Products for fasting recipes. Lenten menu. Pies with pea filling

Products for fasting recipes. Lenten menu. Pies with pea filling

The main meaning of fasting is not a restriction in food, but a cleansing of the soul. However, the health of the soul and the health of the body are closely related.

Therefore, you should not go to extremes and create your Lenten menu for every day from water and bread.

We offer a menu that excludes foods prohibited during Lent. Recipe ingredients does not include meat and meat products, milk and dairy products, fish, eggs.

At the same time, the diet remains varied and healthy: it contains a lot of vegetables, fruits, legumes, and cereals. The menu even includes Lenten baked goods, but if you decide to do without sweets during Lent, you can exclude them. All links are clickable and lead to pages with Lenten recipes. At the very end there is also a list of menu items for each day.

Afternoon snack.

Nutritionist's comment:

Wheat porridge. Wheat is an excellent source of dietary fiber and gives a feeling of fullness. It also contains vitamin E, F, B1, B2, B6, C, PP, carotene, niacin, choline, biotin, folacin and trace elements (potassium, magnesium, sulfur, selenium, chromium, zinc).

Pea soup. Legumes as a source of protein are an essential component of the Lenten menu.

Fruit basket cake is a fairly high-calorie dessert, but if you lead an active lifestyle, then you can treat yourself. If you have a sedentary lifestyle, then this dessert can be transferred to the second breakfast.

Sauerkraut salad with potatoes and mushrooms. To avoid gaining excess weight, it is preferable not to eat more than 50 g of potatoes in the evening.


Afternoon snack. Fruits of your choice
Dinner.(without butter and eggs) +


Afternoon snack.Fruits of your choice


Afternoon snack.

Nutritionist's comment:

Vegetable oil added to porridge is a source of PUFAs, and the fat additive will help better absorb the vitamins and microelements from the porridge.

Fasting is a religious tradition of abstaining from food. And it is precisely this abstinence that causes housewives to think a lot about what to cook. Let's explore some basic recipes.

It should be remembered that good nutrition is the key to your health. Therefore, you should not fast during fasting, as this can lead to adverse consequences in the future. You can also supplement your diet with essential vitamins during fasting.

So, let's start with salads. This is one of the simplest, but at the same time healthy dishes that must be prepared during fasting. It is worth noting that the Nativity fast also covers the New Year holiday, and those who strictly adhere to fasting have to limit themselves in foods. And what kind New Year without Olivie, and for those who fast, an alternative can be found.


  • 300 g potatoes
  • 100 g carrots and onions each
  • 100 g asparagus or beans
  • 100 g of your favorite mushrooms
  • 100 g lean mayonnaise
  • spices


  • Boil the first three ingredients and cut into cubes
  • If you are marinating the mushrooms, chop them as well. Pre-boil fresh mushrooms
  • Chop pickled onions into cubes
  • Mix the ingredients, add spices and season with mayonnaise
  • Leave to infuse for 60 minutes and serve

Delicious salad with corn and croutons:

  • 300 g Chinese cabbage
  • 1 can of corn
  • 1 onion
  • 100 g crackers
  • 100 g lean mayonnaise
  • Spices

The advantage of this salad is that after fasting you can prepare it with regular mayonnaise:

  • Chop the onion and cabbage
  • Mix with corn
  • Season with spices and mayonnaise
  • Sprinkle croutons on top

Salad with crab sticks- it's universal holiday dish, which will decorate both the festive and everyday table:

  • 200 g sticks
  • 100 g rice
  • 1 onion
  • 200 g corn
  • 250 g mushrooms
  • 100 g lean mayonnaise
  • spices
  • rinse the rice and boil until done
  • cut crab sticks, mushrooms and onions
  • mix all ingredients and season with mayonnaise

You can also cook very simple salads:

  • from cabbage with vegetable oil
  • from tomatoes and cucumbers
  • beet salad with vegetable oil

Lenten baking: recipes

Very tasty and easy to bake during Lent oat cookies. To do this, take:

  • 300 g oatmeal
  • 50 g each of raisins and honey
  • 200 g apple jam
  • Dried fruits (optional)
  • 50 g sunflower oil

Prepare cookies as follows:

  • Dry the flakes a little in a frying pan
  • Mix with remaining ingredients
  • Form cookies with a spoon and place on a baking sheet
  • Bake at 120 C for 60 minutes

Adults and children love delicious food pancakes. And during Lent they can be no less sweet and fluffy. To do this, take:

  • 500 g flour
  • 300 g warm water
  • 1 tsp each yeast and salt
  • 1 tbsp sugar

Prepare pancakes like this:

  • Pour salt, sugar and yeast with warm water
  • While the yeast is rising, sift the flour.
  • Mix the ingredients with flour and, cover with cling film, send to a warm place to infuse.
  • When you see that the dough has almost doubled, use a spoon to place the pancakes on the heated frying pan.
  • Lush and delicious pastries ready. People with a sweet tooth can increase the amount of sugar by 1.5-2 times

Kovrizhka It is cooked very often during Lent. But now we suggest preparing not just baked goods, but diversifying the gingerbread with 2 apples and 50 g walnuts, and:

  • 200 g sugar and water each
  • 1 tsp soda and lemon juice
  • 2 tbsp honey
  • 300 g flour
  • 5 g baking powder

Preparing the gingerbread:

  • Chop the walnuts
  • Mix flour and baking powder
  • Mix sugar and water and place in a water bath
  • Add honey and cook until honey dissolves
  • Extinguish the soda and pour into the mixture
  • Remove the mixture from the water bath and add the nuts
  • Add flour with baking powder and knead the dough
  • Pour the dough onto a baking sheet and place the chopped apples on top
  • Bake the gingerbread for half an hour at 180 °C

Another delicious baking recipe - onion pie. After all, not everyone loves sweet pastries, and this dish is very delicious and easy to prepare:

  • 750 g each of flour and water
  • 125 g rice
  • 100 g sugar
  • 15 g salt
  • 1 kg onion
  • 10 g yeast

Onion pie is prepared like this:

  • Rinse the rice and add to boiling water, cook until done.
  • Drain the broth from the rice, this is what you will need.
  • Chop the onion and fry.
  • Knead the dough by adding rice water to it. You can do this by hand or using a bread machine.
  • When the dough has stood and risen, divide it into 3 parts.
  • Roll out each piece and arrange the onions, stack the dough on top of each other.
  • Cut the cake into 16 pieces and roll each into a bagel.
  • Place bagels in pan and bake for 30 minutes.
  • The delicious pie is ready, you can invite guests and serve them tea with homemade cakes.

Lenten first courses, recipes

One of the most satisfying first courses is borscht. And even during Lent it can be prepared in quite a variety of ways. We offer 2 main options for lean borscht:

For classic Lenten borscht stock up:

  • 2 pieces of potatoes, beets and tomatoes
  • 1 carrot and 1 onion
  • half a cabbage
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1 tbsp. l sugar and salt
  • spices to taste

Naturally, there is no meat in this dish. Prepare as follows:

  • cut the vegetables as you would for regular borscht
  • chop the cabbage and mince the garlic
  • pour 2 liters of water into the pan and, when it boils, put the potatoes in the container
  • fry carrots and onions in a frying pan
  • In a separate pan, also simmer the chopped beets
  • Grind the tomatoes in a blender and add to the pan
  • when the beets, carrots and onions are ready, add them to the pan
  • add salt and sugar, as well as your favorite spices
  • bring to a boil and leave to simmer

Excellent version of Lenten borscht with beans and mushrooms. Add to the previous ingredients:

  • 200 g champignons
  • 10 prunes
  • 100 g dry beans
  • 1 tbsp tomato paste

Prepare Lenten borscht like this:

  • Rinse the beans and leave to soak overnight
  • In the morning, boil it in the same water for 45 minutes.
  • Remove the beans and add the chopped potatoes to the water.
  • Fry onions and carrots with tomato paste
  • In another frying pan, simmer beets and finely chopped prunes
  • Pour the contents of two frying pans into the pot with the potatoes.
  • Fry the mushrooms in an empty frying pan
  • While everything is cooking, chop the cabbage
  • When the ingredients in the borscht have softened slightly, but are not yet soft enough, add mushrooms, cabbage and previously cooked beans.
  • Borscht should be cooked for another 10-15 minutes
  • Sprinkle the first dish with herbs and invite your family to the table

Another dish that is famous during fasting days is pickle. The ingredients for such a dish for 2 liters of water are as follows:

  • 100 g pearl barley
  • 5 potatoes
  • 1 carrot and onion each
  • 2 pickled cucumbers with 100 g brine
  • spices

Cooking process:

  • Rinse the cereal and leave to swell for 30 minutes
  • Cook the barley until done
  • Meanwhile, cut the potatoes into cubes.
  • Add potatoes and spices to softened cereal
  • Fry grated carrots and chopped onions
  • Add frying to the pickle when the potatoes are already soft enough
  • Slice the cucumbers and also add them to the pickle
  • Finally, add the brine and bring the dish to a boil.
  • Lenten pickle is ready

Well, how can you do without lean soup? One of the traditional options is noodles soup:

  • 2 small onions and 2 medium carrots
  • 200 g noodles
  • A couple of celery stalks
  • Spices to taste

  • Fry the onion with spices until golden brown
  • Chop the celery, carrots and also add to the onions for just a couple of minutes
  • Place the ingredients in a saucepan and add 2 liters of water, cook until boiling.
  • Next add the noodles and cook until done
  • If desired, sprinkle with herbs and you can try your creation

It will also be very tasty lean pea soup. For it you need:

  • 3 potatoes
  • 1 carrot and onion each
  • 100 g peas
  • Spices and herbs to taste

Preparing the soup:

  • Leave the peas to swell in cold water overnight
  • In the morning, set it to cook, and at this time peel the carrots, onions and potatoes
  • Cut the last ingredient into cubes and add to the peas
  • Chop and sauté the remaining peeled vegetables
  • Add them to the soup and cook until the potatoes soften
  • Sprinkle with herbs before serving
  • It’s very tasty to complement this soup with croutons or croutons.

Lenten cabbage recipe

Cabbage makes a great addition to salads and first courses. You can also make Lenten baked goods with cabbage. But an excellent and simple option during fasting is braised cabbage:

  • 1 onion
  • 500 g white cabbage
  • 7 g each of vinegar, sugar and flour
  • 15 g tomato paste
  • 100 g water
  • 30 g sunflower oil

Cooking instructions:

  • Chop the cabbage and simmer with butter for about 20 minutes
  • Then add chopped onion, spices and tomato paste to it.
  • Add flour to the finished cabbage, stir and simmer for another 5-7 minutes.

Delicious and lean cabbage is ready. You can supplement it with potatoes or lean porridges.

Lenten mayonnaise: recipe

There are several varieties of Lenten mayonnaise on sale, which are great for seasoning dishes during Lent. But you can prepare such a product at home. This way you can be sure that you are using a quality product:

  • 750 g water
  • 250 g flour
  • 3 tbsp each lemon juice and mustard
  • 2 tbsp each sugar and salt
  • 120 g vegetable oil

Preparing mayonnaise is not at all difficult, for this:

  • Sift the flour and add a little water to it, grind until a homogeneous mass is formed.
  • Add the rest of the water and cook until thick, leave to cool.
  • Mix the rest of the ingredients in a separate bowl and, while beating with a mixer, add the flour.
  • When the mass becomes homogeneous, the mayonnaise is ready. Simple and fast!

Lenten mushroom recipes

In addition to the fact that mushrooms can be added to soups and Lenten borscht, as well as salads during Lent, you can also make wonderful baked goods with them. Fragrant and fluffy pies or pies with mushrooms will come in handy with tea.

An excellent option would be to cook fried potatoes and mushrooms with herbs. By mixing these ingredients you will get great lunch or dinner.

But one of the favorite recipes for fasting people is cabbage rolls with mushrooms and rice. To prepare you will need:

  • 400 g cabbage leaves
  • 100 g each of rice and mushrooms
  • 1 onion
  • 50 g each of flour and tomato paste
  • Spices
  • Mushroom broth

Preparing cabbage rolls is not difficult:

  • Boil rice and mushrooms in separate containers, then cut the latter into strips
  • Chop the onion and fry, add spices
  • Stir in rice and mushrooms
  • Wash the cabbage leaves and trim off any thick spots
  • Place the filling on the cooled leaves and fry in a frying pan.
  • While the cabbage rolls are roasting, mix the flour with the tomato and broth
  • Place cabbage rolls in a saucepan, add broth and simmer for 45 minutes

Another very tasty recipe with mushrooms is stuffed champignons. The filling can be any lean - this includes rice, mushroom stems with herbs, as well as various vegetables. You just need:

  • Remove stems from mushrooms
  • Place them on a baking sheet and stuff them with your chosen filling.
  • Lightly spread on top lean mayonnaise and bake in the oven for 20 minutes at 180 C

Lenten pumpkin recipes

You can prepare quite a lot of dishes from pumpkin. We offer you several very simple, but at the same time delicious dishes:

First, try the first one - pumpkin soup , for which you will need:

  • 400 g pumpkin
  • 1 onion
  • 4 cloves garlic
  • 500 g vegetable broth
  • Spices

This soup will be in the form of a puree soup:

  • Place the chopped ingredients in a baking dish and place in the oven at 200 C
  • After this, place the ingredients in a blender bowl, adding broth, and beat
  • Garnish the soup with herbs and serve

An unusual but tasty dish - pumpkin in batter. For it you only need flour and pumpkin in a ratio of 1:5, as well as a little oil for frying. If you wish, you can add your favorite spices. The cooking process is very simple - roll small pieces of pumpkin in flour and fry in oil until golden brown.

Try it as a snack pumpkin salad with tomatoes. The peculiarity of this salad is that it is served warm. Ingredients:

  • Pumpkin without skin – 600 g
  • 300 g tomato
  • 1 bunch of onion and arugula
  • Olive oil
  • Spices

The warm salad is prepared as follows:

  • Place the chopped pumpkin in a baking dish
  • Place chopped tomatoes on top, add oil and spices
  • Roast vegetables for 15 minutes
  • At this time, chop the greens
  • Sprinkle the warm salad with herbs, mix and serve before it cools down.

You can also cook oatmeal, to which add chopped nuts, pumpkin and cinnamon.

Lenten potato dishes: recipes

The simplest dish is boiled or fried potatoes. You can add your favorite spices to this dish, as well as complement delicious salads. But you shouldn’t stop at the achieved results. Let's try a few more options.

Let's start with potato casserole with mushrooms:

  • 3 potatoes
  • 700 g mushrooms
  • 1 onion
  • Spices

The casserole is very easy to prepare:

  • Boil and mince the mushrooms and potatoes
  • Sauté the onion and mix with the potato-mushroom mixture
  • Place the future casserole in a baking dish and bake until browned

A delicious and healthy dish is potatoes with prunes and raisins. For 0.5 kg of potatoes take:

  • 100 g dried fruits
  • 20 g vegetable oil
  • Herbs and spices

Potatoes are prepared as follows:

  • Cut the potatoes into cubes and, stirring with dried fruits, simmer until half cooked
  • Next, add oil, spices and herbs and continue to simmer until done.
  • Serve hot, you can sprinkle freshly chopped herbs on top

And how can you avoid it? potato zrazy. But let's complement them with rice and vegetables. This will make them even tastier:

  • 0.5 kg potatoes
  • 100 g rice
  • 1 onion and 1 carrot each
  • Spices

Cooking method:

  • Boil the potatoes in their jackets and mash or grate
  • Boil rice and fry vegetables
  • Mix the ingredients, add spices and form into balls
  • Fry until golden brown

You can prepare a lot of dishes with potatoes; during Lent, this is a product that will help you out more than once.

Lenten cutlets: recipes photos

Don't think that cutlets are only meat. The variety of options is simply amazing. Let's look at the most popular ones. Firstly, many housewives will wonder what to add to cutlets instead of eggs so that they do not fall apart. The answer is very simple - semolina . And you can bread the cutlets in breadcrumbs, oatmeal or sesame seeds.

Eggplant and potato cutlets:

  • 4 potatoes
  • 2 small eggplants
  • 1 onion
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 50 g semolina
  • Spices

Vegetable cutlets:

  • Boil 2 potatoes
  • While the tubers are boiling, chop the eggplants and onions in a meat grinder, squeeze out the juice
  • Grate the rest of the potatoes and add to the chopped vegetables
  • Add mashed boiled potatoes and semolina there.
  • Mix well, if desired, roll in breading and fry
  • Eat hot

Bean cutlets, V in this case we use mung beans - small peas:

  • 500 g peas
  • 1 onion
  • Spices

Pea cutlets:

  • Soak the mung beans for 2-3 hours cold water
  • Drain the water and add new water, cook for 20 minutes after boiling.
  • Grind the peas in a blender
  • Fry the onion and mix with the pea mixture
  • Make cutlets and fry

You can also cook great oatmeal cutlets– simple and tasty:

  • 250 g flakes
  • 1 onion and 1 potato each
  • 5 champignons
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • spices

Cooking cutlets:

  • Steam oatmeal for 20 minutes
  • Peel the potatoes and grate them finely
  • Grind the onions and mushrooms in a blender along with the herbs
  • Mix the ingredients and form into cutlets, fry

Lenten holiday and New Year's dishes: recipes

One of the traditional dishes for the festive table is Olivier. At the beginning of the article we present a recipe for Lenten Olivier, take note of it. This article offers a variety of options that can be used for New Year's Eve. But we still want to offer you a few more interesting dishes:

Vegetable aspic:

  • 1 each eggplant, zucchini and bell pepper
  • 350 g tomato
  • Gelatin packet
  • Greenery
  • Spices

Step by step:

  • Place sliced ​​vegetables on a baking sheet in a 190°C oven and bake for 15 minutes.
  • Then remove the skin from the pepper.
  • Pour 1/7 of the tomato and gelatin into a container and heat in a water bath until the gelatin is completely dissolved.
  • After this, pour in the rest of the juice.
  • Place cling film in the mold and arrange the peppers, pour in some of the liquid
  • Next, alternately eggplants and zucchini, also alternating them with liquid
  • Place in the refrigerator until hardened.

Delicious and festive stuff the eggplants:

  • Tomatoes
  • Mushrooms
  • Prunes
  • Nuts

You can use this filling or any other to stuff vegetables:

  • Cut the eggplant into strips and add salt
  • Bread in flour and fry
  • Place the chosen filling on the strips and twist
  • Decorate with greenery

You can cut the eggplant not into strips, but into rings, and then you just need to lay the filling on top.

For the above salads you can also prepare fruit salad:

  1. To do this, cut kiwi, banana, orange and pear.
  2. Mix and top with soy milk or honey. This is very tasty, children especially love it.

Get creative, use the above recipes for your holiday table and supplement them with the desired ingredients.

Menu on fast days

It is not true that you cannot eat well during Lent. We offer you a sample menu for several days. You can supplement and improve it depending on your imagination and the availability of products:

  • Morning: Fruit salad
  • Lunch: noodle soup, buckwheat porridge and vegetable salad
  • Dinner: potato zrazy with mushrooms

  • Morning: Oatmeal with dried fruits
  • Lunch: Borscht with beans, cabbage salad
  • Dinner: Vinaigrette, honey cake for tea

  • Morning: Toast with honey, tea
  • Lunch: Rassolnik, beet salad, baked potatoes
  • Dinner: Mushroom lasagne

  • Morning: Lenten pancakes or pancakes
  • Lunch: Pea soup, pea cutlets, noodles
  • Dinner: Pilaf with mushrooms

Fasting is a time of cleansing the soul and body. Anyone who has fasted once can no longer deny himself this. Try it too - feel the lightness in your body and the strength of your own will.

Video: Cooking Lenten dishes

Do not sit down with your spirit outraged by any passion, so that the enemy does not turn your food and drink into harm, into illness and not into health: for the enemy is cunning through everything and seeks to harm a person. Always sit down to a meal in peace, thanking the Lord, and food and drink will be for your good and health: because the blessing of God rests on food and on you! Holy Righteous John of Kronstadt, “My life in Christ.”

Crumbled buckwheat porridge

1 cup buckwheat, 2 cups water, salt.

Measure the grains, sort them out, and fry them. Boil water, add salt, add oil, add cereal, stir and cook over low heat on a cast iron stand.

When the water is absorbed into the cereal, put the pot (cast iron) in the oven and bring the porridge until cooked.

1 1/2 cups of fine buckwheat (prodel), 1 liter of water, 2 onions, 2 parsnip roots, 2-3 tablespoons of parsley, 1/2 teaspoon of ground black pepper, 1 teaspoon of salt.

Place a whole onion and finely chopped parsnip roots into salted boiling water, boil for 5 minutes, then add cereal and cook over low heat, stirring, until the cereal is completely boiled. After this, remove the onion, remove the pulp from the heat, season with pepper, parsley, add salt and let stand under the lid for 15 minutes to steam.

Tender buckwheat

2 glasses of water, 1 glass of buckwheat, 1 teaspoon of salt, 2 tbsp. spoons of sunflower oil.

Pour a glass of buckwheat into a saucepan with two glasses of boiling water. Bring to a boil and cook, tightly closing the lid, over low heat until the water has completely boiled away. Buckwheat is delicious on its own, dry and crumbly. Add salt during cooking. If the day is not strictly fasting, add a few teaspoons of vegetable oil before turning off the heat. If, after removing from the heat, you wrap the pan with buckwheat, then after 20-30 minutes it will become especially tender. Fans can add spices along with salt.

Tikhvin gruel

1/2 cup peas, 1 1/2 liters of water, 1 cup buckwheat, 2 onions, 4 tbsp. spoons of sunflower oil.

Wash the peas, boil in water (without adding salt) and when the water has evaporated by 1/3 and the peas are almost ready, add the mixture and cook until tender. Then season with finely chopped onion, fried in oil, and salt.

Millet porridge with prunes

1 cup millet, 1/2 cup prunes, 2 1/2 - 3 cups water.

Boil millet porridge (in 2 glasses of water). Sort the prunes, rinse, add hot water and cook. Drain the broth. Add prunes to the millet.

Millet with onions

2 glasses of water, 4/5 glasses of millet, 2 onions, dill, 3 teaspoons of sunflower oil.

Place a saucepan with two glasses of water on the fire. While the water is boiling, rinse about 4/5 cup of millet. In dry form, millet is added in a volume of 3/5. Place millet into boiling water. Once boiling, reduce heat to low. The pan must be tightly closed, as foam will form when boiling. Let the porridge cook, then put two chopped onions in it: you need to do this very quickly, literally within a few seconds, so that steam does not escape. Add salt halfway through cooking. 5 minutes before readiness, add fennel or dill. After cooking, you can add a few teaspoons of vegetable oil if desired. After the water has boiled away and removed from the heat, the porridge remains covered for 15-20 minutes.

Millet with pumpkin

1 glass of millet, 200 g of pumpkin, 1 liter of water.

Cut sweet pumpkin into slices, place in a saucepan with two glasses of water and cook. After 10-15 minutes, add a glass of washed millet. When the porridge boils, turn the heat to low and cover the pan tightly with a lid. You can add a little salt. Cook until the water boils. The porridge will taste better if you keep it “under the woman” for an hour.

Rolled porridge

1/2 liter of water, about 1 1/2 cups of oatmeal, 1/3 cup of walnuts, salt, sugar to taste.

Pour oatmeal, sugar, salt to taste, and peeled nuts into boiling water. Cook for 15 minutes, stirring.

Lean peas with vegetables

1 cup peas, 2 cups water, 1 carrot, 1/2 onion, 2 tbsp. spoons of sunflower oil.

Soak regular dried split peas in water for 4-8 hours, rinse, put on fire, and add about 1:2 water. While the peas are boiling over low heat under a tightly closed lid, grate the carrots and add them to the boiling peas. The heat can be increased for a few seconds until it boils, then reduced again to low. Add salt halfway through cooking. If desired, you can add chopped onions. Approximate cooking time is 50-60 minutes. Before removing from heat, you can add coriander, dill, then vegetable oil for 1-2 minutes, if the fast is not strict. These peas can be made dry and crumbly, like porridge, or liquid, like soup, depending on the amount of water.


Salad with prunes

Finely chop white cabbage (a quarter of a head), grind it with salt and sugar (1 tablespoon), squeeze out the juice. Peel and chop the soaked prunes 2-4 hours in advance. Grate carrots and half a lemon. Mix all. If desired, you can add a pinch of cumin to the salad.

Carrot salad with pickled cucumber

800 g carrots, 2 pickled cucumbers, 200 g tomato juice.
Remove the thin skin from the pickled cucumbers and cut them in half lengthwise. If the seeds are large, remove them. Cut the cucumbers into small cubes, pour in tomato juice, season with pepper and let it brew. Finely chop the carrots, pour in the prepared dressing and serve.

Salad of grated carrots, beets, cabbage and onions

200 g carrots, 200 g cabbage, 200 g beets, a bunch of green onions, honey, lemon juice.
Grate the vegetables separately, without mixing them by color. In a round salad vase place a mound of white cabbage. Place grated carrots in a ring around it and, finally, red grated beets in an outer ring. Pour lemon juice mixed with honey over everything. Place finely chopped green onions between the rings.

Grated carrot salad with kohlrabi cabbage

3-4 carrots, 200 g of kohlrabi, a small spoon of honey, a tablespoon of ground walnuts and a little lemon, cranberry, cherry, apple or pomegranate juice, a sprig of herbs.
Wash the carrots and kohlrabi thoroughly, grate them on a fine grater and mix. Season with a well-mixed mixture of honey and lemon juice. Decorate the salad with nut crumbs.

Soups, stews

Chowder with buckwheat

2 potatoes, 1 carrot root, parsley, parsnip. 0.5 heads of garlic, 3 heads of onions, a bunch of garden herbs, 0.5 cups of buckwheat.
Boil the vegetables as usual over high heat. When the potatoes are ready, add buckwheat. Cook until the cereal is ready.

Cabbage soup with tomato paste

2-3 potatoes, 1-2 onions, 1 carrot, 400 g white cabbage, two spoons of tomato paste, 3 bay leaves.
Cut the potatoes into cubes, thoroughly washing them with a brush and cutting out the eyes. Finely chop the onion, cut the carrots into thin slices. Finely chop the cabbage. When the potatoes are half-ready, throw the cabbage into boiling water at the same time as the carrots and tomato paste. The bay leaf, as always, is introduced in 3-4 minutes. until the soup is ready. Pour into plates and sprinkle thickly with herbs.

First meal

Cabbage soup

500 g fresh cabbage, 3 onions, 1 carrot, 2 potato tubers, parsley root, celery root, a bunch of dill and parsley, 3 bay leaves, 3 allspice peas, a head of garlic, 3 tomatoes.
Cut the potatoes in half, parsley root and onions into 4 parts. The core of the cabbage leaf is separated from the stalk, cut out of the leaf and placed in large pieces into the cabbage soup along with parsley. Don't forget to throw in the bay leaves and sweet peas. Grate the celery root on a coarse grater and throw it into the cabbage soup; cut the thin part of the leaf, folded into a stack, into very large squares. These cabbage soup cook a little longer, but in any case no more than 12 minutes. They differ in that all vegetables are cut large. Grate the carrots on a fine grater and add them to the finished dish along with mashed or very finely chopped garlic, after the cabbage soup is moved to the edge of the stove when the potatoes are ready. You can season the cabbage soup with crushed red pepper.

Cabbage soup with mushrooms

500 g sauerkraut, 25 dried porcini mushrooms, 2 onions, 2 potato tubers, 1 carrot, parsley root, 1 turnip, 3 bay leaves, a head of garlic, 2 tablespoons of dried nettle, 3 sweet pea grains.
Boil the mushrooms, throw diced potato tubers into the broth, finely chop the onions and also throw into the broth. Cut carrots, turnips and parsley into slices and place in a saucepan. Rinse the sauerkraut under running water, squeeze it out, and then put it in boiling water. Remove the pan from the heat when the potatoes are done. Bay leaves and allspice are placed in cabbage soup along with carrots. Remove the pan from the heat, mash the garlic in a garlic saucepan and season with cabbage soup.

Vegetable rassolnik

3-4 pickled cucumbers, potato tuber, 1 carrot, 1 turnip, 0.5 cups of rice, parsley root, 2 onions, leeks, 3 bay leaves, a bunch of dill, a bunch of parsley.
Wash the potatoes, cut into cubes and throw into a pan of boiling water. Chop the carrots and parsley and put them in a saucepan, followed by the turnips, chopped into strips. Finely chop the leeks and add to the pickle. Cut the white stem of the leek into very thin rings and also add to the soup. Peel the cucumbers and cut them lengthwise into 4 pieces. Finely chop the cucumbers and add to the pickle. Cut the stems of spicy greens into pieces and place in a saucepan removed from the heat. Let it brew under the lid.

Second courses

Stewed cabbage

1 kg of cabbage, 200 g of tomatoes, a tablespoon of vegetable oil, ground red pepper, dill and 2 medium-sized potato tubers.
Separate the cabbage into individual leaves, cut out the stems, layer the thin leaves and chop them. Pour 0.5 cups of water into the cast iron. When it boils, add the chopped coarse part of the leaf and simmer covered for 3 minutes. After this, add a thin shredded cabbage leaf and simmer until it becomes limp. Add red pepper, mix potatoes and simmer until done.

White cabbage with mushrooms

500 g cabbage, 2-3 heads of onions, 50 g dried mushrooms, a tablespoon of flour, a tablespoon of sunflower oil.
Disassemble and chop cabbage leaves. Boil mushrooms in a relatively small amount of water. When they are half cooked, finely chop them. Pour a little mushroom broth into the bottom of the cast iron pan. When the broth boils, simmer the finely chopped onions with the chopped coarse part of the cabbage leaf, then put the thin part of the chopped leaf into the pan and simmer. Set the pan on the edge of the stove, adding red pepper to taste. Make bechamel sauce from the remaining mushroom broth, adding flour to the broth. Place the cabbage with mushrooms on a dish, pour over the sauce and sprinkle with herbs.

Monastery-style boiled beans

Colored beans Sort through, rinse well, scald with boiling water, add a small amount of warm water so that the beans are just covered with it, and cook until the grains are soft. Then add salt to taste, add finely chopped onion and onion. Cook for about half an hour, then add chopped parsley and dill. Serve the boiled beans hot or cold along with the remaining broth.

Mushroom caviar

This caviar is prepared from dried or salted mushrooms, as well as from a mixture of them.
Wash and cook until done dried mushrooms, cool, finely chop or mince.
Salted mushrooms should be washed in cold water and also chopped.
Fry finely chopped onions in vegetable oil, add mushrooms and simmer for 10-15 minutes.
Three minutes before the end of stewing, add crushed garlic, vinegar, pepper, and salt.
Place the finished caviar in a heap on a plate and sprinkle green onions.
Salted mushrooms - 70 g, dried - 20 g, vegetable oil -15 g, onions - 10 g, green onions - 20 g, 3% vinegar - 5 g, garlic, salt and pepper to taste.

Radish with oil

Grate the washed and peeled radish on a fine grater. Add salt, sugar, finely chopped onions, vegetable oil, vinegar. Stir everything well and let stand for a few minutes. Then place in a salad bowl in a heap, garnish with chopped herbs.
Radish - 100 g, onion - 20 g, vegetable oil - 5 g, salt, sugar, vinegar, herbs to taste.

Pickled cucumber caviar

Finely chop the pickled cucumbers and squeeze the juice from the resulting mass.
Fry finely chopped onions in vegetable oil, add chopped cucumbers and continue frying over low heat for half an hour, then add tomato puree and fry everything together for another 15-20 minutes. A minute before readiness, season the caviar with ground pepper.
In the same way you can prepare caviar from salted tomatoes.
Pickled cucumbers - 1 kg, onions - 200 g, tomato puree - 50 g, vegetable oil - 40 g, salt and pepper to taste.

Radish salad

400 g radish, 1-2 onions, 1 boiled carrots, finely chopped herbs, salt, vegetable oil
Wash the radish, peel it, grate it on a coarse grater, mix with finely chopped onion, add salt and season with oil. Garnish the salad with a carrot flower and parsley. Serve croutons with salad rye bread.

Carrot salad with apples

300 g raw carrots, 2 apples, 1 tablespoon sugar, 1 teaspoon lemon juice, salt to taste, 2 tablespoons vegetable oil, parsley.
Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, cut the apple into cubes and sprinkle with lemon juice to prevent it from darkening. Season with salt, sugar, vegetable oil, stir, garnish with parsley.

Vegetable vinaigrette

Boil diced carrots (2-3 pcs.) in lightly salted water and acidified with a few drops of vinegar, followed by beets (1 pc.). Separately, boil the diced potatoes in salted water. Combine the vegetable broths and save, and drain the chopped vegetables in a colander, and then mix with small diced pickled cucumbers (2 pcs.), cut into strips onions(2-3 heads), canned green peas (250 g), raisins (2-3 tablespoons) and peeled and diced lemon (1 pc.). Prepare a marinade from vegetable broth, vegetable oil (1 cup), wine (1 cup), juice of a second lemon, black pepper (several teaspoons), table mustard (1 teaspoon) and salt (to taste) and bring it to a boil. Pour the marinade over the salad and keep covered for 30 minutes, then divide into portions.

White bean salad

Soak beans (250 g) in water overnight, and the next day boil over low heat until soft, then place on a sieve and drain. Prepare a dressing from 3% vinegar (half a glass), vegetable oil (half a glass) with the addition of salt (to taste). Add chopped onions (2 heads) and parsley (1 bunch) to the strained beans. Stir the mixture, place in a salad bowl and pour over the prepared dressing. Ready salad sprinkle with parsley and, if desired, grated hot pepper.

Bean and potato salad

2 kg of boiled peeled potatoes, 4 cups of boiled small beans, 300 g of pickled cucumbers, 2-3 onions, 1 boiled carrot, 0.5 cups of vegetable oil, parsley, vinegar, ground pepper, salt.
Combine sliced ​​potatoes and cucumbers with beans and finely chopped onions. Mix with vegetable oil, season with vinegar, pepper and salt to taste. Place in salad bowls. Garnish with parsley leaves and carrot slices.

Salad with herring

Half a head of cauliflower, 200 g of canned green beans, 1 small herring, 1 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil and vinegar, ground black pepper, a little hot pepper, chopped parsley, a pinch of sugar. Boil the cauliflower in salted water and separate into florets. Boil and cut fresh beans (canned ones can be used). Cut the herring into small pieces. Mix the remaining products and pour this mixture over the cabbage and herring. Place in a cool place for at least 1 hour. Serve with black bread.

Beetroot and onion salad

3 boiled beets, 3 onions, 1-2 tbsp. spoons of tomato paste, vegetable oil for frying, sugar, salt.
Grate the beets on a coarse grater. Cut the onion into rings and fry in oil. Mix beets, onions and tomato paste. Add salt and sugar to taste.

Bean salad with baked beets

Mix together in equal parts by weight boiled red beans, cut into small cubes baked beets and sauerkraut. Add finely grated peeled horseradish root and finely chopped onion (amount to taste), season the salad with sunflower oil, salt and pepper with ground black pepper, add a little sugar. Serve the salad well chilled. If desired, you can add cranberries to the salad.

First meal

Lenten pea soup

In the evening, pour cold water over the peas and leave to swell and prepare the noodles.
For noodles, mix half a glass of flour well with three tablespoons of vegetable oil, add a spoonful of cold water, add salt, and leave the dough for an hour to swell. Cut the thinly rolled out and dried dough into strips and dry in the oven.
Cook the swollen peas, without draining, until half cooked, add the fried onions, diced potatoes, noodles, pepper, salt, and cook until the potatoes and noodles are ready.
Peas - 50 g, potatoes -100 g, onions - 20 g, water - 300 g, oil for frying onions -10 g, parsley, salt, pepper to taste.

Russian Lenten soup

Weld pearl barley, add fresh cabbage, cut into small squares, potatoes and roots, cut into cubes, into the broth and cook until tender. In the summer, you can add fresh tomatoes, cut into slices, which are added at the same time as the potatoes.
When serving, sprinkle with parsley or dill.
Potatoes, cabbage - 100 g each, onion - 20 g, 1 carrot - 20 g, pearl barley - 20 g, dill, salt to taste.


Chop peeled and washed parsley, celery, and onion into strips and fry everything together in oil.
Cut the skin off the pickled cucumbers and boil it separately in two liters of water. This is broth for pickle.
Cut the peeled cucumbers lengthwise into four parts, remove the seeds, and finely chop the cucumber pulp into pieces.
In a small saucepan, simmer the cucumbers. To do this, put cucumbers in a saucepan, pour in half a glass of broth, cook over low heat until the cucumbers are completely softened.
Cut the potatoes into cubes, shred fresh cabbage.
Boil the potatoes in the boiling broth, then add the cabbage; when the cabbage and potatoes are ready, add the sautéed vegetables and poached cucumbers.
5 minutes before the end of cooking, salt the pickle, add pepper, bay leaf and other spices to taste.
A minute before readiness, pour cucumber pickle into the pickle.
200 g fresh cabbage, 3-4 medium potatoes, 1 carrot, 2-3 parsley roots, 1 celery root, 1 onion, 2 medium-sized cucumbers, 2 tablespoons oil, half a glass of cucumber brine, 2 liters of water, salt, pepper, bay leaves leaf to taste.
Rassolnik can be prepared with fresh or dried mushrooms, with cereals (wheat, pearl barley, oatmeal). In this case, these products must be added to the specified recipe.

Festive hodgepodge (on fish days)

Prepare a liter of very strong broth from any fish.
Fry finely chopped onion in a saucepan in oil.
Gently sprinkle the onion with flour, stir, fry until the flour turns golden brown. Then pour fish broth and cucumber brine into the pan, mix well and bring to a boil.
Chop mushrooms, capers, remove pits from olives, add all this to the broth, bring to a boil.
Cut the fish into pieces, scald with boiling water, simmer in a frying pan with butter, tomato puree and peeled cucumbers.
Add the fish and cucumbers to the pan and cook the hodgepodge over low heat until the fish is cooked. Three minutes before readiness, add bay leaf and spices.
Properly made solyanka has a light, slightly reddish broth, a pungent taste, and the smell of fish and spices.
When serving, place a piece of each type of fish on plates, fill with broth, add a mug of lemon, dill or parsley, and olives. You can serve pies with fish along with Solyanka. 100 g of fresh salmon, 100 g of fresh pike perch, 100 g of fresh (or salted) sturgeon, a small can of olives, two teaspoons of tomato puree, 3 pickled white mushrooms, 2 pickled cucumbers, an onion, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, a tablespoon of flour , a quarter of a lemon, a dozen olives, half a glass of cucumber pickle, a tablespoon of capers, black peppercorns, bay leaf, salt to taste, a bunch of dill or parsley, 2 mugs of lemon.

Sour daily mushroom soup

Boil dry mushrooms and roots. Finely chop the mushrooms removed from the broth. Mushrooms and broth will be needed to prepare cabbage soup.
Simmer the squeezed shredded sauerkraut with a glass of water and two tablespoons of tomato paste over low heat for one and a half to two hours. The cabbage should be very soft.
In 10-15 minutes. Before the cabbage is finished stewing, add the roots and onions fried in oil, and about five minutes before it is ready, add the toasted flour.
Place the cabbage in a saucepan, add chopped mushrooms, broth and cook for about forty minutes until tender. You cannot salt cabbage soup from sauerkraut - you can ruin the dish. Cabbage soup tastes better the longer it is cooked. Previously, such cabbage soup was placed in a hot oven for a day, and left in the cold at night.
Add two cloves of garlic, mashed with salt, to the prepared cabbage soup.
You can serve cabbage soup with kulebyaka with fried buckwheat porridge.
You can add potatoes or cereal to the cabbage soup. To do this, cut three potatoes into cubes, separately steam two tablespoons of pearl barley or millet until half cooked. Potatoes and cereals should be placed in boiling water mushroom broth twenty minutes earlier than stewed cabbage.
Sauerkraut - 200 g, dried mushrooms - 20 g, carrots - 20 g, tomato puree - 20 g, South flour, butter - 20 g, bay leaf, pepper, herbs, salt to taste.

Mushroom soup with buckwheat

Boil the diced potatoes, add buckwheat, soaked dried mushrooms, fried onions, salt. Cook until done. Sprinkle the finished soup with herbs. Potatoes -100 g, buckwheat - 30 g, mushrooms - South, onions - 20 g, butter -15 g, parsley, salt, pepper to taste.

Lenten soup made from sauerkraut

Mix chopped sauerkraut with grated onion. Add stale bread, also grated. Stir well, pour in oil, dilute with kvass to the thickness you need. Add pepper and salt to the finished dish.
Sauerkraut - 30 g, bread - 10 g, onion - 20 g, kvass - 150 g, vegetable oil, pepper, salt to taste.

Sour cabbage soup

600 g sauerkraut, 2 onions, 1 carrot, 1 tablespoon tomato paste, 2 tablespoons flour, 2 tablespoons vegetable oil, 1 bay leaf, 5-7 black peppercorns, salt, sugar to taste, parsley or celery.
Very sour cabbage should be washed with cold water, squeezed out, and cut into smaller pieces. Cabbage can be sautéed in vegetable oil before stewing. Then add water and cover with a lid, simmer until soft for about an hour. Then pour hot water, add sauteed carrots and onions cut into strips with tomatoes, season with pepper, bay leaf, salt and sugar to taste, add flour sauté, boil for 3 minutes. When serving, sprinkle cabbage soup with finely chopped dill, parsley or celery.


2 kg of beets, 1 celery root, 2 carrots, 2 onions, 2 bay leaves, several black and allspice peas, sugar, lemon juice, salt.
Peel the beets, wash them, grate them on a coarse grater, add warm boiled water (the beets should be completely covered with water), add a crust of black bread and place in a warm place for 5-6 days. When it sours, drain the kvass.
Pour water over carrots, celery, onions, add bay leaves, black and allspice, boil and cook vegetable broth. Strain the finished broth, add beet kvass. Season to taste with salt, sugar, lemon juice.
In old recipes, fish head and dried mushrooms were added to the vegetable broth.

Beetroot soup with beans

Soak large red beans in cold water overnight and then cook until tender. Bake sweet red beets in the oven, add garlic crushed with salt (1-2 cloves).
Cover the pan with borscht with a lid (loosely) and let it sit for at least half an hour so that the borscht gains flavor and color. Serve hot with hot red pepper. Serve rye bread croutons with borscht garlic sauce. This borscht tastes better on the second day; it can be served warm or cold, depending on your taste.
You can prepare borscht with beans from sauerkraut, shredded cabbage by first frying it in vegetable oil and preparing a sauteed tomato paste, adding a little sugar to it.
To the borscht with beans, you can add finely chopped beets and pre-boiled in a small amount of water, along with the broth left over from cooking them. With this borscht you can place separately boiled fish balls into plates.

Pea soup with onion

Cook round yellow peas, prepared and pre-soaked for 4-5 hours, until soft. Add carrots cut into thin slices, stars or strips and cook the peas until fully cooked. Saute finely chopped onion in vegetable oil until transparent and slightly golden, season the soup and add salt to taste. Serve the hot lean onion pie with the soup, cutting it into pieces. Preparation of the pie: prepare a simple yeast dough from 500 g of flour, 2 glasses of water and 30 g of yeast and 1/2 teaspoon of salt, let it rise.
Roll out thin flatbreads and bake in the oven, lightly browning each one. Fry a lot of finely chopped onions in vegetable oil, layer the baked cakes with them, placing them one on top of the other, and bake the pie in the oven.

Bread soup with beans and vegetables

1 cup white beans, 3 potatoes, 2 carrots, 1 - 2 onions, 1 celery root, 1/2 small head of cauliflower, 200 g stale bread, 1/4 cup vegetable oil, 2 liters of water, salt and spices to taste.
Soak small white beans in cold water overnight. Pour fresh cold water over the prepared beans, bring to a boil, add half the amount of vegetable oil and cook for about half an hour. Cut the potatoes into thin strips, finely chop the roots or grate them on a coarse grater. Scald the cauliflower with boiling water, let stand for a while and then cut into small pieces. Add the prepared vegetables to the pan with the beans and cook until the beans are soft.
For dressing: separately in a frying pan, heat the remaining vegetable oil well, lightly brown the finely chopped onion in it, add grated stale wheat bread and fry it together with the onion.
When the soup is almost ready, add salt and pepper to taste, add the onion dressing and cook for another 10-15 minutes. Add 2 - 3 cloves of garlic, thoroughly mashed with chopped dill, to the finished soup and pour the hot soup into portioned bowls. Serve the soup with toasted croutons.

White bean soup

Soak 1 - 2 cups of medium-sized white beans in cold water overnight. Drain off the remaining water, rinse the beans well, add the amount of cold water required for the soup, quickly bring to a boil and then cook over low heat. After 30 - 35 minutes of cooking, add finely chopped onions, carrots and celery root.
Taking their quantity to taste, pour in 2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil heated in a frying pan and cook the soup until the beans are ready. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add tomato paste lightly stewed in vegetable oil into the soup and boil.

Onion soup

10 onions, parsley root, celery or parsnip root, a tablespoon of dried dill, bay leaf, cloves and allspice.
Finely chop the onions and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown. Boil the roots in a liter of water, put the onion in the broth, add salt, and add dried herbs. When the soup is ready, let it brew. Serve with croutons from white bread.


5 medium-sized turnips, parsnip root, parsley root, onion, 3 allspice peas, clove bud, bay leaf, head of garlic, bunch of herbs.
Throw the chopped onion into boiling water, then thinly sliced ​​turnip and parsnip leaves. Add bay leaf, pepper and cloves within 3 minutes. until ready. Finely chop or mash a small head of garlic in a garlic press and add to the stew when the pan is moved to the edge of the stove. Pour into plates after steeping.

Lentil stew

2.5 liters of water, 500 g lentils, 2 onions, 250 g carrots, salt, pepper, bay leaf, garlic to taste.
Cook lentils with vegetables for 3 hours, stirring frequently. Salt and pepper. If the stew is very thick, add water.

Fish soup

500 g of any fish, 1 carrot, parsley root, celery root, 1 onion, 1 bay leaf, several grains of black and allspice, salt.
Clean the fish and cut into pieces. Peel, wash and chop the vegetables. Pour cold water over the fish, vegetables, and seasonings and cook fish soup. Strain and put the fish pieces back into the soup.
Fish soup is served heated in deep plates with a piece of fish.

Fish solyanka

To prepare hodgepodge, you can take any fresh fish, but not small or very bony fish. A good solyanka is made from red fish. Cut the fillets removed from the fish into pieces (2-3 pieces per serving), and cook broth from the bones and heads.
Finely chop the peeled onion and lightly fry in a soup pan with butter, add tomato puree and simmer for 5 - 6 minutes, then put pieces of fish, sliced ​​cucumbers and tomatoes, capers, and bay leaves into the pan. a leaf, a little pepper, and pour all this over the prepared hot broth, add salt and cook for 10-15 minutes. Before serving, you can add washed olives and finely chopped parsley or dill to the hodgepodge. You can also add peeled lemon slices.
For 500 g of fish - 4-5 pickled cucumbers, 1 - 2 onions, 2 - 3 fresh tomatoes or 2 tbsp. spoons of tomato puree, according to Art. spoon of capers and olives.

Rassolnik Novo-Troitsky

5 ruffs, 400 g pike perch, 400 g fresh (frozen) fatty fish, preferably sturgeon, 400 g salted fish (stellate sturgeon), sturgeon, beluga, 10 - 15 crayfish, 2 parsley roots, 5 pickled cucumbers, 2 tbsp. spoons of flour, cucumber pickle, salt, pepper to taste, 1 tbsp. spoon of tomato puree, 1 bunch of dill.
Place the ruffs in gauze, tie it into a knot and place it in a pan of water. Add parsley root, salt and cook the fish soup. When the soup is cooked, remove the gauze with ruffs from it and strain. Then cook portioned pieces of large fish in it. Place the cooked fish in cold salted water. Boil salted fish separately. Fry the flour in a heated pan, stir it hot cucumber pickle, bring to a boil, add broth from cooking fresh fish and boil again. Then put the side dish in the pan: pieces of boiled fish, cucumbers simmered with tomatoes until soft, boiled crayfish tails. Place dill in plates with pickle sauce.

Second courses

Potatoes with mushrooms

Fry potato wedges with onions. When the potatoes are almost ready, sprinkle them generously with flour and fry until golden brown. Boil the dried mushrooms, chop them, strain the broth. Place the potatoes in a heap on a deep dish, cover with mushrooms and pour over the sauce. To prepare the sauce, boil 2.5 cups of mushroom broth, pour into it in a thin stream, stirring constantly, 0.5 cups of cold broth mixed with flour. When the mixture thickens, add vegetable oil, crushed garlic and salt and heat without bringing to a boil.

Potato casserole

Boil potatoes (1.5 kg) in salted water, peel, cut into slices and lightly fry in vegetable oil. Separately fry onions (1 head). Mix potatoes with fried onions, sprinkle with salt and ground black pepper and leave for 10-15 minutes. into the oven. When serving, sprinkle with finely chopped herbs.

Potato dumplings

5 large potato tubers, 2 tbsp. spoons of wheat flour, 2 onions, ground red pepper to taste.
Steam two potatoes, then carefully remove the skin. Mash with wheat flour and fried onions. Chop the onion very finely and stir into the mashed potatoes. Sprinkle with red pepper. Grate the remaining three potatoes on a fine grater and mix into the prepared dough. Grind everything thoroughly until an elastic mass is obtained, then use a dessert spoon to separate the elongated dumplings and lower them into boiling water or vegetable broth. Remove the dumplings with a slotted spoon and carefully place them in a dish. Sprinkle with sunflower oil and sprinkle generously with herbs.

Potatoes with salted mushrooms

Boil potatoes in salted water, peel, cut into slices, and brown in boiling oil. Then place in layers on a deep dish greased and sprinkled with crumbs, topped with salted mushrooms fried in vegetable oil and onions. Sprinkle the last layer - potatoes - with breadcrumbs and drizzle with oil. Bake in the oven.

Baked potatoes, stuffed fried onions

Bake the potatoes, peel them, cut off the tops, make recesses of such depth that the walls can hold the minced meat. Mash the extracted mixture, pour oil over it, mix with chopped onion fried in oil and stuff the potatoes. Sprinkle it with oil and bake in the oven. Baked potatoes stuffed with buckwheat porridge and onions
Bake the potatoes, peel them, cut off the tops, make recesses of such depth that the walls can hold the minced meat. Cook buckwheat porridge: pour the cereal into a pan (it should take up half the volume), put oil, salt, pour boiling water (so that the cereal is covered) and put the pan in the oven in a frying pan with boiling water (it will need to be replenished as it boils). Add chopped fried onions to the prepared porridge, stir and stuff the potatoes. Spray it generously with oil and heat it in the oven. Mix the remaining porridge and potatoes with butter, roll into balls by hand, roll them in flour and brown in butter. Place the potatoes on a plate and place the balls around them. Serve with butter.

Cabbage casserole

1 head of medium-sized cabbage, 1/2 cup breadcrumbs, 1 onion, half a cup vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. spoon of starch, salt, ground pepper, 2 cups of bechamel sauce.
Cut the head of cabbage lengthwise into pieces, boil them in salted water, then chop finely. Add starch, crackers, cabbage, onions fried in oil, salt and pepper to taste to the vegetable oil, mix everything and add the sauce. Grease a baking sheet or bowl with oil, sprinkle with breadcrumbs and place the prepared cabbage mixture there. Sprinkle breadcrumbs on top and bake in the oven.

Stuffed cabbage rolls with white cabbage

Disassemble a head of fresh cabbage (750 g) into leaves and cut off thick stems with a knife. Pour salted boiling water over citric acid and leave for 10 minutes. In heated vegetable oil (half a cup), fry rice (1 cup) and onions (2-3 heads). Pour in water or tomato juice (2-3 tablespoons) and simmer until the rice swells. Remove from heat, mix rice with finely chopped tomatoes (300 g) and chopped parsley. Pepper and salt to taste. With this minced meat, form cabbage rolls, place them in a deep bowl, fill half with tomato juice diluted with water, press on top with a porcelain plate and simmer under the lid over low heat for 1 hour.

Sauerkraut cabbage rolls

600 g sauerkraut, 100 g rice, 2 onions, 120 g carrots, 25 g dried mushrooms, 4 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil, 3 teaspoons of flour. For the sauce: 40 g dried mushrooms, 4 tbsp. tablespoons vegetable oil, 4 teaspoons flour, 3 onions.
Separate the head of sauerkraut into individual leaves, cut off the thickened stems or beat them with a hoe. If the cabbage is too sour, it is recommended to pour hot water over the leaves, boil (for a few minutes), and then cool. Place the minced meat on the prepared leaves and wrap it in the leaves. To prepare the minced meat, simmer the rice, fry the mushrooms, add diced and sautéed carrots and onions, and salt. Mix everything well.
Place the prepared cabbage rolls in a greased frying pan, sprinkle with oil and fry in the oven until a crust forms. Place the fried cabbage rolls in a shallow pan, pour mushroom sauce and simmer until done.
To prepare the sauce, soak the mushrooms for 2 hours in cold water, rinse well and boil in 1 liter of water, remove and cut into strips. Add mushrooms to sautéed onions with butter. Sauté the flour and dilute it with a small amount of mushroom broth, pour into the main broth, boil, add the sautéed onions along with the mushrooms. Boil for 10 minutes.

Cabbage with tomatoes

2 heads of fresh cabbage (about 2.5 kg), 2/3 cup sunflower oil, 500 g pickled tomatoes, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon red pepper, 2 bay leaves, 10 black peppercorns, flour, garlic ( optional).
Peel the heads of cabbage from outer leaves, wash and cut into 4 pieces. Cut out the stalk, chop the cabbage coarsely, add salt and rub with your hands. Add a little more than 1/2 cup of water and cook for 10 minutes. Grate the tomatoes and add to the prepared dish along with red pepper, sunflower oil, bay leaf and black pepper. Mix well and simmer over low heat for 40 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove the lid and 10 min. cook over high heat, stirring frequently. Add flour, stirring continuously, after 2-3 minutes. remove from heat. Add crushed garlic to taste.

Cabbage pancakes

400 g cabbage, flour, 2 teaspoons of crackers, vegetable oil, salt, spices.
Peel the cabbage, rinse, chop and simmer until it becomes soft. Stewed cabbage pass through a meat grinder, add salt, mix with flour and breadcrumbs and place with a spoon on a hot, oiled frying pan, shaping into pancakes.

Dumplings with cabbage

For the dough: 3 cups flour, 1/2 cup water, 1/2 teaspoon salt.
For the filling: 1 kg of sauerkraut or fresh cabbage, 2-3 onions, 1 carrot, a bunch of parsley, 1/2 tbsp. spoons of tomato puree, 2 tbsp. spoons of sunflower oil, 1-2 teaspoons of sugar, pepper, salt.
Knead the dough of medium thickness, roll it into a thin layer. Cut the rolled out dough into squares measuring 5x5 cm (triangular dumplings are made from them by folding the opposite corners of the squares) or cut out circles with a thin glass (for semicircular dumplings). Place the filling exactly in the center of the squares, using no more than 1 teaspoon, so that the dumpling does not overflow and the dough does not stretch too much. You should try to make the joints no thicker than the rest of the dough, otherwise the dumplings will not cook well and will taste rough. Cook the prepared dumplings in plenty of boiling salted water.

Dumplings with fresh cabbage

500 g cabbage, 400 g flour, 50 g butter, 50 g onion, 15 g mushroom flour, pepper, salt.
Finely chop the cabbage, fry in oil with chopped onion and dried porcini mushroom flour, steam until the mushroom flour steams, sprinkle with pepper, and cool. Salt the wheat flour, add water, knead the dough, roll out as thick as a finger, cut into pieces, roll out a circle the size of the bottom of a glass. Place a full teaspoon of minced cabbage into each circle, pinch well, place in boiling salted water and cook until the dumplings float to the surface. Pour the dumplings with vegetable oil mixed with fried onions.

Beans with potatoes

Cook separately until done, pre-soaked in cold water. white beans and peeled potatoes, strain off the remaining broth and cool well. Cut the potatoes into slices, fry in well-heated oil and mix with cold beans. Add finely chopped and sautéed onion in oil, 1-2 tbsp. spoons of tomato puree, salt, ground black pepper and mix everything carefully again. Place the pan on low heat or in the oven, cover with a lid, and cook for 10-15 minutes. The proportions of products when preparing a dish are arbitrary.

Bean and potato stew

1 cup cauliflower beans, 700 g potatoes, 1 - 2 onions, 3-4 tbsp. spoons of tomato paste, 2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil, salt and spices to taste.
Pre-soak red or variegated beans in cold water until soft, strain the broth into a bowl. Peel the potatoes, cut into large rollers, pour in the bean broth and simmer over low heat until almost done, covering the pan with a lid. For the dressing: finely chop the onion, fry it in vegetable oil, add tomato paste and simmer everything. Refuel tomato sauce salt, ground black pepper and spices to taste, add bay powder, simmer for another 3 - 5 minutes. Transfer the dressing to the pan with the potatoes, bring to a boil, pour in 1/2 cup (or more, depending on the desired thickness of the stew) of boiling water and stir very carefully so as not to mash the bean grains. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer the stew over low heat or in the oven until the beans and potatoes are cooked. Serve hot with sprigs of parsley or cilantro.

Lentils in thick sauce

Pour the swollen lentils soaked overnight with hot water in the required amount, add a finely chopped onion and cook the lentils until tender over low heat. Strain the remaining broth into a bowl. Prepare thick spicy sauce: fry another chopped onion in vegetable oil, lightly sprinkle with flour, add a crushed clove of garlic, 1 teaspoon of hot pepper, cloves, cinnamon on the tip of a knife. Mix everything together and fry lightly. Add thick tomato paste or ketchup to the cooked onions and spices, pour in a little lentil broth and simmer over low heat until the sauce thickens. Season the prepared lentils with the resulting thick tomato sauce and serve hot or cold, to taste.

Goroshitsa - pea porridge

Boil round or shelled yellow peas prepared for cooking until completely softened in a small amount of water, adding salt at the end of cooking. Mash the hot peas thoroughly, without discarding the remaining pea broth. Sauté a lot of finely chopped onion in vegetable oil until translucent and slightly golden in color, mix it (along with the oil left over from frying the onions) with the pea mass, add salt and pepper to taste. Serve the peas hot or use them as a filling for pies.

Pea balls

Boil 2 cups of yellow whole peas and 4 carrots separately in salted water, rub them hot through a colander or a thin sieve and mix the resulting masses together. Add 2 cups of separately cooked viscous rice and flour to the mixture, season the mixture with sugar and salt to taste and mix well. If the mixture is runny, thicken it slightly with flour or ground breadcrumbs. Cut into small round meatballs, bread them in flour and fry well on both sides in vegetable oil. Place the hot meatballs into a saucepan, pour in 2 cups of bechamel sauce and boil for 3 - 5 minutes over low heat. Serve the meatballs hot with boiled or fried potatoes, sprinkled with chopped dill in portions.

Pea jelly

Crush or grind the yellow split peas well in a coffee grinder and dilute the resulting flour with a small amount of water. Pour the pea flour diluted with water into boiling salted water (the ratio of pea flour and water is 1:3), stirring, and cook over low heat for 15-20 minutes, without stopping stirring. Pour the hot pea jelly into plates or portion molds, grease them well with vegetable oil, and let them harden completely. For dressing: finely chop 2 - 3 onions, fry them in vegetable oil, taking enough of it to season all the portions of the prepared jelly. Cut the frozen jelly into portions, place on plates, put onion on top of each portion and pour over the hot oil in which it was fried.

Potato cutlets with prunes

Make a puree from 400 grams of boiled potatoes, add salt, add half a glass of vegetable oil, half a glass of warm water and enough flour to make a soft dough.
Let it sit for about twenty minutes so that the flour swells, at this time prepare the prunes - peel them from the seeds, pour boiling water over them.
Roll out the dough, cut into circles with a glass, put prunes in the middle of each, form cutlets by pinching the dough into patties, roll each cutlet in breadcrumbs and fry in a frying pan in a large amount of vegetable oil.

Loose buckwheat porridge

Fry a glass of buckwheat in a frying pan until it is browned.
Pour exactly two glasses of water into a saucepan (it is better to use a wok) with a tight lid, add salt and put on fire.
When the water boils, pour hot buckwheat into it and cover with a lid. The lid must not be removed until the porridge is completely cooked.
The porridge should be cooked for 15 minutes, first on high, then on medium and finally on low heat.
The finished porridge should be seasoned with finely chopped onions, fried in oil until golden brown, and dry mushrooms, pre-processed.
This porridge can be served as an independent dish, or can be used as a filling for pies.

Lenten pie dough

Knead the dough from half a kilogram of flour, two glasses of water and 25-30 g of yeast.
When the dough rises, add salt, sugar, three tablespoons of vegetable oil, another half a kilogram of flour and beat the dough until it stops sticking to your hands. Then let him approach again. After this, the dough is ready for further work.

Buckwheat porridge shangi

Roll out flatbreads from lean dough, put buckwheat porridge, cooked with onions and mushrooms, in the middle of each, fold the edges of the flatbread.
Place the finished shangi on a greased pan and bake them in the oven.
The same shangi can be prepared with a filling of fried onions, potatoes, crushed with garlic and fried onions.

Buckwheat pancakes, "sinners"

Pour three glasses of boiling water over three glasses of buckwheat flour in the evening, stir well and leave for an hour. If you don’t have buckwheat flour, you can make it yourself by grinding buckwheat in a coffee grinder.

When the dough has cooled, dilute it with a glass of boiling water. When the dough is lukewarm, add 25 g of yeast dissolved in half a glass of water.

In the morning, add the rest of the flour, salt dissolved in water to the dough and knead the dough until the consistency of sour cream, put it in a warm place and bake in a frying pan when the dough rises again.

These pancakes are especially good with onion toppings.

Pancakes with seasonings (mushrooms, onions)

Prepare a dough from 300 g of flour, a glass of water, 20 g of yeast and place it in a warm place.
When the dough is ready, pour another glass of warm water into it, two tablespoons of vegetable oil, add salt, sugar, the rest of the flour and mix everything thoroughly.
Soak the washed dried mushrooms for three hours, boil until tender, cut into small pieces, fry, add chopped and lightly fried green onions or onions, cut into rings.
Having spread the baked goods in a frying pan, fill them with dough and fry like ordinary pancakes.

Pies with mushrooms

Dissolve the yeast in one and a half glasses of warm water, add two hundred grams of flour, stir and place the dough in a warm place for 2-3 hours.
Grind 100 grams of vegetable oil with one hundred grams of sugar, pour into the dough, stir, add two hundred and fifty grams of flour, leave for 1-1.5 hours to ferment.
Soak 100 grams of washed dried mushrooms for two hours, boil them until tender and pass through a meat grinder. Fry three finely chopped onions in a frying pan in vegetable oil. When the onion turns golden, add finely chopped mushrooms, add salt, and fry for a few more minutes.
Form the finished dough into balls and let them rise. Then roll the balls into cakes, place the mushroom mixture in the middle of each, make pies, let them rise for half an hour on a greased baking sheet, then carefully brush the surface of the pies with sweet strong tea and bake in a heated oven for 30-40 minutes.
Place the finished pies in a deep plate and cover with a towel.


400 g flour, 3 tablespoons butter, 25-30 g yeast, 300 g pike, 300 g salmon, 2-3 pinches of ground black pepper, 1 tablespoon crushed crackers, salt to taste.
Knead lean dough, let it rise twice. Roll out the risen dough into a thin sheet and cut out circles from it using a glass or cup.
Place minced pike on each circle, and a thin piece of salmon on it. You can use minced meat from sea ​​bass, cod, catfish (except sea), pike perch, carp.
Pinch the ends of the pies so that the middle remains open.
Place the pies on a greased baking sheet and let them rise for 15 minutes.
Brush each pie with strong sweet tea and sprinkle with breadcrumbs.
The pies should be baked in a well-heated oven.
A hole is left in the top of the pies so that fish broth can be poured into it during lunch.
Pies are served with fish soup or fish soup. On days when fish are not blessed, you can prepare pies with mushrooms and rice.
For minced meat you will need 200 g of dried mushrooms, 1 onion, 2-3 tablespoons of oil, 100 g of rice, salt, ground black pepper.
Pass the boiled mushrooms through a meat grinder or chop them. Fry finely chopped onion with mushrooms for 7 minutes. Cool fried mushrooms with onions, mix with boiled fluffy rice, salt, sprinkle with pepper.

Pie with cabbage and fish

Roll out the lean dough into the shape of the future pie.
Place a layer of cabbage evenly, a layer of chopped fish on it, and another layer of cabbage.
Pinch the edges of the pie and bake the pie in the oven.

Potato fritters

Grate the peeled raw potatoes, add salt, let the juice appear, then add a little water and enough flour to make a dough like for pancakes.
Ready dough spoon into a hot frying pan greased with vegetable oil and fry on both sides.

Beans in a pot
(ancient Byzantine recipe)

This very tasty dish came to us from the Orthodox cuisine of Byzantium. Here's how to cook it in modern conditions.
Soak the beans overnight, boil the next day and drain the liquid into a separate bowl.
Cut the onion into rings and lightly fry in vegetable oil, then salt well and pepper with black and red pepper.
Place, alternating, a layer of beans and a layer of fried onions in a fireproof dish (the top layer should be beans), pour the remaining vegetable oil over everything and pour in the water in which the beans were cooked.
Bake in the oven at medium temperature for 40 minutes. Serve in the same container in which the beans were baked.
300 g of mature beans, 12 large onions, half a glass of vegetable oil, a liter of water, 1 full teaspoon of salt, a teaspoon of pepper, an incomplete tablespoon of ground red pepper.

Fish cutlets

1 kg of hake, cod or pollock back, 2 onions, 150 g of bread, flour, 100 g of vegetable oil, black pepper, salt, 1 teaspoon of sugar.
Clean the fish, wash it, separate the fillets from the bones and grind through a meat grinder along with fried onions and squeezed out bread, season with sugar, pepper, add flour, mix to form thick minced meat. Form cutlets, roll in breadcrumbs, fry in vegetable oil until golden brown. Place the cutlets in a saucepan, add fish broth, and place in the oven for 20 minutes. Serve with potatoes.

Fish casserole

400 g fish fillet, 150 g vegetable oil, 500 g potatoes, 100 g onions, 60 g tomato paste, 2 tablespoons chopped parsley, salt, ground black and red pepper, breadcrumbs, sugar.
Peel the potatoes and cut into slices. Fry the fillet in well-heated vegetable oil. Cut the onion into rings and fry. Grease a baking dish with oil, place half the potatoes on the bottom, pour over the sauce, put in the fish and onions, cover with the rest of the potatoes, pour over the sauce again, sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Bake in a well-heated oven. Sprinkle the finished casserole with parsley, dill or green onions.

Fish baked in foil

500 g fish fillet, 1 tablespoon dill or caraway seeds, salt, ground black pepper, vegetable oil.
Grease the foil, put in the defrosted fish fillet, salt, sprinkle with herbs and seasonings. Drizzle each piece generously with vegetable oil. Wrap carefully, place on a baking sheet and place in a well-heated oven. Bake for about 1 hour, serve with boiled potatoes.

Fish baked in cabbage

400 g fish, 400 g cabbage, 100 g onions, 20 g tomato paste, 30 g vegetable oil, salt, ground black pepper.
Clean the fish, wash it, divide it into portions and add salt. Shred cabbage (you can use sauerkraut). Place finely chopped onion in a saucepan, simmer in vegetable oil, add cabbage and simmer until tender. Then add tomato paste (do not add tomato paste to sauerkraut), stir, grease the baking dish with oil, place some of the cabbage in the dish, place the fish on top of the cabbage, cover with the rest of the cabbage and bake in a well-heated oven.


500 g fish fillet, 1 onion, 2-3 potatoes, 2-3 tablespoons oil, salt and pepper to taste.
Make lean dough, roll it into two flat cakes.
The cake that will be used for the bottom layer of the pie should be slightly thinner than the top.
Place the rolled out flatbread on a greased form, place a layer of thinly sliced ​​raw potatoes on the flatbread, large pieces of fish fillet sprinkled with salt and pepper, and thinly sliced ​​raw onion on top.
Pour oil over everything and cover with a second flatbread. Connect the edges of the cakes and fold them down.
Place the finished fish cake in a warm place for twenty minutes; before putting the fish cake in the oven, pierce the top in several places.
Bake in an oven preheated to 200-220°C.

With cumin and horseradish root

Add 1 tbsp to wine vinegar, diluted to taste with cold boiled water. a spoonful of cumin scalded with boiling water, 1-5 tbsp. spoons of grated horseradish. Add juice of 1 lemon. Mix everything thoroughly and use for appetizers of colored beans with boiled vegetables (beets, carrots and others to taste).

Garlic salad dressing

Crush 3 - 4 cloves of garlic well with a garlic clove, grind it with salt and add 3 tbsp. spoons of cold boiled water and 2 tbsp. spoons of hot vegetable oil. Mix the whole mass thoroughly and use it for simple salads or appetizers made from boiled legumes.
This dressing can be made spicy. To do this, crush the peeled garlic with a garlic clove or crush it thoroughly. Pour into preheated and then slightly cooled vegetable oil and simmer lightly over very low heat so that the garlic releases all its juice into the oil, but does not burn. Add ground red hot pepper, mix well, pour everything into a glass jar and use to add to soups or salad dressings to taste.

Salad dressing

Mix together 3 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil, 2 tbsp. tablespoons or better wine vinegar, add salt, ground black pepper and chopped dill and parsley or cilantro to taste. Mix well, let it brew for a while, and season salads and appetizers with green peas or lentils.

Tomato dressing with onions

Pour hot salted water into the fried finely chopped onion, sprinkled with red pepper, and boil lightly. Then add tomato slices (fresh or canned) and simmer everything together for another 15-20 minutes.
Use the dressing for stewed cauliflower or yellow peas.

Spicy oil dressing

Mix olive oil, wine vinegar, salt, ground black pepper and chopped dill to taste, place in a bottle, shake thoroughly, cool. This dressing can be used for appetizers of boiled or stewed legumes.


Ingredients for the main sauce: half a glass of vegetable oil, 2 tbsp. spoons of vinegar or lemon juice, 0.5 teaspoons of sugar and salt, ground black pepper to taste. Mix all ingredients thoroughly in a glass container and beat. The sauce can be prepared in excess; be sure to shake it before each use. To this basic sauce you can add:
for onion sauce - 1 teaspoon of grated onion or chopped leeks thoroughly mashed with salt; for mustard sauce - 0.5-1 teaspoon of ready-made table mustard and another 0.5 teaspoon of sugar; for tomato sauce - 1 teaspoon of tomato paste or 2 tbsp. spoons of tomato juice and 0.5 teaspoons of grated onion;
for green sauce - 1.5 teaspoons of finely chopped parsley, 1 teaspoon of chopped dill and 0.5 teaspoons of chopped green onions.

Red tomato sauce

Saute 3 tbsp in oil. spoons of flour, dilute with 1 cup of mushroom, vegetable broth or boiling water, stirring so that the mass is free of lumps, and simmer over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Separately, fry finely chopped roots (carrots, parsnips, parsley) and onions, taking them to taste, 2-3 tbsp. spoons of tomato paste, pepper, bay leaf and add everything to the sauce.
Cook the sauce for another 5-10 minutes, strain, rub the mixture through a sieve, add 2-3 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil, bring to a boil. Use the sauce hot or cold.

Garlic Sause

Separately, in a frying pan, prepare a thick mixture from flour sautéed in oil and boiling water. white sauce, lightly salt and pepper. When ready, add 1-2 tbsp. spoons of flour. Can be diluted with cucumber pickle. Add crushed garlic with salt into the prepared hot sauce and, covering the pan with a lid, let stand for 3-5 minutes.

Peanut sauce

1.5 cups peeled walnut kernels, 0.5 cup pomegranate juice or 1 tbsp. spoon of wine vinegar, 3/4 cup of water, 3 cloves of garlic, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of green cilantro, 1 teaspoon each of ground spicy herbs and ground red pepper, 0.5 teaspoon each of saffron and coriander, salt to taste.
Grind in a meat grinder and grind the peeled nut kernels, pepper, garlic and salt to a thick, uniform mass. Add all the other spices and grind the mass again.
Mix pomegranate juice with boiled water and dilute the resulting spicy mass with the mixture, without stopping stirring. Use the sauce cold.

Mustard sauce

Fry 1 tbsp. spoon of flour with 1 tbsp. spoon of butter or vegetable oil, dilute with 2 glasses of water, boil, strain.
Add 1 teaspoon of prepared mustard, pour in a little vinegar, season to taste with salt, sugar and boil again.

Nut seasoning

Thoroughly chop and grind the kernels of 20 walnuts, add chopped garlic cloves (half a medium head) and grind well again. Add 100 g of crustless bread soaked in water and well-wrung out and grind the whole mass in an enamel bowl, adding 1/2 cup of vegetable oil little by little. When the mass thickens, pour 1 teaspoon of vinegar or the juice of 1/2 lemon into it and mix well.

Bechamel sauce

A glass of vegetable broth, 2 tablespoons of wheat flour, spices, a teaspoon of vegetable oil.
Boil a glass of rich vegetable broth in a frying pan, dilute the flour in a cup with warm water and pour in a thin stream into the broth simmering over low heat. With constant stirring, cook the sauce until it thickens and individual bubbles appear - it begins to boil. Cool the sauce and season with spices to taste.

Bean sauce

2 cups of soybeans, 1 liter of water, 3 onions, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, ground red pepper, ginger, bay leaf.
Soya beans soak for two days, changing the water from time to time. On the third day, drain the water, add fresh water and put the beans on the fire. Cook the beans over low heat, adding water if necessary. After 1.5 hours, pour out the water and add new water. Boil for another 1-1.5 hours, then discard the beans in a colander, and prepare the sauce using the broth in which they were boiled. For this you will need a glass of broth, but do not throw out the rest of the broth - it will be useful for the soup.
In a glass of broth, cook the beans with finely chopped onion, bay leaf and herbs. Add 2 level tablespoons of tomato paste and a tablespoon of dried herbs into the sauce with beans. Remove from heat, mash some of the beans with vegetable oil and add to the sauce.

Great Lent is 40 days of both spiritual and dietary abstinence. However, this is not the only post of the year. There are also Peter's Fast, the Assumption Fast, and the Nativity Fast. And each of them requires certain dietary restrictions.

During the weeks of fasting, many housewives are happy to limit themselves in food, following a diet for the sake of losing weight, but at the same time they are seriously worried about the diet of the rest of the family members. And for good reason - after all, many men and children resist the Lenten table and may reject another lunch consisting of porridge and boiled beets.

Contrary to the established opinion about crackers and water, meals during fasting can and should be varied and nutritious. To do this, meat, eggs and dairy products should be replaced with lean counterparts, and then lunch will no longer look unappetizing.

Here are 15 delicious dishes that you can prepare during Lent.

1. Oatmeal jelly - a replacement for yogurt

Not everyone likes oatmeal jelly, and almost no one prepares such a dish during Lent. Because of this, few people know that sour jelly is very similar to yogurt.

To prepare, you need to take a standard package of oatmeal (400 g) and a crust of rye bread. Place the ingredients in a two-liter jar and fill with cold water. The jar should be left for 12-24 hours, stirring occasionally.

Then strain the oatmeal through a sieve, pour the liquid into a saucepan and cook over low or medium heat. The mixture must be stirred constantly to prevent it from burning. Pour the hot jelly into jars and place in the refrigerator.

2. Rice with honey and nuts with lean milk

Lenten porridge can be made very tasty and nutritious without adding sugar to it. You can also cook porridge in water - the taste will not suffer much from this. If you are used to cereals with milk, you can take soy or peanut milk.

Peanut milk is easy to prepare – grind the nuts into very fine crumbs, add water, mix and strain.

Rice porridge needs to be salted (after cooking) and add honey and your favorite nuts. So useful and delicious dish You can please your loved ones on holiday.

Even Lenten cookies can be tasty, healthy and satisfying.

For cookies you need oatmeal, frozen cranberries or jam, and vegetable oil. Oatmeal should be fried in sunflower or coconut oil, then placed in a sieve and allowed to drain off excess fat.

Grind the oatmeal in a blender (you don’t have to grind everything, depending on your taste), mix with the berries. Form the dough into flat cakes, place on a baking sheet and bake in a preheated oven until golden brown.

4. Broccoli stew with peas and avocado

This “green” stew will come in very handy during Lent. It will help replenish energy, as well as vitamins.

Take fresh broccoli, you can also add cauliflower to the dish. To add variety to the stew, add green beans.

When broccoli, beans and green pea Once boiled, you can add avocado and season the dish with garlic sauce. Serve hot.

5. Nutella

What would breakfast be without Nutella? The classic version of this delicacy is not lean, as it contains powdered milk. We offer an alternative recipe without the use of animal products.

To prepare, you will need whole hazelnuts, honey, cocoa powder and coconut oil. Hazelnuts need to be soaked overnight in cold water. In a blender, grind the hazelnuts into fine crumbs, add cocoa powder to taste, a little butter, just a little honey (or maple syrup) and vanilla if desired.

Grind to a paste and add to lean pancakes mixed with soy milk, or spread on a loaf. Yummy! Try it!

6. Sandwich with lean bean mayonnaise

Let's get back to our sandwich. A meatless sandwich should be satisfying to satisfy your hunger for a long time.

For the sandwich we need lettuce, rye or whole grain bread, canned beans, cucumber, tomato to taste. Cut the vegetables into small slices, mash the beans in a plate and add butter and salt. Now the beans will act as lean mayonnaise.

Grease the bun itself with bean mayonnaise, and place all the vegetables evenly on top. Cover with the second part of the bun (or bread). Bon appetit!

7. Kale chips

Lent has begun and you want some chips? Regular potato chips are considered lean, but they have little benefit.

You can make chips from white cabbage that you can eat without worrying about your health. To do this, you need to disassemble the head of cabbage into sheets, cut into pieces and grease with oil. Season the future chips with salt and pepper and place on a baking sheet. Place the baking sheet in the preheated oven and dry the chips until done.

This idea is popular not only during fasting, but also during weight loss. These candies are very sweet, they are perfect for tea, and will not harm your figure.

The easiest option is to grind nuts and dried fruits, and then roll the balls in coconut flakes. There is another option, no less tasty.

Take a dried fruit without a pit (for example, dried tangerines will not work, but prunes are just right) and cut a hole with a knife. Place a small nut like hazelnut, almond or peanut inside. The future candy should be coated with honey and then rolled in coconut flakes, sesame seeds or poppy seeds.

Such Lenten sweets will appeal to both adults and children. Be careful - the candies are too sweet!

In Rus', many different pies were prepared during Lent. The peasants added to the filling everything that was left from the meal: porridge, pickles and mushrooms. Pies were eaten instead of bread with soup and main courses.

Salty pies can be prepared with cucumbers, fresh stewed or sauerkraut, mushrooms, potatoes, buckwheat or rice. To make the pies tastier, the filling should be fried in a frying pan with vegetable oil.

Apples, pumpkin, carrots with honey, jam or frozen berries go great in sweet pies. Pumpkin pies are especially delicious, even though many people don’t like this vegetable.

Pie dough should be yeast: Put a teaspoon of yeast in a bowl, grind it with sugar, add a glass of water and knead into a thin dough. When it rises, you can add salt and flour to the desired thickness.

10. Lenten borscht

Lent is a time of restrictions, and many, especially men, want hearty food. Unfortunately, classic recipe Borscht contains meat and is not suitable for fasting. But what happens if you replace meat with mushrooms?

Borscht with mushrooms is more reminiscent of mushroom soup, and therefore it is necessary to add beets, parsley and beans to it. You need to prepare borscht in the same way as classic, removing only the stage of cooking the beef.

11. Dumplings

Meat and completely non-lean dumplings can be replaced with dumplings. They can be with anything: potatoes, mushrooms, cranberries or raspberries. On some major holidays, fish is allowed, so on such days you can cook dumplings with fish.

For the dumpling dough you only need flour, water, oil and salt. This dough does not require yeast.

All ingredients must be mixed carefully and thoroughly, gradually adding flour to salted water. You need to mix flour into the resulting dough until it stops “absorbing” it into itself.

This dish came to us from Lithuania. It has very unusual taste and saturates quickly. Be sure that you will like this porridge!

First you need to boil the pearl barley. Before cooking, pearl barley is soaked overnight. In the morning you can drain the water and cook it. Please note that this process will take a long time.

Next you need to grate the raw potatoes. Place barley and grated potatoes in a hot frying pan greased with vegetable oil. Fry the glass porridge until golden brown.

The Lithuanian dish must be served warm, first garnished with fresh herbs.

13. Salad with mushrooms and pine nuts

To prevent vitamin deficiency from taking away all your strength during fasting, you need to refresh yourself vitamin salad. The mushrooms in its composition will be saturated with healthy and high-quality vegetable protein.

To prepare the salad you will need blue onions, mushrooms, spinach and pine nuts. Finely chop the onion, pour boiling water over it and place in a bowl. Finely chop the spinach and mushrooms and add pine nuts. The salad can be dressed with garlic sauce or olive oil. You can also garnish it with arugula or basil.

14. Potato pancakes (cutlets)

Potatoes have long been used to prepare a variety of dishes: chips, French fries, casseroles. You can make cutlets from this product during Lent.

To prepare the cutlets you will need potatoes, flour, onions and carrots. Carrots need to be fried together with onions in a frying pan. Please note that these ingredients must be chopped very finely so that whole pieces of onion do not end up in the cutlets.

The fried mixture must be mixed with either mashed potatoes(make sure there are no lumps in it), to which no water has been added, or with finely grated raw potatoes. In the first case you will get pancakes (cutlets), in the second - classic potato pancakes.

From this “dough” you need to make small cutlets, then place them in a hot frying pan and fry until golden brown.

15. Salad with crab meat and corn

On some days, a fasting person can afford fish. Mostly such days are Sundays and holidays.

And as you know, crab sticks are made from surimi - minced white fish meat. Corn and Bell pepper. The salad is perfect for a second course and will fill you up for a long time.

To prepare the salad you need crab meat or sticks, canned corn, red or yellow pepper and herbs. You can season the salad with mashed ripe avocado paste.

Come up with new and original ideas, try new dishes - and then Lenten table It won’t look unappetizing or make you want to buy grilled chicken. Also, do not forget that children and the sick are allowed indulgence, and in addition, spiritual cleansing is more important than abstinence during fasting.

Bon appetit!

The fast of the Holy Pentecost is called Great Lent due to the special importance of its establishment. Traditionally, Holy Pentecost and all services begin with Vespers of Maslenitsa (cheese day) week. During the evening service on Forgiveness Sunday, when there is a rite or ritual of general forgiveness in the church.

Lent was established mainly in memory of the forty-day fast of Jesus Christ, who soon after His baptism withdrew into the desert and fasted there (Matthew 4:2), as well as in memory of the forty-day fast of Moses (Exodus 34:28) and Elijah ( 1 Kings 19:8).

There is evidence from ancient times that the fast was established by the apostles and lasted forty days almost from the beginning of its establishment, and the name “Quentary Day” itself is often found in ancient written monuments.

However, the fast of the Holy Pentecost (lasting 40 days everywhere) was not observed in the ancient Church at the same time. This depended on the unequal calculation of the days of fasting and the days when it was allowed. In the Eastern Churches, the order of observance of Lent that exists to this day was established in the 4th century.

Great Lent consists of a forty-day fast (Four Days) and the fast of Holy Week “for the sake of the saving passions” of Christ. The Apostolic Decrees on Great Lent say: “Let this fast (Four Day) be accomplished before the fast of Easter (Holy Week)” (Book 5, Chapter I).

Ancient Christians observed Lent with particular strictness, abstaining even from drinking water until the ninth (third in the afternoon) hour of the day. They ate food after the ninth hour, eating bread and vegetables. Meat, milk, cheese, eggs were prohibited.

The rules for observing Great Lent are also reflected in the Church Charter. During the first and Holy Weeks, the Orthodox Church prescribes especially strict fasting. On Monday and Tuesday of the first week, it is prescribed to observe the highest degree of fasting: “It is not appropriate to eat at all.” During the remaining weeks of Lent, except Saturdays and Sundays, there is dry eating. On Saturdays and Sundays, cooked food with oil (vegetable oil) is allowed. And only on the Feast of the Annunciation, if it does not fall during Holy Week, is eating fish permitted.

The Church strictly condemns those who violate Lent, but, acting in the spirit of God’s love and mercy, does not impose the rules of fasting in its entirety on children, the sick, the infirm and the elderly, and does not exclude them from participating in the joy of communion and Easter. But those who are weak in body, like those who are healthy, are obliged to perform deeds of love and mercy during Lent and, just like during other fasts, to keep a spiritual fast from sins.

In numerous stichera and troparions of the services of the Holy Pentecost, the Church explains the essence of true fasting as a means of spiritual rebirth: a time of spiritual achievement, strengthening oneself in self-denial, and mortifying sinful desires. Therefore, in her hymns, the Church calls the Holy Pentecost a joyful time of fasting.



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