Charlotte in a slow cooker - recipes, cooking features and reviews. Recipe for making a pie with milk. How to bake fluffy charlotte with apples in a Polaris multicooker

Charlotte in a slow cooker - recipes, cooking features and reviews. Recipe for making a pie with milk. How to bake fluffy charlotte with apples in a Polaris multicooker

Charlotte is one of the most delicious culinary masterpieces. Since ancient times, people have treated each other to such delicacies, while today such a dessert can be prepared somewhat differently than before. For example, charlotte in a slow cooker with apples, the recipe will not leave even the most avid critics indifferent, because it has an amazing taste and aroma.

You can make charlotte with cinnamon and powdered sugar and then serve with tea. This pie will truly fit even into festive feast and will remain on the list of indigenous desserts for a long time. The pie is prepared very quickly and easily in a slow cooker, and for this you do not need to have pastry or cooking skills.

  • Eggless charlotte recipe
  • Simple loaf charlotte
  • Chocolate charlotte
  • Charlotte with apples and pears

Classic apple charlotte in a slow cooker

A slow cooker is a wonderful assistant in creating real, tasty treats. A classic one for a family of 4 will take about an hour to prepare. To do this you need to prepare:

3 apples;
- 3 eggs;
- 0.2 kg sugar;
- 0.2 kg of flour.


Important! Peel the apples just before adding them to the dough, otherwise the fruit will quickly darken. Break the eggs (pre-cooled) into a deep bowl, add sugar and beat everything with a mixer (until it becomes a fluffy, thick mass). It is preferable that the “beaten egg consistency” does not eventually slide off the beaters, that is, it is thick rather than liquid.

Next, using a wooden spatula, gradually stir in the flour to avoid lumps collecting in a heap. You can turn on the beaters for a few seconds. When the consistency of the dough has become homogeneous, add the prepared fruits and mix so that the apple is distributed evenly throughout the mixture.

Then grease the multicooker bowl, place the charlotte dough there, and set the baking mode to 1 hour. Perfect for this dessert sweet variety apples After baking, cool the treat and serve.

Eggless charlotte recipe

A tasty and simple recipe with step-by-step photos will help even novice housewives prepare a real sweet treat for family and friends. Charlotte with apples in a slow cooker does not take long to prepare and does not require any special subtleties of the technological process.


6 apples (you can take both sour and sweet varieties);
- 0.3 liters of kefir;
- half a glass of semolina;
- 0.2 kg sugar;
- 0.2 kg flour;
- baking powder;
- vanillin for aroma;
- dessert spoon of salt;
- oil (for lubricating the bowl intended for baking).


A simple recipe for charlotte using apples can be prepared both in a slow cooker and in the oven. If the oven is preferred, then the baking time will be 40 minutes, while in a slow cooker it will be 60 minutes. Mix all ingredients except baking powder and apples.

The dough should not be too liquid, that is, the consistency is like thick sour cream. Next, add baking powder and fruit. Stir and transfer to a baking bowl. Set the required time and bring to readiness.

Lush charlotte with apples in a slow cooker

Undoubtedly, lush charlotte with apples in a slow cooker is an incredibly tasty treat. Not only does it take little time to prepare this famous dish, but by the way, this treat will always be a must-have for any holiday or just dinner. To prepare the dough you will need the following ingredients:

3 apples;
- 3 eggs;
- a glass of sugar;
- a glass of flour;
- baking powder;
- cinnamon;
- breadcrumbs;
- oil (for lubricating the baking bowl);
- half a teaspoon of salt.


Remove the skin from the fruit (even if it is too thin) and cut into small cubes. After this make the dough. Break the eggs in a deep bowl, add sugar and salt. Then beat the mixture to a thick consistency (this is important because the fluffiness of the finished dish depends on it).
Next, slowly add the sifted flour, stir with a wooden spatula, when the consistency becomes homogeneous, add baking powder and apples. Now the dough is ready for baking. Pour into the mold and place in the slow cooker for 60 minutes. Usually this time is enough for the dish to cook. When serving, sprinkle the dessert with cinnamon - this will add a pleasant and appetizing aroma.

Simple loaf charlotte

To bake such a dessert, you do not need to prepare the dough separately. The fact is that this is considered the simplest recipe, which includes a ready-made loaf. You can bake the dish using oven, and in a slow cooker. The only nuance here is that such a pie bakes a little faster in the oven, about half an hour. Otherwise everything will be the same.

Charlotte with apples, the recipe for which is prepared in the oven, does not tolerate frequent opening of the door. Usually housewives, watching the cooking process, often look at the product. So this can reduce the quality of the dish, because the pie can settle and turn out dull.


Loaf (it’s better to take it stale);
- 5 apples (not too sour to taste);
- 4 eggs;
- 0.2 liters of milk (preferably warm);
- a pinch of salt;
- semolina for sprinkling;
- oil (for lubricating the baking pan);
- 3 tablespoons of sugar;
- a pinch of cinnamon.


Remove the rough skin from the apples (after baking, it becomes hard) and cut into cubes (can be 1 x 1 cm), just like the loaf. Connect it all. Rub the mold with oil and sprinkle with semolina. Place the mixed apple-bread mixture there.

Crack the cooled eggs into a bowl (the container should not be metal to avoid darkening and an unpleasant aftertaste of the mass), add sugar (powdered sugar is acceptable), milk and salt. Then beat. When the mass stops sliding off the beaters, then cover the apple-bread mass with it and you can send it for baking. When serving, it is permissible to sprinkle with cinnamon, because it goes well with the aroma and taste of this treat.

Charlotte with cottage cheese and apples

A delicious dish is charlotte with caramelized apples! Initially, this treat was prepared exclusively with apples, however, over time, pastry chefs began to add an assortment of various fruits to it. Often even a mixture, but in connection with various experiments of taste, it was born new recipe with amazing taste.

Caramelization is a process that allows you to change the taste of an apple, that is, make it more saturated. To do this, they use a special cooking technology, and such a dish is often prepared in a slow cooker, because there biscuit dough less settling due to vacuum. So, first prepare the necessary ingredients:

5 apples;
- 3 tablespoons thick sour cream and the same amount of cottage cheese;
- 4 eggs;
- 0.2 kg of flour and the same amount of sugar;
- slaked soda on the tip of a knife;
- 0.2 kg butter.


Peel the apples and chop the pulp into small cubes. Take a deep bowl, melt half of the taken portion of butter in it and add the prepared apples and some of the sugar. The sweet mass should cover the fruit. For this technological process it is convenient to use a deep frying pan.

When the color of the sweet mass changes and takes on a different shade, remove the apples from the heat and transfer to a bowl. Break the cooled eggs into a deep cup, pour the remaining sugar and salt into it and begin beating until the mixture acquires a thick consistency.
Melt the remaining butter in a frying pan, mix it with soda and flour, and then add to the beaten eggs plus sour cream and cottage cheese. Grease the pan in which the charlotte will be baked with butter and lightly sprinkle with semolina.

Place caramelized apples on the bottom and cover them with the prepared dough on top. After this, send it for baking. When the tasty treat is prepared, cool it and take it out, turning it upside down. Sweet pie sprinkle with cinnamon and serve. This dish is a win-win option for a festive celebration, which is why it is so popular.

Chocolate charlotte

The varieties of apple charlotte flavors know no bounds! After all, using a step-by-step recipe with photos, you can easily create real confectionery masterpieces that have a captivating aroma. One of these treats is fluffy charlotte with apples, which can be easily prepared in a slow cooker or in the oven. First you need to prepare the required ingredients:

Eggs – 5 pcs.;
- flour – 1 cup;
- sugar – 1 glass;
- cocoa – 3-4 tbsp. spoons;
- apples – 2 pcs.
Ingredients for glaze:
- sugar – 3 tbsp. l;
- cocoa – 2 tbsp. l;
- milk or water – 3 tbsp. l;
- butter – 20 g.


Separate the whites from the yolks and beat the whites into a thick, stable foam. While constantly whisking, add sugar, and then, when it dissolves, pour in the yolks. Add cocoa powder to the egg foam and mix gently from bottom to top so as not to settle the dough. After cocoa, add flour in the same way.

Peel and seed the apples and then cut into slices. Grease the multicooker bowl with oil and sprinkle with flour. Spread half of the resulting mass and distribute apple slices on top.

Post the second part of the dough. Close the multicooker lid and turn on the “Baking” mode.

Place the finished charlotte on a cooling board or directly onto a tray on which it will be covered with glaze.

To prepare the glaze, mix sugar and cocoa.

add water or milk and then butter.

Boil over medium heat until it boils; the glaze should thicken.
Pour the hot chocolate mixture over the charlotte (use a knife to smooth the glaze over the top and sides) and decorate according to your preference.

When preparing this dessert, additional ingredients such as raisins or nuts are often used. Enjoy your tea!

Charlotte with apples and pears

As already mentioned, there are many varieties of sweet desserts. Pastry chefs know how to prepare delicious charlotte with apples in a slow cooker or oven, which is why they share their skills and tips. This dish is prepared with the addition of various fruits, although the original origin of the sweet pie was exclusively with the addition of apples.

In Rus', it was obligatory to prepare such a treat during the apple harvest, and after work, all workers were treated to their fill with charlotte. The pleasant aroma of fresh baked goods lingered in the house for a long time. It was then that they began to experiment with various ingredients, so a recipe appeared not only with the addition of apples, but also with the well-known fruit - the pear. To prepare this delicacy you will need:

Granulated sugar – 200 gr.;
- vanilla sugar – 1 sachet;
- chicken eggs – 5 pcs.;
- flour – 180 gr.;
- baking powder – 10 gr. or 1 tsp. soda quenched with vinegar;
- apples – 3 pcs.;
- pears – 3 pcs.;
- butter – 5 gr.


Remove peels and seeds from apples and pears, chop and sprinkle the pulp lemon juice. You can sprinkle with cinnamon and leave.

Break the eggs into a deep bowl (they must be cooled in advance),

Then add sugar, salt and vanillin to them, and then beat thoroughly until a thick, homogeneous mass is obtained.

When the egg mixture has reached the required consistency, slowly add flour to it and mix with a wooden spatula.

Then add baking powder. Grease the multicooker bowl butter and lay out the prepared fruits.

Carefully pour the dough on top and smooth it out.

Close the bowl and set the “Bake/Roast” mode. Cooking time is 45 minutes.

After the pie is ready, remove, sprinkle with powdered sugar and decorate with red currants and fragrant mint leaves.

How to cook in a multicooker Redmond

Charlotte with apples in the Redmond multicooker is prepared quickly, which is convenient. After all, you can’t always afford to spend a lot of time in the kitchen. To start cooking you will need the following ingredients:

2 apples;
- 0.2 kg of sugar and the same amount of flour;
- a tablespoon of fresh lemon juice;
- cinnamon for flavor when serving;
- 3 eggs;
- butter for greasing the baking bowl.


Remove the seeds and skin from the apples, then cut them into small cubes and sprinkle with lemon juice. This is done so that the peeled fruits do not darken during the preparation of the dough. Next, break the eggs into a deep container, add sugar and beat for about 15 minutes. The whipped mass should have a thick consistency.

After the desired thickness has appeared, gradually add flour, but stirring with a wooden spatula, otherwise, with strong speed of the whisks, the dough may settle and the dessert will be spoiled.
Next, place the chopped fruit in the bottom of the greased baking bowl and pour the prepared dough over it. Select the “baking” function. Charlotte takes an hour to cook in the Redmond multicooker. The recipe with apples is the most popular, however, fruits can be added according to your own preference. After the dessert is ready, cut it into portions, sprinkle with cinnamon and serve.

How to cook in a Panasonic multicooker

Charlotte with apples in the Panasonic multicooker turns out fluffy and tender, and cooking in it is a pleasure. Thanks to the non-stick coating, the product will not burn and this “helper” is very easy to clean. After the dough is poured into a special bowl, you need to select the “baking” function and set the required time.

After cooking, the product is allowed to cool slightly and served. Charlotte in the Panasonic 18 multicooker can be prepared with various fruits, that is, it does not have to be apples. Pears, raisins, prunes and other products are often used.

Apple charlotte in a Philips multicooker

Charlotte with apples baked in a Philips multicooker is in no way inferior in taste to products baked, for example, in an oven or multicooker from another company. It's all about convenience and personal preference. Of course, the recipe cards for the prepared dessert may differ significantly, but otherwise the cooking rules are quite similar.

- large sweet and sour apples – 3 pcs.;
- chicken eggs – 3 pcs.;
- wheat flour – 150 g (about a glass);
- granulated sugar 4 tbsp. l;
- sour cream – 2-3 tbsp. l;
- baking powder – 1 tsp;
- vanilla sugar – 10 g;
- butter – 30 gr.


Remove the skin and seeds from the apples and then cut them into cubes.

Place in the multicooker bowl, add butter and turn on the “Stew” mode. 5-7 minutes is enough.

To prepare the dough, break the eggs and combine them with vanilla sugar, and then beat until fluffy.

Next, add flour combined with baking powder and add sour cream. The dough should be thick but fluid.

Add the apple to the dough and stir until the pieces are evenly mixed into the mixture.

Close the lid of the device and select the “Baking” mode. For fully cooked 40 minutes (at 140 degrees) will be enough.

When serving, sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Charlotte in the Polaris multicooker

Cooked charlotte with apples in the Polaris multicooker turns out tender, fluffy and tasty, and the convenient functions of the equipment itself bring a lot of pleasure when working with it. You can experiment with different recipe cards. All this is selected according to personal preference. Charlotte dough can be prepared using kefir with apples or peaches, as well as plums, grapes and many other fruits.

The main subtlety in preparing charlotte is to correctly make the base, that is, the dough. It should not be settled, but, on the contrary, should be light and tender. Then the baked product turns out fluffy and tastes good.

Apple charlotte in a slow cooker is probably the simplest, most accessible and everyone’s favorite apple pie. It has long become very popular, acquired various options recipes - with kefir, cottage cheese, but still the simplest and most famous remains classic recipe from eggs, sugar and flour. For charlotte, you can use absolutely any apples. Each variety of apple gives its own unique aroma, with different apples Charlotte will have a different taste. Many consider Antonovka apples to be the best for pie. Apples love to be poured with lemon juice; this does not make them darken, and their aroma becomes subtler. Today I am baking apple charlotte in a slow cooker according to the classic recipe.


  • eggs – 3-5 pcs
  • sugar – 1 glass
  • flour – 1 cup
  • apples to taste
  • vanillin, cinnamon (optional)
  • mold lubrication oil

Apple charlotte in a slow cooker recipe with photo:

Beat the eggs and sugar with a mixer into a fluffy white foam (for me this usually takes 7-10 minutes). You can take more eggs; the more eggs, the higher the charlotte.

Gradually add or add flour, gently mix the dough with a spoon. I do not recommend beating the dough with a mixer.

Grease the bowl with oil. Place some of the chopped and cored apples on the bottom of the bowl.

Pour in the dough and place the rest on top. If desired, you can sprinkle with cinnamon.

Apple charlotte is baked in a multicooker, in the “baking” mode for 65 minutes. Sometimes I add another 20 minutes, depending on the type of apple.


  • Egg - 4 pcs.;
  • Sugar - 1 glass;
  • Flour - ½ cup;
  • Apples - 2 pcs.;
  • Vegetable oil or butter for greasing the pan.

The dough preparation time is 5-10 minutes, baking lasts 50 minutes.

One serving contains 210 kcal, for a total of eight servings.

Increasingly, a multicooker comes to the rescue of modern housewives, saving time and effort. It is easy to prepare not only first and second courses, but also baked goods are excellent. At the same time, it’s fast and tasty!

We offer a simple classic recipe for charlotte with apples in a Redmond multicooker or any other company. It is important to select the “Baking” mode while cooking. The pie turns out tender, fluffy, and the apples add sourness. Charlotte in a slow cooker with apples recipe with photos step by step.

How to cook charlotte in a slow cooker

Beat the egg, separating the whites from the yolks.

The egg should be chilled, and the dishes and whisks should be dry. So, separate the whites from the yolks.

First, beat the egg whites until stiff foam forms. Then gradually add half a glass of sugar to them, beat for several minutes until the volume increases 3 times and a stable foam forms.

Beat the yolks with the remaining sugar until white.

Sift the flour, add it to the yolk gradually, stirring gently with a spoon. Only after this add the white. We do everything with a spoon or spatula, stir in one direction, lifting the mass from bottom to top.

The dough should be as thick as sour cream. It is important not to overdo it with flour, otherwise the cake will turn out hard and dry.

Now let's cook the apples. We clear the core. Cut into pieces. Peel the skin as desired. Grease the mold with oil. Place apple slices nicely on the bottom of the pan.

Pour out the dough.

We set the multicooker mode to “Baking” - this is about 50 minutes.

If you are cooking in a pressure cooker, be sure to open the steam valve.

The classic charlotte recipe is essentially a sponge cake. And biscuit does not like sudden changes in temperature. Therefore, in order to maintain the splendor and the charlotte does not “settle”, you need to leave it on “Heating” for 10 - 15 minutes after the end of the baking time.

After the time has passed, open the lid of the multicooker, check the readiness of the pie with a match or toothpick, and let it sit for three minutes. Then carefully remove and turn over onto a tray (platter).

Cut the charlotte into portions. You can decorate with powdered sugar or lemon zest.

Apple charlotte in a slow cooker step by step recipe with photo that you just saw is ready!

When baking charlotte, you can use different options dough and fruit. In any recipe, baking lasts 50-60 minutes.

Recipe for charlotte with kefir in a slow cooker

To prepare the dough you need: two eggs, 1 glass of kefir, 10 grams of soft butter, 1 glass of sugar, 1 teaspoon of baking powder (slaked soda), 1 glass of flour. The egg and sugar are whipped into a stiff foam, kefir, baking powder and sifted flour are added. Knead the dough thoroughly. The apples are placed on the bottom of the mold and filled with dough. Bake for 50-60 minutes.

Charlotte with cottage cheese in a slow cooker

The dough is prepared as follows: beat 2 eggs with 1 glass of sugar, rub 200 grams of cottage cheese through a sieve and add. Pour in half a cup of flour and baking powder. Mix everything. Apples can be cut into small cubes and added to the dough. Pour into the mold and bake.

Charlotte with apples and milk

Beat three eggs with a glass of sugar, add a glass of milk, 100 grams of soft butter, baking powder and a glass of flour. Mix the dough thoroughly. Place the apples on the bottom and fill with dough. Bake for 60 minutes.

Apple charlotte in a slow cooker with semolina

You will need 1 glass of sugar, 1 glass of sour cream, 100 grams of soft butter, two eggs, baking powder, 1 glass of semolina. Beat the egg with sugar, add sour cream, butter, baking powder and semolina. Place the dough and leave for 10-15 minutes. At this time, cook the apples and place them on the bottom of the mold. Pour in the dough and bake for 50 minutes.

Charlotte with bananas in a slow cooker

Add finely chopped banana to the dough, 1 piece is enough. You can use the main dough recipe or any other one suggested above. The apples are placed in pieces on the bottom of the bowl. Fill with dough and bake for 50 minutes. Charlotte is obtained with the aroma of banana and the sourness of apples. Delicious!

Charlotte with apples and cognac

Cut the apples into pieces, pour two teaspoons of cognac over them and leave for 5-10 minutes. To prevent the apples from darkening, you can sprinkle lemon juice on them. At this time, prepare the dough according to any of the proposed recipes. Then place the apples and fill with dough. Charlotte turns out very aromatic and juicy.

Puff charlotte

For puff pastry, prepare the dough according to any recipe, only it should be a little thicker than sour cream, so add another 3 tablespoons of flour. Place a layer of apples on the bottom of the pan. Then a layer of dough. Layer apples again and then fill with dough again. The layers can be made from banana or berries, and the layer can also be made from sweet cottage cheese. It is important that the apples are on the bottom and arranged beautifully. Bake for 60 minutes.

An exotic version of charlotte with apples in a slow cooker

You can add pieces of orange or pineapple, or one or the other, to the dough. Any dough recipe. The apples are placed on the bottom of the mold and filled with dough containing pieces of fruit. Bake for 60 minutes. The result is a juicy charlotte with the aromas of exotic fruits.

Apple charlotte with walnuts

You can add chopped Walnut, this is of course not for everyone. The nut can be anything, it is important that it is fresh and not rancid, try it before adding.

Charlotte with crispy crust

To make the pie crust golden and crispy, grease the pan generously with vegetable oil and sprinkle the bottom with semolina or sesame seeds. Then the crust will be a beautiful golden color and a little crispy.

As you can see, there are many options for preparing charlotte. You can add any fruits and berries to apples: pears, bananas, tangerines, apricots, blueberries, cherries, strawberries, etc. it all depends on your imagination and taste.

What flavored additives can there be for charlotte?

Classic version Charlottes are apples and biscuit. The pie itself is fragrant. But if you want to give more spicy taste, you can add a little cinnamon, nutmeg or vanilla. Just a little bit, on the tip of a knife will be enough. You can also add lemon zest or a teaspoon of flavored liqueur to the dough.

If the cake turns out dry

If you overdo it with flour, the charlotte may turn out to be dry. But this can be easily fixed by soaking it in sugar syrup.

To prepare the syrup you will need: 4 tablespoons of sugar and 6 tablespoons of water. In a small bowl, mix water with sugar and put on low heat, stir constantly and bring to a boil and until the sugar is completely dissolved. Remove from heat and let cool to 40 degrees. After this, you can add various flavored additives to the syrup (optional and to taste).

Apply the syrup with a brush or teaspoon, evenly over the area of ​​the pie. Charlotte should lie apples down. Leave to soak for 1-2 hours. After this, turn the charlotte over with the apples facing up onto a beautiful dish and serve.

How to decorate a charlotte

There are many options for decorating charlotte, for example - lemon zest. You can prepare the zest yourself. To do this, grate the lemon on a fine grater, grating only the peel. The shavings should dry, then sprinkle evenly over the surface of the pie. The zest can also be orange.

You can also steal a charlotte: coconut flakes, powdered sugar, multi-colored candied fruits, poppy seeds, ground nuts, berries, sesame seeds, grated chocolate, cookie crumbs.

The easiest way is to decorate with crumbs. To prepare the “crumbs” you will need 1 tablespoon vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon of sugar and enough flour to form crumbly crumbs when stirred with your hands. This “crumb” can be used to disguise the surface of the pie if it turns out unsuccessful for some reason.

You can pour clear honey over the charlotte. If the honey is candied, it can be easily melted in a “water bath”. Or place a glass of honey in a saucepan with boiling water, without heat. Wait until the honey dissolves and becomes transparent.

Imagine, experiment, create original versions of charlotte that the whole family will love!

Enjoy your tea!

1001 multicooker recipes

charlotte with apples in a slow cooker

1 hour 15 minutes

170 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

For a modern housewife, a multicooker is not just a fashionable attribute in the kitchen, but an indispensable assistant. You can cook almost anything in it, quickly and with minimal intervention. Just as easy to prepare delicious charlotte in a slow cooker.

  • Cooking time: Preparing the dough for baking takes 10-15 minutes. The baking itself lasts 40-60 minutes, depending on the brand and technical features of the device.
  • Number of servings: One pie can be divided into eight servings.
  • Kitchen appliances and utensils: bowl for kneading dough, whisk, knife, mixer, measuring cup, multicooker.

Required Products

Please note that this is the easiest way to cook charlotte in a slow cooker; the recipe may vary depending on the preferences of each housewife.

Required Ingredients :

In fact, the name of the pie is derived from the word “charlotte”. It is generally accepted that it comes from the German name Charlotte. But as for pie specifically, the etymology of the word is correlated with the English word charlyt. In the 15th century in England, this was the name for a dessert made from beaten eggs with the addition of milk and sugar. Many believe that it was he who became the prototype of today's lazy charlotte.

Features of product selection

It is advisable to choose flour premium . But even in this case, there is no guarantee that you will have to add it strictly according to the recipe. Different manufacturers prepare different product, so in one case you may need more ingredient, in another – less. When kneading the dough, be guided by the consistency of thick sour cream.

Choosing eggs for apple pie in a slow cooker, try to take those that belong to category C1 or C0. If you can’t find these and only small ones are on sale, increase their quantity by one or two pieces compared to what is required in the recipe.

The history of the appearance of charlotte

There are about a dozen versions of the origin of the dessert.

The most exquisite and unconfirmed - apple pie was invented by the English Queen Charlotte, wife of King George III, whose family loved apples.

There is also a more romantic story about a talented chef who dedicated an invented dish to his beloved Charlotte.

The version of the origin of the pudding dessert based on a modified recipe looks more plausible English meat pie.

As for our latitudes, the recipe for charlotte, which is now used for cooking in a slow cooker from apples, appeared around the end of the 19th century.

After the territory of the country was settled by invited Germans, many German bakeries were opened, where they prepared dessert from leftover bread and rolls. Since thrifty German women were often collectively called Charlottes, this particular name was assigned to the dessert.

How to cook charlotte with apples in a slow cooker at home

For those who are planning to cook charlotte in a slow cooker, below we present a step-by-step recipe with photos.

  1. We wash and peel the apples, then cut them and remove the seed pods. Now the fruit can be cut into slices.

    It is necessary to peel apples only when they are very thick and hard. In other cases, it will soften during baking, and the cake will only benefit from its presence - it will become more aromatic.

  2. Since our apple charlotte will be cooked in a slow cooker, you need to turn the device on to the heating mode and put a piece of butter in the saucepan. When it melts, grease the bottom and walls well.

  3. Add two tablespoons brown sugar and stir it with a special spoon until it melts. By and large, you can use regular sugar, but I like brown sugar because it gives the cake a special golden color.

  4. Place apple slices on the bottom. I try to approach the first layer as creatively as possible, lay out beautiful patterns, because this is what will become the top of the pie - the fluffy charlotte with apples, after cooking in the slow cooker, is taken out and turned upside down. The remaining slices can simply be poured on top.

    For a long time, literally until the middle of the last century, the so-called charlotte maker was on sale - a special narrow and tall baking dish with a removable bottom.

  5. Wash the eggs thoroughly, break them into a bowl and sprinkle the remaining sugar on top. Now it's time to work with the mixer.

    First, beat them at low speeds, then switch to high speed. It is necessary to achieve not only complete dissolution of sugar, but also splendor in the mass.

  6. Next recipe apple charlotte in a slow cooker requires adding flour and whisking the mixture well again. Then, continuing to stir, add cinnamon and baking powder.

    The mass should have the thickness of sour cream.

  7. We return to the warm saucepan with apples and carefully pour the dough into it. It is important to distribute it evenly among the apples.

  8. Close the multicooker and set the baking mode for 40 minutes. My “helper” has enough of this, but when I was preparing a pie at my mother-in-law’s place in a slow cooker of a different brand, she didn’t have enough time. I had to bake for another 20 minutes.

Many people tell how to bake charlotte in a slow cooker, but do not specify how to safely remove it from the saucepan. And this is no less important stage than kneading the dough. To ensure that the pie falls neatly onto the serving plate, after cooking you need to let it sit in the pan with the lid open for 5-10 minutes.

If you have previously lubricated its walls well, when you turn it over, it will easily transfer to the dish.

How to beautifully decorate and serve charlotte with apples

We figured out how to cook charlotte with apples in a slow cooker. Now let's figure out how to decorate the dish. In principle, the pie does not need to be decorated with anything if you have beautifully laid out the first layer of apples. Just sprinkle it with powdered sugar.

But if dessert will be the central dish of the festive sweet table, it’s still worth being creative. You can decorate it with slices fresh apples, berries, raisins. You can lay out young apple tree leaves as decorations and sprinkle them with powdered sugar. But then don’t forget to warn guests that eating them is optional.

The above method of preparing charlotte in a slow cooker with apples is not the only recipe. Depending on your desires and capabilities, you can change it, using not only apples as a filler, but also raisins, pears, cranberries and other fruits you like.

Tips and tricks for preparing charlotte with apples in a slow cooker

I have been making Charlotte for a long time and with varying degrees of success. From my observations I can say that, if you want lush pie, add more eggs. Although in a slow cooker it turns out fluffy and very tender.

But no matter what the simple recipe for charlotte in a slow cooker is, it is important to keep the pie in it just long enough so that the bottom browned. Then, turning it upside down, the dessert will look appetizing even without decorations.

And also, since dough prepared according to a recipe behaves slightly differently in different multicookers, there are several universal tricks. For example, instead of sugar it is better to use powdered sugar. If it is not there, then it is better to first melt the sugar in a container on the stove. This way you will avoid scratches on the multi-cooker pan.

My friends complained about such troubles a couple of times. But for me personally, the question of how to cook charlotte in a slow cooker does not cause such difficulties. I stir it slowly with a wooden spoon - and there are no consequences.

Video recipe for charlotte with apples in a slow cooker

As I already said, my recipe is not the only possible one that is suitable for cooking in a slow cooker. It can be modified, including adding other ingredients to the dough. Below is one of these options: how to make charlotte in a slow cooker with apples and cottage cheese. Cooking with the new component is not complicated, and the recipe itself can also be used to prepare dessert in the oven.

Invitation to discussion and possible improvements

I would like to know your opinion about the proposed recipe. Try it and write down what worked for you and what didn’t work out. Perhaps you can offer some of your own additions and improvements to the recipe. I would be grateful for your options for charlotte in a slow cooker; it is advisable to provide recipes with photos.

By the way, based on my observation, I can recommend adding sour fruits to the dough; this only improves the taste of the pie. You can use currants and cranberries, but I prefer lemon zest. Sometimes, before filling the apples with dough, I pour the juice of half a lemon over them. This makes the baked goods more flavorful. In general, apples go well with many fruits, so the question of how to bake charlotte with apples in a slow cooker can have many solutions.

For a modern housewife, a multicooker is no longer just a fashionable innovation, but a truly necessary attribute. After all, in this device you can cook literally anything, as quickly as possible and with a minimum of effort. The famous charlotte is just as easy to make in a slow cooker.

A few words about baking

Actually, preparing the pie will take you no more than 15 minutes, and the equipment will do the rest for you, so we can say with confidence that the step-by-step recipe for charlotte with apples in a slow cooker is incredibly simple. As a result, you will certainly get a lush, fragrant biscuit with an unusually delicate filling and pleasant taste. By the way, in a slow cooker classic charlotte it comes out no worse than in the oven that most housewives are accustomed to.

Due to uniform heating and non-stick coating, the cake will never burn, and a special function called “Heating” will not only maintain the temperature of the baked goods, but will also help you bring it to readiness in a situation where the dough has already browned at the bottom, but remains raw inside. Inexperienced housewives often face this problem, but a modern device can easily solve it without compromising the taste. A step-by-step recipe for charlotte in a slow cooker will certainly come in handy for those who value their own time. Stock up on the appropriate products, turn on your equipment and start cooking!

A simple recipe for charlotte in a slow cooker

Typically, preparing dough for a future pie takes approximately 15 minutes, but the baking process itself can take up to an hour - it all depends on the model of your device and its technical functions. In the process you may need: a deep bowl for kneading the dough, a knife, a measuring cup, a whisk or a mixer.

Required Ingredients

Of course, you can change the recipe for charlotte with apples in a slow cooker at your own discretion, however classic pie traditionally prepared from a standard set of products. So, to prepare fluffy sponge cake you will need:

  • a glass of flour;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 50 g butter;
  • a teaspoon of baking powder;
  • 4 medium apples;
  • cinnamon to your taste.

From this amount of ingredients you will get about 8 servings of aromatic apple pie.

It is best to stock up on premium flour. But even if you follow this recommendation, there is no guarantee that you will need to add exactly the amount of product indicated in the recipe. After all, all flour from different manufacturers has a lot of differences. That is why, when kneading the dough, focus primarily on the consistency of the mass - it should resemble thick sour cream.

When choosing eggs for baking, try to give preference to products belonging to category C0 or C1. If you don’t have these in stock, then take small eggs. True, their number will need to be increased to 6 pieces.


Those who have finally decided to pamper their family with a delicious apple pie will definitely need a recipe for charlotte in a slow cooker.

Wash and peel the apples, cut them, remove the cores, cut the fruit into thin slices. It is necessary to peel only those apples that have too hard and thick skin. If it is quite soft, then during the baking process it will completely lose its elasticity. So peeling fruits doesn’t always make sense.

Turn on the multicooker in advance and select the heating mode. Place a piece of butter in the bowl and grease not only the bottom, but also the sides of the container. Add a tablespoon of sugar here and wait until it is completely dissolved. Do not forget to stir the crystals while doing this. Place chopped apples on the bottom. Keep in mind that this layer will become the “face” of your baked goods, so be as careful as possible in its design, because after preparing the charlotte in the slow cooker according to the recipe, it is removed and turned upside down. Try to lay out intricate patterns or add auxiliary components to the future top of the pie - it all depends only on your imagination.

Beat the pre-washed eggs into a separate container and add a glass of sugar. Now it’s the mixer’s turn - use it to thoroughly beat the mixture until you get the most fluffy mass with a creamy tint. To obtain this result, beat the sugar-egg mixture first at minimum speed, and only after a few minutes turn on a higher speed mode. Remember that you need to ensure that not only the sugar crystals are completely dissolved, but also that white, stable peaks appear.

Then add pre-sifted flour to the mixture in small portions and continue beating with the mixer. Finally, add baking powder and cinnamon. Please note that the prepared dough should have the consistency of thick sour cream.


Now return to the slow cooker, which should have caramelized apples by now, and pour in the egg mixture. It is very important to distribute the dough evenly over the entire surface of the fruit. Close the multicooker and turn on the baking mode for 40-45 minutes. After the specified time, check the readiness of the pie and, if necessary, add a few more minutes.

In fact, there are many recipes for charlotte in a slow cooker, but most of them do not specify how to correctly and, most importantly, safely remove the cooked pie from the bowl. But in fact, this is an extremely important point that everyone who is preparing baked goods in this device for the first time faces. In general, everything is very simple - no need to rush. Do not try to remove a hot, freshly baked pie from the bowl; wait at least 5-10 minutes. During this time, the baked goods will settle a little and move away from the walls of the multicooker - it will be easy to get out. By the way, don’t forget to open the lid after cooking. It is worth saying that this recipe for charlotte in a slow cooker is universal and is quite suitable for any device.

Apple pie in any Redmond model

Baking turns out no less tasty and aromatic than in a conventional oven or bread maker. For those who are preparing a charlotte recipe for the first time in a Redmond multicooker, it will be difficult at first to choose the exact baking time. However, in the future this process will be significantly simplified, and you will be able to save a lot of free minutes for leisure.

Please note that the devices of this company set the highest temperature compared to other manufacturers. Therefore, in the Redmond multicooker, food is cooked much faster. For this reason, baked goods may burn if the processing time is exceeded. But believe me, you will probably be able to prepare charlotte with apples in the Redmond slow cooker as quickly as possible.


So, to make a tender apple pie you will need:

  • 150 g wheat flour;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 2 large apples;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 50 g butter;
  • a teaspoon of baking powder or soda;
  • cinnamon optional.


Wash the fruit, peel and core if necessary. Then cut the apples into thin slices. In a separate bowl, thoroughly beat the eggs with sugar using a mixer, first at low speed, and then at maximum speed. This way you will get a truly fluffy mass with persistent foam. Without stopping processing, add sifted flour in small portions. Finally, add cinnamon and baking powder to the mixture, whisk again and start baking.

Grease the bowl of the multicooker turned on in advance with melted butter. Place chopped fruit on the bottom. Pour the prepared dough over the apples and close the lid. Using the menu, set the mode called “Baking” for half an hour. By the way, the recipe for charlotte in the Polaris multicooker looks exactly the same. And the cooking time in such a unit is approximately the same.

After the beep, open the lid and leave the cake to cool for 5-10 minutes. Then remove the charlotte using a steam container. Often a pie cooked in a slow cooker turns out quite pale. That is why it is best to decorate it with grated chocolate, ice cream, confiture or powdered sugar. You can put mint sprigs, slices of fruit or berries on the top.



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