Banana pies - recipe and tips. Yeast dough pie with apples and banana. Photo Pies made from rich yeast dough with banana

Banana pies - recipe and tips. Yeast dough pie with apples and banana. Photo Pies made from rich yeast dough with banana

As a rule, baked goods with banana filling are liked not only by children, but also by adult gourmets. Yes, please note that the recipe uses ready-made puff pastry without yeast.
Baking from it turns out tender, with a “crunch”. And “working” with such dough is a pleasure, because it is pliable and special troubles does not deliver.

  • Banana2 pcs.
  • Sugar 3-4 tbsp.
  • Flour 1 tbsp.
  • Butter 100 g
  • Yeast-free puff pastry 400-500 g

So, we prepare all the ingredients necessary for the recipe. Puff yeast-free dough defrost. As a rule, this process does not take much time. Bananas should not be taken too overripe, otherwise they will be difficult to cut. Don’t forget to also prepare some flour to sprinkle it on the work surface of the table where we will “create.”

To prepare the banana filling, peel the fruit. First cut in half. And then we cut each half lengthwise into four parts.

Layer of puff without yeast dough cut into six equal pieces.

Roll out each part a little to make a rectangle.

Place one elongated banana slice on each piece of dough.

Sprinkle a little granulated sugar on top of the banana.

Cover the banana slice on both sides (these are the smaller sides).

And press down with a fork.

Then we connect the remaining sides and press them down thoroughly with a fork so that during the frying process in the pan the seam of the mini-pie does not come apart.

Heat in a frying pan sunflower oil, in which we will fry our mini pies with sweet banana filling. By the way, you should fry on three sides, and not on two, like regular pies.

When the banana pies have cooled, you can serve them.

Recipe 2: banana filling for puff pastry (with photo)

  • Puff pastry without yeast 1 pack.
  • Bananas 2 pcs.
  • Sugar

Defrost the finished yeast-free dough, roll it out lightly, cut into squares, place in the middle grated on coarse grater bananas .

Sprinkle a little sugar on top of the bananas.

Fold the dough into a triangle and place on a foil-lined baking sheet.

Using a knife, make three cuts on each triangle.

Place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 40 minutes.

Recipe 3: puff pastry roll with chocolate and banana filling

To make them more tasty, we will make the filling from banana and cocoa. They are made very quickly, it does not take much time to prepare them.

puff pastry - 2 sheets
bananas - 2 pieces
cocoa - 1 tablespoon
sugar - 60 grams
oil - 1 tablespoon
starch - 1 tablespoon
powdered sugar - 1 tablespoon

First of all, defrost the puff pastry. While the dough is defrosting, prepare the filling for the puff pastry rolls.

Cut a banana into a cup, add cocoa, sugar and a spoon vegetable oil, using a blender, mix into a homogeneous mass.

Place a spoonful of starch into the prepared filling. While the dough is defrosting, turn on the oven at 180ºC.
Place the dough on the table and make diagonal cuts on both sides, leaving the rectangular middle untouched.

Place the filling in the middle part.

Fold the edges on both sides and then weave a braid, bending the edges alternately into the middle, placing one strip of dough on top of the other.

I cut one layer of dough into four pieces.

It made four small braids.

The other remained intact, a large braid came out of it. Yes, I want to warn you, there is still enough filling left for one large braid.

Place the braided puff pastry rolls on a baking sheet lined with paper.

Don't forget to brush them with beaten egg. Place in the preheated oven for 20-30 minutes. Ready puff braids sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Cool and serve for tea.

Recipe 4: Banana Filled Puff Pastry

  • Puff pastry - 500 grams
  • Bananas - 2-3 pieces

The dough is sold frozen, so we open the package and, if you have the dough in one layer, unroll it as it defrosts. If there are several rectangular sheets in the package, simply lay them out one at a time on the table.

Peel the bananas and cut into slices. Can also be cut into strips. The shape of the cut depends on what shape you want to make the puff pastries.

Cut the dough into squares. I usually get 12 of them. Place the sliced ​​bananas on one half of the square.

Cover the filling with the second half of the dough and carefully pinch the edges of the puff pastry.

Place the puff pastries on a baking sheet lined with baking paper and place in the preheated oven.

The puff pastries are baked at a temperature of 200 degrees for about 20 minutes until they have such a beautiful and ruddy color.

Recipe 5: Puff pastry banana pies

For puff pastry, it is better to use a “drier” filling, otherwise the moisture will be transferred to the dough, and it will taste like it’s not baked. Grease the baking sheet with a minimum amount of oil, and it is better to use parchment paper for baking. If you generously grease a baking sheet with oil, the puff pastries will absorb a lot of oil and the taste will deteriorate a little. . I added very little sugar, about 1/3 teaspoon for each puff pastry. Or you can exclude it altogether, it will turn out no less tasty, but you will save yourself from additional calories.

  • Puff ready dough(without yeast) – 400 g
  • Banana - 4 pcs
  • Sugar, butter or vegetable oil, enough to grease the pan

First, we need to take the dough out of the freezer and room temperature defrost it.

I had two layers of dough in the package, I cut each layer into 6 pieces. I rolled it out thinly.

Cut bananas into slices. And on each rolled out layer of dough we place our filling, sprinkle lightly with sugar. Immediately make small cuts at the top of the puff pastry, this will allow steam to escape and the baked goods will not lose their shape.

Then he covers it with the other half of the dough and presses the edges of the puff pastry with a fork, this will hold them together better and also give them a beautiful appearance.

We place our puff pastries on a greased baking sheet and place them in an oven preheated to 200C for about 30 minutes. First of all, you are guided by yours. Every housewife knows her oven and it will quite possibly take you much less time to cook.

Bake until golden brown.

Recipe 6: bananas in puff pastry in a frying pan

  • Bananas 2 pcs.
  • Refined sunflower oil 200 ml
  • Wheat flour 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • Puff pastry 450 g

Ready puff pastry cut into 15 pieces in the form of rectangles. Lightly sprinkle with flour and roll out in one direction.

Then we connect the large sides, also carefully pressing the edges with a fork so that the seams do not separate during the frying process. These are the sticks you get.

step by step recipe with photos

The aroma of pies in the house is a symbol of comfort, coziness and a good family atmosphere. To please your family and friends with banana pies, you will need a little free time and a minimum amount of products. We advise you to take note of this simple recipe and prepare pies with sweet banana filling for your household this coming weekend. Rest assured, these pies will be appreciated!


  • 1 glass of milk 3.2% fat
  • 30 gr. compressed yeast
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar
  • 1/2 pack butter
  • Wheat flour
  • 2 bananas
  • a little sugar for the filling


1. Cut the butter into cubes.

2. Heat a glass of milk in a deep bowl and pour 30 grams into it. fresh yeast or 2 tbsp. spoons of dry instant yeast and add 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar. Leave for exactly 5 minutes so that the yeast rises a little. Add the suitable milk-yeast mixture to the butter.

3. Add flour, which should be sifted in advance so that it is better saturated with oxygen, and the dough turns out more than successful. You will need such an amount of flour that the kneading process produces a moderately stiff dough.

4. Mash the butter with a spatula and mix with the rest of the ingredients. Cover the finished dough with a clean towel.

5. On the table, roll out the dough into a small rectangle (no more than 1.5 cm thick). Cut it into squares as you can see in the photo.

6. Place bananas cut into circles in the middle of each of them, sprinkle with sugar and form a pie.

Yeast pie with fruit will decorate any feast

Fruit pie made from yeast dough is a classic. Our grandmothers and mothers treated their guests to these pies. Our modern children, spoiled by all sorts of culinary delights, will happily gobble up such a pie.
Previously, baking pies from yeast dough was a long and rather labor-intensive process. With the advent of all kinds of fast-acting dry yeast, the preparation of any baked goods has become easier. Now you don’t need to conjure it for several hours. There are even recipes in which there is no time at all for proofing the yeast dough. But this is a topic for another article and another recipe.

Let's return to our comparative quick recipe beautiful and tasty yeast pie with fruits, which not only a novice cook, but even a child can prepare.

For beginner cooks, step-by-step photos are posted at the end of the article.

Let me make a reservation right away - many of the ingredients in this recipe can be replaced with others that are preferable and more affordable for you. And, besides this, the recipe can be completely adapted for those who strictly observe fasting and consume only permitted foods during this time.

For yeast pie with apples and banana we will need:

Wheat flour – 500-600 gr. (as much as the dough will take)
Yeast (dry, fast-acting) – 1 tbsp. spoon
Milk – 150 gr.
Oil – 100 gr. (butter, vegetable or margarine for baking)
Sugar – 4 – 6 spoons (to taste)
Salt – ½ teaspoon
Egg – 1 pc.
Water – 50 gr.

For filling:

Apples – 3-4 pcs.
Banana – 1 pc.
Jam, jam or soft jam – 100 – 150 gr.

For lean yeast pie We completely exclude eggs, replace milk with water, use any vegetable oil.

Making yeast cake

Pour the yeast into warm water, do not stir, let stand for 10-15 minutes until it is completely dissolved.

At this time, in a separate bowl, combine milk, butter (soften if using butter or margarine), salt, egg, sugar. Mix everything thoroughly. At the end, add yeast dissolved in water. Mix everything again and pour into flour.

Knead the dough with a spoon. The dough should turn out soft, not liquid and not tight (we won’t roll it out, and we won’t pour it out like a sponge cake either).

Cover the bowl with the dough with a towel or napkin and leave for about half an hour. At this time, you can relax or do other things. During this time, the dough should increase significantly in volume. If you have time, you can (but not necessarily) increase the time a little and knead the dough at least once so that it rises (comes) twice.

We return to the kitchen, place the dough on a baking sheet or baking dish. Grease a baking tray with oil or cover it with baking parchment, which we also grease. We spread the dough evenly over the baking sheet with our hands, about 1 cm thick. You can grease your palm with oil or sprinkle the dough with flour to make it easier to work with. If the dough does not immediately want to obey and does not straighten out completely the first time, set the baking sheet aside for a few minutes. Believe me, after a short “rest” the dough will become manageable and you will be able to spread it on the pan easily.

Take jam or jam and cover the surface of the pie with a thin layer. If you are using hard jam, put it in the microwave for half a minute to soften it.

At this time, you can already turn on the oven to warm up and place our pie preparation next to the warm oven. In the meantime, let's get started with the filling.

You can peel the apples or leave the skin (with it they look more beautiful in finished pie). We cut the apples into slices, and the banana, respectively. Place the fruit on the pie and sprinkle with a little sugar.

While we are making the filling, the dough on the baking sheet should have time to rise a little. Place the pie in the oven and bake for 30-40 minutes. Baking time depends on your oven. When baking a pie for the first time, carefully monitor its readiness.

The main thing is that the dough is baked. As always, you can check this with a toothpick (if you poke it into the dough and remove it, there will be no trace of dough on it if the cake is ready).

The top of the pie should be slightly browned. But here too you should be guided by your taste. Some people like everything fried, dried, crispy, others like it softer, more tender.

Step by step photos.

In a separate bowl, combine milk, butter (soften if using butter or margarine), salt, egg, sugar. Mix everything thoroughly. At the end, add yeast dissolved in water. Mix everything again and pour into flour.

Knead the dough with a spoon. The dough should be soft, not liquid and not very tight.

Cover the bowl with the dough with a towel or napkin and leave for about half an hour. The dough will rise well during this time.

Take jam or jam and cover the surface of the pie with a thin layer.

We cut fruits (today we used apples and banana, but in general there can be other fruits, for example, plums or pears.

Place the fruit on the pie and sprinkle with a little sugar.

The top of the pie should be slightly browned. But here too you should be guided by your taste. Some people like everything fried, dried, crispy, while others like it softer.

The pie is ready! Remove it from the oven, cut it into pieces and serve with tea.

Bon appetit.

If you like to bake pies, you might be interested in or

The recipe for pies with bananas was suggested to me by my eldest daughter. She loves bananas in any form. When I started cooking sour cream dough for pies, she asked to bake sweet pies from it, instead of meat ones. “Mom, but let’s take bananas with sugar as a filling,” she asked. And why not... Banana pies on a quick almost shortcrust pastry with sour cream - just what you need for an afternoon snack.

The recipe turned out very quickly. I baked banana pies in the oven in less than an hour.

We take products from the list.

Pour flour into a bowl. You can take flour without first sifting. Add soft butter and a pinch of salt. Combine butter and flour into crumbs. I just take the butter with my hands and knead it together with the flour. Baking powder for dough also comes here. Vanillin can be used if desired. I came across a flavored baking powder. For this reason, I did not use vanilla - so as not to interrupt the aroma of the banana filling.

Add sour cream to the crumbled dough.

Knead the soft bun. Cover the bun with cling film. Place in the freezer for 10 minutes.

Cut bananas into circles. Mix with sugar. A crushed lemon slice without zest also comes here.

Divide the chilled dough into two parts. We roll two strands out of it. The dough turned out quite soft. For the “under dusting” you need to use flour. You need to form balls from the bundles.

Roll out the balls one by one into flat cakes. Place bananas in the middle of each flatbread.

We make pies. Place them on a baking sheet on parchment. Grease baking parchment with a thin layer of butter. Place the banana pies in the oven preheated to 240°C for 15-20 minutes.

Banana pies are ready! Remove the pies from the baking sheet and cool.

Fragrant banana cakes Ideal with milk for an afternoon snack.

I recommend that all banana lovers try banana pies. They are very easy to prepare. Here I will share one recipe and also give some tips through which you can get dozens of types of banana cakes. After all, there is no need to publish 10 recipes that differ in a couple of ways. It’s better to disassemble this very basis, which allows you to create culinary madness (in a good way).

By the way, I advise you to first take a look at. Very tasty homemade cakes!

Recipe for baked banana pies with yeast dough


  • Dry yeast – 10 g.
  • Bananas – 4 pcs.
  • Flour – 500 g.
  • Milk – 250 ml.
  • Butter – 40 g.
  • Chicken eggs – 2 pcs.
  • Sugar – 5 tbsp. spoon;
  • Salt – 1 pinch;

Step-by-step preparation

Kneading the dough

  1. Add yeast to warm milk, stir and wait 10 minutes.
  2. Beat 1 egg, softened butter, sugar (2 tablespoons) and salt into a cup. Mix.
  3. Pour the milk into the eggs and mix again.
  4. While stirring, add flour. Knead the dough with your hands.
  5. Let the dough rise (30 minutes).

Banana filling for pies

  1. Peel the bananas and cut them into small cubes.
  2. Sprinkle with sugar (3 tablespoons).

Modeling and baking banana pies

  1. Punch down the dough, stretch it into a sausage and cut into equal pieces.
  2. Roll out pieces of dough into round cakes.
  3. Place a couple of tablespoons of banana filling on each tortilla.
  4. Pull the dough towards the middle, forming a seam. Seal the edges tightly.
  5. Grease a baking sheet with oil and place the pies on it.
  6. Preheat the oven to 190 degrees.
  7. Brush the pies with beaten egg.
  8. Bake for 25-35 minutes until the pies are golden.

How to prepare a delicious banana filling for pies

Making banana filling is actually very simple. We need imagination. We need combinations.

The general algorithm is simple: chop the ingredients, season with sugar or something sweet.

It is not necessary to fry or otherwise process bananas. Fruits can be added raw to the filling.

Bananas can be mixed with strawberries, pineapple, apples, honey, chocolate, cinnamon, cottage cheese, pears, raspberries, etc. My favorite is banana and apple pies. The banana and chocolate pies are also very chic.

You can make banana pies from puff pastry. I recommend using ready-made dough. You just cut it into identical rectangles, and then everything is the same.

Banana pies can not only be baked, but also fried. For example, in the recipe above, the oven can be replaced with a frying pan, and then you will get fragrant, fatty pies with banana filling.

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By the way, here is a visual recipe for making banana pies using puff pastry. Video is better than photo.



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