Rashti. Step-by-step recipe with photos. Rösti (resty). Swiss Rösti from raw potatoes Rösti - a recipe for preparing potatoes in Swiss style

Rashti. Step-by-step recipe with photos. Rösti (resty). Swiss Rösti from raw potatoes Rösti - a recipe for preparing potatoes in Swiss style

Rösti is the national Swiss dish. It is prepared for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Are eating Swiss Rösti and separately, as independent dish, for example, and as a side dish. They can be served with lard, sausages, ham, and overcooked onions. You can sprinkle the hot rösti with cheese when serving.
Cooking grow up How from raw potatoes , and boiled “in its uniform”. It is rubbed on medium or coarse grater and place in a frying pan with a sufficient amount of vegetable oil. Of course, this dish cannot be called healthy due to the fact that Swiss rösti is fried in a frying pan with oil. But it's very tasty!

Preparing the rösti.

Here's an example of these "Swiss flatbreads" made from raw potatoes.
Grate the potatoes on a coarse grater and place them on paper napkins so that the potatoes are not wet.
First, fry the lard in a small deep frying pan and make cracklings. Add finely chopped onion and lay out a portion of potatoes. We crush it a little and add some salt. And fry over medium heat on one side and then on the other until golden brown. I covered it with a lid a little.
Served Swiss grow up hot with onions, cracklings, or sprinkled with cheese. I really liked it with sour cream, like potato pancakes! But this is probably closer to the Belarusian version. If in Russian, then these are just delicious potatoes, but without flour and eggs!

Rösti can also be prepared using the same method. boiled potatoes. All the same.

Rösti or, as my mother says, “Swiss pancakes” (and in some ways she is right). Swiss rösti are indeed similar to potato pancakes, but at the same time they are different. And now you will understand why.

In RuNet, rösti is often called "rösti", in the native language the dish is called "Rösti". Some housewives prepare rösti with the addition of onions, while others use only potatoes and butter.

Serve with eggs, fried mushrooms or just cheese and sour cream. An unusually simple and tasty dish.

About potatoes. Whether you boil it until half cooked or not is up to you.

In this recipe, I did not boil the potatoes and grated them raw. Some housewives boil it until half cooked and only then grate it. I got perfect rösti without this extra step.

Pour water over the potatoes and let stand for 5-6 minutes so that the potatoes have time to release excess starch.

Now comes the fun part. Heat butter or vegetable oil in a frying pan, place all the potatoes in the frying pan and press them down with a spatula. Sprinkle on top dried dill and fry without stirring over medium heat.

When cooked on one side, carefully turn over and cook on the other side. The essence of rösti is that the potatoes should be covered with one crust, which will hold the potatoes in one flat cake.

This is how the rösti will look in the pan.

Serve fried mushrooms and onions with rösti. The perfect combination.

Place the mushrooms on top of the rösti.

I’m writing the text of the recipe, and on the radio the song “Let’s get high, today you and I will get high..” is playing, how exactly, with such potatoes you can only get high. :)

If you love potato pancakes (deruny), then you will definitely like Swiss potato resti. Resti and potato ones taste very similar, but are prepared somewhat differently. To prepare potato rashti, only potatoes, onions and spices are used, and the potatoes are always grated on a coarse grater. Cheese is often added to the mixture, but eggs and flour are never used in this type of potato pancakes.

In addition, reshti differ from pancakes in size. The reshti are baked in the entire pan. So you can get enough of one big rashti. In our country, potato pancakes are considered the main dish; in Switzerland, resti is served as a side dish for meat or fish. Because of its simplicity, rashti has long been considered a simple peasant food. Today, this dish in Switzerland is popular among different segments of the population.

They are also prepared at home, and potato rashti can be tasted in almost all local cafes and bars. Moreover, in different parts of Switzerland, potato resti is prepared with different additives - onions, cheese, paprika, bacon, rosemary, tomatoes, sausages.

There is a belief that many years ago, men chose a wife for themselves based on whether she knew how to cook reshti so that they were covered with a crispy crust and did not fall apart during cooking.

Now let's see how to cook delicious potato resti step by step with photos.


  • Potatoes – 4-5 pcs.,
  • Onions – 2 pcs.,
  • Champignons or oyster mushrooms – 150-200 gr.,
  • Spices: black pepper, dry adjika, turmeric, Provençal herbs,
  • Salt,
  • Butter,
  • Vegetable oil.

Rashti - recipe with photo

Since Rösti in Swiss style is served with fried mushrooms or mushroom sauce, you first need to fry the mushrooms. Boiled can be used Forest mushrooms, oyster mushrooms or champignons. Pickled honey mushrooms and chanterelles are also suitable. When using pickled mushrooms, it is recommended to soak them in cold water about one hour until they become less sour.

Rashti. Photo

Resti potatoes are a popular Swiss dish, similar in taste and cooking technology to potato fritters or known to everyone, but still different from them. The dish is a flatbread made from grated potatoes, which is fried on both sides with the addition of butter and optional cheese. As a result, the potato mass turns out to be very tasty, with an appetizing golden brown crust and a soft, tender center.

This dish can be served as a side dish for meat, poultry or fish, or can be eaten separately, supplemented with sour cream or any dressing. In our recipe, rashti is complemented with a simple creamy mushroom sauce.


  • potatoes - 600 g;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • cheese - 50 g;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

For the sauce:

  • fresh champignons - 100 g;
  • cream 20% - 200 ml;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • butter - 20 g;
  • flour - 1 teaspoon;
  • onions - ½ pcs.;
  • salt - to taste.

How to cook rashti potatoes with mushroom sauce

  1. Let's cook first mushroom sauce for reshti. Melt butter in a frying pan, add finely chopped onion. Stirring, fry until light golden brown.
  2. Cut the champignons into small pieces and add them to the onion. Fry over medium heat until the mushroom slices are browned. Then sprinkle the contents of the pan with salt and pepper. Squeeze out a small clove of garlic.
  3. Add flour and immediately pour in cream. Stirring, heat the creamy mushroom mixture over low heat until slightly thickened. We do not allow the sauce to actively boil - this may cause the cream to curdle! At the end, we take a sample - if necessary, you can add a little more salt/pepper. The finished sauce can be served either warm or completely cooled.
  4. Now let's move on to the main dish - preparing the Rashti potatoes. First of all, we wash and peel the potato tubers. Fill with water and boil until tender (if the potatoes are large, first cut them into halves). The cooking time depends entirely on the specific type of potato, so we periodically check the readiness. There is no need to overcook the potatoes - they should be soft, easily pierced with a knife, but not fall apart and remain whole.
  5. After draining the water and cooling completely, grate the potatoes on a coarse grater.
  6. We also grate the cheese coarsely and add it to the potato mixture, stir.
  7. Cut the cold butter into slices.
  8. To prepare reshti, choose a thick-bottomed frying pan with a diameter of 24 cm or slightly less. Pour vegetable oil to the bottom and add about a third of the oil plates, heat thoroughly. Then add half of the cheese and potato mixture and sort evenly. Distribute half of the remaining butter on top and add salt.
  9. Next, lay out the remaining potato mixture, level it and compact it thoroughly. Add the remaining oil. Fry over medium heat for 5-6 minutes (until the bottom side is browned).
  10. Now we need to flip potato cake to the other side. To do this, cover the frying pan with a lid or a large plate and turn it over sharply (it is better to do all this over the sink, as residual oil may drain off). We slide the cake back into the pan - now the browned crust will be on top. If the reshti is slightly broken somewhere or has lost its shape, it’s okay! Level the mass and press down with a spatula, fry for another 5-6 minutes.
  11. Cut the finished rashti potatoes into portions and serve hot, topped with creamy mushroom sauce. It turns out very delicious dish with a browned crust on the outside and a very soft texture on the inside.

Potato resti is ready! Bon appetit!

Rösti- This a traditional dish Swiss cuisine. Since ancient times, such potatoes have been a traditional breakfast for peasant families. Currently, in Switzerland, rösti is used as a side dish, and is served mainly for lunch or just for dinner, as a separate dish.

To prepare rösti, it is better to use potatoes that are not overcooked. Then this dish really benefits in taste. The end result is a potato with a bright crispy crust on the outside and a very soft, juicy potato center on the inside.

How can you diversify your röşti?

Firstly, these are spices: ground pepper is added, nutmeg, curry. It all depends on your tastes and preferences.

Secondly, these are various additives in the form grated cheese, chopped ham or herbs (parsley, dill, celery, etc.).

Rösti - Swiss potato recipe

Products for rösti:

  • Potatoes 4 pcs.
  • Chopped dill;
  • Spices (nutmeg and ground black pepper)
  • Vegetable oil.
  • It is better to choose a frying pan with a non-stick coating and not deep.

Preparing the rösti:

1. Boil the potatoes in their jackets until half cooked (look, the potatoes should be pierced a little with a fork, but not completely, but only slightly), cool the potatoes, peel and grate them on a coarse grater.

2.Add spices, in my case I added ground black pepper and nutmeg, add a little salt if required.

3. Add chopped dill

4. Mix everything, divide the potato mass into two parts (two flat cakes).

5. Grease the frying pan vegetable oil, lay out one part of the potato, press it on the frying pan and form a flat cake from the potatoes. Fry on that side first (this takes about 8-10 minutes). Then turn it over and use the plate very carefully. That is, first we place the flatbread on a plate, and from the plate back into the frying pan and fry it on the other side. The most important thing when preparing rösti is to get an even golden crust.



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