The most delicious herring. A simple recipe. How to choose herring, and which varieties of herring will be better Why pearl barley is useful

The most delicious herring. A simple recipe. How to choose herring, and which varieties of herring will be better Why pearl barley is useful

To prepare the right New Year's fur coat or just to please your guests excellent snack, first of all, you need to know what kind of herring you should buy.

The recipe for salting herring was invented by the Dutch sailor Jacob Beukels. In Russia, the monks of the Solovetsky Monastery were the first to start salting fatty fish.

Once Empress Elizaveta Petrovna tried the herring they prepared, she really liked it, and since then delicious product appeared on the tables of Russians. Naturally, in the old days, only salt and sometimes water were used to cook fish if the raw salting method was used. Modern nutritionists would call such a natural product incredibly useful. Herring is a record holder for vitamin D content, it contains a lot of iodine, selenium, phosphorus, and most importantly, it contains a large amount of Omega-3 acid, which is vital for humans. However, not all copies sold on our shelves are so good. Some manufacturers may add preservatives, vinegar, flavor enhancers and a host of other substances unnecessary to the body to the snack.

Whole fish is the best!

To avoid unnecessary “chemicals”, give preference to barrel salted herring - whole and ungutted, which is sold by weight or packaged individually without brine in vacuum packaging. Of course, you will have to tinker with such a beauty to clean it of entrails and bones, but it is she who will give you a natural taste and good juiciness. Carefully examine and smell the whole fish before purchasing. You can always identify a high-quality fresh specimen by the absence of a specific odor, good fatness, transparent eyes and a clean surface with shiny silvery scales. It is very bad if there are blood stains on the head and cheeks of the herring, the eyes are cloudy and red, the fins and scales are torn, the gills are moldy, and the surface is with mucus, rust or difficult to wash off white spots. All these are signs that the fish has begun to deteriorate.

Is fillet always with a preservative?!

If you don’t want to cut up herring and prefer to buy cleaned fillets in plastic or tin jars (whether in a vacuum or not), be prepared for the presence of preservatives. Only with their help can preserves be preserved (the so-called products that are not subject to sterilization) for longer than 72 hours. However, if you choose the lesser of two evils - preservative or spoilage, then it is better to be present food supplement. But you can protect yourself from other “chemistry”. To do this, carefully read the label pasted on the jar of herring. Flavor enhancer monosodium glutamate, oxidizing agents, liquid smoke flavoring, stabilizers, all kinds of flavoring additives, vinegar, mayonnaise - all these substances will definitely be present in almost any snack that just needs to be opened and served. If you want to eat more healthily, look for a first-class product (there is also a second, for which fish of poorer quality is taken), made according to GOST, with a short list of ingredients: salt, water, preservative.

From the Atlantic or from the Pacific?

Salted herring comes in different varieties - Atlantic, Pacific, White Sea, Azov-Black Sea, Caspian. Most often you can find the first two representatives on the shelves. The Atlantic is thinner, more elongated, and its fat is in the back. The Pacific, on the contrary, has a fatter belly, a blacker back, and it itself is shorter and thicker. The taste of herring is also different, so before you throw the product into the basket, read which variety you have chosen. In addition, do not forget to find out the degree of salinity of the fish, otherwise you will have to spend time soaking it before preparing the “fur coat”. Herring is made lightly salted (4-6%), lightly salted (6-8%), medium salted (8-12%) and strongly salted (12-14%). If you want to enjoy tender and juicy fish, buy the first two products, because the more salt there is in the carcass, the harder its consistency becomes.

Protect yourself from counterfeiting

When choosing salted herring, make sure that it is in the refrigerator: preserves must be stored at a temperature from -4° C to -8° C. Before purchasing, be sure to find the production date, expiration date of the product and study the brine - the brine in which the fish or fillet swims . It must be transparent and free from blood clots, mold and foreign matter. In this regard, it is difficult to choose snacks in mayonnaise and wine. Don’t forget to also check the integrity of the packaging so that the oil does not leak out of the plastic jar and the vacuum bag is not torn. The label must be glued evenly, and all information on it must be clearly stated.

For reference:

IN herring roe

Herring is a fish known mostly in a culinary ready, nutritionally complete form - salted and smoked (less commonly). Herring has good taste, but different varieties of herring differ in taste.

It is used mainly in cold-table cuisine, although there are also some hot dishes prepared from soaked salted herring and rarely from fresh herring, which, due to its fat content, is completely unsuitable for storage.

Herring has better taste the better the conditions in which it lived. Thus, the Atlantic herring, which spawns off the coast, is very good in taste. Norway, Holland and Iceland,– here are the most favorable conditions for its fattening, the cause of which is the direction of ocean currents. Among the people, these varieties of herring are obtained. They have a pleasant taste, tender, well-salted meat and a characteristic herring aroma.

Salted herring- this is a traditional dish on the Russian table, although the first person to salt this fish was the Dutchman Bekel in 1385. He invented a method of salting fish and became famous first throughout Holland, and then throughout Europe. The best Dutch herring is named after him throughout Europe. backling and differs in taste from all subsequent types of pickles. Then, in the 17th century, Dutch herring migrated to Russia, where it became a favorite dish of the Russian people. The method of salting Dutch herring was to the taste of the Russians, so in the future they were reluctant to accept other varieties of herring.

Herring is eaten raw, smoked, salted and pickled. Is a source of vitamins A, D and B12, as well as polyunsaturated fatty acids. According to recent studies, eating herring reduces the risk of developing heart and vascular diseases due to an increase in the number of high-density lipoproteins in the body. Herring fat reduces the size of adipocytes (fat cells), which helps reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. In addition, herring contains antioxidants.

There are three ways to salt herring: using dry salt (the so-called dry salt), brine (wet salting) and using dry salt and brine at the same time (mixed ambassador).

How to pickle

1. Usually fish is salted in barrels (capacity up to 120 liters).

2. High quality, fully salted fish has dense meat with good taste and uniform color.

3. The large arteries and abdominal cavity contain dried blood.

4. In spicy salting, the mixture for processing fish consists of salt, sugar (1-3%) and various spices, such as pepper, bay leaf, cloves, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg etc., which give the finished products a special taste and aroma.

5. Atlantic herring is the most salted fish. Salting gives herring a particularly pleasant taste and is therefore the main way of processing it.

6. Salted Atlantic herring (both fatty and leaner ones) can be used in different ways: as independent dish and as an addition to other dishes.

7. In terms of size, salted Atlantic herring can be large, medium, or small. But according to fat content: fatty (with a fat content of over 12% and low-fat (less than 12% fat)).

According to technical standards, fresh herring is salted in the following form:

  1. Not gutted - entirely;
  2. Gutted - part of the entrails and pectoral fins, together with the adjacent part of the abdomen, have been removed; gills, eggs or milt may be left;
  3. Without gills - the gills and part of the entrails are removed, the abdomen remains intact;
  4. Semi-eviscerated - the belly is cut out at the pectoral fins, the insides can be partially removed;
  5. Headless - the head and entrails are removed, the caviar or milt may be left in;
  6. Body - head, caudal fins, lower abdomen, eggs or milt removed;
  7. Pieces - the fish is cut into pieces at least 5 cm long.

One of the main criteria is salinity

The salinity on sale varies:

  1. lightly salted Atlantic herring (salt content 6-10%);
  2. medium salted Atlantic herring (10-14% salt);
  3. heavily salted Atlantic herring (over 14% salt).

According to quality, salted herrings are divided into grades I and II. How to distinguish?

Salted Atlantic herring goes on sale in waterproof barrels (capacity 120 l) and in special wooden boxes. Each barrel and each box contains herrings of the same size, cut in the same way, of the same variety. Herrings are placed in barrels and boxes in even, dense rows. The herring in barrels must be filled with brine. They are in boxes without brine.

Packed in boxes lightly salted herring undergo the following pre-treatment: fresh herring are placed in pools with brine and kept there until the salt content in them reaches 7-10%. Then they are placed in clean, strong wooden boxes lined with parchment and sent for sale (on average 40 kg of fish in one box). Such herring is very pleasant to the taste and is especially valuable for cooking.

Herring spicy salting prepared from fresh Atlantic herring of the first grade, chilled or frozen, as well as from lightly salted (6-9% salt) or medium-salted (9-12% salt), fatty or low-fat Atlantic herring.

The scales of salted herring are removed and placed in barrels in layers along with spices and salt. For pickling, prepared in the same way as for spicy salting, salted herrings are placed in layers in barrels, also along with spices and salt. They are poured with vinegar marinade on top. The meat of pickled herring is softer and juicier than the meat of ordinary salted herring.

It must be borne in mind that second-grade herring, if it is lightly salted, may contain pathogenic microorganisms, because their development is suppressed only at a salt concentration of 10 to 15%. If such herring was stored in a salty-sour solution, then this will also not save the situation, because Molds and yeasts are resistant to vinegar. Therefore, it is best not to take such fish.

Herring varieties differ in the method and technology of salting, which can reveal the full aroma of this healthy and tasty fish.

Herrings are a large family of fish. On the European territory of Russia, Atlantic herring is most often consumed, but we have all heard about Pacific or Caspian herring. Meanwhile, the Atlantic is far from the most interesting and tasty group. We tell you what kind of herring is found on the shelves in our country.


One of three varieties of oceanic herring (in addition to the Pacific herring, there is also the Araucanian herring, which is found off the coast of Chile). The Atlantic group includes herrings from Norway and Iceland. Denmark, Canada and Russia also produce Atlantic herring. This group is distinguished by fairly light meat, not too large in size (average length - 25 cm, weight 500 g).

“Atlantic herring is good not only for salting - fresh fish can be used to make a lot of tasty and healthy dishes,” says Maxim Karpenko, founder of the Moby Dick company and consultant of the Fish Week festival. For example, it is used to make a stew with vegetables, baked in the oven with mayonnaise or mustard sauce, stewed in tomato sauce.”

Baltic herring- This is a subgroup in the large Atlantic family. And it includes several different herrings. The most famous - Baltic herring, which lives in the Baltic Sea and its freshwater bays (Curonian, Kaliningrad). The herring reaches 20 cm in length. Another Baltic relative of the herring is sprat. It is from this that Baltic sprats are made.


Also a large group of different herrings. Of which the Okhotsk herring is well known. And there is also a celebrity - the Olyutorsky herring. In general, the Pacific group differs from other herrings in its increased iodine content. There are also physiological differences - this herring has fewer vertebrae.

Pacific herring is distinguished by its high fat content, which makes it more tasty and healthy. Most often, the meat of Pacific herring is darker than that of Atlantic herring.

Olyutorsky herring- a subspecies of the Pacific, it lives in the Olyutorsky Strait, in the western part of the Bering Sea. “This fish is distinguished by its larger size compared to other common types of herring, often reaching or exceeding a weight of 1 kg. – says Maxim Karpenko, “It is dense, meaty, fatty, very healthy and, of course, tasty. Olyutorsky herring can be salted, pickled, fried, and made into cutlets. Goes great with pickled vegetables.”

Caspian-Black Sea herring

Another large group of herrings lives in the Caspian and Black Seas and adjacent rivers. Unfortunately, these herrings are quite rare these days. And most often they don’t end up for sale in the central regions of Russia. You can try them only in the catch areas.

Kerch herring. It lives in the Sea of ​​Azov and is caught in the Kerch Strait in autumn and early winter. Reaches 25-30 cm in length, it has a gray-blue back and silvery sides. The meat of Kerch herring is pinkish and sweet. What makes Kerch herring unusually tasty and tender is its 22% fat content.

Danube herring. It spawns in the fresh waters of the Danube. It is caught in the spring, in March-April. You need to try Danube herring in Odessa; in the spring, when it arrives, you will see many sellers with rows of silvery, lightly salted Danube herring. Danube herring is valued for its very tender and delicate taste, fatty and juicy meat.

« Caspian herring, also known as hall“The most valuable commercial species of herring,” notes Maxim Karpenko. - It lives in the Caspian Sea and goes to the Volga and Ural rivers to spawn. Fatty and very large herring, reaching up to 52 cm in length and 2 kg in weight. Famous for its special taste and tender meat, perfect for both pickling and frying. At the same time, it is important not to over-salt the fish - overexposure for more than 3-4 days threatens to deteriorate the taste. The herring has long become a rare fish, and the population of this herring is declining, its catch is limited.”

Not a herring

Respect for herring is so great that some species of fish are undeservedly classified in this group, called herrings. The most famous example is Ivasi herring. In fact, this is a Far Eastern sardine. In the Soviet Union, it was caught in huge quantities, and the stocks of willow were depleted. Recently, after a 25-year break, the Iwasi fishery was opened. Most often, preserves and preserves are made from Iwasi herring; it is a small, delicate fish.

There are small silvery fish on the shelves - Sosvinskaya herring. But this is a tugun fish from the salmon family, which is caught in the Sosva tributary of the Ob. Most often it is salted in a spicy brine, like sprat.

For reference:

IN herring roe contains lecithin, vitamins A, E, D and group B, phosphorus, iron and other minerals and organic compounds that are necessary for the normal development of the body, for the formation of new skin cells, regulation blood pressure and even an increase in hemoglobin in the blood. Caviar fat contains “good” cholesterol in large quantities: from 1.5 to 14%, lecithin - from 1.0 to 43% and vitamins A, B, D and C. Among the microelements it contains potassium, sulfur, sodium, calcium, magnesium, as well as selenium, zinc, iron, iodine and other minerals.

The taste of herring directly depends on its habitat. Ocean and river waters are very similar in composition, but ocean water has more iodine. The best, of course, is the Atlantic (the coasts of Norway, Holland, Iceland). Herring is also found in our country. The “Tsarsky” variety is distinguished by a black back, reaches a length of 36 centimeters and contains up to 20% fat. It is considered one of the most delicious among Caspian herrings, has surprisingly tender meat and is perfectly salted.
The varieties that live in our southern seas cannot boast of such fat content, which is why they go on sale exclusively lightly salted. Far Eastern herring holds the record for fat content: the figure can reach 33%, although it drops depending on the season to 2%.
It is believed that the fattier the herring, the tastier and healthier it is. The fattest herring is the one that has not reached sexual maturity. The word “mattier” on the label will tell you that the preserves are made from young fish, which boasts a high content of fat, protein, polyunsaturated acids and vitamins. At the same time, matieu is also a cooking method that was invented by the Dutch. Classic mattier is an expensive premium product.
Based on salt content, herring is classified as lightly salted (from 4 to 6%), lightly salted (7-10%), medium salted (10-14%) and strongly salted (over 14%).

Herring has better taste the better the conditions in which it lived. Thus, Atlantic herring, which spawns off the coast of Norway, Holland and Iceland, is very good in taste; here the most favorable conditions for its fattening are caused by the direction of ocean currents. Popularly, these varieties of herring received the corresponding names “Norwegian”, “Dutch” and “Icelandic”. They have a pleasant taste, tender, well-salted meat and a characteristic herring aroma.

Of the herring found in Russia, the most valuable species is the “royal herring” or zal. It can be easily recognized by its black back, which is why it is sometimes called “blackback”. It is found in the Caspian Sea, reaches a length of 36 cm and contains up to 20% fat. Unlike other Caspian herring (of low value in taste), it has very tender meat and is well salted. Among the herrings caught in the southern seas of Russia, the Azov-Black Sea herring, and especially its two varieties, the Danube and Kerch, are distinguished by their good taste. However, due to its low fat content, such herring is sold only lightly salted. Pacific (Far Eastern) herring is also valued. It (the only one of all the above subspecies of herring) can gain a record amount of fat - up to 33%, but during the break between fattening it can also be the “thinest” - contain up to 2% fat (i.e. be low-fat). However, due to the high quality of the meat, this fish is a very valuable product.

Based on salt content, herring is classified into weak salt - salt content from 7 to 10%, medium salt - from 10 to 14% and strong salt - over 14%. During the salting process, fish enters into a complex reaction with salt, and gradually, under the influence of enzymes, its proteins, fats and carbohydrates are processed to a fundamentally different quality state. Whereby salty fish acquires unique taste and aroma. This process is called maturation. Atlantic and Pacific herring are the most susceptible to this effect.

The quality of herring (depending on freshness and type of meat) can correspond to 1st or 2nd grade. 1st grade herring has juicy, dense meat and no damage to the skin. Second grade herring may acquire a slightly sour odor due to fat oxidation, have a dull skin surface, and be slightly yellowish; The consistency of her meat may be tough and dry (but not flabby!), and her skin may have some damage (without major tears).

It must be borne in mind that second-grade herring, if it is lightly salted, may contain pathogenic microorganisms, because their development is suppressed only at a salt concentration of 10 to 15%. If such herring was stored in a salty-sour solution, then this will also not save the situation, because Molds and yeasts are resistant to vinegar. Therefore, it is best not to take such fish.

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Choosing pearl barley

Barley is a real treasure, full of vitamins, microelements and other useful substances. However, quite often it is treated without due respect, and in vain. It’s not for nothing that its name comes from the word “pearl” - pearls.

Previously, this cereal was considered the porridge of the poor. But now, thanks to the fashion for healthy eating it can be found in the dishes of the most expensive restaurants. It contains a lot of slow carbohydrates, which provide a lot of energy and fill you with a feeling of fullness for a long time. In addition, pearl barley has the lowest glycemic index of all cereals. It is not for nothing that people who are watching their weight are increasingly choosing pearl barley for themselves.

Pearl barley is rich in phosphorus, which helps absorb calcium, normalizes metabolic processes, and has a beneficial effect on the brain and nervous system. Thanks to the mass of B vitamins included in its composition, this cereal is indicated for depressive disorders.

In ancient times, pearl barley was used as a medicine to feed those who suffered from colds and coughs. Along with the porridge, a substance called “hordecin”, which has antibacterial and antifungal properties, entered the human body. Lysine, an amino acid that has an antiviral effect, gives pearl barley additional healing power.

Barley decoction has a softening, enveloping, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect. This cereal is recommended for inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract.

How to choose

Pearl barley is processed barley. In stores you can also find it in crushed form under the name “barley grits”. Needless to say, with such processing, barley grains lose a decent amount of their beneficial properties.

Pearl barley itself is a whole, peeled and polished grain. It is distinguished by the size and shape of the grains: the first and second numbers are large, oblong-shaped kernels, the third, fourth and fifth are small, rounded.

It is best to buy pearl barley packaged in cardboard packs. In cellophane, it quickly becomes rancid - the barley kernels release moisture, and this creates soil for the proliferation of harmful microorganisms. Did you see drops on the walls of the bag? Feel free to send this bag back to the shelf - it’s not worth buying such cereals.

Cereal color

The color of pearl barley varies from white to yellowish, while grains with a greenish tint are allowed.

How to cook

The cereals need to be soaked from evening to night. In the morning, rinse thoroughly. It must be boiled in a large amount of water. Approximate proportions: a glass for two liters of water or milk. Cooking time until done is approximately one and a half to two hours. It is better to do this in a saucepan with a thick bottom so that the pearl barley does not burn. Barley groats take much less time to cook - about 45 minutes.

The main feature of pearl barley is that when the porridge cools, it almost instantly becomes hard and tasteless. Therefore, it is advisable to eat it immediately after preparation and especially not leave it for the next day.

Interesting Facts

Barley was cultivated in the Middle East more than ten thousand years ago. In Rus' it was called “the mother of bread” and was widely used - they baked bread and flat cakes, made kvass and barley vinegar.

Barley was the favorite porridge of Peter I. It was seasoned with butter, honey and poppy seeds. To cook porridge, as if from a Russian oven, you need to cook it in a water bath for at least 6 hours.

Two years ago, Austrian scientists examined bones found at the site of a mass grave of gladiators near the Turkish city of Ephesus. Chemical analysis only confirmed previous research: the gladiators were vegetarians. And according to historical documents, the basis of the fighters’ diet included barley porridge, flat cakes and kvass.

Dishes made from pearl barley are considered one of the traditional dishes in Rus'. They are useful and inexpensive, but, unfortunately, not very popular.

What is pearl barley made from?

The product is made from peeled barley grains. The hard shells or bran are removed from the grain using a special technology. This produces the best variety of pearl barley.

Another type is Dutch, which looks like a whole grain of barley in the form of a ball. This product cooks faster and has a lighter consistency.

Barley is also a type of pearl barley. It is finely chopped, unlike other types. In accordance with the size of the grains, different grades of cell are determined.

Chemical composition and nutritional value

A 100-gram serving of pearl barley contains 320.5 kcal and contains the following substances:

Water 14 g
Carbohydrates 74 g
Fats 1.1 g
Squirrels 9.4 g
Monosaccharides, disaccharides 1.5 g
Ash 1 g
Starch 65.8 g
Fibers 1 g
Vit. IN 1 0.1 mg
Vit. AT 2 0.06 mg
Vit. AT 3 0.5 mg
Vit. AT 6 0.4 mg
Vit. AT 9 25 mcg
Vit. E 3.7 mg
Vit. RR 2mg
Cobalt 1.9 mcg
Iron 1.8 mg
Manganese 650 mcg
Potassium 172 mg
Copper 280 mcg
Calcium 38 mg
Molybdenum 12 mcg
Magnesium 40 mg
Nickel 20 mcg
Sodium 10 mg
Titanium 17 mcg
Sulfur 7 7mg
Fluorine 60 mcg
Phosphorus 324 mg
Chromium 12.5 mcg
Zinc 920 mcg

What are the benefits of pearl barley?

  1. Barley contains amino acids. A large amount of lysine is involved in the formation of collagen.
  2. The fiber-rich cereal surpasses even wheat grain. The amount of protein in pearl barley is much greater than in wheat.
  3. Pearl barley strengthens the nervous system, bones and teeth, and is a powerful antioxidant. It contains a lot of selenium, 3 times more than rice cereal.
  4. The product also has natural antibacterial properties. If you use the water left after soaking the pearl barley, it will get rid of the fungus, as it contains the antibiotic hordecin.
  5. A decoction of the product has healing properties. It softens, envelops, has antispasmodic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory effects.
  6. In ancient times, barley was used to treat mammary glands, persistent coughs, colds, weight loss, and constipation.
  7. For people on a diet, it is good to prepare slimy soups that have gentle qualities.
  8. The decoction is used for liver diseases, increases the amount of milk in nursing mothers, cleanses the blood, has a strengthening effect, and is an expectorant.
  9. Malt infusion prevents tumors from growing at the onset of the disease and normalizes metabolism, so it is recommended for overweight people to use it. Grains and flour from pre-sprouted barley are used as medicine.
  10. Thanks to the presence of fiber, food from pearl barley is quickly digested, so the body is not overloaded and micro-, macroelements and vitamins are perfectly absorbed.

You can find out about the calorie content of barley per 100 grams on our website

Find a recipe for pearl barley and other porridges for weight loss in this article.

And we will tell you about the benefits and harms of semolina porridge here

For adult women and men

Thanks to lysine and antioxidants, the skin remains young and elastic, prolonging the beauty and youth of women. With systematic use of the product, hair becomes strong, shiny and healthy. Bones, teeth and nails are strengthened. In its finished form, the calorie content of pearl barley is reduced, so it is considered suitable for dietary nutrition.

Barley dishes are also beneficial for men. They are a source of muscle building and an excellent energy boost. The dishes are very satisfying and eating porridge provides satiety for many hours.

For children

The digestive system of young children practically cannot digest pearl barley porridge, so experts do not recommend introducing it into the diet until the age of 3.

Porridge feeding begins with small portions (1-2 liters) to check tolerance. If the dish is well absorbed by the child’s body, the portions increase. The child needs to boil porridges and soups well; the best option would be to cook them in a slow cooker.

Barley for weight loss

The product is ideal for dietary nutrition. It is low in calories and contains almost all the vitamins and many beneficial ingredients.

During the diet, the body does not lack vitamins and essential nutrients. The feeling of hunger does not occur for a long time, since the product is satisfying.

Fasting day

Before going on a diet, it is better to have a fasting day. Diet dish It is prepared in water; salt and oil should not be added. Cook for 1 hour. Eat as hunger appears, preferably 3-4 times. In this case, portions should be smaller than standard. Cereals have a slightly dehydrating effect, so you should drink up to 3 liters of liquid per day in the form of water and green tea. Before going to bed, you can drink 1 glass of 1 percent kefir.

Six day diet

This diet has phenomenal results. In 1 day, 1 kg of weight is lost. In 2 days, the body is cleansed of toxins; on the 3rd day, body weight begins to decrease.

A unique diet allows you to lose 5 kg of weight in 5 days and normalize your gastrointestinal tract. During the diet, there is no malaise, hunger or weakness. During dietary nutrition, the skin will become younger, the body will get rid of toxins and waste.

You can use a mono-diet, but since it is difficult, it is better to diversify the menu with other products:

  • vegetables, raw or boiled;
  • cottage cheese;
  • low-fat cheese;
  • low-fat fermented milk products;
  • dried fruits;
  • fruits that contain small amounts of sugar;
  • nuts;
  • seafood.

Cooking recipes

Many delicious and healthy dishes can be prepared from pearl grains. Cooking takes a lot of time. For this reason, it is recommended to soak the cereal in hot water for about 10 hours, preferably overnight. Then the water is drained and the cereal is washed.

To cook the product, a large pan is used, since pearl barley greatly increases in volume.

Porridge in a slow cooker

This delicious porridge is very easy to prepare in a slow cooker. The dish includes:

  • cereal - 200 g;
  • milk - 1 l;
  • sugar - 30 g.

Depending on the taste, salt and drain are added. oil.

Ear soup with pearl barley

Prepared in fish broth with the addition of vegetables and seasonings. The following ingredients are taken for preparation:

  • fish - 500 g;
  • onion - 50 g;
  • potatoes - 500 g;
  • carrots - 100 g;
  • cereal - 100 g;
  • bay leaf - 2-3 pcs.

Onion peels, seasonings, pepper, and salt are added to taste.


A delicious soup is best cooked with beef or veal broth. The following products should be placed in the pickle pan:

  • meat products - 300-400 g;
  • cereal - 200 g;
  • onion - 50 g;
  • carrots - 50 g;
  • pickled cucumbers - 3 pcs.;
  • potatoes - 300 g;
  • rast. oil - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 2.5 l.

Use salt and seasonings to taste. Add sour cream before serving.

Soup Grtskova

A hearty soup originally from the Czech Republic. The original taste is obtained through a combination of unusual components:

  • beans - 50 g;
  • peas - 50 g;
  • pearl barley - 60 g;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • flour - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • lard - 1 tbsp. l.

Salt is added to taste.

Hearty meat salad

An unusual salad made from boiled pearl barley. Tasty and nutritious.

  • boiled and washed cereal - 100 g;
  • boiled meat - 250 g;
  • pickled or salted cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 100 g;
  • garlic - 2 teeth.

Add the required amount of salt and mayonnaise to taste.

Here is a video recipe for preparing pearl barley and vegetables for the winter:

People who suffer from constipation and have individual intolerance to the substances included in the product should not overuse pearl barley.

Available inexpensive pearl barley- a real storehouse of useful substances. The product will help improve your health, restore strength and restore youth.

Article navigation:

  • The history of pearl barley
  • About pearl barley
  • Choosing pearl barley
  • The benefits of pearl barley
  • Harm of pearl barley
  • Preparation of pearl barley
  • Cooking recipes
  • Chemical composition

The history of pearl barley

Pearl barley is one of the oldest grain crops, which was cultivated by humans more than 10 thousand years ago. The name of the cereal - “pearl barley” for porridge - comes from the old Russian word “pearls”, which means river pearls. Pearl barley received this comparison due to the external similarity of polished pearl barley grains to pearls.

About pearl barley

Pearl barley is produced from the cereal family - barley, from which the top layer (bran) is removed during processing, and then ground and polished. Most often, porridge is made from pearl barley.

There are several varieties of pearl barley:

  • ordinary pearl barley is a cereal made from whole barley, from which the hull has just been removed. As a result of minimal mechanical processing, it retains most of the lip fibers beneficial to the body.
  • “Dutch” is a whole grain, rolled into a ball, completely freed from the awn. It cooks quickly, and the porridge from it turns out to be of a more delicate consistency than from pearl barley.
  • Barley grits are essentially ordinary pearl barley, only crushed.

Choosing pearl barley

The choice of pearl barley should be based on its color. A quality product can be white, yellowish, even with a hint of green. The presence of any impurities in the packaging is excluded. If they exist, the manufacturer does not monitor the quality of the cereal.

It is better to buy pearl barley in cardboard packages. This distinguishes it from most cereals, for which cellophane sealed bags are preferred. The fact is that during storage the kernels release the moisture they contain. Condensation forms in cellophane, which is an ideal environment for the development of microorganisms. If you notice droplets of moisture inside the package, you should absolutely not buy such a product, as it can cause poisoning. Plus, such grains may have a rancid taste. In a cardboard box, pearl barley can be stored for 6-12 months. When opening the package, you should smell the cereal. The presence of a musty smell or its complete absence indicates that the product is old.

At home, pearl barley should be stored in a ventilated container. This could be a jar with a loose lid or a cardboard box. Place it in a dark place.

The benefits of pearl barley

Pearl barley contains a large amount of microelements (iodine, nickel, zinc, bromine, calcium, strontium, cobalt, molybdenum, manganese, copper, iron and chromium) and essential vitamins (B, PP, K, E, D, A), as well as rich in fiber, which promotes normal intestinal function.

Basic useful qualities pearl barley porridge:

  • Pearl barley contains lysine. It is an amino acid that is involved in the production of hormones, antibodies and digestive enzymes. Lysine is rarely found in foods, but getting it from food is extremely important, since the amino acid is essential, that is, it is not produced in our body. Good suppliers of it are red meat and soy. But it is found in the greatest volume in cheap pearl barley.
  • Pearl barley contains a lot of phosphorus. Another valuable microelement, the presence of which in the diet determines the intensity of calcium absorption. Moreover, there is a lot of phosphorus in cereals - up to 350 mg per 100 gamma of product. The cereal is also considered a record holder in terms of potassium content, which is necessary for the health of the heart and blood vessels.
  • pearl barley contains B vitamins. They are necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system. For this reason, the use of cereal is recommended for people experiencing significant nervous stress. Regular consumption of pearl barley has an anti-stress effect.
  • pearl barley contains 77% carbohydrates. However, the calorie content of pearl barley porridge is low. This is due to the fact that carbohydrates are absorbed for a long time, over several hours. A long feeling of fullness and a low glycemic index become the basis for consuming the product in a healthy diet. Cereals are recommended for overweight people due to their satiety, and for people with diabetes, since when they enter the body they do not cause a “spike” in blood sugar.
  • pearl barley contains more fiber than even wheat, due to which it removes intestinal waste from the body and adsorbs toxins formed during the life of opportunistic intestinal microflora. Barley can even cure allergies. Barley grain contains a natural antibacterial agent - hordecin, this substance is actively used for flexible skin infections.

Harm of pearl barley

Barley is contraindicated in celiac disease (celiac enteropathy). With this disease, an allergy to the protein of barley (and some other grains) - gluten (gliadin) manifests itself. With this disease, consumption of gluten cereals (wheat, rye, barley, oats) leads to the death of intestinal villi and impaired absorption of nutrients.

Pearl barley porridge should not be included in the diet of children under 1 year of age. It can cause digestive disorders, and if there is a tendency to celiac disease (it is formed genetically), it can cause slow absorption of nutrients in the intestines.

Preparation of pearl barley

In order for pearl barley porridge to exhibit maximum beneficial properties and delight with its rich taste, it must be prepared and consumed correctly.

  • The kernels must be soaked in water. The holding time is 12 hours, during this period the grains will swell and cook faster. If you boil them without soaking, the protein they contain will coagulate and the pearl barley will become tough.
  • The best cooking method is in a water bath. Porridge was cooked according to this recipe in Rus'. The soaked kernels should be poured with milk (2 liters per glass of dry grain), boiled and placed in a water bath to simmer for 6 hours.
  • The usual cooking time for pearl barley is 50 minutes. Some varieties are cooked for an hour and a half, and pre-steamed pearl barley from bags takes about 45 minutes
  • For a glass of cereal, take 2 glasses of water, add liquid if necessary. The foam must be removed manually with a spoon or slotted spoon, and the cereal itself must be washed before cooking. Ready-cooked pearl barley can be used as a base for pilaf or as an independent side dish.

Pearl barley recipes

Pilaf with pearl barley


  • 1 cup pearl barley
  • 1 piece each - carrots, onions, bell peppers
  • 1 tablespoon unrefined sunflower oil
  • 400 g chicken breast

Cooking method:

Cut the breast into strips, steam the cereal in a double boiler for 20 minutes or soak overnight. Cut the vegetables as you like, pour the oil into the multicooker bowl, lower the vegetables and fry, stirring. Add cereal, chicken, and pour 1 cup chicken broth and 1 glass of water or just water. Cook for about 1.5 hours, in stewing mode.

Pearl barley porridge with gibs and onions


  • 1 cup pearl barley
  • 500 g fresh champignons
  • 1 white onion
  • silent celery, dill, parsnip, cumin, turmeric
  • salt to taste
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 2.5 cups celery stock or celery root broth

Cooking method:

Set the multicooker to frying mode and quickly fry the pre-chopped vegetables and gibs on both sides, stirring occasionally. Add a glass of pearl barley, broth and cook in stewing mode for about 1.5 hours.

Pearl barley porridge with milk


  • 2.5 cups skim or almond milk
  • 1 cup pre-steamed pearl barley
  • cinnamon
  • sugar and salt to taste

Cooking method:

Place the steamed cereal in a multicooker bowl and add milk. Cook strictly in the stew mode, 50 minutes or longer. Usually milk porridge is made “shorter”; for this, the pre-steaming period is increased to 40 minutes.

Pearl barley decoction

A decoction of pearl barley is used in the presence of inflammatory processes in the stomach, especially recommended in the postoperative period after surgery in the abdominal cavity. The decoction can be prepared with either water or milk.

Decoction recipe:

  • Pour 250 g of pearl barley into 1.5 liters of hot liquid (water, milk), you can add a little salt or sugar to taste. Bring to a boil and cook for about 20 minutes. There is no need to filter the resulting broth; it will have the consistency of liquid sour cream.
  • Take 100-200 g at a time, 3 times a day.
  • Store no more than a day.

You can even use the water in which pearl barley was soaked, because... hordecin remains in it. This substance has antibiotic properties. Water can be used in the complex treatment of fungal skin diseases.

Chemical composition of pearl barley

Nutritional value in 100 scales of pearl barley:


  • Proteins - 9.91 g
  • Fat - 1.16 g
  • Carbohydrates - 77.72 g
  • Dietary fiber - 15.6 g
  • Ash - 1.11 g
  • Water - 10.09 g

Energy value in 100 scales of pearl barley: 352 kcal


  • Beta-carotene - 0.013 mg
  • Vitamin A (VE) - 1 mcg
  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 0.191 mg
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 0.114 mg
  • Vitamin B5 (pantothenic) - 0.282 mg
  • Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) - 0.26 mg
  • Vitamin B9 (folic) - 23 mcg
  • Vitamin E (TE) - 0.02 mg
  • Vitamin K (phylloquinone) - 2.2 mcg
  • Vitamin PP (Niacin Equivalent) - 4.604 mg
  • Choline - 37.8 mg


  • Calcium - 29 mg
  • Magnesium - 79 mg
  • Sodium - 9 mg
  • Potassium - 280 mg
  • Phosphorus - 221 mg


  • Iron - 2.5 mg
  • Zinc - 2.13 mg
  • Copper - 420 mcg
  • Manganese - 1.322 mg
  • Selenium - 37.7 mcg

Pearl barley appears on tables relatively often, but in our region it is one of the popular cereals. Not many people like the taste of this porridge, especially men do not like it, since they tasted it in full during their service in the army. Nevertheless, porridge deserves its place in the list of dietary and therapeutic nutrition.

Chemical composition

Nutritional value is calculated per hundred grams of dry pearl barley in grams:

Vitamin composition per hundred grams of dry pearl barley, in mg:

Microelement composition per hundred grams of cereal, in mcg:

Fe Co Mn Cu Mo Ni Ti F Cr Zn
1800 1,8 650 280 12,7 20 16,7 61 12,5 0,91

One hundred grams of pearl barley contains 65 g of starch and dextrins, as well as essential amino acids: arginine, leucine, phenylalanine, tyrosine, methionine, etc.

Beneficial features

Pearl barley belongs to the cereal family. Like all cereals, it is high in fiber, which cleanses the intestines of toxins, normalizes stool and helps fight excess weight and constipation.

A decoction of cereals is prepared for patients with stomach problems, inflammation, and also during the rehabilitation period after surgery on the stomach and intestines. It has a mild cleansing and enveloping property and will be useful for patients with gastritis, irritable bowel syndrome, dysbiosis, etc.

The decoction can be prepared on a water or milk basis. To do this, pour 1.5 liters of hot water (milk) into a glass of pearl barley and add sugar or salt as desired. Then cook for up to twenty minutes over low heat. There is no need to strain the resulting mixture; it will have the consistency of liquid semolina porridge. Take 150 g before meals three times a day.

The presence of a rich vitamin complex affects the proper and healthy functioning of the heart, vascular system, strengthens the immune response. In addition, pearl barley contains a sufficient amount of silicic acid. It is useful for patients with kidney stones, as it actively dissolves such formations, sand and toxins.

The amount of lysine in pearl barley is sufficient to provide the body with complete prevention of inflammatory diseases of internal organs.

Harm and contraindications

  • Pearl barley porridge contains a fairly large amount of gluten. For this reason, people with individual intolerance, pregnant women, those prone to gas formation and patients with irritable stomach syndrome are better off not consuming such a side dish in their diet.
  • As for pregnant women, porridge does not harm the health of the unborn baby in any way, but a pregnant woman can get intestinal upset due to changes that have occurred in the body. Children are given pearl barley only after reaching the age of three.
  • With excessive consumption, both in adults and children, digestive disorders develop, the stool regime and consistency changes.

How to choose the right cereal?

Cereals can be sold packaged or by weight. The main requirement is a golden brown color, without impurities, inclusions and wormholes.

Perlovka got its name in Rus' from the word “pearl” - beautiful mother-of-pearl. This is the ideal color of pearl barley, grown and processed correctly.

Grains glued together also indicate poor quality of the grain. This happens when it is stored in incorrect conditions with abnormal temperatures and high humidity.

When buying cereal by weight, pay attention to the smell - it should not have bitter, harsh notes. You can store pearl barley for a year, following all storage rules, after which the cereal is no longer suitable for consumption.

There are also canned pearl barley. Even despite preservation and processing, beneficial features the porridge remains, so you just need to pay attention to ensuring that there are as few impurities and preservatives as possible, and that the jar itself is intact and not dented.

Quick Cooking Rules

Traditionally, the ratio of cereal to water is 1:5. The cereal is washed, filled with half the prepared liquid and boiled for about 5 minutes. Then the porridge is thrown into a colander, and the remaining water is boiled in the pan to boil the porridge again. At this stage, add salt and cook for about an hour.

Goes well with meat dishes and fresh vegetables. First courses are delicious meat broths with pearl barley.

Barley decoctions stabilize the functioning of the stomach and intestines. Such decoctions are especially useful for gentle and therapeutic diets. For problems with lactation, pearl barley decoction will also be useful. It has a beneficial effect on the early stages of cancer, as it slows down cell growth and synthesis.

Treatment of obesity and metabolic disorders also includes taking pearl barley porridge and decoctions. They are prepared without adding oil or salt, but they will add a lot of fun fresh vegetables or fruit as dessert. To improve metabolism, pearl barley broth is taken in the morning on an empty stomach and breakfast after an hour and a half.

Herrings are a large family of fish. On the European territory of Russia, Atlantic herring is most often consumed, but we have all heard about Pacific or Caspian herring. Meanwhile, the Atlantic is far from the most interesting and tasty group. We tell you what kind of herring is found on the shelves in our country.


One of three varieties of oceanic herring (in addition to the Pacific herring, there is also the Araucanian herring, which is found off the coast of Chile). The Atlantic group includes herrings from Norway and Iceland. Denmark, Canada and Russia also produce Atlantic herring. This group is distinguished by fairly light meat, not too large in size (average length - 25 cm, weight 500 g).

“Atlantic herring is good not only for salting - fresh fish can be used to make a lot of tasty and healthy dishes,” says Maxim Karpenko, founder of the Moby Dick company and consultant of the Fish Week festival. For example, it is used to make a stew with vegetables, baked in the oven with mayonnaise or mustard sauce, and stewed in tomato sauce.”

Baltic herring is a subgroup in the large Atlantic family. And it includes several different herrings. The most famous - Baltic herring, which lives in the Baltic Sea and its freshwater bays (Curonian, Kaliningrad). The length of herring reaches 20 cm. Another Baltic relative of herrings is sprat. It is from this that Baltic sprats are made.


Also a large group of different herrings. Of which the Okhotsk herring is well known. And there is also a celebrity - the Olyutorsky herring. In general, the Pacific group differs from other herrings in its increased iodine content. There are also physiological differences - this herring has fewer vertebrae.

Pacific herring is distinguished by its high fat content, which makes it more tasty and healthy. Most often, the meat of Pacific herring is darker than that of Atlantic herring.

Olyutorsky herring- a subspecies of the Pacific, it lives in the Olyutorsky Strait, in the western part of the Bering Sea. “This fish is distinguished by its larger size compared to other common types of herring, often reaching or exceeding a weight of 1 kg. - says Maxim Karpenko, - It is dense, meaty, fatty, very healthy and, of course, tasty. Olyutorsky herring can be salted, pickled, fried, and made into cutlets. Goes great with pickled vegetables.”

Caspian-Black Sea herring

Another large group of herrings lives in the Caspian and Black Seas and adjacent rivers. Unfortunately, these herrings are quite rare these days. And most often they don’t end up for sale in the central regions of Russia. You can try them only in the catch areas.

Kerch herring. It lives in the Sea of ​​Azov and is caught in the Kerch Strait in autumn and early winter. Reaches 25-30 cm in length, it has a gray-blue back and silvery sides. The meat of Kerch herring is pinkish and sweet. What makes Kerch herring unusually tasty and tender is its 22% fat content.

Danube herring. It spawns in the fresh waters of the Danube. It is caught in the spring, in March-April. You need to try Danube herring in Odessa; in the spring, when it arrives, you will see many sellers with rows of silvery, lightly salted Danube herring. Danube herring is valued for its very tender and delicate taste, fatty and juicy meat.

« Caspian herring, also known as hall“The most valuable commercial species of herring,” notes Maxim Karpenko. - It lives in the Caspian Sea and goes to the Volga and Ural rivers to spawn. Fatty and very large herring, reaching up to 52 cm in length and 2 kg in weight. It is famous for its special taste and tender meat, perfect for both salting and frying. At the same time, it is important not to over-salt the fish - overexposure for more than 3-4 days threatens to deteriorate the taste. The herring has long become a rare fish, and the population of this herring is declining, its catch is limited.”

Not a herring

Respect for herring is so great that some species of fish are undeservedly classified in this group, called herrings. The most famous example is Ivasi herring. In fact, this is a Far Eastern sardine. In the Soviet Union, it was caught in huge quantities, and the stocks of willow were depleted. Recently, after a 25-year break, the Iwasi fishery was opened. Most often, preserves and preserves are made from Iwasi herring; it is a small, delicate fish.

There are small silvery fish on the shelves - Sosvinskaya herring. But this is a tugun fish from the salmon family, which is caught in the Ob tributary - Sosva. Most often it is salted in a spicy brine, like sprat.

High quality salted herring must be clean, not wrinkled and free of foreign odors. Improper storage can cause so-called “saponification,” in which a film similar to a coating of soap appears on the surface of the herring (both salted and smoked). This defect can be easily eliminated by thoroughly washing the fish carcasses, after which it is quite suitable for food. Another, most common defect of salted herring is its yellowing, similar in color to rust. “Rust” occurs under the influence of fat oxidation and can affect not only the surface, but also penetrate deep into the muscle tissue of the fish, which significantly reduces the quality of salted herring and herring fish.

With very strong saponification the fish begins to emit an unpleasant odor, and the taste does not improve after washing off the film. It is not recommended to use such herring in food.

Herring has better taste the better the conditions in which it lived. Thus, Atlantic herring, which spawns off the coast of Norway, Holland and Iceland, is very good in taste; here the most favorable conditions for its fattening are caused by the direction of ocean currents. Among the people, these varieties of herring received corresponding names "Norwegian", "Dutch" and "Icelandic". They have a pleasant taste, tender, well-salted meat and a characteristic herring aroma.

Of the herring found in Russia, the most valuable species is “royal herring” or hall. It can be easily recognized by its black back, which is why it is sometimes called “blackback”. It is found in the Caspian Sea, reaches a length of 36 cm and contains up to 20% fat. Unlike other Caspian herring (of low value in taste), it has very tender meat and is well salted. Among the herrings caught in the southern seas of Russia, the Azov-Black Sea herring, and especially its two varieties, the Danube and Kerch, are distinguished by their good taste. However, due to its low fat content, such herring is sold only lightly salted. Pacific (Far Eastern) herring is also valued. It (the only one of all the above subspecies of herring) can gain a record amount of fat - up to 33%, but during the break between fattening it can also be the “thinest” - contain up to 2% fat (i.e. be low-fat). However, due to the high quality of the meat, this fish is a very valuable product.

Based on salt content, low-salt herring is classified– salt content from 7 to 10%, medium salt – from 10 to 14% and strong salt – over 14%. During the salting process, fish enters into a complex reaction with salt, and gradually, under the influence of enzymes, its proteins, fats and carbohydrates are processed to a fundamentally different quality state. Thanks to this, salted fish acquires a unique taste and aroma. This process is called maturation. Atlantic and Pacific herring are the most susceptible to this effect.

Herring quality(depending on freshness and type of meat) may correspond 1st or 2nd grade u. 1st grade herring has juicy, dense meat and no damage to the skin. Second grade herring may acquire a slightly sour odor due to fat oxidation, have a dull skin surface, and be slightly yellowish; The consistency of her meat may be tough and dry (but not flabby!), and her skin may have some damage (without major tears).

It must be borne in mind that herring second class, if it is lightly salted, it may contain pathogenic microorganisms, because their development is suppressed only at a salt concentration of 10 to 15%. If such herring was stored in a salty-sour solution, then this will also not save the situation, because Molds and yeasts are resistant to vinegar. Therefore, it is best not to take such fish.

Sometimes manufacturers hide preserved herring in vacuum packaging or translucent plastic containers. In both cases, the packaging must be sealed; fresh air is strictly contraindicated for salted or pickled herring. So if brine stains are visible on the jar, you should not buy such a product. Preserves in high-quality packaging will not stain your hands.

Take a plastic jar and shake it slightly. If the brine or marinade with which the herring is poured foams - this is clearly visible through the transparent plastic, then the fish has spoiled.

High-quality herring has a transparent filling and a pleasant smell. If the brine has turned sour– it becomes cloudy and dark, it has a sharp, stinging smell. Fish in such a marinade is slippery, its surface becomes covered with a “blush”. Know that a “tan” does not suit the herring - the product is hopelessly spoiled.

All pieces of herring should be the same height. The fillet should not have any bones.

Unlike conventional canned food, preserves are not sterilized. Therefore, their shelf life is much shorter - usually up to 4 months. Look at the packing date - what fresh herring, all the better.

At home, before you put the fish in your mouth, check small experiment. Press the herring fillet with a fork. If the meat is elastic, quickly restores its shape after pressing - high-quality herring. If the fish meat has already lost its elasticity or, worse, is completely falling apart, return the spoiled product to the store.

The fattier the herring, the tastier and healthier it is. The fattest herring is the one that has not reached sexual maturity. You can find out that preserves are made from young fish by reading "mathieu" on the label. When choosing such fish, keep in mind that fatty herrings always seem less salty.

Soon it’s time for “unbridled” feasts and cozy gatherings with family and friends at the festive table. Already, some housewives are looking at products in markets and stores, wondering what they will buy later for the New Year.

Some things can already be purchased even now, for example, canned food (peas, corn, caviar) or mayonnaise. Closer to the holidays, it will become, as my son says, “tough” - this is when housewives and owners with worried faces walk along the rows of supermarkets with carts filled to the brim with sausage, fish, pineapples and tangerines, and check purchases with kilometer-long lists.

Herring Selection Guide:

Salty, of course. If we consider that every third Russian will put “herring under a fur coat” on the New Year’s table, we can conclude that before the holidays this will be a very popular product. How to buy delicious herring– such that it melts in your mouth, is not too salty, fatty, and with a pleasant spicy taste? It turns out that there are several signs of good fish, and you can even determine the degree of its salinity by looking at it!

Of course, we are talking about barrel herring. You won't be able to pull off the trick of choosing fish from a jar - because there is no direct access to it. Although, when the herring is brought in a large container, it’s even better - firstly, this, as a rule, costs an order of magnitude cheaper than in jars, secondly, you see what you are buying, well, and thirdly, they buy barrel herring faster and more often - which means that the goods are not stale. So what should you pay attention to when buying herring?

1 . Well, of course, the first thing a buyer looks at is the appearance. We look at the fish and check if everything is “in place”? So, what should a good herring “boast” of:

  • The carcass must be intact, without damage or deformation;
  • Skin color – silver, without any plaque, foreign inclusions, any stains or rust;
  • The fish should be elastic: watch the seller. When she takes the carcass in her hands, there should be no dents left on the barrels.

2 . “Let’s go” further. The most interesting thing is how to externally determine whether the fish is heavily salted or has little salt in it? Yes, very simple. Look at the fish's eyes and evaluate their color. The redder the eye, the less salt in the fish and the fresher it is. If possible, look under the gills. Fresh herring has gills of an even, dark red color without any foreign odors. If the gills are brown, this means that the fish is not fresh, it is better to put it aside.

3 . Take a close look at the shape of the fish: a “thick” back indicates that the herring is more plump than its counterparts - and therefore contains more fat. More fat - more taste. Choose this one. If the fish has a large belly, this will mean that there is either caviar or milt inside the abdominal cavity of the herring. Caviar “takes” part of the nutrition for itself, so gourmets prefer males - supposedly, this fish tastes better.

How to distinguish a “boy” from a “girl”? Males have an elongated mouth, while females have a rounded mouth. True, if the fish is caught in a “delicious” batch - it doesn’t matter whether it’s a male or a female on your table - the herring will be equally tasty...

Bon appetit!



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