Tomatoes without peel and vinegar - a recipe with step-by-step photos of preparation for the winter. Tomatoes in their own juice without skin Marinated tomatoes without skin

Tomatoes without peel and vinegar - a recipe with step-by-step photos of preparation for the winter. Tomatoes in their own juice without skin Marinated tomatoes without skin

Housewives, grab your hands, I’ll share how to cook peeled tomatoes for the winter. For those who are too lazy to remove the skin from tomatoes, I strongly advise you to read the recipes. Your loved ones will definitely appreciate the difference in the taste of those tomatoes that are pickled with skin and marinated tomatoes according to my recipes without skin.

I give advice on how to choose the right tomatoes. The first thing that matters is the variety. Salad varieties are not suitable. Take only canning grades. They are easily identified by their dense pulp and tough skin. If you cut a tomato in half, you can see that there are few seeds in it.

Canned tomatoes without skin are always small in size. Large fruits may lose their shape in the marinade and spoil the appearance of the dish. We take fruits of approximately the same size, all small or all medium in size.

Having decided on the characteristics of the fruits for salting, we proceed to the primary processing. To begin with, we take two large basins. We pour cold water into one, and put the washed fruits into the second. On each washed tomato, I make a crosswise cut in the spout area. The cut makes it easier to remove the skin.

While I make the cuts, I boil the water. I pour boiling water over the tomatoes. I steam them in boiling water for a very short time, from 30 to 40 seconds. Then I quickly throw them with a ladle into a nearby basin with cold water. Then it’s a matter of technique, sleight of hand - and all the tomatoes are naked. The skin cracks and is easily separated from the fruit.

The simplest recipe for marinated tomatoes without skin

Start with the simplest recipe for skinless tomatoes for the winter. It requires only 800 g of peeled tomatoes and the usual set of ingredients for brine:

  1. Salt.
  2. Sugar.
  3. Vinegar.
  4. Bay leaf.
  5. Sweet pea.

From the list, only add vinegar, salt and sugar according to the norm, a tablespoon at a time. All other spices are to your taste. For taste, add half a bell pepper, a ripe pepper, a small bunch of dill and a few garlic cloves to this recipe for pickled tomatoes.

We take tomatoes prepared in advance without skin. We place the fruits in a jar, having previously sterilized it by steaming. At the bottom of the jar there is already bay leaf, dill, garlic cloves and other spicy spices. Place half a pepper cut into two pieces on top of the tomatoes.

The jar is laid out beautifully, you can fill it with boiling water. I boil water in a kettle, pour in the fruit, and let it sit for 8-10 minutes. To prepare the marinade, I take a pan and pour water from the jar into it. I put the pan on the stove, pour salt and sugar into the water, and bring it to a boil.

Pour the boiling marinade over the vegetables, pour 1-2 tablespoons of vinegar into it. Pickled tomatoes can be safely rolled up with a lid boiled for 5 minutes. Be sure to turn the jar over and place it on the floor in this position and cover it with something warm. When it cools down, you can put it in the pantry.

Daily tomatoes without skin in cold marinade

All my friends who have tried my pickled tomatoes ask for this instant recipe, although, to be honest, they taste more like salted tomatoes. This is because salting occurs in cold brine.

First I prepare the marinade, it must cool. I take 1 liter of filtered water. I boil water in a saucepan, add 50 g of salt, 120 g of sugar. I remove the pan with boiled water from the stove, add 100 ml of table vinegar, and set aside to cool.

I take exactly 1 kg of tomatoes. I clean it in my own way. I also take 1 onion, 1 pepper, 1 small bunch of dill. I cut the onion and pepper into thin strips. I soak the dill in two waters and chop it randomly. I mix dill, onion half rings and chopped pepper. I prefer to cook this recipe with garlic, chop a few cloves and add it to the dill mixture.

I sterilize the jar. I fill it in layers: a layer of tomatoes, a layer of dill mixture. Pour the cooled marinade into the filled jar. We never roll up vegetables for this recipe. Place the salted tomatoes in the refrigerator. Literally a day later the whole family is already eating lightly salted tomatoes.

Tomatoes in tomatoes

I really love tomatoes in their own juice. One day, due to lack of time, I prepared them in my own way. Now I’ll tell you which ones. I chose about 2 kg of overripe tomatoes, cut them into pieces, put them in a saucepan and put them on the stove over low heat.

I selected a 3-liter jar of medium-sized, pickling-type tomatoes, peeled them and placed them in a prepared, scalded, sterilized jar. She boiled water in a kettle and poured it into a jar.

Boil the chopped tomatoes for 30-40 minutes, add 1 tbsp. l salt, sugar, removed from the stove. I drained the water from the jar into the sink, filled it with marinade from chopped tomatoes and screwed the lid on. I advise those who can preserve vegetables to try my recipe. Cook quickly, eat delicious.

Delicious sweet tomatoes have always been regarded as an example of the best vegetables. They are included in the recipes of many dishes; aromatic soups are cooked on their basis all over the world. One of the most common ways to prepare tomatoes for future use is considered to be rolling, which consists of two independent products - the vegetable itself and the juice, which perfectly quenches thirst.

We present to your attention not just tomatoes in their own juice for the winter, but we complicate the task a little by offering to cook them without the skin. This will make the fruits even more tender and mega-juicy.

Salted tomatoes in their own juice

This is the classic and simplest recipe for pickling tomatoes with a fairly short list of necessary products.


Servings: – + 50

  • ground tomatoes 3 kg
  • rock salt 100 g
  • granulated sugar 50 g
  • tomatoes (overripe) 2 kg

Per serving

Calories: 23 kcal

Proteins: 0.6 g

Fats: 0 g

Carbohydrates: 5.1 g

60 min. Video recipe Print

    First of all, prepare the jars. The best option is containers no more than 1 liter in volume. They must be washed using the product, rinsed in plenty of water so that no foam remains on the surface, and held over steam for about 20 minutes each.

    Rinse all tomatoes well. Some of them will be used as a base, and large or overripe ones will be used for tomato filling.

    Prepare several basins or pans into which pour the sorted tomatoes. We do not recommend placing both types in one container, so as not to sort it out later. Pierce the tomatoes with whole skin here and there and pour boiling water over them. Leave for a few minutes.

    Now you can drain the water and remove the skin.

    Carefully place the tomatoes into the prepared jars, being careful not to crush the tender flesh.

    Cut the overripe fruits into medium pieces and chop. Choose any method. This can be either a meat grinder or a blender.

    Transfer the resulting mass into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Now remove from the heat and grind through a fine sieve to remove the seeds and leave only the juice and pulp.

    Place the pan on the stove again, boil for 5 minutes with salt and sugar, and then pour into jars. Try to ensure that the juice penetrates into all empty spaces, but do not top up all the way to the neck. You should have about 2cm of free space left. Roll up the tomatoes in a jar using a special machine with iron lids.

    Advice: taking into account that you are preparing tomatoes without skins, over time they will actively begin to release juice under the influence of high pouring temperatures, so we recommend choosing ground fleshy fruits.

    Canned tomatoes in their own juice without vinegar

    This recipe is interesting because it combines not only the fresh notes of tomatoes, but also the tartness of mustard and the aroma of horseradish. This preparation will become indispensable for further use in various sauces for meat and fish dishes.

    Number of servings: 26

    Cooking time: 45 minutes

    Energy value

    • calorie content – ​​20.2 kcal;
    • proteins – 0.6 g;
    • fats – 0 g;
    • carbohydrates – 4.4 g.


    • medium-sized tomatoes – 2500 g;
    • hot pepper - to taste;
    • onion (small) – 1 pc.;
    • currant leaf – 2 pcs.;
    • horseradish root – 50 g;
    • dill, umbrellas – 2 pcs.;
    • mustard powder – 1 tbsp;
    • rock salt – 2 tbsp;
    • water – 1500 ml.

    Step-by-step preparation

  1. Sterilize the jars. If you are going to prepare tomatoes in half-liter containers, you can use a modern sterilization method that does not require a long wait - in the microwave. To do this, pour a little liquid into each jar and set the timer for a few minutes, heat it in the device.
  2. Line the bottom of the jar with currant leaves, horseradish root cut into small pieces, garlic and a little hot pepper. Place the prepared tomatoes tightly, not reaching the very top.
  3. Now prepare the brine, which will subsequently be infused with the juices secreted by the fruits. To do this, dissolve the specified amount of salt in cold water and strain the liquid through several layers of gauze.
  4. Pour the salt solution over the tomatoes, place the onion and dill on top.
  5. Cover everything with plastic lids and leave in the kitchen for 3 days. When the solution becomes slightly cloudy and takes on the color of tomatoes, move it to the refrigerator or cellar. Such tomatoes can already be tasted after 30 days.

Important: in order for your product to be stored for as long as possible and have excellent taste, do not use chlorinated running water under any circumstances. It is best to get it from a well or borehole, but if this is not possible, pass the liquid through a filter or buy bottled liquid.

Tomatoes in their own juice with vinegar

A fairly simple recipe for preparing juicy tomatoes without marinade with a delicate texture and rich taste.

Number of servings: 6

Cooking time: 30 minutes

Energy value

  • calorie content – ​​31.4 kcal;
  • proteins – 0.6 g;
  • fats – 0 g;
  • carbohydrates – 7.3 g.


  • fleshy tomatoes – 600 g;
  • table vinegar (9%) – 1 tbsp;
  • granulated sugar – 1 tsp;
  • table salt – 1 tbsp.

Step-by-step preparation

  1. Remove the skin from the tomato. In order for it to easily come away from the pulp, pour boiling water over the vegetables or place them in it for a couple of minutes, and then transfer them to cold water.
  2. Cut the tomatoes into medium-sized slices, place them in jars pre-washed with baking soda and press down with a spoon. During these manipulations, quite a lot of juice will be released.
  3. Place the filled containers in a large saucepan, lining the bottom with a kitchen towel, pour warm water up to the hangers and boil over moderate heat for 20 minutes. Then add sugar, salt and vinegar. Seal tightly.

This is interesting: if you comply with all the conditions for preparing the seaming, namely, thoroughly rinse the containers and the fruits themselves, then adding vinegar is not necessary. In this case, the preparations will be perfectly preserved, and you will be able to enjoy real fresh tomatoes in the winter.

Skinless tomatoes in their own juice are a great opportunity to remind yourself of a hot summer in a cold winter by simply taking a jar out of the bins. In addition, they will help diversify the menu without much hassle - even flavoring them with a good portion of sour cream, you will get an excellent salad. Bon appetit!

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Peelless tomatoes in their own juice for the winter, made according to our recipe with photos, are an ideal homemade preparation. Excellent as a side dish for various dishes. Tender, amazing homemade tomatoes without preservatives are the best way to make pickles for the winter.

Cooking time: 1 hour 20 minutes. Number of servings: 6 cans of 0.75 l.

Products for peeled tomatoes:

  • tomato – 5 kg;
  • coarse table salt – 2 tbsp;
  • granulated sugar – 2 tbsp.

Cooking peeled tomatoes in their own juice

To begin with, we will select 2 kg of tomatoes, wash them, make cross-shaped cuts and scald them with boiling water, leave the containers with boiling water for 20 minutes. After this, carefully remove the remaining skin with a knife. For harvesting, use slightly unripe elastic fruits without traces of late blight and rot.

First you need to sterilize the jars, put 2/3 of the tomatoes without skin in a container. We recommend packing vegetables loosely. To make the tomatoes tasty and aromatic, place branches of fresh/dried herbs, onion and carrot rings on the bottom. For heat and spiciness, add a piece of chili pepper, black peppercorns, coriander and bay leaf.

Wash the remaining vegetables and grind them through a meat grinder or juicer. Pour the prepared tomato juice into a saucepan, bring to a boil, add sugar and salt. Stir and cook for 15-20 minutes, periodically removing the foam. Soft tomatoes with cracked skin are suitable for squeezing juice.

Pour boiling tomato juice into prepared jars of tomatoes and fill to the top. To keep tomatoes better, we recommend adding a little lemon juice/acid, a few mustard seeds, 1 tbsp. vodka/alcohol, currant/cherry/oak leaves. To prevent the rolled tomatoes from becoming moldy, you need to add a small amount of finely chopped horseradish.

All that remains is to roll up the jars with scalded lids using a sealed key, wrap them in a terry towel and leave to cool for 24 hours. Do not forget to check the homemade preparation to ensure that the jar is closed correctly: when turning over, the juice should not leak out.

Tomatoes are a very favorite vegetable. Moreover, harvesting tomatoes for the winter is also popular.

Pickling tomatoes can be done using different recipes. They can contain only tomatoes and salt, and they can also be supplemented with various vegetables, herbs and seasonings. Prepare tomatoes in their own juice for the winter; the simplest and most delicious recipes are collected for you. We also have other recipes for preparations for the winter table: pickling cherries, valuev, pickling watermelon.

To prepare such pickling, you need to choose the most fleshy and ripe fruits. They produce a large amount of juice and are perfect for pickling in their own juice. If you use non-juicy pulp in this recipe, then there will be little juice and the mixture will not be entirely correct, it will just be salted tomatoes.

  • Meaty tomatoes – 3 kilograms;
  • Overripe tomatoes – 2 kilograms;
  • Salt – 80-100 grams;
  • Sugar – 50 grams.
  1. First, you should prepare the tomatoes themselves, wash them, and prick the stem attachment points in several places with a fork or toothpick;
  2. Then small tomatoes (of which 2 kilograms are measured) should be placed in pre-sterilized jars; they should be placed tightly, but not reaching the neck; space should be left for the juice that subsequently forms;
  3. The other part of the fruit needs to be cut into fairly large pieces, transferred to a large enamel saucepan, put on fire, and wait until it boils;
  4. After the mixture boils, it must be removed from the heat, ground through a sieve, punched with a blender or twisted through a meat grinder so that the mixture is homogeneous, now add table salt and sugar to the mixture, mix the mass thoroughly;
  5. The resulting mixture must be poured into jars with fruits; the liquid should be 2 centimeters below the neck;
  6. Now you can close the workpiece with iron lids.

This recipe involves storing fruits for the winter in their own juice. This preparation has a delicate tomato taste and juicy, not too salty fruits. You can prepare all kinds of tomato-type sauces based on this preparation, and the fruits can also be cut into sauce. Wonderful tomatoes in their own juice - a recipe for centuries!

  • Ripe tomatoes – 2-2.5 kg;
  • Fresh garlic – 2-3 large cloves;
  • Green currant leaf – 1-2 pcs.;
  • Horseradish – root 7-8 centimeters;
  • Dill – 2 umbrellas;
  • Hot pepper – pod 3-4 centimeters;
  • Mustard powder – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Onion – 0.5 pieces;
  • Table salt – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Clean water – 1.5 liters.
  1. Small tomatoes should be washed well and pierced in some places with a fork; if the fruits are already damaged, then it is not necessary to prick them;
  2. Wash the leaves;
  3. Peel the horseradish root, cut into pieces 3-4 centimeters;
  4. The garlic must be peeled, large cloves must be cut into several pieces;
  5. Wash the dill well too;
  6. Remove the seeds from the hot pepper, cut into pieces no longer than 4 centimeters; if you don’t like it very spicy, you can add a smaller amount of pepper;
  7. Peel the onion and cut into rings;
  8. We prepare the jars in advance, they should be thoroughly washed, sterilized in any convenient way and dried, the lids are also prepared;
  9. First you need to put leaves, hot pepper, garlic, dill and horseradish root into the jar;
  10. It is necessary to fill no more than 2/3 of the jar with the prepared pulp; the fruits must lie tightly; in order for them to compact well, you need to shake the container with tomatoes vigorously;
  11. In the meantime, we are preparing a saline solution that will salt our fruits. To prepare it, you need to take water, add salt and mix thoroughly until the salt crystals dissolve, then strain the mixture through cheesecloth, or better yet, through a cloth, so that all the sediment remained on the fabric;
  12. Now you need to fill the container with the resulting solution;
  13. Place onion rings and mustard powder on top, then add a little solution to the container;
  14. Cover the blanks with simple plastic lids and keep them in the room for 2-3 days; when the solution in the jars becomes cloudy, it can be placed in a cool place, the pulp will be salted in about a month.

In such a recipe, it is better to use plum-shaped tomatoes; they have a fairly good shape and strong skin so that the fruits do not become sour. Overripe fruits are used for tomato mass. And the spices used in this recipe will perfectly complement the tomato taste and add aroma to the mixture. The spicy mixture will appeal to all juice lovers. In addition, such a preparation does not need to be boiled and therefore you can prepare tomatoes directly at your summer cottage. Cook tomatoes in their own juice with garlic for lovers of aromatic preparations.

  • Plum tomatoes – 5 kilograms;
  • Overripe tomatoes – 5 kilograms;
  • Horseradish root – 1 piece;
  • Horseradish leaves – 5 pieces;
  • Currant leaves – 1 bunch;
  • Hot pepper – 3 pods;
  • Garlic – 1 head;
  • Dill – 1 bunch;
  • Salt – 1 glass.
  1. Wash the tomatoes, prepare all the greens;
  2. Place half of all the spices and herbs into the prepared containers, then place the whole fruits in the container, and then place all the other seasonings;
  3. Damaged and overripe fruits must be twisted several times through a meat grinder, or use a blender, or grind the mixture through a fine sieve;
  4. Add rock salt to the resulting mass and mix well until completely dissolved;
  5. Tomato mass can be poured into prepared containers with spices and other tomatoes;
  6. Such a workpiece can be covered with lids and left to salt for 3 days in the room, then the twists can be removed to a permanent storage location.

If the tomatoes have already been collected and need to be prepared, but there are no additional ingredients, then you can use this recipe. It contains nothing but fruits, salt and sugar, so the taste is exactly tomato and is not interrupted by strong spices and herbs. To prepare dishes with this preparation, you do not need to use a lot of salt, the mixture is already salty. Canning tomatoes in their own juice does not require much effort, it is easy to prepare and enjoy the summer fruits in winter.

  • Tomatoes – 2 kilograms;
  • Small tomatoes – 3 kg;
  • Table salt – 80 grams;
  • Sugar – 50 gr.
  1. Wash all the fruits, pierce small tomatoes well, since small fruits usually have a thick skin, and in order to release their own juice, they need to be damaged, you can also initially remove the peel from the fruits, to do this easily, you need to hold the fruits for 1-2 minutes in boiling water, then quickly immerse in ice water, after this procedure the peel comes off very easily;
  2. Containers for workpieces must be washed with baking soda, properly sterilized over steam and allowed to dry;
  3. Whole fruits must be placed in prepared jars;
  4. Large tomatoes need to be cut into pieces, boiled, and then rub the mixture through a sieve; you can use another method, but the main thing is that the mixture is very homogeneous;
  5. Now add salt and measured sugar to the resulting mixture, mix the mixture until the salt and sugar dissolve;
  6. The prepared juice must be filled into containers;
  7. Now you need to cover the jars with lids and additionally sterilize them, to do this they need to be placed in a large saucepan with boiling water, you don’t need to sterilize the workpieces for a long time, for liter jars 10 minutes will be enough;
  8. Then the jars are rolled up with sterilized lids, turned over, waited for them to cool and placed in a cool storage room, although such a preparation can also be stored at room temperature.

Tabasco sauce gives the mixture a very good taste, unique aroma and, of course, spiciness. All lovers of spicy tomatoes are simply recommended to try this recipe. Tabasco has not only spiciness, but also other shades of taste, so the mixture will be complemented by a variety of tastes.

  • Tomatoes – 1 kilogram;
  • Pepper – 6 peas;
  • Fresh parsley – 5 sprigs;
  • Dill greens – 5 stalks;
  • Tabasco sauce – 2-4 drops;
  • Celery – 1 small piece;
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Rock salt - Art. spoon.
  1. Ripe tomatoes are washed, dipped in hot water and left for 1 minute, then remove the fruits from the water, let cool a little, now you need to remove the peel from them so that this process occurs easily, you can immediately after the hot water dip the vegetables in cold water, thanks to the sharp drop temperatures, vegetable peels can be removed very easily;
  2. When the fruits are peeled, you should measure out 700 grams of them and place them in sterilized jars;
  3. The remaining fruits need to be finely chopped, all seeds removed, transferred to a suitable container and brought to a boil; it is important to stir the mixture, otherwise the thick mass will quickly burn to the bottom of the pan and the mixture will be spoiled;
  4. Now, well-washed herbs, sauce, pepper, salt and sugar should be added to the mass; the resulting mass should be simmered over low heat for about 10 minutes;
  5. Then the mixture should be carefully poured into a separate container and passed through a fine sieve;
  6. After rubbing, the homogeneous mixture is returned back to the stove and brought to a boil again;
  7. You must immediately pour the hot mixture into the containers with the pulp, cover them with lids and place them in boiling water for sterilization for 10 minutes.

Tomatoes in their own juice are quite spicy, so this preparation is recommended to be used to complement soups, main courses, salads and even tomato drinks. Moreover, the fruits themselves can be used separately from tomato juice.


10 pcs small eggplants.

Preparations for the winter, marinate and preserve: tomatoes, cucumbers, mushrooms, cabbage, eggplants; salads, stew, caviar, dressings, lecho and much more.

Peeled tomatoes marinated according to a family recipe

Cooking time: 60 min.

Number of servings: 1

Tomatoes, celery - 1 sprig, hron - a small piece, about 1/6 of a leaf, chokeberry and cherry leaves - 2 pcs each, tarragon - a piece of a sprig 5-7 cm (optional), dill - 1 sprig (can be replaced dill seeds). garlic - 1-2 cloves (peeled), onion - up to 1 small onion, hot pepper - a small piece, about 1/6 of a small pepper (depending on the bitterness of the pepper), sweet pepper - up to 1 piece, table vinegar 9% - 33 ml. (1/3 part of a 100 g glass), sugar - 1/6 part of a 100 g glass. glasses, salt 1/3 tbsp. without a slide, allspice peas - 1 pc., black pepper peas - 3-5 pcs., bay leaf - 1-2 pcs., sunflower oil - 1 tbsp.

Last year I wondered “How to combine a recipe for salted skinless tomatoes with the idea of ​​pickled tomatoes.” I couldn't find the answer in my database. Already in December I checked on the Internet, there are mentions, but no recipe. Therefore, I rolled up 9 1 liter cans for testing. Now I regret that there are not enough - they fly away first of all.

I took small cream tomatoes (preferably, but not necessarily dense varieties). I washed it and peeled it off. To do this, boil water in a large saucepan for 1 minute. I put the tomatoes in there (they won’t all be marked at once, I did it in parts), took them out, and doused them with cold water. The skin is very easy to peel off. I looked carefully to see if there was anything damaged inside.

I placed celery, hron, currant and cherry leaves, hot and sweet peppers, dill, garlic, sweet peas, tarragon, and onions into prepared sterile jars. Carefully placed the tomatoes tightly. Then salt, sugar, sunflower oil. Separately, in a saucepan, I boiled water with black peppercorns and bay leaves. Just before pouring this marinade into jars, I added vinegar to each jar. Fill with marinade and pasteurize.

ATTENTION - important: Pasteurization at 110 gr. according to S., that is, at high boiling and the lid of the pan closed for pasteurization. Cans about 5 l. — 5-8 min., 1 l. — 10-12 min..

I rolled everything into 1 liter jars. I was careful not to take larger jars for fear of getting something like tomato puree. Played it safe, took it under a fur coat.

I store it in the cellar, but I’m sure they will stand perfectly even on the mezzanine in the apartment.

As a bonus: a recipe for pickled pickled tomatoes without skin. It’s a little early to open preparations in the fall, but I want something like this. THIS IS NOT CONSERVATION.

The bottle contains the greens you usually use, peeled tomatoes.

Marinade: for 1l. water 2 tbsp. without a slide of salt, 3 tbsp. l. sugar (with or without a slide - to taste), 3 tbsp. vinegar 9%. Boil without vinegar, when completely cool, add vinegar, pour into bottles. Keep at room temperature until ready, 1 to 3 days (depending on air temperature). Then consume, but store in the refrigerator.

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Travel in style. Italy. Tomatoes without skin

The editor of, Elena, spent a vacation in Italy and wrote a note about her trip.

Your Majesty - Senor Tomato!

When I was traveling to Italy, I didn’t even think about what a big role the most ordinary… tomato could play in the life, culture, and economy of an entire country! Perhaps many Russian housewives, including my mother, also attach great importance to this vegetable - after all, it is not only delicious dishes, but also the family’s supply of pickles for the whole winter. The very first tomatoes, and therefore the most long-awaited ones, go straight from the garden to your mouth! Having had our fill, gorged on fresh, vitamin-rich salads, we put the best, whole and beautiful ones in jars and roll them up, pinning the hope on them that they will be a wonderful, tasty addition to the table all winter. Those that are greener, with wormholes, and did not come out in shape, we deprive them of all these shortcomings and send them... to the juice! This is the kind of uncompromising, strict selection that every tomato from our housewives goes through, and thus, not a single one of them goes to waste!

In Italian canneries, such as La Doria spa, tomatoes undergo no less careful selection during processing. But only the most ripe tomatoes, without the slightest damage, are canned and are awarded the right to come to our table. But before that, the life of an ordinary tomato begins in the field.

In Italy, there is a whole research center of the Syngenta branch in the province of Foggia. Thanks to their work, healthy hybrids with high yields and resistance to various diseases and mechanical stress are brought to market, which is an important factor in the canning industry.

In their fields they grow watermelons, melons, corn and various varieties of tomatoes, one of which is the famous San Marzano. This variety was created by crossing three varieties at the beginning of the twentieth century and became widespread throughout the world due to its special taste. Also, this juicy red, oblong-shaped tomato is resistant to various mechanical stress during harvesting, transportation and processing, which is why the most famous canned food in the world is produced from it - peeled pilati tomatoes “San Marzano” in jars.

One of the important stages in the production of canned skinless tomatoes is control using established standard methods. To do this, samples of finished products are taken from shift production. This sample is subjected to an external inspection of the cans for packaging defects, the quality of the sealing and tightness of the canned food is checked, and a chemical analysis is performed for pH and microbiological indicators.

Italian tomatoes, ripened under the Mediterranean sun, enriched with vitamins from volcanic soil, coupled with the know-how and strict standards by which local canneries operate, have become a tasty and healthy product, protected by the DOP quality mark.

Thus, we can always enjoy fresh and high-quality pilati tomatoes all year round and prepare various dishes from them. Since tomatoes are one of the main ingredients of Italian cuisine, there are simply countless ways to prepare them! Pilati tomatoes are added to pizzas, salads, stewed with meat, ground into gazpacho soup, and used to make excellent pasta sauces.

First you need to prepare the water for the spaghetti. In general, Italians are very scrupulous people, especially when it comes to food and its preparation!! They add exclusively coarse salt to boiling water, while ordinary fine salt is used already in the process of preparing food or while serving it.

While the water is heating up, fry thin rectangular pieces of meat in oil over medium heat. Add some onion, hot pepper, fine salt and canned pilati to them. Mash the tomatoes with a spoon until a homogeneous liquid mass forms and mix thoroughly.

Fan the spaghetti into the boiling water, gradually submerging it under the water. Stir and make sure that the spaghetti does not stick together while cooking. The main rule of delicious spaghetti is that it should be slightly undercooked - due to its own temperature, it reaches readiness on its own and will never be overcooked.

Having tasted it, you realized that the spaghetti is finally ready, put it in a frying pan with meat. Stir everything together so that the spaghetti is “coated” with tomato sauce, and you can put it on plates. It is important that the dish is not only tasty, but also beautiful! Don't forget that the ability to make a dish attractive is one of the components of cooking. Sprinkle some spices on top, throw in a sprig of basil, and ale-hop, the dish is ready!

We would like to thank the Italian Embassy, ​​the Department for the Development of Trade Exchange (ICE) and the ANICAV association for the invitation.

They prepared it. Look what happened

Description of the photo

Children really like this preparation! After all, tomatoes already have no skins and are convenient and easy to eat. Of course, you will have to tinker a little with removing the peel, but in winter, just prick the vegetable on a fork and eat right away. The tomatoes will marinate well without peeling and will not lose their shape, which is important. The main thing is to buy good, firm, fleshy, juicy tomatoes or grow them yourself.

You can also prepare tomatoes from tomatoes for the winter. She is very helpful in winter.

To prepare peeled tomatoes in a marinade for the winter, we need 50 minutes, number of servings: 5.


  • Volgograd variety tomatoes – 800 grams
  • Laurel – 3 pieces
  • Garlic – 1 piece
  • Bell pepper – 1\2 pieces
  • Dry dill - to taste
  • Allspice in peas – 2 pieces
  • Ground salt – 1 tablespoon
  • Vinegar 9% - 2 tablespoons
  • Clean water - 200 milliliters.

Tomatoes without peel for the winter in marinade - recipe with photos step by step:

Tomatoes are the main vegetable of our preparation. Therefore, the choice of variety is important so that the tomato does not turn sour in the jar and the peel is removed well. We need varieties like cream, I took Volgograd ones.

The fruit is tight, the peel is not thick, there is a lot of pulp, there are few seeds, they are just suitable for our preservation.

The tomatoes need to be washed and the stems removed. To quickly remove the peel, there is one secret. Place a pan of water on the stove, half full. Throw the tomatoes into boiling water and count to 20, then use a slotted spoon to remove the vegetables and place in a bowl.

Let the fruits cool for a couple of minutes.
In the meantime, we already have jars ready for preservation, sterile. We put dry dill in a jar, you can use umbrellas, allspice, bay and a clove of garlic for aroma.

Now we remove the peel from the tomato, this is done easily, just pierce the peel a little with a fork and then peel it with your fingers. Place all the tomatoes in a jar with the spices.
The fruits lie well and tightly. Add bell pepper on top, I had a red, fleshy one.

Quickly prepare the marinade for the tomatoes.

Pour water, vinegar into a saucepan and add salt. The water will boil, turn it off and pour in the tomatoes, let them sit in the marinade for 10 minutes. Then pour it back into the saucepan, boil and pour over the tomatoes again.

I got a liter Euro jar, screw it on with a clean lid and turn the jar over so that the marinade is mixed well. When the workpiece has cooled, move it to the basement, where all the pickles and preserves are stored.

Peeled tomatoes in marinade are ready! Everything is easy and simple!
The tomatoes are simply awesome, juicy, aromatic, really tasty and no peel!



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