Healthy DIY chocolate. A simple recipe for making homemade chocolate. How to make white chocolate at home

Healthy DIY chocolate. A simple recipe for making homemade chocolate. How to make white chocolate at home

Chocolate is a favorite treat for both adults and children. Under production conditions, it is prepared using more than 10 components, heated, liquefied, stirred for a long time, and only then poured into molds and sent to cool. It is not possible to repeat this process at home, and it is not required.

If you are looking for a way to make chocolate from cocoa, you can use only three or four main ingredients for this, and you do not need all kinds of flavorings and preservatives.

This natural product is extremely healthier than its store-bought counterpart, and you can pamper your children with it as often as possible. In addition, you can always add to it those components that you especially love and that your baby likes.

Children will appreciate breakfast with oatmeal, nuts, raisins and berries, and adult guests can be served a hot drink with rum, cognac, cardamom or hot pepper for dessert. There are a lot of opportunities for creativity, fortunately, you can buy any spices and seasonings in stores today.

How to make chocolate from cocoa at home

The classic recipe looks like this:

  • Place a deep enamel saucepan on the fire, after pouring 100 ml of cocoa butter into it. While it is heating, mix 200 g cocoa powder and 300 g sugar;
  • If you like the smell of vanillin, add a bag to the dry mass. Now you need to pour it into the melted butter and mix well so that there are no lumps left;
  • In a separate bowl, heat 100 ml of full-fat milk and pour it into the brown mixture in a thin stream, without ceasing to stir vigorously;
  • Cook the mixture over low heat until it has the consistency of sour cream. Do not move far from the stove: constantly shake the composition, otherwise it will begin to stick to the bottom of the pan;
  • Pour the slightly cooled mixture into special molds, pre-greased with butter. If you don’t have them in stock, it doesn’t matter, you can take an ice tray. If desired, you can place nuts, raisins, etc. in separate cells.

How to make hot chocolate

A mug of hot chocolate is a great way to start the day, because this drink invigorates, energizes and is good food for the brain. Cocoa beans are best suited for its preparation.

Cooking stages:

How to make chocolate for a cake

This beloved dessert is often used to decorate baked goods, in particular cakes. Ordinary store-bought tiles are heated, grated, and used in this form for decoration. But you can also make the glaze from cocoa yourself at home.

How to make chocolate:

  • melt 50 g of butter, add half a tablespoon of sugar to it;
  • pour into the composition 3 tbsp. l. warm milk and add 5 tbsp. l. cocoa powder. Place the mixture in a water bath and shake continuously until it thickens and becomes homogeneous. You need to cover the cake with this glaze while it is still warm.

Delicious drink without milk

For those who do not like milk or cannot drink it due to allergies, you can prepare a drink without using it. Add a pinch of vanilla to cocoa powder brewed with boiling water and enjoy a wonderful drink!

However, remember that its taste will depend entirely on the quality of the powder. The packaging must indicate that it is 100% cocoa with a fat content of at least 20%.

With such a product, the Aztec version will also suit your taste, in which honey is added to the mixture of boiling water and cocoa to taste. Such a tonic and healing drink will allow you to survive a long and cold winter in maximum health.

Delicious desserts for you, your family and guests!

Chocolate at home: as it turns out, nothing is simpler! Basic, affordable ingredients, 5 minutes of your attention and a couple of hours in the freezer. And you get dark chocolate (with any filling you like), but without hardeners, dyes, preservatives, etc. Below are several recipes for homemade chocolate, as well as ideas on how to decorate the delicacy so that it can be served at the holiday table.

Comrades and friends!!!))))
If you are looking for REAL chocolate (using cocoa liquor and cocoa butter) - this is not the place for you.
The article contains recipes for those who want to make themselves delicious and healthy sweets, without leaving home, from what is at hand!!!

There are several recipes for chocolate at home on the Internet, but essentially they are the same, and after a couple of experiments you will most likely invent your favorite version of chocolate.

Recipe No. 1.It couldn't be simpler

This is how I make chocolate and the disadvantage (or advantage?) of this recipe is that there is a lot of variation. Others will be more specific.

  • butter
  • cocoa powder
  • sugar (honey)

Take butter (the amount is an eyeball; in fact, the more butter, the more chocolate there will be), you can cut it into pieces (it will melt faster and more evenly) and put it in a saucepan on the fire. When the oil boils, add sugar and cocoa to it. Sugar - to taste, as you like. Cocoa - by eye, pour with one hand, stir with the other. We stop adding cocoa when the consistency of the mass is from thick sour cream to when it is no longer easy to mix with a spoon (but it is better not to bring it to this extreme state). Then cook for another minute or two, stirring. Remove from heat, leave to cool, and into the freezer (if desired, you can pour it from the pan into something, more on this below).
The more cocoa, the bitterer and harder the chocolate will be.

Recipe No. 2. Add milk

  • sugar - 1 teaspoon
  • milk - 2 tablespoons
  • cocoa - 4 tablespoons
  • butter - 50 grams
  1. melt the butter
  2. mix sugar with milk and cocoa
  3. mix everything with butter
  4. bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 1-2 minutes
  5. All! Can be placed in the refrigerator or freezer

Recipe No. 3. still the same + flour

Why flour is needed, I personally don’t really understand, and, to be honest, I haven’t tried this recipe (in addition to flour, there is more milk and sugar... in general, who will like what better).

  • milk - 5 tablespoons
  • butter- 50 grams
  • sugar - 6-8 tablespoons
  • cocoa - 5 tablespoons
  • flour - 1 teaspoon
  1. mix milk, cocoa, sugar and bring to a boil
  2. add oil
  3. When the butter has melted, stirring all the time, gradually add flour
  4. bring to a boil
  5. When the flour has completely dissolved, you can remove it from the heat.
  6. pour into molds and into the refrigerator
Notes along the way :
  • If you put chocolate in the freezer, it will be harder; if you put it in the refrigerator, it will be softer.
  • milk can be replaced with water
  • Can you add vanilla to chocolate?
  • If you use honey instead of sugar (chocolate will turn out to be a very healthy product!), then it cannot be heated to more than 40 degrees (otherwise the honey will turn out to be poisonous, worse than sugar). Then you can do this: when the chocolate is ready, removed from the heat, let it cool to a temperature where you can hold your finger, add honey and stir everything in a blender

Now about the shape and filling!


  • For home use I just put the chocolate in a bowl in the freezer. Then it is picked out with a knife and eaten (it is eaten very quickly, by the way :)). In principle, you can also cut it into strips-squares in this version and, beautifully, chaotically laying it out on a dish, serve it to the table.
  • more elegantly, pour the chocolate (while it is still hot and pouring) into molds. Whatever you have, for example, ice trays. Cover the mold with foil, it will be easier to remove the chocolate, and there will be less to clean.
Filling :

Any filling is suitable nuts And dried fruits, for lovers - waffle crumbs. You can grind them, add them to hot chocolate, stir and then pour into molds. And so that the filling is “inside” the chocolate bar, add it in layers at the stage of pouring into the molds: a layer of chocolate, then the filling (you can stuff a whole prune in this way...), then chocolate again. I also already wrote that you can add vanilla, for smell.

That's all the cooking secrets homemade chocolate!

Very interested to hear about your chocolate experiments! And I wish Bon appetit and sweet mood!

In most people's minds, chocolate is bars wrapped in foil and colorful labels on store shelves. But chocolate is not so difficult to make yourself. In addition to the fact that this is a fascinating process (every housewife is curious to try herself as a confectioner-chocolatier), you will be one hundred percent confident in your chocolate, its composition and ingredients, which do not contain preservatives, thickeners, hardeners and other chemicals.

To the question: “How to make chocolate at home? - there is a simple answer: “Elementary! “Ten to fifteen minutes of preparation and the entire production process - and you are the proud owner of a plate of hot chocolate. We form it and put it in the freezer - no further participation is required. After a couple of hours, you won’t be afraid of unexpected guests - you are ready to treat them with tea and homemade chocolate at any moment.

The basis of any real chocolate

Housewives who approach their business responsibly and scrupulously often face difficult choices. How to make homemade chocolate - from cocoa powder or ready-made cocoa mixtures will do, or is it better to look for cocoa beans? If you take the finished mixture as a basis, you need to be firmly confident in its high quality.

In other cases, as they say, if you doubt it, don’t buy it. Grinding cocoa beans like the ancient Mayans is, of course, original, but very labor-intensive. And the process should be enjoyable. Time-tested cocoa powder without unnecessary additives is all that is needed to solve the question of how to make chocolate with your own hands.

Step-by-step instructions

Collecting ingredients

What should a beginner (and an experienced one too) have on hand? The three main ingredients are cocoa powder, butter (cocoa butter is ideal) and sugar. All other additives are variations on the chocolate theme.

The process itself - how to make homemade chocolate - recipe

The essence of all chocolate recipes comes down to one thing. By experimenting, you will find your ideal proportions.

Recipe one

How to make homemade chocolate - dark chocolate recipe. Melt the butter in a container comparable to it. When it boils, add sugar (can be replaced with honey) and cocoa to taste. Measure out the amount of cocoa powder approximately until you are satisfied with the thickness and consistency of your chocolate. The extreme option is the consistency of thick sour cream. This is the limit - a more viscous structure will only harm your chocolate.

Consider the fact that the more cocoa, the harder and bitter the dark chocolate. Pour into molds (you don’t have to bother and pour into a regular deep plate), let cool and put in the freezer. A couple of hours - and you can evaluate the result.

In most people's minds, chocolate is bars wrapped in foil and colorful labels on store shelves. But chocolate is not so difficult to make yourself. In addition to the fact that this is a fascinating process (every housewife is curious to try herself as a confectioner-chocolatier), you will be one hundred percent confident in your chocolate, its composition and ingredients, which do not contain preservatives, thickeners, hardeners and other chemicals.


    Melt the butter over medium heat. When it boils, add sugar and cocoa to taste.

    Pour into molds, let cool and put in the refrigerator. A couple of hours - and you can evaluate the result.

Little chocolate tricks

  • Chocolate becomes harder in the freezer, but vice versa in the refrigerator.
  • Instead of milk, water will do just fine.
  • If you put honey in chocolate instead of sugar, try not to heat it above 40 degrees to preserve everything beneficial features honey Honey can be added after the chocolate has cooled a little.
  • For variety, add fillings - dried fruits, nuts, wafer crumbs, vanilla for flavor - everything will go into use when making homemade chocolate.

Making chocolate at home is not difficult. Don't be afraid to experiment and add your own twist to standard recipes!

It's not easy for most of us to get everything. necessary ingredients for making chocolate. This instruction will tell you how to make chocolate from cocoa powder at home. At home it means what we will use regular ingredients, which are easily accessible, what you already have at home or in the nearest store.

So, first of all, real chocolate is cocoa butter plus cocoa mass. Do you have such ingredients in your kitchen? No? Well, if not, then we’ll cook from what we have, namely from cocoa powder. Another classic ingredient of “real” chocolate is powdered milk. We will replace him regular milk and use a little flour as a thickener.

Step 1: Ingredients

Ingredients for homemade chocolate:

  • Milk - 150 ml.
  • Cocoa powder - 220 g.
  • Butter - 160 g.
  • water - 230 ml.
  • Flour - 30 g.
  • Sugar - 120 g (preferably use powdered sugar)

Step 2

The powder should be as finely ground as possible. This is how he is on the left side, not on the right.

Chop the butter as finely as possible, it will be easier to mix everything.
Like this.

Take 220g. (2 cups) cocoa powder (cocoa should be as finely ground as in the picture) and place it in a bowl. Then take 160g. butter, cut it and put it there. Using a spoon, crush the pieces of butter while mixing it with cocoa powder.

Now place the contents in a mixer (or food processor) and beat until smooth (like in the last photo). If you don't have a blender, you can use a spoon, but I warn you that it can be messy, the powder is quite volatile.

Step 3

Pour 230 ml. water in a saucepan and place the pasta prepared in the previous step there. Heat, but do not bring to a boil.

After this, pour what you got back into the bowl and add 150 ml. milk, 30g. flour and 120g. sugar (preferably powder) while the mixture is still hot.

Whisk everything well, there should be no lumps.

Step 4

Pour chocolate into molds. You can use an ice tray, saucer, etc. to get different shapes of chocolate. Place in the refrigerator or freezer for at least 6 hours.

Once the chocolate has hardened, remove it from the mold and enjoy your homemade DIY chocolate!

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1. Black.
For real gourmets, this type of delicacy is the best. In black chocolate may contain up to 75 - 85% cocoa beans; it is suitable for various culinary purposes and for cooking.

2. Lactic.
This variety is best suited for decorating baked goods. However, it is more gentle to handle and must be melted carefully in a water bath. If on the back of the wrapper it is written that the product contains vegetable fat, and it is not written that it contains cocoa butter, then this product cannot be called real chocolate.

3. White.
If you overheat it while melting it, it will become hard and grainy. Therefore, it is not used as often as milk for decorating confectionery products.

4. Cocoa powder.
It is a bitter extract from cocoa beans that have been roasted and undergone a cocoa butter extraction process. It's good because it gives confectionery products strong chocolate aroma.

Benefits for the female body

Women love sweets most of all, and this is not without reason. As a rule, a smart organism itself knows what it needs for normal functioning and signals our senses about this, as a result of which we have a desire to eat something specific.

The presence of substances in chocolate products similar to female hormones estrogen has a positive effect on women's health. It is especially beneficial to eat chocolate during menstruation and pregnancy. True, everything should be eaten in moderation, and sweets are no exception.

A chocolate bar can cope with the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome, when a woman has an irritable mood. Magnesium, which is contained in chocolate, can relieve pain in the lower abdomen.
Serotonin will help eliminate irritability.

Dark chocolate will be an excellent food for brain cells. For this, 30 grams of treats per day will be enough.

Calorie content

Peanut calories

100 grams of chocolate covered peanuts contain 430 kilocalories.


With all the undeniable advantages of chocolate, it also has some disadvantages:
  • It has a high calorie content.
  • The substance tannin it contains can cause headaches in some people.
  • It does not contain proteins, so it cannot be considered a complete healthy product.
  • It slows down metabolic processes, so it is strictly not recommended for those who suffer from obesity.

What are they snacking on?

Most people snack on chocolate alcoholic drinks. Although there are opponents to this tradition.

Perfect for the light, playful taste of Muscat wines White chocolate. Taking a sip of wine with it, you can feel the delicate creamy aftertaste.

Belgian fruit beer goes well with Belgian chocolates with fruit filling. If you add assorted fruits to the sweets, you get a wonderful flavor ensemble.

Dried fruits and milk chocolate They combine very harmoniously and highlight each other’s taste. Aged rum and cognac go well with dark chocolate. Liqueurs are pleasant to savor through the prism of the aftertaste of chocolate truffles.

As a sign of sympathy or gratitude, it is customary to give not just alcohol or chocolate, but a noble combination of these products.


After chocolate came to Spain, for a century she kept the secret of making the delicacy a secret. In the middle of the 17th century, the French acquired manufacturing technology, and since then the production chocolate products ceased to be a monopoly of Spain.

Gradually, “chocolate houses” began to appear - an analogue of modern cafes. Since this product was always expensive, only the financial elite gathered there. Very soon such chocolate houses became elite clubs.

In the 18th century, attempts were made to reduce the cost of the delicacy by adding milk to its recipe. Soon a recipe for making hard tiles was invented. In the 19th century, the idea of ​​adding milk was fully realized - Swiss Daniel Peter When producing the delicacy, I added concentrated milk to the ingredients, resulting in delicious milk chocolate.

Recipes: how to make at home

Culinary experts have created many recipes for homemade chocolate.

1. Simple recipe.
Ingredients for making the treat: cocoa powder, sugar, butter. The amount of butter is unlimited: the more butter, the more chocolate mass we get. The butter should be chopped into small pieces and placed in a saucepan on the fire. When the butter begins to boil, you need to add cocoa and sugar to it. Here, too, you do not need to adhere to a strict quantity. Pour cocoa “by eye” and stir with a spoon. When the consistency resembles thick sour cream, then the amount of cocoa will be sufficient ( the more cocoa, the more bitter and hard the treat will be). After this you need to boil chocolate mixture a few more minutes.

Then remove the pan from the heat and leave to cool. You can pour the mixture into a mold. After cooling, the mixture is sent to freezer for several hours until it hardens.

2. Recipe with milk.
In this recipe, all ingredients are taken not “by eye”, but in exact quantities: butter ( 50 grams), milk ( 2 tablespoons), cocoa ( 100g), sugar ( 1 teaspoon).

First, melt the butter, then mix the milk, cocoa and sugar, and add this mixture to the heated butter. Then cook over low heat for several minutes. After this, you need to cool the mixture.

3. Recipe with flour.
Ingredients: butter ( 50 grams), milk ( 5 tablespoons), sugar ( to taste, up to 8 tablespoons), cocoa powder ( 5 tablespoons), flour ( 1 teaspoon).
Melt the butter, add milk, sugar and cocoa powder. Then add a spoonful of flour and stir until it is completely dissolved. After this, the mixture can be removed from the heat, poured into molds and set to cool.

It's worth remembering a few tips:

  • The chocolate mixture can be placed not only in the freezer, but also in the refrigerator - then it will be somewhat softer in consistency.
  • You can add vanilla to the mixture.
  • If you replace sugar with honey, the product itself will only become healthier. However, honey cannot be heated too much, otherwise it will lose its beneficial properties and acquire harmful ones. Therefore, the process of cooking the delicacy must be carried out without adding honey. And when the mixture has cooled down to the point where you can put your finger down, then you need to add honey and stir it well. To obtain a homogeneous mass, it is better to stir it in a blender.
The shape of the chocolate bar can be different, depending on your imagination and the availability of shaped molds in the house. For home use You can pour the chocolate mixture into a regular plate or bowl. You can also use ice trays.

If you want to make candies from the resulting mixture, not tiles, then you will definitely need a mold. Filling for chocolates: dried fruits, nuts, wafer crumbs. The mixture must be poured into the mold in stages: chocolate layer, then filling, then chocolate layer again.

Hot with pepper

The recipe for making such a drink is simple. To do this you need to take: a bar of extra dark chocolate, milk, vanilla pods, chili pepper, cinnamon sticks, cognac ( 20 ml), sugar ( 15 grams). The chocolate bar must be broken into small pieces. In a saucepan you need to put half a vanilla pod, seeded chili peppers, cinnamon - and pour milk over it all. After heating the milk, pour the chocolate into the saucepan and cook over low heat for about 10 minutes. After the chocolate has completely dissolved, the spices are removed. You can experiment with chili peppers and discover your preferred level of spiciness - what pepper before will be removed from the saucepan, the less spicy the drink will be. At the last stage of preparing the drink, sugar and cognac are added to it. It is served hot, garnished with chocolate shavings or whipped cream if desired.


This is the most popular chocolate, the creamy taste of which many remember from childhood. It began to be produced in the USSR in the 60s of the last century. Since the state order for affordable milk chocolate came to several production facilities at once, different confectioners tried to create their own delicious recipe. When the recipe was approved, the production of a product called “Alenka” began in different factories. However, these products looked different in appearance: on the label of the chocolate factory them. Babaeva depicted a girl in a blue headscarf, and on the label developed by the factory Rot Front, were depicted: a girl with a bunny and a dog, and a girl with a watering can. The unified design of the label occurred when a competition was held for the best children's photograph to present “Alyonka” to the mass consumer. A photograph of a pink-cheeked, blue-eyed girl in a headscarf, who won the competition, became the main theme for the design of the chocolate bar. The name itself – “Alyonka” – was chosen in honor of the daughter of a female cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova.

Today "Alenka" is produced by the factory "Red October". This brand produces chocolate bars with the addition of hazelnuts, almonds, and raisins. The recipe changed already in the post-Soviet era, approximately from the beginning of the 2000s. Until this time, the Alyonka recipe had not changed for many decades.


The last decades of chocolate production have been marked by a decorative boom. Completely new demands began to be put forward for chocolate. In addition to its taste, it should have a decorative appearance so that it can be used to decorate a festive event or dessert table. Therefore, confectioners began to expand the range of chocolate figurines. In Soviet times, themed chocolate figurines for children in the form of Santa Claus and bunnies were produced. Now you can order not just a figurine, but an entire chocolate sculpture.


Chocolate molds can be easily found in retail stores. If you wish, you can try to make a chocolate figurine yourself. Chocolate molds are quite capricious to handle: they must be washed only by hand, without the use of cleaning abrasives; After pouring melted chocolate into them, the molds should be carefully tapped with a knife or fork to remove air bubbles.

To harden in the refrigerator, small figures will need from 10 to 30 minutes. Larger figures require longer curing.

Why chocolate is convenient to work with - if you don’t like the figure, you can melt it again and pour it into molds. For greater decorativeness, you can pour chocolate of different colors into the molds - black, white, milk.

Some molds allow you to make three-dimensional, three-dimensional chocolate figures. To do this, ready-made frozen figures are taken out of two cells of the mold, the center is cut out in them, and poured chocolate nougat, then the figures are folded and fixed. To evenly distribute the nougat in the cavities of the figures, they can be turned and twisted in your hands. After this, the glued three-dimensional figure can be placed in the refrigerator to harden.



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