How long does it take to cook duck fillet? Duck soup - recipes with photos, how long it takes to cook poultry or wild poultry. Useful information about working with duck

How long does it take to cook duck fillet? Duck soup - recipes with photos, how long it takes to cook poultry or wild poultry. Useful information about working with duck

Recently, duck carcasses can rarely be found on store shelves. This tender and valuable meat has undeservedly taken a back seat compared to the popular chicken. Nevertheless, there are people who, contrary to public opinion, prefer this surprisingly healthy and very tasty product. Like any other poultry meat, it can be fried, boiled, smoked or baked. It all depends on personal desire and the chosen recipe. The simplest processing method is cooking. But here, too, not everything is so simple. Before you get started, you need to know exactly how and how much to cook a duck. There are a number of points in this issue that need to be discussed in more detail.

Main stages of the process

Usually boiled to make soups, various salads, as well as hot and cold appetizers. Do not forget that this product has a specific aroma and unique taste. In order not to spoil the dish, you need to know in advance how long to cook the duck. After all, any errors during the process can negatively affect the quality of the finished product. To begin with, it is worth noting that in addition to the increased calorie content, such meat is also very fatty. In principle, this does not affect how long to cook the duck.

To a greater extent, this fact affects the rules for conducting such a procedure. All actions must be performed in a certain sequence:

  1. First, the carcass should be doused with cold water. If the product is frozen, it must be given time to thaw.
  2. After this, the duck must be gutted, removing all the insides from it. At the same time, it is necessary to cut off the existing fat deposits, which are especially numerous in the back, in the tail area.
  3. If necessary, the carcass can be immediately divided into portions.
  4. Boil water in a saucepan.
  5. Turn the heat down and add 10 grams of salt, bay leaf, whole onion, carrot, cut into large pieces, basil leaves and a few black peppercorns.
  6. Place the meat in boiling water and cover the pan with a lid.
  7. The duration of cooking depends on the form in which the product is. For a whole carcass it will take at least an hour and a half. If there are pieces of meat in the pan, then 40-50 minutes will be enough.

Knowing how long to cook the duck, you can roughly calculate the time when you can start preparing the side dish or preparing the remaining ingredients for the main dish.

Duck soup

Many people consider soup to be a dish that must be included in every person’s daily diet. To prepare it, you can use any meat, poultry and even seafood. Duck in this case will be an ideal option. Its tender red-brown meat gives the dish a special taste and unique aroma. To do everything correctly, you must first understand how long to cook duck for soup. This question cannot be approximate. Of course, you can act, as they say, by eye. But it is better to have clearer concepts in such matters.

Any housewife knows that poultry meat can be boiled in two ways:

  • entirely;
  • having previously divided it into parts.

Here everyone decides for himself what is best for him to do. If we are talking about duck meat, then in the first case you will need to be patient. So how long does it take to cook duck for soup? A whole carcass naturally takes more time. It will take one and a half, or even two hours until the meat reaches the desired condition. Individual pieces require much less time. Depending on their size, it may take about 40 minutes. Sometimes even half an hour is enough before you can start introducing the remaining ingredients. In addition, during cooking, do not forget to skim off the foam and remove the fat that collects on the surface.

For children's menu

Duck meat contains a large amount of refractory fats that are difficult for the body to digest. Therefore, it is not recommended to be given to children under three years of age and to people suffering from various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. For older children, you can make a good soup from it. The dish is not only aromatic and rich, but also very high in calories. Even in small quantities it gives a supply of energy for the whole day.

Here, every mother naturally has a question: how long should she cook duck for soup for her child? The answer to this lies in the process technology itself:

  1. You will need very little meat. In principle, 200 grams will be enough for one and a half to two liters of water. First you need to prepare the broth on it. To do this, cook a piece of meat over low heat for 2 hours. Moreover, do not forget that the first decoction must be drained.
  2. After this, the meat should be put aside, and the liquid should be used as a complete base for the soup. Gradually, while boiling, various vegetables (potatoes, onions and carrots) must be added to the broth one by one, not forgetting to chop them as much as possible.
  3. Once all the ingredients are already in the pan, you can add the meat there. It also needs to be finely chopped.

Next, the soup is cooked in the usual way. Pre-cooked meat no longer requires any special lengthy cooking. As soon as the vegetables or added cereals are ready, the heat can be turned off, and the soup can be poured into a plate and fed to the child.

Rules for smoking duck

Those who have never smoked at home probably do not know that with this procedure the meat can be boiled first. This is done so that in the end it turns out softer and more tender.

In principle, everything is done very simply:

  1. First, as usual, the bird must be thoroughly washed and gutted.
  2. After this, it is imperative to cut off the tail and neck of the carcass, since this is where excess fat accumulates.
  3. Next, the prepared duck must be cut into several large pieces.
  4. Then the meat should lie for 12 hours in a marinade consisting of salt and various spices (pepper, oregano, rosemary and thyme). You can also use your own set of seasonings.
  5. The last step of the preliminary stage is cooking. Moreover, the meat is cooked not in water, but in the same marinade. How long to cook duck before smoking? After the liquid boils, 20 minutes will be enough.

Then the duck should cool directly in the broth. Only after this can it be sent to the smokehouse.

Duck meat, if cooked correctly, has excellent nutritional and beneficial properties. Unlike turkey or chicken, it is higher in fat and calories. Therefore, it is not used for dietary nutrition. But sometimes it’s still worth pampering yourself with this delicious product. Not all city residents know how and how much to cook duck. But for villagers, the answer to this question is obvious.

Selection and preparation for cooking

A fresh duck carcass should be light beige in color, without spots or bumps. Excess moisture will lead to rapid spoilage of the product, so you need to choose a dry carcass with all the feathers removed. Duck can be stored in the freezer for a long time without losing its unique properties and taste. If you had to purchase a frozen duck, it should be completely defrosted without removing it from the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

Before putting the duck on the boil, excess fat accumulations from the neck and tail are removed from it. If this is not done, the broth will turn out to be too fatty and rich, unsuitable for making soup, borscht or sauce. And boiled fatty duck is not distinguished by its taste.

The next step is to rinse the duck under cold running water. It is boiled whole if further cutting is planned right before serving. If the boiled duck is intended for making soup, stew or stew with vegetables, it should be cut into portions and take as much as required for a particular dish.

For your information! Of the many varieties, only two types of ducks are suitable for home rearing: the domestic white duck and the Indo duck (or Muscovy duck). Indo-duck will have to be cooked longer, since its meat is tougher and not as fatty as that of white duck.

Cooking in a saucepan

You need to pour just enough water into the pan to completely cover the bird. When the water boils, salt it to taste, add allspice, bay leaves, and root vegetables. Now you can add the duck carcass and cook until done. While the duck is cooking, the resulting foam must be removed so that the broth is not cloudy. Beautifully transparent and rich, it is an excellent base for soup, borscht or homemade noodles.

After boiling, a whole domestic duck will be ready in 1.5 hours, and portioned pieces of the same duck will be ready in 1 hour. The whole turkey will have to be cooked for 2 hours, in pieces - about an hour and a half. This is due to the density of the meat, which is more similar to wild poultry. The pulp is tougher and contains some fat. The readiness of the product is determined simply. Use a fork to pierce the flesh all the way to the bone. If no juice with ichor is released during the process, and the fork easily enters the meat, the duck is well cooked.

After the meat is cooked, it is slightly cooled directly in the broth. You can serve boiled duck as an independent dish, with a side dish, or use it to prepare soup, salad, or spicy smoked meats.

Advice! To emphasize the sweetish, refined taste of musky duck meat, half an hour after boiling, you can add a couple of lemon slices to the broth.

Cooking in a slow cooker and pressure cooker

To cook a duck in a slow cooker, it must first be cut into portions. The meat is salted, peppered, root vegetables are added to it and filled with water. No matter how many pieces of meat there are in the multicooker bowl, the water should completely cover them. In the “Stew” mode, the duck will cook for an hour and a half until done.

In order to cook duck in a pressure cooker, you need to lightly fry it in vegetable oil. In the same frying pan, lightly sauté the onions and carrots. Place all this in a pressure cooker container, add salt, pepper and bay leaf, then add water. You can also pour a glass of white table wine there. The whole carcass should be cooked for 40 minutes until done. If the duck is cut into portions, it will cook for half an hour.

Duck recipe in beer

To prepare this savory dish, the carcass must be washed and cut along the breast. Lightly fry the onion in vegetable oil, then place the unwrapped duck carcass on it and lightly brown it too. Add pepper and salt to taste. How much beer do you need? The same amount as water. The duck must be poured with beer so that it completely covers the carcass. Cook the duck in beer over low heat for an hour and a half.

A bird prepared in this way will have a tender and delicious taste. Do not cook soup from the resulting broth. But the sauce will be amazing. To prepare it, just throw a handful of soaked raisins into the liquid obtained after cooking and boil a little.

Duck is not entirely suitable for diets. Its energy value is about 250 Kcal per 100 grams of cooked product. But the high content of B vitamins, amino acids, and valuable protein makes this bird indispensable for those who want to maintain their health and strengthen their immunity.

The cooking time for the duck depends on whether it is cut into pieces or whole. Wild duck and domestic duck differ in fat content and toughness, and the cooking time also differs.

Time and methods of cooking domestic and wild duck:

  1. To cook a whole domestic duck until done, it will take 1.5 hours, if in pieces - about half an hour.
  2. Wild duck takes longer to cook. Whole carcass - up to 2 hours, chopped - up to one and a half hours. However, wild duck tastes better when cooked in the oven or roasted.
  3. For a rich soup, boil the whole carcass (1.5 hours). Drain the water immediately after boiling, otherwise the broth will be greasy. The cut parts are cooked for half an hour.
  4. It takes about 20 minutes to cook the duck for roasting.

Determine the cooking time based on the further method of preparing the duck. A whole bird takes longer to cook (up to 2 hours), cut pieces take less time (up to 40 minutes). When preparing simply boiled meat or meat for soup, skim off the foam and fat on the surface.

Attention! There are many breeds of ducks, but not all are suitable for home raising. Muscovy duck cooks more slowly than white duck because it has tough meat. White duck is fattier.

The meat is cooked under a closed lid, over medium or low heat - this way the taste and beneficial properties are preserved.

Tips and steps for cooking duck in a pan:

  • put water in a saucepan and put it on fire;
  • add spices and salt if the carcass has not been pre-marinated;
  • bring the water to a boil, add the bird;
  • cover with a lid, reduce heat;
  • skim off fat and foam during cooking;
  • constantly monitor the appearance of fat and foam - poultry meat is very fatty;
  • After the meat is ready, wait for it to brew.

When preparing broth for noodles or soup, drain the water after the first boil. After adding new water to the pan, the duck should cook for at least 20 minutes. Not everyone will appreciate the taste of too fatty broth.

Choose a carcass up to 2.5 kg, it will have enough meat and not a lot of fat. A bird that is too heavy may be old. It will take at least two hours to cook the old duck until done.

On a note! If the meat is frozen, leave it to thaw at room temperature. Do not use microwave or oven.

After defrosting, rub with salt and spices and leave to marinate in the refrigerator. Without washing off the rub, place it in a saucepan, add water, and turn on low heat. Excess spices and salt will merge with the first broth.

Attention! The foam that appears on the surface must be removed, then the broth will be transparent. The rich duck-based broth makes delicious soup, borscht, and homemade noodles.

Among the spices, cumin grains, black pepper, chili, juniper, and bay leaves are suitable. Additional ingredients for the marinade: lemon, garlic, salt. This simple list of spices will help you prepare delicious fried or baked duck.

When cooked correctly, duck meat is very tasty, nutritious and will not leave many gourmets indifferent, so in this article we will look at how long and how to cook duck (wild and domestic) to make the meat soft, juicy and tasty.

The cooking time for duck primarily depends on the form in which it will be cooked (whole or cut into pieces), as well as on the type of duck (domestic or wild), so let’s take a closer look at how long to cook duck meat in different ways:

  • How long does it take to cook domestic duck? On average, domestic duck is cooked for 1.5 hours in a saucepan after boiling water if it is whole and 30-40 minutes if the meat is cut into pieces before cooking.
  • How long does it take to cook wild duck? Wild duck meat is often fried or baked in the oven, but if you need to boil it, the average cooking time for wild duck is 1.5-2 hours (whole duck) and 1-1.5 hours for wild duck cut into pieces.
  • How long to cook duck for soup? To prepare a tasty, rich broth, the duck is boiled for an average of 1.5 hours (whole), and at the beginning or middle of cooking, the first broth is drained (very fatty) and new water is added. If I use separate parts of the carcass (duck wings, necks, legs or thighs) to prepare the broth, then they are cooked less, on average 30-40 minutes.
  • How long should I cook the duck before baking? Before baking, the marinated duck is boiled for 15-20 minutes in a pan.

Having learned how long to cook the duck until done, we will further consider the cooking process itself in order to know how to properly cook the duck so that it is soft and juicy after cooking.

How to cook duck in a pan?

The process of cooking wild and domestic duck in a pan takes place in the same sequence, and in order to get tasty boiled meat, you must follow the following sequence of actions:

  • Wash the carcass thoroughly under running water.
  • We cut off the fat from the washed carcass and remove the giblets, then cut it into pieces (cut off the neck, wings, legs, cut the brisket).
  • Pour water (2-3 liters) into a saucepan of a suitable size and bring to a boil over high heat.
  • In boiling water in a saucepan, place a whole peeled onion, carrots, salt (1 teaspoon), bay leaf and several peppercorns (black and allspice), then add the cut pieces of meat.
  • After the water boils again, use a spoon or slotted spoon to remove the foam that has formed on the surface of the water, reduce the heat so that the water does not boil too much and cook the duck for 30-40 minutes (cut into pieces) or whole for 1-1.5 hours. The pan can be covered with a lid.
  • At the end of cooking, check the meat for doneness by piercing the meat with a knife or fork (if it’s soft, it’s ready). We don’t take the meat out right away, but leave it to cool for 10-15 minutes in the broth so that it is juicier.

In conclusion to the article, it can be noted that knowing how long and how to properly cook duck at home, you can quickly prepare tasty and nutritious meat for any side dish, as well as cook a delicious soup from this bird. We leave our reviews and useful tips on how to boil duck meat in a pan in the comments to the article and share it on social networks if it was useful to you.

The preparation of waterfowl meat has its own specifics, so not every housewife will even undertake boiling the product. In fact, everything is not so difficult, especially if you know how to prepare the duck before processing, what is the best way to cook it and for how long, and what points to pay special attention to in the process. As for the timing, it takes about 1.5 hours to cook a whole carcass, and 30-40 minutes to cook individual pieces. Additionally, you should familiarize yourself with the recommendations for thawing and cutting the component.

Useful information about working with duck

Even today, among the wide range of grocery stores, it is not so easy to find chilled duck meat, so most often you have to deal with a frozen product. To defrost it, you just need to put the product directly in the bag at room temperature (if you remove the packaging, the meat will air out) and wait a few hours. If you want to get a tasty and tender dish, you need to wait as long as required. Do not use a microwave or hot or cold water for this purpose.

  • We wash the carcass under cool water, cut off the tail and all visible areas of fat.
  • We cut off the wings (some housewives simply cut them off, but it is better to remove the elements completely).

Tip: Even if the component is boiled for soup, it is recommended to remove all visible areas of fat. Poultry meat is already quite fatty and the broth will be very rich.

  • We feel the place where the thigh joins the carcass, make an incision in this place and separate the legs.
  • All that remains is to make a longitudinal cut along the central part of the carcass, lift the edges of the meat and cut it off the breastbone with short movements.

Some housewives use the duck itself to prepare the second course, and prefer to cook broth from its bones. True, you need to take into account that without meat and fat, bones practically do not provide fat and the soup with this approach turns out to be almost dietary. Therefore, it is worth deciding in advance how much meat should be left on the bones so that the quality of the future soup does not suffer.

How to cook poultry the traditional way?

Place the washed and freed duck parts in a suitable container and pour boiling water over it, which is immediately drained. Pour 2-3 liters of water into a saucepan and bring to a boil over high heat. Place a peeled whole onion, peeled carrots, a few black peppercorns, a teaspoon of salt and a couple of bay leaves into boiling water. Reduce the heat to medium, then add the duck to the resulting broth. Cover the container with a lid and wait for it to boil again. The component should be boiled for 30-40 minutes, regularly removing foam and drops of fat from the surface of the liquid.

If you need to cook a whole carcass, then first you just need to gut it, rinse it thoroughly and also scald it with boiling water. In this case, the cooking time depends on how much the product weighs, and is at least 1.5 hours.

How to boil a duck for later smoking?

Smoked duck is soft and tender, but remains dense. Additional processing allows you to rid the product of the specific taste and smell for which waterfowl meat is famous. It should be cooked according to the following scheme:

  • Place the prepared and cut into pieces duck into a deep container, sprinkle with a teaspoon of coarse salt and spices. The taste of the bird is perfectly emphasized by pepper, rosemary, oregano and thyme. Now mix the mixture with your hands, rubbing the ingredients into the meat.
  • Place the mixture in the cold and leave to marinate for at least 12 hours. Its taste and texture depend on how long the meat is infused.

  • Fill the infused product with 2-3 liters of water (do not pour the marinade anywhere), the liquid should completely cover the product. Place the container on the fire and bring the mixture to a boil.
  • The composition should be cooked for no more than 15-20 minutes over medium heat, after which we remove the dishes from the stove and leave the duck to cool directly in the broth.
  • After this, put the product in a colander and let the liquid drain. Now the meat is ready for further processing and can be placed in the smokehouse.

It should be noted that duck has a rather specific taste and aroma. Do not skimp on water and spices when boiling it. They will not spoil the overall picture, but they will certainly smooth out some dubious aspects.



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