Green bean salad with eggs. Quick salad made from eggs and green beans. For bean salad with egg you need

Green bean salad with eggs. Quick salad made from eggs and green beans. For bean salad with egg you need

Step 1: prepare the ingredients.

First, place all the ingredients needed for the salad on the kitchen table. From the total quantity butter Cut off the mass you need with a knife and transfer it to a small bowl. Peel the garlic and place in a separate bowl. Cut the tip off the mayonnaise package with scissors. Place the required number of chicken eggs in a deep saucepan, pour regular running water into it so that it is approximately above the level of the eggs by 3 centimeters, and place the container on the stove, turned on to medium level.
Add to water 1 teaspoon salt and 1 teaspoon vinegar, These ingredients are needed to prevent the eggs from bursting during cooking. Brew chicken eggs cool 11 – 12 minutes. Then remove the saucepan from the stove, drain the boiling water and pour cold running water over the eggs. Let the ingredients cool completely. Then remove the shells from the eggs, rinse under running water, dry with paper kitchen towels and place on a plate.
At the same time as the eggs, place a large saucepan half filled with regular running water on the stove. Turn the temperature of the stove under the pan to maximum and let the liquid boil. While the water is boiling in a saucepan, place the green beans in a colander and rinse them under running water to remove any contaminants. Then leave the beans in a colander for 3 – 4 minutes to drain excess moisture and transfer to a cutting board. Trim the stalks of the pods, remove the hard vein, cut the legumes into smaller pieces with an approximate length of up to 5 centimeters and place in a deep plate. It will take you no more to prepare the ingredients 14 – 15 minutes.

Step 2: cook the beans.

After the water in the pan has boiled, add salt to taste, add the beans and cook the ingredient for 10 minutes.
Then, using a slotted spoon, transfer the beans to a colander previously placed in the sink. Wait 1 – 2 minutes until all excess liquid has drained from the beans, transfer the beans to the deep plate in which they were previously located.

Step 3: Fry the beans.

Turn the stove on to medium level and place a frying pan on it with the required amount of butter. When the fat has melted and warmed up, add the green beans to the pan and fry them until lightly golden brown, stirring with a kitchen spatula. Don't overcook the beans, otherwise they may become tough, that's enough. 5 minutes. After the required time has passed, transfer the fried beans to the salad bowl.

Step 4: combine all the ingredients and dress the salad.

Squeeze the garlic cloves through a garlic press into the salad bowl with the fried beans.
There, using a hand egg cutter, chop the boiled chicken eggs.
Then add the required amount of mayonnaise by squeezing it out of the bag into a bowl with all the ingredients.
Stir the salad with a tablespoon until smooth, taste and add salt to taste if necessary.

Step 5: Serve a quick egg and green bean salad.

Salad on a quick fix of eggs and green beans served room temperature, placed in a salad bowl or in separate deep bowls. Very tender and easy to prepare, the salad can be a great appetizer or addition to any dish. Enjoy! Bon appetit!

- – Before cooking, it is advisable to soak green beans in cold water for 3 to 5 hours. This process will soften the beans, which will significantly reduce their cooking time. Also, during soaking, legumes release oligosaccharides - sugars that are poorly absorbed by the human body and cause gas formation.

- – In order to complement the taste and aroma of this salad, you can add spices such as allspice, ground black pepper, nutmeg or dried and crushed lemongrass leaves.

- – You can season the salad not only with mayonnaise, but also with cream, sour cream or vegetable fats.

- – The salad will be more delicious if you season it with homemade mayonnaise.

- – Instead of fresh beans, you can use frozen green beans. It does not need to be defrosted before cooking.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Green beans contain a large amount of vitamins. You can buy green beans in a supermarket or at a granny's market. In the supermarket green beans most often sold frozen, and fresh beans can always be found at the market. From simple ingredients you can prepare a hearty, healthy and tasty salad. Making green bean salad with eggs is not at all difficult. If you love beans and eggs, this salad is made for you. Eggs make the salad tender, and green beans and garlic give the salad a special piquant taste. This salad can be prepared for a snack or even for lunch, or you can also prepare it.


- green beans – 300 grams,
- egg - 2 pieces,
- mayonnaise – 1 tablespoon,
- garlic – 2 cloves,
- butter – 10 grams,
- salt - to taste,
- ground black pepper - a pinch.

How to cook with photos step by step


To prepare this salad we will need the following ingredients: green beans, eggs, garlic, mayonnaise, butter, salt, ground black pepper.

First of all, choose green, young and not soft green beans. Now let's wash it and cut off the ends. Cut the green beans into three parts.

Now boil water and add salt. So that the beans have more rich taste, you can add a small onion during cooking. Place the green beans in boiling water and cook for 7-10 minutes.

Transfer the beans to a colander and wait until all the water has drained.

Place the frying pan over medium heat and add a couple of pieces of butter. We wait until it melts a little and lay out the green beans. Season the beans with salt and ground black pepper. Fry the beans over medium heat until browned. Don't forget to stir. You simply must cook the most delicious one.

Boil the eggs hard. Clean them and cut them into pieces.

When the green beans have cooled a little, transfer them to a dish and add the eggs. Season the salad with mayonnaise. Add squeezed garlic, salt, ground black pepper. Mix all the ingredients. If you do homemade mayonnaise, then a salad with eggs and green beans will not only be tasty, but also very healthy. And it will definitely amaze you with its taste and simplicity.

Salad ready!

Bon appetit!

Green beans are a versatile product that can be stocked in the freezer in the fall. There is nothing complicated about this - just pick the bean pods, put them in a bag or container and put them in freezer. After this, you can prepare first, second courses and salads from beans all winter long.

Many people also love green beans because their calorie content is minimal and, in addition, they are rich in fiber. As a result, it turns out that green beans are an ideal dietary product.

By the way, an additional advantage of green beans is that the plant practically does not absorb harmful substances from the outside, which means it is completely safe for our body.

We will prepare a simple and healthy salad made from green beans with egg and garlic, the dish is simply prepared, resulting in an appetizing green snack with a spicy flavor.


  • Fresh or frozen green beans – 200 g;
  • egg – 2 pcs.;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • mayonnaise – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • dill greens – 1 bunch;
  • coconut or sunflower oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.


First prepare the beans. To do this, rinse it under water and cut it.

Note to the hostess: Do not forget to defrost the beans before cooking, otherwise all the water will go into the salad, and then it will quickly spoil.

Place the beans in boiling salted water for 5 minutes. Then remove the green beans and fry in coconut or any other vegetable oil for 10 minutes under the lid.

Place the beans on a plate.

Hard-boil chicken eggs, peel and cut. Place on a plate with the beans.

Wash the garlic, peel it, chop it. Place immediately on top of the eggs. Garlic will add piquancy and spiciness to the salad.

Wash and chop the dill greens. Add to other ingredients.

Note to the housewife: instead of dill, you can use any other herbs - for example, green onions or parsley.

Add mayonnaise, salt, pepper to the salad - to taste.

Mix everything thoroughly and place into serving bowls. It is recommended to eat the salad warm - this way it will be especially tasty. Bon appetit!

On a note:

  • Instead of mayonnaise, you can add low-fat unsweetened yogurt, or homemade mayonnaise - then the recipe will turn out especially tasty.
  • To make the salad spicier, you can add onions.
  • Some chefs add pickled cucumbers to this salad for a more original taste.
  • Do not forget that the shelf life of the salad is 24 hours in the refrigerator and 12 hours outside the refrigerator. It can be longer, but then it needs to be stored in a special container in the refrigerator.

Salad with green beans - very healthy dish. Anyone who cares about beauty and youth needs to prepare this salad regularly! It would also be appropriate to submit it to festive table– this salad looks bright and original. Main secret Its success lies in the correct selection of minor ingredients and sauce.

It is also important to observe the time for heat treatment of beans. Green beans go well with a huge number of ingredients - like plant origin, and the animal. And refuel bean salad is it possible as vegetable oil, and milk sauce.


Egg and Green Bean Salad Recipe

Wash the eggs and boil for 7-8 minutes, then place in cold water so that the shell comes off easier. Wash green beans (asparagus) and cut into 5 cm pieces. Place in boiling water and boil for exactly 7 minutes. Remove from heat, place in a sieve and rinse with cold water. Heat the oil in a frying pan.

Fry the beans for about 6 minutes, stirring constantly. Transfer to a salad bowl and add garlic, passed through a press. Stir and leave to soak. Peel the eggs and cut into cubes. Add to the beans, season with lemon juice and salt. Season the salad with yogurt and mix gently. Add fresh herbs if desired.



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