Millet, semolina, oatmeal: how to cook milk porridge. Porridge with milk - the best recipes. How to cook milk porridge How to cook liquid porridge

Millet, semolina, oatmeal: how to cook milk porridge. Porridge with milk - the best recipes. How to cook milk porridge How to cook liquid porridge

Natural nutrition refers to feeding as close as possible to the natural diet of a certain type. The puppy's diet must certainly be varied, and a significant part of it is rich sources of fiber, vitamins and microelements - cereals.

What cereals can you feed puppies, what grains and how to cook them, as well as everything about additives, portions and cooking options in our article!

Which one is possible?

What dog cereals can, and most importantly, should be given to babies? Buckwheat, oatmeal and rice cereal , they can also be mixed and cooked together.

When considering the question of what cereals can be fed to dogs, do not forget that they all contain phytic acid, which binds calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc and other trace elements, making their absorption in the intestine impossible.

However, there is a simple solution: phytic acid is partially destroyed during cooking and soaking. If you soak the cereal overnight and boil it for about twenty minutes, there won’t be much harm.

IMPORTANT! In any case, it is necessary to carefully monitor the reaction of the pet’s body: some dogs experience allergic reactions.

How often?

  • 2-3 months: fed six times a day: every three hours, starting at about seven in the morning and ending at nine to ten in the evening.
  • 2-4 months: four to five times a day, increasing the interval between feedings.
  • 4-6 months: three to four times a day, every five to six hours.
  • 6-10 months: three times a day, every six to seven hours.
  • older: twice a day, morning and evening, like adult dogs.

At 1-2 months, meat or fish is given once a day; twice - porridge with water, meat or vegetable broth, with the addition of vegetables and meat; once - milk, cottage cheese or kefir; the remaining two times you can give dairy products or oatmeal cooked in milk.

The time of one feeding is about 15-20 minutes. If there is any food left in the bowl after this, it should be removed.

IMPORTANT! Before giving your puppy physical activity, you must wait 1-2 hours after eating. Excessive activity on a full stomach can seriously harm your pet's health.

It is also useful to install a stand for bowls at the level of the puppy's chest: you can make it yourself or buy it. The tripod stand will last a long time because it allows you to adjust the height as the animal grows.

At what age to start?

From 1 to three to three and a half months, approximately half of the puppy’s diet should be dairy products, so porridge can be cooked more often with milk than with water and broth. As they grow older, they should be gradually replaced with meat and vegetable ones. From 10 months, it will be enough to give cottage cheese, kefir or yogurt two to three times a week.

IMPORTANT! Natural food must be fresh.

Is it possible

Both puppies and adult dogs are strictly advised not to eat certain grains, as they can cause indigestion, metabolic disorders, allergic reactions and other serious health problems.



Let's turn to oatmeal. Oatmeal is high in calories, it has more fiber, protein, fat, calcium and phosphorus than rice and buckwheat. However, it is worth noting that it is only suitable for active dogs: castrated and sterilized animals are prohibited from giving oatmeal. But for those who actively run and jump, it is possible.

In some dogs, oatmeal causes intestinal upset - this is individual and, of course, it is better to exclude it from the diet. But for dogs suffering from gastritis and stomach ulcers, oatmeal broth or jelly is very useful. Weakened, sick animals, pets “sitting” on dietary nutrition, oatmeal will only benefit growing puppies.

“I’ll cook everything for myself”

Can a dog eat oatmeal? It is possible if this dog eats oatmeal all its life, does not get fat from it, and its intestines cope.

Is it necessary to specifically transfer the dog to rolled oats porridge? No.

In any case, oatmeal, like any other cereal, requires correction and can be given within certain limits, without replacing meat with it.


Many people are interested in the question: is it possible to feed semolina porridge to babies? In fact, semolina is used mainly for those puppies (from newborns to a maximum of 3 months) who need to gain weight.

It is very high in calories, but it contains almost no vitamins and microelements (only a little potassium and iron), a small dose of fiber (only 0.2%), but a large amount of B vitamins.


Millet is too difficult to digest and can even cause intestinal volvulus. In addition, millet can cause severe allergies! Even mixing with other cereals is undesirable.

Pearl barley

Also contraindicated pearl barley, which is an allergen. And despite the fact that barley contains a lot of vitamins, the body of a dog, especially a puppy, cannot even absorb a third of them. In addition, eating pearl barley porridge leads to constipation and even allergies in dogs.

Undesirable legumes- often cause bloating. It is strictly forbidden to give porridge made from corn grits., it is also practically not absorbed in a dog’s stomach. Corn may be fresh or cooked on the cob.

Wheat and barley porridge can only be consumed by adult and healthy dogs leading an active lifestyle.

Depending on the breed

German Shepherd

Porridge should make up 25-35% of the total diet. You can give buckwheat, rice and oatmeal porridge. They are usually supplemented with meat and vegetables.

Mom-Dad, thank you for the delicious porridge!


Steam oatmeal flakes with boiling water and let steep for 10 minutes. It is not recommended to give oatmeal often, because... it weakens, but can easily be replaced with rice or buckwheat. Add raw yolk, a little raw minced meat and cottage cheese - voila, breakfast is ready!


The following recipe is useful for Labrador puppies: steam finely ground oatmeal with milk, add 1 tsp. fish oil and 2 glucose tablets. You can also cook buckwheat with meat in vegetable broth.
“Can I have some more porridge?”


For Yorkies (as well as Shitzus, toy terriers and pugs), oatmeal and semolina are unacceptable, because... These dogs are prone to obesity. To prepare a delicious porridge for your Yorkie, take a small carrot, a little cauliflower, and 2 tablespoons of buckwheat. Cook everything until done (about 30 minutes), then mix the resulting dish with a blender, add a little unrefined vegetable oil, boiled beef or chicken and serve the porridge to the dog. There should be no salt and pepper!

Calculate a serving of cooked porridge as follows: 500 grams. pet's weight - 1 tablespoon of porridge.

How to cook: recipes

Ready-made porridge with broth can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 48 hours. You can also cook cereals, vegetables and meat separately and mix them before giving it to the puppy. In this case, the porridge is cooked in clean water without salt or additives, after cooking it is cooled, transferred to a clean container and stored in the refrigerator.

Any cereal, except oatmeal, should be well cooked, but not paste-like, but crumbly. After cooking, leave the porridge tightly closed and let it brew for half an hour.

Oatmeal is not boiled, but steamed in boiling water. Be sure to wash the grains with running water before cooking.

Boiled fish is cleaned of bones and chopped; the meat is better digested when cut into cubes. Vegetables are also cut into cubes or grated.

Raw vegetables and meat are placed in the porridge 3-5 minutes before readiness; offal is cooked in advance in a separate broth, which is then not used. Ratio of cereal and water: 1 to 2 or 1 to 3.

IMPORTANT! If minced meat is used instead of meat to prepare the broth, it should first be filled with water, stirred and left for a few minutes. Then remove the floating fragments of fat and skin.

Recipes for how to cook porridge for your pet:

Buckwheat in broth

  1. Place the meat in boiling water and cook over low heat until the meat is completely cooked, skimming off the foam regularly. Cooking time depends on the quality of water and meat and can take from 40 minutes to 2 hours. Remove the meat.
  2. Pre-soak the buckwheat in water for 20–30 minutes, drain off the floating husks, and place the grains in a sieve. Add buckwheat to the boiling broth in a ratio of 1:3, after boiling, cook for 15-20 minutes, stirring.
  3. 3-5 minutes before the cereal is ready, diced raw meat or vegetables.
  4. Bring to readiness, mix thoroughly, cover and leave for 20-30 minutes. You can cover the pan with a towel.
  5. Before eating, add a little butter or vegetable oil or fish oil to the prepared warm porridge.

On the water

  1. Pour the washed cereal with water in a ratio of 1:2 or so that the water level is two fingers higher than the level of the cereal, cover the pan with a lid and cook until the liquid has completely evaporated, 15–20 minutes after boiling.
  2. Cover the pan with a towel and leave to steep for 20–30 minutes. If you use unpolished rice to prepare porridge, you should cook it for 35-40 minutes.
  3. If the cereal is polished, you can add a teaspoon of sunflower or olive oil to the water before boiling.

Rice with milk

Pour the washed cereal with milk in a ratio of 1:2, add a teaspoon of vegetable oil. After boiling, cover tightly with a lid and cook for 20-30 minutes. Turn off the heat and leave on the hot surface for another 5-10 minutes, then open the lid and stir.

IMPORTANT! The food must be warm; you cannot feed the puppy hot or cold!

Possible additives


Dairy are the most important nutritional element for puppies, especially under the age of three and a half months. You can cook cereals in milk, or you can cook them in water, low-fat meat or vegetable broth.

Milk, kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese or yogurt should be added to ready-made porridge with water or milk or fed separately. Also add pieces of vegetables and fruits, berries, nuts to the porridge, and add a teaspoon of honey.


It is possible and healthy to feed a puppy veal, beef, veal, lean lamb, rabbit and turkey meat, horse meat, cook and mix with porridge and vegetables such meat by-products, like the heart, kidneys, lungs, liver.

Chicken should be added to the diet carefully and carefully monitor how your pet’s stomach reacts to it.

Meat must be frozen for two or three days, and before feeding, defrost until room temperature.

Instead, you can also pour boiling water over it, put it in the porridge a few minutes before it’s ready and boil it a little, leaving it half-baked. For broth, it is best to use bones rather than meat, which are then removed. Meat by-products can be processed in the same way as meat, but it is preferable to boil them.

IMPORTANT! Poultry meat must be separated from the bones and added to the porridge; giving bones is strictly prohibited.



Vegetables in porridge are placed finely chopped, raw, boiled, steamed, sometimes lightly fried, either one type or several at once. These can be beets, white and cauliflower cabbage, broccoli, bell pepper, cucumbers, zucchini, carrots, as well as greens in moderation: leaf salads, dill, sorrel, parsley, beet tops, cereal sprouts and more.

IMPORTANT! Vegetables and fruits should be washed, vegetables should be peeled. Nettle must first be doused with boiling water.


1-2 times a week you should add hard-boiled egg or raw yolk without white.

Starting with a few drops and gradually increasing to a teaspoon, you can add vegetable oil, and from two months of age - fish oil. Also add crushed chalk or eggshells to the porridge (it should be crushed especially carefully to prevent the ingress of sharp particles), a little butter.

IMPORTANT! It is forbidden to give puppies fatty meat, pork, minced meat, and smoked meats. You should also not add sugar or sweets, since dogs cannot digest glucose and can cause fermentation in the intestines. Hot foods and spices can cause stomach irritation, and sausages contains many harmful substances.

Allowed pasta, infrequently and in moderation.

You should teach your puppy to eat a variety of foods. If the puppy has a predilection for something specific, this should be taken into account, and for the rejected food, take a break for a week or two. Sometimes you can add salt, but not a lot and not often: salt itself is found in all foods.

Each new product should be introduced into the diet gradually and monitor the intestinal reaction and possible allergic skin reaction. If necessary, a break is taken.

IMPORTANT! Dry food should not be mixed with porridge or other natural products.

The ratio of cereals and additives. How much per day to give?

The portion is calculated according to the age and weight of the puppy, and then it is monitored whether he is full or not. If the pet willingly ate everything and licked the bowl, next time increase the amount of food given. Some animals do not leave anything, even when they are full, you should not allow them to overeat.

The total amount of food per day is 5% of the puppy’s weight; at the age of up to 4 months, another 100 g is added for 1 month of life.

  • 1-2 months: cereals and vegetables should make up 10% of the food volume.
  • 2-3 months: 15-25% cereals and vegetables, 35-50% meat and 40-50% dairy products.
  • from 4 months: meat consumption increases, and other products decreases: the diet consists of 10-15% of cereals and vegetables, 25-50% of dairy products and 50-70% of meat.

Increasing the ratio of one at the expense of the other is inappropriate, including for the purpose of saving.

The amount of meat is calculated based on the requirement of 20-30 g per day per kg of puppy weight. Twice a week, instead of meat, fish should be given, 40-60 g per kg of weight.

Per 1 kg of weight:

  • 1.5 g fiber
  • 9 g protein
  • 13.8 g carbohydrates
  • 2.64 g fatty acids.

A third of the daily meat ration is added to the porridge; the rest should be fed raw.

The cooking ratio is:

  • 30% cereals
  • 40% meat, meat by-products or fish
  • 30% vegetables and feed additives.

If it so happens that a feeding was missed, during the next feeding the usual portion is given, without additives. The same applies to the temporary replacement of some products with others. If at some time your pet is given meat porridge instead of milk, there is no need to then try to make up for the missed meal with additional portions or “replace it the other way around”: you should just continue to feed it as before.

IMPORTANT! The puppy must have fresh water at any time of the day.

Useful video

Develop your culinary skills for the benefit of yourself and your tail:

Summing up

  • Porridge is an important part of a puppy's diet.
  • Buckwheat, rice and oatmeal cereals are most suitable for puppies.
  • Bowls with food and water should be placed at chest level so that the puppy does not have to bend over while eating and drinking.
  • High physical activity should be developed no earlier than after 1-2 hours.
  • The puppy’s diet should be varied and complete; one food cannot be replaced with another to the detriment of nutritional value and vitamins.
  • Food should always be warm and fresh.
  • It is important to know which foods can be consumed by puppies, which by adult dogs, and which should not be included in the diet at all.
  • It is necessary to ensure that the puppy does not remain hungry and does not overeat.
  • Your puppy should always have access to clean, fresh water.

Any porridge - and there are many of them in the world - can be cooked in such a way that even the most stubborn porridge-nut will gladly ask for more! In short, any porridge can be cooked very tasty, and it’s the secrets of preparing tasty porridges that we’ll talk about.

Porridge can be cooked in water, whole milk or milk diluted with water, as well as in broth. The consistency of porridge can be crumbly, viscous and liquid - it all depends on the ratio of cereal and liquid taken during cooking.

The table below shows the norms of cereals and liquids for obtaining porridges of certain consistencies. The amount of liquid and salt consumed to prepare porridge is given per 1 kg of cereal. (The table is based on the book “Cooking” by N.I. Guba, 1987)

The first secret to delicious porridge: always sort through the grains to select bad grains, and rinse the grains that can be rinsed. Just keep in mind that washed cereals absorb and retain a certain amount of liquid. To maintain the required ratio of cereal and liquid, proceed as follows: pour the required amount of water into the pan, when the water boils, add the washed cereal, then measure the total volume of the contents of the pan. If this volume is greater than a predetermined one, the excess is poured out and, conversely, if the volume is less, hot water is added to the norm. In this way, a more or less accurate ratio of water and cereal in the porridge is achieved, regardless of the amount of water remaining in the cereal during washing.

For porridges made from cereals that are not washed before cooking (buckwheat, semolina, Hercules and small Poltava), the required amount of liquid is poured into the pan, salt and other products provided for in the recipe are added. When the liquid boils, add the cereal.

To improve the taste and appearance of crumbly porridges, fat can be added to a bowl with liquid before adding the cereal. For porridges made from toasted cereals, slightly more water is taken, since the moisture content of the cereal decreases by about 10% during roasting.

The cereal, washed immediately before pouring into the pan (the cereal must be warm), is placed in a boiling liquid, carefully mixed so as not to damage the integrity of the grains, lifting from the bottom with a wooden spatula or spoon. When cooking semolina porridge, pour the cereal into the boiling liquid in a thin stream with continuous stirring.

Rice, millet and pearl barley do not boil well in milk, therefore, to cook milk porridges from these cereals, they are first boiled for 5-10 minutes in a large amount of boiling water, then the water is drained, and the cereal is poured with milk (as required) and cooked at a low boil, so that the porridge does not burn.

Crumbly porridge

Loose porridges are most often cooked from raw cereals. In crumbly porridge, the grains should be well cooked and retain their shape, easily separated from one another. These porridges are made from almost all types of cereals. They can be an independent dish, a side dish or part of complex side dish. When serving as a side dish for poultry or lamb, it is better to boil rice in meat broth. Hot crumbly porridge is served with any edible fat, sautéed onions, boiled mushrooms, chopped eggs, sour cream, and cold porridge is served with milk, cream, and sugar. The yield from 1 kg of cereal is 2.1-3 kg of finished porridge.

To make crumbly porridge from buckwheat, barley, rice or millet was a success, does not become sticky, first rinse the cereal first in warm water, then in hot water. Warm water will remove starch from the surface of the grains, and hot water will remove fat that may appear on the grains during grain storage.

Buckwheat porridge is prepared in two ways.

First way. Pour the prepared cereal into a pan of boiling salted water and stir with a spatula or spoon. The floating grains are removed with a slotted spoon. You can add fat (5-10% of the cereal weight). When the porridge thickens, cover the dish with a lid and cook over very low heat.

Second way. The toasted cereal is poured into boiling salted water and cooked as indicated above. You should take 5-6% more water than for porridge made from raw cereals. Porridge made from toasted cereals cooks faster. To ensure that the porridge is crumbly after cooking, it is loosened with a fork. The crusts that form on the surface and walls of the dish can be steamed in twice the amount of water (based on the weight of the crusts) and mixed with the porridge.

Rice porridge can be prepared in three ways.

First way. Rice prepared according to the norm is poured into boiling salted water, fat is added (butter, ghee or lard - 5-10% of the rice weight) and cooked at low boil, stirring occasionally. After the rice has swelled well, cover the dish with a lid and cook for 30-40 minutes. It is better to cook porridge in small saucepans or stewpans until cooked in the oven.

Second way. The prepared rice is poured into boiling salted water (6 liters per 1 kg) and cooked at low boil. When the grains become soft, place them in a colander and rinse with hot water. The washed rice is placed in a bowl, fat is added and steamed until cooked in the oven.

Third way. Sorted, washed rice, finely chopped onion, salt, butter pour hot chicken broth(at the rate of 2.1 liters per 1 kg of rice). Cook while stirring until the broth is absorbed. Cover the dish with a lid, place in a water bath and steam the porridge until cooked.


Sifted semolina from durum wheat varieties is dried until golden brown, mixed with melted butter. Pour the prepared cereal into boiling salted water, stirring. The bowl with porridge is placed in the oven for 20-30 minutes.

Millet porridge can be prepared in two ways.

First way. Millet is poured into boiling salted water and cooked, stirring occasionally, at a low boil for 5-6 minutes. Then the water is drained so that the cereal and water occupy a volume 2.5 times larger than the dry cereal taken for cooking. The dishes are covered with a lid and undercooked in the oven.

Second way. The millet is scalded with boiling water, then placed in boiling salted water and cooked until tender.

Viscous porridge

In such porridges, the grains are well boiled, but not stuck together. The porridge is quite thick and does not spread. They are cooked from all types of cereals. However, crushed and semolina cereals cook better and swell faster. These porridges are prepared with water, whole or diluted milk. On whole milk Sweet porridges are often prepared. You can add raisins, dried apricots, and prunes to them. Milk porridges are served with butter, and those cooked in water are served with any edible fat.

Rice (wheat, oatmeal) milk porridge.

Add salt and sugar to boiling water, stir, add prepared rice and cook with stirring for 20 minutes. Then drain the water, add hot milk and cook for another 30-40 minutes.


Semolina swells very quickly in hot water (in 20-30 s). Therefore, it is necessary to quickly pour the entire amount of cereal into boiling water or milk and stir thoroughly so that lumps do not form. Bring water or milk to a boil, add salt, and if you are preparing milk porridge, add sugar, stir until it is completely dissolved, then add the cereal, reducing the heat, and cook for 15-20 minutes while stirring.

Liquid porridges are most often prepared with whole or diluted milk. They are used in baby food or diet food (especially semolina and oatmeal). These porridges are prepared from all types of cereals.

how to cook porridge with milk?

  1. How to cook porridge correctly
    How to cook porridge

    Cooking porridge has its own specifics. Porridges are prepared as crumbly, viscous, liquid and pureed. The consistency of the porridge depends on the ratio of cereal and liquid. When cooking, the porridge should not boil too much. It is not recommended to add water while cooking porridge. Viscous porridges are usually cooked in milk, while crumbly ones are cooked in water or broth.

    First of all, the cereal should be sifted to remove small particles and dirt, and then washed two to four times. Before cooking the porridge, scald the millet, strain it and then cook it - in this case the bitter taste of the cereal will disappear.

    When cooking porridge from cereals that are not washed (semolina, Hercules, crushed buckwheat), immediately pour the liquid into the pan, add salt, bring to a boil and then add the cereal. At the same time, water should cover the cereal so that the grains swell evenly and the porridge cooks well.

    The cereal should be poured into boiling salted water.

    Milk porridges should be salted less than porridges cooked in water. Add salt to milk porridges before cereals.

    Some cereals do not boil well in milk. Therefore, when cooking viscous porridges, oatmeal, pearl barley, rice, millet cereals are first placed in boiling water and cooked until half cooked, and then hot milk is poured in and cooked until ready.

    When the porridge thickens, add a piece of butter, cover the cauldron with parchment, then a lid and place in the oven over low heat. If you don’t have time, then after the porridge thickens, wrap the cauldrons first in paper, and then in pillows or a warm blanket. She will come on her own and will be warm before you arrive.

    * It is not recommended to cook porridge in enamel dishes, as it will burn and the enamel may crack and get into the food.
    * Buckwheat pre-fry in a low-heat oven or in a dry frying pan, and then wash. Rice, millet, pearl barley, barley and oatmeal are first washed with warm (30-50 C) water, and the last time with hot (60-70 C).
    * It is better to cook crumbly porridge in a cauldron. For such porridge, the volume of liquid is 2 times the volume of cereal. To prevent the crumbly porridge from burning, place the cauldron in a bowl of water and put it in the oven. If the porridge is still burnt, immediately transfer it to another bowl.

    How to cook rice porridge correctly

    * Rice will be white and crumbly if you pour it into boiling salted water, adding a few drops lemon juice, and cover the pan with a lid.
    * To prevent rice from sticking to the bottom of the dish, steam it.
    * Rice water can be used to make refreshing drinks by adding jam or fruit juice.
    * If you grease the pan with oil or put a piece of butter in the rice, it will not stick to the walls.
    * You cannot add sugar to rice milk porridge during cooking, this will make the rice sticky and will take longer to cook.
    * Rice porridge for a side dish will taste better if you cook it in meat broth.

    How to cook pearl barley porridge correctly

    To make it crumbly pearl barley porridge has not acquired a bluish tint, drain the water after boiling, fill the cereal again with hot salted water, add oil and cook for 15-20 minutes until thickened, then set to boil.

    Pearl barley porridge will cook faster if you pre-soak the cereal for 2-3 hours in cold water.
    How to cook semolina porridge correctly

    To prepare liquid semolina porridge, pour the cereal into boiling water or milk in a thin stream, stirring thoroughly so that no lumps form.

    Dishes made from semolina will be fluffy if it is soaked in water or milk for 30 minutes.

    Bon appetit!

  2. rice porridge: sort out the rice, wash, put in a saucepan and add 2 fingers of water above the grain, bring to a boil and add salt to taste, cook until almost all the water has evaporated, add milk and cook over very low heat. stirring when the porridge is ready, add butter
    for 1 serving 2 heaped tablespoons of rice, you can also use one and a half tablespoons of rice 1 tablespoon of millet
  3. Well, if you have semolina, then you need to heat the milk, and slowly add the semolina into the warm milk, stirring continuously, until the desired thickness. In general, look for recipes on Google
  4. Rice porridge with milk recipe
    Rice porridge with milk, the recipe we offer, is not only easy to prepare, but also an optimal side dish for many dishes.

    Rice porridge with milk recipe products:
    Ergonomic pan with a three-layer bottom
    Rice 1 cup
    Milk 2 cups
    Water 2 glasses
    Salt, sugar to taste

    Rice porridge with milk recipe:

    Rice porridge with milk, the recipe we offer you, is best prepared from short-grain rice (for example, Kuban or Krasnodar). So, sort through the rice and rinse if necessary.

    Set to cook in a saucepan over low heat, pouring water over the rice.

    When the water has evaporated and the rice has boiled, pour in milk at room temperature (cold milk is not allowed, as it may curdle). Salt and add a little sugar, cover with a lid and simmer for another 15-20 minutes.

    Rice porridge with milk recipe also contains butter, which can be added to the pan, or you can add it to each plate separately just before serving.

    Ingredients for "Porridge "Yummy in Staroizobilnensky style""
    Milk 1 l
    Rice (preferably round) 1 cup.
    Sugar 1 cup.
    Butter 100 g
    Egg 5 pcs
    Honey (liquid)
    Salt (just a little bit)

    Recipe "Porridge "Yummy in Staroizobilnensky style""

    Rinse the rice (it’s better to take a little less than a glass, then the porridge will be fluffier) ​​and add it to boiling milk. Bring to readiness and add oil.
    While the rice is cooking, beat the eggs with sugar. While constantly stirring, add the egg mixture into the porridge in a thin stream.
    You can add vanilla or...
    The rice should be cooked very well!
    Honey is served separately with the porridge.
    Bon appetit!

  5. Milk porridge is cooked from all types of cereals, with the exception of buckwheat. To prepare milk porridge, take fresh whole or skim milk (in the latter case, you need to add butter to the porridge). You can also use dry or condensed milk. It is recommended to cook porridge with condensed milk and add sugar. Milk porridge is cooked viscous, not steep.

    You can add butter and sugar (to taste) to the finished milk porridge.

    Rice porrige

    Rinse the rice, add to boiling water and cook for 5-8 minutes, then place on a drain or sieve. As soon as the water has drained, transfer the rice to a saucepan with hot milk and, stirring, cook it over low heat for 15 minutes. Then add sugar and salt, stir, cover with a lid and place in a water bath for 10-15 minutes.

    Before serving, you can add butter to the porridge.
    Rice 250 g
    Milk 4 cups
    Sugar 1 tbsp. spoon
    Salt 0.25 teaspoon

    Barley porridge

    Place the washed pearl barley into boiling water and cook for 10-12 minutes. Then proceed in the same way as when cooking rice milk porridge.
    Pearl barley 250 g
    Milk 4 cups
    Sugar 1.5 tbsp. spoons
    Salt 0.25 teaspoon

    Millet porridge

    Pour well-washed millet into boiling milk and, stirring frequently, cook over low heat for 30 minutes.

    After this, add sugar, salt, stir and leave the porridge to steep for 15-20 minutes.
    Millet 250 g
    Milk 4 cups
    Sugar 1 tbsp. spoon
    Salt 0.25 teaspoon

    Porridge from Smolensk grain

    Porridge is prepared in the same way as millet porridge, usually without adding sugar, but with a large amount of milk. The cereal for this porridge is not washed.
    Smolensk groats 250 g
    Milk 6 glasses
    Salt 0.5 teaspoon


    Pour the cereal into boiling milk in a thin stream and, stirring continuously, cook over low heat for 10-15 minutes until thickened. After this, add sugar, salt and stir.

    You can add sugar and 1-2 tbsp to the porridge. spoons of butter.

    Barley or oatmeal It is prepared in the same way as milk semolina, but you need to take 3 glasses of milk, and you should not add sugar.
    Semolina 200 g
    Milk 5 glasses
    Sugar 1 tbsp. spoon
    Salt 0.5 teaspoon

    Hercules porridge

    Pour the cereal into hot milk and cook for 15-20 minutes until thickened, add salt and stir.

    Add 2 tbsp to the finished porridge. spoons of butter.
    Hercules 200 g
    Milk 4 cups
    Salt 0.5 teaspoon

    Millet porridge with pumpkin

    Place peeled and finely chopped pumpkin in hot milk and cook for 10 minutes, then add washed millet, add salt and, stirring, continue cooking for another 15-20 minutes until thickened. Place the cooked porridge in a water bath or in the oven for 25-30 minutes to steep. Millet porridge with pumpkin can also be prepared using water.
    Millet 250 g
    Milk 3 cups
    Pumpkin 500 g
    Sugar 1 teaspoon
    Salt 0.5 teaspoon

Namely, porridge. The variety of cereals allows you to prepare a different porridge each time, and their prices are quite affordable. Having learned beneficial features each cereal and the peculiarities of their preparation, you will be able to figure out how much time it takes to prepare a particular porridge.

The main thing in the article

How to cook cereals correctly: general information

To ensure that any porridge you make turns out delicious, use the following tips:

  • It is better to use purified water for cooking. , not the hard stuff from the tap.
  • Choose the right utensils for cooking; the porridge should cook evenly. It is better to choose thick-bottomed pans , otherwise the bottom of the porridge will burn and the top will be undercooked.
  • The cereal must be poured into salted water after boiling.
  • Sort and rinse the cereal from excess dust and debris. You just need to take into account that some cereals cannot be washed - semolina, for example.
  • Early soak the cereal in cold water , so it will take less time to boil.

The less the porridge is processed thermally, the healthier it will be.

  • It is impossible to spoil porridge with butter. , so please her taste with it.
  • Even the simplest The porridge can be varied with nuts, fruits, dried fruits and much more.

How long to cook buckwheat porridge?

  • Select from buckwheat pebbles and excess debris .
  • In the process of cooking buckwheat don't interfere .
  • It is better to cook porridge in a kettle or in a saucepan with a thick bottom.
  • Ready-made porridge, just removed from the stove, wrap it well for half an hour .
  • From the required amount of buckwheat you will get ready-made porridge, weighing twice as much as taken.
  • When foam appears when buckwheat boils, remove it with a slotted spoon.
  • Cereals can be filled with both cold and hot water , there is not much difference.
  • You need to salt the porridge at the very beginning.

How long does it take to cook wheat porridge with milk and water?

Wheat porridge can be prepared with water, broth, or milk. It takes place and how separate dish, and as a side dish for meat, fish, liver, mushrooms.

Wheat porridge rich in B vitamins , has restorative properties and, due to its carbohydrate composition, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the stomach. It is indispensable for the full growth and development of children. Price for wheat cereal low, so you can cook porridge from it very often.

Wheat porridge on water

  1. Wheat cereal is small, its need to be washed to remove dust and debris . Or, immediately after boiling, skim off the foam with small particles that have floated to the surface.
  2. Fill the cereal with water in a ratio of 1:2 , during the cooking process you will be guided whether the liquid taken is enough or you need to add more.
  3. The amount of water will depend on your preference. Some people like sticky porridge, others more dense. This is where it will come from Cooking time for porridge is 30-50 minutes.
  4. Add salt, then reduce the heat to low so that the cereal just simmers in the pan.
  5. Stir the porridge very often , it tends to stick and burn to the bottom of the pan.

Wheat porridge with milk

Wheat porridge with milk is an excellent and nutritious breakfast.

  1. It is cooked according to approximately the same principle as in water. simmer it for at least 40 minutes.
  2. To avoid burning The bottom of the vessel in which the porridge is cooked should be thick.
  3. To add more sweetness add sugar, honey, dried fruits, butter.

How long to cook barley porridge?

Barley groats resemble wheat groats in appearance, only they have a grayer tint.

Ready porridge has antimicrobial properties without harm to the body.

Dairy-free porridge can be prepared as follows:

  • Sauté onions in vegetable oil until golden brown, salt the resulting frying.
  • Pour over the barleywater and bring to a boil, then add the fried onions . After boiling in this way, the porridge will be saturated with oil and receive the necessary juiciness.
  • Cook the cereal for 20-30 minutes , take the volume of water twice as much as the volume of cereal, you can always adjust it, just make sure that the porridge does not burn.

If you want to taste barley porridge with milk , then just boil it in water, and then boil the finished product in milk for a couple of minutes. Add sugar and butter to it.

How long does it take to cook rice porridge of different viscosities?

“Fast” food has now replaced simple natural products. In particular, Fig. There are quite a few varieties of rice, some make delicious pilaf, others make sushi and rolls. For rice porridge It's better to use round rice , it can be prepared in different viscosities.

  • For milk rice porridge Take the required amount of round rice and wash it thoroughly.
  • Fill the rice with water in a volume exceeding three times the grain.
  • Cook the porridge until almost done, drain and rinse under running water. . This will remove excess stickiness from the rice.
  • Boil the milk, add sugar, a little salt, and send the washed porridge to simmer in it for a few minutes after boiling.
  • The total cooking time for medium-viscosity rice porridge is 30 minutes.

Rice porridge must be stirred all the time to prevent it from burning.

The more water you add to the rice, the more viscous the porridge will be.

  • To get a more crumbly rice porridge, take cereal and water in a 1:2 ratio.
  • Cook the rice until half cooked, turn off the heat and cover with a lid.
  • Due to its hygroscopicity, rice will absorb the remaining moisture and will not overcook. Depending on the type of rice, the amount of water may be a little more, it should not remain raw.

  • For rice porridge, take four times as much water and boil the rice for 40-50 minutes.
  • This dish can be recommended for stomach problems, or simply not for everyone.
  • Water can always be replaced with milk or broth.

How long to cook corn porridge with milk and water?

To prepare corn porridge, you need to know some of the properties of this cereal:

  1. Corn porridge should not be boiled, but gradually “cooked” over low heat , so take a container with a thick bottom.
  2. For one glass of cereal, take four glasses of liquid. For thicker porridge, take one glass less.
  3. Corn porridge tends to harden, regardless of whether it turns out thick or liquid.
  4. Mostly medium-ground corn grits are packaged, It takes 30-40 minutes after boiling to prepare it.
  5. For cooking milk corn porridge Boil the cereal first in water, and then add some of the milk, butter and sugar to it. Season the porridge with pieces of dried fruit, vanilla, jam, yogurt, and pumpkin.
  6. As a side dish Boil thicker porridge and add salt instead of sugar.
  7. Do not forget to stir the porridge from time to time, it tends to quickly stick to the bottom of the vessel. After cooking, cover the pan and let corn porridge stand a little.

How long does it take to cook oatmeal porridge?

Hercules porridge is a type of oatmeal. It helps improve the functioning of the digestive system and gives energy for the whole day. Therefore, be sure to include it in your diet.

How to cook oatmeal deliciously?

Cereals – an irreplaceable storehouse of natural fiber and various useful components. Another advantage of this variety of oats is fast cooking time. It can be examined on any package of oatmeal and it will fluctuate from 5 to 15 minutes .

The whole point is that by its structure cereals divided into: coarse and medium grind, as well as instant cooking. Moreover, you can cook them in water, milk, or simply pour boiling water, kefir, juice, etc. over them. It all depends on the size.

  • Large oat flakes take in proportion with water or milk 1:3.
  • Pour the flakes into boiling milk and stir, stirring, for 15 minutes.
  • Add sugar, a little salt, butter.
  • Turn off the heat and let the cereal soak up any excess liquid.
  • Enrich the taste of the dish with pieces of fruit, dried fruit, honey or jam.
  • It is large oat flakes that retain all the usefulness of the cereal.

  • For preparing medium-sized oat flakes use them in a ratio of 1:2.5 to liquid.
  • Reduce cooking time. Stir the porridge for about five minutes, then simmer it under the lid for the same amount of time.

Oatmeal can be served not only as a sweet dish, but also as a side dish or independent dish. Then use salt instead of sugar.

Instant cereal is cooked in the same way, only for one minute . You can simply pour boiling water over the oatmeal and leave it to swell.

Oat flakes of any size can be poured into a thermos and filled with boiling water or boiled milk . After standing like this for some time, the dish will be ready to eat.

How long does it take to cook pea porridge?

  • Before you start cooking peas need to be soaked first . It's better to do this at night. Just don’t overdo it; peas can ferment if left in water for a long time.
  • Next, drain the water fill in fresh flow in a ratio of 1:3 and set to cook.
  • Cook the pea porridge over medium heat, skimming off the foam after boiling.
  • Pre-soaked peas are cooked for 30 to 50 minutes.

But the fact is that there are different varieties of peas. The boiled variety is perfect for making porridge. Try to boil the tougher ones as much as possible, and then puree them with a blender.

  • The shape of the pea itself also plays a significant role. if the peas are whole, the porridge will cook longer, than if the peas are chopped into halves.
  • When the peas are thoroughly boiled, go through them with a masher, add salt and season with oil.

It turns out incredibly tasty pea porridge, seasoned with overcooked onions and carrots or cracklings.

If you salt the peas at the beginning of cooking, they will not boil, but will remain just as hard.

How long to cook pearl barley porridge?

How long does it take to cook bulgur?

Bulgur is crushed wheat , treated with steam and dried using special technologies. Bulgur porridge is very healthy and tastes a little like rice and barley.

Making simple bulgur porridge is very simple:

  • In a thick-bottomed saucepan pour a couple of spoons sunflower oil and heat it up.
  • Stirring occasionally fry On him bulgur for a few minutes .
  • Then add twice as much water as cereal to the pan.
  • Simmer porridge for 15-20 minutes.
  • If the bulgur has been stored for quite a long time, then increase the amount of water and cooking time.

How long does it take to cook semolina porridge in water?

Semolina porridge is very nutritious, it is indispensable in the process of restoring strength after illness.

According to many indicators, milk may be prohibited for consumption, or a strict diet does not include dairy products, so water is used.

  • When the water boils, pour semolina into it in a thin stream, stirring at the same time.
  • So cook the semolina for 4 to 7 minutes . After you turn off the heat, the semolina will continue to cook and swell for some time.
  • Next add sugar and butter.

How long should I cook semolina porridge with milk for a child?

For children, semolina porridge is generally one of the first dishes in the diet, which they will chew on both cheeks. Moreover, semolina porridge can be included in the diet baby food even from infancy, replacing store-bought milk formulas.

Here is an approximate guide to the ratio of semolina, milk and cooking time for milk semolina porridge, depending on the age category of the child.

Semolina is also cooked in milk for 4 to 7 minutes. Depending on how thick the porridge you want to get, the water-cereal ratio will fluctuate.

You can pour semolina into the milk in a thin stream before it boils. This will reduce the likelihood of lumps forming significantly. Just remember to stir constantly.

You might be interested in our article: Semolina porridge with milk: how to cook it correctly and how long does it take to cook? Simple step by step recipes semolina porridge with milk with exact proportions of milk and semolina, photos and video recipes

How long does it take to cook lentils?

Lentils are a huge storehouse of vitamins and nutrients. But due to its specific taste, it is not in very great demand, although it has its own audience of fans.

Like peas, you need to salt the lentils at the end, a few minutes before they are ready.

  • Take a glass of lentils and rinse with cold water .
  • Pour two glasses of water over the lentils and boil.
  • Reduce the heat and pour a tablespoon of any vegetable oil into the pan, this will soften the lentils better.
  • Cook the dish with the lid ajar for 30-50 minutes , before turning off the heat, add salt.
  • You can serve and cook lentils with herbs, meat, poultry, onions and carrots.
  • To give delicious aroma cook it with bay leaf, thyme, rosemary.

How and how long to cook porridge in bags?

Cereals in cooking bags are a fairly recent “invention” of mankind. There are different opinions about the benefits and harms of cereals packaged in this way. Here are their main characteristics that will help you decide whether it is worth buying porridge in bags:

  • Before packaging, cereals undergo thermal and various technical treatments.
  • The cooking time for cereals is reduced significantly.
  • The bags where cereals are packaged have very high heat resistance, so they are not harmful to health.
  • The price for such a product is more expensive than for non-packaged cereals.

How long does it take to cook porridge in a slow cooker?

The multicooker has greatly simplified the life of modern housewives. You can also use it to prepare porridge. Each model has a mode specifically designed for them. It could be milk porridge/cereals, buckwheat, pilaf/desserts, etc.

  • The advantage of cooking porridge in a multicooker is that it uses a special mode and has a non-stick coating on the container. the porridge does not stick to the bowl, it literally languishes.
  • In addition, after completing the cooking process You can leave the multicooker on in warm mode , when, in turn, the pan would have to be wrapped in a towel for better evaporation of the porridge.
  • No need to be distracted by stirring the cereal , there is no need to do this to prepare porridge in a slow cooker.
  • Average Cooking time for porridge at the desired mode is 20-25 minutes , but it can always be adjusted up or down.

The ratio of water and cereals when cooking cereals: table

How long does it take to cook porridge: table

The vast majority of tables on cooking cereals indicate how long to cook a particular cereal with an approximate volume of liquid. But varieties of the same cereal may differ in their taste and culinary characteristics. Therefore, the numbers in the cereal preparation tables are relative.

It gives strength and vigor for the whole day. Milk is an excellent source of protein, and cereals are an excellent source of energy. And both components of the dish contain many vitamins and beneficial minerals.

They are usually boiled with milk, and they require more liquid than crumbly ones. has its own characteristics, each has its own secrets. But there are rules common to everyone:

  • all cereals, except semolina and oatmeal, must be washed
  • cereal is poured into boiling liquid
  • you need to salt porridge with milk a little more than porridge with water
  • First the milk is salted, and then the cereal is added
  • Some porridges are first boiled in water and then finished with milk
  • After cooking, any cereal should evaporate for some time. Canon: the heating takes place as long as the grain has been on the fire. But there are also options.

Millet porridge

You need to rinse it as best as possible. Pour hot water 6-7 times, constantly rubbing the cereal with your palms. Pour boiling water over the cereal one last time; you can do this in a colander or sieve. This method of washing will remove the unpleasant bitterness from the millet.

Need a lot of water

Pour the millet with plenty of hot water and put it on the fire. Yes, yes, exactly water, and preferably soft, filtered, or maybe boiled. You need to cook until the cereal is half cooked - about 10 minutes after boiling. Then drain the water and pour in hot milk.

Boil in milk

Pour about a glass of milk into a glass of dry cereal. Place on low heat, cover with a lid and let the porridge boil. When the cereal has absorbed all the milk, turn it off.


The main thing that we need to know is that semolina is not a cereal, but a coarsely ground durum wheat flour. It cooks easily and boils quickly, but this is where the danger lies.

Semolina porridge has only two main secrets: cook quickly and strictly follow the proportions:

  • 1.5 cups semolina
  • 1 liter of milk

Laying cereals

It needs to be poured into boiling milk and done through a sieve. Then the porridge does not form nasty lumps.

Cooking time

2 minutes on high heat and 10-15 minutes under the lid on the burner turned off. The porridge must be steeped, then it will acquire its special milky-buttery taste. The grains will swell and make it look like other cereal porridges. Don't worry if the porridge has not yet thickened after simmering for 2 minutes. It will definitely steam, since the temperature of the milk steam under a closed lid is higher than that of just boiling milk. So while the porridge is infused, it is finished cooking.

Be sure to stir!

Yes, while the porridge is on the fire, you need to constantly stir it. All 2 minutes. So that it doesn't burn.

Final touches

You can add butter, sugar, jam, cream and... even fried onions only after the porridge has steeped and acquired the desired consistency. Now it can be mixed, sweetened and everything else.

Important! Do not dilute porridge with milk.

Cooking option

Step 1. Heat 1.5 cups of cereal in a deep enamel frying pan with 1-2 tbsp. butter. It should take on a light yellowish color.

Step 2. Pour milk directly into the pan, stir, bring to a boil, let simmer for 2 minutes.

Step 3. Turn off, close the lid and let sit for 15 minutes.

Children's oatmeal

Children's - because. For it, oatmeal or oatmeal is taken. They must first be boiled in hot water and then rubbed through a sieve. It will catch all the husks and hard parts. You need to take twice as much water as flakes.

After this, add hot milk (in a ratio of 2 to 1, that is, twice as much milk). You can take even more milk if you want a completely liquid porridge. It will take about 5-7 minutes to cook.

Let it sit for about five minutes, and then sweeten it a little and add... There are many options here: chocolate, dried fruits, preserves and jams, spices (cinnamon, cardamom, nutmeg, vanilla), lemon or orange zest. Of course, it’s worth adding a piece of butter, sometimes cream is added, this gives the porridge a velvety and rich feel.

Rice porrige

Rice does not cook well in milk, so it is usually boiled first in water.

The rice is washed, poured into boiling water and cooked for 5 minutes. Then they are thrown onto a sieve and allowed to drain. Then pour hot milk (3-4 cups per glass of rice, depending on how thick the porridge you want).

You need to bring the porridge with milk to a boil, reduce the heat, cover with a lid and cook for 10 minutes. And then leave under the closed lid for another 15 minutes. You can even cover the pan with a towel to retain more heat.



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