Family pizza with mozzarella and salami. Mozzarella cheese in different dishes Pizza with mozzarella cheese and sausage tomatoes

Family pizza with mozzarella and salami. Mozzarella cheese in different dishes Pizza with mozzarella cheese and sausage tomatoes

Just recently we made pizza for breakfast; we cook it often. Friends, seeing a photo of pizza, said: “Oh, you’re having breakfast!!!” Guys! Do not make me laugh. Making delicious homemade pizza for breakfast takes less time than frying potatoes. I don't encourage you to take out everything in the refrigerator. This is a “Soviet” pizza, often reminiscent of shawarma.

Keep it simple!

Pizza is a national, even folk dish of Italy, and now of the whole world. Classic pizza is usually round in shape, most often containing tomatoes or tomato sauce, cheese and herbs. Other additives: ham, fish, olives, sausage, etc. - provide variety classic pizzas. Typically, young cheese is used for pizza - mozzarella, sometimes Parmesan. The sauce is tomatoes with spices and oil. The filling of pizza is usually called topping.

In those distant times, when the first prototypes of pizza appeared, people didn’t try very hard. And they simply laid out the fillings on the bread flatbread: vegetables, herbs, cheese. Seasoned with a mixture of olive oil and garlic. They say that this was done back in the days of Ancient Rome. Much later, certain rules for making pizza and recipes appeared. Which later became classics - pizza Margherita, Neapolitan, “four cheeses”, pizza with seafood, etc. However, what is a classic if in a pizza prepared even by a famous pizzaiolo, the most important thing is the soul of the master!

Prepare delicious pizza for breakfast - anyone can do it. Knead the dough for 5 minutes. While the dough is “rising”, cut the filling - 10 minutes. Roll out the dough - 5 minutes. Spread the filling - 5 minutes. Bake for 20 minutes without your participation. And during breaks you can wash your face, tidy up, and unfollow on social networks.

I’ll show you an example, let’s prepare a delicious pizza - tomato sauce, cheese, herbs, onions. homemade pizza with mozzarella - nothing complicated, quick and incredibly tasty.

Pizza with mozzarella. Step by step recipe

Ingredients (2 servings)

  • Pizza dough 400 g
  • Tomatoes 1 pcs
  • Tomato sauce 5 tbsp. l.
  • Olives (green) 10-12 pcs.
  • Parmesan 50 grams
  • Mozzarella 150 g
  • Onion 1 piece
  • Basil 2-3 sprigs
  • Salt, oregano, wine vinegar taste
  1. Prepare the dough. I have already given the recipe for pizza dough several times - “”.
  2. After the dough has risen, knead it and roll it into a flat cake 5-7 mm thick. Place the dough on the pan, lightly greasing it first olive oil. Be sure to prick the dough with a fork in several places.
  3. Peel the onion and cut it into very thin strips. Add 1 tbsp. l. wine vinegar and leave the onion to marinate for 1-2 hours. If you “don’t have time,” you can use hot marinating. Pour the chopped onion with a boiling mixture of 100 ml of water and 2-3 tbsp. l. wine vinegar. After 10 minutes, rinse and squeeze the onion.
  4. Prepare tomato sauce. Please note that I will discourage you from using ketchup from a bag. Scald the tomato with boiling water, peel off the skin and remove the seeds. Grind the tomato pulp in a blender until puree along with 1 clove of garlic, a teaspoon of sugar, salt and black pepper. Pour out tomato puree on a preheated frying pan with 1 tbsp. l. olive oil. Simmer over high heat until the moisture evaporates and the sauce becomes thick. You will get an excellent tomato sauce - salsa di pomodoro.
  5. Grease the dough laid out on the pan with the sauce.
  6. Sprinkle 1-2 pinches of dry oregano on top of the pizza sauce.
  7. Next, spread the pickled onions over the sauce.
  8. Grind grated Parmesan and green basil leaves in a blender. The result should be an almost dry mixture of a pleasant greenish tint. By the way, you can add a clove of garlic to the Parmesan cheese for flavor if you don’t need to communicate with people for work today.
  9. Sprinkle the Parmesan and herbs all over the pizza, being careful not to skip any sections. By and large, that’s already enough! Pizza with mozzarella will turn out great!
  10. But this is exactly the case when you need to make the best out of the good!
  11. Cut green olives, pitted and unfilled, in half lengthwise and spread evenly on the pizza.
  12. Remove the mozzarella cheese from the brine and cut into thin slices or grate very coarse grater. Spread mozzarella on top of pizza.
  13. It is usually recommended to drizzle the pizza with olive oil. At your discretion, because... There is olive oil in tomato sauce.
  14. Place the prepared pizza in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. Pizza with mozzarella is baked for up to 20 minutes.

Pizza with mozzarella and sausage is simple and quick to prepare. In addition, the pizza turns out very tasty and juicy. I recommend cooking it with salami. Add tomatoes, parsley and yellow cheese.

Number of servings: 5-6

Easy pizza recipe with mozzarella and sausage Italian cuisine step by step with photos. Easy to prepare at home in 30 minutes. Contains only 122 kilocalories. Author's recipe for Italian cuisine.

  • Preparation time: 16 minutes
  • Cooking time: 30 min
  • Calorie Amount: 122 kilocalories
  • Number of servings: 9 servings
  • Occasion: For lunch
  • Complexity: An easy recipe
  • National cuisine: Italian Cuisine
  • Type of dish: Baking, Pizza

Ingredients for nine servings

  • Flour - 1.5 Cups
  • Baking powder - 1 teaspoon
  • Water - 100 Milliliters (boiled, cooled)
  • Olive oil - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • Sausage - 60 Grams
  • Mozzarella - 50 Gram
  • Tomato puree - 3-4 tbsp. spoons
  • Tomato - 1 piece
  • Parsley - - To taste (for decorating the finished pizza)
  • Grated yellow cheese - 3-4 tbsp. spoons

Step-by-step preparation

  1. For pizza, you will need one small round of Mozzarella cheese, which we will cut into layers. We will spread the grated yellow cheese on the pizza base and place all the other ingredients on top. Use any sausage you like.
  2. So, how to make pizza with mozzarella and sausage?
  3. Mix the sifted flour, baking powder, water and olive oil into an elastic dough. Roll out the dough to a thickness of 0.5 cm. Place the rolled out dough on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
  4. Brush the dough laid out on a baking sheet with tomato puree or mashed tomatoes.
  5. Spread grated cheese over tomato puree.
  6. Cut the sausage into thin slices and place on the base.
  7. Wash the tomato, cut into slices and place between the sausage.
  8. Place mozzarella slices on pizza.
  9. Bake pizza with mozzarella and sausage in an oven preheated to 190 degrees for 12-15 minutes.
  10. While the pizza is baking, rinse, dry on a paper towel and chop the parsley.
  11. Garnish the finished pizza with mozzarella and sausage with parsley.
  12. Pizza with mozzarella and sausage is ready!
  13. Bon appetit, enjoy!

Perfect Italian pizza. Mozzarella cheese made from young buffalo milk. A real oven with oak wood, which cooks a dish in three minutes, because the heat in it reaches 400 degrees Celsius.

Unfortunately, Russian housewives do not have such “ingredients” at hand for preparing the dish. However, you can make delicious, aromatic and rich pizza in Italian even in a city apartment, with a set familiar products from the nearest store and in a regular oven. Today the secrets of the mozzarella pizza recipe will be revealed. How to do it?

Pizza recipe with mozzarella and tomatoes

  • 2 tbsp. flour.
  • A teaspoon of dry yeast.
  • Half st. l. Sahara.
  • 2 tablespoons hot water (for yeast).
  • 150 ml water (for dough).
  • Olive oil.
  • Salt.
  • Mozzarella cheese - 150-200 gr.
  • A couple of large tomatoes.
  • Basil.
  • Oregano.
  • Leeks or onions (optional).

From the ingredients listed above you will get a couple of large pizzas with a diameter of about thirty centimeters. The dough preparation time is 60 minutes, the filling time is 15 minutes, the baking process is 15 minutes.

Cooking method

As with any other baked product, a homemade mozzarella pizza recipe starts with making the dough. In order to obtain a fluffy, pliable dough, it is recommended to soak dry yeast in hot water in the specified proportions. The process will go faster if you add a teaspoon of granulated sugar. While the dough is rising, mix the flour with salt, sugar and water. Add the dough to this mixture and mix well. After the dough is formed, it is recommended to place it in a container, cover with a towel and let rise.

Cut the finished dough into pieces. For two large pizzas, you need to divide the piece in half; if you want smaller portioned pizzas, then divide it into four pieces. Experienced housewives know that you shouldn’t immediately roll out pizza dough with a rolling pin. Only hands are used. Gently stretch the piece of dough by the edges, giving it a round shape. Only after this we modify it with a rolling pin.

As for this recipe for pizza with mozzarella, there is no need to spend a lot of time preparing the filling. Cut the tomatoes into large circles, finely chop the onion, and cut the cheese into small cubes. The filling is ready.

Spray the surface of the dough with olive oil. Arrange: tomatoes, basil, onions, oregano, sprinkle with mozzarella and put in the oven. In fifteen minutes you will receive an amazingly tasty and aromatic, classic Italian pizza at home.

Pizza recipe with mozzarella and salami

For lovers of spicy flavors and aromas in pizza, we offer the following recipe. The main characters here are mozzarella cheese, smoked sausages“hunter” and spicy salami sausage. The filling will also consist of green onions, a couple of tomatoes and spices. The amount of ingredients for pizza filling is determined “by eye”, at will, “by preference”. Some people will put more cheese, while others will prefer sausages.

For the test

  • Dry yeast - 1 pack.
  • 220 ml milk.
  • Two eggs.
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara.
  • A pinch of salt.
  • Wheat flour - 400 gr.

By using eggs and milk, the dough will be airy and fluffy.


This recipe for pizza with mozzarella is distinguished not only by the presence of a meat component, but also by the presence of a spicy hot sauce. To prepare it you need:

  • Tomato. pasta - 50 gr.
  • Olive. oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Sour cream - 100 gr.
  • Basil.
  • Oregano.
  • Black pepper.
  • Rosemary.
  • Salt.
  • Spicy hot chili pepper.


The dough for this mozzarella pizza recipe is prepared using the same technology as in the first case. Place the yeast in hot water and leave the dough to rise. Make a “volcano” in the sifted flour and pour salt and sugar into the center and break the eggs. Mix. Add the dough and mix well with your hands. The dough should be soft, fluffy and pliable. Let it rise for an hour under a towel or plastic cling film.

For the filling, cut the sausages into thin rings. Salami will make large rings, which will provide external contrast and give the baked goods a beautiful appearance. Tomatoes can be cut into long sticks or regular circles. Mozzarella - small cubes.

The sauce will add a special piquancy to the pizza. Mix sour cream with olive oil, add a pinch of salt and a little ground pepper. Stir in tomato paste. We clean the chili pepper from the seeds (if you like it “hot”, you can leave the seeds), and cut it into very small pieces. Add to the sauce. Mix.

Divide the risen dough into portions. Each portioned piece will produce a complete large pizza. Roll out the layer, pour over the filling and level it with a spoon, not forgetting to coat the edges well. We spread the filling: tomatoes, hunting sausages, herbs, salami slices and cheese on top. Bake at 200 degrees for about 15 minutes.

Pizza recipe with mushrooms, chicken, peppers and mozzarella

This pizza is perhaps the most satisfying and high-calorie. But sometimes you can treat yourself and your household to a truly luxurious dish. To prepare the dough you need:

  • Flour - 250 gr.
  • Water - 100 ml.
  • Sugar - 1 tsp.
  • Salt - a pinch.
  • Dry yeast - 1 pack.
  • Olive. oil.

IN in this case the dough, like all pizza, will not be fluffy, but thin, classic Italian.


  • Champignons - 150 gr.
  • Chicken fillet - 200 gr.
  • Bell pepper - 2 pcs.
  • Tomatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Hard cheese (any) - 10 gr.
  • Mozzarella cheese - 150 gr.

How to cook

The recipe for pizza with chicken and mozzarella, mushrooms and bell peppers does not take much time, despite the large number of ingredients involved in the process. The dough is kneaded using classical technology. From these products you will get two thin pizzas.

The chicken is boiled and cut into cubes. Hard cheese - grated, mozzarella - cubed. Peppers and tomatoes - at the discretion of the hostess. Mushrooms are fried until golden brown.

Olive oil is used as the sauce in this pizza. Lay out the filling: tomatoes, chicken, mushrooms, onions, herbs, cheeses. Bake for about 20 minutes. At a temperature of 220 degrees.

Mozzarella) is a soft young cheese from southern Italy. In local cuisine, mozzarella is most often used in pizza, fresh salads, appetizers (caprese), casseroles, lasagne and pasta.

Many Italian dishes, especially pizza, are unthinkable without this cheese. It is mozzarella that has the ideal neutral taste and a specific structure, due to which the cheese stretches slightly when you take a ready-made portion of hot pizza. Thanks to mozzarella, a closed Italian pie calzone so delicious and a signature Italian appetizer caprese It just wouldn't have been born. But the main thank you should be given to the black buffaloes, whose milk the hardworking Italians used as the basis for this wonderful, tasty cheese.

History of mozzarella

The first written mention of mozzarella can be seen in the cookbook of Bartolomeo Scappi, the famous Italian chef of the Renaissance. In his book Opera, published in 1570 and including more than 1000 recipes, there is a line: “cream, fresh oil, ricotta cheese, fresh mozzarella and milk.” We must assume that Bartolomeo wrote about mozzarella as a common product of his day, which means that cheese was invented much earlier.

Mozzarella) is a modified combination of words from the Neapolitan dialect. Mozza means to cut, and mozzare- cut off, which hints at the technological process of producing this cheese.

How to make mozzarella

The milk is fermented with a special cheese culture, and sometimes a rennet element is added. After which the finished mass, similar to yogurt, is heated and stirred until the whey is separated, which is drained. Received elastic mass knead with your hands until it forms a stiff dough and cut off pieces of the desired size, placing them in a cold saline solution. By the way, whey, which remains in abundance after the production of mozzarella, is used to prepare other famous cheese Italy - ricotta.

Types and forms of mozzarella

Mozzarella is usually found in the form of irregular balls. Bocconcini are large balls the size of an egg, chilengi are balls the size of a large cherry, perlini are very small. Mozzarella is sometimes sold in the form of a braid (treccia) or large balls 7-10 cm in diameter. Traditionally, mozzarella is sold in a liquid in which balls of cheese float freely. The exception is mozzarella in a braid and hard mozzarella in a large ball.

It is believed that mozzarella in a large ball without brine is intended for baking, in fact, any mozzarella can be baked, but in brine the cheese is more tender and tastier, and large and dry cheese is simply lower class, which automatically narrows its use.

What to cook with mozzarella

First of all, we recommend preparing cold appetizers and salads with mozzarella. It requires no heat and cooks very quickly. The easiest way to prepare a salad is from fresh vegetables and herbs, adding a little mozzarella, olives and seasoning with olive oil lemon juice and salt. This classic of Mediterranean cuisine has not become outdated over the centuries and is very appropriate during the hot season. Be sure to try the caprese appetizer salad: this is a light appetizer of tomato slices, pieces of mozzarella and basil leaves, seasoned with olive oil, black pepper and sea salt. Prepares in a minute and can be served for breakfast or with a glass of wine. Don't forget to add slices of fresh wheat bread to your caprese!

Mozzarella is one of the main cheeses used in traditional pizza. Naples, as the birthplace and capital of Italian pizza, is also the main city of the Campania region, where mozzarella began to be produced. It is not clear what was the root cause - either the pizzaoli always wanted cheese for pizza with such wonderful properties, or mozzarella made an ordinary flatbread with pizza filling in the usual sense, but the fact that mozzarella is ideal for pizza is an undeniable fact.

Try different styles of pizza: layer the cheese on top of the sauce but under the toppings to tie all the ingredients together, or layer mozzarella on top of the toppings to dress up the pizza. Don't forget that mozzarella is an unleavened cheese, and if you didn't add salty ingredients, you should add a little salt to the pizza before baking.

Classic Italian made with mozzarella closed pie calzone. This pie is somewhat reminiscent of a cheburek, but actually, it’s the same pizza, only folded in half. There are many types and styles of calzones, but mozzarella is the most commonly used cheese in calzones.

Lasagna is sometimes prepared with mozzarella. Lasagna is flat sheets of pasta, “pasta paper,” layered with filling (cheese, minced meat, vegetables, mushrooms), covered in sauce and baked in the oven or oven. Mozzarella plays the role of a connecting link here, connecting the tastes of all components. Extremely satisfying and tasty dish, which is easy to prepare, has a “signature” look and is included in the menu of many restaurants around the world.

With mozzarella you can prepare casseroles, various vegetable, meat, mushroom dishes“under cheese”, add to dishes “in pots”, to baked or fried vegetables. Here you need to follow one simple rule: if the cheese is part of the filling or is inside the dish, then you can add it along with the rest of the ingredients, and if the cheese is placed on top, then this should be done 5-10 minutes before it is ready. The fact is that mozzarella melts very quickly, and prolonged heat dries out the cheese and worsens its taste.

Recipes with mozzarella


This is a light snack originally from the island of Capri. The combination of colors in this dish matches the colors of the Italian flag, and caprese is considered the national Italian dish. Ideally, the mozzarella should be made from buffalo milk, the tomatoes should be of the oxheart variety, and the olive oil should not be bitter. Capri is a kind of Mediterranean Eden for the Russian intelligentsia. At different times, Leonid Andreev, Ivan Bunin, Maxim Gorky, Vladimir Lenin, Anatoly Lunacharsky, Konstantin Paustovsky, Konstantin Stanislavsky, Ivan Turgenev and Pyotr Tchaikovsky lived on Capri. So the cuisine of Capri is dear to us, at least through the spirit of the works of Russian classics.



Olive oil,
Black pepper, salt.


Arrange tomato slices in a circle, top with a piece of mozzarella and cover each slice with a basil leaf. Drizzle with olive oil, pepper and salt. Caprese is perfect snack to light dry wine.

This very tasty and simple Neapolitan pizza, according to legend, was first prepared in honor of the wife of the King of Italy, Margaret of Savoy in 1889. The colors of the pizza symbolize the colors of the Italian flag. Margherita was very impressed by the look of the pizza, and since then pizza has gone from being a poor man's food to becoming the national pride of Italy.

Pizza dough,
Tomato sauce,
Basil leaves,

Black pepper,

Roll out thin pancake from yeast dough. Lubricate tomato sauce, place the tomato slices and scatter the mozzarella on top. Pepper and salt. Bake for 15-20 minutes at 230 degrees or 7-12 minutes at 270 degrees. Garnish the finished pizza with green basil leaves.

Lasagna is thin sheets of pasta folded with a filling like a cake. The filling for lasagna can be anything, but the presence of cheese, sauce and sheets of pasta remains unchanged. You can supplement the vegetables minced meat or finely chopped pieces of chicken, change the composition of vegetables or replace the sauce with tomato.

Ready-made lasagna sheets,
For the bechamel sauce:
50 g butter,
50 g flour,
500 ml milk.

For filling:
1-2 zucchini,
1 onion,
200 g minced meat,
200 g mozzarella,
150 g grated parmesan.

Preparing bechamel:
Let the milk warm up, but do not bring it to a boil!
Melt butter, add flour, stirring constantly.
Add milk to the butter and flour mixture in small portions, stirring constantly until smooth.

At this stage, preheat the oven to 180 degrees.

Preparing the filling:
Fry the diced onion.
Add minced meat and fry for a couple of minutes.
Add the diced zucchini and fry everything for 5-7 minutes.

Assembling lasagna:
Grease the mold with butter.
Place a small layer of filling, a little bechamel sauce and cover with a sheet of pasta.
Again a layer of filling, pieces of mozzarella and grated parmesan, a little sauce. Cover with a sheet of pasta.
Another layer of filling, sauce, mozzarella and parmesan. And again a sheet of pasta.
Top with remaining cheese and sprinkle with remaining Parmesan. Pour the remaining sauce around the edges.
Bake for 35-40 minutes at 180 degrees.

Lasagna goes well with wine and is a hearty and delicious dish.

Mozzarella goes well with many foods; it is a versatile cheese, well suited for cold appetizers, salads, pizza and casseroles.



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