Boiled rice technological map of DOW. Proper pilaf - three recipes: with chicken, chickpeas and seafood. In a saucepan on water

Boiled rice technological map of DOW. Proper pilaf - three recipes: with chicken, chickpeas and seafood. In a saucepan on water

Product Name

Weight, g

Chemical composition

Energychemical value, kcal



or pollock*

or mackerel*

Wheat bread

Bulb onions

Weight of semi-finished product


or vegetable oil

Finished product weight

* Consumption rates are given for cod, gutted and headless pollock, and undivided mackerel.

** Mass of boiled carrots.

For diets No. 1,2,5,7,8,9, 10.

Cooking technology. Skinless and boneless fillets are cut into pieces and passed through a meat grinder twice. The second time is passed along with white stale bread soaked in milk, boiled carrots and blanched onions. Add a raw egg and salt to the mixture, mix everything well and form cutlets. The products are placed in a saucepan, greased with butter or vegetable oil, in one row, a little hot fish broth is added and simmered at a low boil with the lid closed for 25 minutes. Fish broth is prepared from fish waste (skin, spine and rib bones).

Served with side dish and sauce.

Serving temperature - 65 *C.

Quality requirements. The products have retained their shape, without cracks. The cut mass is homogeneous, loose, juicy. The color is white with a gray tint, the taste and smell of poached fish. The taste of sour bread is not allowed. If served with sauce, add the sauce on the side.

Technological map No. 191 Name of dish: Boiled rice

Product Name

Weight, g

Chemical composition

Energypriceness, kcal



Rice groats


For diets No. 5,7, 10, 15 (7.10 - without salt).

Cooking technology. The rice is sorted and washed several times in warm water.

The prepared rice cereal is poured into boiling salted water (6 liters of water, 40 g of salt per 1 kg of rice) and boiled at low boil. When the grains swell and become soft, place the rice on a sieve and allow the water to drain. Then the rice is transferred to a baking sheet in a layer of 3-4 cm, seasoned with hot butter, mixed and heated in an oven at a temperature of 160 ° C for 5-7 minutes.

Supply temperature - 65 0 C.

Quality requirements. The grains of the cereal are swollen, soft, undeformed, white, not stuck together. The taste and smell of burnt porridge are not allowed.

Rice has rightfully always been and will be considered the most popular cereal crop on the planet. The main type of rice that is eaten is boiled. , our ancestors knew in ancient times, because this is a very ancient culture, with a centuries-old history and traditions. Its roots, in the figurative sense of the word, lead to China. More than six thousand years ago, people already knew about the existence of rice; the remains of rice in pottery, which archaeologists find during excavations, tell us about this; there is evidence of this in the manuscripts of Ancient India and Ancient China. It is well known that this product is a kind of chameleon, which, adapting to different conditions, becomes similar to them. Rice is perfect and therefore is widely used as a side dish for many, sometimes completely different dishes - vegetables, fruits, meat, and fish.

Value in every grain

In Ancient Asia, rice was the main product for culinary delights, and even became a truly important part of the traditions of culinary specialists in these countries. Did you know that this unique and irreplaceable cereal appeared in Russia not so long ago, just about three hundred years ago. However, it immediately, very successfully and therefore forever became a component of Russian culinary customs. Nowadays, everyone knows that rice is great for using it in preparing first courses, all kinds of side dishes, pilaf, as an integral part of salads, and, of course, as an independent dish. In addition, rice is extremely healthy; it contains many microelements, carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, but there is practically no fat in it.

Rice has a simply unique ability not only to supply our body with a lot of useful substances, but also to remove harmful components from it. This property makes rice a godsend for those who want to lose weight and go on a diet!

How to cook rice

How to cook rice correctly? To learn how to cook this, at first glance, simple dish, it will be useful to know that there are several varieties of this grain product, and the recipe for its preparation depends on what kind of rice you decide to use for your dish.

  • Long grain rice. Its grains are thin, pearlescent, very beautiful and appetizing. The most popular. "Why?" - you ask? The answer is simple: when cooked, it has the property of not sticking together, which is why it is the best side dish for meat and fish dishes.
  • Medium grain rice. The grains are oval, matte. This dullness indicates that it contains a lot of starch, so this type of rice is able to absorb water more than long-grain rice. It is ideal for preparing risotto, soups, paella, and has a unique, unique viscosity in the finished dish.
  • Round grain rice. Rice of the British and Japanese. The British - because it is widely used to prepare traditional English puddings, the Japanese - because it is the basis for sushi. Since short grain rice sticks together well, it is also great for casseroles and desserts.

The taste and culinary qualities of rice also depend on its color. What does the color of a grain of rice tell us?

  • White rice – polished. During grinding, it lost almost all the fiber so necessary for our body, a very large part of its beneficial qualities. Now you can buy yellowish parboiled rice, which has retained many beneficial properties, but not everyone likes its taste.
  • Brown rice Preserves those shells that contain many useful substances. Elderly people and children should definitely eat it.
  • Wild black rice Have you noticed black grains in packages along with long grain white rice? This is a very healthy wild rice, with a lot of minerals and vitamins. This rice contains a lot of fiber and will be an excellent side dish for fish.

How to cook rice correctly

There are no general rules that must be followed when cooking any type of rice. Each type of rice requires a separate recipe, separate techniques and tricks. As you already know, oval and round rice absorb a lot of water and are sticky when cooked, which means they require more water to cook. Next, there is such a technique as washing the rice after cooking, but this is not used for all dishes.

1. First of all, the rice must be thoroughly cleaned of possible debris, then rinsed. This must be done at least five times, making sure that the water becomes clear. Use only cold water and rinse the entire rice mixture, stirring occasionally.

2. While the rice is being washed, put the water to boil. To do this, use a pan that should be of such a size that the rice, after cooking, does not “climb” to the surface when it increases in volume. Use a water ratio of one part rice and two parts water. Add some salt.

3. Add rice, bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce heat to low. Cover the pan with a lid.

4. Cook for 12 minutes. If the proportions of rice and water are met, then the rice will not burn or boil over.

5. After this, remove the pan from the heat, do not open the lid and let it sit for another 10-12 minutes. Now you can remove the lid, add oil and spices to taste.

How to cook rice for rolls

For rolls - a type of Japanese sushi - you need to take rice with round grains, and since it absorbs more water than regular rice, for cooking we will take not two glasses, but three.

This rice should be cooked until cooked, usually until all the water has been absorbed. If, after it seems to you, readiness has been achieved, and there is still water, it needs to be drained. After cooling a little, special rice vinegar is added to the rice, thoroughly mixing the rice mass.

Kutia is a traditional Russian dish that has been prepared for funeral and ritual tables since ancient times. To prepare it, you can take different types of cereals, it can be wheat, oats, and barley. But rice kutia is most widespread, perhaps due to its ease of preparation and variety of recipes. The basis for kutya is boiled rice, which is brought to a boil and immediately washed with cold water. Then the rice is poured with the same cold water and only now is cooked until tender.

Its name depends on what additive you want to add to your kutya recipe - “With almonds and honey”, “With dried apricots and nuts” and so on, it all depends on your taste and capabilities.

How to cook rice in a double boiler

Many housewives, appreciating the achievements of scientific and technological progress in the kitchen, have quite successfully adapted to cooking rice in a double boiler. In general, you need to use a double boiler as often as possible - products cooked in it retain their beneficial components, vitamins are not destroyed, and the taste is softer and more pleasant.

How to cook rice in a double boiler? You need to pour water into the lower container, then place thoroughly washed rice and water in a one to one ratio into a special container (which will then be at the top). You can immediately add spices, oil - everything to taste. Add salt to taste. Set the timer to 30 minutes. After the allotted time has passed, carefully try, if necessary, add a little time.

How long to cook rice

When preparing boiled rice, remember one simple rule - the cooking time of rice depends on the quality of the water. The cooking time of the food depends on how susceptible the water is to alkaline treatment in your area. Therefore, cook the rice, constantly tasting it and determining the degree of readiness. This can be 15 or 20 minutes, as needed.

Also, the time for cooking rice depends on your taste preferences; there are cases when someone liked rice undercooked, and found a special charm in its crunch.

Bon appetit!

Rice is one of the most consumed cereal crops in the world. You can find rice in Spanish paella, Italian risotto, and Caucasian pilaf. And it’s not worth mentioning how much they love rice in oriental cuisine...How to cook rice correctly?

It’s not for nothing that they say that “there are no comrades according to taste and color.” There are a huge number of ways to cook rice, and it is impossible to say which one is the most “correct” one. But still there are several traditional rules of “rice cooking” that will help make rice dishes more tasty and healthy.

First, you need to choose the right type of rice in accordance with the dish you want to cook. And the choice of rice is really rich! So, the most popular variety of rice is long grain (long grain). This rice is used to prepare crumbly porridges, which are good as a side dish for meat or fish.

Medium grain rice is suitable for sticky porridges, added to soups, used in making risotto. Cooking a crumbly side dish from such rice is a very difficult task.

Short grain rice is used in puddings and casseroles, and is also ideal for preparing such Japanese dishes as sushi (sushi). In Japan itself, they use a special variety of short-grain rice that has increased stickiness. In domestic conditions, ordinary short-grain rice is used for sushi.

Before cooking any It is important to prepare rice correctly. Thus, great attention should be paid to washing the rice - it is done for almost all dishes, except perhaps risotto.

Rinse rice is necessary to remove debris, dust, and excess starch. You can rinse the rice either under running water, pouring it into a sieve, or in a deep bowl, pouring cold water over it. Rinse the rice in the bowl 3-5 times, adding fresh water each time. The last water should remain clean.

You can also soak the rice before cooking.- this will allow it to cook faster and become more crumbly. Soak the rice in cold water for about 30 minutes, at a rate of 2 parts water to 1 part rice. Then the water is drained and the rice is lightly dried on a towel.

How to cook rice for a side dish?

To properly cook rice for a side dish, you need to take one part rice and two parts water. Rinse the rice first, then pour it into a saucepan, add cold water, add salt and put on medium heat. Stirring occasionally, cook the rice for 20 minutes.

You should taste the rice as it cooks.: for a side dish it should remain just a little undercooked. After the rice is ready, it must be washed, otherwise the rice will stick together and will no longer be crumbly. If the rice is intended to be a side dish, you can add a little oil to it.

How to cook rice for risotto?

To prepare risotto rice must be poured into a frying pan and lightly fried. Then add water to the rice - it should cover the rice. When some of the water has boiled away and evaporated, you should try the rice - is it ready? If the rice is not ready yet, then you should add another portion of water - repeat this operation until the rice is ready.

Depending on the specific risotto recipe, You can add additional ingredients to the rice, such as green peas, canned corn, chicken pieces, etc.

How to properly cook rice for rolls and sushi?

A lot of attention is paid to cooking rice in Japanese cuisine. For example, Japanese housewives wash rice for rolls and sushi at least 7 times, and cool the finished rice using a fan.

To properly cook rice for rolls and sushi, you need to take 1/5 more water than rice. The rice is thoroughly washed beforehand. The washed rice should be filled with water and placed on the highest heat. As soon as the water boils, reduce the heat to low and continue cooking the rice for 10-15 minutes. The rice should be cooked covered; there is no need to stir it.

After the allotted time, the container with rice must be removed from the heat and left to steep for another 10-15 minutes. Then rice is mixed with a special dressing, made from rice vinegar, sugar and salt, and cooled to room temperature. The rice can then be used to make rolls and sushi.

Here are some more useful tips for cooking rice:

Whatever method of cooking rice you choose, it is recommended to use dishes with fairly thick walls; in thin-walled dishes, the rice may burn.

To give a delicious golden color to rice you can add some turmeric to it or curry.

To keep the rice fluffy, you can When cooking is complete, cover the pan with rice with a kitchen towel.. The towel will absorb steam and excess moisture.

To make the rice in risotto more tasty, You can cook it with broth: meat, chicken, fish.

In some eastern languages, the words “to have a hearty meal” and “lunch” are synonymous with the expression “to eat rice.” Perhaps that is why in Asia, where not a single meal is complete without rice, everyone considers himself a master of culinary art, and recipes for rice dishes number in the hundreds, if not thousands.

Rice may surprise with its variety those who previously used it only as a side dish. There are more than half a dozen basic methods for cooking rice, and if you add to them methods for preparing pilaf, sushi, fried rice, pudding and other dishes, then there will be no end in sight to rice dishes.

Traditional way

This method is suitable for almost all varieties and types of rice, especially brown rice. It is not recommended to cook jasmine rice in the traditional way.

Place the rice in a large saucepan. Pour boiling water or broth into it in a ratio of 1:5 (one glass of rice to five glasses of water) and salt to taste. Add seasonings and herbs if you are making a rice salad or if you are going to fry the rice. Over medium heat, bring the rice to a boil, then reduce the heat and, without covering the pan, simmer for 10-15 (brown rice - 20) minutes. The cooking time indicated is approximate - the packaging of rice usually indicates the exact cooking time required for a particular type of rice.

Place the rice in a colander or sieve, let the water drain and rinse the rice under running hot water. Transfer the rice back to the pan or place a colander over it. Cover with a lid or kitchen towel and let the rice sit for another 4-5 minutes. Before serving, stir the rice and add oil to taste.

Under the lid

The method of cooking rice “under the lid” is also called the “absorption” method. This is the most popular way to cook rice; It is especially suitable for long-grain and short-grain white rice, as well as for aromatic rice varieties such as basmati and jasmine rice.

The essence of the “under the lid” method is that rice is cooked in a small amount of water in a tightly closed pan until all the liquid is absorbed by the rice grains. This method is best used if you are making rice salad, pudding or fried rice. With this method of cooking, rice absorbs the aroma of herbs and spices especially well: you can add curry, cardamom, bay leaf and aromatic pepper to the pan with rice.

Place the rice in a saucepan and pour in a precisely measured amount of water or broth in a 1:2 ratio (one glass of rice to two glasses of water). Bring the rice to a boil over high heat, cover the pan with a tight-fitting lid and reduce the heat to as low as possible. Cook the rice over low heat until all the liquid is absorbed by the rice. White rice will require 10-15 minutes of cooking, brown rice - up to 20 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat, cover it with a kitchen towel or foil, let the rice sit for 5-10 minutes and serve.

In the oven

This method is also a combination of methods: first, the pot of rice is brought to a boil in the traditional or covered method, and then transferred to the oven and cooked until cooked.

It is suitable for white and brown long grain rice, aromatic basmati rice. The result is fluffy, slightly dry rice, ideal for use as a side dish.

Pour water into a saucepan with rice, place the pan over medium heat and bring to a boil. It is better to add seasonings at this stage of cooking. Stir the rice with a wooden spoon. Reduce heat and cook rice for another 10 (15 for brown rice) minutes. The rice should completely absorb the liquid. Transfer the rice to a heatproof container, top with a few pats of butter and cover with a tight-fitting lid. Place the container with rice in an oven preheated to 180°C and cook for 15-16 (for brown rice - 20) minutes.


Cooking rice in the microwave is very convenient, but the cooking time for rice in this way is not much different from the cooking time in other ways. It is suitable for white and brown long grain rice, especially the aromatic basmati and jasmine rice varieties.

Place the washed rice in a non-metallic container and fill with water or broth in a 1:2 ratio. The container should be large enough - when cooked, rice expands and takes up three times the volume of raw grains. Add spices to taste. Cover the container with a non-metallic lid, plate or heat-resistant film and place it in the oven. Cook the rice on 100% power for five minutes, then another 15 minutes on 50% power. These data are indicative only - check the instructions for your microwave oven. Brown rice needs an additional 5-7 minutes in the oven. Remove the oven container, stir the cooked rice and serve.

In the rice cooker

This method is suitable for all varieties and types of rice without exception.

Following the instructions that came with the rice cooker, add the required amount of rice, add the required amount of water, cover the rice cooker with a lid and turn it on. Don't salt the rice. The rice cooker will turn off automatically when the rice is ready to eat. It will automatically turn on and off at regular intervals to keep the rice hot. The rice cooker is great at cooking not only long-grain white rice, but also brown and sushi rice, although it takes a little longer.

Fast way

This method can only be called “fast” conditionally. Its speed lies in the fact that the process of cooking rice lasts only three to four minutes, but preparing the rice takes from 30 minutes to an hour. Therefore, this method is suitable in cases where you need to serve hot rice to the table at the last moment without making much effort.

This method is suitable for all varieties of long grain rice, especially fragrant basmati rice.

Place the washed rice in a deep bowl and pour boiling water over it so that the water more than covers the rice. Do not cover the bowl and leave the rice to soak for 30-60 minutes. Place a pan of lightly salted water or broth on the fire and bring the liquid to a boil. Add seasonings to taste. Dry the rice in a colander and pour it into boiling water. After 3-4 minutes, drain the rice in a colander again, drain the water and serve the rice.

Rice in bags for cooking

Packaged rice deserves special attention: it is easy and simple to prepare, which explains its growing popularity. Such rice does not stick to the walls and bottom of the pan during cooking, does not burn or stick together. Small holes throughout the entire area of ​​the bag allow the rice to absorb the required amount of liquid during cooking. In such bags you can most often find white long-grain parboiled rice, less often - brown parboiled rice.

Before you start cooking, read the instructions, which should indicate the cooking time and the volume of liquid required to cook the rice. Place the rice bags in a thick-bottomed pan and pour the required amount of water into it as indicated in the instructions. The water should completely cover the bags lying on the bottom of the pan. Please note that packaged rice does not need to be rinsed before cooking: it has already been thoroughly cleaned and washed.

Bring the rice to a boil over high heat, add salt to taste and cook the rice, covering the pan with a tight-fitting lid, over low heat until tender. Cooking time depends on the type of rice: white steamed rice is cooked for 12-15 minutes, and brown rice for 20-25 minutes. Remove the rice packets, open them, and serve the rice as a side dish or use it in your recipe.

The resulting rice will be very tasty and crumbly. Plus, there will be no sticky rice that would otherwise have to be thrown away, no dirty pan - after cooking the packaged rice, you just need to rinse the pot.


Rice steamed with corn

Product name

Gross weight, g

Net weight, g

Rice groats

Drinking water

Canned corn (excluding filling)

Fresh sweet pepper

Peeled semi-finished table carrots

or Fresh table carrots



Nutrients, g


Minerals, mg

Vitamins, mg

Cooking technology: The rice is sorted, washed first with cold, then with hot water. Add 50% of the recipe's amount of butter to salted boiling water, add the prepared rice and simmer at a low boil until half cooked, stirring.

Vegetables are washed with running water. Carrots and sweet peppers, peeled from the seed nest, are cut into small cubes, simmered in a small amount of water with the addition of butter (50% of the recipe). The canned corn is poured out of the jars (the jars are first washed and wiped dry), and the broth is drained.

Add prepared carrots, peppers to the rice that has been simmered until half cooked and continue simmering. At the end of cooking, 10 minutes before the rice is ready, add the prepared corn and mix thoroughly. When the porridge thickens, stop stirring, close the lid and let the porridge rest for 1 hour.

Supply temperature: 65±5°C.

Implementation period:


Boiled pasta products of group A

Product name

Product consumption rate for 1 serving with a net weight of 100 g

Gross weight, g

Net weight, g

Pasta gr.A

Fortified salt with reduced sodium content



100 grams of this dish contains:

Nutrients, g


Minerals, mg

Vitamins, mg

Cooking technology: Before cooking, pasta products are sorted (if necessary), long pasta is broken into pieces. Cook pasta in a large amount of boiling salted water (take 6 liters of water for 1 kg of pasta) for 20 - 30 minutes. The cooked pasta is placed in a colander or sieve, placed in a container after the water has drained and seasoned with boiled butter.

Serving temperature: 65±5°С.

Implementation period: no more than 2 hours from the moment of preparation.


Mashed potatoes

Product name

Product consumption rate for 1 serving with a net weight of 100 g

Gross weight, g

Net weight, g

Fresh peeled semi-finished potatoes

or Fresh food potatoes

UHT milk enriched with DP


Fortified salt with reduced sodium content


100 grams of this dish contains:

Nutrients, g


Minerals, mg

Vitamins, mg

Cooking technology: when using peeled sulfated potatoes, wash the potatoes with running water, pour boiling water over them and boil for 5-7 minutes, after which the broth is drained. Then the potatoes are poured with boiling salted water (0.6-0.7 liters of water per 1 kg of potatoes) and cooked for 25-30 minutes until tender. Then the water is drained, the potatoes are dried, the hot potatoes are passed through a mashing machine, boiled milk and boiled butter are added in 2-3 additions and mixed thoroughly.

Serving temperature: 65±5°С.

Implementation period: no more than 2 hours from the moment of preparation.



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