Making dry-cured sausage at home. Homemade dry-cured sausage. Dried rabbit at home

Making dry-cured sausage at home. Homemade dry-cured sausage. Dried rabbit at home

Homemade pulled pork? Unfortunately, this is not a product that can be made in a couple of hours. However, there are a number of advantages that force you to make it at home. First of all, here you know for sure that no preservatives or other harmful additives were used - we are talking about a 100% natural and healthy product.

The resulting dish will be exquisite and defeat its store-bought opponent in all respects - and the costs will be lower, and the taste will be much richer, since it is not provided by artificial flavors. In a word, it is possible and even necessary to dry pork at home - so let’s look at how it’s done.

How to choose meat?

Having inquired about the rules for choosing meat for drying, we come across the widespread opinion that pork is not the best option to create similar blanks for future use. The fact is that the drying process itself involves the use of dry, dense meat without inclusions of fat, so fermentation is not so successful, and there is a high risk of simply spoiling the raw materials. In addition, pigs quite often suffer from worms, and their eggs can even be present in meat, which, naturally, does not improve the properties of the finished product.

From all of the above, we draw the obvious conclusion that it is undesirable to use meat from the body of a pig - it is where fatty deposits usually accumulate. The optimal choice for withering may be the neck, or even better, a pork leg or tenderloin, but you should not blindly focus on these parts - it is advisable to choose less juicy meat, since in the end this is more correct. The meat of young animals is usually not used for such culinary experiments - they are quite tender and do not have a high density.

Considering that worm eggs in pork are not such a surprising rarity, you should carefully select raw materials based on your own safety criteria. If you decide to buy meat in a large supermarket, then you can be confident that the product has passed a sanitary inspection.

However, even such relative certainty is better than buying meat at an ordinary market - there, as a rule, no one is interested in consumer safety. When purchasing basic raw materials, be confident in the seller - to do this, at least track the news in your region and see if there have been any recent cases of contamination with such meat.

As we have already understood, no one can give a 100% guarantee of the absence of infection in meat, so the main hope is still placed on the method of preparation. Here, too, not everything is so simple, because the most effective method of destroying infection has always been considered heat treatment, however, pulled pork does not go through it at any stage of cooking. Concern for consumer safety here rests entirely with salt, which itself can inhibit the vital processes of microorganisms. For this reason, experts recommend that you be very zealous in following the preparation technology and under no circumstances start eating before the time specified in the recipe has passed, even if the dish seems to be ready.

How to cook at home?

Dried pork, contrary to popular belief, can be different and vary significantly in taste. It will not be possible to cook it in Spanish to make the increasingly popular jamon at home, since this requires a large dryer with special temperature and humidity conditions. But it is quite possible to cook pork, which is called balyk, although this is done in different ways.

There are quite a lot of different recipes for dried pork with spices, but we will consider only the three simplest, and therefore most common, options. In all three cases, the beginning of the procedure looks the same - first of all, you should rinse the raw materials well, let them dry completely, and then cut them into medium-sized pieces, no less than 400 and no more than 800 grams.

For cooking raw jerky It is advisable to use not ordinary table salt, but special nitrite salt - all industrial production of such products in our country has been using only this variety for several decades, since it destroys the structure of meat fibers less.

Wet method

Here the name speaks for itself - the meat is salted not just with salt, but with brine. The latter is prepared at the rate of 5 tablespoons of salt per liter of water - the norm is a raw egg, which will not sink in such a liquid. In addition, for each liter of water add a tablespoon of sugar (prevents the meat from losing its usual reddish tint), 20-25 balls of allspice and about five bay leaves. The brine is not ready immediately after mixing - it needs to be boiled for another 2-3 minutes, and then strained off all excess and cooled.

The resulting liquid is poured into a chemically neutral container (glass, ceramic or enamel-coated), and the meat is placed there. The vessel should be large enough, there should also be a lot of brine - the meat should float and not lie on the bottom. In this form, the raw material is salted in the refrigerator for 2-3 days, during the procedure it is turned over at least ten times. When the pork is salted, it is removed and placed under pressure for an hour to squeeze out the moisture.

The seasoning mixture is prepared as follows - it requires 200 grams of dry garlic, 50 grams of coriander, 40 grams of basil and dill, as well as 20 grams of ground black and red pepper. Pieces of pork are thickly coated with this mixture, and then they are tied in gauze and hung in this form in a place with access to fresh air. The product reaches the condition in 3-5 weeks - the longer, the tastier. The degree of readiness is determined by smell and appearance.

Dry method

This method is very similar to the previous one, only there is no brine here - the pork is simply sprinkled with large crystals of salt so that the meat is not visible through them. You can also add a little well-aged cognac to the salt - this will have a positive effect on the taste and aroma of the finished dish. This method of pickling requires a little more time - 3-4 days in the refrigerator, but you will have to turn it over just as often. The salted product is cleared of salt and washed, and then wait until the meat dries and continue the procedure as described above - from the moment of coating with seasonings.

Combined method

To prepare corned beef using this method, first do everything exactly as described in the section on the dry method. The difference is that after salting, the meat is not sent to dry, but is placed in a specific brine - a glass of apple or apple juice per liter of water. wine vinegar, a tablespoon of salt and three or four cloves of garlic, previously passed through a crush.

This marinade should completely cover the pork in the vessel - the meat is kept in it for about 12 hours, after which all moisture must be carefully removed from the meat surface using a soft cloth. At the end, the procedure is no different from the others - the meat is dumped in spices and dried.

Air drying rules

Above we have already briefly described the conditions in which pork must hang for the process to proceed correctly. However, let’s add a few more fundamental points that cannot be ignored:

  • the composition of the seasoning mixture can be varied according to your own taste, but excluding red pepper from it is unacceptable - it duplicates the functions of salt and kills everything harmful;
  • although the meat is supposedly being dried, it cannot be hung in the sun - this will cause it to rot and not wither, so it should hang in the shade;
  • The most important point for drying is good air circulation, therefore in cool seasons the pork can even be hung on the balcony, or even placed on the kitchen window, provided that the window is open and constantly provides a flow of fresh air;
  • In summer, an additional danger to dried meat is posed by flies that can infect it with some kind of bacilli, so experienced people advise drying the product directly in the refrigerator, hanging it between the shelves.

No matter how the procedure is organized, individual pieces should not touch each other - we did not cut them so that there would be no access to fresh air to individual edges.

Accelerated method

In fact, a certain analogue of dried meat can be made in an electric dryer or even an ordinary oven with a temperature control function, however, let’s say right away that the final product will be somewhat inferior in taste to what was prepared “naturally”. However, it is often still tastier than the store-bought version, and the preparation time in this case is much shorter than that of classic dry-drying.

The first difference is that the raw material is usually not cut into large pieces, preferring slices about a centimeter thick as the main shape. Before drying, pork must be marinated for an hour in a special marinade, which has specific ingredients, but requires the selection of proportions at your own discretion. Vegetable oil and lemon juice, soy sauce and any spices, sugar and mustard - all this is added in the quantity that you yourself consider necessary. Naturally, the flavor notes of the finished product depend on the proportions - whether it will be sour from lemon or spicy like mustard or pepper.

The pickled slices are placed on the oven rack or trays in the dryer. The optimal temperature for drying, simulating drying, is considered to be 60 degrees, while the oven or dryer should maintain maximum convection, that is, provide full access to fresh air so that the meat gives up as much moisture as possible. In this form, the pork dries for about 3-4 hours, after which it needs to be turned over and dried for the same amount on the reverse side.

As with most other recipes, the speed of readiness is highly dependent on both the characteristics of the raw materials and the capabilities of the equipment, so readiness is determined not so much by time as by smell and appearance. Unlike meat dried using the “natural” method, such dried-cured pork will be somewhat softer, which may attract even more gourmets to such a recipe.

Everyone in our country probably knows how to use dried meat - this popular delicacy is always an appropriate ingredient in sliced ​​meats or meat plates, can be used as a snack for beer or even eaten in sandwiches. Most often it is eaten as a separate snack, but it may well be a part of more complex dishes.

In ancient times, when drying was perhaps the only way to preserve meat for a fairly long period, it was not left for the distant future - it was often eaten little by little until hunters brought new prey. Today, only fairly rich people eat such food, so the delicacy can be stored in the refrigerator for a very long time if you initially had a lot of supplies of raw materials.

The maximum shelf life of dried meat is 12 months, but in any case, the fundamental requirement for it is that the packaging is sealed. Moisture will gradually remove the salt, and then the product may spoil, so the most reliable way to preserve it is to place it in a tightly sealed container or similar bag, and then store it in the freezer. Experience shows that freezing does not spoil dried pork at all, so you can safely expose it to extreme temperatures.

Storing such pork is permissible simply in the refrigerator, but then the period is reduced by half - to half a year.

However, if you really want to store the product for months, you should take additional precautions - the meat is cut into relatively small pieces, which are individually wrapped in parchment or simply transferred with napkins so that such packaging absorbs condensation, preventing it from washing out the salt.

To learn how to cook dried pork at home, watch the following video.

Meat delicacies today are presented in a wide range. However, most products contain artificial additives and colors that negatively affect human health. For those who love to eat delicious food, we will tell you how to prepare dry-cured sausage at home. In the article you will also find recipes for other delicacies.

general information

In Soviet times, dry-cured sausage, which has unique taste and aroma, only wealthy citizens and grocery store owners could afford. Today we can see a different picture. Sausages and deli meats are available in abundance. But there are not many reasons for joy. Firstly, the prices for these products are steep. Secondly, various dyes, artificial additives and flavors are used in the production of sausages. They are needed to improve the taste and enhance the aroma of the product. But such substances only harm our health.

Making homemade dry-cured sausage is an ideal solution for those who prefer natural products, without any additives. You are not required to have any special skills or knowledge. The main thing is to follow the recipe and instructions.

Homemade dry-cured sausage: recipe with veal and lard

Product set:

Homemade dry-cured sausage (recipe):

1. Rub several pieces of lard with a mixture of garlic and salt. Place in a glass container. Leave it overnight.

2. Wash the meat and lard in running water. Then they need to be dried with a cloth towel. Cut both ingredients into 1 cm thick slices. Place in a deep bowl. Add salt (1 heaped tablespoon) and pepper. Add 1 tbsp. l sugar and pour in 2 tbsp. l water. Mix it all. Transfer the contents of the bowl into a glass or plastic container. Place in the refrigerator for a day.

3. In the morning we take out lard and meat. Remove excess moisture. Separate pieces of meat and lard. Pass the veal through a meat grinder (large compartment). We got bright and juicy minced meat.

4. Now let's start processing the lard. First, remove the garlic and remaining salt from it. Next, dry the pieces with a napkin. We will not put lard through a meat grinder. Just cut it into 5x5 mm cubes.

5. Place the minced meat and pieces of lard into a large container. Add coarse salt (2 tbsp) and sugar (1 tbsp). Pour in 50 ml of cognac or vodka. Mix the resulting mass with your hands. But you don’t need to crush it too much.

6. Lay out a mat for preparing sushi on the table. Cover it with gauze. Spread the minced meat with lard in a tablespoon. Forming sausages. Let's align them. From the amount of products that we took, we will get 6-7 sausages. We send all this beauty to a cold room (for example, on a glassed-in balcony) for a couple of days. But the refrigerator is not the most suitable place. After all, there our delicacy will not reach the required condition. In 2 days it will be ready at home. You can serve it to the table for tasting. We wish you and your guests bon appetit!

How to make dry-cured beef sausage


How to make homemade dry-cured beef sausage:

Step No. 1. Wash the meat and cut it into strips of 1-2 cm.

Step No. 2. Fry the coriander a little in a frying pan. Then grind it in a coffee grinder.

Step No. 3. Make a mixture of coriander, salt, red and black pepper. Add sugar and soda to the same plate.

Step No. 4. Place the pieces of meat in a deep bowl. Spray the beef on all sides with apple cider vinegar. Rub each piece with the pickling mixture.

Step No. 5. The meat must be transferred to a stainless container. Cover with a lid and press down. Place in the refrigerator for 12 hours. After half of this time has passed, we must turn the beef over in the brine and put pressure on the lid again.

Step No. 6. When 12 hours have passed, we begin making a weak solution apple cider vinegar. We take it at the rate of 2 tbsp. l. per liter of water. Dip the marinated pieces of meat into the vinegar solution for 5 minutes. Next, the beef needs to be rinsed thoroughly and squeezed firmly.

Step No. 7. Grind the meat using a meat grinder.

Step No. 8. Let's move on to processing the lard. It is necessary to salt it in advance. About 1-2 days before the dry-cured meat is prepared, cut the lard into small cubes and place in a bowl with minced meat. Mix the ingredients.

Step No. 9. Form sausages using cling film. Place the finished delicacies on a wire rack and put them away where the air flow is stronger (for example, on a windowsill). Since we are making sausages without guts, they will dry out very quickly. You can try them in just 5 days.

Blood sausage



1. Place the meat from the pork head in a deep saucepan. We also put the boneless breast there. Boil it all until done. We wait for the meat to cool and grind it by passing it through a meat grinder.

2. In a separate bowl, cook the lungs and skin. Place on a plate and wait for them to cool. Grind using a meat grinder.

3. Take any cereal. We cook from it crumbly porridge. Transfer to a clean bowl and fill with pork blood. Mix thoroughly. Add meat, lungs and skin, as well as fried onion pieces. Salt and sprinkle with spices. To make the minced meat juicy and aromatic, it must be poured with fat, strained through a sieve. Mix the mixture again and fill the pork intestines with it.

4. We tie each sausage (200-250 g) at the ends. We send them to the pan. Cook for 20-40 minutes (at 85-90 °C). At the very beginning of the process, you need to pierce the shell in several places with a thin needle. When the sausages are cooked, wash them in cold water. Then place on a wire rack to cool further. After 2-3 days you can taste them.

Dried horse sausage

Grocery list:

  • apple cider vinegar;
  • red and black pepper;
  • 1 kg horse meat tenderloin;
  • soda;
  • salted lard;
  • coriander;
  • salt.

How to cook dry-cured:

1. Cut the meat into strips (no more than 2 cm in length). It is advisable to use pieces without veins.

2. Make the pickling mixture. Fry the coriander in a frying pan, then grind it in a coffee grinder and pour it into a bowl. Add the rest of the spices to it. Mix them.

3. Sprinkle pieces of horse meat with apple cider vinegar and rub with the pre-prepared mixture. After this, place the meat in a large container, placing pressure on top. In this form, horse meat should stand in the refrigerator for 12 hours. During salting, the meat will release juice that does not need to be drained. After 6 hours, turn the pieces over to the other side. We put pressure on again.

4. After 12 hours, we must make a weak solution of apple cider vinegar. For a liter of water, it is enough to take 2 tbsp. l. Dip the horse meat into the marinade for just 5 minutes. Then we rinse it thoroughly and squeeze it out. We put the meat in a well-ventilated room for 5 days. For example, you can hang it on a glassed-in balcony. Five days later, we continue preparing dry-cured sausage.

5. Pass the horse meat through a meat grinder. Add finely chopped salted lard to the resulting minced meat. It is with this mixture that we will stuff the sausages.

6. Take a mat. We spread cling film on it. We begin to form the sausages, which we then place on a wire rack and take to a ventilated place. Our delicacy should dry very quickly. Homemade dry-cured horse sausage will be ready after 5 days. And all you have to do is enjoy its unique taste and aroma.

Homemade grilled chicken sausage

Product set:

Practical part:

1. First you need to wash and clean the intestines. This must be done carefully to prevent them from tearing.

2. Cut the chicken into pieces. Grind the lard using a meat grinder. Let's combine these ingredients. Salt. Add garlic, squeezed through a press. Mix with your hands. Cover the resulting mass with film and leave for 20 minutes.

3. We put a special attachment on the meat grinder (it is sold in hardware stores). Carefully string the intestine onto it. The edges need to be tied with regular thread. Let's start filling the intestines with meat. So that the sausages do not burst during frying. Do not fill them tightly with meat.

4. You can try the delicacy on the same day. Place the sausages on the grill and fry, turning from one side to the other. Serve with oven-baked potatoes.

Homemade sausage in Ukrainian


  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • ¼ tsp. ground pepper;
  • 1 kg of lean pork meat;
  • a little salt.

Cooking process:

Rinse the meat with tap water and cut into pieces. Place in a bowl. There we mix with chopped garlic, pepper and salt (1 tbsp). Stuff the resulting mass into the large pork intestines or casing. We tie the loaves on both sides. We pierce with a thin needle in several places. This will remove any air bubbles. First, the sausages are boiled in water, then put in the oven or fried in a frying pan. Served with stewed cabbage.

Express boiled pork

Required Products:

Practical part:

1. Take a pan with a thick bottom. Pour in 2.5 liters of water. Pour in all the spices in the specified quantity. Add mayonnaise and chopped garlic. We are waiting for the broth to boil. Turn off the fire. Let the broth cool completely.

2. Place the whole piece of pork in cold brine. Bring to a boil. We time it for 5 minutes. Remove the pan with meat from the stove. Leave it overnight under the lid.

3. In the morning, boil the broth again. Cook for 5 minutes. Turn off the fire. Leave the meat in the pan with the lid closed until the brine has cooled completely. After a few hours, we take out the pork, wrap it in foil and put it in the refrigerator (but not in freezer). The next day, cut a piece and try it.


Do you want to pleasantly surprise your family and guests? Then prepare carbonade for them. This delicacy is different delicate taste and amazing aroma. It is made from the thick loin muscle. To make the carbonate juicy, leave a layer of fat no more than 1 cm thick along the entire length of the piece.

Lightly cut the meat with the tip of a knife. Rub with crushed garlic and salt. To improve the taste of the carbonate, we use a piece of meat processed in this way and place it on a baking sheet so that the fatty part is on top. Baking time - 2.5-3 hours. During this time, a golden brown crust appeared on the carbonate. The delicacy itself is not served hot. It is cooled and then put in the refrigerator.


Now you know how to make dry-cured sausage at home. By following the instructions described in the article, you can prepare a delicious meat delicacy for your beloved spouse and children. They will definitely appreciate your efforts and ask for more.

In ancient times, drying was one of the most effective ways to stockpile meat. If a successful hunter brought large prey (for example, deer or elk), they tried to process a significant part of the carcass so that the meat did not spoil and was stored as long as possible. If the technological conditions were strictly observed, the process was safe and provided quite decent taste qualities of the finished product.

The modern housewife does not need to solve everyday problems familiar to her distant predecessors. Today, dried meat is considered a delicious delicacy that is easy to prepare even for a beginner who is not too experienced in culinary wisdom. Our article is addressed to those who want to learn how to properly dry meat.

Selection of raw materials and precautions

You can dry beef, horse meat, goat meat, lamb and even pork, as well as poultry (chicken, duck, turkey) and various game. For preparations of this kind, only low-fat raw materials are suitable, preferably taken from adult animals. To dry meat, choose dense muscle tissue (for example, tenderloin); From poultry carcasses, breasts are most often used for processing. Some experts are skeptical about the possibility of drying pork. The fact is that the density of pig meat is lower and the fat content is higher than, for example, beef or horse meat, which does not have the best effect on the fermentation process itself. In addition, pork is much more often infected with worm eggs, which can survive in the finished delicacy.

To avoid health problems, you need to understand the following. During the drying process, the meat is not subjected to heat treatment. The only protection against dangerous diseases in in this case– salt, which inhibits the vital activity of pathogens. Of course, products sold by official sellers undergo sanitary inspection, but this does not mean that the possibility of pathogenic organisms in them is completely excluded. If you decide to dry the meat yourself, scrupulously follow all the technology requirements (especially salting times) and do not purchase raw materials from random suppliers.

If you decide to dry the meat yourself, scrupulously follow all the technology requirements (especially salting times) and do not purchase raw materials from random suppliers

Preparing meat and methods of salting it

Meat intended for harvesting must be washed well, dried and cut into not very thick pieces (strips) that do not contain films or layers of fat (400-800 g each). There are three main recipes for drying meat at home.

Wet method

The meat is kept in brine and then dried. We offer a detailed recipe:

Dry method

Combined method

Meat drying process

After you have salted the meat using one of the three methods suggested above, proceed to drying. The first stage is coating the salted pieces with spices. The spice mixture is prepared to taste. It may include different kinds ground peppers (necessarily hot red pepper - a natural preservative), sweet paprika, coriander, star anise or mustard seeds, cumin, cloves, cumin, juniper berries, dried garlic and any spicy herbs. Seasonings are evenly ground and the mixture is rubbed onto pieces of meat.

The raw materials are wrapped in gauze (each piece separately) and placed in a clean, dry container. The meat should lie in the refrigerator for at least 1 week, then it is taken out and rubbed again with a mixture of spices. Each piece is wrapped in clean gauze and tied with strong thread so that it can be hung.

Pieces of meat are packed in clean gauze and tied with a strong thread so that they can be hung (drying meat while hanging is correct)

For creating optimal conditions fermentation, raw materials must be kept in a dry, cool and well-ventilated place at optimal temperature from 4 to 25 ℃ (allowable up to 40 ℃). Important: do not dry the meat in the sun.

For poultry, the process is completed in a few days (maximum a week), but to completely cure strips of beef or horse meat, it will take from 2 weeks to 1 month. During the cold season, it is best to hang meat on a balcony or ventilated loggia. You can even spread a small amount of raw materials on the kitchen window (with the window always open), but so that the pieces do not touch each other.

In the photo you see hanging pieces of dried meat (without gauze or other fabric, just rolled in spices)

Those who often dry meat themselves make portable dryers that have special slats or grates for hanging raw materials. During the warm season, you should not keep the product outdoors: it may deteriorate from the heat or be damaged by flies. In the summer, it is better to cook meat directly in the refrigerator, hanging small pieces between shelves or placing them directly on wire racks (in which case they will have to be turned frequently).

How to dry meat in an electric dryer

To dry meat, you can use an oven and dryer. With an electric dryer, organizing the process is easier. In this case, the raw material is immediately cut into slices no more than 1 cm thick. The pieces are kept for about 1 hour in a marinade prepared from vegetable oil, soy sauce, lemon juice, sugar, mustard and spices (the ingredients are mixed in arbitrary proportions, as you like). The meat is then placed on dryer trays and processed at maximum convection at a temperature of 60 ℃ for 6-8 hours (the slices must be turned over in the middle of the process). The finished product is quite soft, but, according to experts, the taste is much inferior to air-dried meat.

We invite you to watch a video in which the owner tells how he makes jerky at home (drying small pieces of pork and turkey) using an electric dryer.

Storing jerky

Storing dried meat requires maximum protection from moisture. Therefore, it is best to place the finished product in a tightly sealed container.

Jerky can be frozen. It will last 10-12 months in a sealed bag.

The pieces can be wrapped in parchment or transferred with paper napkins, which will absorb the condensation that appears. In this form, the meat can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 6 months. If you seal the product in airtight bags and then put it in the freezer, it will retain its flavor and aroma and will remain usable for a year.

Drying meat is not difficult, but preserving it is important. Storage requires maximum protection from moisture. Therefore, it is best to place the finished product in a tightly sealed container.

Our article is specifically about drying meat at home. In this sense, pork is not the most suitable product (jamon, for example, you can’t make at home): it is more often than other types of meat contaminated with “all sorts of nasty things.” This means that very careful salting is required to minimize risks. In addition, pork is much softer and fattier than the meat of other animals and rots more quickly. It turns out that it is unsafe to process it without heating and without a very large amount of salt.
Do you know why religions that originally originated in hot countries are against eating pork? This is an ancient sanitary norm that turned out to be so important that it degenerated into a religious dogma. The point is not that pigs cannot be raised in the desert (they live and breed anywhere). It is important that their meat immediately begins to deteriorate in the heat, which is fraught with severe poisoning.

We hope that our tips on how to dry meat will be useful to you. Please share your experience in the comments.


We offer you to watch a video on the topic of the article.

Text: Emma Murga

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Lulu, 24.11.2018 22:45

You should try making homemade sausage at least once to see how much tastier and better it is than the one sold in stores.

Yes, you will spend a lot of time preparing it, but believe me, you will be more than satisfied with the result. It's delicious, very rich and much more satisfying than store-bought options.

To prepare any recipe you will need meat. If you like juicier options, do not peel it from fat and films. For a rich sausage, the fat will have to be trimmed off with all the fat and skin.

Early ripening dry-cured sausage at home

Cooking time

calorie content per 100 grams

In just three weeks it will be on your table delicious sausage, which all members of your family will immediately fall in love with. So it might be worth making a double batch right away.

How to cook:

Tip: it is advisable to choose pork lard.

Dry-cured sausage from mixed minced meat

There is pork, beef, and peritoneum. These three ingredients make very rich and delicious sausages, you should definitely try to cook it.

How long is it - 32 days.

What is the calorie content - 411 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the pork neck, beef and peritoneum thoroughly.
  2. Cut into slices of the same size.
  3. Place in a bowl, stir and add salt, sugar, black pepper.
  4. Add cognac, mix everything with your hands again and place in a container.
  5. Seal tightly and refrigerate for two days.
  6. When time has passed, grind the mixture through a meat grinder.
  7. Form sausages, hang them and dry for 20-30 days.

Tip: you can use vodka instead of cognac.

Delicacy with ascorbic acid

Quite a simple recipe homemade sausage, which you will have to wait for a whole month! It's a lot, we agree, but it's really worth it.

How long is it – 1 month.

What is the calorie content - 248 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the pork thoroughly, remove fat and films.
  2. Cut into small pieces so that they can be easily passed through a meat grinder or chopped in a blender.
  3. Post minced pork into a bowl, pour cognac into it, add garlic, salt, sugar, bay leaf and black pepper.
  4. Mix it all by hand to evenly distribute the ingredients.
  5. Dip a small piece of cloth in water and cover the meat.
  6. Place in the refrigerator for the whole week, remembering to stir every day.
  7. When the meat is “ripe”, that is, it has become dense, grind it again through a meat grinder, but the bay leaf must be removed.
  8. Stir in ascorbic acid, distributing evenly throughout the minced meat.
  9. Rinse the intestines, inflate and fill with meat.
  10. Prick the sausages with a needle in several places.
  11. Place them in a room with a temperature of 7-15 degrees for three weeks.

Tip: If bubbles have formed on the sausages, they need to be pierced.

Quick sausage recipe

If you can't afford to buy guts to make sausage, don't worry. We have a recipe for you that will help you cook sausages without them, and even in two hours.

What time is it – 2 hours.

What is the calorie content - 191 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the chicken fillet under running water and dry.
  2. Using a sharp knife, remove films and fat.
  3. Cut the meat into small slices.
  4. Rinse the pork too, clean it of veins and films.
  5. Cut into cubes and mix with chicken.
  6. Pass the mixture through a meat grinder to obtain homogeneity.
  7. Wash the lard, cut into 5 mm cubes, dry with dry cloths.
  8. Break the eggs into a bowl, beat them with a whisk until foamy.
  9. Grind allspice into powder in a mortar.
  10. Peel the garlic, remove dry ends.
  11. Pass the slices through a crush and add them to the eggs.
  12. Add salt and allspice there.
  13. Gently add starch, breaking up any lumps with a whisk.
  14. Add the egg mixture to the minced meat and add lard.
  15. Mix everything thoroughly by hand or with a spoon.
  16. Cut the foil into pieces 30x20 cm.
  17. Place a little meat on each piece and form into sausages, tucking in the ends.
  18. Place in a mold or on a baking sheet and bake for one hour at 180 degrees.

Tip: You can use powder instead of fresh garlic.

Unusual instant recipe

Very unusual option homemade sausage. We will teach you how to eat and enjoy horse meat. This meat is tough, it's not for everyone. But if that doesn't stop you, here's a quick and delicious recipe.

How long is it - 2 hours and 30 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 379 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the horse meat thoroughly and cut into small pieces.
  2. Peel the garlic, remove the dry tails and press the cloves through a crusher.
  3. Add salt and black pepper, stir.
  4. Stir the mixture into the horse meat and set aside.
  5. Grind horse fat and combine with meat.
  6. Let it brew for two hours.
  7. Rinse the intestines and fill them with the infused mixture.
  8. Tie on both sides and prick with a fork.
  9. Place the sausages in a saucepan, add water and place on the stove.
  10. Turn on the heat and cook for two hours with the bay leaves.

Tip: you can add a little chili to the sausages, then men will especially like them.

Making dry-cured chicken sausage

For lovers of light but satisfying sausages, we can only offer chicken sausages. It's delicious, although you have to wait about three weeks.

How long is it - 19 days?

What is the calorie content - 108 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the chicken fillet thoroughly, remove fat and films using a sharp knife.
  2. Dry with dry cloths and put in the refrigerator for an hour and a half.
  3. After this, remove the meat and cut it into thin slices.
  4. Add pepper, salt and coriander to it, mix by hand.
  5. Chop the chicken into mince with a knife, mix it and beat it if desired. This should take about ten minutes.
  6. Rinse the casings, inflate and fill with the resulting minced meat.
  7. Tie so that you get rings or one continuous ring.
  8. Place under pressure in the refrigerator for two days.
  9. After this, hang the sausage for three days in a ventilated room at 10-15 degrees, and at night put it back in the refrigerator under a press.
  10. Next, hang it in the same place, but for two weeks.

Tip: for a special taste, you can add pieces of cheese to the sausage. It could be mozzarella, cheddar or processed cheese.

If you add too little salt to your sausage, you will end up with a bland product that no one will like. No one will eat over-salted sausage either. To correctly calculate the amount of salt, remember the proportion: 35-40 g of salt per 1 kg of meat.

It is not necessary to use guts. As you may have already noticed, you can use other available means. You can use cling film, cloth, foil, baking parchment.

It is best to cook sausages in spring or autumn. During these times of year, the temperature outside is ideal. If you don’t live in a house or are afraid that neighbor’s cats will eat your preparations, use a terrace, balcony, barn or attic for these purposes. As a last resort, use the basement or refrigerator. This is in case the temperature, for example, rises.

Homemade sausages are much tastier than store-bought ones. It’s so nice to eat them, knowing that they contain natural products. You only have to try it once to fall in love forever.

The recipe is quite simple, although it requires some time investment, but it will certainly be worth it and pay off.
So, we will need any spices to suit your taste, with which you want to enhance the taste of dry-cured meat. I have this: coriander, a mixture of peppers, bay leaves, garlic, chili peppers and sweet paprika, well. and salt, of course, and vodka (optional). And the meat itself is pork balyk.

The meat should be cleaned of films and all the fat can be trimmed off; to be honest, I didn’t cut off the fat; I like it when the dryish balyk is a little flavored with fat.
Pour all the salt into a container with a lid and very carefully roll the pieces of meat in it on all sides. For ease of preparation and for later use, I cut the balyk into several small pieces.

Now arrange the pieces of meat well in the mold.

Cover the top with a smaller plate or lid and place a weight on the plate; for me, a marble mortar acts as a weight.

I prepare dry-cured meat in two ways: WITH vodka and WITHOUT vodka. for Easter - WITH vodka, because it is already warm and the meat needs to be exposed to the air, and in winter - WITHOUT vodka, since the room is cool and there is no danger of infection or the meat going rotten.

IMPORTANT: place the meat in the refrigerator for 3 days. It is necessary to turn the meat every day, as it releases the juices and is important. so that it all soaks in the juice.

During these three days, the meat will change color a little and become a little firmer.
We drain the liquid; we won’t need it anymore.
We wipe the pieces of meat with a paper towel, but not completely dry, but just blot off any remaining salt. Sometimes I even rinse the meat with boiled water.

In a mortar I mix coriander seeds, a mixture of peppercorns and bay leaves.

I grind the spices until they are as shown in the photo below. I prefer not to rub the bay leaf too much.

In a separate container, I measure out all the other spices that I will use and mix them.

I very carefully coat my pieces of meat with the resulting spice mixture.

The next stage: now we will need to dry the meat. To do this, you need to wrap each piece of meat in a piece of gauze or cotton cloth. This time I use a paper towel as a fabric, but it’s very rough. I usually tie the meat with a rope and make a loop at one end of the rope so that the meat can be hung.
Where should you dry the meat? I do this in the summer storage room on the balcony. It is very good to do this in city apartments also on balconies, periodically ventilating the balcony, giving fresh air to the meat.
I got used to doing this: 1 day I have the meat in the pantry, the second day in the kitchen, above the window, and so I alternate for 4-5 days until the meat becomes dry, a little hard and red when cut.

Unwrap the finished dried meat and cut into thin slices. This meat will greatly decorate your festive table, we love to eat it on a sandwich.
You can STORE meat for up to a month in the refrigerator, all in the same gauze cloth or in food paper.
Dried meat homemade Not much different in taste and appearance from store bought. The secret to the taste of such meat is what spices you use and how thinly you cut it.
Treat yourself and your loved ones with homemade dry-cured meat. Bon appetit!

I still cook dry-dried turkey fillet very often; I would like to offer you my recipe for preparing it:

Cooking time: PT01H00M 1 h.



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