Recipe for steak made from minced pork in the oven. Minced beefsteak with mushroom sauce. Minced beefsteak with almonds and sesame seeds

Recipe for steak made from minced pork in the oven. Minced beefsteak with mushroom sauce. Minced beefsteak with almonds and sesame seeds


Beef steak We will cook not from a whole piece of meat, but from minced meat. Such minced meat will turn out best and tastiest if you prepare it at home from the freshest, unfrozen piece of beef. To ensure that the taste of the meat retains its naturalness and natural qualities, we will not add a large amount of spices to the minced meat. If you wish, you can add to the list of seasonings or replace some of them yourself.

In the classic recipe for preparing European minced steak, the binding element is not a chicken egg, but ordinary water. Our step-by-step recipe for preparing this dish with photos will be no exception. The water is not as viscous as an egg, so it will take a little more effort to shape the steaks, but this will give you the taste of a real European-style ground steak.

As a side dish for this dish, onions are perfect; we cut them into rings and fry them in flour so that they turn out crispy.

Let's get started preparing this amazing hearty meat dish for lunch.


  • (400 g)

  • (100 ml)

  • (1 PC.)

  • (3 tbsp.)

  • (a little for frying)

  • (taste)

  • (taste)

  • (taste)

Cooking steps

    Minced meat is best prepared at home from a fresh piece of juicy and tender beef. We wash a piece of meat in cold water, dry it and pass it through a meat grinder. There is no need to mix onions or any other additives into this minced meat.

    Add a pinch of salt and ground black pepper to taste to the finished twisted meat. As additional spices for beef, you can use a variety of dry aromatic herbs, sweet paprika or hot red pepper. Basil, thyme and mint go well with this type of meat. Mix the ingredients thoroughly in a bowl.

    Pour the indicated amount of water at room temperature into a bowl with meat and spices. We carefully beat the resulting mixture so that the minced meat has a very dense structure. Eggs are not added to minced beefsteak mince.

    Divide the resulting minced meat into 4 equal parts. From each received part we form a neat volumetric ball in our palms, after which we slightly flatten it and get the correct shape of the cutlet.

    Heat a small amount of vegetable oil in a frying pan with a thick bottom. Place the shaped chopped beef steaks on the bottom of the frying pan and fry on both sides over medium heat without a lid until golden brown. The degree of roasting of meat depends on the cooking time. Place the steaks on a paper towel and allow excess oil to drain.

    Peel the onion and cut it into neat, not too thin, whole rings. Sprinkle the onion slices with a small amount of flour, stir so that all the flour sticks to the surface of the rings. Fry the onion in flour in the same pan in which the steaks were fried.

    Place the finished dish on a plate, add onion rings fried until golden brown and fresh herbs on the side. Chopped beef steak is ready.

    Bon appetit!

Step 1: select and prepare meat.

In fact, a steak is nothing more than a small slice of veal roasted over a fire, but very often it is made from minced or ground meat, and, as mentioned earlier, this ingredient must be chosen correctly! The ideal option for this dish is a tender and juicy tenderloin, pre-slightly cooled in a special chamber, at a temperature no higher or lower than +4 degrees Celsius, but if there are no particular options, you can take fresh.

We thoroughly rinse the desired piece of veal under streams of cold running water, dry it with paper kitchen towels, place it on a cutting board and, using a sharp kitchen knife, remove veins, film, and small bones, which are often found on logs. Then we cut the meat into small portions of 3 to 4 centimeters in size and move on.

Step 2: prepare the minced meat.

We install a manual or electric meat grinder with a medium mesh on the countertop and pass the prepared veal through it into a deep bowl. Add salt, cumin, coriander to taste to the resulting minced meat, as well as two types of ground pepper: black and red hot. To make the steak juicy, add a little purified cold water to the ground meat, four tablespoons is enough, and thoroughly knead everything until smooth.

Beat the resulting mass; this is done very simply. We roll the minced meat into a bun and with medium force we throw it, that is, we can say, throw it, to the bottom of the bowl. We repeat this process 5–6 times, then cover the container with the aromatic mass with plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator for 15–20 minutes, although it can be half an hour.

Step 3: form the beefsteak from minced meat.

After the required time, we take the minced meat out of the refrigerator; if everything is done correctly, it will be elastic and juicy. We separate about two, or preferably three, tablespoons from it, form a ball the size of a tennis ball from the meat, place it on a cutting board, lightly press it with the flat side of a knife so that the thickness is reduced to about 1.5 centimeters and, using the same equipment, add steak has a more rounded shape. Then we decide in what way and to what degree of readiness the dish will be prepared. There are at least three options for cooking steak, in the oven, on the stove and on the grill, we'll break it all down.

Step 4: The first way to cook minced steak is in a frying pan.

So, put a frying pan on medium heat, pour a little vegetable oil into it and heat until 180–190 degrees Celsius. Then carefully lower one steak into it and select the degree of doneness. If we want to get meat with red meat juice (rare), then fry a round piece of ground meat 2–3 minutes each from each side. We wish medium rare, then 4–5 minutes on both sides.

Like almost cooked veal (medium well)? In this case, cook the steak over moderate heat. 8–9 minutes. Well, if you prefer fully cooked meat, practically no juice (well done), then we cook it about 10 minutes until brown or 5-6 minutes in a frying pan and 10 minutes in an oven heated to 190 degrees Celsius.

Step 5: the second option for cooking minced steak is in the oven.

Now let's look at the second method, first turn on and preheat the oven up to 180 degrees Celsius. Then we take a large non-stick pan or baking sheet and grease its surface with a thin layer of vegetable oil. If you are worried that the dish will burn, then it is better to cover this dish with parchment or foil, and only then treat it with any fat. Place the formed beefsteaks on the bottom of the selected equipment, make a small dent in the middle of each with your thumb and bake them for 10–20 minutes.

As you can see, the time is also adjusted depending on the desired doneness of the meat, cook less, get veal with red or pink juice, cook longer, get a fully cooked steak.

Step 6: the third option for preparing minced steak is on the grill or grill.

So we come to the third method, prepare a barbecue or grill, place raw steaks on a special grill, pre-lubricated with a thin layer of vegetable oil, and fry them to the desired degree of readiness from 7 to 15 minutes. Regardless of the choice of method, after the meat cakes have reached the consistency you need, using a kitchen spatula, distribute them in portions onto plates and serve them to the table.

Step 7: Serve the minced steak.

Minced beefsteak is served hot as a complete second course.

It is served in portions on plates with some kind of side dish; mashed potatoes, potatoes, vegetable salad, marinades, pickles and much more are suitable.

As a complement to such a delicious dish, they put a lot of hot, sour, sweet or salty-spicy sauces on the table; a good option is mushroom, creamy, tomato. Cook in a good mood and enjoy home-cooked food!
Bon appetit!

In America, as a bonus, they still add finely chopped onions or garlic to the minced meat; these vegetables add a little juiciness to the finished dish, but make it more similar to ordinary cutlets;

Sometimes, instead of veal, beef or a mixture of this meat and pork is used;

Do you have a special meat thermometer? Then they can check the readiness of the steak; if its internal temperature is at least 160 degrees Fahrenheit or 71 degrees Celsius, you can safely eat it;

The set of spices is not important; use any that are used to season minced meat.

You still need to look for a man who, in his “sound mind and sober memory,” will refuse a juicy steak covered with an appetizingly fried crust. Initially, as the name suggests (beef - beef + steak - cut), the dish was prepared only from specially selected whole meat cuts.

Today, the changing “culinary fashion” dictates different rules. Chefs began to choose from different types of meat and even minced meat, but three degrees of doneness remained: some with rare, some with medium roast, and some prefer to bring it to full readiness. There are fans of Tartar steak made from minced meat without any heat treatment at all, but in combination with a raw egg. Previously, this exotic dish was prepared from dried horse meat, but now from very fresh minced meat.

Preparing to cook

To cook delicious steak at home, you don’t need to be a culinary professor. The dish is prepared quite simply. The main thing is to take the “right” meat, not fresh meat, but marbled meat that has matured for 2 to 3 weeks. During this time, the fermentation process ends, and the beef becomes more tender, and the best parts of the carcass are chosen for steaks. Since the technology does not provide for pre-beating before frying, the ideal option is tenderloin.

This steak can be cooked in any way: on the grill, in a frying pan, in a saucepan and in the oven, the result will always be excellent. There are 13 types, each of which is prepared from a corresponding part of the carcass. After selecting the meat, it is seasoned only with freshly ground black pepper and salt, allowed to sit for a while, and then fried.

Temperature and degree (there are 7 of them) depend on the taste preferences of consumers. They cook from a few seconds, just to “close” the piece on both sides, to deep frying at a temperature above 100 degrees, when there is no juice left.

Steak calories

The dish is quite high in calories. But what kind of willpower do you have to have to deny yourself a juicy and flavorful slice of meat!? Therefore, sometimes you can relax and have a holiday. A classic sirloin steak served with a fried egg will give you 275 Kcal, but this is only if you clench your will and limit yourself to only a 100 gram portion.

If such weight and caloric content are “unaffordable”, then you will have to switch your attention to turkey or chicken. There's nothing you can do - being slim requires sacrifice!

Classic beef steak

Historically, steak was prepared from a single layer of beef, and then they began to make it from minced meat and call it minced, since the meat was not passed through a meat grinder, but was chopped into small pieces with a knife. The easiest and fastest recipe for cooking steak.

For one serving you will need 100 g of minced meat, oil for frying, pepper and salt to taste.

  1. Place the meat cut into pieces into a chopper, add salt and pepper, break into mince, place on the table and beat.
  2. Form a “puck” and heat the oil.
  3. Fry the product on both sides for a couple of minutes, and for those who like it deep fried, keep it for a little longer.

Serve with fried eggs and small pasta, such as farfalle, penne, etc., garnished with cherry tomatoes.

Delicious chopped beefsteak in a frying pan

Fragrant fried onion with juicy beef and fried egg is not a dish, but a meat-eater’s dream! It is quite simple to prepare, the main thing is that the beef for the steak is selected correctly. And then, after a fairly short time, a set of simple products will turn into an exquisite and tasty dish. And if you add a bottle of red wine, you’ll get a romantic addition to a tete-a-tete meeting.

Let's take products based on 0.4 kg of beef, finely chopped with a knife or cooked in a meat grinder, always with large holes.


  • Beef – 0.4 kg.
  • Eggs – 4 pcs.
  • Onion – 3 pcs.
  • Vodka – 10-15 ml.
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Salt – 1 tsp.
  • Freshly ground black pepper – ⅓ tsp.
  • Ghee butter – 3 tbsp. l.

Preparation procedure:

  1. Grind the meat in a convenient way. Grate half the onion, mix with the minced meat, add a little salt. Add pepper, pour in vodka, add yolk, mix everything thoroughly. Beat a lump of meat well, throwing (10-12 times) from a small height into a wide bowl or on the table, form steaks, let them sit for a while.
  2. Cut the rest of the onion into rings, fry in heated melted butter, sprinkle with sugar until a beautiful dark golden color.
  3. Beat the whites of one egg with a fork until foam appears; heat a large frying pan over medium heat with a tablespoon of oil. Dip the steak in the protein, this “bathing” will preserve its juiciness - this is one of the little tricks. Transfer to a hot frying pan and fry until crusty, about 3-4 minutes on both sides.

Place the finished steaks in a tray, cover with foil, let stand for a while, place on heated plates, add a side dish (ideally fried eggs and salad).

Video recipe

Beefsteak with egg in the oven

You can quickly prepare a minced steak with an egg at home. It turns out “two in one” - both the main dish and the side dish. This cooking option is healthier than frying in a pan.


  • 0.7 kg beef tenderloin;
  • 70-100 g cheese;
  • 6 eggs;
  • 1 tsp. salt;
  • 1 tsp. dill;
  • 1 tsp. seasonings for meat;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 tsp. parsley


  1. Prepare minced meat with onions, add dry spices, add salt, and mix well. Add the egg, mix again and beat it on the table.
  2. Take some minced meat, roll it into a ball, and then flatten it like a cheesecake, making a depression in the center.
  3. Place on a baking sheet lined with parchment and place in the oven for 10 minutes at 200°C.
  4. During this time, finely grate the cheese, pull out the baking sheet, fill the recesses in the meat cakes with cheese shavings, and put them back in the oven for 10 minutes.
  5. Take out the steaks, break an egg into each, and put in the oven for another 10 minutes.

Serve hot with seasonal vegetable salad.

Video cooking

Cooking steak from pork and beef

If the meat for cooking is too lean, and there are concerns that the dish will turn out dry, you can use a mixture of ground beef and pork. Try to cook not quite ordinary steaks with the addition of beets - they will definitely be juicy.


  • Minced meat – 0.5 kg.
  • Sour cream – 1-2 tbsp. l.
  • Beetroot (boiled) – 100 g.
  • Salt - to taste.
  • Flour – 2 tbsp. l.
  • Oil – for frying.


  1. Grate the beets, mix with minced meat, add sour cream, add salt, and mix.
  2. Form steaks, fry in oil until half cooked on both sides, transfer to a fireproof dish.
  3. Add flour to the frying oil, fry, add hot water, stir until lumps disappear.
  4. Fill the mold with the resulting gravy and place it in the oven for a third of an hour at 130 degrees.
  5. Cook with a lid to prevent the gravy from boiling over and the steaks from drying out.

How to properly cook marbled beef steak

It’s hard to come up with a simpler dish based on the cooking technology; a few secrets and a gorgeous dinner is ready. If this is your first experience, start “experimenting” with ribeye steak: it is simply impossible to spoil it, since it is the most marbled of all types. The veins of fat between the muscle fibers, which appear during special fattening of the animal, will not allow the steak to “shrink” and dry out, so the meat, at any degree of frying, turns out very juicy, soft and aromatic.


  1. From the “mill”, sprinkle a piece of meat with pepper, add rosemary leaves, coat with oil, and let stand for a third of an hour.
  2. Heat the grill pan (ideally cast iron) very hot and bring the oven to 200 degrees, it should have a wire rack and a tray for collecting juice and fat (save the mixture and prepare a sauce based on it).
  3. Place the meat in a frying pan with tongs, fry for a couple of minutes on both sides (add some salt when turning the piece over). Using tongs, place the piece on the “edge” and seal (about 15 seconds) around the entire perimeter.
  4. Place the slice on the preheated oven rack and leave for about eight minutes.
  5. Place the finished steak on a heated plate, cover with foil, let stand for a couple of minutes so that the temperature of the entire piece becomes uniform and the meat is “ripened.”

Serve such a gorgeous steak of delicious juiciness to the table and... words of admiration will not keep you waiting long!

Choosing the best sauce

Almost any sauce is suitable for beef steak: sour cream, cream, garlic, tomato, berry. Thanks to it, the meat will become even more juicy, it will complement the taste and aroma. It is better to serve the sauce chilled, in a separate bowl. Although a properly cooked steak will be good without any additional ingredients, if desired, you can simply pour over the frying juices.

  • Garlic- Prepares quickly and easily. While the meat is in the oven, mix a couple of baked cloves of garlic with a teaspoon of lemon zest and a tablespoon of meat juice, add 40 g of soft butter and a teaspoon of thyme, mix everything well, let it stand in the refrigerator. Place some of the chilled mixture on the cooked hot steak.
  • Creamy with mushrooms – it takes a little longer to prepare, it’s better to use white mushrooms, but you can do it 1:1 with champignons. Cut 100 g of mushrooms into cubes in a frying pan = brown a couple of tablespoons with a little butter. spoons of flour, add mushrooms, when the moisture disappears, pour in half a glass of cream, season with a pinch of nutmeg, pepper, salt, stir, simmer until ⅔ of the initial volume remains.
  • Ginger with gooseberries – an interesting hot and sour sauce, ready in about 10 minutes. Gooseberries can be replaced with red currants. Peel 20 g of garlic and 100 g of gooseberries, put in a blender, add 15 g of ginger and 10 g of mint, pour in 20 g of oil, beat everything thoroughly into a homogeneous mass.

Hearty dinner

For variety, you can enrich your collection of culinary recipes with a non-standard steak. The taste of the meat is enhanced by a spicy marinade and complemented by a vegetable side dish.


  • A couple of beef steaks.
  • Carrot.
  • Bulb.
  • 150 g beans (green).
  • A couple of garlic cloves.
  • Lemon.
  • A couple of eggs.
  • Salt and spices to taste.
  • 50 ml oil.
  • According to the mood (for decoration) fresh dill.


  1. Prepare the steaks, wash and dry with a paper towel.
  2. Crush the garlic with a press, pour in squeezed lemon juice. Coat the steaks with marinade, place under light pressure and let stand for an hour and a half to two hours.
  3. Fry the fried egg and carefully place on a plate so as not to damage the yolk.
  4. Next, fry the steaks in a hot frying pan with oil (3 minutes on each side). When you remove the meat from the marinade, dry it, and then just fry it, otherwise you won’t get such an appetizing dark straw crust.
  5. For a side dish of vegetables, chop carrots into thin slices, onions into half rings and fry, add carrots, bean pods, simmer all together.
  6. Place fried eggs, a pile of vegetables, a steak on a heated plate, sprinkle with chopped dill.

How to properly fry a steak in a frying pan

Fried meat is nourishing and appetizing, and let it be said that the best connoisseurs of meat are men, however, you will hardly find a woman who refuses to taste such an exquisite dish. How to fry a steak in a frying pan - this is exactly what will be discussed in the article, because a special treat requires proper preparation, and its taste is fully revealed only when the meat is properly cooked.

There are several types of preparing beef steak (from a whole piece of meat and chopped) and many recipes for frying it, some of which we will consider step by step in the article.

If you are determined to cook a classic steak at home, you should know that beef is best suited for this. We will tell you which part of it is better to take, as well as how to properly process and fry the meat.

Cooking a beef steak is not considered a complicated process, and knowing the culinary secrets of successful frying, with each subsequent time, cooking will become even easier and faster.

  • Beef – 400 g
  • Spices (any) - to taste
  • Butter - to taste

  1. We wash the beef meat under running water, remove the film from it, and cut off pieces of fat.
  2. We cut the meat across the grain into thin layers, 1-1.5 cm in size. The larger the piece, the longer it will fry, so it is recommended to cut the meat into pieces no larger than 1.5 cm.
  1. Rub each sliced ​​beef steak on both sides with your favorite spices and salt.
  2. Heat a frying pan over a fire and grease the bottom with butter.
  3. Fry the beef steak for 3-4 minutes on each side. It is necessary to ensure that the color of the meat becomes evenly brown on both sides. At the same time, it is important that the meat is fried from the inside, so periodically check its readiness with a fork.
  • Beef – 400 g + –
  • Vegetable oil - to taste + -
  • Onions – 250 g + –
  • Lard – 70 g + –
  • Peppercorns - to taste + -
  • Salt - to taste + -
  • Milk - ½ cup (glass volume - 200 ml) + -
  • Greens - to taste + -

You can cook steak not only from whole meat. The dish is no less tasty if you make it from minced meat. It is recommended to prepare minced meat yourself so that the raw materials for the meat snack are exclusively natural and have a pleasant natural taste.

We will tell you about the preparation of minced meat and steak based on it in the step-by-step recipe below.

  • Pass the meat and lard through a meat grinder.
  • Mix the resulting minced meat with salt, pepper, milk, you can add a raw egg
  • Mix the mass thoroughly, form the twisted meat into balls, place them in a frying pan heated in oil.
  • Cut the onion into small half rings (rings), fry it together with the steak.

Fry the dish until cooked and serve with mashed potatoes or pasta for lunch or dinner.

Using the above recipe, we will get a tasty, hearty dish cooked medium-rare, but the level of doneness of the steak may vary. You are free to choose to what degree you fry the steak in the pan. Your dish is exclusively your culinary creation, the taste of which is created only by you.

  1. Medium rare– this is when the meat turns soft pink when cut.
  2. Medium rare– beef releases clear juice when fried.
  3. Well done– slightly dried meat.
  4. Deep fried– the meat is heavily fried, there is not even any juice (it evaporates during the cooking process).
  5. Meat with blood- a preparation that involves frying only the outside.
  6. Extra-roasting– the steak is raw, but not cold.

To ensure that your homemade steak does not disappoint you, make sure that you follow the rules for preparing it in advance, even before you start frying.

Every housewife should know firsthand about the possible pros and cons of a dish. If you remember all the nuances of successfully preparing a steak once, then in the future there will be no difficulties in the process of frying it.

In the classical sense, beefsteak is a beef steak, so most often it is prepared from beef pieces. The most suitable part of beef for steak is the head part of the tenderloin, as well as the flesh of the thighs or back.

As for preparing a dish from minced meat, here you can give preference to veal or pork. However, beef also remains an excellent cooking option.

If you neglect this rule, then the outer layers of meat will cook much earlier than the inner part, and it will turn out that the outside of the meat will burn, but the inside will be raw.

Rule No. 3: how and how long to fry a steak in a frying pan

Steak meat should be fried in a small amount of vegetable oil or fat. You can put meat parts in a frying pan only when the fatty ingredients are well heated.

On average, you need to fry beef for 20 minutes; if you cook a rare steak, then reduce the frying time to 15 minutes. In order for the meat to be well fried, you must first bring it to a golden crust, and then reduce the flame and fry over low heat until cooked.

For those who didn't know how to fry a steak in a frying pan, now you can only envy. After all, you have in your hands simple culinary recipes and proven tips that will definitely help you create a delicious meat masterpiece.

Your hungry household members will not be able to remain indifferent to the heady smell of fried meat, and therefore be careful - the fried pieces from the plate will not only go wild, but will scatter at the speed of sound.

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Culinary and classical encyclopedias adamantly state that beefsteak is a beef steak, a piece of fried beef tenderloin. Haute cuisine places too strict demands on steak meat: beef steak meat is cut only from a certain part of the carcass. It’s clear why beef tenderloin is so expensive, and it can’t always be found in regular stores. Elite restaurants purchase such meat before it reaches the counter, even earlier.

But, having extensive culinary experience behind us and unlimited access to information posted on the World Wide Web, we will not despair. Other meats also work well in ground beef steaks, and they are sometimes even tastier than a whole cut of beef. It all depends on your irrepressible culinary imagination.

Minced beefsteak - basic technological principles

A classic steak is made from beef, even if the meat is minced. But you can deviate from this principle if you want to cook a tasty meat dish, but there is no beef available. Feel free to use any fillet meat that is in the refrigerator: chicken, turkey, pork, beef, lamb - all options will do. But remember that a steak differs from a cutlet in the cooking technology, even if ordinary cutlet mince or minced meat is used to prepare it.

To bring the taste of chopped beefsteak closer to the original recipe, let's see what stages of preparation a piece of beef tenderloin goes through before becoming the famous classic beefsteak.

Pieces of beef for steak must be cut across the grain. The thickness of the piece matters for the degree of roasting. The meat should not be too thin so that the steak does not end up dry and tough after frying. The ideal thickness is one and a half centimeters, given that after frying the product will almost halve in size, and there should still be some meat juice left in the finished product. Typically, all steaks are round or slightly oval in shape, the same size as the thickness of the tenderloin.

Natural beef steak is traditionally soaked in various marinades, using sweet and sour ingredients or similar flavoring mixtures, before frying. Pepper is added to marinades for spiciness, spicy ingredients for aroma, garlic, ginger, horseradish for a piquant taste.

The marinade, in addition to imparting flavor to the meat, prepares the meat protein for heat treatment - this is its main significance. The fact is that protein coagulates (shrinks) at high temperatures. As a result, liquid is forced out of the fibers, which immediately evaporates in a hot frying pan, and the steak, cutlet or beefsteak becomes incredibly tough and does not look at all tempting. The presence of acid in the marinade softens the meat fibers, which reduces their contraction during frying. Sugar or other sweet ingredients add piquancy to meat dishes, highlight the taste, and when fried, they also form an appetizing caramel crust. The crust on the surface of the meat prevents the evaporation of juice from inside. In cooking, too, everything is interconnected, and all principles are based on the physics and biochemistry of products and methods of processing them.

It remains to add that minced meat for cooking steaks is an even more convenient and easier option. Small pieces of meat, of course, also shrink when frying, but this does not deform the product, and to avoid loss of juiciness, be sure to fry the semi-finished product so as to quickly achieve the formation of a crust on the surface.

All known and still unknown recipes for marinades for natural steak from a whole piece of meat are also suitable for minced meat, only in the second case less liquid needs to be added so that when forming medallions, the minced meat does not spread, and the product has a beautiful, even shape.

One more detail: try not to add bread, starch, flour or other thickeners to the beefsteak mince. These are not home-style cutlets. Now you can start testing recipes.

1. Minced beefsteak - a simple picnic dish


Minced meat (beef) 750 g

Soy sauce 75 ml

Dijon mustard 100 g

Butter 120 g

Orange juice, natural 200 ml

Coriander 15 g

Cloves 5 g

Pepper (paprika), ground 20 g

Cooking method:

Add all ingredients to cutlet meat. The minced meat must be thoroughly mixed and, covering the container with film, placed in the refrigerator for ten or twelve hours to mature. It is convenient to prepare this cutlet mixture overnight. The next day, take out the meat, form it into round medallions, 1.5 cm thick. Semi-finished products can be fried in a grill pan, on a wire rack.

Serve with roasted vegetables and spicy tomato sauce.

2. Minced beefsteak with egg and onion - a hearty breakfast


Minced pork 900 g

Ground pepper

Eggs, dietary 6 pcs.

Onions (rings) 600 g

For garnish:

French fries

Vegetable salad (cucumbers, tomatoes)

Preparation procedure:

Choose lean pork for your steak. Fat will add juiciness to the meat, so it should be at least 25% in the cutlet mass. Chop the pulp with a knife, add spices. Beat the minced meat until meat juice appears, containing collagen (protein), which holds the pieces of minced meat or minced meat together. Keep the finished minced meat in the cold so that the protein begins to harden. This will help you easily form round meat patties. Keep in mind that meat loses up to 40% of its weight when frying. Therefore, the weight of the raw semi-finished product must be taken into account these losses.

To fry steak and eggs, you need to prepare round molds without a bottom: tin cookie cutters will do. Heat the frying pan. Fry the steaks until golden brown, turn them over, and place metal rings on each one. Gently beat one egg at a time into the rings, on top of the steak. The other side of the steak will fry at the same time as the scrambled eggs. Adjust the heat on the stove so that the white of the egg curls at the same time as a crust appears on the underside of the steak. Transfer portions to plates. In the same frying pan, having removed the molds, fry the onion, cut into rings and sprinkled with flour.

It is better to deep-fry potatoes using vegetable fat. Place it on portioned plates next to the steak, and juicy slices of cucumbers and tomatoes will decorate and balance a hearty breakfast.

3. Minced beefsteak with cream sauce

Ingredients for 6 servings:

Beef, minced 750 g

Paprika, dried (pieces) 50 g

Garlic (slices) 8-10 pcs.

Lemons (juice and zest) 2 pcs.

Olive oil 75 ml

Fresh thyme (leaves)

Butter, butter 50 g

Egg 1 pc.

Cream (20%) 150 ml

Preparation procedure:

Lightly salt the minced meat so that the juice begins to separate, mix and form round meat cakes. Add paprika, thyme leaves, and fresh zest to the olive oil.

Preheat the oven to 220°C. Grease a baking dish with the prepared butter mixture. Place whole cloves of garlic in it between the steaks. Using a brush, coat the semi-finished products with the same mixture. Bake until done. Then sprinkle the steaks with the juice of one lemon and cover the hot pan with foil for ten minutes.

Beat the egg and butter into a fluffy foam, pour in the cream, heated to 90-95°C, in a thin stream, without stopping whipping. Add the juice of the second lemon, chopped cloves of baked garlic, zest and thyme leaves. Bring the sauce to a boil, remove from the stove. When it has cooled to room temperature, transfer it to the refrigerator. The sauce should be served cold, so it can be prepared in advance.

This steak will perfectly complement cream cheese, tomatoes, and olives. At least that's what they think in Florence.

4. Minced beefsteak with almonds and sesame seeds


Beef (minced) 1.8 kg

Sesame 200 g

Almonds, ground 150 g

Soy sauce 100 ml

Honey, liquid 90 g

Garlic 50 g

Ginger (root) 70 g

Coriander 25 g

Oil, vegetable 200 ml

To decorate the dish:

Lettuce, curly parsley, pickled ginger

Preparation procedure:

Grind the garlic and almond root on a fine grater or using a blender. Add all the main ingredients to the ground beef except the sesame seeds. Stir. Cover the mass with film and let it ripen in the refrigerator for at least two hours. Then proceed to the formation of semi-finished products. If desired, they can be fried in a frying pan, baked in the oven or on the grill.

Serve after placing a lettuce leaf and a sprig of parsley on a plate. Sprinkle with sesame seeds. Place pickled ginger nearby.

5. Ground beefsteak - “Bloody Mary”


Minced meat 1.2 kg

Lemon 2 pcs.

Celery (stems) 50 g

Tomatoes 100 g

Vodka 75 ml

Lettuce leaves, lemon slices - for decoration


Zest one lemon and squeeze out the juice. This is for ground beef. Blanch fresh tomatoes, remove the skin, grind to a puree consistency, and also add to the minced meat with salt and pepper. Add vodka. Keep the mass in the cold for ripening, as standard - at least two hours. Then form round cutlets and fry in any way: in the oven, on the grill or in a frying pan.

6. Minced beefsteak with mint-fruit sauce


Beef 700 g

Pork fat 300 g

Black pepper

Sugar, brown

Sauce, soy



Cognac 150 ml

Oil for frying

Baked apples 3 pcs.

Blackcurrant (juice) 100 ml

Chili pepper (powder)

Oil, vegetable 90 ml

Starch, corn 30 g

Mint leaves - to taste


Cut the meat and lard as desired and pass through a large mesh meat grinder. Add all the spices to the meat, except cognac and butter. Stir the minced meat. When adding spices, salt and sugar, use your own taste. Beat the prepared minced meat and keep it in the refrigerator. Form semi-finished products, weighing 150 g each. Fry chopped steaks by heating the oil in a frying pan. After frying, carefully pour cognac into the pan and set it on fire using a long match or wooden skewer. Before this stage of preparation, make sure that there are no flammable objects nearby. Flambing, after the alcohol burns out, gives the meat a unique aroma. This cooking technique can compete with your favorite meat fried over a fire, given that after the alcohol burns out, no carcinogens, harmful to health, or wood combustion products remain in the dish.

The sauce can be prepared the day before. This is a very simple and festive original recipe. In addition, the pleasant combination of acidity, sweetness and spiciness with the freshness of mint is ideal for grilled meat.

Separate the baked apple puree. Pour berry juice into it, add honey and starch. Stir the mixture, bring to a boil, add spices, also to taste. Blend the finished sauce in a blender at high speed, adding chopped fresh mint.

The sauce is served cold with hot steak.

To ensure that the steak is always juicy, fry it in a hot frying pan to ensure the rapid formation of a dense crust that will retain the meat juice inside the semi-finished product. When turning the product over to the other side, place a piece of butter under it so that the meat acquires a creamy, nutty taste.

Do not rush to remove steaks, cutlets, steaks and other meat dishes from the pan after frying. Cover them with a lid or foil for at least five minutes so that the meat “rests” and the crust that forms on the surface becomes less hard and dry.



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