The benefits of Chinese cabbage for weight loss, dietary recipes and calorie content. Calorie content of Chinese salad. Chemical composition and nutritional value How many calories in boiled Chinese cabbage

The benefits of Chinese cabbage for weight loss, dietary recipes and calorie content. Calorie content of Chinese salad. Chemical composition and nutritional value How many calories in boiled Chinese cabbage

In recent years, the popularity of Chinese cabbage has been gaining momentum. This variety of vegetable plants is much more delicate in structure and does not have the slight “pepperiness” that white cabbage often has.

Therefore, preparing and eating a dietary salad with Chinese cabbage is a pleasure. The article will discuss how Chinese cabbage is beneficial for the body, what to cook with it and how to store it.

What does Chinese cabbage look like?

Chinese cabbage, which we often see on store shelves under the name “Peking” - vegetable crop, having whole, sessile, wrinkled leaves that taste very juicy.

They are located in the form of a loose oblong head of cabbage up to 35 cm high. The edges of the leaves are wavy or jagged, their color ranges from yellowish to bright green.

There are different subspecies of such a plant as Chinese cabbage, and their varieties are often called “Chinese lettuce.”

BJU and calorie content of Chinese cabbage

The beneficial properties of Chinese cabbage are successfully combined with its excellent taste, so you can enjoy dishes made from it with benefits for the body.

The product contains almost 5 times more vitamin C than the usual green salad. The vegetable contains quite a lot of protein, citric acid, pectin, and amino acids. It also contains a real vitamin and mineral complex:

  • Riboflavin;
  • Folic acid;
  • Thiamine;
  • A nicotinic acid;
  • Carotene;
  • Pyridoxine;
  • Magnesium;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Cobalt;
  • Potassium;
  • Iron;
  • Vitamin E;
  • Vitamin K;
  • Selenium, etc.

How many calories are in Chinese cabbage?

Chinese cabbage for weight loss - an ideal product, because it contains only 16 kcal/100 g. Like other leafy vegetables, it is good for digestion, helps the production of enzymes, which will allow food to be absorbed faster.

Because the body will spend more energy on processing the product than it receives, . No matter how much you eat the product,

BJU of Chinese cabbage

100 g of crispy fresh vegetable contains:

  • 1.1 g protein;
  • 0.3 g fat;
  • 1.2 g carbohydrates.

The rest is water and vitamins, minerals, and other elements needed by the body dissolved in it.

Beijing cabbage - benefits and harm

The product is one of best vegetables, which can be used for vitamin deficiency and anemia.

A huge amount of ascorbic acid will help strengthen the immune system and improve resistance to infections.

The vegetable will cleanse the body of cholesterol and prevent excess fats from being absorbed into the blood. It has been proven to optimize the body's metabolism.

To normalize the nervous system due to the presence of almost all B vitamins Chinese salad also suitable.

It will strengthen the heart and make blood vessels more elastic.
The product will ensure the coordinated functioning of the endocrine system, will contribute to the prevention of oncology, and will prolong youth and vigor.

Other beneficial properties of Chinese lettuce are:

  • Reducing the manifestations of hypertension;
  • Fighting headaches;
  • Mitigation of diabetes;
  • Cleansing the blood and intestines;
  • Protecting the body from free radicals.

The product is also important for Alzheimer's disease, gout, hepatitis, obesity, and nervous disorders. But the beneficial properties and contraindications of Chinese cabbage are combined, and the latter must also be taken into account.

Who should not eat Chinese salad?

Chinese cabbage can be harmful for pancreatitis in the acute phase. It is also better not to abuse such food if:

  1. Increased acidity in the gastrointestinal tract;
  2. Bleeding in the digestive system;
  3. Exacerbation of colitis, duodenitis, gastritis.

Product dosage: 150 g three times a week. If you overeat, you may experience nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain.

Is it possible to have Chinese cabbage while breastfeeding?

The benefits of Chinese cabbage for women are enormous, but can a nursing mother eat it? As you know, most varieties of cabbage cause increased gas production, so they can cause colic and flatulence in a baby. Fortunately, it is the Chinese variety that brings much fewer problems associated with digestion.

A nursing mother can eat the product, but not in salads, but in stewed or steamed (boiled) form.. This will absolutely not harm the baby’s body, but the benefits will be invaluable. The vitamins and minerals of the vegetable will, for the most part, be preserved even after cooking.

An increase in quantity and quality after consuming the product in moderation is guaranteed! From 6-9 months, you can begin to gradually include it in the mother’s diet in fresh form.

How to store Chinese cabbage at home

There are many ways to store Chinese cabbage. It should be stored in the refrigerator after wrapping it in cling film in the vegetable compartment. You can also put the vegetable in a container and close it tightly with a lid. You can also freeze Chinese salad in bags in the freezer after chopping.

There is a more original storage method - drying. How to properly cut Chinese cabbage for drying? It should be chopped as finely as possible, into strips, and then dried in the oven (80 degrees) with convection or in an electric dryer

Salad for the winter by fermentation

The recipe for pickled vegetables is as follows:

  1. Take 5 kg of cabbage, chop finely;
  2. Pour 300 ml of water, 50 ml of water into a container, add salt, sugar - a teaspoon at a time;
  3. Combine cabbage with 2 cloves of chopped garlic;
  4. Pour over the marinade, put under pressure for a day;
  5. Next, stir the vegetables and leave for another day;
  6. Refrigerate the product for 2 weeks;
  7. After the specified period, you can eat the dish.

Or do this:

Chinese cabbage recipes

The product is perfect for salads. The leaves of Chinese lettuce are thin and tender. Stuffed cabbage rolls are very tasty with it, as well as other main courses and soups. You can marinate it and prepare original snacks.

For example, how to salt Chinese cabbage is very simple. To do this, you just need to cut it (arbitrarily), add a small amount of salt, compact it into jars and fill it with water so that it is completely covered. Place the food in the cold for 2 weeks and you are ready to eat.

Korean chimcha from Chinese cabbage (recipe)


  • Cabbage - head of cabbage;
  • – 6 cloves;
  • Onion – head;
  • Soy sauce - a tablespoon;
  • Fresh green onions - a bunch;
  • – piece 5 cm;
  • Red pepper - a tablespoon;
  • Sugar – teaspoon;
  • Salt – 3 tablespoons;
  • Water – 1.5 liters.
Dissolve salt in water (cold). Cut the cabbage into squares, the onion into small strips. Place the vegetables in the brine, stir them, leave for 4 hours if preparing cabbage instant cooking. To prepare dishes for the winter, you need to salt the vegetables all night. Next, drain the brine and rinse the vegetables.

Place garlic, ginger, sauce, pepper, sugar in a blender and grind everything. Stir the paste into the salted vegetables. Pack everything into a jar, close the lid, put it in the refrigerator for 3 days, then eat.

The most delicious Chinese cabbage salad

What can you cook from Chinese cabbage without the dish being banal? Here delicious salad from it - hearty, for gourmets:

  1. Cut 150 g of ham into thin strips;
  2. Also chop 200 g of boiled chicken breast;
  3. Cut 3 boiled eggs into cubes;
  4. Crush a handful of walnuts;
  5. Mix the ingredients, add 200 g of Korean carrots;
  6. Add a small shredded head of Chinese cabbage;
  7. Season the salad with mayonnaise (sour cream) and salt.

Here's another snack recipe:

Chinese cabbage, better known as Chinese cabbage, has firmly taken its place in the Russian market and is a popular product among lovers of vegetable salads and low calorie diets. There are many varieties of Chinese cabbage, but the most popular are Pak Choi and Pe Tsai. The high nutritional value and beneficial properties of Chinese cabbage, combined with incredibly low calorie content, make this vegetable indispensable for people who adhere to a healthy lifestyle.

The calorie content of Chinese cabbage Pak choy per 100 grams is 13 kcal.

The calorie content of Chinese cabbage Pe-tsai per 100 grams is 16 kcal

According to the US Department of Agriculture, 100 grams of Pak Choi contains 13 calories, 0.2 g fat, 1.5 g protein and 2.18 g carbohydrates, including 1 g fiber and 1.18 sugars.

100 grams of Chinese cabbage Pe-tsai contains 16 calories, 0.2 g of fat, 1.2 g of protein and 3.23 g of carbohydrates, including 1.2 g of fiber and 1.41 g of sugars.

In addition to being low in calories, bok choy helps prevent many types of cancer: lung, pancreatic, ovarian, and kidney. However, excessive consumption can harm the heart, so you should consult your doctor before including it in your diet. Powerful antioxidants, such as phenolic compounds, carotenoids and sinapic acid, which are part of the vegetable, prolong the youth of the body's cells.

Useful properties of Chinese cabbage

The beneficial properties of Chinese cabbage are due to the rich composition of vitamins: A, C, E, K, P, PP and B1, B2 and B6, which improve the condition of the body and its basic systems. It is best to eat Chinese cabbage in the spring during its ripening period; during the rest of the year, it should be remembered that heat treatment of this vegetable leads to the loss of vitamins and other nutrients.

Impressive and mineral composition cabbage: sodium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, manganese, sulfur, copper, vanadium, chromium, iodine, zirconium and nickel. The high content of dietary fiber improves digestion, cleanses the intestines and normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Chinese cabbage in cooking

There are many ways to prepare Chinese cabbage, but the simplest is shrimp salad. Ingredients: 200 g peeled shrimp, one Chinese cabbage, salt, pepper, sesame oil and lemon juice.

Wash the cabbage and remove the outer leaves. Cut it into 4 pieces and cut it into a bowl into thin lines. Place the shrimp in boiling water for exactly 1 minute; after the time has elapsed, drain the water. In a separate bowl, mix lemon juice with sesame oil, salt and pepper. Place the shrimp and cabbage in a common bowl and pour the resulting sauce over the salad, mix and serve.

Calorie content and the nutritional value Chinese cabbage Pak choy (per 100 g):

Calorie content or energy value – this is the amount of energy that accumulates in the human body due to food and is consumed due to physical activity. The unit of measurement is the kilocalorie (the amount of energy required to raise one kilogram of water by one degree Celsius). However, a kilocalorie is often referred to simply as a calorie. Therefore, when we say a calorie, in most cases we mean a kilocalorie. It has the designation kcal.

The nutritional value– content of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the product.

Chemical composition – content of macroelements and microelements in the product.

Vitamins– organic compounds necessary in small quantities to support human life. Their deficiency can have adverse effects on the health of the body. Vitamins are found in food in small quantities, so to get all the vitamins a person needs, you need to diversify the groups and types of food.

Article on the topic: "Chinese cabbage. beneficial properties and harms, calorie content. recipes for dishes from Chinese cabbage" from professionals.

Cabbage is an annual plant belonging to the turnip subspecies. Its benefits and excellent taste have been known for a long time. Chinese cabbage (or Chinese cabbage) combines, as it were, two vegetables - it is both cabbage and green salad. Juicy, tender leaves have a wonderful taste and differ in composition from their relatives.

Let's start with the biggest advantages of Chinese cabbage. These are excellent taste qualities that make dishes prepared with its addition so popular. Its juicy and tasty leaves are eaten raw in salads, stewed, fermented, and added to soups and side dishes. And for good reason. It contains a substance such as lysine. Its benefit is that it helps cleanse the blood, break down foreign proteins and improve immunity.

Also, raw cabbage leaves contain an element such as lactucin, which accelerates metabolic processes in the human body. It has a calming effect and helps normalize blood pressure, and as a result, sleep.

Eating Chinese cabbage raw will help get rid of chronic stress and fatigue syndrome. Eat Chinese cabbage salad regularly - this dish will relieve headaches and even migraines.

Tasty and juicy cabbage leaves are a preventative against cardiovascular diseases and cancer. It is recommended to eat it in large quantities for patients with diabetes.

In the old days, it was believed that juice from Chinese cabbage could cure stomach and duodenal ulcers.

Another advantage of Chinese cabbage is that it does not have such a pronounced, not always pleasant, cabbage smell that appears when heat treatment- for example, when cooking borscht or stewing cabbage rolls. And the taste of these dishes improves significantly if Peking is used in their preparation.

Chinese cabbage leaves have a denser, slightly rougher, triangular-shaped white vein in the center of the leaf. She is the one juicy part and its benefits are very noticeable. From these “petioles” you can make juice, which has an analgesic effect for gastritis with low and neutral acidity. So don’t throw it away, leaving only tender leaves. The nutritional value is concentrated in the petioles.

Unlike white cabbage, Chinese cabbage retains all its beneficial substances throughout the winter and is not afraid of long-term storage if the appropriate temperature conditions are observed. This is especially important during the period when spring vitamin starvation of the body begins.

Note to those who are going on a diet or fasting days– the calorie content of Chinese cabbage is so low that it can be eaten even while following the most stringent weight loss diet.

As with every product, Chinese cabbage there is both benefit and harm. Despite the fact that it has a beneficial effect on digestive processes, it can cause significant harm when combined with dairy products - milk sauces, sour cream, milk and cottage cheese. Stomach upset when consuming these products at the same time is a guarantee.

The harm of such a “diet” will be especially noticeable in advanced gastritis with high acidity.

The harm is also undeniable with pancreatitis. After all, Beijing milk in combination with dairy products will produce lactic acid, which irritates the pancreas and causes pain and diarrhea.

You can also feel the harm of Chinese cabbage if you eat it during an exacerbation of colitis, in case of poisoning and diarrhea. You need to take these properties into account, since the symptoms of the disease will only worsen and you will feel much worse.

Calorie content

Chinese cabbage is a very low-calorie product that is suitable for dietary nutrition not only for medical reasons, but also for losing excess weight, cleansing the stomach and intestines.

But it should be borne in mind that when determining the calorie content of a dish that includes Chinese cabbage, you need to take into account the calorie content of all other ingredients. If you make a salad from cabbage alone, consider the calorie content of the dressing.


Despite the fact that the beneficial properties of Chinese cabbage are undeniable, there are still some contraindications to its use. People who suffer from peptic ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract with high acidity, pancreatitis and during periods of exacerbation of any gastrointestinal diseases should not eat dishes with this cabbage.

Also, do not forget that moderation is important in everything. Excessive and frequent consumption of Chinese cabbage dishes can cause nausea and stomach upset.

People who suffer from low blood pressure should eat these greens with caution as they can lower blood pressure. And this is fraught with dizziness.

It is not recommended for nursing mothers to eat Chinese cabbage in any form, especially in the first two months of a baby’s life (as well as any other cabbage). It can cause (especially in its raw form) excessive gas formation in both mother and child. Over time, you can gradually introduce it into the diet, but carefully monitor the baby’s condition. If it is harmful to his health, it is better to abandon this vegetable.


Although Chinese or Chinese cabbage, as you like, is not a medicinal plant and has some contraindications, it should be noted that it has medicinal and preventive properties that can be successfully used.

Chinese cabbage contains a large amount of phytoncides, which are destructive to Koch's bacillus, Staphylococcus aureus and a number of others. Freshly squeezed juice helps with burns, suppuration, and ulcers. If you mix it in a 1:1 ratio with clean water, you can cure inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.

Cabbage juice cleanses the intestines well, freeing it from rotting products. It is the beginning of the sedum process that causes increased gas formation when eating vegetables. To reduce this process, you need to drink Chinese cabbage juice with half-diluted carrot juice.


Chinese cabbage can be frozen. At the same time, it does not lose its beneficial properties and taste. You need to wash and dry the leaves completely, chop them finely and place them in a plastic bag. Then solder it and place it in freezer. The shelf life of such cabbage is 8-10 months.

Before eating, place the sealed bag in cold water and wait for the leaves to separate on their own.

If you want to store Beijing in winter without resorting to the freezer, you need to know a few rules:

  1. For storage, you need to take fully ripe vegetables (but not overripe), which are removed from the garden in the first half of October.
  2. Make sure that cabbage for winter storage does not survive frost. Even 2º frost will have a detrimental effect on its keeping quality.
  3. Cabbage heads should not be wet, damaged by fungus or pests - this reduces the shelf life significantly.
  4. It is necessary to remove damaged upper leaves that do not fit tightly to the fork. The cut should be under the leaves or at the same level with them.
  5. Prepared heads of cabbage need to be wrapped more tightly in cling film, but do not overdo it. Place in boxes vertically, not close to each other.

Chinese cabbage should be stored in a basement or cellar at a temperature of 0º to 2º. With this mode, cabbage can be stored for 2-3 months without compromising its taste and vitamin composition. Useful properties are fully preserved.

The nutritional value

Chinese cabbage is a low-calorie product and is suitable for eating during diets and fasting days.

Energy value of the product:

Nutritional value of the product:

Water saturates the body's cells with structured fluid, which promotes their health and normal division process. And dietary fiber is an excellent “broom” for the intestines, helping to get rid of waste and toxins. But it is necessary to take into account contraindications.

Vitamins and minerals

Chinese cabbage is both cabbage and lettuce rolled into one. Juicy leaves containing large quantities of vitamins and minerals are an excellent addition to complete nutrition. But moderation is important in everything. Therefore, you need to weigh all the beneficial properties and harmful properties, before making a decision in favor of eating Chinese cabbage or refusing this product.

We often call Chinese cabbage or salad cabbage. It is grown in Russia and imported from other countries and is sold almost everywhere all year round. Many people love it because it has soft leaves without thick layers and at the same time has all the beneficial properties and delicate taste.

However, the variety name “Chinese cabbage” combines two types of this leafy vegetable: Chinese cabbage and pak choy (bok choy). While Chinese cabbage forms a loose, elongated head, pak choy does not have heads. Leaves on dense stems form around its base; it is widespread in China and Southeast Asia, but in Russia and Europe, pak choy is significantly inferior in popularity to Chinese cabbage.

The benefits of Chinese cabbage

Chinese cabbage is a low-calorie dietary product.

Both types of Chinese cabbage are very beneficial for the body and have a similar chemical composition. They are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and other beneficial substances.

Composition and calorie content of Chinese cabbage

First of all, it is a healthy low-calorie dietary product. Chinese cabbage is 95% water and contains minimal amounts of carbohydrates and fat. There is not a lot of protein in this vegetable, only 2.5 g per 100 g of fresh leaves, but it is considered one of the most complete proteins in amino acid composition plant origin. That is why various varieties of cabbage, including Chinese cabbage, must be included in the diet of vegetarians. Due to its low calorie content (only 16 kcal per 100 g of vegetable), this product can take its rightful place in the diet of obese and overweight people.

These cabbage varieties are rich in vitamins A and C, which will help strengthen your immune system. Chinese cabbage is available all year round, so a salad made from its fresh leaves is a good vitamin supplement to food during the cold season. In addition, this vegetable contains B vitamins. It is useful for diseases of the nervous system. It is believed that regular consumption of Chinese cabbage will help get rid of insomnia, headaches and even migraines.

Cabbage leaves contain a lot of organic acids, especially citric acid. It is a natural preservative for the beneficial substances found in the vegetable and has other beneficial properties. In addition, Chinese cabbage contains substances that have anti-cancer properties.

Chinese cabbage for the heart and blood vessels

This variety of vegetables is good for of cardio-vascular system. Its leaves contain quite a lot of potassium, which is so necessary for the myocardium and other muscles of the body to ensure normal contractile activity. Vitamins and organic acids help improve fat metabolism, and, consequently, reduce the level of “bad” lipids in the blood, which is useful for atherosclerosis. Ascorbic acid and retinol are involved in processes that ensure the elasticity and strength of blood vessels.

Benefits for digestion

The benefits of this variety of vegetables for the digestive system, both in dietary and regular nutrition, are undeniable. Chinese cabbage salads are very useful for constipation, intestinal atony and other diseases associated with decreased motor function of the gastrointestinal tract. Fiber stimulates the growth of beneficial intestinal microflora, and organic acids suppress the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria. Dishes from Beijing salad and pak choy should be served as a side dish for meat and fatty dishes, this will promote better digestion and absorption of “heavy” food. Frequent consumption of this vegetable reduces the risk of cancer of the digestive system.

In vegetarian and low-calorie diets for overweight, Chinese cabbage is also very important. It not only supplies the body with useful substances and helps cleanse the intestines, but also provides a feeling of fullness.

Chinese cabbage for diabetes

This leafy vegetable can be safely eaten if you have diabetes; its carbohydrate and fat content is so low that it does not affect blood glucose levels. Dietary fiber contained in the leaves of the vegetable slows down the absorption of carbohydrates from other foods, so for diabetes mellitus, it is recommended to combine Chinese cabbage with foods containing sugar. And the vitamins and minerals that Chinese cabbage is rich in are useful for preventing complications of this serious disease.

The harm of Chinese cabbage

It is perhaps difficult to find a vegetable more harmless than Chinese cabbage. Both varieties grow well, are easy to care for and resistant to diseases and garden pests. That is why farmers simply do not need to use fertilizers and insecticides that can accumulate in the leaves and fruits of plants.

You should not eat Chinese cabbage if you have diarrhea and bloating, as well as with exacerbation of gastritis.

Despite the beneficial properties of the vegetable, there is no need to abuse it. Excessive consumption may lead to diarrhea and flatulence due to the high fiber content of the leaves. To improve the health of the body and get benefits per day, it is enough to eat up to 300 g of Beijing salad or pak choy.

Gardens of Russia magazine, experienced gardener Alexander Sidelnikov talks about the rules of growing and the properties of Chinese cabbage:

Peking cabbage or Chinese cabbage is the name given to a biennial vegetable crop of the Cruciferous family, mainly grown as an annual. Ripe Chinese cabbage forms an oblong cylindrical head, the leaves have a white vein at the base, and the leaves form a loose rosette. Leaf color ranges from light yellow to bright green, and the leaves have wavy or jagged tips. The taste of Chinese cabbage is quite delicate, it includes the taste of cabbage and lettuce; Chinese cabbage is closest to Romaine lettuce. The leaves are juicy and crunchy, elastic, but not hard.

Peking cabbage is truly a native of China, it has been known since the 5th century AD. In China, Chinese cabbage was credited with unique beneficial properties and was considered a panacea for almost all known ailments. Today, the taste and benefits of Chinese cabbage are appreciated all over the world; it is grown in many countries, including Russia.

Calorie content of Chinese cabbage

The calorie content of Chinese cabbage is 16 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Composition and beneficial properties of Chinese cabbage

Chinese cabbage contains a large amount of indigestible dietary fiber, and there is many times more of it in the white part of the leaf than in the green part. Coarse dietary fiber plays the role of a kind of brush that collects mucus and unnecessary waste from the intestinal walls. The vegetable contains vitamin C in the green part of the leaves, known for its beneficial properties. The white part of Chinese cabbage is rich in vitamins A and K, the first of which is necessary for the production of the substance rhodopsin, which improves night vision, the second is necessary for normal blood clotting. The product contains minerals that are beneficial to the body and quite rare citric acid. Chinese cabbage normalizes the digestive tract and is an effective remedy for constipation.

Harm of Chinese cabbage

Excessive consumption of Chinese cabbage can have a negative effect on those who have problems with the digestive tract, especially increased acidity of gastric juice, gastritis and stomach ulcers. Anyone who has a “weak” intestine should introduce Chinese cabbage into their diet with caution.

Chinese cabbage for weight loss

Having a minimum calorie content, which is “negative” because the body spends more calories on digesting the product than it receives, Chinese cabbage can claim one of the leading places in the ranking of weight loss products (calorizator). By including fresh Chinese cabbage in your diet several times a week, you can stabilize and maintain your weight without diets or restrictions.

How to grow Chinese cabbage at home

Peking cabbage grows in many summer cottages, but green leaves can also be obtained at home. To do this, you need to cut off the lower white part of the head of cabbage by 5-7 cm and lower it into water until the roots appear from the stalk. Then plant it in the ground, the green leaves that appear can be eaten or wait until the seeds ripen and grow a new batch of Chinese cabbage from them.

Selection and storage of Chinese cabbage

When choosing Chinese cabbage, you need to visually assess the condition of the head of cabbage, which should be quite dense and heavy; if a large head of cabbage is light, then most likely it has been stored for too long and has dried out. The upper part of the leaves should not be weathered and have dark spots or signs of rot and mold.

You need to store Chinese cabbage in the refrigerator, you can wrap it in a dry cloth or special paper. The shelf life of the vegetable is 3-7 days, then the cabbage dries out and loses its beneficial properties.

Chinese cabbage in cooking

The healthiest thing is to eat Chinese cabbage fresh. The product is used for a variety of salads with fresh vegetables, boiled or baked meat, crab sticks. The leaves of small-sized heads of cabbage are convenient for serving cold appetizers or portioned salads. Peking cabbage is added to soups, stews, cabbage rolls are prepared with it, and stuffed whole. It should be remembered that during heat treatment most of the beneficial substances are lost, so boiling and baking Chinese cabbage should be minimal.

For more information about Chinese cabbage, watch the video “Chinese cabbage” from the TV show “Live Healthy.”

Especially for
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Beijing cabbage is a relatively new trend that our people increasingly like. True, this new growing “love” simultaneously discourages us from eating raw white cabbage and kohlrabi...

But not everything is as scary as it might seem at first glance. For Chinese cabbage (petsai, Chinese or salad cabbage) also has its own centuries-old history and a rich “inner world”, the nutritional value of which is very, very attractive for modern people suffering from vitamin deficiencies and a lack of various micronutrients.

However, “Beijing” also has negative qualities. True, the main disadvantage of Chinese cabbage is that it is most often grown not in garden beds, but in industrial greenhouses, where the chemical composition of the “soil” is somewhat poorer than the average soil (almost any set of artificial chemistry is too limited for a fully-fledged plant to grow on it in all respects). product). But this does not mean that everyone can always eat it.

In general, let's talk about everything in order...

Composition of Chinese cabbage

The benefits and harms of Chinese cabbage

Like any whole plant product, Chinese cabbage is capable of great “feats” in our body. The Chinese, Japanese and Koreans - the most serious admirers of this culture - recommend consuming cabbage for cardiovascular diseases, ulcers and radiation sickness, as well as for weakened immunity.

Moreover, it is believed that one of the components - lysine - is able to prevent the formation of all kinds of allergic reactions, because it very quickly neutralizes foreign proteins entering our body. Of course, the “Beijing” is unlikely to cope with an existing allergy, but it is capable of destroying potential allergens that have just entered the gastrointestinal tract with food.

Another component - lactucin - stabilizes metabolism and puts the nervous system in order, which in turn makes a person calmer, improves sleep and digestion. Some scientists even argue that in some cases, to get rid of stress and headaches, it is enough just to regularly eat raw “Peking”, and everything else, including antidepressants and calming pills, often only interfere with the recovery process.

On top of that, Chinese cabbage is a wonderful means of cleansing the mucous membranes of the entire gastrointestinal tract from toxic plaque, helps get rid of constipation and removes rotting products from the intestines (after disassembling them into parts and simultaneously causing active gas formation).

IN healing properties Chinese cabbage is also believed by researchers for the following ailments:

  • rheumatism
  • arthritis
  • gout
  • Alzheimer's disease
  • oncology
  • jaundice
  • hypertension, etc.

It should be noted that, according to many healers, most of the beneficial properties of Chinese cabbage appear only when drinking its juice. Peking salads, especially those with added salt, have much fewer healing properties.

By the way, experts folk recipes It is recommended to use Chinese cabbage juice to combat inflammatory diseases of the mouth and throat. True, this does not mean at all that you need to refuse to take medications prescribed by professional doctors. Because in this way you can make yourself a bunch of complications and new diseases.

And yes, eating lettuce can sometimes be harmful even without stopping medications prescribed by your doctor. This applies to people suffering from acute forms of gastritis, pancreatitis, colitis and diarrhea.

What is prepared from Chinese cabbage?

In our area, almost only salads are prepared from Chinese cabbage (albeit using the most variety of ingredients). But in China, Korea and Japan, anything can be prepared from petsai: from cabbage rolls, soups and table decorations to hot sauces and casseroles. Moreover, in terms of its culinary properties, Peking cabbage is in no way inferior to white cabbage. Moreover, she is superior to her white-headed “sister” in this.

Soups made from salad cabbage are especially tasty, because they completely lack the characteristic smell inherent in soups made from boiled white cabbage.

There is no bitterness in Peking, which means it can easily replace any type of salad. After all, in terms of tenderness, this cabbage is very close to lettuce.

In general, everything indicates that Chinese cabbage will soon take a leading position in the kitchens of most housewives in our area. And then, you know, the gardeners will catch up - instead of white cabbage they will start growing petsai...

Rating 3.9 Votes: 13

Cabbage is an annual plant belonging to the turnip subspecies. Its benefits and excellent taste have been known for a long time. Chinese cabbage (or Chinese cabbage) combines, as it were, two vegetables - it is both cabbage and green salad. Juicy, tender leaves have a wonderful taste and differ in composition from their relatives.


Let's start with the biggest advantages of Chinese cabbage. These are excellent taste qualities that make dishes prepared with its addition so popular. Its juicy and tasty leaves are eaten raw in salads, stewed, fermented, and added to soups and side dishes. And for good reason. It contains a substance such as lysine. Its benefit is that it helps cleanse the blood, break down foreign proteins and improve immunity.

Also, raw cabbage leaves contain an element such as lactucin, which accelerates metabolic processes in the human body. It has a calming effect and helps normalize blood pressure, and as a result, sleep.

Eating Chinese cabbage raw will help get rid of chronic stress and fatigue syndrome. Eat Chinese cabbage salad regularly - this dish will relieve headaches and even migraines.

Tasty and juicy cabbage leaves are a preventative against cardiovascular diseases and cancer. It is recommended to eat it in large quantities for patients with diabetes.

In the old days, it was believed that juice from Chinese cabbage could cure stomach and duodenal ulcers.

Another advantage of Chinese cabbage is that it does not have such a pronounced, not always pleasant, cabbage smell that appears during heat treatment - for example, when cooking borscht or stewing cabbage rolls. And the taste of these dishes improves significantly if Peking is used in their preparation.

Chinese cabbage leaves have a denser, slightly rougher, triangular-shaped white vein in the center of the leaf. It is this that is the juiciest part and its benefits are very noticeable. From these “petioles” you can make juice, which has an analgesic effect for gastritis with low and neutral acidity. So don’t throw it away, leaving only tender leaves. The nutritional value is concentrated in the petioles.

Unlike white cabbage, Chinese cabbage retains all its beneficial substances throughout the winter and is not afraid of long-term storage if the appropriate temperature conditions are observed. This is especially important during the period when spring vitamin starvation of the body begins.

Note to those who are going on a diet or doing fasting days - the calorie content of Chinese cabbage is so low that it can be eaten even while following the most stringent weight loss diet.


As with every product, Chinese cabbage has both benefits and harm. Despite the fact that it has a beneficial effect on digestive processes, it can cause significant harm when combined with dairy products - milk sauces, sour cream, milk and cottage cheese. Stomach upset when consuming these products at the same time is a guarantee.

The harm of such a “diet” will be especially noticeable in advanced gastritis with high acidity.

The harm is also undeniable with pancreatitis. After all, Beijing milk in combination with dairy products will produce lactic acid, which irritates the pancreas and causes pain and diarrhea.

You can also feel the harm of Chinese cabbage if you eat it during an exacerbation of colitis, in case of poisoning and diarrhea. You need to take these properties into account, since the symptoms of the disease will only worsen and you will feel much worse.

Calorie content

Chinese cabbage is a very low-calorie product that is suitable for dietary nutrition not only for medical reasons, but also for losing excess weight, cleansing the stomach and intestines.

But it should be borne in mind that when determining the calorie content of a dish that includes Chinese cabbage, you need to take into account the calorie content of all other ingredients. If you make a salad from cabbage alone, consider the calorie content of the dressing.


Despite the fact that the beneficial properties of Chinese cabbage are undeniable, there are still some contraindications to its use. People who suffer from peptic ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract with high acidity, pancreatitis and during periods of exacerbation of any gastrointestinal diseases should not eat dishes with this cabbage.

Also, do not forget that moderation is important in everything. Excessive and frequent consumption of Chinese cabbage dishes can cause nausea and stomach upset.

People who suffer from low blood pressure should eat these greens with caution as they can lower blood pressure. And this is fraught with dizziness.

It is not recommended for nursing mothers to eat Chinese cabbage in any form, especially in the first two months of a baby’s life (as well as any other cabbage). It can cause (especially in its raw form) excessive gas formation in both mother and child. Over time, you can gradually introduce it into the diet, but carefully monitor the baby’s condition. If it is harmful to his health, it is better to abandon this vegetable.


Although Chinese or Chinese cabbage, as you like, is not a medicinal plant and has some contraindications, it should be noted that it has medicinal and preventive properties that can be successfully used.

Chinese cabbage contains a large amount of phytoncides, which are destructive to Koch's bacillus, Staphylococcus aureus and a number of others. Freshly squeezed juice helps with burns, suppuration, and ulcers. If you mix it in a 1:1 ratio with clean water, you can cure inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.

Cabbage juice cleanses the intestines well, freeing it from rotting products. It is the beginning of the sedum process that causes increased gas formation when eating vegetables. To reduce this process, you need to drink Chinese cabbage juice with half-diluted carrot juice.


Chinese cabbage can be frozen. At the same time, it does not lose its beneficial properties and taste. You need to wash and dry the leaves completely, chop them finely and place them in a plastic bag. Then seal it and place it in the freezer. The shelf life of such cabbage is 8-10 months.

Before eating, place the sealed bag in cold water and wait for the leaves to separate.

If you want to store Beijing in winter without resorting to the freezer, you need to know a few rules:

  1. For storage, you need to take fully ripe vegetables (but not overripe), which are removed from the garden in the first half of October.
  2. Make sure that cabbage for winter storage does not survive frost. Even 2º frost will have a detrimental effect on its keeping quality.
  3. Cabbage heads should not be wet, damaged by fungus or pests - this reduces the shelf life significantly.
  4. It is necessary to remove damaged upper leaves that do not fit tightly to the fork. The cut should be under the leaves or at the same level with them.
  5. Prepared heads of cabbage need to be wrapped more tightly in cling film, but do not overdo it. Place in boxes vertically, not close to each other.

Chinese cabbage should be stored in a basement or cellar at a temperature of 0º to 2º. With this mode, cabbage can be stored for 2-3 months without compromising its taste and vitamin composition. Useful properties are fully preserved.

The nutritional value

Chinese cabbage is a low-calorie product and is suitable for eating during diets and fasting days.

Energy value of the product:

Nutritional value of the product:

Water saturates the body's cells with structured fluid, which promotes their health and normal division process. And dietary fiber is an excellent “broom” for the intestines, helping to get rid of waste and toxins. But it is necessary to take into account contraindications.

Vitamins and minerals




mg./100 g. product

1. B9 (folic acid)
2. TO
4. A (RE)
5. Kholin
6. RR
7. AT 6
8. A (beta-carotene)
9. E
10. AT 5
11. IN 1
12. AT 2



mg./100 g. product

1. Potassium
2. Calcium
3. Copper
4. Phosphorus
5. Magnesium
6. Sodium
7. Selenium
8. Iron
9. Zinc
10. Manganese

Chinese cabbage is both cabbage and lettuce rolled into one. Juicy leaves containing large quantities of vitamins and minerals are an excellent addition to complete nutrition. But moderation is important in everything. Therefore, you need to weigh all the beneficial properties and harmful properties before making a decision in favor of eating Chinese cabbage or refusing this product.

Beijing cabbage, the benefits and harms of this vegetable for health and the human body as a whole will be the topic of our article today. Let's try to figure out how you can use this type of cabbage for weight loss. Agree, dear friends, that soon the issue related to the beauty of the body and healthy skin will again become relevant not only for women, but also for men. It’s unlikely that anyone will refuse to look prettier by spring.

In addition to this, we will touch upon medicinal properties Chinese cabbage, which can positively affect the health of diabetics. Let's prepare a diet salad with Chinese cabbage and tomatoes, not forgetting to count the calorie content of vegetables.

The benefits of Chinese cabbage

Both types of Chinese cabbage are very beneficial for the body and have a similar chemical composition. They are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and other beneficial substances.

Composition and calorie content of Chinese cabbage

First of all, it is a healthy low-calorie dietary product. Chinese cabbage is 95% water and contains minimal amounts of carbohydrates and fat. There is not a lot of protein in this vegetable, only 2.5 g per 100 g of fresh leaves, but it is considered one of the most complete in amino acid composition among proteins of plant origin. That is why various varieties of cabbage, including Chinese cabbage, must be included in the diet of vegetarians. Due to its low calorie content (only 16 kcal per 100 g of vegetable), this product can take its rightful place in the diet of obese and overweight people.

These cabbage varieties are rich in vitamins A and C, which will help strengthen your immune system. Chinese cabbage is available all year round, so a salad made from its fresh leaves is a good vitamin supplement to food during the cold season. In addition, this vegetable contains B vitamins. It is useful for diseases of the nervous system. It is believed that regular consumption of Chinese cabbage will help get rid of insomnia, headaches and even migraines.

Cabbage leaves contain a lot of organic acids, especially citric acid. It is a natural preservative for the beneficial substances found in the vegetable and has other beneficial properties. In addition, Chinese cabbage contains substances that have anti-cancer properties.

Chinese cabbage for the heart and blood vessels

This variety of vegetables is good for the cardiovascular system. Its leaves contain quite a lot of potassium, which is so necessary for the myocardium and other muscles of the body to ensure normal contractile activity. Vitamins and organic acids help improve fat metabolism, and, consequently, reduce the level of “bad” lipids in the blood, which is useful for atherosclerosis. Ascorbic acid and retinol are involved in processes that ensure the elasticity and strength of blood vessels.

Benefits for digestion

The benefits of this variety of vegetables for the digestive system, both in dietary and regular nutrition, are undeniable. Chinese cabbage salads are very useful for constipation, intestinal atony and other diseases associated with decreased motor function of the gastrointestinal tract. Fiber stimulates the growth of beneficial intestinal microflora, and organic acids suppress the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria. Dishes from Beijing salad and pak choy should be served as a side dish for meat and fatty dishes, this will contribute to better digestion and absorption of “heavy” food. Frequent consumption of this vegetable reduces the risk of cancer of the digestive system.

In vegetarian and low-calorie diets for overweight, Chinese cabbage is also very important. It not only supplies the body with useful substances and helps cleanse the intestines, but also provides a feeling of fullness.

Chinese cabbage for diabetes

This leafy vegetable can be safely eaten if you have diabetes; its carbohydrate and fat content is so low that it does not affect blood glucose levels. Dietary fiber contained in the leaves of the vegetable slows down the absorption of carbohydrates from other foods, so for diabetes mellitus, it is recommended to combine Chinese cabbage with foods containing sugar. And the vitamins and minerals that Chinese cabbage is rich in are useful for preventing complications of this serious disease.

How many calories are in Chinese cabbage?

The calorie content of fresh Chinese cabbage, however, like all vegetables, is low and amounts to:

12 kcal per 100 grams of product

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BJU) of fresh Chinese cabbage per 100 grams:

Proteins - 1.2

Fats – 0.2

Carbohydrates – 3.2

Which gives reason to talk about its wonderful dietary qualities. For example, Chinese cabbage is consumed by those who adhere to an economy class express diet and use it in the preparation of dietary dishes.

Chinese cabbage is consumed mainly fresh, as salad greens, and also for preparing various vegetable salads. Its leaves are suitable for wrapping the filling in making cabbage rolls. In addition, Chinese cabbage is stewed, pickled, and used to decorate dishes.

Recipe? Recipe!

What exactly can be prepared from this vegetable? Yes, a lot. Here is one of the salad recipes:

Chinese cabbage salad:


  • Peking cabbage – 500 gr.
  • Sweet corn - 150-170 gr.
  • Orange - 1 piece
  • Green onions- 1 bunch
  • Crab sticks– 100 gr.
  • Mayonnaise - 1 tablespoon
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons
  • Soy sauce - 1 teaspoon
  • Vinegar - to taste

The cabbage is cut in half lengthwise (if the head of cabbage is very large in diameter, then cut into 4 parts), cut into half rings (0.5 - 0.7 cm wide). The peel of the orange is removed and the slices are cut into pieces (about 1 cm). Crab sticks are cut into thin strips. Combine everything with chopped onion and ½ can of corn. Add mayonnaise and butter and mix. Sprinkle with soy sauce and vinegar or add salt to taste. And eat healthy! Moreover, low calorie content Chinese cabbage will not ruin your figure.

Chinese cabbage

Chinese cabbage (Pak choy, Bak choy) has the beneficial properties of dissolving foreign proteins that enter the human blood.

Latin name: Brassica rapa.

English name: Bok choy, Pak-choi, Chinese cabbage.

Family: Brassicas - Brassicaceae.

Common names: Bok chow.

Botanical description: Chinese cabbage forms only a leaf rosette, often smaller in size than Beijing cabbage (diameter 20-60 cm, height 15-55 cm). Smooth, small, oval-shaped leaves are dense, without pubescence, with developed fleshy petioles. The petioles are white or green, wide, 10-35 cm long, directed or raised upward. There is a rosette variety of Chinese cabbage - ta-tsai. Chinese cabbage is usually an annual plant, although some varieties form a white edible root crop of a conical or round-conical shape (weighing 100-200 g) and develop in a biennial manner. There are two types: white-petioled and green-petioled. With its shape it does not form a head of cabbage. Chinese cabbage leaves are shaped like a rosette with a large thickening at the bottom and thin tips at the top.

Habitat: The birthplace of Chinese cabbage is China. It is especially popular in China, Korea, Central Asia and Japan.

Chinese cabbage - beneficial properties and uses

Chinese cabbage (Pak choy, Bak choy) is part of the drug - NSP dietary supplement in Grapine capsules with synergist protectors, produced according to the international GMP quality standard for medicines.

Nutritional value of 100 g of Chinese cabbage

  • Water - 95.3 g
  • Carbohydrates - 2.2 g
  • Fat - 0.2 g
  • Proteins - 1.5 g
  • Dietary fiber (fiber) - 1.0 g
Vitamin content in 100 grams of Chinese cabbage
  • Vitamin A (beta carotene) - 4468IU
  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 0.0 mg
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 0.1 mg
  • Vitamin B3 (niacin) - 0.5 mg
  • Vitamin B4 (choline) - 6.43 mg
  • Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) - 0.1 mg
  • Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) - 0.25 mg
  • Vitamin B9 (folic acid) - 66.38 mcg
  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) - 45.21 mg
  • Vitamin E (alpha tocopherol) - 0.253 mg
  • Vitamin K (phylloquinone) - 45.57 mcg
Minerals (macro- and microelements)
  • Potassium - 119.6 mg
  • Calcium - 105.4 mg
  • Magnesium - 19.32 mg
  • Sodium - 65.5 mg
  • Zinc - 0.2 mg
  • Iron - 0.83 mg
  • Iodine - 0.31 mg
  • Fluorine - 16.21 mcg
  • Selenium - 0.5 mcg

The main beneficial property of Chinese cabbage is its high content of lysine, an essential amino acid for the human body, which is rarely found in vegetable plants at all. And lysine sharply increases the human body’s resistance to diseases and has the ability to dissolve foreign proteins that enter the human blood.

Due to its low calorie content, Chinese cabbage is widely used for dietary nutrition, Chinese cabbage is recommended for patients with hypertension and obesity who suffer from poor bowel function.

In terms of the amount of nutrients, vitamins, and mineral salts, it is close to Chinese cabbage. Salads, cabbage rolls, and soups are prepared from the leaves, and the petioles are boiled, stewed, and fried.

Contraindications. Not detected.


It is important to know!

Chinese cabbage is used in different ways, depending on its shape. The leaves are cut into salads. She can freely replace lettuce leaves. Its leaves are soft and thin. Cabbage is stewed, soups are prepared from it and dried. And in Southeast Asia they ferment it.


The calorie content of cabbage is very low. Only 12 kcal per 100 g. product. What makes her dietary product. 100 grams of Chinese cabbage contains: 1.2 grams of protein, 0.2 grams of fat, 3.2 grams of carbohydrates. In terms of its beneficial components, taste and nutrients, this agricultural product outdid its “sisters”.

It contains a lot of vitamin C. It also contains the following B vitamins: B1, B2, B6, A and PP, citric acid and carotene (provitamin A).

Chinese cabbage is able to store all these vitamins and substances throughout the winter.

Benefits of cabbage

Its benefits are great; this cabbage is indispensable in the human diet.

Beneficial features:

  1. Vitamin C. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels, increases immunity and resistance to infections. Is a strong antioxidant.
  2. Vitamins: B1, B2, B6, PP, A. B vitamins play a significant role in cellular metabolism. Nicotinic acid helps normalize cholesterol levels and is involved in more than 500 reactions. Vitamin A takes part in the regulation of protein synthesis, in the formation of new body cells, and slows down the aging process.
  3. Beijing vegetable juice can help with stomach and intestinal problems. Hundreds of years ago it was used by eastern healers.
  4. Presence of lysine. Its benefit is that it dissolves and destroys foreign proteins (bacteria, viruses), helps cleanse the blood and improve immunity.
  5. Benefits for people with diabetes and obese people, because contains very few calories and is a dietary product.

Harm of cabbage

The benefits of “Beijing” are undeniable. But are there any harmful qualities in Chinese cabbage? Yes, there are some.

It can be harmful to those people who have increased acidity in the stomach, because... contains a decent amount of citric acid.

The vegetable will certainly show its harm if consumed for pancreatitis and colitis.

If you have an inflamed gastrointestinal tract, then cabbage will only aggravate this condition and cause even greater harm.

But no matter how harmful it may be, if you are healthy, then consuming this crop in moderation will only benefit you!

There are many recipes for various Peking salads. But we offer you original version her preparations.

We suggest making sauerkraut. According to this recipe, the Beijing vegetable turns out to be quite spicy, for everyone. You can omit the garlic and pepper if you wish.

So, we will need:

  • Cabbage – 5 kg.
  • Garlic – 5 heads
  • Ground hot pepper – 3 tsp.
  • Salt, water
  • We make a brine from water and salt. For 1 liter of water put 1 tbsp. spoon of salt. We need enough brine to completely cover our cabbage.
  • Divide the cabbage into four parts and place in an enamel container. Pour in the brine.
  • Press down on top with pressure. Leave it like this for 3-4 days.
  • After the expiration date, we take out the vegetable. Mix pepper with chopped garlic. And spread this mixture between the leaves.
  • We transfer the fermented cabbage into the container in which we will store it and fill it with brine again.
  • We put it in the refrigerator. After about three hours, it is completely ready to eat!

Video about the benefits and harms of Chinese cabbage

Composition and calorie content of Chinese cabbage

The taste and beneficial properties of any product are determined by its composition. Like all cabbage plants, Peking cabbage is rich in ascorbic acid, which is found in its leaves almost 5 times more than in salad leaves. Vegetables are a source of fiber, protein, amino acids, antioxidants, macro- and microelements.

Found in its composition:

  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • cobalt;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • selenium;
  • lemon acid.

Vegetables are a source of hard-to-digest dietary fiber. Its calorie content is 14-16 kcal per 100 g, which is very valuable for people who are obese and want to lose weight. Nutritionists classify it as a negative calorie food because it requires more energy to digest than it produces.

What vitamins are contained in Chinese cabbage?

Juicy crispy Peking leaves are a real cocktail of vitamins diluted in water. The white veins and stalks contain a greater number of biologically active components. In general, the leaves contain vitamins:

  • ascorbic acid;
  • riboflavin;
  • folic acid;
  • a nicotinic acid;
  • carotene;
  • thiamine;
  • vitamin E;
  • vitamin K.

When using Chinese cabbage, the bottom is cut off in a thin layer, trying to leave more white stalks. They contain the most vitamin C.

The benefits of Chinese cabbage

Like any vegetable crop, cabbage is valued for its range of positive effects on the health of internal organs. It is useful to eat it for anemia and vitamin deficiencies, to strengthen the immune system and improve the production of antibodies to infections.

The beneficial properties of Chinese cabbage can be combined into a list:

  • cleans blood vessels from cholesterol;
  • normalizes blood pressure, indicated for hypertension;
  • enhances metabolism;
  • regulates blood sugar levels;
  • improves the production of digestive enzymes;
  • enhances intestinal motility;
  • cleanses the blood;
  • has a diuretic effect;
  • protects against free radicals.

It is useful to eat cabbage for losing weight and restoring the functioning of the nervous system. The benefits of boiled Chinese cabbage are no different from fresh ones. But dishes made from it are much easier for digestion.

What are the benefits of Chinese cabbage for men?

Representatives of the stronger half more often suffer from liver and cardiovascular diseases. Peking contains amino acids and vitamins that support the health of the main human organs and help cleanse the blood and bile ducts.

Vitamin K has a positive effect on the skeletal system, and zinc stimulates the production of strong sperm and increases the likelihood of egg fertilization. This is an indirect product that helps with infertility. With regular consumption of vegetables, the body's defenses and endurance increase.

The benefits of Chinese cabbage for women

To prolong youth and cope with the negative effects of free radicals, it is useful for a woman to eat up to 150 g of cabbage per day. Its leaves contain antioxidants that have a positive effect on the condition of the skin and protect it from aging. These are vitamins A and C. The leaves contain a lot of lysine, an amino acid that strengthens the immune system and prevents cancer.

In addition, iodine in the vegetable is important for the stable functioning of the endocrine system - the most important system that regulates the general well-being and condition of a woman’s reproductive system. In addition to being consumed fresh and cooked, cabbage leaves are used for cosmetic masks for the face and hair.

The benefits of Chinese salad for pregnant women

The vegetable is valuable as a source of natural vitamins and minerals, which is very important when the need for them increases. In addition, cabbage does not contribute to excess weight gain, stimulates urination and relieves swelling.

Pregnant women can eat fresh or boiled cabbage if there is no bloating. It is especially useful to consume the vegetable in the last weeks before childbirth, since vitamin K increases blood clotting, which means it protects the woman from high blood losses during childbirth. Cabbage is a source of natural folic acid and iron, which protects a woman from anemia.

Read also: Green onions: benefits and harms, how to store

Chinese cabbage for weight loss

This is a desirable product for people trying to lose weight. How it works:

  • stimulates metabolism;
  • requires a lot of energy to digest fiber;
  • increases vitality, helps with fatigue;
  • replenishes the lack of vitamins and minerals;
  • water source;
  • additionally reduces weight due to its diuretic effect and fights swelling.

When on a diet, cabbage is included in the daily diet fresh and for making soups.

Recipes with Chinese cabbage in folk medicine

In Japan, the vegetable is considered to prolong life. IN folk medicine use cabbage leaves, juice and seeds. Drink juice for gout, half a glass a day. If you dilute it with water, you can drink it to normalize stool and improve intestinal motility.

Fresh leaves, slightly beaten with a hammer or knife, are applied to the mammary glands for mastopathy. The components of cabbage relieve swelling, pain, and promote the resorption of small cysts. To get rid of a dry cough, make an infusion:

  • finely chop 2 cabbage leaves;
  • pour a glass of boiling water;
  • leave for 3 hours.

The infusion is taken 100 ml 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Children are given a less concentrated infusion and given 2 tablespoons.

For insomnia, prepare a decoction of fresh cabbage leaves. To do this, pour 200 ml of water into a saucepan and add 2 whole or chopped cabbage leaves. Simmer over low heat for 15-20 minutes, cool. The decoction is taken 1 hour before bedtime, 150 ml.

For inflammation and irritation of the eyelids, also prepare an infusion or decoction, moisten a cotton pad in it and apply it to the eyelids for 25-30 minutes. If your gums are inflamed, you can rinse your mouth with pure juice 3-4 times a day.

Read also: What are the benefits of pumpkin for the body, medicinal properties and contraindications, reviews

The use of Chinese cabbage in cosmetology

Water is the source of beauty and youth of skin and hair. Chinese cabbage consists of 95% water, therefore it is considered a good moisturizer, saturates cells with moisture and vitamins, especially A and C. To prepare a mask for dry facial skin, you need:

  • Boil 2 cabbage leaves in milk until soft;
  • mash with a fork to a paste;
  • add olive oil and beaten yolk;
  • apply to skin for 20 minutes.

The product moisturizes, relieves inflammation, exfoliates and improves the immunity of skin cells. To moisturize, you can simply hold the leaves in boiling water and apply them to the face and décolleté for 15-20 minutes. The procedure is carried out 3 times a week.

For normal skin, you can grind a cabbage leaf, a spoonful of cottage cheese, boiled water, honey and lemon juice in a blender. The ingredients are taken in any form, the consistency should be creamy. The mass is slightly heated in a water bath to combine the components. This mask can be made in winter to nourish and moisturize the face.

Masks with cabbage are made to moisturize and nourish hair. To prepare them, take fresh leaves, grind them in a blender and add additional ingredients depending on the type of curls:

    for dry

    – olive and other oils, egg yolk, aloe juice;

    for fatty people

    – kefir, aloe juice, honey;

    for those prone to dandruff

    – aloe, mustard powder.

In order for the effect of cabbage masks to be noticeable, they are made systematically 2-3 times a week for a month.

What's the best way to eat cabbage?

The fresh vegetable is most valuable. IN in kind it preserves all vitamins, minerals and amino acids. Tender crispy leaves are placed in salads and used to decorate main courses. For fresh consumption, cut off the bottom and tear the leaves into pieces with your hands. Tougher stalks are cut with a knife.

In Japan and other Asian countries, Chinese cabbage is pickled, boiled, and fermented. It is added to soups, vegetable and meat stews. So that it retains some of the nutrients, it is added at the end of cooking - 5 minutes before. When preparing salads, cabbage is combined with fats for better absorption of vitamins. It can be olive or other vegetable oil, sour cream, mayonnaise homemade. In salads, cabbage is combined with:

  • carrots;
  • cucumbers;
  • tomatoes;
  • greens;
  • chicken fillet;
  • canned peas, corn;
  • apples;
  • mushrooms;
  • seafood.

The benefits of fried Chinese cabbage are low. During heat treatment, it loses most of the nutrients, although valuable dietary fiber is preserved. In this form, it is approved for feeding people with digestive problems. A healthy person can eat no more than 200 g of fresh vegetables per day.

What to cook from Chinese cabbage

The most recognizable dish is Chinese cabbage and national dish Japan and Korea is kimchi. This is cabbage marinated with spices - very hot and piquant, which is consumed both on its own and in combination with meat and bread. In addition to kimchi, you can make the following from Chinese cabbage at home:

  • casserole;
  • cabbage rolls;
  • borsch;
  • diet salad with cucumber and Vochester sauce.

Cabbage is stewed with carrots and onions and used as a filling for pita bread and pancakes. It is good for warm salads with red fish and tuna. A whole head of Peking cabbage can be stuffed with different fillings and use as a snack.

Glycemic index of different types of cabbage

In the absence of certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the vegetable is recommended for consumption by all diabetics. The glycemic index characterizes the property food product increase blood sugar levels after eating.

The positive attitude of nutritionists towards the vegetable is confirmed by the following cabbage GI indicators:

  • fresh white cabbage – 15 units;
  • pickled – 15 units;
  • stewed white pumpkin – 15 units;
  • fresh Brussels sprouts – 15 units;
  • colored stewed – 15 units;
  • colored boiled – 15 units;
  • fried cauliflower – 35 units.

Surprisingly, the GI of cabbage does not depend on the processing method (except for frying). Glycemic index stewed cabbage and the glycemic index of sauerkraut is the same, and is only 15 units.

Due to the high fiber content, the carbohydrates present in the vegetable are absorbed more slowly. Therefore, eating cabbage does not cause sudden spikes in blood sugar. A huge advantage will also be the low calorie content of the product per 100 g:

  • Beijing - 12 kcal;
  • red cabbage – 24 kcal;
  • white cabbage – 27 kcal;
  • broccoli – 28 kcal;
  • colored – 30 kcal;
  • kohlrabi – 42 kcal;
  • Brussels sprouts – 43 kcal.

All kinds of cabbage diets are very popular.

Beneficial features

In addition to a significant amount of vitamin C, cabbage contains valuable vitamins U and K. In addition to them, the vegetable includes vitamins B, E, niacin, rutin, and biotin.

The almost complete absence of starch and high dietary fiber content perfectly regulate metabolism and fight obesity. Large amounts of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron saturate the body with useful minerals. When sauerkraut is fermented, the vitamin C content increases many times over, which makes it indispensable in the fight against scurvy.

The effects of alcohol intoxication can be relieved by drinking cabbage juice. Harmful substances are absorbed by fiber like a sponge.

For chronic fatigue syndrome Brussels sprouts significantly improves immunity. The Chinese consider Chinese cabbage to be a guarantee of longevity. It is recommended for schoolchildren and students to eat cabbage as often as possible.

This vegetable takes first place not only in the kitchen. In folk medicine, cabbage is widely used in the treatment of many diseases. Cabbage juice is widely used to treat gastrointestinal diseases and apply compresses to wounds and bruises.

Contraindications for use

With insufficient heat treatment and the presence of inflammation of the pancreas, eating cabbage can cause pain, heaviness in the stomach, and nausea. Diseases such as pancreatitis, exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases, enterocolitis require limiting the consumption of cabbage.

You may also be interested in:

  • Glycemic index of strawberries. Beneficial features
  • Sweet cherries: glycemic index, beneficial properties of the berry
  • Glycemic index of fruits, beneficial properties
  • Glycemic index of sugars. The impact of GI on health
  • List of foods with a high glycemic index. The connection between GI and obesity
  • Glycemic index of plums, calorie content, benefits and harms
  • Glycemic index of chocolate, calorie content, benefits and harms
  • Energy value and BZHU:

    There are only 95 kcal in 100 grams!

    • Protein – 11, 21 g;
    • Fat – 2.90 g;
    • Carbohydrates – 5.92 g;

    Great numbers, right? ;)

    Great for weight loss! But here satiety is also guaranteed - thanks to the abundance of protein!

    But if one salad is not enough, try it along with some healthy dish...

    Chef's fantasies

    As I already said, salads have endless options :)

    You change a couple of ingredients, make a different dressing, and that’s it – you get a different dish!

    Take fresh cabbage, for example. You say: cabbage and cabbage - what's the difference? But no! If you use white or red cabbage instead of Beijing cabbage, there will be completely different shades of taste!

    In addition, you can make a salad not only with cucumber, but also with tomatoes. You can add an apple or citrus slices. Corn, beans, and peas are also great.

    • You yourself know very well about salads with pineapples and croutons. A wonderful option is made with seafood. And sometimes they add not boiled, but smoked chicken breast.
    • Well, if you don’t deviate too much from today’s recipe, then just bake Bell pepper in the oven. Its aromatic soft slices will simply transform the taste of the dish!
    • And instead of yogurt, you can season it with olive oil sauce with lemon juice and mustard seeds. It will be very tasty! :)

    Surely you have your favorites too... Share your recipes urgently! I look forward to your comments and feedback :)

    Health to you and your loved ones!

    Olga Dekker.

    5 myths about losing weight. Get it for free from celebrity nutritionist Olga Dekker

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    P.S. Why did I create the “Gluttony Diet”?

    Yes, so that you can lose weight effectively, but without harm to your health! To get a beautiful figure you could not have to suffer, but with delicious, healthy dishes :)

    All the details of this program are here...

    P. P. S. Dance, travel, be energetic and enjoy your reflection in the mirror! Are these words still not about you?

    So let's make your dreams come true! I will help you! Professional advice from nutritionists and the most best recipes to everyone who subscribes to my newsletter below;)

    Calorie content of cabbage:

    Due to its beneficial properties and low calorie content, cabbage is widely used in various diets. Cabbage is especially useful for overweight people. However, in the process of preparing various cabbage dishes, its calorie content changes. Look at this table:

    Table of calorie content and nutritional value of cabbage (BJU), per 100 grams:

    Product Squirrels, gr. Fats, gr. Carbohydrates, gr. Calories, in kcal
    White cabbage 1,8 0,1 6,8 27
    fried white cabbage 1,8 2,8 4,2 49
    broccoli 3,0 0,4 5,2 28
    boiled broccoli 3,0 0,4 4,0 27
    2,7 0,4 4,7 24,0
    Brussels sprouts 4,8 0,0 8,0 43,0
    Brussels sprouts frozen 4,5 0,5 8,4 36,0
    frozen broccoli 2,7 0,4 4,7 24,0
    sauerkraut 1,8 0,1 4,4 19,0
    kohlrabi cabbage 2,8 0,0 10,7 42,0
    red cabbage 0,8 0,0 7,6 24,0
    cabbage 1,2 0,2 3,2 12,0
    cauliflower 2,5 0,3 5,4 30,0
    boiled cauliflower 1,8 0,3 4,0 29,0
    fried cauliflower 3,0 10,0 5,7 120,0

    Composition, calorie content and content of nutrients

    Mangoes contain only about 60 kcal per 100 g. They consist of 80% water. The fruits contain more than ten different vitamins. Some are contained in such quantities that they cover most of the daily requirement.

    In 100 g there is up to 3000 mcg of beta-carotene. Its amount depends on the variety: if the Tommy Atkins variety has 500 mcg of carotene, then Ataulfo ​​has 2600 mcg.

    Because mango is particularly high in fruit sugar, it is called the “cake and cream” of fruits.


    • water - 83.46 g;
    • carbohydrates - 14.98 g;
    • fats - 0.38 g;
    • proteins - 0.82 g.


    • C - 36.4 mg;
    • E - 0.96 mg;
    • B1 - 21 mcg;
    • B2 - 38 mcg;
    • B3 - 0.67 mg;
    • B5 - 0.2 mg;
    • B6 - 0.12 mg;
    • folic acid - 43 mcg;
    • A - 54 mcg;
    • K1 - 4.2 mcg.


    • potassium - 0.17 g;
    • magnesium - 10 mg;
    • calcium - 11 mg;
    • zinc - 90 mcg;
    • iron - 0.16 mg;
    • copper - 0.11 mg;
    • selenium - 0.6 mcg;
    • manganese - 63 mcg;
    • phosphorus - 14 mg;
    • sodium - 1 mg.

    Fatty acid:

    • saturated - 92 mg;
    • simple unsaturated - 0.14 g;
    • polyunsaturated - 71 mg.

    How to eat mango correctly?

    After thorough washing, the peel is removed using a vegetable peeler or a special knife. Then the fruit is placed on a cutting board and two pieces are cut off on both sides of the pit. The resulting pieces are cut into narrow strips or cubes. The pulp that remains on the bone is cut off with a sharp knife.

    If the fruit is very ripe, a vegetable peeler will not work. The unpeeled fruit is cut and then the pulp is scooped out with a spoon, as in the case of kiwi, or so-called “hedgehogs” are made. To do this, the flesh of both pieces is cut lengthwise and crosswise so as not to damage the peel and a lattice pattern is obtained. If you then turn out the halves, the resulting cubes can be easily eaten or separated for further processing.

    Recipes with mango

    Mango salad


    • ripe mangoes - 2 pcs.,
    • llamas - 2 pcs.,
    • carrots - 1 pc.,
    • roasted peanuts - 50 g,
    • red pepper - 1 pod,
    • arugula - 100 g,
    • peanut butter- 3 tbsp. l.,
    • red chili pepper - 1 pod,
    • soy sauce - 1 tbsp. l.,
    • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.,
    • coriander - 1 bunch,
    • a pinch of salt.


    1. Grate the lime peel on a fine grater and squeeze the juice from both fruits. Remove the grains from the chili pepper pod, chop it finely, mix with lime juice and zest, soy sauce and sugar, which should dissolve. Add peanut butter and season with salt.
    2. Peel the mango and remove the seeds. Cut the pulp into strips. Peel the red pepper and cut into narrow strips. Grate on coarse grater carrot. Wash and dry the arugula. Mix all products in a large bowl, add chopped coriander and salad dressing. Place in a vase, sprinkle with groundnuts and serve.

    The dish goes with fried fish, meat and vegetable nuggets.

    Vanilla-mango jam


    • fresh mangoes - 1 kg,
    • vanilla pod - 1 pc.,
    • gelling sugar - 500 g.


    • Peel the fruit and remove the seeds. Cut the pulp into small cubes, sprinkle with gelling sugar and leave for 2 hours.
    • Scrape out the vanilla paste and add it to the chopped fruit. Bring the mixture to a boil and puree. Place into hot jars.

    How to grow mangoes from seeds at home

    From ripe fruit take out the seed, carefully split it with a knife and take out the grain. Wrap it in a damp cloth, place it in a frozen food bag and close it. After 1–2 weeks, roots and sprouts should appear. After this, the grain is placed horizontally (with the sprout up) and planted in a pot filled with loose substrate. A drainage layer is first placed on the bottom. Planting depth is approximately 3 cm.



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