Cold sunflower oil. Is it true that unrefined sunflower oil is healthier than refined sunflower oil, and how can it be used without harm? Spirulina beneficial properties

Cold sunflower oil. Is it true that unrefined sunflower oil is healthier than refined sunflower oil, and how can it be used without harm? Spirulina beneficial properties

Delivery within the Moscow Ring Road as a gift.

Worldwide wheatgrass juice, or wheatgrass gained popularity many years ago as a product for health No. 1.

This vitamin natural medicine appeared in our country several years ago. When choosing a supplier for wheat juice, we made very high demands on the quality of the product. And now we can proudly present the result of this choice - the company Vitavim.

The store "Yasnoye Delo" is an official partner"VITAVIM". Our prices are even lower than when buying directly from the manufacturer, due to high sales volume and dealer agreement. The Vitavim company produces wheatgrass juice under conditions that meet the highest requirements. Look at production photos are real photos. Unlike many other small manufacturers, Vitavim has something to show and be proud of.

Now let's figure out what all the fuss is about))

general information: Wheat germ juice actively cleanses the human body, literally “washing out” toxins and poisons from it, cleansing the blood and internal organs. At the same time, the body receives almost all the amino acids it needs (building blocks for protein), minerals, proteins and almost the entire set of vitamins. It has been proven that 1 serving of juice 30 ml is comparable in amount of nutrients to 1.5 kg fresh vegetables and fruits!

Wheat juice is a source of active iron in an easily digestible form, normalizing hematopoietic processes.

Wheatgrass contains up to 70% chlorophyll, which can be called a concentrate of solar energy inside the plant. Interesting fact: the chlorophyll molecule is almost identical in structure to the hemoglobin molecule in human blood!

What else can wheatgrass do? Among all its truly miraculous properties (yes, yes, there is no other way to say it), we will list only a few:

  • rejuvenating effect on human organs and the body in general
  • the highest rate of alkalization of the body among all food products (normalizes the acid-base balance in the body, which shifts to the acidic side when eating refined, meat and dairy products)
  • beneficial effect on the condition of skin, hair and nails
  • strengthening the immune system
  • the most powerful means of cancer prevention
  • cleanses the bladder and kidneys
  • normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract

What else is worth saying? To fully experience the power of this completely natural product, need to use it regularly. After all, only pills can quickly relieve symptoms and bring side effects. Nature acts more slowly, but the cumulative effect of its natural “medicines” will definitely come and surprise you.

To preserve nutrients, when producing Vitavim wheat juice, quick “shock” freezing is used immediately after squeezing fresh wheatgrass.

How to use wheatgrass?

Frozen juice is stored in the freezer; in the morning you take out the bottle and defrost it for literally five minutes in lukewarm water. You can also transfer the bottle from the freezer to the refrigerator in the evening. Don't be surprised - in the morning the juice will "separate". This happens with many juices, think, for example, freshly squeezed Apple juice. It is advisable to take wheatgrass on an empty stomach, 15-20 minutes before meals! At the same time, unlike wheatgrass in the form of a “lawn”, you save such precious morning time, eliminating the need to “cut” the grass, wash it, squeeze the juice in a juicer and wash it after that. Very comfortably!


The shelf life of frozen wheat sprouts juice is 12 months. The wheatgrass in our store is always the freshest, only from production.

Repeated freezing is unacceptable.

We will bring you Wheatgrass wheatgrass juice in a cooler bag, lined with freezer blocks. And you should be able to immediately remove the packaging freezer. Please take this into account when ordering the product. If you wish, you can order from us thermal package, in which you will take wheatgrass home from work if you order it for work.

Be healthy!

  • Spirulina

    spirulina platensis is a blue-green lake microalgae that gets its name from its spiral shape, which can be seen under a microscope. This is one of the oldest microorganisms on our planet, existing for millions of years. Spirulina, whose composition is unique, contains a huge amount of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids and enzymes, which means it is recommended to be used instead of synthetic pharmaceutical drugs. Since this is a microalgae, it does not grow in leaves, but in the form of very small particles. That is why the original form of spirulina is powder.

    Spirulina uses

    A sufficient amount is 5-10 g per day, but if there is a need or desire, especially during physical activity, you can take more. However, it is important to know that 100 grams eaten over a couple of days will be less effective than the same 100 grams eaten over a 20-day course.

    There are many different offers on the world market. Spirulina in tablets, capsules, granules, etc. is really more convenient for consumption. However, compared to the original natural raw materials, they are inferior in quality, because any production action disrupts the internal structure of the microalgae. It has a thin cell membrane and any treatment destroys beneficial features spirulina. The price increases significantly. 100% natural product in its original powder form - TOP-Spirulina. You can buy it in Moscow in the Yasnoe Delo online store with delivery throughout Moscow and throughout Russia. We believe that the best spirulina is in powder.

    Spirulina algae, the properties of which are known to all adherents proper nutrition, is becoming increasingly popular due to the fact that it helps to gradually change harmful food habits and diet towards healthier ones. This becomes possible due to the content of a large number of useful substances and practically eliminates microelement hunger, when you want to eat “something like that, but it’s not clear what” - you eat one thing, another, a third, but still “does not let go.” Thus, spirulina is useful for weight loss, good metabolism, satiety and, as a result, good health. Try it and you will notice the difference!

    The process of growing spirulina is extremely important. Many countries began to cultivate this algae after learning about its beneficial properties. But after some time it turned out that grown in rooms with artificial lighting instead of sunlight and agrochemical additives instead of natural water supply from the soil of the reservoir, this unique microalgae is significantly inferior in quality to those naturally grown in a natural reservoir. In addition, artificially grown spirulina is not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation - a certain amount of agrochemicals still remains in it. For the same reason, it cannot be used constantly, since the body needs breaks to remove harmful additives. We strive to offer you only the highest quality products, which is why we try to choose organic products.


    Dries without heating strong air flow. Certified Organic. Collection point - Chenhai Lake (China) - one of two places on Earth where it grows in natural conditions. This is why Top-Spirulina can and should be used during pregnancy and lactation; it has no contraindications or side effects, which has been tested many times by our regular customers.

    Spirulina beneficial properties

    Per 100 grams of product there are 60-70 grams of protein, and it is very easily digestible by humans - up to 65-80%, contains 18 of the 20 amino acids that make up proteins, 8 of which are usually considered essential. Contains almost all vitamins, except D, and microelements - iron in huge quantities, as well as iodine, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, copper, sodium, selenium, silver, phosphorus. There is 25 times more beta-carotene than carrots. Organic spirulina (Organic Spirulina), unlike ordinary inorganic, grows in a natural reservoir, there is no need or economic sense to use various agrochemicals. Why fertilize if it grows well on its own? It is only collected and dried, that is, it is completely organic, which is confirmed by the corresponding certificate.

    Spirulina contraindications

    That is why Top-Spirulina has no contraindications, no pauses required when taking. There is only extremely low likelihood of individual intolerance. Indispensable when changing your diet, for example, when switching from a mixed diet to vegetarianism or from veganism to a raw food diet, as it also contains the very important vitamin B12. Spirulina is especially important for children, pregnant and lactating women, since the abundance of beneficial substances in it helps in the formation of a child during pregnancy, in infancy, and at a young age. Suitable also for first feeding.

    Spirulina instructions for use

    Organic microalgae is best consumed on an empty stomach with water. However, its taste is very specific and not everyone likes it, so it is best to make morning smoothies with it and green smoothies. To do this, we need only three ingredients and a blender: 2 branches of white quiche-mish grapes (seedless), 1 banana and 1 teaspoon (5 g) of spirulina. Place all ingredients in a blender, blend until smooth and enjoy! :-) They also make salads with spirulina, add it to raw vegetable soups. You should not mix it with foods whose digestion time exceeds 1 hour, as this will interfere with the absorption of nutrients.

    Spirulina face mask

    The natural cosmetic properties of plants have been known for a very long time. There is a reasonable opinion: what is good for the stomach is also good for the skin. The spirulina mask is very easy to prepare. Take 1-2 teaspoons of seaweed and mix it with water to a consistency thick sour cream. We wait 10-15 minutes until the mixture comes to life. Next, spread a thin layer and leave for half an hour. After this, carefully wash with a damp cloth, avoiding contact with eyes, and then rinse with water. After a mask with spirulina, the skin becomes silkier, and with constant use, more elastic. In case of contact with eyes, rinse with plenty of water.

    And don’t forget to leave reviews about spirulina! Tell us about your experience - this will help others make the right choice!

    Spirulina composition

    Per 100 grams:

    Energy value - 326 kcal
    Proteins (protein) - 64.2g
    Total fat - 5.9g
    Total carbohydrates - 12g
    Fiber - 2.5g
    Beta-carotene 165 mg
    Phycocyanin - 940 mg
    Linolenic acid - 270 mg
    Calcium - 270 mg
    Iron - 82.7 mg
    Zinc - 3.3 mg
    Potassium - 1.04 mg
    Vitamin E - 13 mg
    Vitamin B1 - 4.4 mg
    Vitamin B2 - 6.9 mg
    Vitamin B3 - 5.9 mg
    Vitamin B6 - 18.4 mg
    Vitamin B12 - 0.16 mg

    Mission of the online store "Clear Business"– only the best eco-products in Russia. We ourselves adhere to what is right, healthy eating and try all the products in the store. Vegetarians, vegans, raw foodists and everyone who strives for tasty and healthy food will find many interesting products that meet the highest requirements. Our goal is to provide the opportunity to buy fresh and healthy food at affordable prices!

  • Jerusalem artichoke syrup

    Jerusalem artichoke, cultivated by the Indians in Chile since ancient times like potatoes, was already valued for its properties. Its tubers are a real storehouse of natural vitamins and minerals.

    Its main feature is fructans, rare polymers that are found only in some plants. Thanks to them, syrup from this substance has become a complete sugar substitute. You can buy original Jerusalem artichoke syrup without fear of counterfeits in the Yasnoe Delo online store.


    The main share of Jerusalem artichoke is carbohydrates, with more than 70% of them being inulin. It is this that is converted into fructose. In addition, the syrup contains:

    • vitamins – B1, B2, B6, C, PP;
    • amino acids (arginine, leucine);
    • organic acids (fumaric, succinic);
    • minerals – potassium, calcium, magnesium, chromium, etc.

    As for the iron contained in it, Jerusalem artichoke has no equal among other types of tubers for this indicator. It has high levels of fiber, pectin and carotenoids. The calorie content of the product is 267 Kcal, and the glycemic index is about 15. The price for Jerusalem artichoke syrup in our online store is one of the most affordable in the capital.


    Those who have experienced diabetes know how to use and where to buy Jerusalem artichoke syrup. This disease becomes almost a way of life in which it is necessary to regulate blood sugar levels. In addition, being a sweetener, the product brings invaluable benefits in the fight against excess weight. Its use also allows you to:

    1. Reduce blood pressure.
    2. Restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
    3. Cleanse the liver of waste and toxins.
    4. Normalize intestinal microflora.
    5. Increase hemoglobin levels.
    1. Regulate the condition of the pancreas.

    Used for strokes and hypertension. It has proven itself positively in the complex treatment of dysbiosis and the elimination of heartburn. It is not recommended to prepare syrup yourself, as overripe tubers may contain excessive amounts of sugar. And the evaporation process provides precise control of the syrup thickness, which is difficult to achieve at home.

    Therefore, in order to buy ready-made Jerusalem artichoke syrup in Moscow, you just need to place an order on the website of our online store. It is stored at room temperature in a closed container for about a year. It is better to put the opened bottle in the refrigerator.

    Unlike cocoa, carob does not contain psychotropic substances: caffeine and theobromine contained in chocolate, which can cause addiction and allergies.

    Carob has many uses. Here are some ideas:

    If you mix 2 tablespoons of carob with warm or hot water, add a little honey and spices (cinnamon, cardamom), you will get delicious drink, everyone who loves cocoa will probably not be able to distinguish it from the real thing.

    The most delicious truffles. To do this, you need to grind any nuts in a blender to the state of flour, add ground dried fruits, such as dates or figs in proportions 1:1-1:2, add a couple of tablespoons of carob powder, cinnamon, orange zest or other spices to taste, everything carefully mix, form balls and roll them in carob.

    Carob can be added to baked goods - to pancakes, muffins, cakes along with flour, to cocktails, smoothies, porridges.

    By mixing with honey in a 1:1 ratio and adding a little water, you can make a delicious “chocolate” cream.

    Mix banana with Carob in a blender and make “choco” mousse. And by replacing the banana with an avocado and adding a little honey, you can make icing for the cake.

  • For reference:

    When receiving, processing and storing oil, it is oxidized by oxygen, which leads to a deterioration in the nutritional value of the product.

    Peroxide number is a chemical indicator that reflects the degree of oxidation of the oil, caused by the accumulation of peroxide compounds (peroxides and hydroperoxides) during oil oxidation during storage.

    According to GOST 1129-2013 “Sunflower oil. Specifications» the maximum value of the peroxide number for first grade oil should not exceed 10 mmol of active oxygen per kilogram. For the premium variety - no more than 2 mmol/kg. For higher levels - no more than 4 mmol/kg.

    Poorly refined and stale oil has a higher peroxide number. The higher the peroxide number, the longer the oil was stored, including in the light. It often happens that the shelf life has not yet expired, but the oil is already bitter. It is quite possible that it was made from low quality raw materials, rancid sunflower seeds.

    • If the acid number of the samples turned out to be all right, then the peroxide number failed. Samples “Golden Seed” and “Undertaking” for this indicator do not correspond to the highest grade indicated in the labeling (they correspond only to the first grade). At an acceptable 4 mmol/kg, their peroxide value is 5.6 and 5.8, respectively.
    • The situation is even worse for oil. "Good". The premium variety allows oxidation of only 2 mmol/kg, while our sample has 5.7 mmol/kg. Let us remind you that premium sunflower oil is intended for dietary and baby food. In this case, the sample "Good" Not only does it not correspond to the declared quality, but it does not even correspond to the highest grade!

    Samples “Blago”, “Zateya”, “Golden Seed” are blacklisted.

    How to determine if the oil is spoiled?

    The most common type of adulteration of sunflower oil, as in general vegetable oils, is its assortment falsification, characterized by the re-grading of such oils or the substitution of one type of oil for another. For example, refined deodorized premium grade sunflower oil can be easily replaced with premium or first grade oil, and valuable types of oils, which include sunflower, olive, corn, camelina oils, can be replaced with less valuable rapeseed, cottonseed and other oils.

    The problem is that refined oils, after a thorough purification process, lose their characteristic coloring and aromatic substances, becoming virtually impersonal, and it is virtually impossible to distinguish one type of oil from another without special equipment.

    With high-quality falsification, a violation of the vegetable oil production technology may be observed.

    The quality of sunflower oil directly depends on the quality of sunflower seeds, the conditions and period of their storage before processing.

    Poor quality raw materials, outdated storage facilities and production lines, non-compliance with production processes are the reasons for obtaining low quality oil, which can be passed off as high quality.

    Information falsification is misleading the consumer by providing inaccurate or distorted information about the product.

    Special attention should be paid to the fact that data about sunflower oil, such as product name and date of production, can also be falsified.

    Frosty freshness

    For reference:

    Unrefined sunflower oil cold pressed has a pleasant aroma and taste, it is ideal for dishes that are not subject to heat treatment. It is not suitable for the frying process.

    Refined frozen oil optimal for frying and baking, but its biological value is reduced compared to unrefined due to the destruction of some vitamins during the purification process.

    Unfortunately, such a product cannot be stored for a long time; it quickly becomes cloudy and rancid and “burns” when fried. To improve the quality, the oil is frozen during the refining process, and waxes and waxy substances are removed from it. Frozen oil acquires a good presentation, since waxes during storage can lead to the formation of turbidity.

    Experts conducted a “cold” test and a “soap” test for all oil samples. Using the first method, particles of waxes and waxy substances can be detected in the oil. The “soap” test shows the presence of soap-like substances that give an unpleasant aftertaste. According to GOST, there should not be any of these or other substances. All samples passed the test with honor.

    Note that the oil is not always obtained by cold pressing before refining. Cold pressing is a more expensive way to obtain vegetable oil. However, it does not form dangerous trans fats in the oil.

    Trans-isomers of fatty acids were not found in all samples studied. It is believed that they can appear during harsh heat treatment of oil. Consumption of trans fats has been shown to increase cardiovascular disease and mortality.

    The mass fraction of detected trans isomers in the fat isolated from all samples is in the range of 0.1-0.2%, which corresponds to the “background” content of trans fats in non-hydrogenated vegetable oil and does not pose a health hazard.

    All samples correspond in organoleptic characteristics to refined deodorized frozen sunflower oil.

    Toxic mayhem

    For reference:

    A high value of anisidine number of oil indicates deep deterioration of the product, caused, for example, by improper storage under unsatisfactory conditions or prolonged thermal or mechanical exposure.

    For premium and premium grade oils, the anisidine number should not exceed 3 units/g.

    In the studied samples this indicator was not exceeded. However, the oil "Good"(premium variety) anisidine number 2.8 units/g (very close to the maximum permissible limit). Formally, the standard has not been exceeded. But in combination with a high peroxide number, a high anisidine number indicates that the oil has undergone significant oxidation processes.

    Minimum content of aldehydes in oil "Golden seed"— 0.3 units/g.

    What should you pay attention to when choosing vegetable oil in a store?

    The first thing you need to pay attention to is the storage conditions of sunflower oil.

    Unfortunately, even the highest quality sunflower oil can deteriorate when exposed to natural and artificial light. Therefore, the best option would be oil in a darkened bottle or a bottle from the back of the shelf.

    When choosing oil in a store, you need to look at the date of manufacture of the oil and its shelf life. You should not forget to pay attention to the expiration dates of the oil, since towards the end of the expiration date the peroxide and acid numbers “increase”.


    The nutritional value

    Name Anisidone number, units/g Acid number

    Here we present products that do not quite fit into the concept of our main activity, but are nevertheless in demand and necessary for the majority of our customers, even those who do not adhere to the principles of a raw food diet 100%.

    We guarantee the highest quality of the products presented.

    True, I must say that the prices are high. At local city markets, 150 kilometers or so from Moscow, a lot of homemade oil - made from sunflower - is sold, and the prices are, if not an order of magnitude lower, then certainly several times lower. The quality... I think is no worse, you have to look at the people, usually the owners themselves sell - they come from more southern regions and sell honey, butter, and sometimes nuts. :-) They also sell oil made from roasted seeds - it has a special taste. But this, of course, is not available in Moscow, so here is an option for Moscow - for the anti-dish addict.


    Cold pressed oils: Redwood, Safflower, Sunflower.

    The oils are obtained by gentle pressing using a low-capacity press from SK-BIOTEC Germany.

    Oil pressing. Cold pressed.

    Pressing temperature is not lower than 50 degrees. As the temperature rises, the value of oils decreases. The press is heated naturally by creating pressure and friction. The oil comes out of the press at a temperature of 37-40 degrees.

    No raw materials are fried. Therefore, the raw materials are pre-dried to minimum humidity by blowing dry warm air, and then pressed. Each crop has its own press speed and auger pitch.

    After pressing, the oil settles in food-grade metal containers. The settled oil is poured into a container. If a small sediment forms at the bottom of the container, this does not reduce the quality of the oil. The oils obtained in this way are the most valuable in terms of their vitamin composition and the content of valuable oily acids.

    The raw materials for these oils are produced in our local fields, which have been cultivated in-house for 20 years. Pesticides and herbicides are NOT USED for growing oilseeds. As a consequence of this technology, the yield is not high and the cost is quite high. Hence the high quality and 100% naturalness of the resulting oils.


    Since we do not have industrial production, but domestic production, the oil is pressed fresh, only to order. As paid orders are formed, the oil is prepared for shipment. Dispatch is carried out immediately after production, shipping options: RUSSIAN POST (also EMS and DHL) or TRANSPORT COMPANY.


    1. Safflower oil (0.7 liter container) - 400 rubles.

    Safflower oil - cold pressed

    The oil obtained from peeled seeds is not inferior to sunflower oil in terms of the most important indicators and is used for food. This oil is reminiscent of sunflower in taste, smells of flowers and is highly valued by culinary specialists because... it contains more saturated fatty acids than any other vegetable oil. In addition, safflower oil does not harden even with fairly strong cooling, which makes it indispensable in salads that are usually served cold.

    Medicinal properties: Oil lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood, due to this it is used in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases;
    According to the latest scientific research, it can be used as an aid to:
    with cystic fibrosis;
    Friedreich's hereditary ataxia;
    with amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea;
    as a general tonic;
    for traumatic pain, rheumatism
    in the treatment of measles, scarlet fever, and other exanthematous (with inflammatory rashes on the skin) diseases.

    Cosmetic properties: Since it is odorless and easily absorbed, it has found its use in various creams and ointments for the skin. It contains up to 80% of a specific, rarely found form of vitamin “F”. The oil has a high moisture-retaining and moisture-regulating ability and is well absorbed by any skin type.

    Application: Oil from peeled seeds is used in food. Inside - 1 tsp. 2-3 times a day, 30 minutes before meals or with food to taste. Cosmetic effect: moisturizing; emollient; Ideal as a massage oil. Masks for face and body - a little oil is heated and rubbed into the skin with massage movements, excess is removed with a napkin. Hair masks - a little oil is heated and rubbed into the scalp with massage movements, put on a plastic cap, then a towel. The mask lasts for 2 hours and then is washed off under warm running water.

    Shelf life: 6 months. Oxidizes quickly. Store in a tightly closed dark container. After opening, store only in the refrigerator.

    Additional information: The plant has been known since the 16th century BC. Safflower flowers can also be added to tea as a single ingredient or in flower teas and impart a pleasant orange hue and floral aroma to the tea. Traditionally, safflower was grown for its small yellow-orange flowers, which were used for cosmetic and medicinal purposes, as a food flavoring (as a substitute for saffron), and for dyeing fabrics. IN different countries In the East, local beauties used various means to color their lips and cheeks. For example, in Arab countries, red safflower powder, fine in consistency, is widely used for this. It is highly valued in cooking for its taste. Widely used in Asian cuisine, for example, as part of “chutney”, an Indian sweet and sour fruit and vegetable seasoning.

    2. Camelina oil (0.7 liter container) - 400 rubles.

    This is a vegetable oil obtained from the seeds of the oilseed crop - Camelina sativa, a herbaceous plant from the Camelina genus of the Brassica family. Thanks to its vitamin and mineral composition, camelina oil is similar to the healing oil of pine nuts.

    Medicinal properties: The seeds of this plant contain about 30-40% oil. The advantage of camelina oil is its high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids - 60% or more of the oil content. The main PUFA components of camelina oil are acids - linoleic (up to 18%, belongs to -6 FAs) and linolenic (up to 38% -linolenic, 0.14-0.22% -linolenic, belongs to -3 FAs). These acids have the ability to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, normalize blood pressure, impart stability and elasticity to blood vessels, prevent the formation of blood clots, are useful for disorders of fat and cholesterol metabolism, and relieve inflammatory processes. They also have a stimulating effect on the body's immune defense system, protecting it from malignant neoplasms.

    The introduction of camelina oil into the diet will help meet the body's need for essential fatty acids (15 grams (one tablespoon) of oil per day is enough).

    In case of lipid metabolism disorders;
    for diseases of cardio-vascular system;
    for the prevention of atherosclerosis;
    to reduce cholesterol levels;
    to normalize blood pressure;
    to stimulate the synthesis of fatty acids in the liver;
    to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and increase their elasticity.

    ATTENTION! Our cold-pressed camelina oil is unrefined, therefore it is highly resistant to oxidation due to a balanced complex of natural antioxidants: tocopherols, carotenoids, phospholipids. The oil is stable and remains unchanged for a year or more.

    KNOW! That after refining and deodorization, the oil acquires a more attractive appearance - a beautiful light yellow color, mild taste and smell, but the composition of the oil changes! The content of tocopherols decreases slightly during deodorization - from 104.9 mg% to 91.3%, but a number of substances are lost, for example, carotenoids and phospholipids, which enhance the effect of vitamin “E”. As a result of this, deodorized oil oxidizes much faster, and after 6 months the content of peroxide compounds increases to the limit allowed by regulatory documents.

    BESIDES! Polyunsaturated fatty acids, especially linolenic acid, are destroyed when heated, forming harmful substances. Therefore, it is better not to expose camelina oil to heat and use it in salads.

    Cosmetic properties: At the Siberian State Medical University, a study was conducted of the effects of camelina oil on the water-lipid mantle of human skin. It was found that camelina oil helps to increase skin resistance to chemical factors, increase the rate of pH restoration, and reduce lipid peroxidation reactions, which lead to skin aging. It improves skin elasticity.

    Camelina oil is used in medicinal products for diseases such as psoriasis and eczema. Camelina helps increase skin elasticity and provides a protective coating to hair follicles. Due to the high content of alpha-linolenic acid, it protects the lipid mantle of the skin. Quickly absorbed.

    Application: Let us remember the folk experience: in the old days, camelina oil was added to salads and porridges and was never cooked with it! And in folk medicine it is used for stomach ulcers, burns, wounds, and eye inflammation.

    It can also be used as a cosmetic massage oil and for lubricating diaper rash in children. Can be used both in pure form and as an additive. Recommended for all skin types, especially dry.

    Shelf life: 12 months.

    Additional information: In addition to Russia, Rizhik was also widespread in Europe until the 1950s. An oil of excellent quality was obtained from the seeds, which was widely used as food. It was also used everywhere as fuel for oil lamps. And in the cosmetics industry at that time, for example, the stems were used to make brushes, packaging materials and temporary roofing for buildings. There were additional uses of camelina by-products as forage and poultry feed. Small areas continue to be planted with camelina today for use in the production of soaps and cosmetics, and as an ingredient in birdseed.

    3. Red oil (0.5 liter container) - 350 rubles.

    Rare oil - cold pressed

    Radish contains proteins, sugars, and up to 70% ascorbic acid; there is potassium, calcium, magnesium and sulfur. In addition, the specific aroma and pungent taste is due to essential oils. It has been proven that radish oil contained in root vegetables improves the functioning of the digestive system. “The radish is evil, but sweet to everyone,” people say. From our ancestors the statement came to us that radish helps digestion and stimulates appetite, improves intestinal motility.

    Medicinal properties: Oil, irritating the stomach tissues, stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, increases microcirculation in the walls of the stomach and intestines, thereby eliminating congestion, constipation and improving tissue trophism. Indications for use:
    for hemoptysis, neuralgia, anemia, flatulence, gout, as a wound-healing, lactic and anthelmintic agent;
    to speed up the process of dissolving kidney and gallstones;
    to suppress the growth of bacteria, fungi and protozoan microorganisms;
    to enhance the work of the glands of the digestive tract, has choleretic and diuretic properties;
    for cosmetic purposes;
    for chronic intestinal diseases, chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver;
    for the treatment of purulent wounds, eczema, long-term non-healing ulcers, pimples and blackheads;
    for coughs, whooping cough and colds;
    helps remove excess cholesterol from the body.

    Cosmetic properties: Very good hair strengthening product. With acupressure massage relieves pain from radiculitis using the principle of mustard plasters.

    Application: Inside - 1 tsp. 2-3 times a day, 30 minutes before meals or with food to taste.

    If you have a cold, it is good to rub the oil into the soles of your feet and into your chest before going to bed, and if you have a wet cough, rub your chest and back with salt and oil until it turns red.

    Masks for face and body - a little oil is heated and rubbed into the skin with massage movements, excess is removed with a napkin.

    Hair masks - a little oil is heated and rubbed into the scalp with massage movements, put on a plastic cap, then a towel. The mask lasts for 2 hours and then is washed off under warm running water.

    Shelf life: 12 months.

    4. Sunflower oil with cumin (0.5 liter container) - 350 rub.

    Sunflower oil - cold pressed

    History of the oil: Only in Russia was it possible to learn how to obtain golden and fragrant sunflower oil. In 1835, a certain Daniil Bokarev first began selling such oil. In the article “On the cultivation of sunflowers” ​​by the landowner Terentyev, the following was published about him: “Bokarev, a serf of Count Sheremetev, living in the vast settlement of Alekseevka ... tried to punch the seeds on a manual butter churn and, to his joy, received excellent oil, which he had never seen before and which was not on sale here.”

    According to updated data, the first experiment in obtaining oil was carried out by Bokarev in 1829. A few decades later, the first steam oil mill in Russia was built. The new oil was called “Russian oil” all over the world. The widespread distribution of sunflower oil was facilitated by its recognition by the Russian Orthodox Church lean product. This is where the well-known name “vegetable oil” comes from, since this oil can be consumed throughout the year without interruption, unlike animal fats, which include butter.

    Medicinal properties:
    cardiovascular diseases (heart pain, atherosclerosis);
    diseases of the respiratory system (cough, bronchial spasms, bronchitis, pneumonia);
    diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (chronic constipation, intestinal motility disorders, gastrointestinal colic, stomach pain, poor appetite);
    diseases of the liver and gall bladder (cholelithiasis, calculous cholecystitis, cholangitis, cholangiohepatitis); laryngitis, pharyngitis; rheumatism, radiculitis, neuralgia, convulsions;
    women's diseases;
    skin diseases, rashes, skin infections, hives, non-healing wounds, burns (not for fresh or severe burns!).

    Cosmetic properties: In medical practice, sunflower oil is used as a base for ointments, plasters, and some medications. Sunflower oil is used in the care of oily, sensitive, problematic, aging, dry, dehydrated skin. Those. it is beneficial for almost any skin type.

    Application: In veterinary medicine, it is sometimes prescribed internally to pets as a laxative. Traditional medicine uses sunflower oil to treat toothache, intestinal and stomach diseases, thrombophlebitis, lung and liver diseases. Sunflower oil is great for treating hair at home

    Widely used in food processing and cooking culinary dishes at home. Only the highest grade sunflower oils are recommended for human consumption.

    Cautions: when heated strongly and for a long time, it loses its healing properties (but for bandages for burns, oil boiled in a water bath is used). It is better not to heat treat our sunflower oil! This way you will retain its maximum healing power and benefits for your body.

    In modern times, any housewife uses vegetable oil every day to prepare various culinary dishes. Unfortunately, not all current oils are of high quality, and the question of how to choose the most useful product, more topical than ever.

    There is an opinion that unrefined oil is healthier than regular oil, but is this true and what is the difference? Is it necessary to pay more for cold-pressed oil and how do you find a really good product? In this article we will tell you about three methods for producing vegetable oil, and you will draw your own conclusions and decide whether it is worth saving and harming your health or whether it is better to buy products that have a higher price, but a proven brand. That is, you will get an answer to the question - which vegetable oil is the healthiest for the body.

    Cold pressed vegetable oil

    The first preparation method is 100% pressing of sunflower seeds at low temperatures

    The press method is the most natural. Sunflower seeds are placed under a press, which, thanks to intense pressure, heats up naturally. In this case, the oil is heated no more than 40-42 degrees. Such a low temperature makes it possible to preserve all the nutritional ingredients in the product.

    It turns out that this oil is not treated with either chemicals or temperature! After the pressing process, the resulting product is simply left to settle, then filtered and bottled into containers. In the conditions of current production, such an attitude towards raw materials and the value of the final product is very rare and valuable. The quality of the resulting liquid resembles freshly squeezed juice, but only from sunflower seeds!
    With this method of making oil, it is necessary to use the highest quality seeds. Since this process is very gentle and accurate, only 27% of the oil is extracted from the seeds. In terms of its benefits and composition, it is compared to Extra Virgin oil. It contains even more vital components (for example, vitamin E) than olive oil!

    Cold pressed vegetable oil

    The second preparation method is cold pressing of seeds after pre-processing them.

    In this method of production, sunflower seeds are first processed in roasting pans.

    For manufacturers, this method is much more profitable than the previous one, since in this case the oil can be obtained not 27%, but 43% of the total amount contained in the feedstock. And thanks to the moisture-heat treatment, it becomes completely unimportant what quality the seeds have (it is not necessary to use premium), since this does not affect the final product!

    It sounds, of course, very tempting, but with this manufacturing method, most of the beneficial substances, as well as microelements that are included in the seeds, unfortunately die.

    In addition, such oils are carefully filtered, and this process increases the acid number of the product and also reduces the amount of vitamins.

    Despite the fact that this method is not as good as the first, some of the beneficial properties in the resulting product are still retained. By purchasing this type of oil in a store, you can be sure that it is safe for the body.

    Refined vegetable oil

    The third method is extraction, or how all refined oils are prepared

    This method of oil production is simply a fairy tale for all manufacturers. Because thanks to it you can extract 98 percent of vegetable oil! In addition, it also does not matter at all what quality the raw materials will be.

    However, not everything is so simple: something still has to be sacrificed. In order to obtain the product in this way, sunflower seeds are filled with gasoline fractions (for example, such as Hexane). When oil is formed from the raw material, this substance is removed using steam, and the residues are eliminated with alkali. In this regard, the finished product contains various undesirable substances, such as pigments, resins and solvents, which are rarely completely evaporated.

    Before the oil produced by this method can be used in food or medicine, it goes through several additional purification steps, such as refining, hydration, and then bleaching. After this, the product undergoes deodorization and several more filtration steps.

    Extraction oil can be purified endlessly (filtered, purified, filtered, etc.) in order to rid it of traces of chemical gasoline components.

    What is the end result?

    The result is a product that has no signs of life: odorless and colorless. This slurry is bottled with “oil” proudly printed on the labels, thereby misleading consumers that it actually is.

    But it’s inexpensive - and everyone buys it with pleasure!
    It is interesting to note that, for example, in Russian supermarkets, more such refined oil is sold per year than the amount of all sunflower seeds grown in the entire CIS! How can this be? With the help of cheap palm oil, which is used to dilute oils that are already refined, deodorized and processed in various chemical ways.

    Now it’s clear why vegetable oil is HARMFUL for the body?

    Because even with the most lengthy and high-quality processing, it is impossible to extract from it the remains of all chemical components and gasoline - they will necessarily be present in the finished product. In addition, refined oil, which has been subjected to heat treatment and the influence of chemicals, unlike natural oil, has a minimal content of proteins, vitamins, phosphatides, carotene and chlorophyll. Such oil is saturated with fats and is very different from the product that was originally “intended” by nature.

    This is what we eat later! We fry food in oil and gasoline! But few people know that at high temperatures, various chemical reactions occur in oil, during which new, very toxic compounds are formed. Therefore, this product must not be heated to more than 150 degrees and reused! And in our frying pan it reaches as much as 250 degrees Celsius!

    Throughout our lives, we, without thinking, consume this super-toxic miracle as food, and then we do not understand where our unexpected diseases and poor health come from. We are outraged why people get cancer at a young age and age prematurely...

    Is there any safe way to fry?

    The most gentle and harmless option is frying in ghee. It’s best if you melt it yourself, and do it correctly.

    But the best option is to completely abstain from frying. Instead, it is better to stew foods! What is good about this method of cooking? And the fact that in this case sunflower oil is poured not into a clean frying pan, but into water (the temperature will not heat up above 100 degrees).

    Fry in oil only if it is prepared by cold pressing. Such a product has not yet undergone heat treatment, and during frying, harmful substances do not appear in it immediately.

    There is another type of oil made from high oleic sunflower seeds. Even after several fryings, carcinogenic components are not formed in it.

    And simple vegetable oil is best added to salads. For this you need to take unrefined one, as it contains more vitamins and nutrients than refined one.

    When buying oil in a store, give your choice to choose a cold-pressed product or simply unrefined oil. Don't let manufacturers fool you!

    what vegetable oil is the healthiest

    Today we will tell you about how sunflower oil is made and what properties this product has. We will also tell you what types of vegetable fat are available and what its composition is.

    General information about the herbal product

    Sunflower oil is a vegetable oil that is obtained from the seeds of oilseed sunflower varieties. This is the most common type of vegetable oil in Russia. By the way, our country is one of the leaders in the production of this product in the world.

    History of origin

    The evolution of oil sunflower as a cultivated plant occurred back in the Russian Empire. Its industrial processing is closely connected with the name of Daniil Bokarev. It was he who, in 1829, invented a unique method for obtaining oil from sunflower seeds. Four years later, in the Voronezh province (in the Alekseevka settlement), with the assistance of Bokarev, the merchant Papushin built the first oil mill in Russia. Bokarev opened his own oil mill in 1834. And already in 1835, active export of this product abroad began. By 1860, there were approximately 160 oil mills in the Alekseevka settlement.

    Sunflower oil production

    As mentioned above, the source of oil is sunflower seeds. Most oil extraction plants produce this product using the following technology:

    • In a special crusher-broom department, seeds are cleaned from various debris. Hulling also occurs in it, as well as separation of the husks from the kernels.
    • In the roller shop, all kernels are passed through rollers. As a result of this processing, mint is obtained. Subsequently, it is transported to the press department.

    • Mint passes through it heat treatment in special roasting pans. Then the raw materials enter the presses, where, in fact, the press oil is pressed. Subsequently, it is sent for storage and sedimentation. As for the resulting mass, called pulp, which has a high residual oil content (approximately 22%), it is fed to the oil extraction shop. If the pulp has been squeezed to a residual oil content of 8-9%, this product is called cake. In some cases, in the oil extraction shop, the mint is sent to the fryer using a conveyor. There she is subjected heat treatment, or so-called toasting. After pressing, the pulp is immediately sent to the extractor.
    • Extraction of vegetable oil is carried out in a special apparatus called an extractor. This process is carried out using organic solvents. As a result, a so-called miscella is obtained, as well as a solid fat-free residue, which is wetted with a solvent (that is, meal). Subsequently, the oil is distilled from them in an extractor.

    After the pressing and extraction shops, the oil product is subjected to subsequent purification or refining. In other words, the oil is purified from various organic impurities. Such methods usually include centrifugation, sedimentation, filtration, hydration, alkaline and sulfuric acid refining, deodorization, bleaching and freezing (that is, the oil is cooled to 10-12 degrees to form wax crystals, which are subsequently filtered).

    As for sunflower cake, very valuable meal is obtained from it. Meal is a high-protein feed product that is included in the diet of livestock, fish and poultry. The crude protein content in it is about 30-41% and quite strongly depends on the degree of purification and processing of the mint, as well as the class of raw materials used.

    As you can see, sunflower oil production is not an easy process. Despite this, this product is available to everyone.

    Properties of vegetable oil

    Almost all sunflower oils have the same properties. Raw product has a pleasant aroma and taste. Its density at 10 degrees is 920-927 kg per m3. The pour point ranges from -16 to -19 degrees. The temperature at which sunflower oils smoke is 232 degrees. The kinematic viscosity of the product occurs at 20 degrees.

    It should also be noted that sunflower oil is classified as a semi-drying vegetable oil. When exposed to oxygen (at room temperature), it forms a soft and sticky film. By the way, semi-drying oils include not only sunflower oil, but also soybean, safflower, camelina, poppy seed, etc.

    There are two types of unrefined sunflower oil: pressed (that is, obtained by cold pressing) and extraction. As a rule, it is produced at oil extraction plants.

    Composition of the product

    What composition do sunflower oils have? The manufacturers of this product note that it contains a huge amount of fatty acids, namely stearic, palmitic, myristic, arachidic, oleic, linoleic, linolenic. At the same time, it contains only 1% omega-3 of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Omega-6 content also predominates in sunflower oil.

    The benefits of sunflower oil are directly related to its composition. For example, it contains a large amount of vitamin E, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive tract and the condition of the skin.

    It should be especially noted that sunflower oil (refined and unrefined) cannot contain cholesterol. This is due to the fact that it has exclusively vegetable origin. Despite this, many manufacturers specifically emphasize its absence. This is for advertising purposes.

    Types of oils

    What types of sunflower oils are there? Manufacturers produce unrefined and refined products. How are they different from each other? Not all housewives know the answer to this question. Therefore, we decided to present this information below.

    Unrefined or refined?

    Everyone knows that vegetable oils are very beneficial for health. Unlike Soviet times, today in stores you can find completely different types of this product. But how to choose the right one among the many oils?

    The main difference between oils produced from the same raw materials is the degree of purification. Both refined (that is, completely purified through several stages) and unrefined sunflower oil, the purification of which is limited only by mechanical filtration, goes on sale.

    There is an opinion that the first option is completely useless for health. But that's not true. The fact is that the degree of usefulness of a given product is determined by its fatty acid composition. So, during the refining process, the composition of vegetable oil, as well as the ratio of its fats and acids, does not change. In view of this fact, we can safely say that if an oil is useless, then it is useless in any form (be it refined or unrefined). And the degree of purification does not affect this in any way.

    Product Application

    In the period from 2007 to 2008 agricultural year, about 10 million tons of sunflower oil were produced in the world. This product is one of the most important vegetable oils in the post-Soviet space. This is due to the fact that it is of great economic importance.

    As for cooking, refined and unrefined sunflower oil can be used for frying, as well as dressing various salads. In addition, it is used to make cooking fats and margarine (by hydrogenation). Sunflower oil is also used in the production of canned food, as well as in the paint and varnish industry and soap making. Moreover, it is included in many ointments.

    Let's sum it up

    A spoonful of sunflower oil contains a huge amount of fatty acids and vitamin E. By regularly eating this product, you can forget about digestive problems forever. By the way, sunflower oil is a very popular ingredient in folk medicine. It is used to relieve severe constipation (by taking it orally or doing enemas), as well as to make the skin smooth. If your hands or face are chapped, then lubricate them with sunflower oil and leave for a while. After several procedures, you will notice that your skin has become soft, smooth and silky, and there is no trace of chapping left.

    Thus, by purchasing high-quality refined or unrefined sunflower oil, you can not only cook delicious dishes, but also noticeably improve your health.



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