A great recipe for baked pork: wrap it in foil and cook in a slow cooker. Pork baked in a slow cooker is aromatic meat. Features of pork baked in a slow cooker and a selection of the best recipes Recipe for pork in foil in a slow cooker

A great recipe for baked pork: wrap it in foil and cook in a slow cooker. Pork baked in a slow cooker is aromatic meat. Features of pork baked in a slow cooker and a selection of the best recipes Recipe for pork in foil in a slow cooker

Time: 150 min.

Servings: 5

Difficulty: 3 out of 5

Recipe for baked meat in foil using a slow cooker

It is impossible to imagine the Russian diet without a generous piece of meat. Meat dishes can be prepared according to numerous recipes, which differ both in ingredients (you can use pork, beef, poultry) and technology.

We want to tell you how to bake meat in foil in a slow cooker. It's no secret that baked pork (and that's what we'll be cooking) is much healthier than fried chops, because the flesh is baked without fat, as opposed to a piece sizzling in a frying pan. And using foil will protect kitchen utensils from greasy splashes.

It's not that simple either. There are several technologies for preparing this dish. So, you can bake the meat in one large piece.

Another option: cut the meat into small pieces, mix with spices, onions and tomatoes, divide into portions, wrap each of them in foil and cook portioned packages in a slow cooker.

And how popular “puff recipes” are (they involve cooking a dish in layers: the bottom layer is potatoes, the top layer is meat, the last layer is cheese), because thanks to them you get a complete dinner!

Our choice is meat in foil in a slow cooker, baked in a piece. The downside is that the hostess will also have to come up with a side dish. Plus: pork can be served hot, with a vegetable side dish or rice, or cold.

Of course, you won’t be able to cope with a kilogram of a piece in one meal, but the leftovers of the feast spent overnight in the refrigerator are perfect for morning sandwiches. Cold boiled pork can also be used to prepare any other dish: crumble into salad, add to sauce.

As you can see, there are very few ingredients: the actual meat and spices. And the list of seasonings used is also small. It should be noted that pork in foil in a slow cooker, stuffed with garlic, turns out so tender and aromatic that it does not need any more spices.

But there are no strict canons and dogmas in cooking, so you can use any marinades to prepare a dish.

For example, you can marinate meat in white wine and dried Provençal herbs; rub with a mixture of honey, soy sauce and grated garlic; coat with mustard.

Regarding spices, they can be anything. Curry, suneli hops, ground paprika, turmeric, basil, grated nutmeg - it all depends on the availability of spices in your kitchen.

Step 1

Wash the meat in cold water, dry with paper towels. Place on a cutting board and trim off excess fat (but do not remove all of it, otherwise the pork will turn out dry). Cut the garlic cloves lengthwise, each into two or three parts.

As the main component you need to take pork loin. In this piece, the amount of fat is minimal; it is classified as dietary parts of the carcass.

If you purchased a bone-in loin (since the loin is the back part, it is often sold with the ribs attached), they can be cut off. The neck is also suitable for this dish: it is quite fatty, as a result of which the meat is very soft when baked.

The only disadvantage of the neck is that the streaks of fat are almost impossible to cut out; they run through the entire piece, so the baked neck will turn out to be more nutritious than the loin.

Step 2

Make shallow cuts in the pulp on all sides. Try to ensure that the “pockets” are located evenly throughout the piece.

Step 3

Place a clove of garlic in each cut. You don’t have to stuff the garlic completely - the clove should be inside the pulp to the middle of its length. In a separate container, mix coriander, pepper and salt, and rub the meat with this mixture.

Step 4

Prepare a sheet of foil. Place the stuffed pork in the center and wrap very carefully. It is necessary that the meat juice and fat released during the cooking process remain inside the cocoon without spilling into the multicooker bowl.

Pour a glass of water into a bowl and place a package wrapped in foil. We will prepare our food in the “Baking” mode for two hours.

This simple tip will help you wrap pork well. Take two pieces of foil and place them crosswise. Place the meat in the center, carefully tuck the tails.

If you bought more than one kilogram of pork, the baking time will also have to be increased. To shorten this period, you can cook the meat in a bowl without water (the program is the same).

In this case, you will only need an hour of time. But pork in foil in a slow cooker may not turn out as tender and melt-in-your-mouth as when using a water bath.

Step 5

At the sound signal, do not rush to remove the treat. Open the lid and let the pork rest for 10-15 minutes. After this, remove the bowl. The next stage is removing the hot package.

Nuance: the equipment must be silicone so as not to damage the coating of the multicooker.

Serve the baked pulp in one piece, with a fork and knife: let each participant in the meal cut himself a piece that he can handle.

See another version of this dish:

Juicy, aromatic pork baked in foil can decorate your table both on an ordinary day and during a holiday. “To cook it you need an oven and a lot of time,” you say. But they didn’t guess right. With the miracle helper multicooker, cooking amazing pork in foil will not take you much time and effort. In addition, the resulting dish will be even more juicy, healthy and balanced, thanks to the special cooking process. In today's article we will tell you how to cook pork in foil in a slow cooker according to different recipes.

Garlic has a very specific smell and pungent taste. This ingredient goes perfectly with pork, because it is it that saturates the meat with aroma and emphasizes its taste, diluting the fatty aftertaste with a characteristic pungency. Pork with garlic in foil in a slow cooker can become a table decoration and satisfy the hunger of everyone who enjoys it.

List of required products:

  • pork – 600 gr;
  • garlic – 5 cloves;
  • dried basil – 2 tbsp. l;
  • lemon – ½ piece;
  • paprika – 1 tbsp. l;
  • dried ginger – ¼ tsp;
  • soy sauce – 1 tbsp. l;
  • salt, pepper to taste.

Recipe for cooking pork with garlic in foil in a slow cooker.

  1. Wash the pork and pat dry with a paper towel.
  2. Peel the garlic cloves and pass through a press.
  3. In a separate container, mix soy sauce, juice of half a lemon and garlic.
  4. Rub the pork with salt, paprika and ground black pepper.
  5. Sprinkle the meat on all sides with basil and ginger.
  6. Tear off a piece of foil, put the meat in it and wrap the edges of the foil, forming a boat.
  7. Pour a mixture of soy sauce, garlic and lemon juice into a foil boat on top of the meat. Lightly rub the meat with this mixture.
  8. Wrap the foil so that there are no holes left in it.
  9. Place the meat in foil in a slow cooker.
  10. Set the appliance to “baking” mode. Cooking time – 1 hour 30 minutes.

Cooked pork can be served hot as a main course or side dish, or cold, cut into thin slices and formed into a sandwich.

Pork with cheese and tomatoes in foil in a slow cooker

This dish, in addition to its incredible taste, also has a very beautiful appearance. That is why it can be served on the holiday table as the highlight of the program. After the guests have admired the meat, it is cut into portions and served to everyone.

Grocery list:

  • pork neck – 800 g;
  • tomatoes – 3 pcs;
  • hard cheese – 200 gr;
  • mayonnaise – 3 tbsp. l;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • salt, pepper to taste.

Prepare the dish step by step:

  1. Wash the pork and dry with a paper towel.
  2. Place the neck on a cutting board, remove excess fat.
  3. Make fairly deep cuts in the meat across the piece.
  4. Rub the pork with salt and pepper, including inside the cuts.
  5. Wash the tomatoes and cut into slices.
  6. Cut the cheese into thin square slices.
  7. Peel the garlic cloves, cut lengthwise into thin slices.
  8. Coat the pork with mayonnaise, paying special attention to the cuts.
  9. Place a slice of tomato into each cut, then cheese and garlic.
  10. Wrap the meat in foil.
  11. Set the multicooker to baking mode and place the pork in foil into it with the cuts facing up.
  12. Cook the dish for 1 hour 30 minutes.

Serve the finished pork uncut on a large platter, garnishing with tomato slices on both sides.

Pork roll in foil in a slow cooker

Pork roll cooked in a slow cooker turns out very juicy and rich. It can be served as a breakfast, cut into slices and placed on sandwiches or as an addition to a side dish. Preparing pork roll is very simple, you just need to follow the simple instructions.

What do you need:

  • pork – 600 gr;
  • onion – 1 piece;
  • quail eggs – 7 pcs;
  • carrot – 1 piece;
  • salt, pepper to taste.

Cooking steps:

  1. Wash the pork and pass through a meat grinder.
  2. Peel the onion and also pass through a meat grinder.
  3. Mix minced pork with onion, salt and pepper.
  4. Hard boil quail eggs.
  5. Peel the carrots, boil and grate on a fine grater.
  6. Tear off a piece of foil.
  7. Place some of the minced pork and onions on the foil and spread to form a thin square.
  8. Place carrots on top of the square and spread over the entire surface of the meat.
  9. Place peeled quail eggs lengthwise in the center of the square.
  10. Wrap the minced meat to form a roll.
  11. Distribute the rest of the minced meat over the outer surface of the roll, increasing the meat layer.
  12. Wrap the roll in foil.
  13. Turn the multicooker on to baking mode and place the pork roll inside.
  14. Cook the dish for 1 hour.

Once ready, wait for the roll to cool completely and serve, cutting into portions across the roll. This dish is suitable as a side dish for lunch or dinner, or as part of a sandwich.

Pork with prunes in foil in a slow cooker

Do you like pork? Then be sure to try cooking it with the addition of prunes. Pork and prunes are a traditional combination that matches the taste preferences of many people. Thanks to this dried fruit, meat acquires an exquisite aroma and delicate taste. Try cooking this dish in a slow cooker and you will see, the result will undoubtedly please you.


  • pork – 600 gr;
  • prunes – 80 g;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • mayonnaise – 2 tsp;
  • French mustard – 1 tsp;
  • salt, pepper to taste.

How to prepare a dish.

  1. Wash the pork and dry it with a paper towel.
  2. Peel the garlic, cut into large pieces of arbitrary shape.
  3. Make deep punctures in different parts of the meat and push pieces of garlic into them.
  4. Coat the pork with mayonnaise, rub with salt and pepper.
  5. Rinse the prunes and soak them for 30 minutes in hot water.
  6. Tear off a piece of foil.
  7. Place the prunes on the foil like a pillow for the pork.
  8. Place a piece of pork on top of the prunes.
  9. Drizzle French mustard on top of the meat.
  10. Wrap the foil tightly.
  11. Place the meat in foil into the multicooker and set the appliance to baking mode.
  12. Cook pork in foil in a slow cooker for 1 hour 30 minutes.

Serve the finished dish, cut into thin slices, along with prunes.

Pork in foil in a slow cooker. Video

Buy a suitable piece of meat for baking. Often on sale it says “pork for roasting”. Suitable fillets include tenderloin, shoulder or ham meat, as well as a fattier neck.

Select spices to suit your taste and each time their composition can be changed, obtaining new tastes of the finished dish. Provencal herbs and a mixture of various allspice and hot peppers are excellent, which can be used whole peas or ground before use. It turns out very tasty if you rub a piece of pork with soy sauce, adjika or mustard. This means ready-made mustard - a sauce, not a powder.
Garlic goes well with most spices. Simply crush the garlic cloves with the wide side of a knife.

Wash the piece of pork and dry it with paper towels. Then grate or cover it on all sides with spices and lightly salt. Sometimes punctures are made in a piece of meat and carrots, garlic or something else are placed in them. You can do the same, but it’s not for everyone and more juice will leak out during cooking. A good option is to marinate the meat in advance or inject the marinade into it using a syringe. To add a smoky flavor, you can wrap a piece of pork in strips of bacon.

Place the prepared piece of pork in foil, in an ovenproof bag, or seal it in baking paper. You can bake a piece of pork by simply placing it in the bottom of the multicooker bowl without the additional steps of wrapping it in anything. Simply, wrapped in foil, etc., the pork is more flavorful and less dirty to the bowl during the cooking process.

Set the baking mode to 1 hour. If the piece of meat is more than 1 kg and lean, then more time may be needed, for example, for 1.5-2 kg of pork - 1.5 hours.
In addition to the “baking” mode, the “stewing 1.5-2 hours”, “casserole from 1 hour” modes or the set temperature and time in the “multi-cook” or “multi-chef” programs are suitable.

After the beep, the pork baked in the slow cooker is ready. Serve slices of hot, aromatic pork with side dishes and sauces to your liking. You can make sandwiches or other snacks from the cold one.

If the cooking technology is followed, baked pork turns out juicy and aromatic, worthy of a festive table. It’s even easier to make it delicious in a slow cooker. Pork baked in a slow cooker is an excellent solution for those who do not have a lot of time to cook, but know a lot about good food.

Cooking features

Every chef has his own secrets. Some of them also apply to roasting pork.

  • To bake in a slow cooker, take a piece of pork with a small layer of fat; pork neck is well suited for this purpose.
  • The fat on a piece of pork should be light in color. This indicates that this is the meat of a young pig. It is more tender and cooks faster.
  • Frozen pork will produce a juicy dish only if it has been thawed slowly, ideally in the refrigerator. It will be even juicier if it has not been frozen at all.
  • The juiciest pork is obtained when baked in a sleeve or foil, this also applies to cooking it in a slow cooker.
  • In order for the pork to cook faster and turn out tender, juicy and aromatic, it is a good idea to marinate it before cooking and keep it in the marinade for at least a couple of hours.

In some cases, the cooking technology depends greatly on the recipe.

Pork baked in foil

  • pork pulp – 0.5–0.6 kg;
  • soy sauce – 100 ml;
  • honey – 35 g;
  • mustard (sauce) – 20 ml;
  • onions – 100 g;
  • vegetable oil – 20 ml;

Cooking method:

  • Wash the pork flesh, remove the tendons, if any, and the film.
  • Melt honey and mix it with soy sauce. Add pepper and salt to it and stir. Add mustard and stir again.
  • Peel the onion and cut it into thin half rings. Place the onions in a bowl with the marinade.
  • Immerse a piece of pork in the marinade, turn it over so that the sauce completely covers the piece with at least a thin layer. Place in the refrigerator and wait 2-4 hours.
  • Remove the marinated pork from the marinade and remove the onion.
  • Pour oil into the multicooker bowl and turn on the baking or frying mode for 10 minutes. Fry a piece of meat on each side for 2-3 minutes.
  • Remove the meat from the slow cooker and place it in the center of the foil. Place the onion removed from the marinade on top.
  • Lift the edges of the foil and staple them together.
  • Place the foil with the meat in the slow cooker. Run the “Baking” program for 1 hour.

Pork in honey mustard sauce is best served hot with a side dish of some vegetables. A vegetable salad is also good as a side dish.

Pork baked in the sleeve

  • pork neck – 0.6–0.7 kg;
  • garlic – 4 cloves;
  • ground red pepper - a pinch;
  • dried marjoram, basil - to taste;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground paprika – 5 g;
  • ground black pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Rinse the piece of meat well, pat it dry on all sides with paper napkins.
  • Peel the garlic by dividing it into cloves. Cut each clove lengthwise into 2–3 pieces.
  • By making deep holes in the pork with a knife and inserting garlic into them, prepare the meat for marinating.
  • Mix salt and all spices and herbs. Rub this mixture all over the pork neck.
  • Place the meat in a bowl and cover it with a cloth. Leave to marinate first for an hour at room temperature, then for two hours in the refrigerator.
  • Place the meat in the sleeve, tie it on all sides. Make several holes in the sleeve using a toothpick.
  • Place the sleeve in the multicooker container.
  • Run the unit in the “Baking” mode for 60 minutes.
  • After the program has completed, pierce the meat with a knife. If it is not quite ready, that is, a reddish liquid flows out of it, run the multicooker for another 15 minutes in stewing mode.

Pork baked with prunes in a slow cooker

  • pork pulp – 0.7–0.8 kg;
  • bacon – 0.2 kg;
  • prunes – 0.2 kg;
  • blue cheese – 50 g;
  • garlic – 4 cloves;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Wash a piece of pork, dry it with a kitchen towel and cut it across the grain into thin layers. Beat them off with a culinary hammer.
  • Place cling film on the table and place the pork slices on it tightly together to form a rectangle.
  • Peel the garlic, pass the cloves through a press. Add salt and pepper to the garlic.
  • Cover the pork slices with a thin layer of the mixture.
  • Cut the cheese into small pieces and place on the meat in random order.
  • Soak the prunes in warm water for 20 minutes, then drain the water and allow the dried fruits time to dry.
  • Cut each dried plum into small pieces, dividing it into 8 parts. Place on meat.
  • Form into a roll.
  • Thinly slice the bacon. Wrap the roll with bacon slices. Secure with twine or white cotton thread.
  • Place the roll in the slow cooker. Turn on the baking mode and bake the pork and prunes for an hour.

After cooking, the roll must be cooled. Before serving, it must be freed from threads and cut into pieces. It not only looks very appetizing, but also has a unique taste, because the smoky taste of prunes perfectly complements the taste of baked meat.

Pork baked with pineapple in a slow cooker

  • pork belly (with skin) – 0.8 kg;
  • pineapple (fresh or canned) – 6–8 rings;
  • carrots – 0.5 kg;
  • mustard (sauce) – 40 ml;
  • mayonnaise – 100 ml;
  • Provençal herbs – 10 g;
  • dried basil – 5 g;
  • salt, ground black pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the meat and pat it dry with a kitchen towel. Make 6–8 cuts across the grain all the way to the skin, without cutting it.
  • Mix Provencal herbs, rosemary, salt and pepper, rub the pork with this mixture, including the cuts.
  • Mix mustard and mayonnaise and brush over pork.
  • Leave the meat to marinate in the refrigerator for at least an hour while you prepare the remaining ingredients.
  • Peel and wash the carrots. Cut the largest one into thin circles. Cut the remaining carrots into strips or grate them for Korean salads.
  • Peel the pineapple and cut into rings. Wear gloves to avoid skin irritation. If the pineapple is canned, it is advisable to rinse the rings to remove the syrup from them.
  • Place the grated carrots on the bottom of the multicooker container.
  • Place pineapple rings and carrot slices into the cuts made in the piece of pork.
  • Place the meat on a carrot “pillow”.
  • Close the multicooker and turn on the “Bake” program for 60 minutes.

This dish is served hot with a side dish of potatoes and carrots. Potatoes can be baked or fried, and the carrots can be placed on the plates with which the pork and pineapple were baked.

Pork baked with mushrooms and beans in a slow cooker

  • pork – 0.5 kg;
  • champignons (fresh) – 0.3 kg;
  • onion – 100 g;
  • pickled cucumbers – 0.3 kg;
  • canned beans in tomato – 0.4–0.45 kg;
  • vegetable oil – 40 ml;
  • grated ginger – 10 g;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the pork, dry it, cut into 2 cm cubes.
  • Grate the ginger and mix it with salt and pepper.
  • Place the pork pieces in a bowl with the seasoning and coat them well.
  • Thoroughly grease the multicooker bowl with vegetable oil. Place pork pieces on the bottom.
  • Peel the onion and chop it into thin half rings. Place onion on meat.
  • Cut the pickled cucumbers into slices. Place them in the slow cooker in the next layer.
  • Place the beans on the cucumbers, pour the juice from the jar over everything.
  • Close the multicooker. Select the "Baking" program and run it for 50 minutes.

A dish prepared according to this recipe does not require any additions.

You can bake pork in a slow cooker in different ways. In some cases, the finished dish is served cold, in others – hot. Sometimes baked pork requires a side dish. But in any case, it will be juicy and aromatic.

To get the result using our method, we need:

  • Whole piece of meat -1.5 kg (you can use any meat you wish);
  • Salt to taste;
  • Any mustard -2 tsp;
  • Seasoning “Provencal herbs” - 3 tsp;
  • Garlic - 1 small head;
  • Black pepper at your discretion;
  • Foil for baking.

1. Take our piece of prepared meat, wash it, clean it, dry it from visible moisture.

2. We make cuts with a knife on our meat, cut garlic cloves into cubes and stuff our meat.

3. At the next stage, we salt our meat, coat it with mustard, carefully rubbing it into the flesh, rub it on top with our “Herbes de Provence” seasoning. We wrap our piece tightly with food foil and let our meat rest for about 30 minutes so that it is saturated with all the aromas of our seasonings.

4.After this stage, we place our meat in the multicooker container, turn on our assistant in the “Baking” mode, and set the operating time to 1.5 hours.

5. At the end of the time, we take out our aromatic piece of meat, carefully, so as not to scald ourselves, unwrap the foil, and place the meat on a plate. Our dish is ready. Meat can be served with any side dish, vegetable salads, sauces. Also, meat baked in foil in a slow cooker is perfect for tea sandwiches.

I believe that you will like this recipe and will use it for your holiday and family feasts.

Good luck, and enjoy your meal.

The recipe “Meat baked in foil in a multicooker” was prepared in a Redmond RMC-M 100 multicooker.



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