Steamed rice in a slow cooker is crumbly. How to cook fluffy rice in a slow cooker. Rice with mushrooms in a slow cooker

Steamed rice in a slow cooker is crumbly. How to cook fluffy rice in a slow cooker. Rice with mushrooms in a slow cooker

You and I can easily prepare the ideal fluffy rice recipe in a multicooker today. Do you know how to cook it crumbly? So that grain by grain, so that it’s just perfect? I think there are many housewives who were not satisfied with crumbly rice the first time. Or maybe he didn’t submit at all.

It happens, what can you do? But in order to learn how to cook this or that dish correctly and tasty, we share our recipes here, right?

Therefore, for those to whom he still has not submitted, my article today. In it, I decided to discuss several burning issues. How to cook rice deliciously?
How long does it take to cook rice? How to cook fluffy rice? Sushi rice in a slow cooker, how to cook? How to cook perfect rice in 12 minutes (not in a slow cooker)?

Let's start with the main thing. For each dish, it is better to take a specific variety, which behaves differently during the cooking process. For pilaf it is better to take steamed, long one. For risotto, choose the Arborio variety, and for sushi, buy a special sushi variety with a high gluten content. The cooking time and the ratio of cereals to water are also different in each individual case. Fluffy rice is suitable for preparing a side dish. This goes great in a slow cooker (or any other meat). Stewed mushrooms, stewed or steamed vegetables and fish go well with it.

Rice diet for weight loss - this kind of rice, cooked without salt and butter, is also suitable for it. Well, now in more detail about each method of cooking rice.

Rice in a multicooker recipe is crumbly,

we need:

  • Rice (steamed) – 1 cup (I have a multi-cup for a slow cooker);
  • Boiling water – 2 glasses (I have a multi-glass), i.e. proportion 1:2;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • 30 grams of butter or a tablespoon of olive or vegetable oil.

Rice in a slow cooker recipe:

Sushi rice in a slow cooker recipe:

How to cook fluffy rice in 12 minutes without using a slow cooker, Pokhlebkin’s recipe:

  1. This recipe from the famous culinary writer Pokhlebkin is known to many. But this fact does not make the recipe any less attractive. What if you don’t know him, which means he’ll be so useful to you!
  2. The meaning and secret of perfect preparation of this recipe is as follows. You cook the rice for exactly 12 minutes, which must be distributed in a certain way.
  3. Take 200 grams of rice - 300 grams of water (boiling water). You need to cook in a cauldron with a tight lid, wrapped in a towel, so that even a little steam does not leak through it. Even with a strong boil, nothing should escape through your tight lid with a towel.
  4. After the rice has boiled, cook it for three minutes on high heat, seven minutes on medium, and two minutes on low. Formula (3+7=2=12).
  5. After this time, turn off the stove and do not open the tight lid for exactly 12 minutes. After this time, you can open the lid and enjoy every grain of rice. Now you can add oil, salt and any additives to taste.

These are the secret recipes for making perfect rice that I have prepared for you today. It seems to me that I catered to all tastes - I didn’t forget the sushi rice in the slow cooker, and I wrote to you about the perfect rice in 12 minutes in a regular cauldron. Well, the recipe for rice in a slow cooker is perfect and there is nothing to say, it really turned out “grain to grain.” Take advantage of your health and cook the perfect rice for any occasion. I'm waiting for your feedback in the comments. Let me know what method of cooking rice you used and what your results were. And of course, come visit me again and again, the most delicious recipes and discussions are yet to come!

Time: 40 min.

Servings: 5-6

Difficulty: 1 of 5

The perfect side dish of fluffy rice in a slow cooker

Preparing a delicious side dish is not always an easy task. Especially when it comes to cereals. And rice is rightfully considered the “king” of whims.

The requirements for the sequence of actions are very strict, starting from its type and ending with the dishes in which the cook is going to cook it. The slightest mistake - and the result will be disastrous: the side dish will stick together, burn, boil into a homogeneous mass, or, on the contrary, will be soft on the outside, but crispy on the inside.

Oddly enough, there is a panacea for this case: and this, of course, is modern technology. Cooking fluffy rice in a slow cooker - nothing could be easier!

By the way, in many Western countries, a multicooker is used exclusively in cases where it is necessary to cook rice: only in this electrical appliance does it turn out perfect, grain by grain. Even if you follow all the requirements and nuances, you can’t cook this in a saucepan.

Often, the cooked cereal has to be constantly stirred so that it does not stick to the walls of the dish, and this leads to a disruption of the structure of the grains, and as a result, instead of an appetizing side dish, you end up with some kind of porridge.

It’s different from our assistant’s bowl with its non-stick coating! Therefore, fluffy rice in a slow cooker always turns out with a bang.

Let's start, of course, by purchasing the right product. We're going to make the perfect side dish, so our goal is grains that won't get mushy or sticky. Choose a package that says “Steamed Long Grain.”

So, we have decided on the type of main ingredient. Let's look at the full list of products:

Please note, to make fluffy rice in a slow cooker, you need to take the main components - rice and water - in a strict ratio of one to two. It doesn’t matter what to measure (with a regular glass or from a multicooker, with a cup), the main thing is to maintain the proportion.

Step 1

Sort the rice. Separate small debris and throw away. Now the cereal needs to be rinsed with cold water (never hot: this will affect the taste of the finished dish). You can do this in two ways:

  • traditional - pour the cereal into a bowl or saucepan, fill with cold water. Rinse the grains and drain the liquid. Repeat the procedure 7 to 10 times until the grains stop coloring the water.
  • innovative - place a saucepan with cereal under a faucet with running water. Wait until the liquid overflowing becomes clear. This is a good method, but completely uneconomical - you will need much more water than in the first case.

Thoroughly washed rice becomes light in color, its grains are almost transparent, as in the photo below.

Step 2

Place the prepared cereal (the water in which it was rinsed, of course, should be drained) into the multicooker bowl. Many authors advise that before cooking rice, first soak it for at least half an hour in cold water.

This is good advice, especially if you want to prepare a preparation for milk porridge: in this case, boiled grains that have turned into one sticky lump will come in handy.

But for further preparation in a slow cooker, this product does not require additional soaking. Therefore, we simply put the washed grains into the bowl.

Step 3

Fill the cereal with water, immediately put half the butter and salt into the bowl. If you like your dishes seasoned, you can add your favorite spices at this stage. Traditionally, rice is seasoned with saffron or turmeric.

A classic is curry (especially if you are planning a side dish for poultry). Do you like Mediterranean scents? Then add basil, dried tomatoes and oregano. In stores today you can buy ready-made mixtures of herbs and dried vegetables that can be used to season a rice side dish.

Step 4

Select the multicooker mode “Rice”. Perhaps your model does not have such a function, then you can prepare the dish using the “Porridge” or even “Buckwheat” program. Don't worry about time: the smart machine will take care of this issue itself.

Step 5

When the sound signal sounds, turn off the multicooker. The fact is that at the end of the main mode, heating is turned on: in fact, heat treatment continues. Open the lid, add the remaining piece of butter, close the lid and let the dish sit for a quarter of an hour.

Steamed rice as a side dish in a slow cooker is a universal solution, as it goes well with any animal protein: meat, poultry or fish.

Watch another version of this dish in the video below:

To properly boil rice, you need to achieve complete evaporation of water, which, according to statistics, few people know about. Fortunately, now the process of processing cereals can be entrusted to a multicooker, which significantly simplifies the manipulation. Devices from brands such as Redmond, Polaris and many others even have specialized functions to complete the task. But don’t expect that the procedure has become as simple as pressing a button.

If you want to learn how to cook a tasty and crumbly product, you will have to learn a few rules. In addition, you need to understand how much to boil cereals in which case, because the indicator can be 20-50 minutes, and sometimes you also have to change modes.

Important nuances of organizing the process

Before trusting the main component of a smart multicooker, you need to read the recommendations compiled by professional and simply experienced chefs. They will help you avoid common mistakes and achieve optimal results.

  1. First you need to select rice. Regardless of which multicooker (Panasonic, Redmond or Tefal) the component is processed in, the result will be approximately the same. The round grain product will be a little sticky, but juicy. Long grain is slightly dry, but it is always crumbly. Wild and unpolished varieties need to be cooked longer than usual, and any mistake can lead to spoilage of the product.
  2. Be sure to rinse the component in cold water until the liquid remains clear. If the starch is not completely washed away, the finished rice will turn into a sticky and unappetizing mixture. With each approach, it is recommended to take increasingly warm water, this will prepare the cereal for processing.
  3. Particular attention should be paid to how much water to use for boiling the product. You can read about this on the label, but do not forget that the faster the product cooks, the less liquid it needs.
  4. Rice should only be immersed in boiling water, otherwise the grains may stick together and the product itself will turn out to be dry.
  5. When boiling rice in a slow cooker, you can add a little butter or vegetable oil to the water. This will have a positive impact on the quality of the final product.

Despite the fact that modern devices from the Redmond, Polaris and other brands have profile modes, the optimal result is obtained when the component is steamed. To do this, you should use a special basket. However, with this approach, the average time for processing cereals increases by 10-20 minutes.

Basic rice recipes

Even the simplest side dish or crumbly component for later use in other dishes can be cooked in a variety of ways.
Here are just the most common of them:

  • Basic option. For 2 cups of steamed cereal, take 4 cups of water and a little salt. Place the washed rice in the bowl of the device, pour boiling water and add salt. If the multicooker has the “Rice”, “Pilaf” or “Buckwheat” modes, select it. In devices of the Redmond and Polaris brands, the time can be set by default, but it is better to set it manually to half an hour. However, it is worth considering that in the “Pilaf” mode the mass can fry from below, so you need to control the process.

Tip: Changing the look and taste of a familiar product is very easy. If you add a little milk to the water, it will turn snow-white. If you use saffron or turmeric, it will be golden and aromatic. Rice boiled in broth can replace a full meal.

  • Rice with vegetable oil. For 2 cups of steamed rice, take a tablespoon of vegetable oil, water, salt, pepper, and spices to taste. Place the washed product in a bowl, add oil and all the spices, and add salt. Stir the mixture and level it with a spatula. Pour water so that it is 1.5 fingers higher than the level of the product. Processing is carried out in the “Buckwheat” mode, the default cooking time.

  • Option with butter. For a glass of steamed cereal, take 2 glasses of water, two tablespoons of butter and a little salt. Mix the washed rice directly in the slow cooker with butter and salt, fill the product with water. It is best to cook it on the “Milk porridge” mode for half an hour.
  • Crumbly round grain product. To prepare a tasty side dish from this component, you need to take cereal and water in equal quantities. The mass is prepared with a small amount of salt in the “Rice” mode, which is found in most devices from the Philips, Redmond and Polaris brands. If it is missing, run the “Multi-cook” mode for 20 minutes, check the result and, if necessary, increase the processing time.

The technical features of the multicooker play an important role when boiling a component. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly evaluate the results obtained and, if necessary, adjust time indicators, combine or change modes.

How to properly prepare sushi rice?

In a slow cooker you can get not only crumbly, but also quite sticky rice, which is ideal for making rolls and sushi. At the same time, it is not necessary to use a specialized product; ordinary Kuban varieties of cereal will turn out no worse. There are two approaches, but in any case, the cereal must first be soaked in cold water for 20-30 minutes. Salt and spices are not added during the cooking process; they are introduced along with the sauce.

  • For 2 cups of rice, take 2.5 cups of water, 2 tablespoons of rice vinegar, a teaspoon of sugar and soy sauce. Place the washed and soaked rice in a bowl, fill it with cold (!) water and close the lid. The product is cooked in the “Buckwheat” or “Rice” mode. You can also use the “Baking” mode for 10 minutes, and then start the “Stew” mode for 20 minutes. While the product is being prepared, you need to prepare and heat the sauce, which is poured into the finished composition.
  • For 2 cups of rice, take 2.5 cups of water and two tablespoons of rice vinegar. Mix the prepared component in a multicooker with water and close the lid. It needs to be cooked in the “Buckwheat” mode for as long as set by the program. After the mixture is ready, we begin to gradually add vinegar to it. The main thing is to stop in time, otherwise the product will eventually lose its stickiness and become too crumbly.

In addition, you can not just boil cereals in a slow cooker, but immediately prepare full meals. This approach turns out to be especially tasty as a side dish with onions, ginger, and vegetables. Just do not use ingredients whose processing time exceeds the cooking time of the rice, this may negatively affect the consistency of the finished composition.

Often, such a simple task as boiling cereals turns into an ever-burning or soggy hell for many housewives. This is especially true for the oryza, beloved by Asians, but if you cook rice in a slow cooker, then most of the difficulties with this rebellious grain can be avoided. This smart pan allows you to achieve the perfect, uncooked and crumbly side dish for meat, fish and vegetable dishes, or delicious milk porridge.

But why exactly does a multicooker produce such excellent results when working with rice? The thing is that this know-how in our kitchens is a direct descendant of the miracle of thought of Japanese engineers - the rice cooker. And who, if not the Asians, knows a lot about perfectly cooked white cereals.

Cooking rice in water or steamed in a slow cooker is a procedure that even a child can do. And yet, regardless of the fact that a multicooker is an indecently intelligent technique, this process still raises a lot of questions. How long to cook rice, which program is better to choose, and how to calculate the proportions of water and cereal?

In this article we will try to cover and study as much as possible all the features of cooking in a smart pan, and also master the classic recipe for cooking rice.

Cooking truisms

In order for the practice to be a success, you should initially study the theory, namely, become familiar with all aspects of a successful side dish.

Rice variety

The first step is to decide what we expect from our cooking and what type of rice cereal is most suitable for this.

  • The round one will be an ideal solution for porridges and Japanese snacks, since in its finished form it is tender, sticky and, so to speak, juicy.
  • The steamed elongated type is a godsend for pilaf, due to its friability.
  • Brown, black and red rice are perfect for side dishes in your diet. These grains are incredibly healthy, dry and do not stick together when cooked.


To achieve the best results in cooking, cereals, especially polished ones, must be thoroughly rinsed before cooking.

When changing water, you need to gradually increase its temperature. That is, having started washing with an ice-cold rinse, it is better to finish with a relatively hot “shower”.


The correct choice of heat treatment period can guarantee a successful dish. Here again, it all depends on the type of cereal.

If it takes only 15-20 minutes to boil polished grains, then for coarse types (brown and wild) - from 30 to 50 time units.

Proportions of water and rice

Another important aspect is the ratio of water and cereal. And in this case, everything again depends on the varieties.

  • For round grains, not so much water may be required - 1:1 or 1:1.5.
  • Long grain rice will require a little more liquid (1:2 or 3:5).
  • As for the useful varieties, they can be classified as moisture-loving, and therefore these grains must be pre-soaked for several hours, and only after that subjected to heat treatment.

Boiling temperature

There are also requirements regarding water temperature. The liquid with which we intend to pour the rice must be extremely hot.

If these conditions are met, the rice will cook evenly and will be crumbly. You can also flavor the porridge with butter or vegetable oil, literally 1-2 tbsp.

Multicooker programs

Now let's talk about programming the unit.

The “rice” mode in a multicooker is now present in most modern models of kitchen miracle pots. This program allows you to easily prepare a delicious crumbly side dish or even a complete dish, such as pilaf, rice with vegetables, seafood or mushrooms.

Otherwise, on the control panel of the device, you can just as easily use the “buckwheat”, “cooking” or “stewing” modes.

And so we chose the variety we needed, rinsed the grains thoroughly, prepared the water and the slow cooker, and now we can start cooking!

Standard recipe

  • In this case, we take water from a 1:2 ratio. That is, for 400 g of rice (2 tbsp.) there is 1 liter of liquid (4 full tbsp.).
  • Place the thoroughly washed cereal into the bowl of the unit, pour boiling water over it and add salt to taste. If desired, you can also add 50 g of butter.
  • After that, closing the lid of the multi-pan, set the “Buckwheat”, “Rice”, “Pilaf” or “Cooking” mode for half an hour.

But it is worth remembering that when using the “pilaf” program, the device should be turned off 10 minutes before the end of cooking, otherwise the side dish will turn out with a crispy crust.

Puffy round grain rice

As we already know, round, snow-white grains have increased stickiness and it is quite a difficult task to achieve friability from such porridge. But not for a slow cooker.

  • If you take 2 multi-cups of thoroughly washed short-grain rice and the same amount of hot water (2 tbsp), then this is enough to make an excellent dish for breakfast, lunch or dinner.
  • We load all the ingredients into the multicooker bowl, close the lid of the device, turn on the “Rice” program and wait for the signal that the dish is ready.
  • Adding salt, sugar, butter, spices or dried fruits to taste and desire can be done upon completion of cooking the porridge.

All children have loved rice porridge since kindergarten. This is what we will prepare with the help of a kitchen assistant.


  • — 1.5 multicups + -
  • — 5 multicups + -
  • - pinch + -
  • - 3-4 tsp. + -
  • - 1-2 tbsp. l. + -


  • First, rinse the rice until the water is clear and load it into the container of the unit, where we also pour heated milk, add sugar, salt and butter.
  • Next, let's decide on the program. Here you will need to use 2 modes alternately. First, set the “Rice”, “Buckwheat”, “Cooking” or “Milk Porridge” program for 25 minutes.
  • As soon as the signal sounds, reset the mode to “Warming” and the timer for 15 minutes, after which you can invite your restless little one to the table.

Any model of smart kitchen utensils comes with a steam nozzle that allows you to make steamed brown rice.

Such a side dish will definitely be healthier than a boiled one, since steam heat treatment preserves up to 80% of all minerals and vitamins contained in the bran shell.

Cooking rice cereal this way is not difficult:

  1. Rice washed several times (2 multi-cups) must be soaked for an hour in cool water. This measure will allow the grains to absorb moisture as much as possible during the heat treatment process.
  2. After 60 minutes, pour 4 cups of boiling water into the multicooker bowl. We place a steamer on top, covered with gauze, so that the grains do not fall through the large holes of the nozzle. And then pour the grains onto the gauze and level them over the entire surface.
  3. Having closed the device with a lid, we leave the rice to steam for 45-60 minutes in the “Steam” mode.

Here you need to immediately make a reservation that for polished varieties, the cooking time should be reduced to 30 minutes.

Among all the most useful cereals on earth, the Thai variety of oryza occupies a leading position.

Black grains contain 18 amino acids, B complex vitamins, tocopherol, and also have the lowest calorie content.

However, the skin of this most valuable type of cereal is so strong that before , how to cook wild rice in a slow cooker , it must be soaked for at least 5 hours, preferably overnight. And after the allotted time, we can start preparing the dietary side dish.


  • Black rice – 150 g;
  • Water – 400 ml;
  • Olive oil – 1.5 tbsp;
  • Sea salt – 1.5 tsp;


  1. Place the soaked rice in the pressure cooker bowl and fill with hot water.
  2. You also need to immediately add some salt and oil to the cereal, then close the lid and valve, and set the “Stewing”, “Rice”, “Grain” or “Pilaf” program for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Once cooking is complete, you can reset the mode to “Warming” and let the porridge sit for another 15 minutes.

On many units, the timer is set automatically depending on the selected program, so when cooking cereals, it is best to rely on the mind of the kitchen assistant. She knows better how to properly cook rice in a slow cooker.

How do you cook rice? The majority of the population will answer this question something like this: “We wash the rice, put it in a pan with boiling (or cold) salted water, cook until tender, drain in a colander, and rinse.” Do you know that this method of cooking rice is fundamentally wrong? Any cereal, including rice, needs to be cooked like buckwheat, evaporating the water. This method leaves all the beneficial substances in the rice, which we drain along with the cooking water into the sink. It also allows you to cook crumbly, slightly sticky, slightly dense, not overcooked rice - an ideal side dish for fish, seafood, meat and poultry.

And what, if not a multicooker, will cope with this task better than anyone else? No wonder, because the closest relative of the multicooker is the rice cooker - an invention of Japanese engineers (and this is understandable, because for the Japanese, Chinese and Koreans, rice is like potatoes for us). And yet, despite the fact that a multicooker is an indecently smart device, you won’t be able to cook rice in it without putting in the required minimum effort.

1. First, decide on the variety: short-grain rice will turn out “juicy”, slightly sticky, steamed long-grain rice, on the contrary, dry and crumbly. In addition, brown or wild rice takes an order of magnitude longer to cook than regular polished rice, so to avoid any embarrassment, carefully read the instructions on the package.

2. Then rinse the rice thoroughly in cool water. “Thoroughly” means until the water draining from the rice is completely clear. Starch that is not completely washed out of the cereal will stick together the grains of rice, no matter how hard you try. Therefore, wash the rice like this: pour the rice into a colander and place it in a wide saucepan with cool water. Rinse the rice, stirring gently so that the rice grains do not break, then drain the water and repeat the procedure until the water becomes clear. With each new portion, add warmer water. After this, the rice can be soaked, this is especially important for steamed rice.

3. To obtain fluffy rice, it is important to choose the right amount of water. The ratio of water to rice ranges from 1:1 to 1:2, depending on the degree of friability and the type of rice. Round rice cooks quickly and requires less water, steamed and long-grain rice is cooked in a ratio of 1:2 or 3:5, but the amount of water for brown and wild rice must be selected in strict accordance with the instructions on the package.

4. The water you pour over the rice must be hot. If this condition is met, your rice will cook evenly, will not stick together and will be quite juicy.

5. You can add a tablespoon of vegetable or butter to the water for cooking rice.

6. The best way to cook rice is steaming. In this case, the rice will turn out really crumbly, while retaining the maximum of nutrients.

All other recommendations are optional and can be used as desired. For example, rice can be flavored: add bay leaf, garlic, black peppercorns, rosemary, lemon peel or dried herbs. Rice in a slow cooker can be tinted by adding a little curry powder or saffron for a golden color, and you can also use a diluted bouillon cube instead of water. Milk is sometimes added to the water for cooking rice - the rice becomes snow-white. If “just rice” is boring for you, cook rice with vegetables - onions, carrots, bell peppers, green peas or corn. But true connoisseurs cook rice in its “pure form”, without salt and spices, and only add salt or soy sauce to the plate - it is believed that this is the best way to reveal the taste and aroma of the ancient cereal, so beloved by almost the whole world.

So, the rice has been selected, washed, and the multicooker is ready. Let's cook our slow cooker recipes!

Basic recipe for cooking rice

2 stacks steamed rice,
4 stacks water,
salt - to taste.

Rinse the rice in several waters, place in a multicooker bowl, cover with boiling water and add salt. Close the lid, set the “Buckwheat”, “Rice”, “Pilaf” or “Normal Cooking” mode (for 30 minutes). Remember that the “Pilaf” mode fries the rice from the bottom, so turn off the multicooker 10 minutes before the end of the mode if you do not want to get “crusted” rice.

Rice with vegetable oil

2 multi cups steamed rice,
1 tbsp. vegetable oil,
salt, ground black pepper, spices - to taste.

Place the washed rice in a multicooker bowl, add oil and spices, level with a spatula and fill with water to a height of 1.5 fingers above the level of the rice. Close the lid and set the “Buckwheat” mode.

Rice with butter

1 stack steamed rice,
2 stacks water,
50 g butter,
salt - to taste.

Place the washed rice in the multicooker bowl, add salt and butter and set the “Milk porridge” mode. After 30 minutes from the start of the mode, turn off the multicooker.

Puffy round grain rice

2 multi-cups short grain rice,
2 multi glasses of water.

Rinse the round rice very thoroughly and place it in a multicooker bowl. Fill with hot water and turn on the “Rice” mode. Add salt, spices, soy sauce, oil to taste to the prepared rice.

Rice in a slow cooker with broth

3 multi-cups rice,
5 multi-cups water or broth,
salt, butter - to taste.

Rinse the rice until the water is clear and place in the multicooker bowl. Dissolve broth cubes to taste in hot water (or use ready-made broth, it’s healthier), pour rice in a bowl and add salt, oil and spices to taste. Set the “Buckwheat” mode.

Steamed rice. Rinse the rice in several waters until completely transparent and soak in clean water for 1 hour. This is necessary so that the rice absorbs moisture better when steamed. Line the steamer basket with gauze so that the rice does not fall through large holes, pour the rice into it and smooth it out. Pour double the amount of hot water into the bowl, close the lid and set the “Steam” mode for 30 minutes. For brown and wild rice, the cooking time should be increased by 1.5-2 times.
A separate line should be said about sushi rice. To prepare rolls and sushi, you should cook fairly sticky, not crumbly rice; this consistency is required to obtain dense, non-falling pieces. You can use special sushi rice, its grains are small and round, but ordinary Kuban round-grain rice is quite suitable. Sushi rice must first be soaked in cold water for 20-30 minutes. Sushi rice is cooked without salt and spices, then a special sauce based on rice vinegar is added to the finished rice.

Rice for sushi

2 stacks sushi rice,
2.5 stacks water,
2 tbsp. rice vinegar,
1 tsp soy sauce,
1 tsp Sahara.

Rinse the rice until the water is clear and soak. Place in a bowl, fill with cold water and close the lid. Set the “Rice” or “Buckwheat” mode. You can use the “Baking” mode (10 minutes), then the “Stew” mode (20 minutes). While the rice is cooking, mix the ingredients for the sauce and heat through. Pour the sauce into the cooked rice and stir.

Another way to make sushi rice

2 stacks sushi rice,
2.5 stacks water,
50-60 ml rice vinegar.

Place the washed rice in a multicooker bowl and fill with water. Set the “Buckwheat” mode. After the signal about the end of the mode, add vinegar little by little, stirring the rice. Do not overdo it with vinegar; too much will make the rice crumbly.

Try adding vegetables to rice - you will get a bright and tasty side dish!

Rice with onions

1 stack rice,
2 stacks water,
1 onion,
1 bouillon cube,
2 tbsp. butter.

Cut the onion into small cubes and simmer in the “Baking” mode with butter until transparent. Pour in the washed rice, pour in hot water in which the broth cube is dissolved, close the lid and set the “Rice”, “Buckwheat” or “Pilaf” program.

Rice with vegetables

300 g rice,
1 onion,
1 carrot,
½ cup frozen green peas,
2-3 tbsp. butter,
300-350 ml water,
salt, ground black pepper, vegetable oil - to taste.

Cut the onion into small cubes, grate the carrots on a coarse grater, defrost the peas. In the multicooker bowl in the “Baking” mode, simmer the vegetables in vegetable oil until soft. Meanwhile, rinse and briefly soak the rice. When the vegetables are ready, pour in the rice, smooth it out, add salt and pepper to taste, add butter and hot water and close the lid. There is no need to mix the products. Set the “Multi-cook” (100°C) or “Stew” mode with a cooking time of 30-40 minutes. Let sit on the “Keep Warm” setting for 5-10 minutes and serve.

Rice with vegetables and ginger

300 g rice,
500-550 ml water,
50 g butter,
1 onion,
1 carrot,
½ sweet pepper
1 cm ginger root,
1 tbsp. vegetable oil.

Cut the onion, carrots and bell peppers into cubes, grate the ginger on a fine grater. Place the vegetables in the multicooker bowl, pour in the vegetable oil and turn on the “Baking” mode for 20 minutes. Fry the vegetables, stirring, until soft. Then place pre-washed and soaked rice on top of the vegetables, level it, add hot water, add salt and close the lid. Set the “Buckwheat” mode. After the signal about the end of the mode, stir, add salt if necessary, and serve.

And be sure to take a look at our recipes section, you can find many more delicious and proven recipes there.

Larisa Shuftaykina



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