Why yeast dough didn’t work out: analysis of typical mistakes. Secrets of baking “correct” pancakes... How to get rid of lumps in

Why yeast dough didn’t work out: analysis of typical mistakes. Secrets of baking “correct” pancakes... How to get rid of lumps in

How to cook pancakes without lumps recipe - a complete description of the preparation so that the dish turns out very tasty and original.

Pancakes can be prepared using various liquids: from dairy and fermented milk products to water. And in any case, they will delight household members with a delicious taste. But most often they are prepared with milk. Then they turn out rich and thin.

For tasty and tender pancakes for milk you will need:

  • Warm milk – 2 glasses;
  • Chicken egg – 3 pieces;
  • Sugar – 0.5 tablespoon;
  • Salt – 0.5 teaspoon;
  • Vegetable oil for dough – 2 tablespoons;
  • Wheat flour – 1.5 cups;
  • Vegetable oil for frying - how much will be needed.

In fact, this recipe is not strict; some components of the dish can be replaced with others. For example, vegetable oil for dough can be replaced with melted butter, which makes the pancakes much browner. Wheat flour can be partially replaced with buckwheat flour, then you can enjoy the taste of real ancient Russian pancakes, which were prepared to welcome spring. You can add more sugar to create pancakes for those with a sweet tooth. But then it would be inappropriate to wrap them in savory filling: liver, mushrooms or cheese.

Speaking of cheese. If you add 200 grams to the dough grated cheese soft or durum varieties(but not melted), the taste of the finished dish will be better. The pancakes will acquire a special aroma, and they themselves will become so tender that you won’t be able to tear yourself away from them until you’ve eaten every last one.

Recipe for making pancakes with milk

To make a good dough, you need to knead it strictly according to the recipe. Otherwise, there will be a lot of lumps in it or it will burn on the pan when frying the pancakes.

Break the eggs into the pan and beat them a little with a whisk or mixer.

Pour 2/3 cup of warm, but not hot, milk into a saucepan. Add all the sugar and salt here and mix well.

Pour sifted flour into the resulting mixture, preferably in 0.5 cup portions, after each the dough is mixed with a whisk or mixer until smooth. At this stage the dough should be thick.

Pour all the remaining milk (1 and 1/3 cups) into the dough and mix thoroughly. Perfect dough for pancakes it has the consistency of liquid sour cream or very heavy cream.

Add vegetable or melted butter and stir the dough again.

A frying pan (preferably with a thick bottom and handle, but also with a non-stick coating) is heated on the stove and greased with vegetable oil. It is convenient to use a pastry brush for this.

To make the pancakes thin, you need to take enough dough so that it can only cover the entire bottom of the pan, but no more. To do this, scoop the dough into a ladle with your right hand, and hold the pan suspended with your left hand. The dough is poured gradually strictly into the middle of the frying pan, which is quickly rotated in a circle with your left hand so that the dough spreads evenly over the entire surface. This is difficult only in words - in reality everything is simpler.

Place the pan back on the stove and make sure that the dough on top of the pancake is baked. It starts to bake from the edges, and after 1.5 - 2 minutes the dough thickens in the middle. Then turn the pancake over with a spatula and fry on the other side for 0.5 - 1 minute.

Repeat step 7-8 until all the dough is gone. Pancakes are ready!

How to serve pancakes?

If pancakes were prepared with milk without adding sugar, then you can wrap any filling in them: mushrooms, potatoes, cabbage, cheese, boiled condensed milk, thick jam or jam, marmalade. If the filling was not provided, then the pancakes can be served with sour cream, honey or condensed milk. To make the dish look beautiful, pancakes can be rolled into an envelope or into a tube.

To ensure that the pancakes always turn out without flour lumps, tasty, rosy, thin and with holes, you need to know a few tricks. This is especially important for young and inexperienced housewives who decide to cook this wonderful dish for the first time.

So that there are no lumps

There are several ways to break up lumps in dough:

Method 1. It is described in the recipe. Flour is mixed with all the ingredients and only part of the milk, since it is easier to knead the lumps in a thick dough. When the dough becomes homogeneous, add the remaining liquid and stir.

Method 2. If you use a mixer to knead the dough, there will be no lumps - the mixer will thoroughly break them up. Therefore, the components can be mixed in any order.

Method 3. Knead the dough in random order. Then keep it in the refrigerator for several hours and stir again. The swollen lumps will disintegrate on their own.

To be ruddy and with holes

Instead of vegetable oil for the dough, use butter. But don't be alarmed if the first pancake turns out unattractive. This is normal, just like the first pancake was lumpy. This happens even with experienced housewives.

If the dough is too thin (thick)

If the pancakes tear, then the dough needs to be made thicker. To do this, pour out a quarter of the dough and add flour by eye, stir until all the lumps disintegrate. Then mix both parts of the dough and obtain a homogeneous mass.

If the pancakes turn out too thick, then you can add a little milk to the dough itself and stir until smooth.

I liked the recipe: 7

Recipe: Thin pancakes - dough recipe without a blender, but without lumps

milk – 2 tbsp;
salt - a pinch;
Sunflower oil – 50 g;
granulated sugar – 1 tbsp;
wheat flour – 1 tbsp;
chicken eggs – 2 pcs

My aunt taught me how to make pancakes without lumps a long time ago.

We love pancakes at home, I make them often. But once I beat the dough with a whisk or fork, and lumps still remained. Then these same lumps in the dough looked ugly and interfered with and distracted me when frying the pancakes, because I always wanted to break them.

This problem does not occur with a blender. But what if there is no technology at hand? how to make pancake dough tasty and beautiful? Should I prepare the pancakes thin without any extra bulges in the form of lumps? I’m sharing my aunt’s recipe.

So, in order to start preparing pancake dough, I first take flour.
It is flour, not milk.

Make a small well in the flour and break 2 eggs into it.

I start beating the eggs in this depression. All the flour is not used.
Before we get started, add some salt and sugar.

Now we start adding milk.

It should be added gradually, in small doses.
At first I added just a little.

And this is what happened when I combined it with an egg. Naturally, the flour gradually combines with this mixture.

So gradually I introduced the amount of milk I needed.

The dough should be homogeneous, not too liquid, drain from the spoon slowly, leaving behind a trail, like the fork in the photo above.

If your dough is too thick, you can thin it by adding either milk or water.

I add a pinch of baking soda at this stage. And while I’m stirring, our frying pan is already heating up.

Usually, while I'm baking, the finished pancakes disappear. I beg my friends to wait until the end of the process, but this does not always work.

I'll have tea with pancakes and fish caviar. I love salty things. But you can use the most different fillings for pancakes, both sweet and not so sweet.

Thank you for your attention and Bon appetit!

Cooking time:PT00H30M 30 min.

Approximate cost per serving:50 rub.

I present to your attention pancakes on a quick fix, for those who don’t know how to deal with lumps. My beloved mother makes these pancakes.

We will need:
1. 500ml. milk
2. 2 eggs
3. 1 cup flour
4. 3 tbsp. spoons of sunflower oil
5. pinch of salt
6. sugar 1 tbsp. spoon
I do everything by eye, the dough should be the usual consistency for pancakes.

Mix eggs, salt, sugar. Stir.

Add half the milk and flour. Stir. The dough is like pancakes, so there are no lumps.

Add the rest of the milk and stir.

Add sunflower oil, stir.

Bon appetit.
I hope the recipe is useful.
You can add soda and then there will be a lot of holes in the pancakes.
If there is such a recipe, sorry, I couldn’t find it.

Irishka, this has become my favorite pancake recipe))))
it was like this, there were 2 eggs in the refrigerator and my husband wanted pancakes for tea
The search was quick and I kneaded it)))) I tried it with my husband. eye-to-eye look: the taste of childhood - real pancakes))))))

then some time passed, I realized that I hadn’t saved the recipe))) the first search did not give results ((((time passed and oh joy, I found it today))) and I already remembered it more firmly so as not to forget

words of gratitude from us))) without a photo yet: too tasty

It’s very nice that you actually like the recipe!! This is the easiest, fastest pancake recipe. And if you melt the butter and grease each pancake a little. generally yum-yum
Thanks for your feedback

30 years
Ukraine, Egypt, Lebanon,

Thank you very much for the recipe!
The dough is made quickly and homogeneous
The pancakes turned out thin and in a hole!
Thank you!

30 years
Nizhny Novgorod

Irishka, it's me again. We were on vacation in Austria and wanted our favorite pancakes for breakfast.
We bought 4 eggs. In the morning I had a shock - the EGGS turned out to be BOILED, with a bag of salt carefully placed in the package.

This is how it happens. We made yeast without eggs))))))))))))))))))))

How to make pancake batter without lumps?

For a very long time I didn’t know how to bake pancakes, and then my mother taught me one recipe, which is still my favorite and simplest (everyone with whom I shared it turns out pancakes with a bang).

And to ensure that there are no lumps, you just need to mix the dough with a whisk and no combines - the dough does not like mechanics at all. And flour is also very important: high-quality, proven. And it’s better to add flour while stirring, passing it through a sieve (I have a mug sieve - very convenient and compact). When sifting, the flour and dough are saturated with oxygen, which gives a good consistency.

So, beat 5-6 eggs in a bowl, add to them a good pinch of salt and 3 tablespoons of granulated sugar (if you like it sweeter, add more). Then add 8-9 heaped tablespoons of flour to the eggs (don’t forget to sift) - the dough turns out like thick sour cream. Then add 3 cups of milk so that the dough begins to flow, and 3 tablespoons vegetable oil. Mix. You can bake.

It is better to heat the frying pan with salt before starting baking (then do not wash off the salt, but wipe it thoroughly with a clean cloth).

I have a good pancake maker and I grease it only before the first pancake, and then I bake it like that (there is oil in the dough). Pour the dough quickly throughout the pan. I pour it with a ladle, a little less than half a ladle per pancake. The pancakes turn out thin and tasty.

For pancakes and pancakes, we use everything we have lying around in the refrigerator: kefir, milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, zucchini. I even bake it with pancakes: with bananas, with sausages, with sausage.

Needed for pancakes batter, thick for pancakes. But to avoid lumps in the pancake batter, you need to stir with a fork and first prepare a thick batter, like for pancakes, and then dilute it with water or milk. I don’t use any blenders, mixers or food processors.

In what order should you put the ingredients in the dough? First, take all the liquids, mix, add salt and sugar, mix, and then flour and soda. According to my observations, it is better to put soda along with flour. You can add vegetable oil to the dough and then you can bake without greasing the pan. It is good to grease the pan using an onion cut in half or take a piece of lard on a fork.

To prevent the first pancake from turning out lumpy, you need to heat the pan well, then the oil. It’s even better if there is a special frying pan with a wooden or plastic handle for pancakes.

Stir the dough to the right or left. as mentioned in the answers above - it turns out that the question is not so fundamental. The experiments of enthusiasts and curious scientists have confirmed that, from a scientific point of view, the direction of mixing can be any.

All problems with lumps are amazingly solved by a hand immersion blender. With it it is much faster, easier and easier than with the 2-nozzle electric mixer that was familiar from Soviet times, which is a little heavy for the hand (and taking it out, folding it and washing it is also somewhat tedious).

Select the whisk attachment from the set, swirl the ingredients in the bowl, and the pancakes will turn out great.

The brand of blender does not matter. power too: the lowest power one will do (literally from 120-180 W). The powerful one will do the same thing a few seconds faster.

Low-power immersion blenders from little-advertised brands are quite inexpensive. But if you have already decided to buy this device, then choose a more powerful one, from 600W. This is a great helper in the kitchen - dexterous and fast.. especially for preparing small portions of mixtures (approximately the same volume for 2-3 people), even with the aforementioned mixer and even a seemingly universal food processor.

Even the minimum set of immersion blender has 2 attachments - whisk(cocktails, dough for pancakes, pancakes) and knife(puree soups directly in the pan, minced vegetables, chopping nuts, etc.).

We were very pleased extended set(2 attachments and 1 mini bowl with a knife attachment - for chopping herbs, nuts, onions). We have been using it almost every day for 5 years.

Happy pancakes!

I take 250 g of cold milk, 2 tsp. sugar and 0.5 tsp. salt, 1 cup flour and slowly beat until smooth, add 250 g of carbonated mineral water and 2 large eggs or 3 small ones (beat separately). Lastly - 2 tbsp. vegetable oil, stir, set aside for the flour to swell for about 20 minutes. Then bake thin pancakes, all with holes, in a hot cast-iron frying pan, greased with vegetable oil. Sometimes I add buckwheat flour to wheat flour and finely chopped green onions. then I put a pinch of soda in the flour. I beat it with a whisk or a blender.

I take 2-3 eggs, a pinch of salt, 2-3 tablespoons of sugar and grind them in a bowl, pour in a liter of milk and mix into a homogeneous mass, then slowly start adding flour and whisk with a whisk, the dough should be like thin sour cream when the consistency is ready, I let the dough sit for an hour (you don’t have to leave it, but beat it with a mixer), the lumps of flour seem to be saturated and dissolve easily after whipping, take half a teaspoon of soda, a tablespoon of vinegar - quench the soda and mix it into the dough.

I never pour sunflower oil into the dough, I grease the heated frying pan with a piece of lard and pour out half a ladle of the dough, turn the pan so that the dough spreads and put it on the fire, you will see for yourself when it’s time to turn the pancake to the other side, remove the pancake and grease it melted butter, I fold it in half twice and onto a plate.

Everyone loves my pancakes, no matter where I go, I simply have to feed everyone with my pancakes)

A few more nuances - I don’t spare eggs, I like to put not 2-3, but 4-5, with bright yolks, then the pancakes are yellow as the sun. If you fry pancakes in order to cook them with filling, there is no need to grease them with oil.

We used to mix by hand with a spoon, so making pancake batter was a very unloved activity. After the mixer appears, it takes no more than 5 minutes to prepare dough from 1 liter of milk. 2 - 3 eggs, 4 tablespoons of sugar (I love sweets), a liter of milk, a little salt and flour according to eye. Beat with a mixer and place in a ceramic frying pan. And if you add 2 tablespoons of starch, the pancakes can turn out even thinner and crispier

All of the above recipes are good. But still, it seems to me that it is preferable to use equipment that is so disliked by many. A blender, mixer, food processor. My dough does not suffer at all when using them. But the surest way to avoid lumps, which is what I was talking about question.

As a rule, at home I cook almost all the food and I’m pretty good at it. I always prepare pancakes as follows:

a glass of milk, an egg, salt, sugar to taste, a piece of butter, sifted flour. In this sequence, I beat the whole mass with a blender until it is completely broken, then to bring it to the appropriate consistency, I add only spring water and beat again. And then you need to let the dough stand for 40 minutes and beat again. Thin pancakes with holes turn out like the sun.

How to make pancake batter without lumps?

  • Information about pancakes
  • Step-by-step recipe for making pancakes

Anyone who has tried pancakes at least once is unlikely to forget their delicate and soft taste. Moreover, they eat pancakes for a reason, but always with some kind of filling. This can be sour cream, cottage cheese, any jam or jam, liquid chocolate, stuffed meat with seasonings, eggs and much more. Here everything depends on the imagination of the one who bakes and eats them. True, there is a lot of fiddling around with how to make pancake dough, but the result is worth it. After all, you always want something tasty to go with your hot tea or cup of coffee. So every housewife can easily and with great pleasure prepare wonderful pancakes, whether there is a reason for this, for example, a birthday, some family holiday, Easter, New Year, and, of course, Maslenitsa. Although there doesn’t have to be a reason.

Before you put the dough on pancakes, you should prepare everything necessary ingredients so that unforeseen circumstances and unpleasant incidents do not arise during baking. To bake pancakes you need: a frying pan (preferably cast iron or Teflon). spatula for turning, large dish (or round tray). on which you can stack ready-made pancakes. And to prepare dough for pancakes, you need the following required ingredients: eggs - 2 or 3 pieces (the more eggs, the tastier the pancakes become); milk – 0.5 liters; wheat flour – 1 cup (approximately 250-300 grams); granulated sugar - 1 tablespoon, vegetable oil - 3 or 4 tablespoons; salt - to taste. Below will be presented step by step recipe preparing pancake dough without lumps.

So, we can now proceed to the question of how to make pancake dough so that no lumps form or remain in it. Step one. Mix eggs with granulated sugar and salt. You need to do this well enough to get a homogeneous mass without streaks. Then add milk to this mass and mix well. Step two. This is the most important moment in preparing the dough - gradually adding flour. Firstly, the flour must be sifted, not only because there may be specks in it. This must be done for the reasons that during sifting, the flour is saturated with oxygen, which, in turn, makes the pancakes tender, soft and fluffy. So, to prevent lumps from forming in the dough, add flour gradually, in small portions. Even if it takes more time.

In addition, even adding flour in small portions, there is still a chance of lumps forming, even small ones. Therefore, the most suitable way to avoid this is to use a regular mixer. it allows you to eliminate all the lumps that are in the dough and are not visible to the naked eye. You need to make sure that there is not too much flour or, conversely, not enough. The dough should have the consistency of liquid sour cream. If the dough turns out to be too liquid, then they will not turn out to be pancakes. If it is too thick, the pancakes will turn out strong and rough, like a flatbread. Therefore, it is very important to maintain strict proportions to avoid such problems. Step three. IN ready dough you need to add vegetable oil, it will not allow the pancakes to stick during baking and burn.

If the pancakes stick to the pan during baking, it is better to add a little more vegetable oil to the dough. This will definitely not deteriorate the quality of the dough and pancakes. Step four. Now you can bake pancakes. First you need to heat the pan well, even hot, otherwise the dough will stick to the bottom. As soon as it is hot, coat the bottom of the frying pan with vegetable oil and pour in one ladle of dough. The pan must be immediately tilted in different directions so that the dough is evenly distributed over it. Otherwise, the pancake will not be round enough and of uneven thickness. Keep the pan on the fire for two or three minutes and turn the pancake over to the other side so that it browns on both sides. Ready pancakes need to be placed on top of each other on pre-prepared dishes.

That's basically it, the pancakes are ready. Thus, the article provided detailed information on how to make pancake batter so that it does not form lumps, which so often interfere with achieving perfect pancakes. As it turns out, this is not that difficult to achieve. It is enough to follow the presented step by step instructions and use a regular mixer, which will cope with this problem in no time. Using this approach, you can ensure that there are no lumps in the dough, even the smallest ones, and the pancakes turn out tender, soft and airy. Well, everything else is a matter of taste and preference. Pancakes can be eaten with anything. As the people say, there are no comrades according to taste.

How to make pancakes without lumps

The first pancake is lumpy - this is what they usually say about any business that was not entirely successful the first time. But if we understand the catchphrase in the literal sense, then in this case certain knowledge and skills are required in preparing a wonderful folk and everyone’s favorite dish, so that it does not turn into a lump. Thanks to this article, you will learn how to properly make a good, homogeneous dough for delicious pancakes.

Recipe for making pancakes without lumps

What ingredients are included in the dough:

  • 2 chicken eggs
  • A glass of flour
  • Half a liter of milk
  • Table salt - a pinch
  • Granulated sugar - tablespoon
  • 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil (it is better to take sunflower oil)

Step-by-step cooking process:

  1. First you need to mix salt, sugar and eggs well. You can beat with a whisk, a mixer or a blender.
  2. Then you should pour in a little milk (literally from half a glass) and add flour. It is worth noting that the dough is prepared in the same way as for pancakes, so there will be no lumps with this cooking method.
  3. Pour in the remaining half of the milk and mix the mixture well.
  4. The last ingredient - sunflower oil - also add to the dough and mix thoroughly. That's all! The dough is ready and you can bake your favorite thin cakes.

How else can you make the dough?

This recipe is not much different from the previous one, however, there is an opinion that pancake dough does not “like” mixers, blenders and food processors - only the whisk! In addition, you should take care of choosing good flour, and take a little more eggs - 5-6 pcs.

What else do you need to know to make delicious pancakes?

To make the dish very tasty and appetizing, carefully read the following tips:

  • Choose the “right” frying pan – Teflon or cast iron
  • Use a spatula to quickly flip the dough to the other side while frying.
  • For convenience, place the finished dish on a large round tray
  • Know that the more eggs (4-5 pcs), the tastier the pancakes
  • Be sure to sift the flour before mixing with the rest of the ingredients.
  • Add the flour slowly - then the dough and the dish will turn out without lumps
  • Add vegetable oil so that the dough does not burn during baking and the dish itself does not stick to the pan.
  • Before you start baking, heat the pan by adding a little salt to it, but do not wash it off before frying, just lightly wipe it with a dry cloth.

Follow the recipes listed above and you will forever remember how to make wonderful, delicious pancakes!

exceptional pancake recipe. dough without lumps. If it turns out runny, I mixed the egg with flour and sugar separately and added it. I just decided to share it with anyone interested)

Did you know that pancakes, although they are an original Russian dish, are also quite typical for French cuisine, and the Germans favor thin pancakes with milk, and even in the States they are familiar with this wonderful dish.
How to cook pancakes with milk? There are a lot of recipes, they recommend this way, that way, and that way. I strongly disagree with many of the recipes. But main secret, thanks to which pancakes with milk turn out thin - in the dough. For such pancakes you need dough without yeast starter. The yeast rises the dough, and then the pancakes turn out plump.
Pancake recipe with milk

So, let's use my favorite recipe for pancakes with milk. We will need:

  • 1,5-2 a glass of flour, more is possible, it all depends on your appetite, but then do not forget to bring the proportions of other products into line.
  • 0,5 liter of milk (you can also use water, but milk tastes better, right?).
  • 3 eggs, for example, I like large, brown ones with large bright yellow yolks.
  • A tablespoon of sugar, another tablespoon of vegetable oil and a pinch of salt.

To make the dough without lumps, first mix the eggs, sugar, salt and mix.
Add flour – it’s better to gradually add it, as it will be easier to mix.
When the flour is absorbed and a uniform mass is obtained, we begin to gradually pour in the milk and mix thoroughly. First flour, then milk - then there will be no lumps. But if you plop two glasses of flour into half a liter of milk, you will be tortured to destroy the lumps by pressing them against the walls of the bowl.
In fact, the most convenient way to knead dough is to use blender. Then, in principle, you can forget about the lumps. But somehow I have kitchen appliances doesn't fold, so I make pancake dough traditionally using a whisk.
Now add a spoonful of vegetable oil to our dough. You can take regular sunflower or olive; some may like corn. It is best to have an odorless oil, then it will not overpower the subtle and delicate aroma of our milk pancakes. By the way, those with a sweet tooth can easily increase the amount of sugar to their liking. You can also add vanilla or cinnamon, but keep in mind that cinnamon will color the dough chocolate color.
I’ll tell you a little secret: to make the pancakes not just rosy and beautiful, but also with charming bubble holes, you can add a little water to the dough, literally a couple of spoons.
The pan for pancakes should be very hot. And get ready not to leave the stove and do everything quite quickly until the dough runs out. Thin pancakes fry instantly, and it is not good to overcook such a thin product over the fire.
Grease the frying pan with a thin layer of oil, the thinner the better. We have already added vegetable oil to the dough, precisely so that our pancakes do not stick to the pan. Therefore, there is no need to pour a lot of oil into the pan. If you use a Teflon frying pan, you don’t need to grease it with oil at all; what’s already in the dough is enough.
You can pour the dough into the frying pan with a large wooden spoon; it looks very impressive from the outside, and wood is a food-friendly material. You can also use a small ladle. For one thin pancake You only need half a pouring spoon. However, if your frying pan is large, then you need more dough. Accordingly, less for a small frying pan. Here it is best to determine using the method of the first two pancakes. The first pancake most often turns out thicker than necessary, and the second portion of dough is not enough to make the pancake round and take up the entire pan. After this, you will probably know how much dough you need for your frying pan.
Using rotational and rocking movements, spread the dough over the entire surface of the pan in a thin, thin layer. You just have to do this very quickly, the frying pan is hot. I could write this about pancakes for a long time :)
As soon as the dough has browned and you see that it is no longer liquid, you can turn it over.

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Fluffy milk pancakes without yeast recipe

It would seem that baking pancakes is very simple. But baking thin, translucent, beautiful and airy pancakes is already an art, and it has its secrets.

How to make sure there are no lumps in pancake batter

1. Milk and water need to be poured into the flour. In this case, the dough is easier to stir and it will be easier to get rid of lumps.

2. There is another option for preparing pancake dough without lumps. To do this, on the contrary, you first need to knead a very thick dough, then gradually pour in all the rest of the liquid according to the recipe and mix.

3. If the dough turns out to be too liquid, do not pour flour into the bowl immediately - pour out part of the dough, add flour, stir thoroughly so that there are no lumps, and combine with the remaining dough.

How to make pancakes look beautiful

1. To ensure that the pancake is even and of equal thickness, pour the dough onto the edge of the frying pan with one hand, and lift it with the other and make a rotational movement so that the dough spreads over the entire surface.

2. The brownness of the pancakes can be adjusted by adding sugar to the dough. But don’t overdo it: if there is too much sugar in the dough, the pancake will burn and not become golden brown.

How to make pancakes delicious

1. The first pancake, the one that should always be lumpy, has its own important role. After tasting it, you will be able to determine whether you need to add sugar, salt, flour or milk to the dough for the correct consistency.

2. When placing pancakes on a plate, wipe each one butter- the pancakes will be juicy, not dry.

4. To prevent hard pancakes from becoming dry and soft, they can be stored in a saucepan under a lid, coated with butter.

How to make pancakes fluffy, spongy, loose

1. If you want to do fluffy pancakes, spongy, loose, absorbing sour cream or condensed milk well, make them with yeast or yogurt/kefir.

2. The flour should not be sifted in advance, but at the time of preparing the dough - this will make it more fluffy.

3. If you use baking powder instead of baking soda, use twice as much baking powder as baking soda.

4. If the pancake dough has not risen enough, all is not lost; you can correct the situation by gradually adding warm milk and without ceasing to stir the dough.

5. Before adding the whites, they must be thoroughly beaten. When the dough has risen, you need to add the egg whites, let the dough rise again and then bake the pancakes.

6. You need to pour the oil into the finished and risen dough. In this case, the proteins that you previously added to the dough must already be well mixed with the dough, otherwise, when they come into contact with oil, the proteins will settle, the dough will become denser, and the pancakes will become thicker and more viscous. Airy and thin translucent pancakes will no longer be possible from this dough.

7. You need to bake pancakes when the dough has already risen, but has not yet settled - seize the moment. It is better to take the dough with a spoon from above, without stirring. Otherwise the dough may settle.

8. You need to turn the pancakes from one side to the other when the edges have dried out and the middle is covered with “pimples.”

How to prevent pancakes from sticking to the pan and burning

1. The pan for pancakes should be separate. It is better not to use it for frying other dishes.

2. If the frying pan is cast iron, it must be heated over high heat before cooking.

3. If you have a Teflon frying pan and pancakes stick to it, try “brewing” the finished dough by adding a little boiling liquid to it.

4. If on cast iron frying pan If there are traces of previous baking, it is better not to wash it, but to wipe it thoroughly with a soft cloth and salt.

5. Just before baking, you need to add a little sunflower oil, about one or two spoons.

6. Do not pour oil into the frying pan, but grease it every two or three pancakes. It is very convenient to grease the frying pan with half a small potato, placed on a fork and moistened with vegetable oil.

7. Pancakes may stick due to sour milk. The dough can be corrected as follows: add a little flour, sprinkle a little soda, pour boiling water over it, stir and continue baking.

How to properly flip pancakes

1. Before making the first pancake, warm up the frying pan thoroughly, and then just turn down the heat - a pancake that is not “set” on the top side is more difficult to flip.

2. Before flipping the pancake, run a knife around the circumference of the pan. Then the pancake will turn over easily, and no “parts” of it will remain in the pan.

3. If the pancakes turn out unbaked, do not turn over when the edges are dry, or tear, it means there is not enough flour, do not be greedy, add more.

4. To make fluffy pancakes easier to flip, do not make them too large.

How to prevent pancakes from tearing

1. To prevent the pancakes from tearing, let the dough “rise”, then the gluten in the flour will have time to “manifest” itself.
2. Add an egg, just remember that the more eggs in the dough, the tougher the pancakes.

3. Make the dough using lukewarm milk diluted with water approximately 50/50.

To make the pancakes delicate

1. Openwork pancakes are best obtained from kefir dough.

2. If during the frying process you notice that what you get is not what you wanted, dilute the dough with carbonated water, beer, kumiss - depending on the main taste.

How to make low-fat pancakes

1. Use a Teflon pan.

2. Do not add vegetable oil to the pancake dough, and when the frying pan is warm, prick a piece of fresh lard onto a fork and wipe the hot frying pan with it before each new pancake. Then they turn out almost dry.

Pancakes for those who want to lose weight...

In order not to deny yourself the pleasure of your loved one, not to blame for the pancakes you eat and, most importantly, not to gain weight, there are several recommendations.

Basic principles

  1. Less fat
  2. More protein
  3. More fiber

How can you reduce the calorie content of pancakes?

  1. Unfortunately, you cannot completely avoid using oil in pancakes, because it is what prevents the pancakes from sticking to the pan and sticking together when you put them on a plate. But the amount of oil can be reduced slightly. To do this, simply add 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil to the dough and fry the pancakes in a dry, well-heated frying pan, preferably cast iron or Teflon-coated. This way, the pancakes will turn out much less greasy and heavy.
  2. To prepare the dough, do not use whole eggs, but only whites. The main thing is to beat them properly.
  3. It is better to take milk with a low fat content (0.5%, 1.5%), or replace it half with water, and ideally, give up milk altogether. If you use mineral water instead of regular water, the pancakes will turn out fluffy and airy.
  4. Use coarse flour, preferably buckwheat or rye, it contains less carbohydrates, but is rich in fiber, vitamins and microelements.
  5. You can add grated apples, pears, pumpkin or zucchini to the dough. Pancakes will become less caloric.
  6. Eat ready-made pancakes not with butter or sour cream, but rather with fruit or berry jam.

Delicious low-calorie filling options

  • Low-fat cottage cheese with chopped herbs, nuts or raisins;
  • Tuna in own juice with finely chopped fresh cucumbers and greens;
  • Salad from fresh tomatoes, bell pepper and salad;
  • Chopped boiled chicken breasts with any fresh or boiled vegetables;
  • Green beans, boiled and mixed with chopped nuts;
  • Apples slightly simmered in a little water with a small amount of raisins;
  • Boiled meat, minced and diluted meat broth;
  • Vegetable stew from peppers, tomatoes, peas.
    Experiment, taste and celebrate Maslenitsa with joy!

Interesting facts about pancakes

Most old recipe pancakes in English dates back to the 15th century.

The world record for the largest pancake was set in Rochdale in 1994. The pancake was 15 meters in diameter, weighed three tons and two million calories.

The World's Largest Pancake Breakfast is held annually in Springfield, Massachusetts, USA. Hundreds of volunteers take part in the event, and since 1999, more than 71,233 meals have been served to more than 40,000 people. If all these pancakes are stacked, it will be higher than 3.5 km.

Ralf Lau from Leipzig set a world record for throwing pancakes into the air - he threw it 416 times in two minutes. And Mike Kutsakre ran a marathon, constantly throwing a pancake, for 3 hours, 2 minutes and 27 seconds.

Original post and comments at

It would seem that baking pancakes is very simple. But baking thin, translucent, beautiful and airy pancakes is already an art, and it has its secrets.

How to make sure there are no lumps in pancake batter

1. Milk and water need to be poured into the flour. In this case, the dough is easier to stir and it will be easier to get rid of lumps.

2. There is another option for preparing pancake dough without lumps. To do this, on the contrary, you first need to knead a very thick dough, then gradually pour in all the rest of the liquid according to the recipe and mix.

3. If the dough turns out to be too liquid, do not pour flour into the bowl immediately - pour out part of the dough, add flour, stir thoroughly so that there are no lumps, and combine with the remaining dough.

How to make pancakes look beautiful

1. To ensure that the pancake is even and of equal thickness, pour the dough onto the edge of the frying pan with one hand, and lift it with the other and make a rotational movement so that the dough spreads over the entire surface.

2. The brownness of the pancakes can be adjusted by adding sugar to the dough. But don’t overdo it with adding sugar: if there is too much of it in the dough, the pancake will burn and not become golden brown.

How to make pancakes delicious

1. The first pancake, the one that should always be lumpy, has its own important role. After tasting it, you will be able to determine whether you need to add sugar, salt, flour or milk to the dough for the correct consistency.

2. When placing pancakes on a plate, wipe each one with butter - the pancakes will be juicy, not dry.

4. To prevent hard pancakes from becoming dry and soft, they can be stored in a saucepan under a lid, coated with butter.

How to make pancakes fluffy, spongy, loose

1. If you want to make fluffy pancakes, spongy, loose, well absorbing sour cream or condensed milk, make them with yeast or yogurt/kefir.

2. The flour should not be sifted in advance, but at the time of preparing the dough - this will make it more fluffy.

3. If you use baking powder instead of baking soda, use twice as much baking powder as baking soda.

4. If the pancake dough has not risen enough, all is not lost; you can correct the situation by gradually adding warm milk and without ceasing to stir the dough.

5. Before adding the whites, they must be thoroughly beaten. When the dough has risen, you need to add the egg whites, let the dough rise again and then bake the pancakes.

6. You need to pour the oil into the finished and risen dough. In this case, the proteins that you previously added to the dough must already be well mixed with the dough, otherwise, when they come into contact with oil, the proteins will settle, the dough will become denser, and the pancakes will become thicker and more viscous. Airy and thin translucent pancakes will no longer be possible from this dough.

7. You need to bake pancakes when the dough has already risen, but has not yet settled - seize the moment. It is better to take the dough with a spoon from above, without stirring. Otherwise the dough may settle.

8. You need to turn the pancakes from one side to the other when the edges have dried out and the middle is covered with “pimples.”

How to prevent pancakes from sticking to the pan and burning

1. The pan for pancakes should be separate. It is better not to use it for frying other dishes.

2. If the frying pan is cast iron, it must be heated over high heat before cooking.

3. If you have a Teflon frying pan and pancakes stick to it, try “brewing” the finished dough by adding a little boiling liquid to it.

4. If there are traces of previous baking left on a cast-iron frying pan, then it is better not to wash it, but to wipe it thoroughly with a soft cloth and salt.

5. Immediately before baking, add a little sunflower oil to the dough, about one or two tablespoons.

6. Do not pour oil into the frying pan, but grease it every two or three pancakes. It is very convenient to grease the frying pan with half a small potato, placed on a fork and moistened with vegetable oil.

7. Pancakes may stick due to sour milk. The dough can be corrected as follows: add a little flour, sprinkle a little soda, pour boiling water over it, stir and continue baking.

How to properly flip pancakes

1. Before making the first pancake, warm up the frying pan thoroughly, and then just turn down the heat - a pancake that is not “set” on the top side is more difficult to flip.

The reasons why the dough did not turn out can be different. Baking products from yeast dough requires knowledge of many nuances and subtleties, since the dough is quite capricious and can behave unpredictably.

Alas, these subtleties are not mentioned in the recipes themselves. It is understood that an experienced housewife already knows all this. Well, an inexperienced person, doing everything exactly according to the recipe and measuring out the required amount of food with religious scrupulousness, will more than once encounter an unpleasant surprise: it seems that she did everything as it should, but the dough did not rise, or was not baked, or burned, or fell off after baking .

I collected all the “tricks” and “needs” that I knew for the correct handling of yeast dough and made this reminder. Perhaps it will be useful to someone too.

If something went wrong. Where was the mistake made:

  • The dough is poorly formed, the products turn out flat, vague - excess water;
  • The dough does not ferment well, the finished products are hard - lack of water;
  • The dough ferments for a long time, the products are purchased salty taste, peel color is pale – excess salt;
  • The products turn out vague, tasteless - not enough salt;
  • When baking, the surface of the product is quickly tinted, and the middle is baked slowly; in addition, the dough does not ferment well - too much sugar;
  • Pale and low-sweet products – not enough sugar;
  • Unpleasant yeasty odor - too much yeast;
  • The product turned out to be small in volume, fluffy, poorly baked, heavy and cracked - little time for proofing the dough;
  • The product is blurry, and the crumb has uneven large pores - excessive proofing.

What should you do if the dough does not ferment?

  • Dough chilled below 10 degrees need to be heated to 30 degrees, but so that during heating it does not come into contact with objects with a temperature above 50 degrees.
  • Dough that is too warm needs to be cooled up to 30 gr. and add fresh yeast.
  • If too much salt or sugar is added to the dough, fermentation will slow down or stop. In this case it is necessary knead a new portion of dough and mix it with over-salted or over-sweetened dough.
  • The dough may not ferment due to poor quality yeast. Check the quality of yeast simple: break off a piece and throw into warm water. If the yeast floats to the surface, you can safely use it.

Product preparation and kneading

  • Before kneading the dough, flour must be sifted to remove lumps and random impurities, as well as to introduce air into it.
  • To make the yeast dough fluffy, everything added to it food must be warm enough: eggs need to be heated in warm water, milk, flour, dough pan are also kept warm at first, but without overheating. If the milk or fat is too hot, the yeast will die and the dough will shrink.
  • When kneading the dough yeast is diluted with warm water or warm milk. The most favorable temperature for yeast development is 25-30 degrees. Cold water or cold milk greatly slow down the activity of yeast and, therefore, prevent normal fermentation and rising of the dough. In turn, too hot water or hot milk can completely stop the vital activity of yeast.
  • Dry shakes should be left for 20-30 minutes before use. soak in cold water.

Dough fermentation

  • The dishes with the dough after kneading are necessary cover with a clean towel or napkin and place in a warm place to ferment. There should be no drafts in the room: because of them, a rough crust forms on the products.
  • Considered normal for fermentation dough temperature 28-30 degrees, When the temperature drops, fermentation slows down; when the temperature rises, it speeds up. However, it should be borne in mind that at temperatures below 10 degrees and above 55, fermentation stops completely.
  • The end of fermentation is recognized by the beginning of dough settling.
  • Rising dough It is recommended to knead it and then let it rise again. When the dough is kneaded, part of the carbon dioxide is removed, replaced by air. This enhances fermentation, allowing for better leavening and rise.
  • No dough, no dough should not be allowed to stand still, as this will cause the quality of the test to deteriorate.
  • D To rise the dough, 2 1/2 - 3 hours is enough. When the dough rests, lactic acid bacteria multiply, which convert sugary substances into lactic acid, causing the dough and products baked from it to acquire a sour taste. Products made from such dough do not brown well and the crumb is rough.

Preparing products for baking

  • Properly kneaded dough should be smooth, not stick to your hands and freely lag behind the walls of the dish.
  • Soft sticky dough is easy to roll out, covered with parchment paper. Roll out the kneaded dough that sticks to your hands bottle filled with cold water.
  • Thinly rolled dough is difficult to transfer onto a baking sheet without tearing, so lightly sprinkle the layer with flour, roll it onto a rolling pin, transfer it to a baking sheet and roll it out.
  • Salty fillings from meat, fish, mushrooms are not suitable for sweet dough and dough, flavored with saffron, lemon, cardamom; For sweet fillings, you cannot prepare salted dough.
  • To improve the appearance of the product, its surface at the end of proofing brush with egg.
  • The best shine comes from lubrication just yolks.


  • If the cake browns too quickly during baking, you should cover it with wet paper or food foil.
  • Product readiness is determined by peel color or fracture, or using an unpainted wooden stick. If a stick, inserted into the product and immediately removed, remains dry and does not stick to it raw dough, this indicates the end of baking.
  • Small products - weighing 50-100 g - are baked at a temperature of 240-260 degrees for 8-15 minutes, products weighing 500-1000 g – within 20-50 minutes at 200-240 degrees.
  • Products should not be removed from the oven immediately. First you need to open the oven door slightly, and after a few minutes carefully remove the product. Sudden temperature changes or shaking may cause the product to fall off.

A book about delicious and healthy food, Pishchepromizdat, M., 1954
Home cooking” R.P. Kengis, 1965
Book “Russian Dough” by E. Medzhitov, Eksmo-Press, M., 2001

Pancakes are a traditional dish of the Eastern Slavs. Among the ancient Slavs, pancakes were obviously a ritual food; they are an indispensable attribute of the Maslenitsa holiday. Nowadays, pancakes are practically no longer perceived as a ritual food, and have taken their place in the everyday Russian diet.

It would seem that baking pancakes is very simple. But baking thin, translucent, beautiful and airy pancakes is already an art, and it has its secrets.

How to make sure there are no lumps in pancake batter

1. Milk and water need to be poured into the flour. In this case, the dough is easier to stir and it will be easier to get rid of lumps.

2. There is another option for preparing pancake dough without lumps. To do this, on the contrary, you first need to knead a very thick dough, then gradually pour in all the rest of the liquid according to the recipe and mix.

3. If the dough turns out to be too liquid, do not pour flour into the bowl immediately - pour out part of the dough, add flour, stir thoroughly so that there are no lumps, and combine with the remaining dough.

How to make pancakes look beautiful

1. To ensure that the pancake is even and of equal thickness, pour the dough onto the edge of the frying pan with one hand, and lift it with the other and make a rotational movement so that the dough spreads over the entire surface.

2. The brownness of the pancakes can be adjusted by adding sugar to the dough. But don’t overdo it: if there is too much sugar in the dough, the pancake will burn and not become golden brown.



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