"pizza" made from stale bread favorites. Bread pizza in the oven Bread pizza in the oven

"pizza" made from stale bread favorites. Bread pizza in the oven Bread pizza in the oven

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PIZZA on bread - 2 recipes

PIZZA on bread

This pizza recipe is more for those who don’t really like fiddling with dough or who need to cook and eat it quickly!

Ingredients : 7 slices of loaf, 3/4 cup of milk, 1 egg, 1 tbsp. flour, 3 tbsp vegetable oil, pizza topping as desired.

Soak slices of bread in milk for 10 minutes

Knead the bread until smooth in a way convenient for you. Add salt, egg, flour, mix everything. The dough should be very thick. If it turns out liquid, add a little more flour.

Place the bread in a 1 cm layer in a frying pan with butter, level it over the entire frying pan, cover with a lid, and fry over medium heat until golden brown on the bottom, about 5 minutes.

PIZZA on bread

This pizza recipe is suitable for those who are not very good with dough.

leftover stale white bread is also suitable even for those who are friends, after all it’s saving!

Required Products: white bread, eggs, cheese, pizza topping to taste

Place pieces of white bread into a greased pan; it can be either fresh bread or stale bread.

egg 1/2 shell milk, salt

Pour the resulting mixture onto the bread and let the bread sit well

get wet, use your hands to give it a shape

Sprinkle half of the grated cheese onto the bread.

(as mentioned at the beginning, filling is optional)

A small mesh of mayonnaise

Then ketchup, tomato paste or tomatoes, salt,

add spices to taste

Place in the oven and bake at 200C for 20-25 minutes.

but 10 minutes before the end of baking, add a second one on top

Each of us has definitely encountered a problem when there was an urgent need to feed unexpected guests or the calculated appetizer simply ran out, and the guests still did not leave... But you never know the situations when we are required to make quick decisions, culinary dexterity and resourcefulness. Many housewives combine the ability to create a culinary masterpiece literally “out of nothing”, and even shake the imagination and taste of grateful “eaters”.

Pizza- one of the most common and favorite dishes in the world. Ease of preparation, ample opportunities for culinary experiments, excellent and varied taste - all this makes pizza exceptional and irreplaceable.

Essentially, pizza is an open flatbread topped with various ingredients. There are a lot of options for making pizza, there are also a huge number of recipes, imagination is welcome.

Classic pizza doesn't take long to prepare. The longest part of preparing it is making the dough. After all, it needs to be thoroughly mixed and allowed to brew at least a little...

Today we will talk about how to reduce this time to almost zero.

Cooking idea quick pizza from bread can become a lifesaver for many housewives. “From bread” is a strong word. It would be more accurate to say that we will prepare a quick pizza “on bread”, replacing the dough with it. The most important thing is that with such a replacement our quick dish not only will it not lose its taste, but will also acquire new shades of taste. After all, everyone knows that the prototype of pizza was invented by the ancient Romans and Greeks, when they served food on slices of bread. Therefore, you can announce your new bread pizza to your guests as ancient Greek or Roman.

To prepare the bread crust for our quick pizza, any bread you have in the house and whatever you like is suitable. Depending on the bread used, the taste of the pizza itself will change.

The principle of preparing the cake:

Place the bread slices on a baking sheet and place in the oven for a few minutes. It is clear that preference should be given to rectangular-shaped bread. If you want to use a loaf or other round bread, you can cut it into cubes and distribute it evenly in the baking pan.

To make the cake tasty and whole and acquire a beautiful appetizing color, soak it in milk and raw egg before baking.

Here are some options on how to do this:

1. Dip sliced ​​bread in milk, place on a baking sheet and pour egg on top.

2. Prepare a mixture of eggs and milk in advance and soak (pour) it over the already laid out slices of bread.

At this stage, you can start experimenting by adding various seasonings and ingredients to the impregnation. Perhaps someone will like to soak the crust only with eggs, without using milk.

While our crust is baking in the oven (which is only 5-10 minutes), we have time to prepare other ingredients. Well, here there are no limits to our imagination and possibilities. You can use any pizza recipe or create your own.

In any case, the success of such a dish is guaranteed.

Children will definitely like this pizza, but its main advantage is that you can safely entrust the preparation of pizza on bread to your children and not be afraid that you will then have to wash the kitchen of flour and dough for half a day.

More detailed instructions for preparing one of the bread pizza options in the video presented.

Quick pizza on bread. Video recipe

Quick pizza on bread


Toast bread - 12 pieces
Milk-400 ml
Eggs-4 pcs.
Sausage - 400g. (3 types)
Mushrooms - 200g.
Pitted olives - 100 gr.
Cheese - 200g.
Processed cheese
Tomato paste
Ketchup spicy
Salt pepper

How to prepare:

The bread soaked in milk is placed on a baking sheet and topped with an egg mixed with the remaining milk.
Baked in the oven for 10-15 minutes.

Then the improvised cake is smeared with ketchup. Sprinkle with spices and place all the other ingredients on it, cover with melted and grated hard cheese.
Bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes.
Bon appetit!

Are you leaving for the whole day and wondering what dish to leave for your husband so that he is satisfied, full and doesn’t take bites? Or, on the contrary, you don’t know what to cook in the absence of your wife? Or maybe you need to feed many guests at once - so that everyone is full and praises the skill of the hostess? I offer a super tasty, super simple, super nutritious recipe that can be prepared for several servings at once: pizza in bread.

Yes, yes, you read that right. Not "on the", A in bread!

Pizza in bread: a recipe from what is in the refrigerator

The main character, of course, will be the bread. Choose a round, tall, savory loaf - light, dark or gray flour to suit your taste. And always fresh and aromatic.

The next stage of procurement is the filling. The cost of the dish directly depends on the ingredients. And the more there are, the tastier it is. What will be the minimum set?

  1. Several types of meat. Required item. Take sausage, sausages, smoked meat, bacon - the main thing is that the products are already ready to eat. Raw minced meat or raw chicken won't fit. The main layers will be just meat.
  2. Cheese. At least one type - hard, fusible, for baking. It’s also a good idea to take something soft like mozzarella, it will melt nicely inside.
  3. Vegetables. Here the minimum set will be tomatoes and onions. Lovers can add sweet or hot peppers, olives, mushrooms.
  4. Sauces. You can’t go without ketchup, and pair it with traditional mayonnaise with a squeezed clove of garlic. Of course, you can take more interesting flavors.
It is highly advisable to take fresh herbs: parsley, onion, basil.

Stuffed bread in the oven: the most unusual pizza

Additional equipment we will need is an oven in which we will bake, and food foil.

Ruddy, juicy and super filling pizza in bread is ready!

This dish is truly powerful. A girl can only manage a piece, but a man will definitely have enough for the whole evening, or even the whole day. But main secret The success of a recipe for any eater is the ratio of filling and “dough.”

Pizza can be prepared not only with yeast or any other dough. This dish is no less tasty if you use regular bread as a base. Recipes for quick pizza on bread are waiting for you below.

Bread pizza in a frying pan


  • wheat bread – 200 g;
  • hard cheese – 150 g;
  • ketchup – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • sausages – 3 pcs.;
  • smoked sausage – 100 g;
  • chicken eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • greenery;
  • salt.


  1. Cut the bread into cubes and fry in a dry frying pan without oil.
  2. Beat eggs with salt. Pour the resulting mixture into the bread, mix and cook over low heat until the eggs set.
  3. Cut the sausage into cubes and grate the cheese.
  4. Turn the base over, place the filling on it, sprinkle with cheese.
  5. Simmer over low heat until the cheese melts under the lid.

Pizza on bread in the oven


  • bread - 4 slices;
  • ham – 150 g;
  • mayonnaise – 40 g;
  • ketchup – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • greenery;
  • cheese – 200 g.


  1. Grind the bread into slices up to 1 cm thick.
  2. We cut the ham into slices and grate the cheese on a coarse grater.
  3. Mix mayonnaise with ketchup.
  4. Place the bread on a baking sheet, brushing each piece with sauce. Distribute the ham evenly on top, sprinkle with grated cheese and bake for a quarter of an hour at 200 degrees.
  5. Sprinkle the finished pizza with chopped herbs.

How to make pizza from bread in the microwave?


  • bread – 250 g;
  • tomato – 1 pc.;
  • chicken eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • cheese – 100 g;
  • sausage – 100 g;
  • marinated champignons – 3 pcs.;
  • olives – 4 pcs.;
  • salt.


  1. Break the bread into small pieces.
  2. Beat in the eggs, add some salt and mix the mixture with your hands. Add the sausage cut into strips and stir again.
  3. Place the resulting mass in a wide pan, greased with oil, and place slices of tomatoes, sliced ​​olives and mushroom slices on top. Cover all this with grated cheese.
  4. Bake in the microwave at full power for 3 minutes.

Pizza on bread - recipe


  • bread - 3 slices;
  • tomato sauce – 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • cherry tomatoes – 3 pcs.;
  • sausages – 3 pcs.;
  • Bulgarian Green pepper- 1 PC.;
  • olive oil – 30 ml;
  • cheese slices – 6 pcs.;
  • mozzarella – 40 g;
  • olives – 3 pcs.


For me, this recipe is just a godsend. My grandson doesn't eat anything and doesn't want to try eggs, but he loves pizza. So I found a way out of the situation.


  • a few slices of stale white bread
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tablespoon flour
  • 100 ml milk
  • any cold cuts (this could be sausages, leftover sausages, ham, cured sausage, etc.)
  • tomato
  • vegetable oil

Cooking method

Place pieces of bread in a large frying pan (I cut them into halves, it fits more) and fry on one side.
Turn over.
Mix flour with milk so that there are no lumps.
Add eggs, salt and beat with a fork
Pour the prepared omelette mixture onto the bread and turn off.
On each piece of bread, place slices of slices, a thin slice of tomato and sprinkle with cheese.
Place the pan in the oven and turn on the grill. All!
After about 10 minutes (depending on the grill) your pizza is ready.

Hello! My name is Katerina. I am 50 years old, I am happy in my second marriage, I have two children (a son and a daughter), and I also have a beloved grandson and a tiny granddaughter!
As you understand, I really like to cook. I make a lot of preparations for the winter and spoil my loved ones with something delicious every day.
The recipes that I post on this wonderful site are tested and prepared exclusively with my own hands. All photographs were taken by me of the exact dishes that I prepared myself. No plagiarism.
I hope you enjoy these simple, delicious dishes! Bon appetit! Website:



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