Scheme for preparing pancakes with cottage cheese. Recipes for making delicious pancakes with cottage cheese. Preparing the filling for cottage cheese pancakes

Scheme for preparing pancakes with cottage cheese. Recipes for making delicious pancakes with cottage cheese. Preparing the filling for cottage cheese pancakes

The technological process of preparing pancakes consists of preparing liquid yeast-free dough, baking pancakes, preparing minced meat, stuffing and frying pancakes.

Salt, sugar, eggs are added to the milk, stirred and sifted flour is added. Mix everything well with a metal whisk until a homogeneous mass is formed without lumps of unmixed flour. The dough is filtered.

The ratio of flour and liquid in pancake dough is 1:2.5. Dough consumption rate per 1 kg: flour – 260 g, milk – 650 g, eggs – 2 pcs., sugar – 20 g, salt – 10 g.

Bake pancakes in a well-heated frying pan with a diameter of 17–18 cm, greased with a piece of pork fat or vegetable oil. The dough is poured into a thin, even layer up to 1 mm and each pancake is fried until golden brown on one side. The fried pancakes are stacked and stored chilled until stuffed. It is possible to use semi-finished or ready-made sheets baked in a special machine.

Minced meat is prepared from pureed cottage cheese, raw eggs, salt and sugar, mixed until smooth. Place minced meat on the fried side of each pancake and fold the edges, giving the pancake a rectangular shape. Fry in a frying pan heated with oil, seam side down, until golden brown. Hot pancakes are sold in 2-3 pieces. per serving with melted butter, sour cream or sprinkled with powdered sugar. There are two types of pancakes with cottage cheese: regular and sweet.

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Organization of catering establishments
Catering enterprises are divided into two main types: procurement and pre-production. Procurement enterprises are mechanized enterprises that process

Technological process
Based on the nature of production organization, enterprises with a full and incomplete technological cycle are divided. In public catering, there are three forms of organization of production: production of products from

Organization of current work
The basis of a chef's work is the menu. By 1-4 p.m. of the current day, the production manager must draw up a menu plan for the next day. The manager discusses the composition of the menu with the shop foremen or cooks

Product laying standards
Norms for input of raw materials, yield of semi-finished and finished culinary products and dishes, as well as norms for waste during primary processing of raw materials and losses during heat treatment of products are established by collections

Technological maps
Technological maps are compiled for each dish based on a collection of recipes and rules for the technology of preparing a particular dish or culinary product. Technological maps produced

Potato processing
Primary processing of potatoes can be done mechanically, chemically and thermally. The mechanical method includes sorting, washing, cleaning and finishing

Electric potato peeler
The chemical cleaning method involves treating potatoes with an alkaline solution heated to 85 °C. The alkali softens the skin of the tubers, which is removed from the eyes during subsequent washing

Processing cabbage and greens
Cabbage. All types of cabbage are rich in vitamins, proteins, sugars and microelements. The top contaminated leaves of white, savoy and red cabbage are removed. The stalk is removed after

Mushroom processing
The value of mushrooms is in their flavoring and aromatic substances, which determines their widespread use in the preparation of various main courses, sauces and soups. The most commonly used mushrooms are porcini mushrooms, champis

Quality of vegetables and rules for their storage
Semi-finished vegetable products are immediately subjected to thermal processing, because storage reduces their quality. To protect potatoes from darkening, they are subjected to sulfation: immersed in

Meat tsex
In the meat shop, primary processing of meat occurs, i.e., the production of semi-finished products from beef, pork, lamb, poultry and game. In enterprises with a large production volume for the meat department, you

Preparation of semi-finished products
Preparation of semi-finished products includes slicing, beating, trimming tendons, breading, stuffing, and marinating. Slicing. The meat is cut across the grain under a straight line

Portioned semi-finished products
The steak is cut at right angles from the thickened part of the tenderloin, one piece per portion 2–3 cm thick, and beaten. A cut steak is prepared from the top and

Portioned semi-finished products
Natural lamb and pork cutlets are cut from half of the loin adjacent to the kidney part, from the 13th to the 6th rib. To slice, place the loin on the table with the ribs up and cut

Cutlet mass and semi-finished products from it
For the production of cutlet mass, beef (neck flesh, flank and trimmings), pork (trimmings obtained from cutting carcasses) and lamb (neck pulp, trimmings) are used. Better to use meat

Electric meat grinder
Before starting work, the universal drive trolley must be secured with screws. When deboning meat, workers must wear safety guards. The handles of all knives must be carefully

Offal processing
By-products include edible internal organs, heads, legs, and tails. The most valuable are the tongue, liver, brains, and kidneys. They contain a large amount of protein (up to 18%), rich in vitamins,

Features of processing poultry and game
For the processing of poultry, game and minnows, large enterprises allocate a special room with a scorch forge; small enterprises have special workplaces. Poultry meat soder

Poultry dressing
Poultry carcasses are tucked “in a pocket”, in one thread, in two threads. Pocket filling is the simplest and most common method.

Semi-finished poultry products
Semi-finished poultry products are represented by whole carcass, portioned, small-piece pieces, cutlet and dumpling mass. Whole poultry and game carcasses are seasoned with one of the above

Use of poultry waste
From poultry waste, they use heads, necks, scallops, wings, legs, hearts, stomachs, skin and trimmings remaining after preparing semi-finished products. Only necks are used from game waste

Quality of processed foods and rules for their storage
Poultry, game and semi-finished products from them are stored at a temperature of 5 °C. The carcasses are placed on baking sheets in one row and stored for no more than 36 hours. Natural, breaded cutlets and products made from cutlet mass.

Fish tsex
The fish workshop carries out primary processing of fish and production of semi-finished fish products. As mentioned earlier, in small enterprises the fish shop can be combined with a meat shop, but processing

Pre-treatment of various fish species
According to the processing method, fish are divided into three groups: scaly, scaleless and sturgeon. Fine-scaled fish (navaga, burbot) are processed in the same way as scaleless fish. There must be a cook in the workshop

Preparation of semi-finished fish products
Semi-finished fish products are divided into large (whole fish), portioned and small-piece (for fish in dough, solyanka and other dishes). Depending on the use, semi-finished products are distinguished

Semi-finished products from fish cutlet mass
Semi-finished products from fish cutlet mass are presented in the form of cutlets, meatballs, meatballs, meatballs, zraz, veal, and roll. The cutlets are formed using a machine that

Non-fish seafood
The most valuable of them - crustaceans, mollusks and algae contain: a large amount of proteins (up to 22%), minerals (sodium, potassium, iron, iodine, copper, sulfur, phosphorus up to 7%), B vitamins,

Hot shop device
In the hot shop, various products are cooked, semi-finished products are prepared, first, second and sweet dishes are prepared, products for cold dishes are baked.

Wiping and cutting machine
At the chef's workplace there should be a table scale, a set of three chef's knives, and cutting boards. For slicing, shredding, and wiping vegetables, a universal drive with special bellows is used.

Basic heat treatment techniques
The main methods of heat treatment are boiling and frying. Cooking is carried out: with complete immersion of the product in liquid, with partial immersion (poaching), steam

Convection oven
Frying is divided into: frying on heated surfaces with fat (the main method) or without fat, in fat, in a closed volume, frying in infrared rays and over an open fire. AND

Auxiliary and combined techniques
Auxiliary techniques include sautéing, scalding and singeing. Sauteing is heating a product with or without fat. For example, for seasoning sauces and

Processes occurring in products during heat treatment
At a temperature of 35–40 °C, protein denaturation occurs, and at temperatures above 70 °C, coagulation, or coagulation, occurs. As a result of these processes white

Preparing the sauté
Melt fat (butter, margarine or animal fat) in a bowl - 10-15% of the weight of the products, then add vegetables in a layer of 3-4 cm and sauté at a temperature of 110-120 °C, stirring occasionally.

Preparing vegetables for cooking soup
Pickled cucumbers are processed, cut and poached. The grains are sorted and washed several times, changing the water. After washing, pearl barley is placed in boiling water, boiled until half cooked, decoction

Meat hodgepodge
The onions are chopped and sautéed, tomato puree is added and everything is sautéed together. Pickled cucumbers are peeled and seeded, cut into slices and placed in boiling broth, bring it to a boil, add

Vegetable soup recipe
Amount of products per serving gross weight: white cabbage – 50 g, potatoes – 133 g, carrots – 25 g, parsley – 13 g, onions – 12 g, leeks – 13 g, canned green

Soups with cereals, pasta and legumes
To prepare them, use rice, millet, pearl barley, semolina, and oatmeal; for legumes - beans, peas, lentils. The cereals are prepared, the oatmeal is scalded several times so that the soup can be served

Clarifying the broth
The strained broth is heated to 50–60 °C, a “draw” is added, stirred well, lightly baked roots and onions are added, and brought to a boil. Then remove foam and fat from the surface, reduce heat

Puree soups are widely used in children's, dietary and medical nutrition. They are prepared from vegetables, cereals, legumes, poultry, liver, and fish. A distinctive feature of puree soups is that they require

Carrot soup recipe
Amount of products per serving gross weight: meat bones - 125 g, carrots - 200 g, parsley - 7 g, onions - 12 g, wheat flour - 10 g, rice - 10 g, butter - 10 g, milk

Cold soups
Cold soups include okroshka, cold borscht, beetroot soup, and green cabbage soup. They are prepared with bread kvass, beet broth, and vegetable broth. These soups are prepared in a cold workshop, and

Meat okroshka recipe
Amount of products per serving gross weight: bread kvass - 300 g, beef - 109 g, green onions - 38 g, fresh cucumbers - 75 g, sour cream - 20 g, egg - 1/2 pcs., sugar - 5 g, ready bitter

Sweet soups
The liquid base of sweet soups is fruit infusions. To prepare these soups, fresh, canned and dried berries and fruits are used, as well as fruit and berry juices, purees, syrups and extracts.

Flour sautes
Depending on the cooking method, flour sauté is divided into dry and fatty, and according to color - into red and white. Sautéing that is prepared without heating is called cold sautéing. For co

Red sauces
Floury red sauté is diluted with brown broth. Flour sauteed with fat can be diluted with hot broth, dry sauteed flour can only be diluted with broth cooled to 40–50 °C. Pour into the cauldron

White Base Sauce Recipe
Meat broth - 1100 g, table margarine or butter - 100 g, wheat flour - 50 g, onions - 36 g, parsley (root) or celery - 29 g, citric acid - 1 g. Roots and

Milk sauces
Milk sauces belong to the group of hot sauces prepared with flour. They are prepared on the basis of white fat sauté and milk with the addition of water. Whole milk or diluted with water

Mayonnaise sauce
Vegetable oil – 750 g, eggs (yolks) – 6 pcs., table mustard – 25 g, sugar – 20 g, 3% vinegar – 150 g. The yolks of raw eggs are separated from the whites. Refined vegetable oil, cooled

Requirements for the quality of sauces
Hot sauces with flour should have the consistency of liquid sour cream, be velvety, homogeneous, without lumps of undissolved flour and particles of pureed vegetables. The sauce should lightly coat a spoon, tbsp.

Meat dishes
Meat is the main source of proteins and essential amino acids. In addition to them, it contains extractives and fats. Proteins serve to build and repair body tissues, and fat is a source

Boiled meat
Beef, lamb, pork, smoked products, offal and sausages are prepared in boiled form for second courses. Cooking is carried out on those parts of meat that contain a significant amount of

Boiled meat
Meat prepared for cooking (beef, lamb, pork or veal) weighing up to 2.5 kg is placed in hot water, quickly brought to a boil, the foam is removed and boiled without boiling (at a temperature of 90 ° C)

Grilled meat
The following frying methods are used in cooking: the main method, deep-frying, over coals or in an electric grill. Meat is fried in large, portioned, small pieces and chopped.

Roast beef
Beef (tenderloin, thick and thin edges) is cleaned into a large piece weighing 1–2.5 kg, sprinkled with salt and pepper, and placed on a preheated baking sheet, greased. The distance between the pieces is at least 5 cm.

Roasted pig
Small piglets are fried whole, and large ones (4–6 kg) are cut along the vertebral bone along with the head, sprinkled with salt on the inside and placed on a baking sheet, skin side up (whole piglets are placed with their backs up

Canned stewed meat
For stewing, meat is used in large, portioned and small pieces. Before stewing, the meat is sprinkled with salt and pepper and fried until a crispy crust forms. Then place it in a deep bowl,

Canned stewed meat
Amount of products per serving, yield 75/75, where meat 75 g and sauce 75 g: beef - 169 g, or lamb - 165 g, or pork - 129 g, carrots - 10 g, onions - 7 g, parsley - 8 G

Roast meat
Amount of products per serving, where meat is 75 g and side dish is 250 g: beef - 169 g, or lamb - 165 g, or pork - 129 g, fat - 12 g, potatoes - 193 g, carrots - 25 g, turnips - 20 g, p

Kidneys in Russian
The treated buds are soaked, poured with cold water, brought to a boil, the broth is drained, the buds are washed, poured again with cold water and boiled for 1–1.5 hours at a low boil. The finished kidneys are washed

Chickens, fried chickens
Seasoned, salted carcasses of hens and chickens are placed back down on a baking sheet heated with fat and fried until golden brown. In this case, the carcass is turned from the back to one side, then to the other side.

Fish and seafood dishes
Fish dishes are rich in proteins, which are easier to digest than meat proteins. Fish tissue is softer and more tender, as it contains much less connective tissue than animal meat. The fat contained in

Boiled fish
For cooking in portioned pieces, use fillet with skin and bones, fillet with skin and round pieces. The prepared fish is placed in deep baking trays or fish kettles in one row, skin side up, and poured

Poached fish
They include sterlet, pike perch, pike (including stuffed pike), sea bass, mullet, cod, eel, whitefish, flounder, halibut, and burbot. The prepared fish is placed in a bowl. Links and kisses

Fried fish
All types of fish are used for frying, but this type of heat treatment gives special taste to fish such as carp, bream, carp, roach, herring, herring, navaga, smelt, mackerel, silverfish

Basic fried fish
Amount of products per serving weighing 255 g with butter or 280 g with sauce: fish - 148–238 g (according to the standards of the collection of recipes), wheat flour - 6 g, vegetable oil or lard -

Deep fried fish
Amount of products per serving weighing 330 g with sauce or 305 g with mayonnaise: pike perch - 192 g, or catfish - 198 g, or sea bass - 192 g, or navaga - 111 g, or mackerel - 107 g, wheat

Fish fried in dough
Amount of products per serving weighing 225 g: pike perch – 140 g, citric acid – 0.2 g, vegetable oil – 4 g, parsley – 2 g, wheat flour – 30 g, egg – 3/4 pcs., milk – 30 , fat –

Fish baked with potatoes in Russian
Amount of products per serving weighing 350 g: pike perch - 227 g, or catfish - 234 g, or hake - 248 g, side dish - 150 g, sauce - 125 g, cheese - 5.4 g or crackers - 4 g, butter – 11 years

Fish solyanka in a frying pan
The fish is processed into fillets without skin and bones and cut into pieces weighing 25–30 g (3–4 per serving). The cucumbers are peeled and seeded, cut into thin slices, and the onion into strips. Prepare the carcass

Vegetable dishes and side dishes
Vegetables play an important role in human nutrition as sources of carbohydrates, vitamins, fiber and microelements. Vegetables and fruits are almost the only source of vitamin C, significantly covering the

Boiled vegetables
To prepare hot dishes and side dishes, vegetables are steamed or in water. Potatoes and carrots are boiled peeled, beets - in their skins, corn - on the cob without removing the leaves, bean pods - chopped

Mashed potatoes
To prepare mashed potatoes, it is better to use potato varieties with a high starch content. Peeled potatoes, uniform in size, boil until tender, drain the broth, soak the potatoes

Boiled green peas
To prepare this dish, green peas are used, fresh, dried, frozen and canned. Fresh green peas are peeled from the pods, placed in boiling salted water and cooked in

Fried vegetables
Raw and boiled vegetables are used for frying. Vegetables containing unstable protopectin and a sufficient amount of moisture are fried raw. Such vegetables include potatoes, zucchini, pumpkin, tomato

Deep fried potatoes
Potatoes are cut into cubes, strips, slices, cubes, balls, shavings, washed and dried well. Place prepared potatoes into fat heated to 180–190 °C and fry until

Stewed cabbage
Amount of products per serving weighing 250 g: fresh cabbage - 325 g or sauerkraut - 321 g, fat - 10 g or bacon - 12.6 g, carrots - 12 g, onions - 18 g, parsley - 7 g, tomato puree –

Vegetable stew
Amount of products per serving weighing 250 g: potatoes - 67 g, fresh cabbage - 38 g, carrots - 50 g, turnips - 53 g, parsley - 13 g, canned peas - 31 g, pumpkin or zucchini - 4

Stuffed peppers
First way. Carrots and onions, cut into strips, are sautéed, fresh tomatoes or tomato are added and sautéed together. Then combine with boiled rice, add salt, pepper, herbs

Requirements for the quality of vegetable and mushroom dishes and side dishes
Boiled vegetables should retain their shape; potato tubers may be slightly boiled. The color of the potatoes is from white to yellowish; redness or darkening of the tubers is not allowed. Rest color

Dishes from semi-finished products
Catering enterprises purchase semi-finished vegetable products and culinary products from vegetables. The semi-finished product “fried potatoes” consists of potato blocks,

Porridges, cereals, legumes and pasta
Cereals and legumes contain a large amount of starch (up to 72%), proteins, especially in legumes (up to 20%), and are rich in vitamins BP B2, PP. Cereals before heat treatment

Liquid porridge
Liquid porridges are considered to be those whose yield is 5–6 kg from 1 kg of cereal. Porridge is cooked with whole milk, a mixture of milk and water, or with water. They are prepared in the same way as viscous porridges, but more liquid is used.

Pasta dishes
Pasta is cooked in two ways. The first method is drainage. The prepared products are poured into a bowl with boiling salted water (5–6 liters per 1 kg of pasta and 50 g of salt).

Bean dishes
Legumes are distinguished by a high content of fiber and protein; in addition, legume grains are covered with a thick shell on top, so they do not boil well. Some varieties of colored beans contain poison

Beans in tomato
The prepared beans are poured with cold water and cooked until tender so that they completely absorb all the water, then the beans are combined with the prepared tomato sauce, heated for 5 minutes, seasoned with salt,

Egg dishes
To prepare egg dishes, eggs, melange and egg powder are used. Their nutritional value is determined primarily by the content of proteins, fat, vitamins A, D, BP B2,

Scrambled eggs
Eggs are boiled in boiling water for 2.5–3 minutes from the moment the water boils. No salt is added during cooking. Remove the finished eggs with a slotted spoon and wash with cold water. Soft-boiled eggs have semi-liquid whites and liquid

Natural fried eggs
Prepare fried eggs in portioned cast iron or aluminum frying pans. You can use large frying pans, baking sheets or special frying pans with a recess for the yolk. Well warmed up

Stuffed omelettes
Such omelettes are prepared with meat or vegetable side dishes or sweet ones. The omelette mixture is poured into a frying pan heated with oil and fried until the mixture thickens. The prepared f is placed in the middle

Requirements for the quality of egg dishes
Soft-boiled eggs should have a runny yolk and semi-liquid white. Eggs “in a bag”: the yolk is semi-liquid, the white is thickened on top, and semi-liquid in the center. A shelled egg is slightly deformed

Cold shop device
The purpose of the cold shop is to prepare cold dishes and snacks from meat, fish, vegetables and other products, as well as sweet dishes and sandwiches. When locating a cold shop, provisions must be made

White cabbage salad
Amount of products for preparing one serving weighing 150 g: fresh cabbage - 90 g, cranberries - 15 g, green onions - 15 g or carrots - 15 g, 3% vinegar - 15 g, sugar - 7 g, vegetable oil

Jellied fish
Amount of products per serving weighing 200 g: pike perch - 178 g, or sturgeon - 141 g, or salmon - 157 g, or pike - 175 g, or catfish - 175 g, or carp or carp - 202 g, lemon - 1/ 15 pcs., ne

Requirements for the quality of cold dishes
Sandwiches. Products must be laid in an even layer over a piece of bread, have a smooth surface, taste and smell characteristic of the products used. Salads

Cottage cheese dishes
Cottage cheese itself is a product that does not require mandatory heat treatment, so cottage cheese dishes are prepared in a cold or confectionery shop. Hot dishes made from cottage cheese (casseroles, pu

Cold dishes made from cottage cheese: cottage cheese with milk, cream, sour cream or sugar
To serve in its natural form, use full-fat or semi-fat ungrated cottage cheese. It is placed on a plate or in a salad bowl in a small mound, poured with milk or cream, previously cooled.

Dumplings with cottage cheese
Amount of products per serving weighing 225 g: for the dough: wheat flour - 60 g, water - 20 g, sugar - 2 g, egg - 1/10 pcs.; for minced meat: cottage cheese – 86 g, sugar – 10 g,

Amount of products per serving weighing 175 g: cottage cheese – 140 g, wheat flour – 18 g, egg – 1/3 pcs., sugar – 15 g, butter – 5 g, jam – 25 g or sour cream – 15 g, sugar – 10 g.

Cottage cheese pudding
Amount of products per serving weighing 200 g (pudding weight): cottage cheese - 152 g, semolina - 15 g, sugar - 15 g, egg - 1/4 pcs., raisins - 20 g, nuts - 10 g, butter - 5 g, vanillin – 0

Sweet dishes
Sweet dishes are served at the end of dinner for dessert, which is why they are also called dessert, or third courses. They can be used during breakfast, dinner, and afternoon snack. For making sweets

Compote of fresh fruits, fruits, berries
Amount of products for preparing 1 liter of compote: apples - 340 g, or pears - 335 g, or quinces - 340 g, or peaches - 334 g, or apricots - 350 g, or plums - 334 g, or prunes - 315 g,

Sambuco from apricots
Gelatin is soaked. The apricots are sorted, washed, cut and pitted, placed in a bowl, a little hot water is added (200 g per 1 kg of apricots) and boiled for 5-10 minutes. Softened a

Rice pudding
Amount of products per serving weighing 250 g: rice - 48 g, milk - 75 g, water - 80 g, sugar - 15 g, egg - 1/2 pcs., butter - 10 g, raisins - 10 g, crackers - 5 g, sour cream – 5 g, vanilla

Purpose and structure of the confectionery shop
At enterprises where mass production of confectionery products is carried out, the workshop for their production operates separately and independently from other workshops. If products with oil or white are produced

Dough products
The main product range of the confectionery shop is dough products. Their nutritional value depends on the content of carbohydrates (starch), as well as vegetable proteins, fats and B vitamins and

Yeast dough
The raw materials for making yeast dough are flour, water, salt and yeast. Yeast fungi and lactic acid bacteria that get into the dough with them cause fermentation: the first - alcoholic, the second - milk.

Unleavened dough
Amount of products per 1 kg of flour: sugar - 62 g, margarine - 25 g, salt - 15 g, yeast - 25 g, water - 450 g. Dough is prepared using a straight method from flour with good gluten and

Sponge method of preparing dough
The proportion of products is the same as for straight dough. With the sponge method, first prepare the dough - a liquid dough containing 40% flour, 60% water, 100% yeast. Preparation of dough

Preparing products for baking
The finished dough is placed on a table sprinkled with flour or greased with vegetable oil (for fried products) and cut. The dough is divided into pieces of the required mass manually or using a dough divider

Fried pies
The dough for fried pies is prepared using a straight method with a weak consistency. The prepared dough is cooled before cutting to 10 °C so that it does not become acidic during cutting. Lay out the finished dough

Sbiten is a Russian national drink based on honey. It is prepared in two ways: with yeast and without yeast. Natural bee honey is dissolved in hot water (1:4), sugar is added

Dispensing and washing kitchen utensils
The kitchen utensil washing area is usually located next to the hot shop. Used dishes coming from the workshops are placed on a shelf, next to which containers for leftover food are placed. For M

Storage facilities
One of the critical moments that largely determine the profitability and smooth operation of the enterprise, as well as the quality and sanitary safety of the finished product, is the correct organization

Rules for releasing products from the warehouse
The basis for releasing products to production is the requirement (application) of the production manager. This requirement must be approved by the director of the enterprise. Carryover products

Reception of products and material assets
When receiving products, they check their quantity and quality, as well as the condition of the container, determine the number of places, count piece products, and reweigh weighted products. When taking sauerkraut

Procedure and methods of quality control
If we are guided by the standard definition and taking into account the specifics of public catering products, the quality of public catering products should be understood as the totality of product properties, about

Sampling procedure
Sampling of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products for which technical documentation has been developed is carried out by opening a certain number of transport packaging units specified in the specified

Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated November 14, 2001 No. 36
“On the implementation of sanitary rules” (as amended on May 31, 2002) Based on the Federal Law of March 30, 1999 No. 52-FZ “On Sanitary and Epidemiological

Enter into force on July 1, 2002
I. Scope 1.1. Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations “Hygienic requirements for the safety and nutritional value of food products” (hereinafter referred to as Sanitary

Of the sweet pancakes with filling, curd cheese is probably the most popular. It is universal, you can cook it for breakfast and just drink tea. What is the most important thing in a recipe? Of course, the pancake dough itself must be thin enough so that the pancakes do not break when folded. So today there will be pancakes with cottage cheese, a recipe with photos step by step, firstly, it will show how to bake the pancakes themselves, secondly, how to roll them and thirdly, what can be done with them next. And for “dessert” there will be a recipe for chocolate pancakes with curd filling.

Thin pancakes with cottage cheese - step-by-step recipe with photos

We'll start cooking with the pancakes themselves. I have already posted this earlier, but for convenience I will repeat it again below.


  • kefir 1% - 500ml;
  • eggs – 2 pcs;
  • flour – 2 cups (320g);
  • water – 1 glass (250ml);
  • soda – 1 tsp;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • butter – 60-70g;
  • sunflower oil – 1 tbsp;
  • cottage cheese – 200g;
  • sugar – 2 tbsp.

How to cook pancakes with cottage cheese

  1. If you've never baked pancakes or baked thin pancakes before, you'll definitely love this recipe. He is very successful, everything works out well the very first time. Let's first melt the butter in a frying pan or in a bowl in the microwave. It is needed for greasing baked pancakes.
  2. Now pour kefir into a large bowl. Add a pinch of salt. Breaking the eggs. Shake lightly to separate the eggs.
  3. Add flour. All at once. Don't be afraid of the lumps, they will disperse later. Stir and get a thick dough, not at all like pancake dough.

  4. Not scary! Pour soda into a glass, boil water and pour boiling water from the kettle over the soda. First half a glass, and when the bubbles subside, another half a glass.
  5. Pour water and soda in a thin stream, continuously and intensively stir the dough.
  6. And now this is it - good pancake dough. Pour sunflower oil into it and leave to stand for 10 minutes.

  7. This time is just enough to heat the pan well. This is the most important step in a pancake recipe.
  8. When it is well heated, pour a ladle of dough, rotating the pan so that it is evenly distributed over it.
  9. We bake on one side first, turn over and bake on the second. By the way, many, for some reason, when preparing pancakes with cottage cheese or any other filling, do not bake the second side of the pancakes. But I like them brown on all sides.
  10. Place the finished pancakes on a flat plate and brush with melted butter.
  11. When all the pancakes are ready. You can fill them with cottage cheese. We like it sweet. That's why I pre-mix it with sugar.
  12. Place the first pancake on the cutting board, place 1-1.5 tablespoons of cottage cheese on one edge of it, which is closer to you. The quantity depends on the diameter of the pancakes. I have two pancake pans, one large 22 centimeters, the second less than 18 centimeters. For pancakes, I add at least 1.5 tbsp from the first frying pan. with a heap of curd filling, for small ones maximum 1 tbsp.
  13. If you do not plan to further fry pancakes filled with cottage cheese in a frying pan or bake pancakes with cottage cheese in the oven, then you do not need to fold such an envelope. You can simply roll it up and serve. Which is what I often do, since I myself don’t really like hot cottage cheese.

Well, for lovers of crispy pancakes - a continuation of the banquet.

Pancakes with cottage cheese baked in the oven

I won't bore you with a retelling of how to make pancakes, I'll just show you how to roll them and bake them in the oven.

For baking we need:

  • sour cream - 2 tbsp;
  • jam, preserves - for serving.

How to bake:

Chocolate pancakes with cottage cheese

For lovers of chocolate, which goes very well with curd filling. We will cook these pancakes. The quantities indicated below make 14-16 pancakes.


  • milk – 2 cups (500ml);
  • eggs – 2 pcs;
  • softened butter – 3 tbsp;
  • flour – 1.5 cups (240g);
  • cocoa powder – 50g;
  • sugar – 50g;
  • salt - a pinch.

Making chocolate pancakes with curd filling

  1. Using a mixer (or in a blender), mix milk, eggs, softened butter, flour, cocoa, sugar and salt.
  2. Place the dough in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.
  3. After 2 hours, heat the frying pan, grease it with butter and pour a little dough onto it. Distribute and bake the pancake evenly on one side, and then on the other.
  4. We fill the finished ones with cottage cheese. We put it on one side, wrap the sides and twist it into a tube.

You can serve chocolate pancakes with cottage cheese with sour cream, chocolate topping, condensed milk, fresh berries, or whipped cream.

Do you know how delicious it is! Want to check it out? Print out the recipe with step-by-step photos, cook and... bon appetit!

A delicious hearty snack - pancakes with cottage cheese. The filling can be improved in various ways, for example by adding raisins or salted fish.

Ingredients: 40 g dark or light raisins, 320 g medium fat cottage cheese, 610 ml milk, salt, faceted glass of 1st grade flour, ½ teaspoon of soda, 2 large eggs, 2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil and half a pack of butter, sugar to taste.

  1. Beat the eggs with a pinch of salt until foam appears.
  2. Not cold milk is poured here and the flour, previously sifted a couple of times, is poured in.
  3. Vegetable oil is added.
  4. The dough is mixed, from which thin pancakes are fried.
  5. While they are cooling, you need to knead the cottage cheese with sand. The amount of sugar is adjusted to taste. Pre-washed raisins and scalded with boiling water are added to the filling for cottage cheese pancakes.
  6. All that remains is to wrap the tubes with the sweet filling, place them in a mold, thickly grease the top with butter and bake for 10-12 minutes in the oven. This will make the treat especially tender and juicy.

Instead of the oven, you can heat the finished dish in the microwave.

From kefir dough

Ingredients: a glass of plain flour, 210 g of medium-fat cottage cheese, a pinch of salt, half a liter of light kefir, sugar to taste, 2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil, egg, 3 tbsp. spoons of sour cream, ¼ teaspoon of baking soda.

  1. Baking soda is quenched in a warm fermented milk product. Fine salt, an egg, a glass of flour, and vegetable oil are also added here. All ingredients are combined with a whisk. It is important to carefully break up any lumps that have formed. To get a sweetish dough, you need to add sand to it to taste.
  2. If the mass turns out to be thick, you can add a little boiled water to it, achieving the desired consistency.
  3. The frying pan is greased with a minimum amount of oil using a silicone brush. Thin, ruddy pancakes are baked on it.
  4. The cottage cheese is kneaded with a masher with sour cream and sugar.
  5. Pancakes are filled with the sweet mixture and wrapped tightly.

Cooking in the oven

Ingredients: 380 g of cottage cheese, 4 large eggs, half a liter of fresh milk, 6 tbsp. spoons of granulated sugar, a bag of vanilla sugar, 70 g of light raisins, 320-340 g of first grade flour, half a stick of butter, a pinch of salt, 1.5 tbsp. filtered water.

  1. You need to start with pancakes. To prepare them, chicken eggs (2 pieces) are lightly beaten with a whisk with 1/3 of the total granulated sugar and salt. A minimal amount of foam should appear on the surface.
  2. All liquid components are immediately poured in here, and soda is poured in.
  3. Next, add the sifted flour. The mass is whipped with a whisk. It should become homogeneous.
  4. Thin golden pancakes are baked.
  5. For the filling, cottage cheese is mixed with the remaining eggs and sand. Vanilla sugar is also added to it. The products are whipped with an immersion blender.
  6. The raisins are poured with boiling water for 8-9 minutes, after which they are dried on a paper towel. The dry fruit is mixed with the curd mixture.
  7. The pancakes are stuffed with filling and rolled very tightly into envelopes.
  8. Next, they are laid out on a baking sheet, very generously greased with softened butter on top and baked in the oven for about half an hour at 180 degrees.

The finished delicacy is served with sour cream and/or jam.

Yeast pancakes with sour milk

Ingredients: half a liter of sour milk, a faceted glass of first grade flour, 230 g of curd mass with raisins or dried apricots, 3 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil, 2 large eggs, sugar and salt to taste.

  1. In a large bowl, beat a couple of chicken eggs with milk, salt and sand. The amount of sugar can vary from 2 to 4 large spoons.
  2. Sifted flour is poured here a couple of times. The oil is poured out last.
  3. The resulting mass is thoroughly mixed. You should get a homogeneous dough. The most convenient way to do this is with a regular whisk or a special blender attachment.
  4. When there are no lumps left in the mixture, it is left for 20-25 minutes at room temperature.
  5. Next, pancakes are fried on a hot frying pan for a couple of minutes on each side.
  6. The resulting cakes are filled with curd filling.

Ready pancakes are decorated with powdered sugar.

Thin pancakes with curd filling

Ingredients: 360-380 g of cottage cheese, half a liter of full-fat milk (you can use homemade milk), 5-6 tbsp. spoons of granulated sugar, faceted glass of first grade flour, 4-5 tbsp. spoons of homemade sour cream, 3 large eggs, 90 ml of refined oil, a pinch of soda and table salt.

  1. The cottage cheese needs to be crushed as much as possible. If the product has large pieces, it is best to use a blender.
  2. One egg, all the sour cream and 4 tablespoons of sand are driven into the cottage cheese.
  3. The filling can be flavored with vanilla or cinnamon to taste.
  4. To prepare the dough, combine all the remaining ingredients in the recipe one by one. Oil is poured into the mixture last.
  5. The thinnest pancakes are baked from the resulting homogeneous mixture.
  6. The filling is wrapped in the resulting flat cakes. The most convenient way to fold pancakes is in envelopes.

The delicacy is served with sour cream and/or any berry jam.

With the addition of salmon

Ingredients: 8-9 thin ready-made pancakes, 230 g of soft curd cheese, a bunch of fresh herbs, 2 fresh cucumbers, 190 g of lightly salted salmon.

  1. First, large pancakes are prepared according to any recipe you like. The main thing is not to add regular and vanilla sugar to them.
  2. The cucumbers are removed from the rough skin and chopped into thin long strips.
  3. The fish is removed from the skin and cut into small pieces.
  4. Fresh greens are washed, shaken off excess water and chopped with a knife.
  5. The pancakes are greased with curd cheese mixed with chopped herbs (in a thin layer), cucumber strips and fish pieces are laid out on the edge. The flatbread is rolled up.

Before serving, pancakes are cut into small slices and placed on a beautiful plate.

Filled with cottage cheese and herbs

Ingredients: 6-7 unsweetened thin pancakes, 170 g of fresh cottage cheese, a clove of garlic, salt, a bunch of fresh herbs, 2 tbsp. spoons of olive oil, a mixture of peppers.

  1. The greens are thoroughly washed, dried and very finely chopped with a sharp knife.
  2. Olive oil, crushed garlic, pepper and salt to taste are added to this mass.
  3. The aromatic dressing combines with cottage cheese. The mass is whipped with a special blender attachment until smooth.
  4. The pancakes are rolled up into an envelope. On top they are decorated with the remaining sprigs of greenery.

Before serving, pancakes stuffed with cottage cheese are lightly fried in a frying pan with hot oil. They are delicious served with tartar sauce or any other garlic sauce.

With cottage cheese and raisins

Ingredients: 280 g of fresh cottage cheese, 3 sweet apples, a pinch of vanilla sugar, half a glass of light raisins, granulated sugar to taste, 3 tbsp. spoons of sour cream. How to cook pancakes with cottage cheese and raisins is described below.

  1. First, the raisins are washed well, poured with boiling water and set aside. Next, you need to dry it on a paper towel.
  2. The cottage cheese is mashed with a fork or a suitable blender attachment. It is combined with sugar, sour cream and raisins.
  3. Pieces of peeled apple are also poured here.

Recipes for delicious pancakes

Do you like delicious, tender, tasty and aromatic pancakes with cottage cheese? Experience our signature family recipe with step-by-step photos and detailed video instructions.

45 min

270 kcal

5/5 (2)

In my family, pancakes stuffed with cottage cheese are made in a non-standard way - after frying, our delicate products are sent not to the table, but to the oven, where they are heated for a few more minutes with granulated sugar and butter. If you strictly follow the recipe, the end result is very tasty pancakes: the combination of soft, delicate dough and filling with delicate cottage cheese makes the dish one of the most attractive to eat both in the frosty cold and in the hot summer.

Also, is there a healthier, lower calorie option for an easy breakfast or midday snack? As an example, you can take the wonderful recipe of my grandmother, a famous culinary expert who knew how to prepare dough and curd filling for pancakes without any hassle.

Ingredients and preparation

Kitchen appliances

It is best to prepare the necessary utensils, utensils and tools for making pancakes with cottage cheese and raisins in advance:

  • a spacious frying pan with a non-stick coating with a diameter of 22 cm;
  • baking tray with a diagonal of 23 cm;
  • a piece of foil with a length of 30 cm;
  • several deep bowls with a capacity of 300 to 1000 ml;
  • medium sieve;
  • measuring cup or kitchen scale;
  • paper and cotton towels;
  • tablespoons and tea spoons;
  • wooden spatula;
  • steel whisk.

In addition to the standard set of equipment, you can also use a blender or food processor to make the work of kneading dough easier.

You will need



Did you know? The cottage cheese filling for pancakes should not be too liquid, so buy thicker cottage cheese, preferably at the market, and if it is too watery, wrap it in cheesecloth and let the excess liquid drain. In addition, milk can be replaced with purified water.


  • 70 g granulated sugar;
  • 25 g butter margarine;
  • 20 g butter.

Important! If possible, make powdered sugar using a blender or coffee grinder. In addition, instead of butter, you can use high-quality margarine or lard.

Cooking sequence


  1. Mix the flour with table salt and use a sieve to sift the dry mixture at least three times.

  2. Remove butter or margarine from the refrigerator.

  3. Cut it into pieces and let it soften a little in a warm place.
  4. We scroll the cottage cheese through a meat grinder or grind it in a food processor.

  5. Remove the eggs from the cold place about half an hour before the start of the process.
  6. Soak the raisins in boiling water for about fifteen minutes, then dry on a paper towel.

Did you know? At this stage, you can prepare some additional components for the dough and filling, such as spices. I prefer to add ground cardamom, cinnamon or ginger to the pancake preparation, which gives the finished products a simply unique look and aroma.


  1. Break the eggs into a large bowl and cover them with granulated sugar.

  2. Then lightly mix the mixture with a whisk; you can also lightly beat it with a blender at low speed.

  3. Pour in about half the milk and a little flour, stir vigorously.

  4. Then add the remaining flour, stir the mixture until smooth.

  5. Add the second part of the milk, mix the liquid dough for pancakes.

  6. Set aside the resulting mass, allowing it to “rest” for half an hour at room temperature.

  7. After this, add sunflower oil and mix again with a whisk.

  8. The dough is ready: you can use it immediately, or you can put it in the refrigerator.

    Important! If it seems to you that the dough is too liquid after the first kneading, just give it time to sit - in about half an hour the gluten in it will “dissolve” and you will get a semi-liquid, viscous mass.



  1. Place the frying pan over medium heat and grease it with margarine.
  2. Pour a portion of dough onto it using a ladle.
  3. Rotate the pan and spread the dough over its entire surface.

  4. Fry the pancake on one side for about two minutes, then turn it over to the other side.

  5. We do the same with the remaining dough.
  6. Place the finished products in a stack on a spacious dish.

  7. Place a tablespoon of filling in the center of each pancake and wrap it in a small block.

  8. We set the oven to heat up to 180 degrees.
  9. Cover a baking sheet with foil and pour granulated sugar onto it.

  10. Then spread the prepared pancakes with filling on it in an even layer.

  11. Place pieces of butter or margarine on top.

  12. Place the baking sheet in the oven and leave there for approximately five or seven minutes.
  13. Transfer the finished pancakes back to the plate and allow them to cool slightly before serving.

Your amazingly tasty and tender pancakes with cottage cheese are completely ready! Don’t be afraid that your little picky ones will refuse to try them because they don’t like the cottage cheese - my guys didn’t leave even a crumb from their portions, despite the fact that you usually won’t drag them in by the ears to eat something cottage cheese.

You can decorate your creations according to your personal taste: either sprinkle with powdered sugar and confectionery dust, or simply leave such beauty untouched, since the pancakes themselves look great. Eat these delicate products with sour cream, mayonnaise or your favorite sauce - sometimes I even pour cherry syrup over them, and it turns out very tasty.

Video recipe for pancakes with cottage cheese

Let’s check the recipe again, paying attention to the video below, in order to properly mix your own dough and filling for pancakes with cottage cheese.

That's all! All I can do is wish you a pleasant tea party and recommend a few more of my favorite pancake recipes with equally magical fillings.

Try the simplest and very tasty option, as well as delicious ones - I myself can’t choose which type of pancakes I like best: this one or the one described above. In addition, you definitely need to give a chance to truly unique, very unusual, but incredibly tasty. Finally, don’t miss the amazingly appetizing ones that only recently appeared in my culinary arsenal. Since we all love tender, soft and airy pancakes since childhood, no matter how busy I am, I always try to bake a couple of batches at least once a month, they are worth the effort!

Happy experimenting in the kitchen! I would like to know if any cooks found the recipe useful, so write a couple of reviews if it’s not difficult. And if you have any new additions to the dough or filling, be sure to share with me. Bon appetit!

The process of preparing pancakes stuffed with cottage cheese consists of 6 stages:

  • dough preparation;
  • frying pancakes;
  • preparing curd filling for pancakes;
  • stuffing pancakes with cottage cheese;
  • frying pancakes stuffed with cottage cheese;
  • pancake decoration.

In addition to the above ingredients, to prepare pancakes with cottage cheese, you will need a frying pan, a whisk or a mixer for whipping, other cooking utensils and utensils.

Before cooking, you should make sure that the frying pan is cast iron or modern with a non-stick coating. It is better to use a special pan for pancakes. It must be clean and dry. The coating of the frying pan must be complete.

Step 1 – Dough preparation:

  1. Sift 300 grams of wheat flour into a clean container.
  2. Break 2 chicken eggs into a clean beating container, pour in 5 grams of salt and 20 grams of sugar, pour in 300 milliliters of milk. Mix well with a whisk or beat with a mixer at low speed until smooth.
  3. Add 300 grams of sifted flour and 3 grams of baking powder to the egg-milk mixture. Mix well until smooth.
  4. Add 350 milliliters of milk and mix well until smooth and free of lumps.
  5. Leave the dough to sit for 15 minutes.
  6. Then mix well again. If there are still lumps in the dough, you can strain it through a sieve.
  7. Add 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil to the dough and mix well.

The dough should have the consistency of liquid sour cream. If it turns out thick, then you need to add a little more milk to it and stir.

Stage 2 – Frying pancakes:

  1. Melt 50 grams of butter.
  2. Set the heat to medium on the stove, heat the frying pan well and grease it evenly with sunflower oil using a pastry brush. If the frying pan is not warm enough or is not coated with oil somewhere, the pancakes will stick to it.
  3. Mix the dough. Pour a ladle of dough into the center of the pan and gently tilt the pan to spread it over the entire surface.
  4. Fry the pancakes until golden brown on one side, and then, in time, turn them over to the other side, and when ready, remove them from the pan, so that they are fried, but not burnt. The pancakes should be fried until golden brown on only one side, since in the future they will be additionally fried with the curd filling. You can try the first pancake and add sugar and salt to the dough to taste.
  5. Place the pancakes on top of each other, browned side up, brushing them with melted butter using a pastry brush.

If the pancakes tear, then you need to add a little flour to the dough; if the dough is too thick and does not spread, then you need to add a little milk to it.

Stage 3 – Preparation of curd filling for pancakes:

  1. Rub 650 grams of cottage cheese through a sieve into a clean whipping container.
  2. Pour 2 chicken eggs into the cottage cheese and mix well until smooth.
  3. Add 150 grams of sour cream and mix.
  4. Pour 100 grams of raisins, 120 grams of granulated sugar, 5 grams of salt and 10 grams of vanilla sugar into the curd mixture. Mix well.

The cottage cheese filling for pancakes is ready.

Stage 4 – Stuffing pancakes with cottage cheese:

  1. Place the pancake in front of you on a clean surface, browned side up.
  2. Place a tablespoon of curd filling on the bottom of the pancake.
  3. Fold the bottom of the pancake over to cover the filling.
  4. Fold the right and left sides of the pancake towards the middle.
  5. Roll up the pancake away from you.
  6. Place the filled pancake on a plate.

Since the curd filling includes raw chicken eggs, the pancakes need to be additionally fried in a frying pan.

Stage 5 – Frying pancakes stuffed with cottage cheese:

  1. Set the heat to medium on the stove, heat the frying pan well and pour a little sunflower oil into it, spreading it evenly over the entire surface by tilting the pan. If the frying pan is not warm enough or is not coated with oil somewhere, the pancakes will stick to it.
  2. Place the pancakes on the frying pan with the edge of the pancake turned down so that it sticks during frying and the pancake with cottage cheese does not fall apart later.
  3. Fry the pancakes until golden brown on both sides, turning them over in time.

Step 6 – Decorating the pancakes:

  1. Pancakes with cottage cheese can be served with tea, topped with condensed milk, honey or sour cream, sprinkled with powdered sugar, chocolate chips or chopped nuts.
  2. You can decorate the pancakes by drizzling them with jam or melted chocolate.
  3. You can also add pieces of fruit to the dish.

Delicious pancakes with cottage cheese are ready! Enjoy your meal! And have a nice tea party!



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