Step-by-step recipe for making cabbage rolls from Savoy cabbage with photos. Savoy cabbage rolls in the oven. Step-by-step recipe with photos Mini savoy cabbage rolls

Step-by-step recipe for making cabbage rolls from Savoy cabbage with photos. Savoy cabbage rolls in the oven. Step-by-step recipe with photos Mini savoy cabbage rolls

- Darling, what are we having for dinner today?

- Very lazy cabbage rolls.

- How is that?

— Cabbage on the balcony, minced meat in the freezer.

This is, of course, an anecdote, but on the topic of today’s post about cabbage rolls. By the way, I would like to note that I also have cabbage in the freezer, at least for now)).

I'll start a little from far away. My whole family and I have always loved cabbage rolls, and who doesn’t love them? Prepared with love and care for the household, seasoned with sour cream and herbs……. M... delicious.

However, no matter how much we love cabbage rolls, I didn’t make them often. I was always too lazy to tinker with cabbage - boil it, cool it, disassemble it... It's a tedious task.

But since I discovered it, the issue of preparing cabbage rolls has disappeared by itself.

Not only are cabbage rolls made from Savoy cabbage tender, aromatic and incredibly tasty, but there is no fuss with the head of cabbage. I simply take a head of savoy cabbage out of the freezer, place it in the sink or cup and give it time to completely thaw at room temperature - that's all the fuss. After the cabbage has defrosted, I take it apart into leaves, carefully cut off the thickened part, wrap the minced meat prepared in advance in a leaf - the cabbage roll is ready!

Well, then you can do whatever you want with the prepared cabbage rolls. For example, fry, put in a pan, add fried onions, carrots, tomato paste, add water and simmer until done. You can simply place savoy cabbage rolls on a bed of vegetables, season with sour cream, sprinkle with cheese and bake in the oven. You can safely cook these cabbage rolls in a multi-cooker. In general, everyone chooses a cooking method at their own discretion - whatever is more familiar, easier, tastier.

Now I’ll tell you about how I cook savoy cabbage rolls in the oven. Step by step recipe with photo.

Savoy cabbage - one medium fork,

Any minced meat – 500 grams,

Boiled rice, crumbly – 1/2 cup,

Onions - 2 medium heads,

Carrots – 2 palm-long pieces,

Crushed tomatoes – 2/3 cup,

Sour cream – 3 tablespoons,

Cheese grated on coarse grater for sprinkling - two handfuls,

Oil for frying (to your taste),

Salt pepper.

First, let's prepare the minced meat for the filling. You can use any minced meat, I will make it from turkey meat.

Add to the chopped meat one coarsely grated carrot and one finely diced onion, and boiled rice until half cooked.

Season everything with salt and pepper, mix thoroughly. That's it, the filling for savoy cabbage rolls is ready.

Now we will separate the savoy cabbage into leaves and carefully cut off the thickening with a sharp knife.

The photo clearly shows that the leaves of Savoy cabbage become very tender and thin after defrosting. They look like corrugated paper and also stretch. To be honest, wrapping minced meat in them is a real pleasure.

Once on one of the social networks, I came across a humorous post about how a young housewife tried to feed her precious husband cabbage rolls, fastened with a stapler... If she had prepared cabbage rolls from Savoy cabbage, then the stapler would definitely not have been useful to her)).

Place the finished rolls in a baking dish and set aside.

Now let's start preparing the filling.

We have one more onion and one carrot left, let's peel them. Grate the carrots and cut the onion into cubes. Fry the onions and carrots in a frying pan, add crushed tomatoes and simmer until the tomato liquid has evaporated a little, about five minutes.

Now let's season our vegetable frying with sour cream, salt, pepper (to taste) and warm up all this beauty for a couple of minutes.

Place the finished filling evenly over our cabbage rolls and place in the oven, heated to 180 degrees, for 15 minutes.

After 15 minutes, sprinkle the cabbage rolls with cheese and return to the oven. As soon as the cheese melts, the savoy cabbage rolls are ready.

If you don’t like cheese, or you simply don’t have it on hand, that’s okay, cabbage rolls can be greased with sour cream.

In general, baking takes about 20-30 minutes.

Take the finished cabbage rolls out of the oven, let them “rest” a little, 5-10 minutes, and set the table.

That's all. As you can see, “Savoy cabbage rolls in the oven. Step-by-step recipe with photos” - it’s very simple, quite impressive and, believe me, delicious!

Bon appetit, and good luck to your home!

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Stuffed cabbage rolls – very tasty and hearty dish. But, unfortunately, many housewives do not want to cook them, believing that this is a labor-intensive process. And the biggest thing that scares them is the preparation of cabbage leaves. Well, in this case, you can make cabbage rolls from Savoy cabbage - its leaves come off much easier than white cabbage. And the taste of such cabbage will be softer, not so sharp. So, having tried cabbage rolls from Savoy cabbage once, the recipe with photos of which you will find below, you will continue to cook them from it, I’m sure. Very tasty and like that.


- 6-8 cabbage leaves;
- 300 g of mixed minced meat (pork and beef);
- 30-40 g of rice;
- 0.5 onions;
- 1 medium-sized carrot;
- salt, ground black pepper;
- spices to taste;
- 200 – 300 ml of broth or water;
- sour cream, herbs - for serving.

How to cook with photos step by step

Preparing the cabbage. We remove the upper, rough, often torn leaves. Rinse the head of cabbage with water, shake off excess moisture and separate the leaves. Since Savoy cabbage is loose, the leaves can be easily removed without tearing.
There are 2 ways to prepare the leaves. You can put them in boiling salted water and cook for 2-4 minutes. Then you should drain them in a colander and immediately cool them in cold running water - so that the leaves do not become softer. The second method is much faster and easier, but only if you have a microwave oven. In this case, place the removed cabbage leaves in the microwave and keep at maximum power for 1-2 minutes. The leaves become soft, as after cooking, but remain denser and do not tear. Baking time in microwave oven may vary slightly as it depends on the number of leaves and oven power. In any case, this process is much simpler and faster than cooking.

It is better to make minced cabbage rolls at home. It is best if it is made from pork and beef, taken in equal proportions.

Wash the rice several times cold water and pour into a pan of boiling salted water. Cook until tender - 15-20 minutes after boiling, over low heat. Cool the finished rice until room temperature. Carrots and onion clean and rinse thoroughly. Grate carrots and onions: large and medium, respectively. Add onions, carrots, rice, salt, ground black pepper and spices to the minced meat - to taste.

Mix thoroughly.

Cut off the thickened part of the prepared leaves. We lay out the leaves one by one and cut them into 2 - 4 parts - if you want the cabbage rolls to be small in size and the leaves to be large. Place a little minced meat on each piece of cabbage leaf.

And carefully roll it up into an envelope, trying to ensure that the cabbage rolls turn out neat, that all the minced meat is covered with cabbage. Prepared cabbage leaves are soft, so cabbage rolls are easy to roll.

Pour a little broth (any broth: meat or vegetable, or just water) into the bottom of the pan. We cover the bottom with cabbage leaves - if all the liquid suddenly boils away during cooking, the cabbage rolls will not burn. Place the cabbage rolls tightly.

Fill the cabbage rolls with broth or water - up to the level of the cabbage rolls, and place a plate on top so that the cabbage rolls do not float up. If you fill cabbage rolls with water, it should be salted. If you prepared cabbage leaves by boiling them, you can use this water to pour cabbage rolls, but then do not add any salt to it.

Place the pan on the fire and bring the liquid to a boil over high heat. Then reduce the heat to a minimum level and, covering with a lid, cook the cabbage rolls for about 50 minutes.

Stuffed cabbage rolls are good warm or hot; cold they are not at all tasty. Many people like to supplement them with sour cream, mayonnaise or ketchup. Pay attention to this one too.

You can add finely chopped parsley or dill to the stuffing of cabbage rolls.
If you want to make healthier cabbage rolls, use ground beef, chicken or turkey. In this case, fill the cabbage rolls with either water or vegetable broth.

Step 1: cook the rice.

Usually, to prepare cabbage rolls, I use rice left over from dinner or lunch, but it also happens that I have to cook it specially. You don’t need a lot of cereal, just enough 30-50 grams. Cook the rice as usual, that is, rinse it several times with cold running water, then pour it into the pan and cook for about 15-20 minutes after boiling over low heat. Cool the boiled cereal slightly.

Step 2: prepare the cabbage.

Now let's move on to cabbage. First, rinse it with water, shake off excess moisture and disassemble it. Savoy cabbage is loose, and therefore its leaves are easily separated from each other. Take some water into a saucepan, add salt and bring to a boil. Place cabbage leaves in boiling water and cook them for 3-4 minutes. Then drain them in a colander and immediately cool with cold running water. Leave the cabbage leaves to dry for now.

Step 3: prepare the carrots.

Rinse the carrots thoroughly, using a sponge or brush to remove any adhering dirt. Then remove the peel and rinse the vegetable again. Grate the carrots on a medium grater or cut them into cubes, it all depends on what you like best.

Step 4: Prepare the onion.

Peel the bulbs, cut off all excess and be sure to rinse after. Cut the peeled onion into very small cubes.

Step 5: prepare the bell pepper.

Divide the bell pepper into halves, remove the core with seeds and tear out the stalk. Rinse the peeled vegetable with warm running water, dry and cut into small cubes.

Step 6: Fry the vegetables.

Heat a small amount of vegetable oil in a frying pan. Add onions and carrots there. Simmer vegetables for 4-5 minutes stirring all the time until they soften and change color slightly. Then divide them into two equal parts, draining excess oil, and cool to room temperature.

Step 7: prepare the stuffing for cabbage rolls.

Chilled but not frozen chopped meat mix with half the fried vegetables and cool boiled rice, add salt to taste, ground black pepper, paprika and other spices. Mix the mixture thoroughly so that all ingredients are evenly distributed among each other.

Step 8: prepare the cheese.

Grate a small piece of cheese on a fine or medium grater.

Step 9: form cabbage rolls from savoy cabbage.

Lay out the dried cabbage leaves and cut off the thickened part from the bottom. Then, one at a time, spread them out in front of you on a cutting board, lay out a little filling, placing it closer to the top of the sheet and roll it up into an envelope. Try to get neat cabbage rolls without holes. Since we boiled the cabbage a little, it became more elastic and very easy to roll.

Step 10: Cook the savoy cabbage rolls until fully cooked.

Preheat oven to 190 degrees. Place the cabbage rolls in the pan, pressing them tightly together. Cover everything with the remaining stewed vegetables and pieces bell pepper, fill in chicken broth and place in the oven for 40-45 minutes. But for 10 minutes Before the cabbage rolls are ready, take them out, brush with sour cream and sprinkle with grated cheese, and then return to the oven. As soon as the time required for preparing the dish has passed, remove the pan from the oven and immediately begin serving your aromatic savoy cabbage rolls to the table.

Step 11: Serve savoy cabbage rolls.

Savoy cabbage rolls are incredibly tasty and look amazing on the plate. Serve as a side dish boiled potatoes, sprinkled with fresh dill. Don't forget to generously pour each portion with the broth in which the cabbage rolls were cooked.
Bon appetit!

Instead of sour cream, you can add tomato paste to the cabbage rolls or simply grind tomatoes in a blender with spices and salt.

You can add finely chopped garlic, green onions, as well as parsley, dill and cilantro to the stuffing of cabbage rolls.

If you want to prepare more dietary cabbage rolls, then simply do not add cheese to them, take less fatty minced meat, you can even use chicken, and vegetable, not meat, broth.

Remove the top 2 leaves of the cabbage and rinse the head.

Usually the leaves are easily removed from Savoy cabbage, but our head is dense. Therefore, we cut out the stalk.

Then place the cabbage in a pan of boiling salted water and let the cabbage simmer for 3-4 minutes. Place the leaves in a colander and immediately run them under cold water.

To prepare the filling for savoy cabbage rolls, we will need minced meat, onions, carrots, rice, vegetable oil, salt and pepper.

Pour the rice into 2 liters of boiling water, reduce the heat, cook for 10 minutes, then drain the rice in a colander.

Finely chop the onion and carrots and fry on vegetable oil stirring occasionally until golden brown.

Add rice, fried onions and carrots, salt, pepper, spices to the minced meat, mix thoroughly.

We cut out thickenings from cabbage leaves. Place 1.5-2 tablespoons of filling on each sheet.

Line the bottom of the pan with the remaining savoy cabbage leaves. Carefully place the cabbage rolls on them, pour hot salted water over them to cover the cabbage rolls, and bring to a boil. Then close the pan with a lid and put it in the oven for 1.5 hours at 120 degrees. The cabbage rolls turn out incredibly tender, literally melting in your mouth.

Savoy cabbage rolls prepared according to this recipe are very tasty. I served them with mushroom sauce, but you can also use sour cream.

Bon appetit!

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

A delicious dish - cabbage rolls - has its counterparts in the cuisines of different nations of the world. So analogues of this dish are found in Georgian and Asian cuisines.
Stuffed cabbage rolls represent meat dish, consisting of minced meat with the addition of vegetables, boiled rice, sometimes mushrooms and other additives. This minced meat is used to form a cutlet, which is wrapped in cabbage leaves. In other countries, instead of a cabbage leaf, a grape leaf is used - it turns out. Stuffed cabbage rolls are simmered over low heat until soft. The liquid level during simmering should also be monitored. There should be enough of it so that the cabbage rolls can cook evenly. Our grandmothers simmered cabbage rolls in cauldrons, in large Russian ovens. You could eat these cabbage rolls with your lips, they were so tender and soft. Let's try to cook cabbage rolls at home.
I will prepare cabbage rolls using savoy cabbage leaves. It differs from white cabbage in that its leaves are more grooved, and Savoy cabbage itself is softer and juicier. Savoy cabbage leaves can be easily removed from the head, even without pre-cooking. See my recipe with photos of savoy cabbage rolls and repeat it in your kitchen. As a result, you will not be disappointed!

- savoy cabbage - 1 head (1.5 kg),
- onions - 3 pcs.,
- carrots - 1 pc.,
- round rice - 1 cup,
- salt - to taste,
- ground black pepper - to taste,
- minced meat - 700 gr.,
- tomato or tomato paste- taste,
- drinking water - 1.5 liters,
- vegetable oil - 100 ml.,
- sour cream for serving.

Recipe with photos step by step:

2. Prepare the minced meat. I will use homemade minced meat, freshly prepared in a meat grinder. Place the minced meat in a bowl.

3. Rinse the rice separately. Pour boiling water over it and cook for 10 minutes from the moment it boils. Add some salt. Place the rice in a sieve. Let the water drain. Cool. Add rice to the minced meat. Finely chop the peeled onion.

4. Add salt and spices to the meat to taste. I only use ground black pepper and salt. Mix the minced meat well so that the spices, rice and onions are evenly distributed.

5. Place the cooled cabbage leaf on the board. The leaf always has a hard vein. I got a lucky head of cabbage. There was no need to get rid of the stiffness of this vein. If your leaf has a rough vein at the base, beat it with a meat mallet.

6. Take a small portion of the prepared minced meat. Form a cutlet from this minced meat and place it on the edge of the sheet.

7. Cover the cutlet with the edge of the sheet and wrap the cutlet in a cabbage leaf with an envelope. We do this with all cabbage leaves and minced meat.

8. Place the formed cabbage rolls in a deep pan. It is important to lay the cabbage rolls so that they lie tightly but evenly. Sharp distortions will lead to the fact that during cooking the cabbage rolls will burst, the cabbage leaf will tear and the filling will come out.

9. Fry finely chopped onion in vegetable oil. When it's fried, add the grated carrots. When the vegetables become soft, add tomato juice(1 glass) or tomato paste (2 tablespoons). Stir. Pour in water. Let it boil.

10. Pour the boiling gravy over the cabbage rolls in the pan. Place on low heat. Add a little salt and simmer until done. Readiness will occur in 40-50 minutes.

Place the finished cabbage rolls in portions on plates at the rate of 2-3 pieces per serving. Pour sour cream over the cabbage rolls and serve.
They also turn out delicious



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