Easter salad of beef tongue and spring vegetables. Salad with tongue: delicious recipes Delicious salad with boiled tongue

Easter salad of beef tongue and spring vegetables. Salad with tongue: delicious recipes Delicious salad with boiled tongue

Beef tongue can be considered a delicacy, although it is just a meat by-product. Its delicate taste makes any dish in which it is the main ingredient refined. Nutritionists also do not object to including it in the diet - despite the fact that this product is quite high in calories, its nutritional value is so high that it makes you forget about the danger of gaining excess weight. Tongue is not only healthy, but also an easily digestible dish. It would be great if beef tongue salads would appear in your home not only on the holiday table, but also on the everyday table. The ten recipes collected in this material will allow you to choose an option for every taste and budget.

Culinary secrets

Even the most complex beef tongue salad recipes do not require great cooking skills. All manipulations are simple, but sometimes take time. The biggest difficulty is boiling the tongue for use as an ingredient in a compound cold appetizer. In the material " ", published on our website earlier, you will find step-by-step instructions that will make it easy to cook and clean meat by-products, and the result will be predictable. There you will also find a recipe for one of the most delicious salads with beef tongue: with prunes, nuts (hazelnuts) and canned champignons.

If for some reason you cannot get acquainted with the step-by-step technology for preparing boiled beef tongue, we will recall the main stages of this long but simple process:

  1. Soak your tongue in cold water.
  2. After half an hour, wash and fill with clean water. Cook until done for 2-4 hours (time depends on the size of the offal meat).
  3. Half an hour before it’s ready, add spices and roots to the broth for taste and aroma, and add salt to it.
  4. When the tongue can be easily pierced with a knife, place it in a pan of cold water.
  5. After 15 minutes, peel off the skin - after the “contrast baths” it will come off in no time.

It is not necessary to use the finished tongue to prepare the snack right away - for 2 days it can calmly wait until you get your hands on it in the refrigerator.

When preparing a salad with beef tongue, consider the following points:

  • The later you dress the salad, the longer it will stay fresh. Only puff pastries are assembled in advance so that the ingredients have time to soak in the filling;
  • if the salad is not to be served warm, cool all ingredients before combining with the sauce, otherwise the food will quickly sour;
  • In any recipe, beef tongue can be replaced with pork tongue - the result will remain almost the same, but such a treat will cost less, and its preparation will take less time.

Beef tongue is combined with other types of meat, vegetables, nuts, cheese, mushrooms, and some types of fruits and berries. It is not surprising that there are many recipes for salads from it. We have selected the most popular, traditional and unusual versions of this snack.

You might be interested to know what other delicious dishes you can And . The first material contains the simplest recipes, the second contains the richest and most refined ones. In these materials you will find, in particular, recipes for tongue salads with cucumber, champignons and eggs, as well as with porcini mushrooms, tomatoes and cheese.

Vyborg salad from beef tongue - an unfading classic

What you need:

  • chicken egg – 4 pcs.;
  • pickled cucumbers – 150 g;
  • onions – 120 g;
  • fresh champignons – 0.4 kg;
  • butter - how much will be needed;
  • sour cream – 0.2-0.25 l;
  • table mustard – 5 ml;
  • lemon juice – 5 ml;
  • lettuce leaves - for decoration.

How to cook:

  1. Cut the finished tongue into strips; there is no need to chop it too much.
  2. Divide the hard-boiled eggs into whites and yolks. Cut the whites thinly.
  3. Fry onion, cut into half rings, in butter.
  4. Add sliced ​​mushrooms to the onion, add salt and pepper, and simmer for 10 minutes.
  5. Cut the pickled cucumbers into strips.
  6. Mix cucumbers with hot mushrooms and onions. Add tongue, chopped whites, mix.
  7. Place the snack in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.
  8. Place lettuce leaves on a plate.
  9. Prepare the sauce by mashing the yolks, grinding them with lemon juice and mustard, and mixing the resulting paste with sour cream. Pepper and salt the sauce to taste.
  10. Remove the salad from the refrigerator, place on lettuce leaves, and pour over the sauce.

Often, mayonnaise is used instead of a sauce made from yolks, mustard and sour cream. This simplifies the process, but as a result there are 4 yolks left, which somehow need to be used.

“Triumphal” salad with tongue, melted cheese and pomegranate (layered)

What you need:

  • boiled tongue – 0.3 kg;
  • fresh champignons – 0.3 kg;
  • carrots – 0.2 kg;
  • processed cheese – 150 g;
  • chicken egg – 5 pcs.;
  • fresh herbs - for decoration;
  • pomegranate – 1 pc.;
  • mayonnaise - how much will it take;
  • vegetable oil - as much as needed.

How to cook:

  1. Cut the tongue into strips.
  2. Cut the mushrooms into slices and fry.
  3. Cool the cheese in the freezer to make it easier to chop, grate it.
  4. Boil carrots and eggs. Clean.
  5. Divide the eggs into yolks and whites. Grind separately from each other.
  6. Grate the carrots.
  7. Remove the seeds from the pomegranate. There are several ways to do this without damaging the beans. If they are not familiar to you, we recommend reading the article “ ».
  8. Place a glass in the center of the dish. Place the products around it in layers, covering each layer with a mayonnaise mesh. The sequence is as follows: tongue, carrots, proteins, mushrooms, yolks, cheese.
  9. Remove the glass. Using a pastry brush, coat the salad with the dressing. Cover it around the perimeter with sprigs of greenery. Decorate with a pattern of pomegranate seeds.

The appearance of the snack should resemble the wreath with which winners were previously crowned (though your wreath will not be made of laurel, but also not of thorns, which is not bad). This salad can be made for an anniversary or for an important event related to honoring a person who has achieved something big and important in life. However, it would be appropriate on any holiday table.

“Tbilisi” tongue salad with red beans, peppers and nuts

What you need:

  • boiled tongue (beef) – 0.3 kg;
  • red beans, boiled or canned – 0.4 kg;
  • red bell pepper – 0.25 kg;
  • purple onion – 150 g;
  • garlic – 3 cloves;
  • walnut kernels – 50 g;
  • fresh herbs (cilantro, parsley) – 50 g;
  • grape vinegar (6 percent) – 40 ml;
  • vegetable oil – 80 ml.

How to cook:

  1. Cut the onion and pepper into half rings about half a centimeter thick.
  2. Prepare the beans and tongue.
  3. Cut the beef by-product into cubes. Mix with beans.
  4. Add onion, pepper, chopped herbs.
  5. Crush the garlic cloves with the flat side of a knife and chop finely. Roll the nuts with a rolling pin to crush them. In a small bowl, combine garlic, nuts, vinegar and oil. Pour this mixture over the rest of the products and stir.

The classic Georgian salad "Tbilisi" is made from beef, but replacing meat with tongue does not make it any worse. Some gourmets consider this option even more successful.

Light beef tongue salad with arugula and cherry tomatoes (without mayonnaise)

What you need:

  • beef tongue – 0.4 kg;
  • cherry tomatoes – 0.2 kg;
  • arugula – 50 g;
  • balsamic vinegar – 20 ml;
  • olive oil – 40 ml;
  • honey (optional) – 5 ml;
  • salt, ground black pepper - to taste.

How to cook:

  1. Cut the tongue into strips, cut the tomatoes in half, coarsely chop the arugula. Place everything in a bowl.
  2. In a separate cup, mix melted honey, oil and vinegar, adding a little salt and pepper to this noble trio.

All that remains is to dress the salad and enjoy its taste - this dietary dish can be consumed even by those who are on a diet and want to lose weight.

A simple recipe for tongue, cucumber, egg and cheese salad

What you need:

  • finished tongue – 0.4 kg;
  • fresh cucumbers – 0.3 kg;
  • chicken egg – 4 pcs.;
  • semi-hard cheese – 0.2 kg;
  • pine nuts (shelled) – 50 g;
  • mayonnaise or sour cream - to taste;
  • salt, pepper - to your taste.

How to cook:

  1. Tongue, cut cucumbers into strips.
  2. Cut the eggs into thin slices.
  3. Grind the cheese on a coarse grater.
  4. Mix the ingredients, season with mayonnaise or sour cream, pepper and salt.
  5. Place in a salad bowl, sprinkle with nuts.

The salad according to this recipe can also be made into layers by laying out the ingredients in the order in which they are listed in the composition.

Another simple recipe for tongue salad with ham and tomatoes

What you need:

  • tomatoes – 0.3 kg;
  • turkey ham – 0.3 kg;
  • beef tongue – 0.3 kg;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • mayonnaise, sour cream - as needed (in a 1:1 ratio).

How to cook:

  1. Boil the tongue, cool.
  2. Cut all ingredients into cubes.
  3. Combine with a sauce of sour cream, mayonnaise and pepper. You can add salt, although this is not necessary.

If you boil the tongue in advance, preparing the salad according to this recipe will take just a little time. The appetizer looks colorful, has a harmonious taste, so it is ideal for setting the table in a hurry for a meeting of guests or a home dinner.

An old salad with a new twist – “Olivier” with beef tongue

What you need:

  • boiled beef tongue – 0.4 kg;
  • crab meat (surimi) – 0.2 kg;
  • salted or pickled cucumbers – 0.2 kg;
  • carrots – 100 g;
  • potatoes – 0.4 kg;
  • chicken egg – 4 pcs.;
  • canned green peas – 0.25 kg;
  • soy sauce – 40 ml;
  • mayonnaise “Provencal” - 0.2 l;
  • red caviar (optional) – for decoration.

How to cook:

  1. Cook and cool vegetables and eggs. Clean them.
  2. Cut the tongue, crab meat, eggs, potatoes, carrots and pickles into cubes of the same size (optimally the size of a pea).
  3. Place the prepared products in a “basin”, pour peas into them.
  4. Mix mayonnaise with soy sauce, add this dressing to the rest of the ingredients, stir.
  5. Place the salad among the bowls and place a small spoonful of caviar on top.

This salad is a symbiosis of the pre-revolutionary (original) Olivier recipe and the Soviet version of this appetizer. If you are thinking about what to cook from tongue for the New Year, you can safely opt for this recipe.

Other " , including original, classic and modern, you can also find on our website “New Domostroy”.

Warm “Orator” salad of beef tongue with cheese and nuts

What you need:

  • boiled tongue (pork or beef) – 0.3 kg;
  • chopped champignons (canned) - a small jar;
  • walnut kernels, hard cheese – 50 g each;
  • sour cream – 100 ml;
  • Dijon mustard – 20 ml;
  • salt, ground black pepper - to taste;
  • lettuce leaves - place on a plate;
  • butter - how much will be needed.

How to cook:

  1. To prevent the salad from cooling down before serving, all ingredients must be prepared in advance: drain the liquid from the jar of mushrooms, crumble the nuts, grate the cheese coarsely. There is no need to mix anything.
  2. Now make the sauce by whisking mustard, sour cream, salt and pepper.
  3. Place lettuce leaves on a plate.
  4. Cut the tongue into slices, fry in butter, pour in the sauce, simmer for about 10 minutes.
  5. Place the hot tongue on lettuce leaves, put mushrooms on it and pour it all over with the sauce from the frying pan where the meat by-product was stewed that has not had time to cool.
  6. Sprinkle with cheese and nuts and serve immediately.

This salad will also be tasty when cooled, but its taste is most fully and harmoniously revealed when it is warm.

Easter salad of beef tongue and spring vegetables

What you need:

  • beef tongue – 0.4 kg;
  • radish – 100 g;
  • cucumbers (fresh) – 0.2 kg;
  • tomatoes – 0.2 kg;
  • dill – 50 g;
  • mayonnaise – 100 ml;
  • sour cream – 100 ml;
  • garlic – 1 clove;
  • salt, pepper - to your taste.

How to cook:

  1. Cut the boiled beef tongue and seasonal vegetables into strips.
  2. Finely chop the dill.
  3. Pass the garlic through a press, mix with sour cream and mayonnaise. Add a little pepper and salt.
  4. Mix the ingredients and season with the prepared sauce.

The salad turns out fresh like spring. Of course, you can cook it not only for Easter, but also on any other day, even if there is no holiday reason.

If you are looking , here you can find several successful options.

“Gossip Girl” tongue salad with chicken and bell pepper

What you need:

  • beef tongue – 0.4 kg;
  • boiled chicken breast – 0.4 kg;
  • fresh cucumbers – 0.4 kg;
  • bell pepper – 0.4 kg;
  • mayonnaise - to taste.

How to cook:

  1. Cut the meat components into small pieces.
  2. Cut the vegetables into strips.
  3. Combine the ingredients and season with mayonnaise.

The salad is so simple that you can whip it up if a friend drops by to visit. And it’s good for any other occasion too!

Design options for beef tongue salad

Simplicity and sophistication are the main features of most beef tongue salads. This appetizer is so noble and impeccable that it does not require pompous decoration. But still, it doesn’t hurt to decorate the beef tongue salad before serving it, especially if you want to get maximum compliments from guests or feed children who do not have a big appetite. We offer several ideas for decorating snacks, the main ingredient of which is beef tongue.

  • "Brilliant simplicity." Place the salad on a dish or plates in a mound or tower (to build it, use a mold or a tin can without a bottom). Top the design with a sprig of fresh herbs. Simple, tasteful.
  • “Here you are, scarlet flower.” Fry the tongue cut into plates. You can pre-color it by holding it in beet juice. Place on the surface of the salad so that the tongue pieces resemble flower petals. Place half a yolk or olive, a piece of carrot, pepper, and a pomegranate seed in the center.
  • "Zebra". Place the products included in the salad inside a springform baking dish or transparent salad bowl in layers, alternating dark, bright and light layers. For example, the role of dark layers can be taken on by the beef tongue itself, meat, mushrooms, and olives. Bright layers are created from carrots, yolks, beets, ham, corn, and pomegranate. The basis for light layers can be chicken breast meat, onions, proteins, and cheese.
  • "Monomakh's Cap". The products are mixed and laid out in a heap on lettuce leaves. Corn or pomegranate grains are placed around it around the perimeter. They can be replaced with halves of cherry tomatoes and olives. The same decor is created on the top. On the side edges you can lay out strips of red pepper, fresh cucumber, and Korean carrots.

If you have absolutely no time to decorate the salad, simply place it in cocktail glasses or bowls. This presentation gives the snacks sophistication, and it corresponds to modern trends. The snack will look even more original in wide glasses.

Salads with beef tongue will decorate any table; they are often made for holidays. Snack recipes are varied, which allows you to select dishes for any occasion and diversify the family menu.

Alexander Gushchin

I can’t vouch for the taste, but it will be hot :)


Cold appetizers with the addition of offal are very tasty. The meat product is in perfect harmony with various spices, dressings and other vegetable ingredients. Every housewife, having spent a minimum of time on cooking, will be rewarded with a hearty and beautiful dish that can be placed on the table set for any occasion.

How to cook pork tongue

How tasty the dish turns out depends on the correct actions. So, cooking pork tongue has its own nuances:

  1. Before cooking, the tongue should be kept in cold water for at least 3 hours, rinsing it periodically. Before cooking, sprinkle with salt, brush, then rinse well.
  2. It is recommended to place the pork part in a boiling liquid, boil for 15 minutes, then drain the water from the pan, rinse it, the meat itself, and then wait until the water boils again.
  3. When cooking, it is better to add a whole onion, parsley roots, carrots, celery, dill seeds, and bay leaves to the liquid.
  4. The pork meat product should be cooked for 1.5 to 2.5 hours.

Pork tongue salad - recipe with photo

Dishes made from this meat product have been considered special delicacies for many decades, but today their range has become much more diverse. For example, hearty hot dishes are prepared from the broth, and delicious cold appetizers are made from the tongue itself. Choose a pork tongue salad recipe that has your favorite ingredients on the list and start cooking.


Cooking time: 60 minutes

Number of servings: 4 persons

Calorie content of the dish: 101 kcal

Cuisine: Slavic

Every caring housewife and mother tries to feed her household, especially children, with tasty and healthy food. Favorite salad is perfect for this purpose, because the main product is a source of protein and zinc. Before preparing the dish, as in the photo, you only need to properly boil the pork part, then simply cut all the ingredients.


  • potatoes – 3 pcs.;
  • tongue – 1 pc.;
  • eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • cucumbers (fresh) – 2 pcs.;
  • salt - to taste;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • ginger (optional) – 15 g;
  • mayonnaise – 3 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the main meat product, let it simmer for several hours, salt and season the water. Remove the boiled meat, place it immediately in cold water, then remove skin and fat. Cut into strips.
  2. Peel the boiled potatoes with their skins and cut them into neat cubes with a sharp knife.
  3. Chop the eggs.
  4. Grate the cucumbers and strain off the juice.
  5. Chop the onion into small cubes and pour over boiling water.
  6. Cut the ginger into very thin strips.
  7. Combine all ingredients in one bowl, season with mayonnaise. You can serve Favorite immediately.

With pickled cucumbers

Cooking time: 1 hour 25 minutes

Number of servings: 10 persons

Calorie content of the dish: 178 kcal

Purpose: cold appetizer

Cuisine: Slavic

Cooking difficulty: easy

If you want to serve your household an original and delicious salad, then be sure to try making it using this step-by-step recipe. Tongue salad with cucumber turns out to be indescribably tender, and thanks to the beans, satisfying and nutritious. When preparing a snack for a holiday, it is better to place it in the shape of a ring - this way it will look more impressive.


  • garlic – 1 head;
  • pork tongue – 0.7 kg;
  • onions, carrots - 1 pc.;
  • beans - 1 can;
  • eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • pickled cucumbers – 3 pcs.;
  • cheese – 150 g;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Place a glass in the middle of a flat plate.
  2. Cut the pork into cubes, season to taste, add salt, mix with mayonnaise, and place around a glass.
  3. Fry chopped onion with grated carrots, add chopped garlic. Mix the mixture with mayonnaise and carefully add the next layer.
  4. Grate the eggs, coat with mayonnaise, and place on top of the onion-garlic mixture.
  5. Strain the beans from the liquid and add half.
  6. Grate the cucumbers, squeeze a little of the juice, cover the beans, then make a mayonnaise layer again.
  7. Sprinkle the salad with grated cheese and refrigerate.
  8. After 20 minutes, remove the glass from the salad and cover the surface again with mayonnaise. Garnish the finished dish with the remaining beans.

With champignons

Cooking time: 2 hours 15 minutes

Number of servings: 6 persons

Calorie content of the dish: 167 kcal

Purpose: cold appetizer

Cuisine: Slavic

Cooking difficulty: easy

This appetizer is known to many as the Ladies' Caprice, because the dish turns out to be deliciously tasty and not too high in calories. Tongue salad with mushrooms and ham can be made by thoroughly mixing all the chopped ingredients, or laying them out in layers - the serving method depends on your culinary preferences. If you serve the appetizer warm, it will be even more flavorful.


  • ham – 300 g;
  • mushrooms – 200 g;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • tongue – 0.5 kg;
  • salt, mayonnaise - to taste;
  • carrots, tomatoes - 1 pc.;
  • greens – 100 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the pork meat product boiled in salted water and cut into strips. Do the same with the ham.
  2. Cut the onion into thin half rings and sauté in oil. Add mushroom slices to the prepared onion, fry everything together for a couple of minutes, add salt.
  3. Place the first layer of meat products, onion-mushroom mixture on them, grease with mayonnaise.
  4. Decorate the salad with thin rings of tomato and boiled carrots.

With fresh cucumber

Cooking time: 1 hour 45 minutes

Number of servings: 6 persons

Calorie content of the dish: 221 kcal

Purpose: cold appetizer

Cuisine: Slavic

Cooking difficulty: easy

This offal is deservedly classified as a delicacy, so its taste will be appreciated by every connoisseur of delicious food. The cold appetizer is not only satisfying, but also beautiful to look at, so it will decorate any event, even a holiday table. Look at the detailed recipe with photos, and they will help you understand how to prepare a salad with tongue and cucumbers and how it will turn out.


  • cheese – 300 g;
  • dill – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • eggs – 4 pcs.;
  • tongue – 750 g;
  • mayonnaise – 100 g;
  • cucumbers – 2 pcs.;
  • pine nuts – 200 g;
  • parsley – 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Let the main meat product simmer. After cooking, peel off the skin and cut into strips. Do the same with eggs.
  2. Fry pine nuts in a frying pan.
  3. Cut the cheese into small slices or grate.
  4. Cut the cucumbers into strips.
  5. Before combining, salt all the ingredients, then put them in a bowl in layers: put cucumbers on the bottom, then meat, make a mayonnaise mesh, then distribute the eggs, then the cheese. Coat the workpiece again with mayonnaise, sprinkle with nuts and herbs.

With pickled cucumber

Cooking time: 1 hour 40 minutes

Number of servings: 4 persons

Calorie content of the dish: 154 kcal

Purpose: cold appetizer

Cuisine: Slavic

Cooking difficulty: easy

This cold appetizer does not involve the use of the most expensive ingredients - all components are quite affordable, and together they create an excellent flavor bouquet. This step-by-step recipe with photos will not only help every housewife understand how to prepare a salad with tongue and pickles correctly, but also see how it will turn out in the end.


  • pickled cucumbers – 3 pcs.;
  • pork tongue – 1 pc.;
  • peas - 1 jar;
  • sweet pepper – 1 pc.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise - to taste;
  • cheese – 50 g;
  • croutons - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the boiled tongue into long strips.
  2. Drain the water from the jar of peas and pour the contents into a bowl.
  3. Pickled cucumbers, bell peppers, eggs cut into strips.
  4. Make thin half rings from the onion.
  5. Mix all the ingredients, pour mayonnaise, sprinkle cheese on top, grated on the finest grater, and before serving, decorate with croutons made yourself from fresh bread.

From canned pork tongue

Number of servings: 8 persons

Calorie content of the dish: 270 kcal

Purpose: cold appetizer

Cuisine: Slavic

Cooking difficulty: easy

If you want to feed your husband a very satisfying and tasty meal, then this recipe will definitely help you out. A salad made from canned pork tongue and boiled beef heart is incredibly nutritious and aromatic. Thanks to the presence of vegetables, peas and corn, the dish looks very festive, so it is perfect for special occasions.


  • pepper, salt - to taste;
  • potatoes – 4 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise – 200 ml;
  • peas, corn - 1 can each;
  • greens - to taste;
  • canned tongue - 1 jar;
  • beef heart – 0.5 kg;
  • pickled cucumbers – 4 pcs.;
  • red onion – 1 pc.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the heart, put it in boiling water, cook for 2 hours, periodically removing the foam that forms. After 1.5 hours, season the liquid. Remove the meat, cool, and then cut into strips.
  2. Boil the potatoes with skins, leave them to cool.
  3. Cut the canned pork meat product into not too thick strips.
  4. Strain the water from a can of corn and pour the contents into the meat.
  5. Send the peas there, draining the liquid from the jar.
  6. Cut cold potatoes into small cubes. Do the same with cucumbers and onions.
  7. Mix all the chopped ingredients, add salt and add mayonnaise.
  8. Add greens to the salad and serve to your beloved husband.

With pig heart

Cooking time: 2 hours 50 minutes

Number of servings: 6 persons

Calorie content of the dish: 205 kcal

Purpose: cold appetizer

Cuisine: Slavic

Cooking difficulty: medium

A step-by-step recipe with photos will tell you how to prepare an excellent treat for the table that will be set for the next holiday. Both main meat ingredients make the finished dishes very tasty, but pre-processing takes a lot of time. Korean tongue and pork heart salad with carrots has a rich, spicy taste that everyone will appreciate.


  • onions – 2 pcs.;
  • vinegar, salt - to taste;
  • pork tongue – 0.3 kg;
  • greens - optional;
  • Korean carrots – 200 g;
  • heart – 0.7 kg;
  • mayonnaise - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Place meat products in bubbling liquid and cook until done. Peel the skin, then cut the heart and tongue into thin strips.
  2. Cut the onion into half rings, marinate with a spoonful of vinegar. You can use regular table vinegar or apple vinegar; this will not affect the taste of the dish.
  3. Combine the ingredients, add salt, pour in mayonnaise, cover the mass with Korean carrots in a circle, after draining the liquid from the bag. Before serving, sprinkle with chopped herbs.

With cheese

Cooking time: 50 minutes

Number of servings: 4 persons

Calorie content of the dish: 156 kcal

Purpose: cold appetizer

Cuisine: Slavic

Cooking difficulty: easy

Such a part as pork tongue creates excellent flavor notes not only with various kinds of vegetables, but also with fruits. You can also combine them together in one cold appetizer, it will also turn out very tasty. Pork tongue salad with cheese and pineapples is an excellent treat for your household on a weekday or for all the guests gathered at the holiday table.


  • bell pepper – 1 pc.;
  • pineapple (in any form) – 3 mugs;
  • garlic – 2 teeth;
  • cheese – 100 g;
  • pork tongue – 300 g;
  • mayonnaise - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the boiled pork tongue and cut into small, neat cubes.
  2. Cut the bell pepper and pineapple rings like meat.
  3. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater and grate the garlic on a fine grater.
  4. Mix the ingredients in a bowl, add mayonnaise, salt, and season as desired.


Cooking time: 1 hour 5 minutes

Number of servings: 4 persons

Calorie content of the dish: 126 kcal

Purpose: cold appetizer

Cuisine: Slavic

Cooking difficulty: easy

Portioned cold appetizers differ from many similar dishes not only in their excellent taste, but also in their attractive appearance. Layered salad of pork tongue with corn turns out very bright, at the same time nutritious and festive. You can make beautiful, neat portions using a molding ring, or by cutting off a plastic bottle.


  • cheese – 100 g;
  • sour cream – 5 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - to taste;
  • onions, carrots - 1 pc.;
  • vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • cucumber – 2 pcs.;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • pork tongue – 250 g;
  • sugar – 1 tsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the pork tongue, remove the film, trim off excess fat. Grate the meat using a coarse grater.
  2. Marinate thinly sliced ​​onion half rings in a mixture of sugar, water, salt and vinegar. After this, rinse and dry.
  3. Grate boiled eggs and carrots. Do the same with cheese and fresh cucumbers.
  4. Place the salad dish on a serving plate: place the meat in the first layer, then the prepared onions, then make a carrot layer, spread eggs, cheese, and cucumber on top. Each layer must be compacted and poured with a small amount of sour cream.

With tomatoes

Cooking time: 25 minutes

Number of servings: 2 persons

Calorie content of the dish: 200 kcal

Purpose: cold appetizer

Cuisine: Slavic

Cooking difficulty: easy

If you are looking for a simple recipe for a delicious salad, then do not ignore this option. The delicacy is prepared in a minimum of time, and in return you get an excellent nutritious dinner or a complete snack. The salad with tongue and tomatoes also includes arugula, which makes the taste more sophisticated, so be sure to diversify your menu with this appetizer.


  • arugula – 75 g;
  • olive oil – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • quail eggs – 5 pcs.;
  • tongue (pork or beef) – 1 pc.;
  • salt, allspice - to taste;
  • honey – 0.25 tbsp. l.;
  • white wine vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the main meat product, then cut into strips.
  2. Wash the green leaves and dry them.
  3. Boil the quail eggs, then cut them into two halves.
  4. Cut the cherry in half.
  5. Prepare the dressing: combine honey with olive oil, white wine vinegar, mix thoroughly.
  6. Mix the meat with arugula, pour over the dressing and add salt. Garnish the dish with halves of cherry tomatoes and quail eggs.

Pork tongue salad - cooking secrets

When a housewife wants to feed her household with an excellent snack, she must know all the intricacies of preparing the chosen dish. For example, to make a delicious salad with tongue, you need:

  1. Boil the pork meat product. Cooking time averages about 2 hours. The degree of readiness can be checked by lightly piercing the meat with a knife - if the blade enters without difficulty, then remove the workpiece from the pan.
  2. It is better to cook this part of the pig by draining the first broth. This way the taste and smell will be much more pleasant.
  3. Remove the skin from the meat. This is easy to do if you place it directly from boiling water into cold water.


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Pork tongue salad: delicious recipes

Irina Kamshilina

Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than cooking for yourself))


Many housewives give in to the need to prepare a salad from boiled tongue, because they do not know how to properly prepare this offal. The meat delicacy must not only be chosen wisely, but also boiled so that it remains soft and tender. There are certain tricks for tongue salad recipes that will be useful to any cook.

Tongue salad recipes

Pork or beef tongue is a liver (offal), but is considered a delicacy due to its tender meat and high content of vitamins and minerals. it is rich in iron, so it is useful for anemia, pregnancy, and in the postoperative period. In addition, any salad with boiled tongue will look very advantageous on the festive table (as in the photo) and stimulate the appetite.

Before you start preparing a salad with boiled tongue, you need to choose the right and fresh product. Its surface should not be a weathered surface, there should be no dark spots on it. Beware of unpleasant odors too. It is better to choose a small, uniformly colored tongue - this will guarantee that it was taken from a young animal. It is not recommended to buy an old product because you will have to cook the meat for too long, which may become tasteless.

Tongue for salads is boiled in a large saucepan, first soaked in cold water for several hours and then washed thoroughly. It is necessary to cut off blood clots and sloppy edges. It is possible to act in two ways:

  1. Pour hot water into a saucepan, put the tongue, boil, simmer for a quarter of an hour. Drain the water, pour in new water, cook until tender - this will remove the unpleasant odors. Cooking time can be up to 4 hours: it depends on the size and also on the age of the animal. It will take approximately 1.5 hours. If water boils away during cooking, it should be constantly added. Half an hour before it’s ready, you can add carrots, onions, parsley root, bay leaf, and black pepper to the broth. Salt at the very end. You can check the readiness of the meat with a fork. After cooking, immerse the tongue in cold water to make it easier to remove the skin later.
  2. Pre-rinse the product, put it in boiling water for a quarter of an hour, remove it, peel it, and cook until tender. Such a tongue loses vitamins, becomes less useful, but absorbs all seasonings and spices better.

Remember a few useful tricks that will come in handy when preparing tongue dishes:

  • for tenderness and softness, you can soak it before cooking;
  • You need to cook over medium heat, be sure to remove the foam;
  • the tongue goes well with thyme, basil, Provençal and Italian herbs;
  • additions to meat can include Chinese cabbage, tomatoes, fried mushrooms, cheese;
  • salad dressings can be classic mayonnaise, low-fat sour cream with garlic, yogurt with spices, olive oil, a mixture of wine vinegar and oil;
  • The dish can be served warm, hot or cold.

There are many recipes for salads based on boiled pork or beef (veal) tongue. The delicacy goes well with mushrooms - champignons or wild mushrooms, cucumbers - pickled or fresh, corn, and beans. Dishes with tomatoes have a pleasant refreshing taste, while dishes with ham and cheese have a more satisfying taste. Step-by-step instructions for the recipe, accompanied by photos or video tutorials, will help you prepare a delicious delicacy.

With champignons

To prepare a salad with tongue and champignons, you will need to boil the main component in advance, so you need to calculate the cooking time correctly. After cooking, preparing the dish will take a little time - you just need to chop all the ingredients and season with the original sauce. You can serve the appetizer on a festive or everyday table.


  • boiled beef tongue – 200 g;
  • champignons – 200 g;
  • pickled cucumbers – 100 g;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • arugula - a bunch;
  • quail eggs – 5 pcs.;
  • cherry tomatoes – 5 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise – 70 ml;
  • olive oil – 25 ml;
  • lemon juice – 10 ml;
  • horseradish – 10 g;
  • mustard - a teaspoon.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the mushrooms into thin slices and fry in olive oil.
  2. Cut the meat into strips, onions into half rings, cucumbers into rings.
  3. Make a sauce from mayonnaise, butter, lemon juice, horseradish and mustard.
  4. Mix all ingredients, season, add salt and pepper.
  5. Place the washed arugula on a dish, place a mound of salad on it, garnish with tomato halves and whole boiled quail eggs.

With pickled cucumbers

A tongue salad with pickled cucumber turns out to be very tasty, because the piquancy and spiciness in it are combined with the delicate delicate taste of the meat. It’s good to serve the dish on a festive table to impress guests with new tastes, because a hearty, mouth-watering appetizer will also look great (as in the photo).


  • beef tongue – 1 pc.;
  • fresh cucumber – 2 pcs.;
  • pickled cucumber – 3 pcs.;
  • French mustard – 2 tsp;
  • mayonnaise – 1 tbsp;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • parsley root – 1 pc.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the meat in broth with onions, carrots, parsley for 2 hours. A quarter of an hour before the end of cooking, add salt and pepper. Peel the skin and cut into strips.
  2. Cut the cucumbers into bars, mix with meat, season with a mixture of mayonnaise and mustard.
  3. Serve with chopped basil, dill, parsley or cilantro.

With pork tongue

No less successful is pork tongue salad, which has a more delicate and mild taste, fine texture and structure of meat than those prepared with beef. It goes well with mushrooms, eggs, and cheese. However, remember that a dish based on a pork delicacy cannot in any way be classified as dietary.


  • boiled pork tongue – 1 pc.;
  • pickled mushrooms – 180 g;
  • eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • red onion – 2 pcs.;
  • Adyghe cheese – 150 g;
  • pitted olives – 30 g;
  • mayonnaise – 40 ml;
  • vegetable oil – 30 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the meat into strips, cheese into cubes, mushrooms into slices, onion into half rings. Then fry all the ingredients in oil.
  2. Boil the eggs, chop, mix with the rest of the ingredients.
  3. Season with mayonnaise and garnish with olive halves.

With fresh cucumber

Tongue salad with cucumber has a fresh taste and delicate aroma, which looks good on a holiday table or as a snack to serve to family members on a day off. The combination of tender meat with juicy cucumber and boiled eggs gives this dish a special softness, which is perfectly complemented by the spicy pungency of onions and the creamy taste of hard cheese.


  • boiled beef tongue – 250 g;
  • fresh cucumber – 0.5 pcs.;
  • onion – 0.5 pcs.;
  • Dutch cheese – 100 g;
  • egg – 3 pcs.;
  • apple cider vinegar – 10 ml;
  • mayonnaise – 40 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the meat into cubes and place on the bottom of a flat salad bowl.
  2. Season with mayonnaise, sprinkle with salt and pepper.
  3. Chop the onion into rings, add water and apple cider vinegar, marinate for 5 minutes. Then drain the water and add the onion rings to the meat.
  4. The next layer will be a cucumber, peeled, cut into cubes, and then chopped eggs.
  5. Each layer should be coated with mayonnaise, sprinkled with salt, pepper, and grated cheese.


The Olivier salad with tongue, traditional for the New Year's table, looks better, more elegant, and has a more noble, refined taste. This dish is sure to please all guests and household members who will be happy to try something new. In addition, a hearty snack will give the body the strength to dance on New Year's Eve, and the next day it will become an alternative to lunch or dinner.


  • tongue - half a kilo;
  • potatoes – 4 pcs.;
  • carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • egg – 6 pcs.;
  • green peas - jar;
  • pickled cucumber – 2 pcs.;
  • greens - a bunch;
  • mayonnaise – 50 ml;
  • pink pepper, dried paprika, Italian herbs – 10 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the meat with seasonings, then cool in cold water, remove the skin, and cut into cubes.
  2. Finely grate the boiled eggs.
  3. Bake potatoes and carrots in a sleeve in the oven or microwave, or boil them (in different pans!). Cool.
  4. Cut the pickled cucumbers into cubes and squeeze lightly so that an unpleasant liquid does not form at the bottom. Chop the onion.
  5. Combine all ingredients, season with mayonnaise. Decorate with greens.

With bell pepper

The tongue and bell pepper salad has a subtle, refined taste, which looks very elegant thanks to the combination of multi-colored cubes sprinkled with herbs and spices. This dish looks good on a holiday table, but can be considered dietary since its calorie content is low. If you adhere to healthy eating standards, replace mayonnaise with low-fat sour cream or natural yogurt, olive oil and lemon juice.


  • boiled beef tongue - half a kilo;
  • bell pepper 2 colors – 2 pcs.;
  • cherry tomatoes – 400 g;
  • red onion – 1 pc.;
  • hard cheese – 175 g;
  • mayonnaise – 45 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the meat into cubes, the onion into quarters, and the pepper into rings. Chop the cherry tomatoes in half and grate the cheese.
  2. Mix all ingredients, season with mayonnaise (or other dressing), salt, black pepper. If desired, decorate with greenery.

With beans

To prepare a salad with tongue and beans, you will need to find several components that, when combined, create a hearty, appetizing dish. You can replace lunch or late dinner with this snack. The advantage of the recipe is its variability: the classic version calls for the use of champignons, but they can easily be replaced with porcini mushrooms or oyster mushrooms, and fresh ones with canned ones. Instead of ham, try using brisket or carb.


  • pork tongue – 150 g;
  • ham – 150 g;
  • champignons – 175 g;
  • hard cheese – 0.2 kg;
  • canned red beans – 100 grams;
  • egg – 2 pcs.;
  • pickled cucumber – 2 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise – 30 ml;
  • garlic – 2 cloves.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil meat, mushrooms, eggs in different containers. Cut all components into cubes.
  2. Mix in a salad bowl, season with crushed garlic, pepper, salt, mayonnaise.
  3. Grate the cheese and sprinkle on top. After this add beans.
  4. Serve with olives and lettuce leaves.

With ham

Many gourmets enjoy the spicy taste of tongue and ham salad, seasoned with olive mayonnaise and garnished with prunes. The bright aroma and attractive appearance of this simple snack make it suitable for serving on a holiday table. You can try adding walnuts and a pinch of Georgian spices (khmeli-suneli), especially if you like unusual flavor contrasts.


  • chicken ham – 0.3 kg;
  • pork tongue – 200 g;
  • canned corn – 0.2 kg;
  • fresh cucumber – 2 pcs.;
  • prunes – 100 g;
  • hard cheese – 100 g;
  • eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut ham, boiled meat, cucumbers and prunes into cubes. Grate the cheese.
  2. Lay out layers, covering each with mayonnaise mesh. The first will be meat, then corn, cucumbers, eggs, ham, prunes, cheese.
  3. Decorate the top with pieces of prunes, walnuts and a sprig of herbs.

With cheese

The taste of the salad with tongue and cheese, in which noble delicacy ingredients are used, is distinguished by its nobility and sophistication. Thanks to the combination of Parmesan, red pear and walnuts, the salad takes on a new flavor (with a slight French touch) that even sophisticated gourmets will enjoy. The original dressing - a mixture of white wine vinegar, olive oil and Provençal herbs, will add sophistication to the dish.


  • arugula – 200 g;
  • ham – 100 g;
  • boiled tongue – 100 g;
  • parmesan – 100 g;
  • red pear – 1 pc.;
  • walnuts – 50 g;
  • olive oil – 2 tbsp;
  • white wine vinegar – 75 ml;
  • Provençal herbs - a pinch.

Cooking method:

  1. Place the arugula on the bottom of a deep plate. Cut stems that are too long in half.
  2. Cut the pear into slices, ham and meat into cubes.
  3. Grate Parmesan on a fine grater.
  4. Roast the walnuts and chop them.
  5. Make a sauce from oil, vinegar, salt, pepper, spices. Mix thoroughly.
  6. Mix all ingredients and season.


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Tongue salad: delicious recipes

Beef or pork tongue has been undeservedly forgotten by many housewives. However, tongue salad is traditionally included in the menu of all the most sophisticated restaurants. And this is not without reason: this delicacy and dietary product, in combination with many ingredients, gives a unique taste. Having tried the most popular ones with this product, you will be convinced that such a dish will become the king of the table at any celebration.


Salad with tongue and fresh cucumbers

Boiled beef tongue goes well with all fresh and pickled vegetables. This recipe can be used in two versions: in the summer with fresh cucumbers, in the winter with pickled cucumbers. To understand which taste you like best, you should try cooking both options.


  • 400 grams of boiled tongue (preferably beef);
  • 4-5 fresh cucumbers (for the winter version, pickled gherkins);
  • 3 eggs;
  • 50 grams of Parmesan or other hard cheese;
  • salt to taste;
  • 4 tablespoons of mayonnaise;
  • half a teaspoon of mustard.

Step by step instructions

  1. We clean the beef tongue, rinse and cook until tender.
  2. Boil the eggs hard.
  3. Prepare the ingredients for the salad: cut the tongue and fresh cucumbers into thin strips, chop the eggs into cubes. Prepare the sauce from mayonnaise, mustard and salt.
  4. Combine all the ingredients in a salad bowl, season with sauce and place in a semicircle or ring on a flat plate. Sprinkle grated hard cheese on top and put in a cool place. If desired, decorate the salad with the remaining cucumber or herbs.

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Salad “Festive” with tongue and peas

Tongue salad is undoubtedly a festive dish. This recipe is rich in flavor and perfect as an appetizer.


  • pork tongue - 2 pieces;
  • a can of canned green peas;
  • 200-250 grams of champignons;
  • 2 small onions;
  • three eggs;
  • pickled or fresh cucumbers – two pieces;
  • mayonnaise "Provencal" - to taste;
  • green;
  • vegetable oil - for frying.

Step by step instructions

  1. Let's start collecting the necessary ingredients: boil the tongue in salted water until tender - usually 2-3 hours. Chop and fry the champignons with onions.
  2. Hard boil the eggs, cool and cut into cubes.
  3. Cut the cooled tongue into strips and chop the cucumbers into strips of the same size.
  4. Assembling the salad: mix the tongue with mushrooms, add cucumbers, eggs, peas, season with mayonnaise and salt to taste.
  5. This salad is served in portioned bowls, garnished with herbs and cucumbers.

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Figaro salad with tongue

Ladies love this recipe for its large amount of vegetables. It's perfect as a simple meal on its own for lunch or dinner, or as a tasty appetizer. It's easy to prepare and turns out delicious.


  • 100 grams of veal tongue (beef);
  • one fresh carrot;
  • medium head of onion;
  • beet;
  • celery root;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 20 grams of anchovies;
  • a bunch of lettuce;
  • 1-2 tablespoons of light mayonnaise or vegetable oil for dressing.

Step by step instructions

  1. Prepare the tongue: place the cleaned and washed product in cold water and cook over low heat until tender. 10 minutes before turning off, throw carrots and onions into the pan, salt and pepper to taste.
  2. Pre-boil the beets.
  3. Cut the finished tongue into strips.
  4. We also chop fresh celery into strips.
  5. We tear the lettuce leaves with our hands and chop the anchovies.
  6. Peel the beets and cut into strips.
  7. Mix all the products, season with oil or sauce. Place fresh tomatoes in half rings on top of the salad. For more options for serving the dish, see the photo.

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Salad "Heart"

“Heart” is not so much the original name of the salad with boiled tongue, but rather the idea of ​​its design and serving. Therefore, there is a wide variety of options for this dish. We have prepared for you a simple recipe with photos that can be prepared from available ingredients. Step-by-step instructions will add a new idea for decorating a dish to your culinary repertoire. This way you can decorate any puff salad.


  • 500-700 grams of boiled tongue;
  • potatoes - 4 large tubers;
  • 300 grams of pickled champignons;
  • small onion;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 4-5 tablespoons of mayonnaise sauce;
  • 250 grams of cheese;
  • 2-3 tablespoons mustard;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 1 ripe pomegranate.

Step by step instructions

  1. Let's start preparing the ingredients. Boil the tongue, jacket potatoes, eggs.
  2. Grind the potatoes and boiled eggs on a coarse grater, cut the tongue into thin strips.
  3. In a separate bowl, mix mayonnaise, mustard, and salt.
  4. This salad is very quick to prepare if you have a ready-made heart-shaped form, for example, for baking. If not, we will lay out the salad in layers, giving it a heart shape ourselves.
  5. Let's start assembling: put grated potatoes on the bottom of a flat dish, press well with a spoon and grease the layer with mayonnaise sauce. The next layer is chopped pickled mushrooms, sprinkled with finely chopped onions, brushed with sauce. Place a layer of eggs and also brush with sauce.
  6. Grate the hard cheese on a coarse grater and finish with the top layer of the heart. Grease with sauce and press the pan well.
  7. Peel the pomegranate and separate the seeds. We spread the grains on the top of the simulated heart. Place the salad in the refrigerator for at least an hour to harden.

In addition to pomegranate seeds, you can use red caviar, carrots, and beets as a decoration on top. Options in the photo.

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Olivier salad with tongue

What could be better and simpler than your favorite “Olivier” in a new role? If you also want to try a new version of this salad, we offer a simple recipe with tongue. In this version of the salad, tongue is used instead of sausage.


  • 300 grams of boiled tongue;
  • three large potato tubers;
  • one carrot;
  • 4 eggs;
  • a can of green peas;
  • 3-4 pieces of pickled cucumbers;
  • mayonnaise, salt - to taste.

Step by step instructions

  1. As for regular Olivier, we cook potatoes, carrots and eggs “in their jackets”. Cool the products, peel and cut into small cubes.
  2. We clean the finished boiled tongue and cut it into cubes.
  3. Mix vegetables with tongue, add peas and chopped pickles.
  4. Add mayonnaise and salt to taste, put the salad in a salad bowl, decorate and serve. See the gallery for several simple options for decorating salads.

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If anyone wants to count the number of tongue salad recipes, looking for them on different sites and in paper magazines, then he will probably get tired of a number within a hundred)) In other words, there are many options for preparing this dish, each of which has its own composition, method of heat treatment of some products, final design and presentation.

The five most commonly used ingredients in tongue salad recipes are:

Whatever tongue salad recipe you choose, it is recommended to start preparing it by boiling the tongue itself. To do this, the product must be cleaned, then filled with cold water for at least half an hour. Clean it again, more thoroughly, scraping off all the excess. Then add water and cook until boiling, periodically removing the foam. Once it boils, hold for 10-15 minutes, drain the water, and repeat the process. As a result, until it is ready, you need to cook it for about two hours over low or medium heat. It is worth considering that, unlike meat, which consists of fibers, the tongue increases in size when cooked. Therefore, you need to take a spacious pan for it.

To make the meat more aromatic and tender, it is also recommended to put in boiling water half an hour before the end of cooking: bay leaf, peppercorns, a whole onion, a whole peeled carrot. Add salt to taste, but only after the stove is turned off. In this case, we will get not only a delicious boiled tongue for salad, but also broth for a rich soup.

Afterwards, the tongue needs to be cooled by holding it in cold water. This will make it easier to remove the skin. By the way, this is how you check its readiness: if clear juice comes out after piercing it with a fork, then everything is fine. The tongue is cut into slices of the desired thickness, then into cubes or strips - depending on what is recommended in the recipe.



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