Blue under the yoke with garlic. Whole pickled eggplants in a jar with garlic. Eggplant stuffed with vegetables

Blue under the yoke with garlic. Whole pickled eggplants in a jar with garlic. Eggplant stuffed with vegetables

Today we will cook delicious autumn dish– pickled eggplants, stuffed with vegetables. This delicious vegetable dish has many fans. After all, pickled stuffed eggplants very tasty, healthy and satisfying.

The dish has a pleasant flavor with a tangy sourness that comes from the sourdough process, and it's worth noting that this recipe doesn't use vinegar at all.

Which vegetables you prefer is a matter of taste, worth a try various options or create your own unique and original recipe pickled eggplants.

This dish is perfect for any table; this savory appetizer goes well with both regular potatoes and meat dishes.


It is also worth noting that this dish should not be prepared in too large portions, since pickled blueberries that have been left to sit for a long time become unpleasantly sour in taste and lose their piquancy.

Now let’s begin our culinary creativity and get down to business.

For cooking, we will take the following products, the amount of which is calculated for one kilogram of eggplant.

  • eggplants or, as they are also called, blue ones - 1 kg;
  • carrots 3 pieces;
  • spicy roots: parsley, parsnip or celery - about 100 g;
  • tomatoes - if you decide to add them, then 2 medium-sized tomatoes will be enough;
  • garlic - 1 head (garlic strengthens the immune system well and serves as an excellent remedy for the prevention of colds in the autumn-winter period);
  • spices - ground black pepper 1 teaspoon or 1 pod of hot pepper, ground paprika 1 tablespoon, 1 small bunch of parsley;
  • salt - to boil eggplants for 2 liters of water 2 tablespoons, for brine for 1 liter of water 3 tablespoons;
  • We will also need bay leaves for pickling, and dill inflorescences.

Step-by-step process for preparing pickled eggplants

  1. First, we will boil the eggplants in salted water. To boil, take 2 liters of water and add two tablespoons of salt to the water. Before sending the little blue ones into boiling water, you need to make a couple of punctures on their sides with a fork. This is necessary so that the skin of the fruit does not burst during cooking.
  2. Cooking time directly depends on the size of the fruit, and on average it takes about 10 minutes. Remember that the main thing is not to overcook the eggplants! You can check the readiness of the fruit by lightly piercing the skin with a fork; if it is pierced easily, this means that the eggplant can already be removed from the boiling water.
  3. Place the boiled vegetables under a simple weight or an improvised press for several hours. This is necessary to remove bitterness and excess liquid from the fruit.
  4. After several hours, we will cut the slightly flattened, squeezed eggplants in half, but not completely, but approximately three-quarters. In this way we prepared our semi-finished vegetable products to stuff them with filling.
  5. Let's prepare the filling. To do this, we grate the roots, carrots, remove the skins and seeds from the tomatoes, and finely chop everything else. Then simmer the vegetables in a frying pan, and at the end add chopped herbs and a mixture of peppers.
  6. Let's pass the garlic through a press, and then rub the blue places of the cuts well with the garlic. Stuff the fruits grated with garlic with filling. We don’t skimp on the fillings; the more fillings you add, the more delicious our dish will be.
  7. We tie the eggplants stuffed and ready for pickling well and neatly with thread.
  8. Prepare the brine. Boil 1 liter of water and add 3 tablespoons of salt to the water, then remove the brine from the heat and cool it.
  9. Let's move on to the final stage of preparing our dish. Let's take a saucepan where our pickled eggplants with carrots and garlic will reach readiness. First, place a bay leaf and a dill inflorescence on the bottom of the pan, and then tightly place the stuffed blueberries and fill them with chilled brine.
  10. Eggplants should stand in brine for 24 hours at room temperature, after which we send the dish to the refrigerator and they should stand there for another 12 hours.

Our appetizer is ready! You can take a sample.


The pickled eggplants left over from the meal should be removed from the brine and added a little vegetable oil and store in the refrigerator.

Recipes for pickled eggplants for the winter

If you have grown a lot of eggplants and did not have time to eat them in the fall, then you can save them in the form of preparations for the long winter so that you can enjoy your favorite dish during the holidays, for example, at the New Year's table.

Deep freeze

The easiest way is to deep freeze semi-finished vegetable products. Eggplants should be frozen after you have boiled them in salted water and removed excess moisture.

In winter, you simply take ready-made vegetables out of the freezer and very easily follow all the other cooking steps with them, according to the recipe described above.

Preparing the filling is quite simple, since in winter there are no problems with garlic and carrots.

Eggplants in marinade

Now let's prepare pickled eggplants stuffed with vegetables for the winter. This recipe is slightly different from the one above.

So, the ingredients are still the same as in the original recipe. However, in in this case We will prepare marinade instead of brine.

Preparing the marinade: boil 2 liters of water and add 2 tablespoons of salt, 5 bay leaves and 10 peppercorns to the water.

In addition, please note that we will not stew the filling, which we also prepare according to the composition from the recipe above, but use it raw


  1. Place the stuffed eggplants tightly into the pan, then pour the prepared marinade into them in the pan and place them under pressure.
  2. Leave the eggplants in the pan to ferment at room temperature for two weeks.
  3. After the designated time has passed, we try our preparations; if they are not yet sour enough, then we can extend the ripening process for another week.

Eggplants prepared in this way should be stored in the cellar, and if you do not have a cellar, then in the refrigerator.

Pickled stuffed eggplants - recipe with photo

Preparing eggplants:

Step 1

For all lovers of delicious sour snacks, we will prepare delicious stuffed eggplants according to the classic recipe of our grandmothers.

Tasty and healthy!

Vegetables acquire their spicy and original sour taste through natural fermentation, without the addition of vinegar. And the natural process of lactic acid fermentation makes this dish healthy and rich in vitamins.

We will begin our preparation by preparing the eggplants, which we will first wash well and cut off the stems of the fruit.

Step 2

At the second stage of preparation, the eggplants must be boiled. Fill a saucepan with water and bring it to a boil. Place the prepared eggplants in boiling water.


Since eggplants have a density less than that of water, this is the reason why they float to the surface. Therefore, during cooking, they need to be turned over and stirred from time to time so that they cook evenly on all sides.

Cook the eggplants for 8-10 minutes. Ready vegetables become quite soft and at the same time quite elastic, retaining their shape. Let's take the eggplants out of the water and leave them to cool, while we begin preparing the filling.

Step 3

For the filling, prepare the vegetables: peel and wash the carrots and onion. Then grate the carrots coarse grater, and cut the onion into strips. Peel the bell pepper from seeds and chop it into strips.

Peel, wash and chop a few cloves of garlic. Wash the parsley well and chop it finely.

Step 4

Fry the chopped onions with vegetable oil in a frying pan until transparent. Add grated carrots and finely chopped bell pepper to the onion and continue to fry the vegetables, fry until they soften slightly.

Turn off the heat and only then add chopped parsley and garlic. Mix everything well and our filling is ready. At this stage, you don’t need to add salt to the filling, as it will be salted with the eggplants later.

Step 5

Before we start filling the eggplants, let's prepare the brine. To do this, boil 1 liter of water and add 2 tbsp. heaped spoons of salt.

Take the cooled eggplant in your hands and make a longitudinal cut in it; you need to cut it into two halves, but not all the way. We made a cut and slightly opened the vegetable. We will do this manipulation with all our eggplants.

Step 6

Fill the prepared eggplants with filling. There is no need to skimp on the toppings, this will only make our dish tastier. We carefully wrap the stuffed eggplants with thread so that the filling does not fall out, or with celery stalks, if you have them. We do this with all eggplants.

Step 7

Place the stuffed eggplants in a saucepan; if possible, they should be pressed tightly against each other. A regular three-liter saucepan works well for this amount of vegetables. Fill the eggplants in a saucepan with brine to the top.

Step 8

Press the eggplants on top with a plate and put pressure on it - it can be an ordinary jar filled with water. Now we leave the preparation to ferment for two days at room temperature.

After the specified time, the pickled eggplants are ready, all that remains is to cool them before serving. We will remove the pickled eggplants from the refrigerator and leave them there for storage.

When necessary, we take out an appetizing vegetable snack from the refrigerator, cut it, decorate it with herbs and serve it to the table.

Pickled stuffed eggplants for the winter

Eggplants stuffed with pickled vegetables for the winter are excellent home preparation, which contains a lot of vitamins! This dish will diversify and decorate your winter table. It is good to serve as a snack for the New Year holidays.

Ingredients for cooking:

The ingredients in the recipe are given per three-liter jar, for 10 servings.


  1. We wash the eggplants, remove the stalks and make a longitudinal cut along the entire length, not reaching the end of 2 cm.
  2. Boil the blue ones prepared in this way in salted water for 10 minutes. It is important not to overcook! Then squeeze out excess water from the eggplants and stuff them with minced meat.
  3. . To prepare the minced meat: grate the carrots, finely chop the onion, bell pepper and parsley root. Prepared vegetables need to be stewed in a frying pan in sunflower oil, then mix this mass with finely chopped herbs, add spices and salt to taste.
  4. Stuff the eggplants, then tie them well with thread. Place the blue ones prepared in this way tightly in a jar. Each layer should be sprinkled with chopped garlic.
  5. The neck of the jar must be tied with several layers of gauze. After about three days, the process of lactic acid fermentation will begin. At this time, the jar of eggplant needs to be filled sunflower oil, which must first be boiled and cooled.
  6. All my life I've been learning something. Completed courses: Alternative medicine. Modern cosmetology. Secrets modern kitchen. Fitness and health.

    Eggplants fermented with carrots - great snack. If eggplant is stuffed with carrots, the dish is called manzana. This healthy vegetable requires special attention, since it enriches the body with beneficial vitamins and microelements, most of which are retained during the fermentation period. This amazing dish will be original snack not only during a family dinner, it will take center stage on the holiday table.

    Subtleties of preparing pickled eggplants with carrots for the winter

    There are cooking nuances that make the dish turn out simply fantastic:

    1. To keep the eggplants soft, they need to be blanched for 2-3 minutes in boiling water.
    2. Fermentation is ideal in a wooden or clay container; enamel or glass is also allowed.

    Important! The integrity of the enamel coating should not be compromised, otherwise harmful substances formed during metal oxidation will enter the product.

    Selection and preparation of blue ones

    The quality of the finished dish depends not only on the cooking process, but also on the correctly selected and prepared components:

    1. The blue ones should be intact, elastic, without signs of spoilage. Sluggish fruits when pickled will be tough.
    2. They need to be washed, dried and the stalk removed. Afterwards, the blue ones are blanched in salted water for 2-3 minutes, placed under a press to remove remaining liquid and bitterness.

    Methods for preparing pickled eggplants with carrots

    Cooking manzanas, eggplants, stuffed with carrots, - classic recipe fermentation of this vegetable. It can be diversified by adding new components, taking into account the taste combination of products: Bell pepper or kappi, parsley, cilantro, spices, coriander, turmeric, curry. The amount of sugar and salt may vary depending on family preferences.

    Recipe with carrots, herbs and garlic

    Marinated eggplants are easy to prepare and the results are amazing. They look great on a platter lined with herbs.

    Required components:

    • blue ones - 1.5 kg;
    • carrots - 370 g;
    • garlic - 4-5 cloves;
    • sunflower oil - 25 ml;
    • salt - 20 g;
    • ground black pepper - 6 g;
    • vinegar - 10 ml;
    • laurel leaf;
    • water - 450 ml;
    • sugar - 15 g;
    • parsley - a bunch.

    Action plan:

    • Wash the blue ones, remove the tails, boil in slightly salted water.
    • Place them under a press to drain off the liquid and bitterness.
    • Peel the carrots, wash, dry and grate, preferably a coarse one. Pour oil into a container and sauté for 5 minutes.
    • Peel the garlic and chop using a garlic press.

    • Wash the greens, dry and cut.
    • Combine a third of the garlic and herbs with the carrots.
    • Make deep cuts in the blue ones and stuff them carrot filling, place in a prepared container, topping with herbs and chopped garlic.
    • Prepare the filling: add sugar, salt, put a bay leaf into the specified volume of liquid, boil, pour vinegar.
    • Pour in the blue ones and put under pressure for 3 days.

    In Georgian

    This dish will delight lovers of spicy, savory snacks:

    • blue ones - 1.4 kg
    • onion - 370 g;
    • carrots - 400 g;
    • sweet pepper - 170 g;
    • sunflower oil - 120 ml;
    • vinegar - 60 ml;
    • honey - 20 g;
    • salt - 15 g;
    • red pepper - 3.5 g;
    • parsley and cilantro - a bunch each.

    Action plan:

    1. Wash the vegetables, blanch for 2-3 minutes in salted liquid, place the vegetables under a press to remove any remaining liquid.
    2. Peel the onion and cut into half rings.
    3. Peel the carrots and grate into large strips. Sauté the carrots and onions for a few minutes.
    4. Wash the pepper, peel it, cut it into strips.
    5. Cut the eggplants into large cubes.
    6. Prepare the marinade: mix vinegar, honey, salt, pepper, and add your favorite spices if desired.
    7. Combine all ingredients and marinate for 3-4 hours.

    To preserve for the winter, place vegetables in containers and sterilize for 20 minutes. Tighten with special airtight lids.

    Cooking with cabbage

    An excellent vitamin snack, you need:

    • blue ones - 1.3 kg;
    • carrots - 250 g;
    • cabbage - 450 g;
    • sweet pepper - 170 g;
    • garlic - 4 cloves;
    • hot pepper - on the tip of a spoon;
    • water - 450 ml;
    • salt - 30 g;
    • sugar - 15 g.

    Cooking diagram:

    1. Wash the blue ones, cut off the stem, blanch for 4 minutes in salted liquid. Place them under a press.
    2. Remove the top leaves from the cabbage and chop.
    3. Peel the carrots and grate them into strips on a coarse grater.
    4. Peel the pepper and cut into strips.
    5. Combine vegetables (except blue ones), add chopped garlic and stir.
    6. Prepare the brine: boil water, add sugar, pepper and salt.
    7. Cut the blue ones and stuff them with the vegetable mixture. Place in a deep container and fill with warm brine.
    8. Place the press and ferment for 3 days at room temperature.

    How to do it in Korean

    The blue ones prepared according to this recipe will not be very spicy, so for those who like savory snacks the amount of ground red pepper needs to be increased.

    Required components:

    • blue ones - 1.3 kg;
    • Korean carrot seasoning - 10 g;
    • carrots - 450 g;
    • salt - 20 g;
    • sweet pepper - 270 g;
    • parsley - a bunch;
    • red pepper - 2.5 g;
    • garlic - 6 cloves;
    • water - 540 ml;
    • sugar - 45 g;
    • vinegar - 85 ml;
    • sunflower oil - 65 ml.

    Cooking diagram:

    1. Remove the tails from the blue ones, wash and blanch for 2-3 minutes. Place under a press for a quarter of an hour, then cut into rectangles.
    2. Peel the carrots and rub with long straws.
    3. Peel, wash and cut the pepper into strips.
    4. Wash the parsley, dry it, chop it.
    5. Combine vegetables, add garlic, crushed using a garlic press.
    6. Prepare the brine: mix butter, sugar, vinegar, seasoning, and salt. Pour over the vegetables and leave under pressure for 3 days.

    With carrots and celery

    The classic manzan recipe can be varied with celery. It goes well with carrots, and is very healthy. It is recommended to supplement celery with parsnip or parsley root.

    Required components:

    • blue ones - 1.7 kg;
    • carrots - 350 g;
    • celery root - 360 g;
    • salt - 35 g;
    • parsley - a bunch;
    • sugar - 45 g;
    • vinegar - 55 ml;
    • black pepper;
    • coriander;
    • Red pepper;
    • sunflower oil - 65 ml;
    • garlic - 6 cloves;
    • water - 150 ml.

    Action plan:

    1. Wash the blue ones, cut off the stem and boil for 3 minutes in salted liquid. Place under a press.
    2. Peel the root vegetables and grate them into long strips. Add chopped garlic with a garlic press and add spices.
    3. Wash the parsley, dry it, chop it and combine it with grated root vegetables.
    4. Cut the blue ones and stuff them with vegetable mass. Place tightly in a deep container.
    5. Pour in the brine: mix the oil with water and vinegar. Install the press for 3 days.

    With fried onions and carrots

    Blue ones can be stuffed with sautéed vegetables; the filling turns out juicier and softer.

    Required components:

    • eggplants - 1.3 kg;
    • sugar - 35 g;
    • carrots - 450 g;
    • salt - 25 g;
    • onion - 250 g;
    • ground black pepper;
    • coriander;
    • ground hot pepper;
    • oil for sauteing - 45 ml;
    • vinegar - 35 ml;
    • garlic - 5 cloves;
    • water - 110 ml.

    Eggplant- a very healthy vegetable, which is also popularly called “Blue”. Thousands of housewives love to cook eggplants. They can be fried and stuffed, they can be made into “tongues” and added to salads, stews, etc. But just imagine how in winter, and if desired, in summer, you take delicious pickled eggplants from a jar or barrel, make a salad out of them and put it on festive table. All guests are guaranteed to appreciate the taste of this dish if it is prepared correctly.

    Although preparing pickled eggplants for the winter is not difficult and does not require much time and effort, unfortunately, not everyone knows how to do it. That is why below at the House of Knowledge I decided to present to my dear readers a magnificent simplest recipe, according to which my family ferments eggplants without adding vinegar every year.

    Ingredients for pickled eggplants.

    Before you start cooking delicious sour eggplants, prepare all the necessary ingredients.

    To prepare one 3L jar of this magnificent dish you will need:

    1. Eggplant- 2.3 kg
    2. Salt- 6 tbsp. spoons
    3. Garlic- 4-5 cloves
    4. Parsley- good bun
    5. Hot capsicum- about 6-8 rings
    6. Water- for cooking eggplants (in a 5 liter pan - 3.5 liters) and for brine - 1 liter

    You will also need:

    1. Pan (preferably larger)
    2. Garlic press or mortar
    3. 3L jar with plastic lid
    4. A couple of trays and a cutting board that will be used as a press.

    Recipe for pickled eggplants in jars for the winter.

    The eggplant recipe can be divided into the following parts:

    1. Cooking and squeezing eggplants
    2. Preparing the filling
    3. Putting eggplants in a jar and pouring brine over them

    Prepare the ingredients: Wash the eggplants and remove all stems.

    Read also: Salted cucumbers.

    Pour water into a large saucepan (in my case, a 5 liter saucepan contains 3.5 liters of water) and put it on the fire. Drop and dissolve 4 tablespoons of salt in water.

    When the water boils, throw the eggplants into it and boil them for 4-6 minutes. At the same time, try to keep the fruits as much as possible under the water (you can cover it with a lid), and not above its surface. To do this, I had to cook the eggplants in 2 approaches, that is, first one half and then the second.

    Remove the cooked eggplants from the water and place under a press for 5-6 hours (to drain the bitter liquid). For convenience, I recommend laying eggplants of the same size in rows. Place them on a hard, flat surface, for example, on a tray, and then cover them with boards or trays, on which you place “weights”, for example, jars or eggplants with water. After this, so that the liquid drains, place something under one side of the tray, that is, tilt it.

    Prepare ingredients for placing eggplants in a jar:

    After 5-6 hours of keeping the eggplants under pressure and before putting them in the jar, peel and wash the garlic, wash the parsley and hot pepper.

    Read also: Eggplants in a barrel.

    Now prepare the filling. To do this, for one 3 liter jar of eggplant, I cut 5-6 cloves of garlic into small cubes, add 1 tablespoon of salt to it and crush it into a uniform paste. You can also do this by pressing the garlic through a garlic press and then mixing it with salt.

    After the liquid has drained from the eggplants, cut them into halves without cutting all the way through.

    After this, brush the eggplants with the filling, distributing it evenly between all the fruits.

    Now finely chop the parsley and cut off 4-5 thin rings from the hot pepper.

    Now start placing the eggplants in the jar. To do this, sprinkle a little parsley on its bottom.

    Then lay the blue ones in layers, topping them with hot pepper and parsley. Apply the height so that there is 2-3 cm left to the neck of the jar. This is necessary in order to properly fill the brine.

    When the eggplants are already in the jar, start preparing the brine. To do this, simply dissolve the salt in cold water (1 tablespoon of salt per 1 liter of water).

    After dissolving the salt in the water, pour the brine into the jar with the eggplants and cover it with a lid.

    Then you need to shake the jar slightly to release the air that remains between the eggplants. In this form, place the jar on a tray (or plate) onto which the liquid will flow, and leave it at room temperature for 2-3 days.

    Salted eggplants are the most valuable and very delicious snack, which is served with any side dish or with meat. This product can be prepared in different ways. Today we will talk about how to quickly and tasty pickle eggplants at home.

    1. Salty blue ones with carrots

    To prepare this beloved snack you will need:

    • Blue ones – 6 pcs.
    • Carrots – 4 pcs.
    • Water – 1 l.
    • Vegetable oil – 6 tablespoons.
    • Garlic – 2 medium heads.
    • Parsley – 1 small bunch.
    • Table vinegar – 20 g.
    • Black pepper – 6 peas.
    • Bay leaf – 3 leaves.

    Wash the blue ones, cut off the tails, pierce the fruits with a fork in several places and boil until tender in salted water. For medium-sized fruits, it will take about half an hour for them to cook.

    Place the vegetables on a board, cover it with another board and place something heavy on top. Leave the eggplants under pressure for a couple of hours.

    Peel the carrots and garlic. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, pass the garlic through a garlic press.

    Fry the grated carrot mass in oil until softened, then add half the garlic mass and half the chopped herbs. Mix.

    Take the blue ones out from under the yoke, make longitudinal cuts, but not all the way. Stuff the fruits with the prepared spicy mixture and tie tightly with thread.

    Place the stuffed vegetables in a saucepan and sprinkle with the remaining herbs and garlic. All that remains is to fill it all with brine.

    Pour a liter of water into a saucepan, bring to a boil, add pepper, bay leaves, vinegar and salt. Boil for two minutes.

    Pour hot brine over the vegetables and place in a warm place under pressure for three days. Snack instant cooking ready. It needs to be cut into pieces, placed on a dish and can be served with boiled potatoes, rice or buckwheat.

    2. Snack salted eggplants with garlic

    To prepare this spicy dish you will need a minimum of ingredients and time:

    This recipe requires beautiful, damage-free and rotten vegetables. First you need to wash them, then cut out the stalks.

    Place a large saucepan on the stove, pour seven liters of water into it and add 0.5 kg of salt, bring to a boil. Boil the blue ones in brine in several batches. Five minutes is enough for one game. Then dip the fruits in cold water and put under pressure for a couple of hours, then lightly squeeze out the juice and bitterness.

    Make a longitudinal cut in each fruit, not reaching the stalk. Peel the garlic cloves and pass through a garlic press.

    Rub the inside of the blue ones with garlic and place both halves together. Place the vegetables tightly next to each other in a container or saucepan.

    Pour the blue ones with hot brine from 2.5 liters of boiled water and 100 grams of salt. Add a bay leaf, maybe a couple of pinches of freshly ground black pepper.

    Place a flat plate on top of the vegetables and apply pressure. Three days after soaking in brine in a warm place, the vegetables should be taken out into the cold. You can store this snack in the refrigerator or in the cellar.

    3. Salted eggplants with herbs in Azerbaijani style

    • Little blue ones – 6 kg.
    • Sweet pepper – 5 pcs.
    • Celery – 1 large bunch.
    • Garlic – 2 large heads.
    • Salt.
    • Water – 1 liter.
    • Bay leaf, cloves – 10 pcs.
    • Black pepper, allspice – 5 peas each.

    Wash the vegetables, remove the tails, boil in well-salted water until tender, the main thing is not to overcook, otherwise the appetizer will be very soft and not tasty. After cooking, the blue ones should remain elastic.

    Make a longitudinal cut in each vegetable to the middle. Transfer the blue ones to a board and place under pressure for ten hours.

    After this time, lightly squeeze the eggplants and wipe off any remaining juice with a paper towel.

    Chop the greens, peel and pass the garlic through a garlic press.

    The next step is preparing the marinade. Bring water to a boil, add bay leaf and pepper, and simmer for five minutes.

    Sprinkle the bottom of a plastic container or saucepan with salt and herbs, then place the blue ones tightly next to each other, again sprinkle with herbs and salt. Continue this way until you run out of vegetables. Top them with garlic and herbs. Then pour warm brine and transfer to a cool room for seven days.

    This product can be stored in the refrigerator. If desired, it can be rolled up in three-liter jars.

    Before storing, the vegetables are wiped of brine, and the jars are sterilized in any usual way.

    Containers with vegetables are covered with lids and placed in a capacious container, sterilized for fifteen minutes, after which they are rolled up, cooled and stored in the basement.

    4. Georgian marinated eggplants

    This savory snack is made from the following ingredients:

    • Little blue ones – 1 kg.
    • Onions – 300 g.
    • Salad pepper – 250 g.
    • Carrots – 300 g.
    • Vegetable oil – 1 cup.
    • 9 percent vinegar – 120 ml.
    • Liquid honey – 2 tablespoons.
    • Salt – 2 level tablespoons.
    • Freshly ground black pepper - to taste.
    • Any greens - to taste.

    Wash all the vegetables, remove the stems of peppers, carrots and eggplants. Boil the blue ones in salted water until tender. Peel the onion and chop into small half rings. Peel the carrots and chop on a coarse grater. Cut the sweet pepper into thin strips.

    First fry the onion in vegetable oil until soft. Then add carrots and cook for another five minutes.

    Cut the blue ones into transverse circles. Transfer the slices to a large bowl, add peppers, onions and carrots, mix.

    Now all that remains is to prepare the filling for the vegetables. Mix salt and pepper in a saucepan, pour sunflower oil over this mixture, then vinegar and add honey. Mix all ingredients thoroughly, add finely chopped herbs and any spices.

    Water the vegetables spicy marinade, cover with a lid and refrigerate for several hours. After this time, the product is ready for tasting. You can also immediately after preparing it, roll it up for the winter in clean jars.

    How to quickly and tasty pickle eggplants: 4 proven recipes

    If you have never tried salted eggplants, you are missing out on a lot! Arm yourself with our recipes and be sure to prepare it for yourself for the winter, at least for testing. I am sure that next year you will try all our recipes

    Salted eggplants under pressure


    Eggplant – 2-3 pcs.

    Garlic – 1 clove

    • 25 kcal
    • 30 min.

    Cooking process

    You can cook salted eggplants under pressure in a fast way or wait until they themselves are salted in brine. Today we will look at a more efficient option, when a vegetable snack will be created within 30 minutes, thanks to cooking.

    Salted eggplants can be seasoned with garlic, herbs, vegetable oil and served with a couple of drops of 9% vinegar, or you can include them in a more complex salad or dish - depending on your taste. During the summer-autumn season, you can prepare eggplant salad in the morning at least every day, so that by lunch or evening it will absorb all the flavors of the dressing and become even tastier!

    So, we cook salted eggplants under pressure. Let's prepare the necessary ingredients and start cooking!

    Wash the eggplants in water and trim the stems from the vegetables. Cut horizontally in half, and then into slices and place in a container.

    Pour the sliced ​​eggplant into a saucepan, pan, etc., adding salt there. Fill with water so that it lightly covers the slices and place the saucepan on the stove. Bring to a boil and reduce heat to low. Cover the container with a lid and simmer for 10-15 minutes, making sure that the slices do not become completely boiled.

    Remove the boiled slices with a slotted spoon into a container and rinse in water. Press the peeled garlic clove into them and mix.

    Cover the slices with a small saucer or plate and place pressure on it for 10 minutes - for me it’s a small container filled with water. During this time, the slicing will release excess liquid.

    Salt it and place the appetizer on a plate or dish and let it cool. Salted eggplants under pressure are completely ready.

    Salted eggplants for the winter for long-term storage

    Do you want something salty, but not too heavy? Salted eggplants are perfect for this. It is these blue vegetables that will satisfy those who like tasty food. Nowadays, few people will be surprised by pickles made from cucumbers and tomatoes, but this recipe can become a highlight at winter table. I hope that you will like the easy-to-prepare recipe and find it useful. And so, let's begin.

    1. Wash medium-sized eggplants and remove the stems.
    2. Prepare the brine by dissolving 2 tbsp in a liter of water. salt, bring to a boil and place the eggplants there to blanch for 15 minutes. Cool quickly, cut lengthwise not completely, leave 1/3 of the vegetable part uncut, open the halves.
    3. Place the eggplants under pressure to release the liquid. Next, sprinkle the workpiece with crushed garlic, distribute it tightly into enamel pan. Fill with brine, which we prepare as follows:
    4. 70 grams per liter. salt, boil with seasonings (bay leaf and black pepper), take them to your taste, cool.
    5. Cover the brined eggplants with a clean cloth or napkin, close them with a wooden lid, and press them on top.

    The finished pickle will be ready in about a month and a half. Salted eggplants can be stored for a long time in a cool place; they can be used almost until the next harvest.

    Salted eggplants: 7 recipes for every taste

    Preparing salted eggplants is easy. Their rich taste and aroma will be the key to a good appetite. That is why snacks based on these vegetables are deservedly popular among a large number of housewives. Before you start cooking, it is important to know that the blue ones require special treatment: soaking in salt to reduce bitterness. If all the stages are completed correctly, then the blanks will delight you with tenderness and sophistication, remind you of summer and add variety to the table.

    It's easy to prepare salted eggplants

    Salted eggplants: a simple recipe in jars for the winter

    Winter pickles are a favorite product for many, especially during the holidays.

    You can prepare dark-fruited nightshade using a set of the following ingredients:

    • blue vegetables – 4 pcs;
    • salt – 70 g;
    • water – 1 l;
    • a set of spices and seasonings – at the hostess’s choice.
    1. Pour water into a container, boil, put vegetables in it, cook for several minutes until they become soft (avoiding the moment of softening);
    2. Then the water should be drained, the eggplants should be cooled, and a cut should be made in them;
    3. Prepare the brine by mixing water and salt, as well as prepared spices, bring the liquid to a boil, then cool;
    4. Place the eggplants in a deep container (not iron) and fill with brine. To make the salting process go better, it is recommended to place a weight on top.

    You can serve the appetizer after 7 days, but for winter preparation you will need to carry out the pickling process in sterilized glass jars that will contain brine and vegetables. They need to be covered with metal lids and stored in the refrigerator.

    Eggplants salted with garlic

    This recipe for pickling eggplants is simple and easy to prepare for novice housewives.

    Set of ingredients for the dish:

    This recipe for pickling eggplants is simple and easy to prepare for novice housewives.

    1. Rinse the vegetables, soak in salted water for 1-2 hours;
    2. Pour water into a saucepan, cook them until soft;
    3. Peel the garlic cloves and cut them into thin slices;
    4. Cut the eggplants lengthwise, put the garlic inside;
    5. Prepare a brine from water and salt;
    6. Cool it down;
    7. Place eggplants in glass jars, fill with brine;
    8. Roll up the lids and store in the refrigerator.

    Salting takes 7 days, after which they can be served.

    Recipe for salted eggplants with carrots

    Eggplants and carrots perfectly complement each other’s taste and aroma, so the appetizer turns out to be very appetizing. The preparation will also be a suitable basis for many salads and hot dishes.

    Ingredients for preparation per 1 kg of nightshade:

    • carrots – 350 g;
    • garlic cloves – 10 pcs.;
    • water 1 l;
    • salt - to taste;
    • sugar – 10 g;
    • vinegar (9%) – 4 tbsp;
    • black peppercorns (allspice and hot) – 10 pcs.;
    • greens (any) – 50 g.

    Eggplants and carrots perfectly complement each other's taste and aroma

    1. Rinse vegetables in running water;
    2. Heat water in a saucepan, bring to a boil, place the prepared eggplants in it;
    3. Cook until softened (make sure they retain their shape and are not overcooked);
    4. Then pour the water into a separate container for preparing a marinade based on it;
    5. Cool vegetables;
    6. Grate the peeled carrots;
    7. Prepare the marinade (water, sugar, seasonings, salt, vinegar);
    8. Finely chop the garlic cloves;
    9. Finely chop the greens;
    10. Cut the eggplants lengthwise (fill with carrots, garlic and herbs);
    11. Sew the halves together or secure with toothpicks;
    12. Place the workpiece in a container, pour marinade;
    13. Place in the refrigerator for 24 hours.

    Serve to the table canned eggplants You can do it the next day, cut it into pieces, garnish with fresh herbs and onion rings.

    Salted eggplants under pressure: a step-by-step recipe

    Pickling these vegetables under pressure can be done quite quickly. This recipe does not require any special skills or knowledge.

    For 2-3 kg you will need the following additional ingredients:

    • vinegar – 200 ml;
    • table salt (fine) – 50 g;
    • sugar – 50 g;
    • black pepper – 20 peas;
    • water – 1 l;
    • dill and parsley – 100 g;
    • Bay leaf
    1. Wash all vegetables;
    2. Chop the greens;
    3. Mix all other ingredients with water to make a marinade;
    4. Place vegetables in a container, pour marinade, sprinkle with herbs;
    5. Close and place pressure on top.

    Place in the refrigerator for 48 hours, after which the appetizer can be served. Eggplants can be salted whole, they can be stuffed with carrots or garlic. For use within 2-3 weeks, there is no need to sterilize the jars.

    Salted eggplants without sterilization

    Canned products do not need to be sterilized.

    It will be easy to pickle vegetables according to this recipe; for this you need to use the following ingredients (for 2.5 kg of the main product):

    • tomatoes - 2 kg;
    • bell pepper – 100 g;
    • hot pepper – 3-4 pcs;
    • garlic cloves – 20 pcs;
    • sugar – 10 g;
    • salt – 150 g;
    • vegetable oil – 100 ml.

    Canned products do not need to be sterilized

    1. Process the eggplants;
    2. Let them soak in water (salt) to remove the bitterness;
    3. Cut into small pieces;
    4. cut hot peppers into circles;
    5. Bulgarian - on plates;
    6. Cut the tomatoes into 6-8 pieces;
    7. Peel the garlic;
    8. Place all vegetables, except eggplants, in a blender bowl and puree;
    9. After this, add salt and sugar to the mass;
    10. Place it in a saucepan and cook for 1 hour (medium heat);
    11. Fry the eggplants in vegetable oil;
    12. Transfer to a storage container, pour in the vegetable mixture and add the remaining oil.

    The appetizer is completely ready. It should be stored in a cool place.

    Whole marinated eggplants

    To prepare this recipe you will need the following ingredients:

    Eggplants can be pickled whole

    1. Boil the eggplants (until tender);
    2. Peel and chop carrots, onions;
    3. Chop the greens and parsley root;
    4. Fry carrots and parsley root;
    5. Separately fry the onion;
    6. Mix the roast, add fresh herbs;
    7. Cut the eggplants lengthwise, put the filling inside;
    8. Place them tightly in the container chosen for storage;
    9. Cover the container with gauze and leave for 48 hours (in the refrigerator);
    10. After heating the vegetable oil, pour into the eggplants.

    Keep refrigerated. If the eggplants are large or there are a lot of them, you can marinate them in a barrel. Soaked or pickled nightshades are also prepared there. They will taste like mushrooms.

    Blue ones, salted with parsnips for the winter

    You can salt the vegetable using aromatic parsnips.

    For preparation you will need ingredients (for 5 kg of the main product):

    • water – 5 l;
    • parsnip – 150 g;
    • carrots – 300 g;
    • garlic – 3 heads;
    • sunflower oil – 30 ml;
    • table salt (coarse) – 300 g;
    • allspice and peas – 5 pcs each;
    • cloves and bay leaves - 5 pcs each.
    1. When canning, you will need to process all the vegetables (wash and peel);
    2. Salt the water and boil the eggplants (15 minutes);
    3. Then cool them, put them in a flat container or on a surface, close them, put them under pressure for 3 hours;
    4. Chop all other vegetables;
    5. Cut the eggplants, rub each with salt and pepper;
    6. Place chopped garlic (5-7 g) in each;
    7. Fill with carrots and parsnips;
    8. Place tightly in jars (sterilized);
    9. Prepare the brine by mixing water, salt and spices, pour it into containers with vegetables;
    10. Leave the jars for 3 days, then pour a little vegetable oil into each jar and roll up the lids.

    Store in a cool place.

    Thus, blue nightshades can be prepared in Azerbaijani style (spicy) or pickled like mushrooms. The snack will always turn out tasty and appetizing.

    Awesome pickled eggplants - perhaps the most good recipe. A large number of vegetables, fragrant garlic and celery complement and reveal the incredible taste of eggplant. The vegetables themselves are moderately spicy and salty. I haven’t always been able to cook them so deliciously before, but this recipe exceeded all my hopes and expectations. The dish turns out very tasty, a little reminiscent of the taste of pickled mushrooms with vegetables. I wish you to cook it and enjoy a simple and very homemade snack.


    • fresh eggplants - 3 kilograms;
    • sweet bell pepper - 0.5 kilograms;
    • fresh tomatoes - 700 grams;
    • celery greens - a large bunch;
    • garlic - 2-3 heads;
    • onions - 3 medium pieces;
    • hot pepper - 1 piece;
    • vegetable oil (I used sunflower) - 1 cup (approximately 200 milliliters);
    • table vinegar 9% - 170 milliliters;
    • water - 3 liters;
    • salt - 3 heaped tablespoons.

    Awesome pickled ones. Step by step recipe

    1. Let's start by preparing our vegetables. Wash the vegetables and green celery stalks under running water. Let the excess water drain.
    2. Choose eggplants that are approximately the same size so that the pieces into which we cut them are more or less the same. The most suitable eggplants are approximately 15 centimeters long.
    3. We will cut the eggplants into large pieces (slices). To do this, we clean the vegetable. Cut off the stem and “spout”. Cut the eggplant into two halves, then each half into four pieces. Transfer everything to a separate deep bowl. Let's put it aside for now.
    4. I suggest cutting the bell pepper into half rings. First we cut off the top of the pepper, then remove the stalk and seeds inside it. Cut into two halves and cut into half rings that are not too thin and not too thick. Also, for convenience, we put it in a separate bowl.
    5. Cut the tomatoes and onions into half rings, approximately a little less than 0.5 centimeters thick. And transfer to two separate bowls.
    6. Cut the hot capsicum, which will add a wonderful piquant taste to the dish, into strips.
    7. The garlic must first be peeled and placed in a saucer. We will squeeze it out using a press, just before putting the vegetables in the pan.
    8. Chop the green celery stalks with a knife.
    9. Pre-measure the vinegar and oil with a measuring cup and set aside.
    10. When everything is prepared, you can begin the main process. You need to take a large saucepan in which you will need to boil the eggplants. I have a five liter saucepan.
    11. We fill it with three liters of water, a little more than half the pan. Add salt. When the water boils, pour in table vinegar. Mix. Then carefully place the chopped eggplants into boiling water. Cover with a lid and cook until the water boils. Then cook without a lid: about 7 minutes. The main thing is not to overcook or overexpose.
    12. Place in a colander and allow excess water to drain.
    13. While the eggplants are in a colander, we put a frying pan on the stove, pour in vegetable oil (you can use olive oil, if you have it) and heat it up a little. This means when you hear a little popping sound, like the oil is starting to release bubbles, turn everything off and move the pan to the side.
    14. Now we take the pan in which we boiled the eggplants. Wash with water and wipe dry.
    15. Divide the eggplant quantity into approximately two parts. This is so that we can evenly distribute them into two layers in the pan.
    16. Place some celery sprigs on the bottom and squeeze out a couple of cloves of garlic.
    17. Add a couple of tomato slices and warm eggplant slices. Fill the bottom layer of the pan completely with eggplants. Squeeze a couple of cloves of garlic on top of them. Drizzle everything with a small amount of vegetable oil. Then put some celery on top again and top it with bell pepper, onion and hot pepper. Place more tomato slices on top
    18. Next, we distribute the eggplants into the second row: in the same way as we did at the beginning. Place them close to each other. Squeeze a head of garlic onto them and pour vegetable oil over them.
    19. Then we repeat the layers of vegetables: celery, bell pepper, hot pepper, onion and tomatoes. Lay out all the vegetables that are left and squeeze out the garlic. Drizzle with remaining vegetable oil.
    20. Now you need to cover the top not with a lid, but with a plate, and put some kind of weight on it. It is necessary for the pan to stand in the kitchen for a day, and then move it (on the second day) to a cold place: a refrigerator or a cellar.
    21. After a day, for convenience, you can put the eggplants in jars and put them in a cool place.

    So the awesome ones are ready. A very tasty and light snack that can be eaten simply from a jar and goes great with absolutely any side dish. The aroma of green celery stalks and garlic gives the eggplant an unforgettable taste. Decorate the appetizer with aromatic fresh herbs and serve. Always cook in a great mood - and your culinary masterpieces will only delight you. The “Very Tasty” website team wishes you bon appetit!

    Photos and videos belong to Olga Papsueva.



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