety of proverbs that arose a very, very long time ago. For example, one of them: “Where there are pancakes, here we are; where the pancakes are, that’s fine.” There is also a Russian folk song dedicated to pancakes. Its name is as follows: “Oh, my pancakes. “. All this proves that pancakes originated several centuries ago. Pancakes are prepared in different countries, each using its own method, and with a variety of fillings, both sweet and savory. Pancake batter also varies in consistency from liquid to thick, which determines the thickness of the pancakes. Basically, pancakes are round in shape, but it is also interesting that a square pan for pancakes was invented, therefore, there are also square pancakes. Pancakes made with oat bran are not only delicious, but also healthy at the same time. To prepare the most delicate pancakes with oat bran, we need to mix granulated sugar, vanilla sugar, flour, table salt and soda in one container. This is our dry mixture. Next, you need to add chicken eggs to the dry mixture and beat with a mixer for about 35 seconds to obtain a homogeneous mass. Heat the milk to 40 degrees. Then pour the warm milk into the dough in a stream and continue beating with the mixer.

The next step is to add oat bran and mix the mixture thoroughly. Leave the dough on the counter at room temperature for 10 minutes to allow the oat bran to expand.

After 10 minutes, put the frying pan on gas and heat it up. As soon as the pan is heated, pour a little dough and distribute it evenly over the surface of the pan. In general, bran-based pancakes are fried like regular pancakes. The only difference is that this dough needs to be stirred more often, since the oat bran settles to the bottom. Fry the pancakes on both sides and place them on a plate on top of each other.

We serve the finished pancakes warm, for example, with sour cream, condensed milk or jam, that is, your choice. Beautifully decorated ready-made pancakes can also be served at a formal table.

Analysis of a dish based on ingredients

The Dukan diet prohibits flour, but at the same time leaves the opportunity to enjoy pancakes and bread. How to cook pancakes according to Dukan. We bring to your attention some recipes.

Pancakes according to Dukan on attack

Attack is the very first stage of the Dukan diet. It is during this period that active weight loss is observed. To prepare pancakes, take 2 eggs, a couple of tablespoons of low-fat soft cottage cheese, double the amount of skim milk, 20 ml of hot water. You will also need a spoonful of bran (heaped) - they need to be ground into flour. A sugar substitute (3 g) will help sweeten the pancakes, and baking powder (1/2 tsp) will add fluffiness.

Beat the eggs, add milk, sweetener, cottage cheese, baking powder and bran. After whipping the mixture, pour in a spoonful of boiling water and stir quickly. Fry the pancakes (the dough is quite liquid).

With bran (a mixture of bran, starch, milk powder)

This recipe for Dukan pancakes combines corn starch, milk powder and oat bran (0.5 tbsp/1 tbsp/2 tbsp). You will also need an egg (1 pc.), 80 ml of kefir, a little water (the norm is determined by consistency). A sugar substitute will add flavor to the pancakes. You can use a small amount of salt. To add fluffiness, you will need baking powder (1/2 tsp).

Beat the egg, sugar substitute, salt, kefir with baking powder. Add bran and stir. After this, add starch and milk powder. If necessary, pour in a little water. Fry the pancakes in a non-stick frying pan.

Without bran (starch and curds)

These Dukan pancakes contain cottage cheese and starch (1 tbsp/2 tbsp). To prepare them you will also need milk, boiling water and eggs (100 ml/40 ml/2 pcs.). Also use a sugar substitute (1 tablet), salt. Soda (on the tip of a knife) will add fluffiness to the pancakes. These pancakes go perfectly with meat, so prepare the filling from an onion, 300 g of minced meat and spices.

Beat the egg, cottage cheese, salt, sugar substitute, add milk and gradually add starch and soda. At the end, pour in a little boiling water. Bake pancakes (you will get 7-8 pieces).

Fry the onion in a non-stick frying pan, add minced meat, season and salt. Fry until done, adding water if necessary. Fill the pancakes with meat and roll them into an envelope.

Beat the egg with sugar substitute and salt, add 2 tbsp. corn starch, a pinch of baking powder. Dilute with kefir (150 ml), pour in 20 ml of boiling water.

Without starch (bran mixture)

Turn oat bran and wheat bran into flour (2 tbsp/1 tbsp). Add 0.5 tsp. baking powder. Beat the egg with salt and sugar substitute, add 2 tbsp. kefir, 1 tbsp. soybean isolate and bran flour. Bring to the desired consistency with water (if you do not dilute, you will end up with pancakes).

With milk (milk powder, starch)

You will need 1 tbsp. low-fat liquid and 3 tbsp. powdered milk. Also take 3 eggs, 1 tsp. baking powder and 1 tsp. corn starch. Use salt and sugar substitute to taste.

Combine dry ingredients. Beat the egg, dilute with milk, combine with the dry mixture, leave on the table for 10 minutes, after which you can fry. You can fill the pancakes with cottage cheese filling (rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, add a little milk and sugar substitute).

With kefir (a mixture of bran and starch)

Prepare a dry mixture of oat and wheat bran (2 tbsp/1 tbsp). Pour the mixture with 1 tbsp. kefir Leave for 60 minutes. Then add 1 tbsp. starch, 2 eggs, salt and sugar substitute. Dissolve a pinch of soda in 100 ml of boiling water and pour into the mixture. After 30 minutes the pancakes can be baked.

Dukan pancakes are made from healthy ingredients. therefore they do not harm the figure. Even those who do not follow a diet like the taste of pancakes.

Pancakes according to Dukan. Cooking recipes

The Dukan diet is popular in European countries. Why, you ask? The reason is very simple - efficiency and long-term preservation of the result. Often - forever. The main food in this diet is animal protein, which is found in lean fish and meat, and then complex carbohydrates of fruits and vegetables are included in the diet. You can eat food throughout the day, at any time. It is not difficult to stick to it, since you can cook almost anything, for example, Dukan pancakes, and the dishes do not become boring, since there are many of them and they are very diverse.

Thin lace pancakes according to Dukan

We offer a recipe for simple but very tasty pancakes that are perfect for your diet. For seven to eight pieces you will need: 60 ml of skim milk, 30 grams of corn starch, one egg, a sugar substitute, for example, a teaspoon of aspartame, two teaspoons of olive oil and a pinch of salt. In order to prepare pancakes according to Dukan, first of all you need to knead the dough. Mix the egg with milk and mix well. This can be done either with a fork or a whisk. Now the mixture needs to be brought to room temperature: 4-5 seconds in the microwave or let it stand indoors for half an hour. Then add sugar substitute, salt and starch. It is recommended to sift the starch through a sieve and mix everything with a whisk. As a result, the dough turns out to be liquid, but thanks to the egg and starch, the pancakes set quickly. It's time to fry pancakes according to Dukan. Heat a Teflon frying pan well and grease it with oil. We repeat this operation as necessary. Pour the batter into a frying pan, fry and wait for it to brown. It is best to remove the finished pancakes with a thin plastic spatula.

Dukan pancakes with oat bran

Pancakes with bran are different from the ones we are used to - made from flour. We advise you to take oatmeal, not rye or wheat, as they are quite tender and are well suited for our baking. They will differ from the usual ones only in the oat flavor, but it is very pleasant. And if you eat it with unsweetened low-fat yogurt, you won’t notice the difference. Necessary ingredients: one egg, a third of a glass of low-fat kefir, one measuring spoon of sugar substitute, salt to taste, two spoons of oat bran, ground, one spoon of skim milk powder, half a spoon of corn starch, soda on the tip of a knife, a little water.

Cooking pancakes according to Dukan, recipe with oat bran

Lightly beat kefir with egg, salt and sugar substitute. Add oat bran and wait about five minutes until it swells. Then add corn starch and milk powder. Mix the mixture thoroughly until all lumps disappear. Turn on the stove, grease the frying pan with vegetable oil and let it heat up. By the way, just four to five drops of oil are enough, and in the case of a non-stick or ceramic frying pan, it is not needed at all. Meanwhile, add baking soda to the dough and mix well again. Dilute with warm water if the dough is thick and bring to the desired consistency. As soon as the frying pan has warmed up well, bake pancakes according to Dukan. Considering that the ground bran sinks to the bottom, it is recommended to mix the dough well each time before pouring the pancake. We remove the finished product with a thin spatula, there should be no problems. We try not to grease the pan anymore. According to this recipe, you should get five to six pancakes.

Recipe for making pancakes at “Ataka”

If anyone doesn’t know, “Attack” is the first, most crucial period of the Dukan diet, when a person loses maximum weight, and when the most stringent food requirements apply. To complete the recipe we will need: four tablespoons of skim milk, two tablespoons of low-fat cottage cheese, two eggs, a spoon of corn starch, three grams of sugar substitute, half a teaspoon of baking powder, vanillin and one spoon of boiling water. Now we’ll tell you how to cook pancakes according to Dukan on “Attack”. Add milk to beaten eggs, cottage cheese, baking powder, vanillin, sugar substitute and starch. Beat all these ingredients until smooth and add boiling water, stirring all the time. The consistency of the dough should be liquid. Grease a frying pan with a minimum amount of oil, heat it up and fry the pancakes. They are perfect for filling with yogurt and low-fat cottage cheese.

Dukan lace pancakes

The name itself speaks volumes about what a delicious dish awaits us. To prepare it you will need the following ingredients: one glass of skim milk, three eggs, baking soda or baking powder, corn starch - a teaspoon, skim milk powder - three tablespoons, sugar substitute and salt to taste. Cooking Dukan pancakes using starch. Using a mixer, beat the milk with the egg whites and eggs, then add all the dry ingredients. Mix thoroughly until there are no lumps left in the mixture. Let it brew for 10 minutes. Fry the pancakes on both sides, and grease the pan with paraffin oil. Bon appetit!

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Recipes for various dietary pancakes - oat, rye, bran

Oddly enough, even if you are on a diet, you can continue to pamper yourself and your loved ones with delicious treats, for example, diet pancakes without flour, you can also prepare rye or buckwheat diet pancakes. Here are the best recipes for diet pancakes for those who like “easier”. So, how to bake diet pancakes, the caloric content of which will not exceed the permissible limit? About this in the article.

From this article you will learn:


The desire to lead a healthy lifestyle and eat right deserves respect. Therefore, as a sign of support, various dietary pancakes are offered below, the recipes of which will not allow you to deviate from the intended course. They are discussed step by step, which will greatly facilitate the cooking process. Or maybe someone prefers chickpeas or pancakes made from oatmeal or whole grain flour. Although there are still a lot of original recipes: with cheese, with banana, with the addition of bran, which can be created with water, with kefir. These pancakes are thin, incredibly tasty and contain only those ingredients that are acceptable on the Dukan diet. Dietary pancakes, the recipes for which are presented below, will conquer any heart!

Diet oat pancakes recipe

To prepare an oat pancake you will need a minimum of ingredients, time and skills. This is a clear example of making diet pancakes without flour, but with oatmeal.

  • Oatmeal – 1 tbsp.
  • Skim milk – 0.5 l.
  • Purified water – 0.25 l.
  • Natural honey – 2 tsp.
  • Eggs – 2 pcs.
  • Salt to taste.
  1. Prepare food and dishes, then cook porridge with oatmeal in water and milk, cool it and puree it using a blender.
  2. Then beat the eggs.
  3. Add a little melted honey, beaten eggs, salt to the oatmeal puree, mix again.
  4. The dough is ready, now you can fry oatmeal pancakes.
  5. This should be done on a hot frying pan. There is another recipe for diet oat pancakes.

Oatmeal pancakes with banana

This treat will appeal to all those with a sweet tooth; their calorie content is minimal, so eating this treat will not harm your figure. Banana-oat pancake is an incredibly delicious dessert. And it is prepared not from oatmeal, but from oatmeal.

Photo: pancakes with banana, oatmeal and cinnamon

  • Oatmeal – 1 tbsp.
  • Ripe large banana – 1 pc.
  • Almonds – 1 handful.
  • Vanillin – 1 tsp.
  • Skim milk – 0.5 l. (you can take soy).
  • Baking powder – 0.5 tsp.
  • Cinnamon – 0.5 tsp.
  • Nutmeg – 0.5 tsp.
  1. Place the necessary kitchen utensils and utensils on the work surface.
  2. Arm yourself with a blender, grind nuts and oatmeal in it, add baking powder and spices to the mixture.
  3. Wash the banana, peel it, mash it with a fork in a separate container, pour milk into the banana puree, beat in the egg, add vanillin, mix.
  4. Now you can pour the dry mixture into the milk-banana mixture, knead well and start baking pancakes in a heated frying pan.
  5. This is how you can get a delicious and fluffy treat, similar to an American pancake, step by step.

Diet pancakes made with kefir and bran

Kefir is an essential component of delicious baked goods. Pancakes made with kefir with added bran are a godsend for the housewife!

Photo: diet pancakes with kefir and bran

  • Low-fat kefir – 1 tbsp.
  • Egg – 2 pcs.
  • Bran – 2.5 tbsp. l.
  • Soda – 0.5 tsp.
  • Sugar and salt to taste (maximum 1 tsp).
  1. Get everything you need to create the dish.
  2. Pour the bran into the prepared container, pour kefir over it and let it brew for 1.5 hours.
  3. After the time has passed, beat the egg in a separate bowl, pour it into the swollen bran, add soda, salt and sugar, knead well and start frying in a hot frying pan.
  4. Diet pancakes made with kefir and bran are tasty, healthy and low in calories.
  5. The Dukan diet does not allow the use of flour in food, so this version of pancakes will be ideal.

Diet semolina pancakes recipe

  • Wheat flour – 1 tbsp.
  • Semolina – 1 tbsp.
  • Skim milk – 1 tbsp.
  • Eggs – 4 pcs. (only whites are needed).
  • Olive oil – 2 tbsp. l.
  • Salt – 1 pinch.

After the food and utensils are placed on the table, you can begin the cooking process. First, you should bring the milk to a boil, stirring, pour semolina into it, then pour in the oil, stirring continuously, bring the porridge until cooked, set aside and let cool. Meanwhile, separate the yolks from the whites, mix the whites with sifted flour and salt, then add the semolina mixture, knead the dough thoroughly and start frying.

Dietary wheat-rye pancakes with cheese and herbs

These pancakes are useful primarily because they are made from whole grain flour. They turn out thin and very appetizing.

  • Wheat flour – 50 gr.
  • Rye flour – 50 gr.
  • Low-fat milk - 1 tbsp.
  • Olive oil – 1 tsp.
  • Purified water – 1 tbsp.
  • Egg – 2 pcs.
  • Cheese – 50 gr. (you can take, for example, suluguni).
  • Salt to taste.
  • Any greens at your discretion - 1 bunch.

Put on the table everything you need to create delicious diet pancakes. Grate the cheese on a fine grater, then chop the herbs, pour the processed products into a deep bowl, add eggs, butter, milk to them, mix everything, then slowly add flour, add water, salt, break up the lumps with a whisk and knead the dough. Pancakes should be baked in a hot frying pan without oil.

Video recipe: light breakfast pancakes with oat bran

Oatmeal pancakes recipe: video

Rye pancakes video: easy recipe

Pancakes without flour: with kefir and bran

Dietary pancakes, the recipes for which were described above, are far from the limit! You can prepare dietary vegetable pancakes; in Finnish cuisine they are called “Pannukakku”. The vegetable filling will be cabbage, onions, carrots, tomatoes, herbs with the addition of your favorite spices. Dietary vegetable pancakes may well become the main trump cards of any table.

If you want to prepare a dish with an interesting dark color, you can make pancakes from buckwheat flour. These dietary pancakes are prepared very simply and the recipe is available to everyone who wants to enjoy this unusual treat. Those who love experiments will also enjoy the original chickpea pancakes, which, by the way, can also be dietary. These are not all the best diet pancake recipes!

Try these pancake recipes!

Now you know how to bake diet pancakes! Eat healthy!

Hearty bran pancakes

Bran has become one of the main components of a healthy diet. In the Dukan diet they are generally the main product.

And if previously it was believed that a diet meant starving and eating tasteless food, now the requirements for dishes have changed. They are expected to provide not only obvious benefits, but also excellent taste and attractive appearance.

Well, why not treat yourself to delicious and healthy pancakes made from this healthy product?

Bran pancakes, recipe

Wheat and oat bran - 1 bran each

Milk - ½ cup

Boiled sausage – 150 gr

Salt, spices - to taste

Oil - 1-2 tbsp. spoons

Regular store-bought bran is a rather hard product, so it must be pre-soaked. If it is finely ground high-quality bran without large impurities, then it is enough to pour milk over it for 1-2 hours. If the bran is from farmers, then it is best for morning pancakes to let them swell overnight.

Beat in 2 eggs and beat everything well until smooth. Thick dough needs to be diluted with milk. If the dough is too liquid, you need to adjust the amount of egg; perhaps 1 piece will be enough. If you have completely overdone it with milk, then a spoonful of flour or potato starch will save the situation.

Grate the boiled sausage on a coarse grater. Sausage can be replaced with crab sticks or boiled chicken breast. Then these components will need to be chopped with a knife.

Place the sausage into the dough. Salt and season everything with spices. Any dry herbs will add an additional flavor to the dish.

Mix carefully and you can bake pancakes. It is best to make them small, placing 2-3 pieces on a frying pan.

For frying, it will be enough to grease the pan with oil 1-2 times, and then you can bake the pancakes just like that.

Place bran pancakes on a plate and serve with sour cream or ketchup. They go very well with capers. They taste best when hot, so there is no need to prepare them for future use.

If you replace the salt with sugar and the sausage with an apple, you will get sweet dessert pancakes for tea. Try it and enjoy!

You may also be interested in:

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  • How to cook pancakes with kefir
  • 1 comment on the article

    04/26/2016 | 1:18 dp

    Hello, I really liked the recipe, I will definitely make it. I’ve already tried several recipes for other pancakes, but they didn’t work out very well. I hope these work out

    How to cook bran pancakes according to Dukan

    In the spring, we so want to please ourselves and those around us, and we actively begin to lose weight, providing ourselves with many gastronomic joys. However, food is also a source of positivity, so sometimes it’s worth allowing yourself figure-friendly Dukan pancakes with bran, the recipe for which is very simple. A minimum of products, just a little effort - and on Maslenitsa you can enjoy surprisingly tender pancakes without the slightest harm to your figure.

    We offer several options for home-cooking healthy dietary pancakes according to Dukan, the recipe for which even a novice housewife can master.

    Instead of flour, we suggest using waste from processing oat grains, since they contain enough proteins. They have a very positive effect on the body, helping it cope with hunger and cleanse itself.

    Classic thin oat bran pancakes according to Dukan

    How to cook thin pancakes according to Dukan: step-by-step recipe

    The flatbreads that are made according to this original recipe are no different from those that we bake from regular wheat flour.

    They are suitable for the Cruise diet stage. You can eat only half a serving per day, leaving the second for the next day.

    1. First you need to turn the bran into flour. If you have a coffee grinder at home, this is not at all difficult.
    2. Mix milk with egg, sweeten and salt.
    3. Now you need to mix the egg mixture with the resulting flour and mix well.
    4. Baking delicious oat bran pancakes according to Dr. Dukan does not take too much time if you have a good non-stick pancake maker. To avoid the dough sticking, do not forget to grease the bottom with a drop of vegetable oil before each pancake.

    You can serve this healthy and tasty treat with either minced meat stewed under a lid or low-fat sour cream. In any case, the treat will be appreciated, and not only by those who are on a diet.

    Dukan oat pancake: DIY breakfast

    Those of us who are not lazy to stand at the stove in the morning will find this original recipe useful. Bran, cottage cheese, cinnamon - the most healthy combination. To ensure there is enough food for two, we recommend taking double quantities of food.

    • Oat bran – 1 tbsp;
    • Wheat bran – 1 tsp;
    • Egg – 1 pc.;
    • Curd (0%) – 1 tsp;
    • Milk (0%) – 3 tbsp;
    • Sugar substitute - to taste;
    • Salt – a pinch.

    How to bake your favorite oat pancake from Dr. Dukan

    • First, mix the two types of bran, then add the curd mass.
    • Separately prepare the milk-egg mash, salt and sweeten it. Combine both parts of the dough and mix until smooth.
    • It is advisable to fry the flatbread in a dry frying pan, like a pancake.

    If you don’t have non-stick cookware at home, you can drop some olive oil on the bottom.

    The pancake is surprisingly good on its own and with low-fat cottage cheese as a filling. And if you sprinkle cinnamon on top, you’ll have to share your breakfast with your family!

    Pancakes with cottage cheese according to Dukan: recipe without starch

    • Liquid milk (skimmed) – 150 ml;
    • Eggs – 1 pc.;
    • Oat bran – 7 tbsp;
    • Soda – ¼ tsp;
    • Salt and sugar substitute - to taste;
    • Cottage cheese (low-fat) – 150 g;
    • Cinnamon – a pinch.

    Homemade pancakes with cottage cheese according to Dukan

    Using a coffee grinder, we obtain bran flour and mix all the products except cottage cheese and cinnamon. We make a filling from them, which can also be slightly sweetened.

    You can bake pancakes without oil in a frying pan with a special non-stick coating and low sides - this makes it easy to turn them over. If you don’t have such a vessel on your household, you can use a regular one, but its bottom should be thick to evenly distribute the heat.

    Fill original bran pancakes prepared at home with filling and roll them into tubes or triangles.

    Dukan Diet: Fluffy Oat Bran Pancakes

    • Medium-sized eggs – 2 pcs.;
    • Oat bran – 2 tbsp;
    • Corn starch - ½ tbsp;
    • Soft cottage cheese (without fat) – 2 tbsp;
    • Yogurt (0%) – 3 tbsp;
    • Baking powder soda – 0.5 tsp;
    • Sweetener Mildford – 4 tablets.

    Homemade fluffy oat bran pancakes

    1. Sweetener tablets need to be turned into powder, combine bran, starch with it, add cottage cheese and yogurt.
    2. Next, add baking powder and mix all the ingredients to get a pancake base. It should stand for 10-15 minutes.
    3. We bake the pancakes by greasing the pan bottom with olive or sunflower oil using a paper napkin, removing the excess.

    Low-fat sour cream is an excellent addition to the treat.

    To lose weight and bring your mortal body into the desired shape, you have to impose a strict taboo on many goodies. But Dukan’s dietary homemade pancakes made from oat bran are very welcome, since they are not at all dangerous for the waist. And losing weight “with taste,” as practice shows, bears fruit much faster.

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    daily value of gluten

    1/2 the norm of oat bran

    Oh, how I rejoiced when I baked my first pancakes for the diet: “Oh! No flour! We got it. They're baking!"

    Now I realize how terrible and tasteless they were! A random recipe from the Internet could only impress a person who had never tried diet pancakes.

    Over time, and with the advent of experience, the pancakes turned out better and better. They really, without any stretch, were similar to traditional ones.

    The more pancakes I baked, the more clearly I noticed one wonderful proportion.

    Now I will tell you about it.

    Let's divide the ingredients for pancakes into three conventional parts - eggs, liquid part, dry part .

    Now more details about each.

    Eggs— I always take large or very large ones — 2 pcs .

    Liquid part- milk, kefir, liquid yogurt, thick yogurt + milk, yogurt, milk + cottage cheese... Take two eggs 200 g .

    Dry part- starch, gluten (I stopped making it with isolate - I don’t like the taste of it in pancakes). To get easy-to-bake pancakes you need 30 g. Here are a few clarifications. If you bake pancakes with more viscous liquids, such as kefir or liquid yogurt, then simply take 30 g of starch or gluten. If you are using milk, then strengthen the dough. How? add to it either 10 g of oat bran flour, or take milk, for example, in half with cottage cheese (100 g of milk + 100 g of soft curd or 100 g of milk and 100 g of thick yogurt). This way the consistency of the dough will be pleasant and the pancakes will be easy to bake.

    I tried different proportions, you can bake pancakes with a smaller amount of starch in the dough, 20 g, for example, but sometimes such pancakes can be capricious, and a beginner will give up altogether, thinking that the recipe is not suitable.

    It is important that the ingredients in all pancake recipes are calculated so that the food norms do not exceed those allowed for 1 day, or are less, allowing you to prepare, for example, a dessert sauce with starch. It is very comfortable. You can, of course, bake double the amount at once and eat it in two days.

    I try not to use a lot of bran when baking pancakes; it is also needed in other recipes. I'm saving :)

    It's also worth mentioning the frying pan. A small frying pan with a good (not necessarily expensive, just new, not scratched) Teflon coating (15-17 cm bottom diameter) will greatly contribute to your success. I bake pancakes in two pans at the same time. Top diameter 24 cm, bottom diameter approx. 17. Along with kneading the dough, it takes me about 20 minutes to make a batch of pancakes.

    Well, now, actually, a recipe for thin pancakes made with milk and oat bran flour.

    I use factory flour, fine grinding gives a uniform dough. If you have the opportunity to buy it, do it, don’t bother grinding the bran.

    • Milk – 200 g
    • Eggs - 2 pcs.
    • Gluten – 30 g
    • Oat bran (oat bran flour) - 10 g
    • Sakhzam - to taste
    • Salt - 1/3 tsp.

    Yield - 11-13 pcs.

    To avoid the formation of lumps in the dough, knead in this order.

    Mix gluten, bran flour, salt.

    Add milk, stir with a whisk.

    Add eggs, stir.

    The dough flows like very thin kefir.

    Let it sit for a while.

    We bake traditionally, in a well-heated frying pan.

    Before the first pancake, you need to grease it with oil.

    Subsequently lubricate as necessary. In a good frying pan, usually one more time or not even required.

    Before turning over, the pancake must be thoroughly baked to strengthen. Make the fire quiet.

    We bake on one (if for spring rolls) or two sides.

    The pancakes are very thin and hold any filling well.

    Hello, Du-nyasha! I want to thank you for the wonderful recipe for these pancakes! They are really very gentle. I have to make a double portion, since my SON (not on a diet) really loved these pancakes. I also bake traditional ones for him, but he says, “I want your pancakes!” I make a mini pancake cake, coat each pancake with cream. I don’t even know what to call this cream, I came up with it from many recipes, or rather, it was adapted to suit me. For 150-200 grams of skim milk, add 10 g of CC, a tablespoon of COM, sugar to taste, 2 tsp. agar-agar, 5/6 drops aromatic boiled condensed milk (if desired, you can add dope-free cocoa, you get chocolate cream). In general, I boil it until thick, let it cool and coat each pancake. Once there was chocolate cream left over, it was a pity to throw it away, I put it in the freezer. It turned out to be ice cream! In general, thank you very much for your recipes.

    Angelica, thank you for your feedback!

    It's difficult to turn them over. That's why they're thick. I weighed all the products. Everything according to the recipe

    Vika, a good frying pan with a small diameter and well heated.
    Well, practice, of course) I bake in two pans very easily.
    Try letting the dough sit. Perhaps it will be easier for you with swollen bran.
    You can add up to 30 g of bran flour, and when you get the hang of it, reduce it gradually.

    Hello! I read the recipe and I really wanted pancakes! I mixed all the ingredients and realized that I wanted yeast pancakes!)))) I added. And I didn’t regret it. The pancakes turned out just lacy, melting in your mouth. I replaced some of the gluten with isolate, so I like it.))) Everyone complains about the unpleasant taste, but for some reason it’s the opposite for me, the isolate is fine, but the gluten is not very good. Next time I'll try to make it with just isolate.
    Thank you again for such great recipes! The best part is that based on them you can experiment and create endlessly.

    Fluffy milk pancakes without yeast recipe

    The Dukan diet is a great way to not only lose weight, but also improve your health. After all, if you maintain a balanced diet, the body is able to “launch” the internal processes of healing and rejuvenation. But how not to go astray and stick to a strict diet for a long time? To solve this problem, there are many dishes that will help you maintain your diet and make the menu attractive. Such delicacies include pancakes and pancakes, the taste of which many remember from childhood. If you think that these dishes are completely non-dietary, then with the help of our tips you will be convinced of the opposite.

    Semi-finished products from the store - are they allowed according to Dukan?

    Often, while following the Dukan diet, the question arises: “Why specifically prepare something by purchasing low-fat, low-calorie foods? After all, ready-made semi-finished products can be purchased in the store, which just need to be heated.”

    However, factory-made preparations are completely unsuitable for the strict Dukan diet. In addition to the fact that they contain large quantities of prohibited substances, such as sugar and animal fats, processed foods can harm digestion. After all, it is during a strict diet that the body is especially vulnerable and needs a balanced menu. Therefore, if you decide to treat yourself to pancakes, feel free to go to the store, but not to purchase frozen ready-made goods, but to buy dietary ingredients.

    To make the pancakes thin and light, and the pancakes fluffy, you need to follow some recommendations:

    • What is the difference between pancake batter and that prepared for pancakes? Traditionally, it has a more liquid consistency; soda or yeast are usually added to the classic version for pancakes; other components may be similar. It is better to entrust mixing the ingredients for pancake dough to the means of “small” kitchen equipment - a mixer or blender, so you can achieve perfect homogeneity. During this process, ensure that the consistency of the dough is appropriate:
      • for pancakes - it should flow from a spoon like thick sour cream; when ready, the pancakes look like fluffy small cakes;
      • for pancakes - a more liquid consistency is required, which will allow you to quickly distribute the poured dough over the surface of the frying pan, the finished pancakes are flat and thin;
    • pancakes can be baked in a small frying pan, then low-fat sour cream, yogurt or honey are served with them in gravy boats to make it convenient to dip the rolled pancakes;
    • Pancakes of the traditional size “about the size of a large plate” are also prepared for stuffing; various fillings can be wrapped in them.

    How to cook at different stages

    The Dukan diet goes through several stages:

    1. The attack is short and effective. Duration - 2–10 days. Everyone has their own individual indicators, so the number of days may vary. Depends on how many kg you need to lose. At this stage, protein products are allowed.
    2. Alternation (cruising) - this is where the most basic weight loss occurs. Plus - 28 vegetables are added to the list of permitted products from the first phase. The list includes tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers, zucchini, cabbage.
    3. Consolidation - will allow you to maintain the result achieved in the previous stages.
    4. Stabilization is the final stage of the diet. The basic rules and principles of the diet are aimed at preserving and maintaining results for life.

    Dukan diet - video


    Pancakes and pancakes are easy and quick baked goods, perfect for this strict phase.

    Dairy products

    Minimal fat milk or kefir. Curdled milk is suitable, as well as whey - you like what you like best, the main thing is that everything is low-fat. From dairy products, you can add cottage cheese or yogurt to pancakes (just don’t forget about the fat content).

    Pancake flour, starch or bran?

    The Dukan diet limits the use of flour, so cornstarch or bran is usually used for pancakes and pancakes. The “signature” difference of the Dukan diet is the introduction of oat bran, which is unusual for the Russian table, into the recipe. Therefore, stock up on bran from oats in the store, so you can fulfill the requirements of the diet with special care.


    When planning to bake pancakes, do not forget about eggs: at almost all stages of the Dukan diet, cooking eggs is allowed. On Ataka, however, you are allowed to eat only one meal a day, and even then without protein. With one beaten yolk you can make an excellent pancake batter.

    Vegetable oil for frying

    To prepare pancakes, you need a minimum of oil, just to grease the pan. But for pancakes, it is advisable to use more oil, otherwise they will not be baked.

    “But in Ataka, for example, vegetable oil is practically prohibited, no more than a teaspoon per day!” - the attentive reader will notice. That’s right, so for this stage it’s better to hold off on pancakes and limit yourself to diet pancakes. And for them, take no more than one teaspoon of vegetable oil, ideally it should be cold-pressed olive oil.

    Sugar, salt and spices

    Sugar, of course, cannot be used, but you can do without it: take the sweetener that you have on hand during your Dukan tea party. Spices - there are no special restrictions here.

    Before adding the sugar substitute in tablets to the dough, you need to thoroughly grind it to a powder, then it will quickly dissolve during the preparation of the pancake dough.


    If a pancake recipe calls for filling, it must be prepared strictly following the Dukan rules: cottage cheese, cheese, meat, and fish should be low-fat.


    At this phase, you can use vegetables, which means there are many more filling options for pancakes. In addition, additives in the form of vegetables, grated or prepared as a puree, can be added to the dough itself.

    A pleasant “creamy” color of the dough for pancakes and pancakes in the Cruise phase will be provided by whole chicken eggs (white + yolk).

    Another good news: at this stage, it is also allowed to slightly increase the daily amount of vegetable oil - up to one tablespoon. So now you can bake pancakes.


    It becomes possible to add flour to the dough, but you shouldn’t get carried away with it. It is best to combine bran with wholemeal flour - this is very useful for proper digestion.

    During the setting phase, fruit is allowed, and you can safely add applesauce to the pancake batter.


    If you were able to withstand a long, complex diet and have reached the Stabilization phase, then as a “bonus” Pierre Dukan allows classic pancakes, and in your favorite form: with sour cream, jam, and pancakes can be baked by kneading the dough with yeast or soda.

    Pancake recipes

    Pancakes are easy and quick to prepare, and the whole family will love the results.

    Pancakes with kefir (basic recipe for all stages)

    What you will need:

    • low-fat kefir - 200 ml;
    • corn starch - 30 g;
    • egg yolk - 2 pcs.;
    • salt - 1/3 tsp;
    • sugar substitute - to taste;
    • olive oil - 1 tsp.

    Mix kefir and starch thoroughly. Grind the yolks and add to the prepared mixture. Add salt, sugar substitute.

    Heat a frying pan over medium heat, grease with oil. Pour the batter into the center of the pan using a large spoon, spreading it over the surface in a circular motion. Wait until the bottom surface becomes golden brown and turn over with a spatula. Remove the finished pancake onto a flat plate.

    • proteins - 4.6 g;
    • fats - 7.5 g;
    • carbohydrates - 12.1 g;
    • calorie content - 134.5 kcal.

    If the pan has a non-stick coating, use a special spatula to turn it over to avoid damaging the surface.

    Dukan pancakes with milk

    Let's prepare the necessary components:

    • skim milk - 60 ml;
    • corn starch - 30 g;
    • egg - 1 pc.;
    • olive oil – ½ tsp.

    Mix milk and starch, making sure there are no lumps. Add beaten eggs. Warm it up a little, you can use a microwave oven for this, 5 seconds will be enough. Add the rest of the ingredients, mix thoroughly and bake the pancakes.

    • proteins - 5.8 g;
    • fats - 7.1 g;
    • carbohydrates - 19.8 g;
    • calorie content - 166.1 kcal.

    On serum

    What you will need:

    • serum - 100 ml;
    • egg - 2 pcs.;
    • sugar substitute and salt - to taste;
    • olive oil – ½ tsp.

    Beat the eggs, gradually adding whey, then starch. Lastly, add salt and sugar substitute. Fry in a non-stick frying pan, lightly greased with oil.

    • proteins - 6.5 g;
    • fats - 5 g;
    • carbohydrates - 5.1 g;
    • calorie content - 91.8 kcal.

    Pancakes with bran on kefir


    • low-fat kefir - 80 ml;
    • corn starch - ½ tsp;
    • powdered milk - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • oat bran - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • egg - 1 pc.;
    • baking powder – ½ tsp;
    • sugar substitute and salt - to taste;
    • boiled water - as much as needed (prepare 1 tbsp.);
    • olive oil - 1 tsp.

    Beat the egg and, stirring carefully, gradually add all the ingredients. Bring the prepared dough with boiled water to the consistency of “liquid sour cream” and prepare pancakes, frying on both sides in a heated frying pan. Serve with low-fat sour cream.

    • proteins - 9.7 g;
    • fats - 10.2 g;
    • carbohydrates - 11.5 g;
    • calorie content - 176.9 kcal.

    Sweet pancake cake according to Dukan

    This dish is very tasty and festive; we recommend that Dukan fans prepare this cake to pamper themselves during a strict diet.

    Pancake dough ingredients:

    • low-fat soft cottage cheese - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • eggs - 2 pcs.;
    • low-fat kefir - 3 tbsp. l.;
    • soda - 1 g;
    • sugar substitute - 1 g;
    • boiled water - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • salt - to taste;
    • olive oil - 1/3 tsp.

    For the Boiled Condensed Milk cream:

    • skimmed milk powder - 3 tbsp. l.;
    • low-fat milk - 200 ml;
    • corn starch - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • instant coffee - 1 tsp;
    • sugar substitute - to taste.

    Cooking method:

    1. Beat the eggs and gradually add the rest of the ingredients.
    2. Boil the water, and at the end of mixing all the ingredients, pour in boiling water until you get a “pancake” consistency.
    3. Fry the pancakes in a lightly oiled frying pan.
    4. Mix the ingredients for the cream and place in the microwave for 10–15 minutes. From time to time we check how thick the cream is and stir. Once it is thick enough, remove and cool.
    5. Grease the pancakes with cream and leave in the cold for 1 hour.
    • proteins - 7.4 g;
    • fats - 5.7 g;
    • carbohydrates - 24 g;
    • calorie content - 177.3 kcal.

    Dietary pancake cake according to Dukan - video


    Some recipes called “pancakes” contain products that are not used to prepare the traditional and familiar fluffy flatbreads. For example, the basis of the dough for such pancakes is not kefir or milk, but minced meat or fruit and vegetable puree. “Non-classical” pancakes are popular among fans of the Dukan diet.

    Kefir pancakes


    • corn starch - 60 g;
    • low-fat kefir - 300 ml;
    • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
    • dry yeast powder – ½ tsp;
    • baking powder – ½ tsp;

    Gently mix kefir and yeast, set aside for 10 minutes. Add the remaining ingredients, do not add baking powder yet. Wait another half hour. Heat a frying pan, mix the dough with baking powder and spoon the dough into oval cakes. When the underside is browned, carefully flip over and cook until cooked through.

    A light and tasty breakfast on the Dukan diet - pancakes with low-fat kefir

    The recipe can be used for all stages of the diet; for Attack, instead of whole eggs, take only yolks and 350 ml of kefir.

    • proteins - 4.9 g;
    • fats - 2.6 g;
    • carbohydrates - 13.5 g;
    • calorie content - 97.4 kcal.

    Bran and cinnamon pancakes (suitable for Attack)


    • oat bran - 3 tbsp. l.;
    • egg - 1 pc.;
    • cinnamon - 2 g;
    • baking powder - 0.5 tsp;
    • sugar substitute and salt - to taste;
    • olive oil – ½ tsp.

    Mix all the ingredients and let the dough rest for 10 minutes. Bake in a preheated frying pan, lightly grease it with oil.

    Adding cinnamon to the pancake batter gives the dish a spicy kick.

    • proteins - 10.6 g;
    • fats - 7.4 g;
    • carbohydrates - 9.3 g;
    • calorie content - 146.4 kcal.

    Dukan pancakes with cottage cheese and bran

    Prepare the products:

    • low-fat soft cottage cheese - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • low-fat yogurt - 3 tbsp. l.;
    • eggs - 2 pcs.;
    • oat bran - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • corn starch - 1 tsp;
    • baking powder – ½ tsp;
    • sugar substitute and salt - to taste;
    • olive oil - 1 tsp.

    Mix all products thoroughly, avoiding the formation of lumps. Leave the dough to rest for 10 minutes. Moisten a paper towel with olive oil and prepare the pancakes by brushing it onto a hot frying pan.

    Soft cottage cheese and yogurt make the pancakes tender and fluffy

    • proteins - 11 g;
    • fats - 10.3 g;
    • carbohydrates - 7.3 g;
    • calorie content - 166 kcal.

    Remember that dietary requirements limit the number of eggs per week to 3.

    With pumpkin jam (starting from the Cruise)

    We will need:

    • low-fat cottage cheese - 100 g;
    • corn starch - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • pumpkin jam - 5 tbsp. l.;
    • egg - 2 pcs.;
    • sugar substitute and salt - to taste;
    • vanillin - 1 g;
    • olive oil - 1 tsp.

    Prepare the dough for pancakes, first beat the eggs. Mix in jam, sugar substitute, then add thoroughly mashed cottage cheese, starch and vanillin. When the dough reaches the desired degree of viscosity, fry the pancakes in a hot frying pan. The finished pancakes have an interesting orange color and an unusual aroma.

    • proteins - 8.5 g;
    • fats - 2.3 g;
    • carbohydrates - 20.5 g;
    • calorie content - 188.1 kcal.

    Liver pancakes

    We prepare products:

    • chicken liver - 0.5 kg;
    • egg - 1 pc.;
    • onion - 1 pc. (50 g);
    • carrots - 1 pc. (75 g);
    • oat bran - 4 tbsp. l.;
    • olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • salt - to taste.

    Cooking method:

    1. Peel the carrots and onions.
    2. Cut the onion into small cubes, and you can grate the carrots.
    3. Fry a little in a frying pan with 1 tsp. oil, then add 2 tbsp. l. water and simmer until done, covering with a lid.
    4. Grind the liver in a blender; a meat grinder will also work.
    5. Add bran, egg and salt.
    6. Add stewed carrots and onions to the resulting mixture and let the dough sit for half an hour. The bran will swell and the pancakes will turn out fluffy.
    7. Fry in a greased frying pan until a beautiful golden crust forms.
    • proteins - 10.2 g;
    • fats - 13.9 g;
    • carbohydrates - 7.8 g;
    • calorie content - 197.4 kcal.

    American curd cupcakes with bran and yogurt

    Low-calorie but very tasty Dukan baked goods also include American cupcakes - cute little cupcakes that are prepared in special molds.

    Try a delicious and light dessert - American cupcakes, which are allowed on the Dukan diet

    What you will need:

    • low-fat soft cottage cheese - 200 g;
    • low-fat yogurt - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • eggs - 2 pcs.;
    • corn starch - 3 tbsp. l.;
    • oat bran - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • baking powder - 1/4 tsp;
    • sugar substitute and salt - to taste.

    Mix all the products, fill the molds halfway and place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 20 minutes. After the cupcakes are removed from the molds, you need to turn them over and add yogurt into the indentations with a spoon.

    Adding oat bran to the cupcake dough makes this baked product a real hit of the Dukan Diet.

    • proteins - 12.1 g;
    • fats - 8.2 g;
    • carbohydrates - 14.5 g;
    • calorie content - 180.2.

    Chicken breast according to Dukan - video

    Don't give up your favorite treats on the way to health and a slim figure. May the dishes you prepared during the Dukan Diet be delicious and make the whole process easy. Dietary pancakes and pancakes prepared according to our recipes will help you with this. Happy weight loss!



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