Almonds with almonds - how to peel and preserve the king nut. Affordable methods for peeling almonds How to quickly peel almonds

Almonds with almonds - how to peel and preserve the king nut. Affordable methods for peeling almonds How to quickly peel almonds

Almond kernels are the stone fruit of the plum bush of the same name. Due to its resemblance to peanuts and cashews, this product is often classified as a nut. The grains are used roasted, salted as a snack or as an ingredient delicious baked goods, desserts, chocolate.

Almonds are an excellent helper for the immune system, they improve mental activity and are a guarantee of clean, young skin, healthy nails, hair and teeth. It would seem that you can use all the benefits of this exotic product simply by consuming it. But on the way to this there is a small obstacle - its harmful husk, which is not recommended for consumption. Therefore, before enjoying the savory grains, you need to master the simple skills of how to peel almonds.

Why almonds need to be peeled

How to peel almonds is actually quite useful knowledge for every responsible housewife. The thing is that this element of the fetus can cause serious harm to health. Although it has a large number of useful microelements, it contains substances that are dangerous to the body - benzaldehyde and amygdalin glycoside. The main harmful effect of these microelements lies in their ability to slow down tissue regeneration, thicken the consistency of the blood, which brings with it problems of the cardiovascular system, and weaken the immune system.

Also, ignoring knowledge of how to peel almonds can lead to severe allergic reactions in the form of skin rashes, disruptions in the correct breathing rhythm, and severe swelling of the lips or tongue. Husk is a strong allergen, to which a large percentage of people, perhaps without even knowing it, are individually intolerant.

Without knowing how to peel almonds, it is impossible to get, for example, sweet almond milk or unusual and interesting almond flour. Nuts with shells are not suitable as a salty snack and can even ruin carefully prepared baked goods.

Standard method for peeling almonds

The most common way to remove peels from the surface of fruits is to pre-soaking in hot water. There is a common way to peel almonds using hot water:

  1. Water boiled in an enamel saucepan is poured into a deep plate with nuts. Just hot or warm liquid will not work, you need boiling water.
  2. The soaked grains are set aside for 10–15 minutes.
  3. After the specified time, drain the water using a colander. The nuts remain in the container and are thoroughly washed with cold water.
  4. The water must be allowed to drain again, spending 2-3 minutes.
  5. Now you can begin the simple steps on how to peel almonds. One nut is pinched between the index finger and thumb, pressing lightly on it. A white fruit should jump out of the marked and elastic shell. This operation must be repeated with each grain. Using the proposed method, you can process 300 g of almonds in about 5 minutes.

When all the fruits are peeled, they need to be dried. Otherwise, all the steps taken regarding how to peel almonds will be in vain. Almonds left in a wet, soggy state for too long can quickly become inedible. To remove excess moisture and make the nuts crispy, place them on a baking sheet covered with baking paper. Fry for 10 minutes at 180°. During the drying process, it is advisable to turn the fruits over and stir them with a wooden spatula, so they will fry evenly and not burn.

Cleaning almonds using boiling water and a towel

Since peeling almonds is quite a labor-intensive and, depending on the number of fruits, a lengthy task, you can use a more convenient method to do it. This method has only one drawback: you will have to ruin the kitchen towel with stains. So:

You can speed up the task of how to quickly peel almonds without pouring boiling water over them, but by boiling the nuts themselves:

  1. To do this they are placed in enamel pan and simmer over low heat for at least 2-3 minutes.
  2. Then the grains are filtered through a colander and washed with cold water.
  3. During boiling, the upper shell of the fruit has not yet had time to soak well. Therefore they need to be placed in cold water for another 3–5 minutes.
  4. Then the water is drained and the most interesting process of work begins. Place the nuts on one half of a kitchen towel and cover them with the other half. Next, rub the fruits lightly with your hands through the towel; the removed peel and whole clean grains will remain under the cloth.

If it is not possible to immediately peel all the nuts placed on the towel, the grains without peels should be selected and the manipulation repeated again.

When the work is done, the almonds are dried in the familiar way in the oven. Knowing these simple ways How to peel almonds, you don’t have to remove the husk with a knife, losing most of the valuable kernel and spending quite a lot of time on it.

No similar news

To keep nuts longer, they should be dried well. And this can be done several times different ways. Find out all the options and study the features of the process.

Why dry nuts?

Why should nuts be dried at all? After collection, they contain a certain percentage of moisture and a fairly large amount of oils. High humidity is an excellent environment for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms, including mold-forming fungi. And oils, when stored for a long time and exposed to oxygen, can oxidize and become less useful (in some cases even harmful), as well as unpleasant in taste and bitter. Drying will preserve everything beneficial features product and its taste, extend its shelf life.

Drying methods

How to dry nuts correctly? There are several ways, and each is worth considering separately:

  1. The most obvious, but not always accessible, method is natural drying in the fresh air. But the weather must be sunny or at least dry, since high humidity, firstly, will slow down the process, and secondly, increase the risk of mold formation. The duration of drying will depend on climatic conditions: in the hot summer it can take five to seven days, and in the fall the process will last for two to three weeks. To prepare, spread all the nuts in one even layer on a thick cloth or tarpaulin, cover the top with gauze to protect against insects. To ensure that the kernels dry evenly, stir and turn them over periodically.
  2. Simpler and quick option- drying in the oven, especially since everyone has such a device. Warm it up to about 40 or 45 degrees. Place the nuts on a baking sheet so that they lie in one layer, with free space between them. The drying process in this way will take about three hours, and it is advisable to keep the oven door slightly open so that the air circulates and the moisture immediately evaporates. Next, the temperature rises to 65-70 degrees, and the nuts are dried for about another half hour. During the entire procedure, you can stir and turn the products several times so that they dry evenly.
  3. If you have a special dryer, then use it. Set the appropriate temperature (about 60-70 degrees), place the nuts on the trays in a single layer (do not pack them too tightly) and dry for about five or six hours.
  4. Try using a microwave. A flat container with nuts laid out on it is placed in it for about seven minutes, if the power of the device is about 700-750 W. But the process will take a lot of time, since drying needs to be done in portions, and the volume of the microwave is small. In addition, the method is very expensive, considering the energy consumption.

A few tips to achieve the best results and improve the quality of the finished product:

  • Before drying, be sure to sort through the nuts to select the highest quality and best. If the shell is damaged, pathogenic microorganisms can penetrate through it, so it is better to eat such specimens immediately and not store them. And if there are spots on the surface, then this indicates damage by pests, which could easily reach the kernel (and during drying, they will move to other nuts, ruining most of the harvest).
  • It is better to dry ripe nuts, but they should not remain on the ground for a long time, since high humidity is undesirable. Walnuts They become fully mature when the green shell covering the shell cracks on its own. If it is intact, it means the process is not completed yet.
  • It is best to store dried nuts in boxes, cardboard boxes or canvas bags for six months to a year. In any case, the container must allow air to pass through. And if it is located in a non-residential premises, then it is advisable to choose a closed one that provides protection from rodents.
  • Almonds and other nuts can be dried not only in the shell, but also without it. But remember that this method reduces the shelf life to two to three months, since the kernels are deprived of their natural protection.
  • You should not increase the temperature when processing in a dryer or oven: in this case, the nuts will not dry out, but will practically roast and lose some of their beneficial properties.
  • To find out if the nuts are dry enough, crack one of them and try to break the kernel: if you can do this without effort, the process is complete. If the structure is dense, then the process should be continued.

By drying nuts correctly, you can not only extend their shelf life, but also get the most out of them and enjoy the taste.

Almonds with skin - woe to all baked goods. It gives it an unpleasant bitterness. Dry petals flake off and create unsightly crumbs in the dough. And the dough with unpeeled almonds immediately turns into an unaesthetic brown tint, but not in an even layer, but in places. Therefore, almonds must be peeled. There are fast and slow ways to do this. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Hot method of peeling almonds

To do this, use hot boiled water. The trick is to soak the skin so it can easily separate from the almond kernels. Boil water in a saucepan. There should be plenty of it, so that you can lower the colander with the kernels into the boiling liquid. Wash the almonds first.

It should remain in boiling water for no longer than a minute. Then fill the kernels with the same water and let them sit for 10-15 minutes. The kernels will swell and the skin will peel off on its own. The almonds are filtered through a sieve or the same colander, the skin is easily separated with your fingers and the kernels are left to dry. After half an hour they can be used for baking.


  • Almonds are peeled quickly and easily.


  • You need to use safety precautions (you are working with steam and boiling water).
  • The kernels will have to be dried additionally.

A towel to help the hostess

Almonds can also be peeled dry. An ordinary kitchen towel or fabric of the same size will help. It is better to take a waffle towel - it is more rigid, and small squares on the fabric help to clean the almonds faster.

  1. Place the nuts in a towel.
  2. Fold it in half.
  3. Rub the towel containing the kernels between your palms or by rolling it over the table.
  4. The husks will fly off from the kernels, after which the centers need to be put aside in one direction and the peels removed in the other.


  • The speed and simplicity of the method.
  • Almonds remain dry and are immediately ready for further processing: frying, adding to dough, salads.


  • Not all kernels are cleaned at once; sometimes you have to use this method twice.
  • During the peeling process, the almonds break down. It's no big deal if you plan on chopping it.

How to peel almonds by hand

You can swap the cleaning and frying process. If you dry the almonds, and then cool and remove the skin, it will be more effective. The manual cleaning method is good because the kernels remain beautiful and do not break. It is suitable if you plan to make a dish using whole almonds. For example, ice cream, Snickers homemade, a cake or pastry sprinkled with these luxurious, delicious grains.

So, take the tonsil by the spout, bend the crust from the end of the spout with your fingers and remove it. Or squeeze the tonsil with your fingers, it will fly out into the prepared container without any clothes, and the peel will remain in your hands.


  • Accuracy.
  • Marketable condition.


  • Take some time.
  • Requires skill and finger dexterity.

Almonds are useful for their invaluable content. It contains a lot of vitamin E, phosphorus, magnesium, without which the nervous system and brain do not function well. Iron and zinc are beneficial for active blood flow, hair growth and strengthening nails. Almonds are filling and contain nutritious protein. plant origin. Lastly, it's amazingly delicious.

For baking, almonds are dried in the oven at temperatures up to 100 degrees (no more) for half an hour. If the temperature is lower, for example, 80-90 degrees, keep the kernels on the baking sheet a little longer - up to 40 minutes. This is a very tasty additive for aromatic baked goods.

In their raw (not dried) form, almonds are very useful in salads. Mix raisins, honey, almonds, whole or cut into pieces, add a couple of orange slices. So the most useful vitamin cocktail for a gourmet is ready. It will give you energy and vigor for the whole day.

Today I want to write about how to peel almonds from the shell and thin brown skin. For cooking culinary dishes almonds are used quite often, but not everyone knows how to peel them, and they spend a lot of time and effort on this process. In fact, if you know how to do it, peeling almonds is simple and quick.


  • almond


  1. We peel the almonds using a nutcracker or a hammer (in the latter case, the almonds can be pre-wrapped in a towel or newspaper to prevent the shells from flying apart).
  2. Then the almonds need to be peeled from the thin brown skin (this can add bitterness to dishes with almonds and affect their appearance). Place almonds in boiling water and cook for 2-4 minutes. Using a slotted spoon, remove from the pan and lower into cold water for 20-30 seconds, then place in a colander or sieve, let the water drain and transfer to a plate.
  3. We squeeze each nut with our index finger and thumb, and the kernel easily pops out of the skin. Place the peeled almonds on a plate lined with napkins or paper towels. Dry the almonds with these napkins or towels.
  4. We roast the almonds to dry them and to make their taste and aroma more pronounced and pleasant. 1st method. Place the almonds in a dry, heated frying pan and fry over low heat, stirring occasionally with a spatula so that they fry evenly, until an almond aroma and a light golden-pink hue appear. 2nd method. Place the almonds, peeled and dried with napkins, on a baking sheet and leave for 6-11 minutes. into an oven preheated to 170°C. We also soak the almonds there until an almond aroma and a golden-pink color appear. Be sure to watch the almonds in the oven so that they do not burn.
  5. Once the almonds have acquired the desired color and aroma, remove them from the pan or baking sheet.
  6. Almonds prepared in this way can be used to prepare various sweet (

How to quickly peel almonds? This question is often asked by those who purchased nuts in the husk. In our article we will tell you how to do this. In addition, we will describe the technology for washing and drying nuts. Their beneficial properties will also be discussed.

Preparatory stage

How to peel almonds? Very simple. First, place the roasted almonds in a deep bowl. Then pour boiling water over it. Leave for ten minutes. Then drain the almonds in a colander. Afterwards, rinse thoroughly with water (already cold). Then let it drain.

First cleaning method

How to peel almonds? Take one nut. Squeeze it with your fingers. As a result of such actions, pure almonds will pop out of the skin.

Repeat the same procedure with each nut. In five minutes you will quickly peel about three hundred grams of almonds.

Second option

How to peel almonds? First, place the nuts on a towel. Then fold it in half. Then rub the almonds with your palms through the towel. This cleaning method is faster than the first, but in this case Pieces of husk may remain on the nuts.

If you use the second method, remember that almonds contain essential oils, they can leave permanent stains on the towel. Therefore, use something that you wouldn’t mind throwing away in a pinch.

In the microwave

How to peel almonds in the microwave? Take a deep bowl (not iron), then put the nuts there.

Then pour boiling water over them. Place in the microwave. Turn on the device at full power for about thirty to forty seconds. Then remove the plate from microwave oven. Cool the nuts. After which all you have to do is remove the skin and enjoy the tasty and healthy nuts.

How to wash?

Many people are interested in how to wash peeled almonds. After all, people often take it with their hands (perhaps not always clean). Therefore, rinse the nuts thoroughly with water.

This procedure will not harm the taste of almonds. Wash thoroughly under running warm water. Then dry the nuts either in the microwave or naturally. In addition to washing under running water, you can use boiling water. Pour it over the nuts for a few minutes (up to ten).

After processing, the almonds must be removed from the water using a sieve. Just don't drain the water. Since there will be dirt at the bottom, which will again contain kernels.


When you peel the almonds, you need to dry them immediately. This can be done in or in the oven. This method is the most effective and fastest. Place almonds on a parchment-lined baking sheet. During the drying process, do not forget to stir the nuts every ten minutes. Then cool them.

You can also dry the nuts naturally. But this will take about five days, depending on the room temperature.

Take a tray and cover it with paper. Place almonds on top. Cover it with paper. Thus, the dried nut is excellent for creating almond flour. The latter can be stored for a long time. How to do it? We'll tell you below.

Almond flour

Almonds can be made into flour. Using a blender, grind the dried and peeled nuts. The finer the grind, the more tender the results will be. confectionery from this flour.

If you want to make a very fine grind, then grind the nut with powder (sugar) in a 1:1 ratio.

What are the benefits of nuts?

Almonds are often called the king nut. Why is that? Because these nuts are incredibly healthy. Almost half of the substances in almonds are fats (more than 49%). Contains approximately 20% protein per 100 grams of product. Almonds also contain healthy dietary fiber (about 12%). These nuts contain carbohydrates (10%), ash (slightly less than 3%) and water (about 5%).

Almonds also contain saturated fat (4 grams of total). This nut contains fatty acids such as palmitic, stearic, margaric, arachidic and mylistic.

Almonds also contain monounsaturated acids (about 30%). Particularly valuable are linoleic and oleic.

Almonds are also rich in vitamins. Contains riboflavin, pyrodixin and thiamine. There is also vitamin B9, PP and pantothenic acid. These nuts are also rich in macroelements. Almonds contain a lot of phosphorus, potassium, and calcium. If we talk about microelements, the nut kernels contain a lot of manganese and copper. There is also selenium, zinc and iron.

Beneficial features

The good thing about Almonds is that if you include them in your diet, you can overcome various diseases (even chronic ones). At the same time, these nuts are incredibly useful for a healthy person. Just a couple of kernels per day is enough. Sweet varieties of almonds are considered the most beneficial. These nuts help remove sand from the kidneys. They are an excellent aid in the treatment of urolithiasis.

Almonds are also useful in case of disturbances in the urination process, as well as for enhancing potency. Nuts also have choleretic properties. By consuming these kernels, a person improves blood composition. Therefore, almonds are often used to treat anemia. The nut has a beneficial effect on the liver and spleen. Due to its composition (the presence of magnesium, potassium and phosphorus) it has a positive effect on vascular system and heart. Regular consumption of nuts also improves brain activity. Almonds have a positive effect on the nervous system. He calms her down. Almonds also help with insomnia. Thanks to this, you can avoid using medications.

Almonds have antioxidant properties. The substances contained in this nut prevent the destruction of healthy cells. This means that the risk of malignant tumors is reduced. Almonds also prevent the development of cancer. Sweet varieties of nuts are good for the stomach and intestines. Almonds are also an excellent cosmetic product. The nut is also used externally. For these purposes, almond oil and seed emulsions are used. These products are used for both skin and hair. They are also used for stretch marks and cellulite.

A little conclusion

Now you know how to peel almonds, as well as the benefits of this nut. We hope that this information was interesting to you.



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