How long to cook frozen unpeeled king prawns. How long to cook shrimp after boiling. Boiling frozen shrimp

How long to cook frozen unpeeled king prawns. How long to cook shrimp after boiling. Boiling frozen shrimp

    Shrimp is a low-calorie food with a high protein content. Therefore, it is widely used in dietary nutrition.

    IN chemical composition shrimp meat includes:

  • vitamins of different groups - PP, E, B2, B1, A;
  • minerals - nickel, cobalt, molybdenum, fluorine, chromium, manganese, copper, iodine, zinc, iron, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium.

Regular consumption of shrimp meat improves the condition of bones, teeth, hair, skin, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, stabilizes the functions of the circulatory system and cerebral cortex, and normalizes the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

But do not forget that shrimp can also cause harm to the human body. Firstly, consuming a stale product leads to serious poisoning. Secondly, shrimp is a strong allergen and causes swelling of internal and external organs. Therefore, you need to be careful with this product, especially in baby food.

How to cook shrimp correctly?

Cooking fresh shrimp. Take a cooking container. Pour water. We put it on fire. Bring the liquid to a boil. As soon as it boils, we begin to prepare the broth. For 1 liter of water add 25-30 g of salt, 1 bunch of dill, 5-8 bay leaves, 8-10 black peppercorns. Let it boil for a couple of minutes and then add the shrimp. Cook crustaceans after boiling water: small ones - 7 minutes, large ones - 10 minutes.

Cook fresh frozen shrimp, follow the same recipe. Just before cooking they need to be defrosted at room temperature.

Prepare boiled frozen shrimp. Take a cooking container. Pour water into it and start preparing the broth. For a liter of water, 25-30 g of salt, a bunch of dill, 8-10 black peppercorns, 5-7 bay leaves. Once it boils, simmer the broth for 2-5 minutes. Then add shrimp. After boiling water, cook the purified water for 3-5 minutes, the unpeeled water for 5-7 minutes.

Shrimp is the most popular seafood product, which won the hearts of gourmets many centuries ago. We value them not only for their exotic gastronomic qualities, but also for their high nutritional value. They are rich in protein, microelements, vitamins A, D, E and the entire group B. And they surprisingly have low calorie content- only 97 kcal per 100 g.

But in our latitudes, crustaceans are sold only after deep freezing, so they require careful heat treatment. Otherwise, the delicacy will become “rubbery” and, moreover, will lose most of its useful properties. To avoid this, you need to know how to properly cook frozen shrimp.

Before choosing a particular pack of shrimp in the supermarket, pay attention to their condition. A low-quality product will not bring the desired pleasure, even if you cook it according to all technological rules.

  • “Correct” shrimp should have the same size, an even layer of ice on the surface of each individual individual, uniform color, a shiny surface of the shell and a curved tail (only for small shrimp).

A curved tail indicates that the shrimp were frozen quickly. The more curved it is, the less they were kept outdoors.

  • The head and body of the shrimp can acquire a green color, this is due to the fact that the diet of crustaceans can include a variety of plankton. This product is suitable for use.
  • A brown head is generally a great sign! This shrimp is pregnant, which means its meat is more tasty and healthy.
  • But you shouldn’t buy black-headed shrimp. This is a sign of illness, which will certainly affect the taste.

  • Boiled-frozen (w/o) and fresh-frozen (f/o), peeled and unpeeled shrimp. The best option is freshly frozen, unpeeled. They retained more nutrients and did not lose their inherent pronounced taste.

On the packaging of shrimp you can find mysterious numbers: 16/20, 20/35, 90/120... They display the actual number of individuals in 1 kg (from and to), and therefore their size. The lower the numbers, the larger the shrimp!

  • Dull spots on the shell and the presence of “snowballs” in the bag indicate a violation of the temperature regime.
  • Check the production date; even frozen shrimp cannot retain their flavor indefinitely. The richest and most flavorful crustaceans are those that have been sitting in freezer no more than 2 months.
  • The permissible layer of glaze should not exceed 1 mm, the rest is wasted money.

How to defrost shrimp

The product must be defrosted before cooking. It's best to think ahead and place the shrimp in the bottom of the refrigerator overnight to let them thaw on their own. Or unpack and put in a warm place.

But if “time is running out,” transfer the shrimp from the package to a sieve and hold under cool running water. Over time, the ice crust will thaw and drain, and with it the dirt.

Important! Do not use quick defrosting in the microwave oven; the shrimp will become limp and tasteless.

How to peel frozen shrimp

If you cook shrimp as separate dish, do not deprive guests of the opportunity to clean them themselves. Just don’t forget to place a bowl of water and lemon next to each device for washing your hands.

But if you are boiling shrimp for salad, pasta or soup, you will have to peel them in advance.

For raw, especially large crustaceans (tiger and king prawns), this method will do. Remove the shell by trimming it along the back with scissors, and then remove the remaining chitinous plates. Find a brown thread in the cut on its back - this is the gastrointestinal tract, which should be removed.

They also get rid of the legs, but it’s better to leave the head; shrimp with the head look more impressive and retain more nutrients when cooked.

Boiled specimens can be easily cleaned with your hands, holding the shrimp by the head. First, the paws and part of the shell are removed, then the head and the remaining shell below are torn off, pulling off the tail.

How to cook frozen shrimp

A large and spacious pan is selected, and 2.5 times more water is poured than there are shrimp. They should “float” freely during the cooking process.

Add some salt to the water, squeeze out half a lemon, add spices and only after boiling add the shrimp. Definitely defrosted!

When cooking shrimp in the shell, add 2 tbsp. l. salt per liter of liquid, purified - 2 times less.

To emphasize the exotic taste of shrimp, you can add any spices to the water. Shrimp “love them very much”!

The main thing is that they are in harmony with each other, otherwise the idea will work the other way around and the spices will overwhelm the delicate sea aroma.

Good combinations of spices for marinade:

  • Salt, lemon juice, cloves or peppercorns.
  • Cloves, grapefruit juice, coriander.
  • Dry wine, garlic, finely grated carrots. Wine and water are taken in a ratio of 1 to 4.
  • Fresh or dried dill, allspice, bay leaf. Boil the marinade for 10 minutes, then add the shrimp.
  • Spices, black and red peppercorns, beer (300 g per 1 kg of shrimp).

  • Allspice, cloves, lemon juice, bay leaf, 2 cloves garlic, a little tomato paste, paprika and salt. All spices are added before boiling, and the bay leaf is added a minute before they are ready.

If the shrimp have floated to the surface, turned red (for raw ones), the meat has become white, and the shell has become more transparent - they are ready!

How long does it take to cook frozen shrimp?

Shrimp meat consists almost entirely of protein, and it quickly coagulates in boiling water. Therefore, be attentive to the cooking process and do not overcook the “outlandish crustaceans.”

If, after cooking, immerse the shrimp in cold water, they will be easier to clean.

On average, fresh frozen shrimp are cooked from 2 to 10 minutes depending on size:

  • Ordinary(small) it is not recommended to cook them more 2 minutes.
  • Royal(refer to the previous type, but slightly larger) boil 3-5 minutes.
  • Brindle(body length reaches 36 cm) cannot be cooked more 10 minutes.

Important! For boiled-frozen shrimp, the cooking time is reduced to one minute!

Features of cooking boiled-frozen shrimp

To make the food more delicious, you can warm it up boiled shrimp in sauce over low heat. For example, in sour cream, tomato or cream. For any option, first prepare the sauce, then add the shrimp and heat for 7-10 minutes.

  • Sour cream sauce for shrimp: melt in a heavy-bottomed saucepan butter, add finely chopped herbs, pour in sour cream, salt, pepper and heat without letting it boil.

  • Tomato sauce: Peel the tomatoes, chop the pulp, add tomato paste, salt, pepper, and fresh chopped herbs.
  • Cream sauce: pour thick cream into a wide-bottomed bowl, add salt and pepper, squeeze out the lemon and add shrimp immediately before boiling. You can add chopped and fried spinach to the sauce.

How to boil shrimp using household appliances

Many people have modern appliances in their kitchens. If so, you can resort to their help:

  • Shrimp in a steamer. Salt and pepper the shrimp and drizzle lemon juice, place in a container, put a few slices of lemon on top and cook for 7-15 minutes, how long depends on the size.

  • In a slow cooker. Season the shrimp with olive oil, lemon juice and spices. Transfer the mixture to a multicooker container with water (2 liters per 1 kg) and set the “quenching” mode. Or do not add water and turn on the “baking” mode.
  • In a pressure cooker. Place the processed shrimp in a pressure cooker, add salt, season and add a little water. Continue cooking for no more than 2 minutes, selecting “frying seafood”.

  • In the microwave shrimp are cooked in their own juice, so they become especially aromatic and tasty. And so that they do not soften during quick cooking, you need to dry them after defrosting, placing them on a dry towel or napkin.
    Then place it in a sleeve and add a small amount of water mixed with oil. You need to make a couple of holes in the sleeve with an ordinary needle and simmer the shrimp in the microwave for 5 minutes at medium power.

Boiled shrimp is a worthy dish for festive table. Don't overcook them, feel free to use spices and impress your guests with skillfully prepared seafood!

A sign of good quality shrimp is a uniform, uniform color and a smooth, shiny shell. Shrimp are divided into two types - cold-water (small) and warm-water (large).

When purchasing, pay attention to the fact that the tail of the shrimp is bent inward - this is the main sign that the shrimp did not sit for a long time before freezing.

How many minutes to cook?

Shrimp meat is a very delicate delicacy. Therefore, you need to cook shrimp quickly so as not to spoil this product. Small Atlantic shrimp should be cooked for 1.5-2 minutes, and large king or tiger shrimp - 2.5-3 minutes. It is not recommended to overcook them, as the meat will lose its tenderness and become more viscous and rubbery in taste.

How to cook frozen shrimp

Cooking shrimp is extremely simple and you should not have any problems preparing this dish.

  • Place the frozen shrimp in a colander and rinse under running water (cold or warm, at your discretion). This will get rid of excess ice, dirt, and also help the shrimp thaw a little.
  • Place a pan of water on the fire. Salt the water. The volume of water should be 2-2.5 times the total volume of shrimp, so that they are not crowded in the pan.
  • Add spices to the water at your discretion. The easiest way is to squeeze half a lemon into the water.
  • Wait until the water boils and put the shrimp in it. Pay attention to the size of the shrimp - the smaller they are, the less time it takes to cook them.
  • The readiness of shrimp can be determined by the fact that they float to the surface and the color of their shell becomes more transparent.
  • Place the finished shrimp in a colander and wait for the water to drain from them. Then put it in a deep plate or bowl, sprinkle with the juice of half a lemon, and also season with olive or vegetable oil. Mix carefully.

  • Most often, stores sell them already cooked and frozen. They have pink color. You need to cook them for about 3-5 minutes depending on the size. If you buy unprocessed shrimp, the cooking time must be increased to 10 minutes.
  • If you prefer different spices for cooking, you can add bay leaf, allspice or black peppercorns to a pan of water.

Shrimp recipes

Salad with shrimp and cherry tomatoes

To prepare a dish for two servings you will need

  • Boiled peeled shrimp - 100 g
  • Cherry tomatoes - 300 g
  • Ground black pepper, salt - to taste
  • Green basil - 20 g
  • Olive oil - 25 ml

Cut the tomatoes into halves, cut the basil leaves into thin strips, add boiled shrimp. Mix all ingredients and season with olive oil and spices.

Salad with shrimp and avocado

To prepare the salad you will need:

  • Boiled peeled shrimp - 30 g
  • Cherry tomatoes - 5 pcs.
  • Avocado - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Greens - 5 g
  • Salad - 20 g
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l
  • Salt pepper, olive oil- taste

Chop the greens, squeeze out the garlic, add salt, pepper and olive oil. The salad dressing is ready. Add lettuce leaves, cherry tomato halves, diced avocado, and peeled shrimp to a bowl. Mix with dressing and stir.

Not everyone knows how to cook shrimp. First, let's find out how to cook shrimp correctly so that they are not only tasty, but also retain maximum nutrients. To get the right shrimp, you should take into account several nuances. First, find out what kind of shrimp you bought, fresh frozen or boiled frozen. Fresh frozen shrimp are very difficult to find - they are gray in color, most shrimp will be cooked in a factory way. These are already pink shrimp. To cook them deliciously, you will need to clear them of ice and cook them just a little.

Methods for preparing shrimp:

Basic method


  • 500 gr. shrimp
  • 1 lemon
  • colander
  • salt

Cooking method:

  • To de-ice the shrimp, place them in a colander and pour boiling water over them as long as it takes to completely remove the ice from the surface of the shrimp.
  • Then raw shrimp It is necessary to transfer it to a saucepan with boiling salted water, let it boil, and leave on low heat for another 3-4 minutes.
  • Then remove from heat, drain the water and add the shrimp, garnishing them and sprinkling with lemon juice.

You can cook shrimp without first clearing them of ice, as shown in the video:


Shrimp in beer

Beer lovers love to boil shrimp in beer. This is done as follows. Shrimp and beer are added to boiling water. The amount of beer depends on the amount of shrimp. For 1 kg of shrimp, add about half a liter of beer to the water. After boiling, cook the shrimp for another 5 minutes. Then drain the water and beer.


Shrimp in sauce

Shrimp can be cooked in a special sauce. Pour enough water into the pan, put it on the fire and wait for bubbles to appear. At this point, squeeze the juice of half a lemon into the water, add black pepper, bay leaf, a few cloves, and paprika. Depending on your taste preferences, you can add a few cloves of garlic, onions or a tablespoon of tomato paste to the water. When the water boils, pour the shrimp into it, cover with a lid and turn off the heat. After 2 minutes the shrimp are ready.


Fresh frozen shrimp

If you bought fresh frozen shrimp that are gray in color, you will have to cook them a little longer, since they were not thermally treated in advance. To prepare such shrimp you will need 5-8 minutes, as well as Avicomp kitchen products). In this case, after boiling, they should be cooked over medium heat. It is recommended to stir them carefully, being careful not to damage the shell. When they are finally ready, they will turn pink and float to the surface of the water.

Do you like shrimp? Personally, I love crayfish, but since they are harder to come by, shrimp will work, especially if you cook them properly. Today we will learn how to defrost them correctly, how they differ from each other and how long to cook shrimp. It turns out that the taste of a dish depends on what type of crustacean you use in it. Cold-water shrimp are smaller but juicy and are used in salads and sandwiches. Warm-water crustaceans are larger with a pleasant, strong aroma. Such shrimps are used in oriental cuisine and for rich, spicy-tasting dishes.

Crustaceans usually come to our homes frozen. And they are frozen either raw or already boiled, so when purchasing, check what type of freezing this product belongs to, and know that the cooking time for the shrimp will depend on whether they were raw or already boiled. Raw small shrimp are cooked for 3 minutes. Pre-cooked crustaceans are added to the dish just before the end of cooking simply to warm them up. If you boil them for a long time, the shrimp will become tough.

How to defrost and how long to cook shrimp

Before you start preparing a seafood dish, you need to defrost it. If you have to cook tomorrow, then tonight you need to take them out of the bag, place them in a deep bowl, cover tightly with a lid and place them on the bottom shelf in the refrigerator. They will thaw by morning. To speed up the process, you can use another method: remove the seafood from the packaging, wrap it in waterproof film and place it in a container of cold water for an hour. For those who like defrosting using a microwave oven or room temperature We inform you that shrimp are not defrosted this way.

There are many recipes that contain crustaceans, and they are prepared in different ways: steamed, deep-fried, grilled, fried in a pan or baked in the oven. However, it should be remembered that it is best to eat a seafood dish immediately, and not leave it for tomorrow, since the taste of such food is distorted during storage. An exception may be the case when you need to boil shrimp in order to later use them for some dish. In this case, it is allowed to store boiled seafood in the freezer for about 4 days.

How long to cook shrimp for a large company

Eating one kilogram of crustaceans is a feat, so don't do it alone. To cook one kilogram pack of seafood, you will need a large pan. Pour four liters of water into it and add four tablespoons of salt (preferably sea). When the water boils, place the shrimp in the pan. You don't have to free them from their shells. Ready crustaceans float to the surface of the water and have white meat. Drain seafood in a colander and rinse with cold water until cool.

How many minutes to cook shrimp

  • Small - 3 minutes.
  • Medium - 4 minutes.
  • Large ones - from 5 to 8 minutes.
  • Giant - from 7 to 8 minutes.

Now you know all the secrets of cooking seafood, and we are sure that with our tips you will discover new taste for a long time famous dishes. Bon appetit, Friends!



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