A simple recipe for herring under a fur coat, step by step. Classic herring under a fur coat. Spicy herring under a fur coat - recipe with pickled cucumber

A simple recipe for herring under a fur coat, step by step. Classic herring under a fur coat. Spicy herring under a fur coat - recipe with pickled cucumber

It’s hard to imagine at least one holiday without this salad. Both adults and children love him. Herring under a fur coat is almost universal. It is enthusiastically received both at a holiday and as a regular snack.

There are many interesting recipes. With the addition of special ingredients, you can change your usual dish almost beyond recognition. And which dish, in the end, to give preference to, should be decided after taking the sample.

How to clean and cut herring

ABOUT making the right choice The main ingredient and the method of its preparation must be known in advance. It is important to properly cut the herring. And for this it is worth learning some nuances.


  • Herring.

Cooking process:

1.First of all, it is necessary to properly prepare the cutting surface. Ideally, it should be a board wrapped several times with cling film. After finishing cutting, the film should simply be thrown away in order to avoid unnecessary odors.

Before cutting, it is advisable to rinse and dry the carcass well. Place the herring with its belly facing you. Cut off the head. From the place where the head was, carefully cut the abdomen all the way to the tail. Remove all entrails. If necessary, separate the milk or caviar.

2.Using a paper towel, wipe the inside and outside of the fish well. Do not rinse, as excess moisture spoils the taste of the fish. Completely remove the black film protecting the meat. Almost on the ridge itself there is a vein. It must be carefully removed.

3.One of the tricks to easily separating bones from meat is pre-prep. Wrap the herring in cling film and hit the table several times on both sides. Remove the film and cut out the fins.

4.Place the carcass on a cutting board with the skin on top. Press firmly over the ridge and sweep along it several times.

5.Pull out the ridge and cut it off from the tail.

6. Carefully feel the fish for the presence of large bones. If there are any left: delete. Small bones are absolutely safe.

7. Turn the carcass skin side up. Carefully pry it off. Holding it with one hand, separate the fillet from it.

8. Literally five minutes and the fillet is ready for further cooking. How it will be served depends on the cook.

Once you learn how to properly cut herring, you can prepare a salad with a unique taste.

Herring under a fur coat: the most interesting recipes

Even those who have never prepared this salad should definitely do it. The classics are unchanged, but some changes, even classic recipes, must undergo.

Classic recipe for herring under a fur coat

Everyone knows it and has tried it. It is an excellent snack, which is difficult to refuse and without which it is impossible to imagine any feast.


  • Herring fillet.
  • Carrots – 2 pieces.
  • Potatoes – 4 tubers.
  • Onion - head.
  • The beets are average.
  • Egg.
  • Mayonnaise.

The dish is designed for 4 people.

Cooking process:

1. Wash the carrots and potatoes, put on the fire, and boil until fully cooked.

2. Cook beets separately.

3. Boil the egg with salt.

4. Separate the herring from the bones and skin. Cut into small pieces.

5. Peel the potato tubers and rub them through a coarse grater.

6.Grate the carrots.

7. With beets, we do the same procedure on a coarse grater.

8.Peel the onion. Finely chop.

9.Pour boiling water over the onion. Let it brew for at least 10 minutes until the bitterness and pungency are completely gone.

10.Put grated potatoes into a salad bowl, distribute, brush with sauce.

11.Put out the herring. Spread with sauce.

12.Sprinkle onions on top.

13.Lay out the egg. Spread with sauce.

14.Place carrots on top and spread with mayonnaise.

15.Place the beets and spread with mayonnaise.

In order to experience the fullness of the taste, the salad must brew well for at least 4-6 hours. Wait, but that doesn't make it any less delicious recipe, everyone will like it.

Video recipe:

Bon appetit!

Herring under a fur coat with apples

Just one product can radically change the taste characteristics of a dish. The addition of apples will only benefit the dish and will receive a special note of piquancy. When cooking, it is worth using sour varieties of apples.


  • Herring fillet.
  • Medium beets.
  • Potatoes – 3 tubers.
  • Apples - 2 fruits.
  • Carrots – 2 pieces.
  • Bulb onions.
  • Mayonnaise - packaging.

The dish is designed for 5 persons.

Cooking process:

1. Boil all vegetables well. Pour in ice water to remove the peel better and let cool.

2.Clear. Grind on a coarse grater.

3.Cut the fillet into small cubes. Place in a salad bowl. Sprinkle with onion rings and coat with mayonnaise.

4.Lay in layers one by one: potatoes, carrots, apples, beets. Between each layer, add sauce.

Guests will be pleased with the new taste of a well-known dish.

Herring under a fur coat: roll

The original classic. This is exactly what this method of presentation should be called. Few people recognize the exquisite roll familiar dish. It’s worth learning the basic secrets of cooking and starting to implement them. Although the main nuance lies in the method of preparing the ingredients: fine grater. And then it’s a matter of technique and imagination.


  • Herring fillet.
  • Beets are one root vegetable.
  • Potatoes – 4 tubers.
  • Chicken eggs - a couple of pieces.
  • Bulb onions.
  • Carrots are two root vegetables.
  • Mayonnaise.

The dish is designed for 8 people.

Cooking process:

1. Boil root vegetables. Fill with ice water.

2.Clean. Grind using the finest grater.

3. Remove excess juice from beets and carrots.

4.Finely chop the onion and mix with chopped herring.

5. Boil the eggs and grind them on a fine grater.

6.Roll out the cling film. Place beets on top. Sprinkle with spices. Rub it well with your hands. Add the sauce and spread it.

7. Lay out layers one by one: carrots, potatoes, eggs, greasing them with mayonnaise.

8. Carefully place the herring and onion mixture in the middle. Form into a roll and wrap in cling film. Place in the refrigerator overnight.

9.Remove the film. Cut into portions. Garnish with herbs and chopped yolk.

Few people will guess that under all this masterpiece lies their most favorite dish.

Original salad design

A simple presentation will no longer surprise anyone. All you have to do is apply a little imagination and the salad will have an excellent original appearance.


Cut the boiled beets into half rings. Cut the carrots into thin strips of varying lengths. Make “scales” from the beets, spreading them around the entire perimeter of the salad. Use carrots to form the fins and mouth of the fish. The eyes should be made from egg beans with the addition of olives.


Cut 12 small circles from boiled beets. Arrange in outer circle. Write Latin numbers on them using mayonnaise. Also cut arrows from beets. This type of decoration would be perfect for the New Year.

Christmas tree

Cut out a stencil with any design from paper. In this case: Christmas trees. Place in the center. Sprinkle all kinds of greens around, and the main picture can be made using whites or yolks. If desired, you can combine everything.

Sea fish

Cut the boiled beets and carrots into half rings. Take onions and green onions. Alternate beets and carrots to make scales. Make the eyes using onions and olives. And green onions are perfect for fins.


Courage is always held in high esteem. In this case, you need the head and tail of the herring. Place them at the beginning and end of the salad and make a fish skeleton from mayonnaise.

Your favorite dish can be prepared not only tasty, but also beautiful. Herring under a fur coat is no exception. All that remains is to choose the serving method and begin the culinary masterpiece.

One of the most important dishes of any New Year's holiday table is puff salad, Herring under a Fur Coat. According to the classic recipe, it is prepared in layers soaked in mayonnaise from: potatoes, onions, carrots, beets and of course the herring itself. There are various variations of this dish with the addition of apple or cheese, but today we will prepare that classic herring under a fur coat that we have known since childhood.

The main ingredient is, of course, the herring itself or its fillet. I prefer to use, so to speak, a natural product rather than a semi-finished product, because the more effort and soul you put into a dish, the tastier it turns out.

The herring must be cut, bones removed and cut into small pieces as in the photo.

Boil the vegetables in their jackets for about half an hour until they are soft enough.

Peeling beets, potatoes and carrots is very easy, you don't even need a knife.

Place potatoes as the first layer. To do this, grind it on a medium grater and distribute it in an even layer, and then grease it with mayonnaise. Here it is necessary to make a small clarification, if you use a little mayonnaise, then the layers: potatoes, carrots and beets need to be slightly salted - I did just that.

Place finely chopped onions on a potato bed and also coat with mayonnaise.

The next layer is the cooked herring fillet, which must be distributed over the onion in an even layer.

Grate the boiled carrots, as well as the potatoes, on a medium grater, place them on top of the herring and coat with mayonnaise.

The final layer is grated beets, which also need to be soaked in mayonnaise and leveled as in the photo. For leveling, it is best to use a regular tablespoon. If desired, the classic salad Herring under a fur coat is decorated with chopped or grated boiled eggs, as well as chopped fresh herbs.

So we have prepared our very real herring under a fur coat, which is not a shame to serve at any holiday table, and especially on New Year. Bon appetit!

“Herring under a fur coat” is a savory appetizer for any event. The salad can be made "on a quick fix", arrange it on regular toast, or serve it for breakfast in a wine glass. From the classic recipe for the “Herring under a Fur Coat” salad, known to our parents, today, perhaps, there is only one thing left - layering. Modern “Cinderellas” do not like to stand at the stove for hours and are increasingly choosing a buffet version of the snack.

Option “Fur coats” in a glass

The main rule for the success of any Herring under a Fur Coat salad recipe is a minimum of calories. The trend of a healthy lifestyle forces modern housewives to change the recipe of the dish in favor of giving up starchy products, replacing them with fruits (mango, apple) and cheeses. Even the beets “got it”; they were generally told to “go out” along with the mayonnaise.

You can find a variety of recipe options for “Herring under a fur coat” - dietary and not so dietary, with herring and without it. And first, let's look at the cookbooks of our great-grandparents.

"Herring under a Fur Coat". History of origin

The first mention of the “herring masterpiece” was found in the cookbooks of Norwegian cooks from the mid-19th century. The recipe for preparing the appetizer exactly repeats the one familiar to modern housewives: herring, boiled beets and potatoes were laid out in turn, and all this was decorated with a hard-boiled egg on top.

Interestingly, the Scandinavians did not mix salads, but used the meal as cold snack. In England, around the same time, an analogue of the Scandinavian dish appeared; due to the fact that Norwegian herring was used in the preparation, this salad was called “Norwegian”. The herring fillet was cut into pieces, placed on the bottom of the dish, and covered with boiled and chopped beets and potatoes. On top of the dish they put grated sour apples And grated cheese. Here is such a simple recipe. The photo “Herring under a fur coat” in Norwegian speaks for itself. Adds piquancy to the dish green apples.

Norwegian salad with herring

The first variations of the salad in Russia resembled a vinaigrette, only without peas. They refueled it vegetable oil. After all, the mayonnaise that we know appeared in everyday life only at the beginning of the 20th century.

There is another, “conspiratorial version” of the appearance of salad in Russia, which, by the way, has been refuted by experts in the history of cooking - the salad was allegedly invented by the Bolsheviks. Moreover, this happened immediately after the revolution. In those days, the proletariat ate too little and drank too much, and fights and showdowns often happened in taverns.

According to one version, the salad appeared at the end of December 1918. Probably since then the tradition of “making a fur coat” on New Year's table in Russia and took root. And it was like this. An unknown chef of one of the capital's taverns, on behalf of the kulak Aristarkh Prokorptsev, created a hearty salad from everything that the common people loved so much. Namely: herrings with onions, beets - a symbol of blood and the proletariat, and vegetables beloved by the peasants - carrots and potatoes. It is quite possible that the author of the salad served in one of these taverns.

Tavern of the early 20th century

And after such a culinary discovery, the situation changed radically. Ordinary people appreciated the snack and took it to their chest, if not less, but at least on a full stomach. In confirmation of the Bolshevik “trace”, or more precisely, the Bolshevik hand, the desired version of the decoding of “Shuba” is given. By the way, quite in Mayakov style - clearly and abruptly: “Chauvinism and Decline - Boycott and Anathema.” These are the kind of politically savvy innkeepers we had after the revolution.

Basic ingredients for your favorite salad

For decades, the recipe of that same innkeeper remained practically unchanged: herring, onions, potatoes, carrots, beets and eggs - these are all the ingredients of the proletarian salad. This dish is still associated with purely Russian, an indispensable attribute of the New Year's feast. The Russians, naturally, added their own; first of all, they abandoned the usual European layers - the housewives mixed their masterpieces “to soak in” and left them in the refrigerator almost until the chimes struck.

“Fur coat” New Year’s, classic
Consistency of "Fur Fur"

How to choose the right herring

There are several proven ways to choose the best herring. First of all - appearance.

What exactly you need to pay attention to:

  1. Gills. They should be dark red, not brown.
  2. Eyes. If you want to choose lightly salted herring, the eyes should be red.
  3. Mouth. Males have a narrower and elongated mouth, while females have a round mouth. It is believed that male fish are more fleshy, while females give all their strength to their offspring, and there will be less pulp there.
  4. Carcass. When pressed, it should be elastic and not fall apart. There should be no marks or dents left in the areas of pressure. Fresh herring should not have salt stains or streaks. And the brine should remain light.

If the fish is covered with a white coating, then most likely the salting conditions have been violated.

And one more trick that will help you choose the right salting herring. The cloudier the herring's eyes, the deeper the salting, so for salads it is better not to take ready-made fillets, but to choose them yourself.

Lightly salted herring

The “skin” of properly salted fish will never burst. If there is still damage, then the herring is most likely spoiled. And its structure was disrupted due to very specific chemical processes, which caused “post-mortem wounds.” You cannot buy such fish. To reassure yourself, you should also take a sniff; the spoiled smell will most likely confirm this assumption.

Layer by layer. Lay out the ingredients correctly

The classic step-by-step recipe for “Herring under a fur coat” requires precise adherence to certain rules. First of all, beets play a huge role in the taste of the salad. If it is bitter or too sweet, it will give its own “shade” to the taste.

If you plan to use the “Shuba” recipe with an egg, then you should not buy herring in oil. Everyone knows that vegetable oil and this chicken product don't go together. Then it is better to take whole salted fish.

In a “good” recipe for “Herring under a fur coat,” the layers go in a clear order. This way, the products will better saturate each other, imparting a unique flavor.

Layers of salad “Herring under a fur coat”

The order of layers is usually like this:

  • the bottommost layer is the onion. Some housewives pickle it. To do this, you need to take equal proportions of water and 9% vinegar. Pour in the diced onion and leave for an hour;
  • herring. Sometimes it is allowed to lay it down, but in this case it is not always convenient to take it out. Therefore, one of the vegetable layers usually “covers” it from below;
  • boiled potatoes;
  • carrot;
  • eggs;
  • mayonnaise again;
  • beet;
  • final mayonnaise;
  • greenery;
  • A sprig of parsley and half an egg can serve as a classic decoration.

How to cook “Herring under a fur coat” - step-by-step recipes

It doesn’t matter which salad option you choose, you need to prepare the vegetables. There are some tricks here too.

When cooking vegetables, it is important to find the moment when they are no longer raw, but not yet overcooked. Otherwise, the potatoes will be too soft, and the vegetables will give off excess juice while we are working on the herring.

Herring slicing option

Eggs are boiled in parallel with vegetables; it is better to try to make sure that they have time to cool so that they are better peeled. Sometimes the container is placed under cold water immediately from the stove.

Onions, as we have already said, can be pickled. This is done so that excess bitterness goes away and the vegetable acquires a pleasant taste and crunch.

Before you start cutting vegetables, it is important to cool them down. Warm slicing is used only in certain cases, which we will talk about a little later.

Ingredients in plates

The herring is cleaned of bones, washed to remove excess salt, and cut into small cubes.

It is important to remember that any salad after preparation must be infused. From a couple of hours to 6, depending on the ingredients.

Classic salad with mustard

It’s interesting that the very first great-grandmother’s recipes for “Shuba” allowed, or rather, required the use of mustard. It was mixed with mayonnaise. Just a pinch of mustard powder added a piquant taste to the dish.

Classic salad with mustard

Some modern housewives offer their own variations classic snack, for example, in this video you can get acquainted with a recipe that uses not boiled, but fried vegetables.

In general, this is the sequence that is followed in the preparation of different variations of the famous salad.

“Herring under a fur coat” with egg

This type of salad is considered a version of a classic appetizer. “Shuba” turns out airy and satisfying.


  • 5 potatoes;
  • two medium-sized beets;
  • one large herring;
  • carrots – 2 pieces;
  • egg - 3 pieces;
  • vinegar - three tablespoons.

Boil the vegetables, chop them, boil the eggs and cool. Soak the onion in vinegar, rinse, and squeeze out excess juice.

“Herring under a fur coat” with egg

We lay the layers as mentioned above. The only thing you need to make sure is that the pureed vegetables are not too wet.

“Herring under a fur coat” with cheese

This variety is a tribute to European chefs. They mercilessly deprived “Shuba” of carrots, eggs and onions. They were just replaced with cheese. Suitable for preparing “Herring under a fur coat” with cheese milk product any brand - maybe Dutch or Russian.

“Herring under a fur coat” with cheese

To prepare “Herring under a fur coat” without eggs we will need and other ingredients:

  • potato;
  • beet;
  • and, in fact, herring;
  • sauce for dressing.


  1. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater.
  2. Prepare the fillet.
  3. Cut the boiled potatoes into cubes.
  4. Grate the beets.

How to lay out layers?

If it is expected that the bowl will need to be turned over, then the beets are laid out first. In this case, it is better to lay cling film on the bottom of the dish so that ready salad it was easier to take it out. Press the beet layer tightly with a spoon.

Next layer - mayonnaise sauce. It's very easy to prepare. To do this, mix mayonnaise and sour cream in equal proportions. This sauce turns out much more tender than the classic one.

Mayonnaise-sour cream sauce

Spread a thin layer of our sauce on the beets. Then comes a layer of cheese, then another layer of sauce, then potatoes and again a layer of sauce. The final stage is herring. After we have laid the last layer, we need to cover the mold with a plate and turn it over sharply. Decorate the dish to your taste. Alternatively, you can use decoration.

"Fur coat" with a pattern

“Shuba” with red fish

Variation of Salmon Coat Salad. This dish will add some variety to the traditional menu.

For “Herring under a fur coat” with red fish we will need the following products:

  • two eggs;
  • 1 beet;
  • 200 g trout or salmon (you can use salmon or pink salmon);
  • carrot;
  • 60 g cheese;

Cooking steps. Cut salmon into cubes and place down. Onion on top, layer of mayonnaise. Next - carrots, sauce again. Cheese. Beets - as the final layer. This is what a masterpiece should look like.

Salmon “under a fur coat”

“Shuba” without herring

For those who like something unusual, “Shuba” without herring is suitable. Sea kale is used instead.

What do you need:

  • 100 g cabbage;
  • two small beets;
  • 3 large potatoes;
  • two medium carrots;
  • sour cream sauce (recipe given above);
  • Adyghe cheese – 150 g.

“Shuba” without herring

The salad is very easy to prepare.

Vegetables are cooked as usual. Potatoes are peeled. Cheese, potatoes and carrots are grated on a coarse grater.

Lay out in layers:

  1. Half of all potatoes.
  2. Cabbage.
  3. Half of all Adyghe cheese.
  4. Carrot.
  5. Next, add the remaining potatoes and coat with sauce.
  6. Cheese again.
  7. Sauce.
  8. Carrot.
  9. All this is covered with a layer of beets.
  10. Don't forget to put it in the refrigerator so that the ingredients are soaked!

English version of apple salad

We got the recipe for “Herring under a fur coat” with apples from British chefs. In fact, this salad differs from the classic one in only one way - an apple is used instead of potatoes. This salad is considered lower in calories. The sequence of layers in the “Herring under a Fur Coat” salad remains classic. Dressed with sour cream and mayonnaise sauce. Such salads are often served in restaurants. It is very convenient to use cylindrical forms for serving.

“Fur coat” with apples in a cylinder

“Herring under a fur coat” in lavash

This type of “quickly” snack has long been loved by Russian housewives. It is done quickly and looks impressive. It is important to understand the sequence of layers and the main principle - each subsequent layer (usually they are counted from top to bottom) is narrower than the previous one. This is done to make wrapping the “striped masterpiece” easier.


  1. Place lavash on cling film.
  2. Coat it with sauce.
  3. We lay out the ingredients in a certain order.

“Fur coat” in lavash - layers
“Shuba” in lavash – before slicing

Place them in the refrigerator for three to four hours. When the appetizer is soaked, you can cut it.

"Shuba" in lavash

I would also like to dwell on dietary salads. Usually they replace mayonnaise or heavy starchy products with lighter ones.

“Herring under a fur coat” without mayonnaise

For lovers dietary dishes that same “classic grandma’s recipe” comes to the rescue. The one that involves the use of mustard. But in this case you need to add it not to mayonnaise, but to sour cream.

The mixture is prepared as follows: a teaspoon of mustard, 100 g of low-fat sour cream and salt. Everything is mixed. The mixture is used instead of mayonnaise at all stages of “impregnation”.

“Herring under a fur coat” with avocado

Some connoisseurs consider the recipe with avocado to be the most delicious “Herring under a fur coat.” Avocados have long been known to Russians not only for their high cost, but also for their weight. beneficial properties. This fruit is an excellent antioxidant; it contains a whole storehouse of vitamins and amino acids. Therefore, the appearance of avocado as a “health” element in any salad is a win-win option. Especially if served in such a “packaging”.

“Shuba” with avocado in a glass

The “exotic guest” is added to the salad almost at the very end, before the final layer of carrots and beets:

  1. Potato layer
  2. Herring.
  3. Onion cubes.
  4. Grated eggs.
  5. Avocado cubes.
  6. Grated carrots.
  7. Beet.
  8. Mayonnaise.

The traditional dish gets a unique spicy taste. It's worth trying at least once.

“Herring under a fur coat” without onions

Some household members are not very fond of onions. This applies to both adults and children. This presentation is typical for restaurants, because guests often hope for a continuation of the evening for two. In this case, pickled cucumbers can be a good alternative to onions. They will add pungency, but there will be no specific smell. Or you can skip this layer altogether.

“Herring under a fur coat” without onions

The chain looks like this:

  • 1 layer – potatoes;
  • 2nd layer – herring;
  • 3rd layer – carrots;
  • 4th layer – egg;
  • 5th layer – mayonnaise.

“Lazy fur coat” without potatoes and carrots - step-by-step recipe

And here interesting recipe for those who don't really like starch. " Lazy fur coat» without potatoes and carrots. We will need the following products:

  • eggs - 8-10 pieces;
  • beets −2 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • herring - 1 pc.;
  • mayonnaise - 200 g;
  • 3 cloves of garlic, salt, herbs;
  • in equal proportions - water and 9% vinegar.

We present to your attention a step-by-step recipe:

Divide the eggs as follows: cut the whites in half, and place the yolks in another container.
Grate the beets on a coarse grater.
Pour the onion pureed in a blender with vinegar and water. Leave for 15 minutes.
We cut the dill and put the garlic through a garlic press.
We divide the herring fillet into two parts - cut one finely, the other larger to decorate the finished “boats”.
Pass the pickled onions through a sieve to remove excess moisture.
Grind the yolks with a fork to obtain a homogeneous mass.
Mix the beets with vegetable oil so that the salad does not immediately color. The film of oil will “slow down” this process, and the salad will turn out more contrasting.
Add mayonnaise to the container with beets and lay out all the other vegetables, mix the products.
Place the base in the egg halves.
Decorate with pieces of herring.
Or greens.

This salad is much “lighter” than usual, the fish tastes very good in it, there is no feeling of heaviness in the stomach, and it is very convenient for entertaining guests.

Herring in a loaf

Another option for the interesting design of “Herring under a fur coat.” Of course, this salad option cannot be called low-calorie, however, it is good way take a salad with you if you go hiking. The loaf can be cut right at a picnic and surprise your friends.

“Herring under a fur coat” in a loaf

The preparation process takes literally a few minutes. As we see in the photo, to prepare a take-out salad you need quite affordable products: pickles, herring, beets and mayonnaise, as well as an egg. Step by step recipe“Herring under a fur coat” in a loaf is much simpler than the traditional one.

The loaf is freed from the middle and laid out in layers of beets with mayonnaise, herring, pickles and eggs. After soaking in the refrigerator we get something like this interesting dish.

“Herring under a fur coat” in a cutaway loaf

Examples of original salad design

By itself, “Herring under a Fur Coat” is quite traditional recipe. However, the serving options make this dish the highlight of any celebration. How to decorate “Herring under a fur coat”, photos of the most interesting options Let's imagine below.

“Herring under a fur coat” in roses

“Herring under a fur coat” in a roll

“Herring under a fur coat” with pomegranate in the shape of a herringbone

Sometimes you can see such paintings and photographs:

“Herring under a fur coat” with the image of Red Square
“Herring under a fur coat” with a picture of a forest

Shaped like a fish

What kind of fur coats did the housewives sew for their herring masterpieces? These “Herrings under a fur coat” in the form of fish often decorate Russian feasts. Craftswomen repeat fish forms in different variations.

And the most skillful ones use gelatin in recipes.

Herring under a fur coat" in gelatin

Heart shaped

Very often salads are created different forms. For example, this design is quite suitable for a relationship anniversary or Valentine’s Day.

In the form of a cake

And this salad design will outshine any classic cake.

In the form of a roll - step-by-step recipe

Very often, craftswomen resort to such a spectacular presentation form as a salad in the form of a “Herring under a fur coat” roll. The order of the layers here is the same, however, each one needs to be pressed and excess moisture should be avoided. To do this, boiled vegetables are often squeezed through a cloth.

Step-by-step cooking recipe:

Spread the cling film in several layers. Spread the grated beets in a thin layer and coat with mayonnaise.
Place carrots and potatoes alternately. Each next layer is slightly narrower than the previous one.
We press down each layer with oilcloth.
The next layer is onion, then mayonnaise. On top is the herring, we lay it out in a “path”.
Carefully roll up the roll, trying to align it so that the edges are “glued end to end”, pressing lightly on all sides.
Place the “sausage” on a serving plate, trim off the uneven edges.

If we discard all the legends and rumors associated with “Soviet” salads, and just look at the salad or salad “herring under a fur coat” (or simply “fur coat”) from a practical point of view, it turns out that not everything is so complicated.

Our compatriots, since the times of socialist construction, have had Olivier salad, herring under a fur coat, and pickled mushrooms as almost an obligatory component of the festive table.

As my friend says, it’s nice to eat herring under a fur coat, and it’s nice to sleep in Olivier salad. Although, if you think about it, persistent people never sleep in salad, but only in dessert.

When talking about the famous salad, they usually tell a sweet legend about the chef Aristarkh Prokoptsev. I don’t know if it’s true that everything in a salad symbolizes something, but the salad of all sorts of symbols has taken root perfectly. They even talk about some classic versions, mandatory, etc.

The salad, like the “Soviet” Olivier, is prepared by everyone in their own way, unique and always tasty. Being a salad, not even just a salad, but a layered salad, the trail under a fur coat is somewhat similar to, and the dressing and eggs are similar to egg salad.

Herring under a Fur Coat. Step by step recipe

Ingredients (4 servings)

  • Lightly salted herring 1 PC
  • Onion 1 piece
  • Potatoes 1-2 pcs
  • Carrot 1 piece
  • Eggs 3 pcs
  • Apple 1 piece
  • Beetroot 1 piece
  • Mayonnaise to taste
  1. The number of ingredients for this salad is whatever your heart desires! But usually it's worth sticking to simple rule for the recipe for herring under a fur coat: for one herring - one small onion, a large potato (or 2-3 small ones), a medium carrot, 3 eggs, one large sweet and sour apple, one or two large beets. Or better yet, two herrings...

    Vegetables for herring under a fur coat

  2. Vegetables: potatoes, beets, carrots - boil or bake. I usually boil carrots and bake beets and potatoes.
  3. Hard-boil the eggs, cool them in running water and peel them.
  4. Peel the apples.
  5. Grate vegetables, apples and eggs onto coarse grater in separate bowls, without mixing.

    Grate vegetables, apples and eggs onto a coarse grater into separate bowls, without mixing

  6. Peel the onion and chop finely. Many people use green onions, but I don’t like it, the taste of green onions “spoils” the salad. It is best to take “sweet” onions for the salad - Yalta, lettuce white.
  7. Clean the herring from fins, skin, entrails, cut off the tail and head. Divide into two fillets. Further, as my friend says, there is a simple but interesting job. Almost a quest! It is necessary to remove absolutely all bones from the fillet - rib bones, vertebral bones, thin bones in the back, etc. The more carefully this is done, the more pleasant it will be to eat. Finely chop the herring with a knife, or, even cooler, pinch it into pieces with your fingers. If you have nothing to do, do it. This is much more interesting, but takes a lot of time.

    Finely chop the herring with a knife

  8. Jokes aside, but herring has always been the most “proletarian” food. Always means always. Salted, lightly salted or smoked Atlantic herring, in barrels or tins, was one of the few products available at any time in stores about 40 years ago. Vegetables, unlike meat, were also available. There were some difficulties with mayonnaise, but in the end, mayonnaise is easy to make.
  9. For some reason I remember this salad from early childhood. It was rarely called by its full name, usually they simply said it - fur coat. And out of spite, I called this salad “coat”, and usually waited for the “collar” from the fur coat the next day, for breakfast.
  10. What I like about “shuba” is that you can cook a lot of it and eat it for a long time. After standing in the refrigerator for a day, the herring under a fur coat only becomes tastier, soaked in mayonnaise, juices and aroma.
  11. Fur coat can be prepared either in portions - in vases, or on a large platter. I even saw a huge plastic trough with a fur coat. So everything is in your hands.
  12. There are a lot of arguments, sometimes to the point of hoarseness and fists. What ingredients are unnecessary? Is it necessary to coat all layers with mayonnaise? What is the order of the layers?
  13. You can coat each layer with mayonnaise. But it’s easier to put all the ingredients in a bowl, pour a liter of mayonnaise into it and mix. Why liter? Yes, because it would take 6-7 layers of salad - exactly 3-4 packs of mayonnaise. And even more. Just a liter. And your herring will “swim away.” Both the aroma and the taste will definitely be mayonnaise.
  14. The most difficult question, and the most interesting, is how to arrange the layers.
  15. Considering that the name of the salad comes first with herring. They often write - potatoes first. Sorry, we have “under a fur coat”, not in a fur coat.
  16. Herring is an excellent snack even on its own. And it tastes even better with onions! And a little oil. Yes, with baked potatoes, or boiled “in their jackets”! Here they tell me that I can finish writing, the recipe has been written off.
  17. Herring, onion, potato. Here is the order of the first layers of salad.

    Herring, onion

  18. Usually the potato layer is the thickest in a salad, so it’s worth spreading mayonnaise on the potatoes. Without going too far, too much mayonnaise in a juicy salad is not good.

    Usually the potato layer is the thickest in a salad, so it’s worth spreading mayonnaise on the potatoes

  19. Let’s take a break from the “fur coat” for a second and remember about our other no less traditional salad - Olivier. Remember? Onions, potatoes, carrots, eggs... Let's not invent, we have the following layers, as it is written.
  20. So: herring, onions, potatoes, carrots, eggs.

    So: herring, onions, potatoes, carrots, eggs

  21. They add to Olivier pickle. But, excuse me, we won’t eat herring with cucumbers! But you need to add sourness to the salad. A ripe sweet and sour apple will perfectly complement the taste of a fur coat. Many people ignore the apple in a fur coat, and lose a lot. By the way, apples tend to “darken” when exposed to air, so you need to cook and grate the apples immediately before laying the layer.

    A ripe sweet and sour apple will perfectly complement the taste of a fur coat

  22. The actual “lining” of the fur coat is ready! All that remains is to sew on the top. The top of the fur coat is always beetroot, dark, “shaggy”, like the fur on a good expensive fur coat. Don't be greedy, make the top thicker.
  23. And spread with mayonnaise, don’t be greedy either! And then wipe the edge with a napkin, because... mayonnaise tends to leak from the plate.

There is a dish that is strongly associated with the New Year holidays. I'm sure you know him well. It's hard to imagine a good one festive table without the herring familiar from childhood under a fur coat!

This delicious salad appeared at a time when the most simple products It was very difficult to get, but Soviet housewives knew how to set masterpiece tables, having only potatoes, beets and carrots in stock.

“Shuba” is a very simple dish. It does not have a strict number of components. My recipe contains enough ingredients for 7-8 servings.

Since the appearance of the original Soviet recipe“fur coats” there are many more variants of this hearty salad. Whether then or now, all housewives prepared it at least a little differently. I myself also experiment all the time with the amount of ingredients and recipes, although what I like most is classic herring under a fur coat, the recipe for which appeared in our house from my grandmother.

The classic “shuba” is a dish that is easy to prepare; novice housewives and teenagers can handle it. So there is nothing to be afraid of.

Remember one thing: in order for the herring to turn out “correct” and tasty, you need to make the dish in advance and leave it to steep in the refrigerator. In 3-4 hours it becomes even tastier (and overnight - simply delicious), all layers are soaked and on the table you have that very taste of childhood.

For the salad, it is important to choose fresh fatty fish and cut it well. Divide the fish into two fillets and remove the bones.

What to do with vegetables? Potatoes, beets and carrots can be boiled or baked. As a rule, I bake potatoes, but boil carrots and beets. At the same time, I boil the eggs, cool them in cold water, then I clean it.

The apple (or apples) must also be peeled. I advise you to grate all the ingredients instead of cutting them. Grated vegetables, eggs and apples in the salad feel more tender.

It’s best to make herring under a fur coat according to the recipe with “sweet” onions - for example, with white lettuce.

Now it's time to lay out the ingredients. Place them one by one on a plate.

What’s good about the herring salad under a fur coat: its taste does not get boring for a long time and you can eat it for a long time, since the “real” fur coat is even tastier than a fresh one.

Herring under a fur coat according to any recipe is very convenient to prepare: you can fill a whole dish with it or place it in portioned outlets.

Tip: serve “shuba” with fresh hot bread. Eating it with him is simply amazing!

Boil potatoes, carrots, beets and eggs.

The herring MUST be taken whole (from a jar or barrel, never in oil). We clean the herring, remove it from the backbone, tear out all the ribs... cut the fillet into cubes (about 0.7-1 cm each)... ALWAYS remove all the small bones sticking out.

Set aside the herring. Take a large, definitely FLAT plate (this way the layers will be smoother):
1st layer - grate potatoes - 1cm thick
Carefully grease with mayonnaise (preferably mayonnaise from a bag, make a hole so that the mayonnaise flows in a thin stream).
2nd layer - herring (for 1 large plate 1.5 herrings...
maybe 1) mayonnaise
3rd layer - finely chopped onions - thin layer of mayonnaise
4th layer - rub eggs - 0.5 cm... (so that the previous layers are not visible) mayonnaise
5th layer - grate carrots - 0.5 cm (so that the previous layers are not visible) mayonnaise
6th layer - beets - 1 cm (so that the previous layers are not visible) Pour mayonnaise generously over the beets and spread them thoroughly.
Garnished with finely chopped green onions and roses from the remaining beets and carrots. Practice shows that the more mayonnaise in FUR COAT, the better.

see also



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