Sour cream for cream, warm or cold. Sour cream cream for cake - step-by-step recipes for making it with butter, cottage cheese, banana or gelatin. Recipes for thick sour cream impregnation

Sour cream for cream, warm or cold. Sour cream cream for cake - step-by-step recipes for making it with butter, cottage cheese, banana or gelatin. Recipes for thick sour cream impregnation

Thick sour cream for cake decoration is, in fact, a fluffy mass that is achieved by mixing sour cream, most often with powdered sugar or adding sugar. Sour cream as a basis for the creamy substance should have a fairly high fat content - 33%. In this case, it is best to use a rustic one.

If you use sour cream with a fat content of at least 33%, then you do not need to add additional ingredients to obtain a creamy product with a thick consistency. A thick consistency can be achieved by beating it with sugar. And in this case, the thickness of the creamy substance is directly affected by the time and speed of the mixer.

If you don’t have high-fat sour cream on hand to prepare a creamy product, you can use what you have, but for this it makes sense to take the advice of experienced confectioners.

Currently, there are several methods to make sour cream thick at home. How to thicken sour cream is discussed in this article.

Tools for thickening the cream

If your sour cream is too thin, then it makes sense to ask yourself why this happened and how to make it thicker in the future. How much and what ingredients to use to make the base itself thicker.

Every housewife should remember that the quality of a cream product directly depends on the quality characteristics of the sour cream itself. Therefore, it is best to make cream from a homemade product. But if it is not possible to use homemade sour cream, then when purchasing it in a store, it is better to take it with a fat content of at least 30%.

And for a product whose fat content is 15-20%, you can use the following means:

Beating time and conditions. When mixed with powdered sugar, sour cream becomes more liquid in any case. Therefore, to correct the situation, you need to beat it as long and as intensely as possible. Do not forget that it is better to cool the product before whipping;

Starch. In order to thicken the sour cream creamy substance, you can use starch. And it doesn't matter whether the starch is from corn or potatoes. Corn starch is most often used in confectionery. When using starch, be sure to cool the cream product. Some confectioners use flour instead of starch;

Gelatin powder. It belongs to the universal thickeners. In this case, the result is a cream that, after cooling, holds its shape well and can be used in light cakes, as an independent cream cake;

Butter. A creamy product with butter and sour cream has a denser and thicker consistency. However, at the same time, it can rightfully be called heavy and high-calorie. In fact, this is a different variety, but it can replace sour cream when decorating a cake or eclairs;

Use of food thickener. It is already purchased ready-made in the store and used according to the instructions on the package.

Ways to make sour cream thicker

If, when preparing a cream product for a cake, it turns out liquid, you can use the advice of experienced confectioners.

In this article we will look at three main ones.

The first method allows you to make a creamy sour cream product thicker with minimal time and is suitable for preparing it at home for a novice pastry chef. It involves the use of a special food thickener in powder form. It is available for sale in almost every store. It contains starch, sugar powder, vanilla essence, etc. But it is better not to use it when decorating a cake for children. In this case, you can use a thickener prepared yourself using starch. To properly make a homemade thickener, you need to take 1 tablespoon of starch for 1 cup of sour cream. If possible, it is better to use corn starch. You will also need a small amount of water, one pinch of vanilla and 3 tablespoons of powdered sugar. Sour cream is whipped with powder and vanilla. And starch diluted in water is added only at the end. Be sure to cool the sour cream.

The second way to make a too liquid cream thick involves using gelatin or agar-agar. Thanks to these ingredients, as well as their gelling properties, a thick and dense cream is obtained. We should not forget that it holds its shape well. You don't need many components for this. One cup of sour cream requires approximately 10 grams of gelatin or agar-agar powder and is prepared according to the instructions on the package. But basically they are soaked for 40 minutes (for gelatin powder) and 60 minutes (for agar-agar) to swell. After which they dissolve in a water bath, and the already cooled solution is added to the cream. In this case, before introducing the gelling solution, during and after, the cream product is whipped. After decorating the cake, it must be placed in the refrigerator for some time.

There is a third way to make a cream that is too liquid and thick. It is rightfully considered one of the most natural ways. No additives are used here. To do this, you need to remove the whey. You need to take the gauze and roll it up into at least three layers. After which the sour cream is laid out on cheesecloth, its ends are collected and tied at the top. Next, it is suspended in a cold room above the container for a day. Once the whey drains, it will become thicker.

Recipes for making thick sour cream

Recipe for sour cream with gelatin

This recipe for making a creamy product for decorating a medium-sized sponge cake will require the use of 500 grams of sour cream, as well as 250 grams of sugar. If desired, sugar can be replaced with 100 grams of powdered sugar. To add a vanilla aroma, you can use a drop of vanilla essence.

This recipe involves the use of a gelling solution, which will make the cream thicker and denser. To do this, 15 grams of gelatin powder is poured with 100 milliliters of water and left to swell for forty minutes. Next, it is placed in a water bath and heated until the crystals completely disappear. Then the jelly solution needs to be allowed to cool.

While the gelatin solution is cooling, you need to combine the sugar with sour cream and beat with a mixer. After about fifteen minutes, when stable peaks begin to form, you need to add a few drops of essence and a gelatin solution is also added in small portions. After this, the creamy substance is whipped for another two minutes.

Thus, we can say that the cream product is ready, but before making the cake layer, the cream itself must be placed in a refrigerator for four hours, which will allow the gelling component to harden and give it a thick consistency.

Recipe for sour cream with starch

If you are trying to thicken a cream product using starch or flour, you can use this recipe. For this, as in the previous example, take 500 grams of sour cream, 250 grams of granulated sugar and vanilla essence. But in addition, instead of gelatin powder, 2 teaspoons of starch will be used.

In this recipe, the sour cream is pre-cooled and whipped with a mixer for fifteen minutes until its volume increases. After this, add granulated sugar and powdered sugar, vanilla essence and beat everything for five minutes until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved. Then the creamy substance is placed in a refrigerator for 40 minutes. After which 2 teaspoons of starch are added and everything is again set to cool for half an hour. And only after cooling can the cream be used to layer the sponge cake.

Recipe for sour cream with thickener

If you are using a cream cake recipe with a thickener, you should follow the instructions on the package. But if we consider the recipes presented above, then for 500 grams of sour cream you will need about 2 bags of food thickener.

To prepare a creamy product, you need to beat 500 grams of sour cream for fifteen minutes until the volume of the mass increases. After this, granulated sugar or powdered sugar is added and beat until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved.

Next, essence and thickener powder are added to the creamy substance. The final step is to beat all the ingredients for ten minutes. Before you start layering the cake, it is placed in a refrigerator.

Recipe for sour cream with butter

The recipe will allow you to make a creamy product for a small sponge cake thick; it will require the use of 500 grams of sour cream, 250 grams of granulated sugar or 100 grams of powdered sugar.

For this amount of sour cream you will need 100 grams of butter. In this case, the oil must first be softened. After that, it is ground with 125 grams. Next, you need to beat it until it turns white. When it turns white, add the remaining sugar, sour cream and essence to taste and beat everything with a mixer in a fairly intensive mode for fifteen minutes. The result is a dense and thick cream. Before layering the sponge cake, it is better to put it in the refrigerator for a while.

Recipe for sour cream with condensed milk

Condensed milk can also help make the creamy substance for sour cream sponge cake thicker. To prepare it you will need 1 jar of condensed milk, 50 grams of butter, 500 grams of sour cream and vanilla essence.

The sour cream, cooled in the refrigerator, is whipped for fifteen minutes. Separately, mix the butter with condensed milk and beat until smooth and airy. Next, the whipped sour cream mixture is added to the butter mixture, everything is thoroughly mixed with a silicone spatula and whipped again. The finished cream product can be used for layering the cake, as well as for filling and eclairs.

So, in order to make the sour cream creamy product thicker, you do not need to heat it. First of all, its thickness is affected by the fat content of sour cream.

Sour cream comes in different varieties. The easiest way is to grease the cake layers with thick sour cream.

But you and I are not looking for easy ways and will make incredibly tasty sour cream!

Simple recipe with sugar

Sour cream – 0.5 liters
Powdered sugar – 1 cup
Vanillin – 1 sachet

1. Choose the fattest and thickest sour cream for the cream. If your sour cream is runny, then let it sit for a day or strain off the excess liquid, discarding it in a colander with gauze.

2. While whipping sour cream at low speed, add vanillin and powdered sugar.

3. Continue beating until the cream becomes fluffier. But don’t overdo it with whipping, otherwise you risk getting butter instead of cream. 😉

The mixture should turn out somewhat liquid, because the highlight of sour cream is that the cakes are completely saturated with creamy deliciousness and turn out juicy and tender. However, if you are not satisfied with the fluidity of the cream, you can thicken it by adding a packet of cream thickener to the above products. Sour cream with gelatin and butter also turns out thick (you can read these recipes below).

Vanillin can be replaced with vanilla extract, cinnamon, nuts, grated chocolate, syrup.

Sour cream with berries

Sour cream – 0.5 liters
Sugar – 1.5 cups
Fresh (or frozen berries) – 1 cup (more is possible)

1. The berries should be washed, cleaned of stems and seeds. The most delicious creams are made with strawberries and cherries.

2. Beat berries, sour cream and sugar in a blender.

3. If desired, you can add pieces of berries to the prepared sour cream and berry cream.

4. Use the cream immediately after preparation.

Step-by-step recipe with dried fruits

Sour cream – 0.5 liters
Sugar – 1 glass
Dried fruits – 1 cup

1. Prepare dried fruits: rinse, soak for 15 minutes in warm water, rinse again.

2. Now they can be cleaned of seeds, stalks and other inedible parts of the fruit.

3. Mix sour cream with sugar.

4. Chop the dried fruits into small pieces and pour in the sour cream mixture.

5. Let the cream sit for at least half an hour in the refrigerator. The longer the cream sits, the more it will be saturated with the aromas of dried fruits.

The most popular is sour cream with prunes. We also advise you to pay attention to kumquat; with it, sour cream acquires an amazing citrus taste.

Sour cream + jam

The simplest recipe for sour cream: mix sour cream and your favorite jam in equal proportions. Fast and tasty! You can grease the cake.

Chocolate cream with sour cream and butter

Sour cream – 1 glass
Sugar – 1 glass
Cocoa – 0.5 cups
Butter – 200 gr.

1. Sour cream, sugar, cocoa and 50 gr. Place the oil on medium heat and stir.

2. Cook the mixture until it thickens.

3. Cool.

4. Beat the butter at room temperature, softened, until it becomes fluffy and slightly increases in volume.

5. Add the cooled chocolate mass. Whisk until the mixture is smooth.

Note: It turns out no less tasty.

Recipe with banana and condensed milk

Sour cream – 1 glass
Sweetened condensed milk – 1 cup
Banana – 2 pieces

Sour cream recipe step by step:

1. Bananas should be peeled and cut into pieces.

2. Lick bananas, sour cream and condensed milk into a blender.

3. Beat until smooth.

Sour cream recipe with gelatin

Sour cream – 0.5 liters
Powdered sugar – 1 cup
Vanillin – 1 sachet
Cream – 3 tablespoons
Gelatin – 5 gr.

1. Beat sour cream, powder and vanillin.

2. Pour cream over gelatin and leave for 10 minutes to swell.

3. Heat the cream over medium heat until the gelatin has melted into the cream. Do not let the mixture boil, otherwise the gelling properties of gelatin will disappear.

4. Let the cream with gelatin cool and pour it into the sour cream in a thin stream.

5. Leave in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. The cream is ready for use.

Please note: if you add more gelatin to sour cream, you will end up with a soufflé rather than a cream. Which is no less tasty, but is used in confectionery not at all for soaking cakes, but as an additional layer.

Also, sour cream makes an excellent product. Only this is another article and different ingredients.

Irina Kamshilina

Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than cooking for yourself))


A sour cream layer for a cake is the simplest and most popular; it can be made in several interesting versions, using available products. Try adding vanilla extract, a glass of walnuts, fruit or cocoa to sweet sour cream, and the taste of the delicacy will become much brighter and more interesting. You can make any kind of sweetness you want: liquid so that it soaks the cakes well, thick, high in calories, dietary.

How to make sour cream

If you know how to make cream from sour cream and sugar, just beat these two components with a mixer for 10-15 minutes. This way the delicacy will be thick and homogeneous. It is also important to choose high-quality products; the sour cream must be fresh, with a fat content of at least 25%; it is better to take market, not store-bought. Gelatin or agar-agar is added to traditional sour cream as a thickener. An airy consistency can be achieved by adding fine sugar; experienced confectioners recommend using powdered sugar, with which the delicacy can be whipped easier and faster.


  • Cooking time: 15 minutes.
  • Servings: 6 people.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 318 kcal per 100 g.

Cake cream made from sour cream and sugar is popular due to the availability of products and ease of production. The delicacy has a delicate texture, excellent creamy taste, and the slight sourness of the fermented milk product adds piquancy. According to the classic sour cream recipe, it contains only 2 components and a flavoring; it is suitable for sponge cakes, Napoleon, honey cake and other confectionery products.


  • sour cream – 500 g;
  • powdered sugar – 150 g;
  • vanillin – 1 sachet.

Cooking method:

  1. Place the cooled sour cream in a container and beat at low speed for 1 minute, do 3 approaches.
  2. Increase mixer speed by adding powdered sugar 1 tbsp at a time. spoon.
  3. Add vanilla at the end and beat for another minute until a thick, fluffy mixture is obtained.

With cherry

  • Number of servings: 7 people.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 334 kcal per 100 g.

Cream with sour cream and cherries has a slight sour taste, pink color and delicate consistency. Do not forget that cherries are too juicy a berry, which will give a lot of liquid in the process, so gelatin is included in the recipe, otherwise the dessert will not thicken. A treat with cherries is perfect for layering ready-made or sponge cake layers in cakes. If you put the delicacy into bowls and freeze it, you will get an amazing cooling dessert.


  • sour cream – 400 ml;
  • powdered sugar – 250 g;
  • cottage cheese – 400 g;
  • gelatin – 30 g;
  • fresh (or frozen) cherries – 300 g;
  • vanillin.

Cooking method:

  1. Gelatin is poured with water and left to swell.
  2. At this time, add powdered sugar to the cherries (without pits) and beat with a blender until smooth.
  3. Then add cottage cheese and vanillin and knead again. Next, add gelatin and stir thoroughly.
  4. The fermented milk product is beaten separately, then added to the main mass and beaten together again.

With strawberry

  • Cooking time: 30 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 6 people.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 268 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: for breakfast, lunch, dinner.

The recipe for sour cream for a cake with strawberries is very simple, but this berry will add piquant notes and an excellent aroma to the dessert. It is important to note here that the strawberries will produce a small amount of juice and the mixture may turn out runny. To achieve a thick consistency, another component is added to the recipe - cream, without which it will be difficult to achieve the desired result.


  • cold cream – 90 ml;
  • fat sour cream – 180 ml;
  • sugar – 100 g;
  • strawberries – 200 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Make a puree from the berries.
  2. Mix the remaining ingredients and beat until smooth.
  3. Add strawberry puree, mix everything well with a mixer, put in the refrigerator to cool.
  4. Spread the prepared fluffy mixture onto the cake layers and decorate the top of the cake with strawberry slices.

Sour cream with condensed milk

  • Cooking time: 25 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 5 people.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 286 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: for breakfast, dinner.

Try making another version of sour cream cream - with condensed milk. This delicate dessert turns out very soft, airy, and its wonderful creamy taste is light. The delicacy with condensed milk can be used for soaking cakes, as a fondant for cupcakes and other delicious desserts, for making custard cakes and waffles.


  • sour cream (minimum 25%) – 200 ml;
  • condensed milk - 1 can.

Cooking method:

  1. Beat the cooled fat sour cream with a mixer until fluffy.
  2. Then add condensed milk and continue beating until you get a homogeneous consistency.

With kefir

  • Cooking time: 60 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 7 people.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 238 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: for breakfast, lunch, dinner.

The cream made with sour cream and kefir will appeal to lovers of airy, delicate desserts with a light, unobtrusive sourness. This delicacy can be used both as a layer of honey, biscuit, shortbread cakes, and as a separate dish. Choose the highest quality gelatin for your treat, otherwise the dessert may not harden and the cake will not hold its shape.


  • sour cream – 400 ml;
  • kefir – 200 ml;
  • water – 50 ml;
  • sugar – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • gelatin – 10 g;
  • vanillin.

Cooking method:

  1. Combine gelatin with water and leave to swell.
  2. Mix kefir, sour cream, sugar, vanillin and beat with a whisk (mixer, blender) until the consistency is homogeneous and the sugar is completely dissolved.
  3. Heat the swollen gelatin in a water bath until completely dissolved, cool. Add a few tablespoons of fermented milk mixture to it, stir until smooth.
  4. Pour this mixture into the kefir-sour cream mixture, stir thoroughly and place in the refrigerator to cool for 20 minutes.
  5. After the time has passed, take out the product and beat with a mixer. The mass will thicken and increase in volume. Place back in the refrigerator. After half an hour, dessert is ready.

With prunes

  • Cooking time: 50 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 6 people.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 280 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: for breakfast, lunch, dinner.

You can add not only fresh berries to desserts, but also dried fruits, such as prunes. This combination is suitable for a cake with sweet cake layers, since the sour taste of prunes and sour cream will dilute their sugariness. To prepare a sour cream dessert with this dried berry, you need a small amount of liqueur in which the dried fruits are soaked. Thanks to this technique, the treat will acquire an original aroma and a light alcoholic taste.


  • sour cream – 600 g;
  • sugar – 200 g;
  • prunes – 200 g;
  • liqueur (fruit) – 50 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Finely chop the prunes, pour in the liqueur, leave for 45 minutes to soak. Stir occasionally.
  2. Combine the fermented milk product with sugar and whisk until smooth.
  3. Add dried fruits to the mixture and mix thoroughly.

With banana

  • Cooking time: 20 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 6 people.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 340 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: for breakfast, lunch.

If you don't have time to fuss with complex buttercream, try adding bananas to regular sour cream sponge cream. These fruits will make the treat more tender and its consistency thicker. The banana-sour cream treat can be a separate dish or a dip for chocolate biscuits. Chocolate chips or coconut shavings go well with this cream.


  • large bananas – 2 pcs.;
  • sour cream – 500 g;
  • sugar – 125 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Bananas are ground in a blender until mushy.
  2. A fermented milk component is added to this mass and the whole thing is whipped with a mixer.
  3. Gradually add sugar to the mixture, continuing to beat until dissolved.

Sour cream with cocoa

  • Cooking time: 60 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 7 people.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 310 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: for breakfast, lunch, dinner.

Many sweet tooths love the sour cream cream recipe for its simplicity and small number of ingredients. If you want a slightly different taste, try adding cocoa powder to the dessert. This way the treat will become truly chocolatey, it can be eaten as an independent dish and used as a filling for cakes, pancakes, straws and other confectionery products.


  • fat sour cream – 150 g;
  • butter (softened) – 80 g;
  • sugar – 300 g;
  • cocoa – 80 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix the fermented milk component with sugar and cocoa until smooth.
  2. Place the mixture on the fire and bring to a boil, stirring constantly.
  3. After boiling, reduce the heat and cook until thickened. Don't forget to stir.
  4. When the mixture thickens, add the butter and stir until it dissolves.
  5. Remove from heat, cool.

With gelatin

  • Cooking time: 1 hour 20 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 6 people.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 124 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: for breakfast.

Some recipes for making thick cream require adding butter, but the taste of such a mass will be different from the traditional classic one. The easiest way to achieve a thick consistency of sour cream is to use a cream thickener, which is sold in stores. If you don't want to add artificial ingredients, try making treats with gelatin. It will help you easily achieve a dense consistency of the sweet mass, so that it can be used for layering cakes.


  • sour cream – 300 g;
  • powdered sugar – 5 tbsp. l.;
  • water (milk) – 0.5 tbsp.;
  • gelatin – 1 tsp;
  • flavoring (vanillin).

Cooking method:

  1. Pour gelatin with water (milk), set aside until it swells.
  2. Then place it in a water bath and heat until the component is completely dissolved. Leave to cool.
  3. Beat sour cream, powder, flavoring with a blender (mixer) until you get a fluffy, homogeneous mixture. Add gelatin at the end.

The technology of baking biscuits dates back to 1615, and to this day it has not changed significantly. There are seven main types of layers for sponge cakes, but even the familiar sour cream for a sponge cake can be delicious in different ways (chocolate, banana, cottage cheese or condensed milk flavor).

Classic sour cream has only two ingredients: sour cream and sugar. You can add a little vanilla powder or vanilla sugar for flavor. Despite the simplicity of the composition, not many housewives make the cream thick and fluffy. A detailed study of the cooking rules will help you find out what mistakes were made.

The proportions of ingredients for sour cream are defined as 1:2, that is, for one part of sugar, there should be twice as much sour cream. Of course, those with a sweet tooth are not prohibited from increasing the amount of sweetener. This will not affect the consistency of the cream, only the taste will become sweeter.

To layer and cover one medium sponge cake you will need:

  • 500 g sour cream;
  • 250 g granulated sugar;
  • 5 g vanilla sugar.

Secrets of technology and preparation:

  1. The final result largely depends on the quality of the products, so sour cream must be of high quality; in no case can it be replaced with a sour cream product. Only sour cream with a fat content of 30% or higher is suitable for this cream. Before cooking, be sure to cool it very well.
  2. Place the almost ice-cold product in a large bowl (it can also be kept cold) and add sugar. As for the second ingredient of the cream, there are no special requirements for it. Although it is preferable to use fine sugar or powder, the cream will whip up faster with them.
  3. Next, the contents of the bowl are simply whipped with a mixer at high speed into a thick and fluffy cream. Some housewives act a little differently: first beat the sour cream at medium speed until fluffy, and then slowly add sugar, continuing to beat at maximum speed. In both cases the result will be the same.

Recipe with gelatin

Sour cream with gelatin will help out when you cannot find sour cream with a high percentage of fat content. For this cream, you can use a product with a fat content of 15-20%. Of course, the consistency of the cream will differ from the classic version, but the result will still be excellent and without extra calories.

List and proportions of necessary products:

  • 500 ml sour cream;
  • 200 g sugar or powder;
  • 200 ml milk (can be replaced with water or whey);
  • 35 g instant gelatin.

How to cook:

  1. First you need to prepare the gelatin. Pour it into a medium-sized bowl and pour cold milk on top. Mix everything well and leave to swell for 5 to 20 minutes, depending on the recommendations on the package.
  2. Meanwhile, sour cream and sugar are mixed in a separate bowl. Whip this mass with a whisk until smooth. Depending on the fat content of the fermented milk product, the mixture may be very liquid. There is no need to be afraid of this, gelatin will fix everything.
  3. Place the container with the swollen cream thickener in a water bath and heat until a liquid, homogeneous mixture is obtained. Gelatin should absolutely not be allowed to boil, otherwise it will lose all its gelling properties. After dissolving, the gelatin mixture should be left to cool to 37-40 degrees.
  4. Pour the slightly cooled mixture into the sour cream and sugar in a stream, continuing to beat until smooth. Let the finished cream cool a little (about five minutes) in the refrigerator and you can coat the cakes with it. You should not wait until it cools completely, as in this case the cake will come out dry and unsaturated.

With condensed milk

Classic sour cream with sugar has one drawback: trying to achieve complete dissolution of all grains of sugar, it is easy to overbeat it and get a sweet butter. This will not happen if you replace the sugar with condensed milk. It is important to use only high-quality natural products with a high percentage of fat content.

Ingredients used in the cooking process:

  • 500 ml high fat sour cream (from 30%);
  • 100 ml sweetened condensed milk;
  • 30 ml cognac.

Cooking method:

  1. All ingredients and equipment for preparing the cream must be chilled, so in a cold bowl combine sour cream and condensed milk from the refrigerator.
  2. Beat the sour cream and milk mixture until thick. To prevent the cream from separating, it is better to beat it not with a mixer, but with a hand whisk. It is better to do this in an ice bath, placing a bowl with ingredients over another filled with ice and cold water.
  3. Even with hand whisking, after 5-6 minutes the cream will have the desired consistency. All that remains is to add a little cognac to it and distribute it in the total mass with a few circular movements.

Alcohol should not be added to the cream if the cake is being prepared exclusively for children. In this case, it can be replaced with natural vanilla extract or fruit essence to taste.

Sour cream-banana layer

The addition of an exotic fruit (banana) makes the taste of the usual sour cream unusual and delicious. Preparing such a layer for sponge cakes is not difficult; the only difficulty that may arise is the darkening of the bananas. To prevent this from happening, sprinkle the fruit with lemon juice before preparing the cream.

The ratio of products in the cream:

  • 200 ml sour cream 20% fat;
  • 200 g ripe bananas;
  • 50 g powdered sugar;
  • 10 g vanilla sugar.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Beat the sour cream into a fluffy mass along with vanilla sugar and powdered sugar, not forgetting to cool the main ingredient and the mixing bowl.
  2. Peel the bananas and puree using a blender. Of course, you can simply mash them with a fork, but a blender will help make the consistency of the finished cream more uniform and airy.
  3. Mix sour cream and banana puree, beat everything with a mixer again. Delicious sour cream with banana flavor is ready.

Curd and sour cream

This cream is a favorite among both those with a sweet tooth and those who watch their figure. It does not have many calories compared to its other sour cream counterparts, and the taste is very delicate and velvety, melting in the mouth.

To prepare curd and sour cream for sponge cake you need to take:

  • 400 g of non-grain cottage cheese;
  • 100 g granulated sugar (a little more according to your taste);
  • 200 g fat sour cream;
  • vanillin or vanilla sugar to taste.

Cooking step by step:

  1. The main time spent in the cooking process will be spent on preliminary preparation of products. So, the cottage cheese needs to be given a more uniform structure. To do this, you can twist it through a meat grinder, press it through a fine sieve, or beat it with a blender.
  2. Ideally, so that the sweetness is evenly distributed throughout the cream, the sugar should be ground into powder. If the sour cream is not very fatty, it is better to weigh it out first. Weighing out sour cream is the process of getting rid of excess whey, which results in an increase in fat content and density of the product. To obtain weighed sour cream, it is poured into a colander placed over an empty container and covered with several layers of gauze. This design is left overnight in the refrigerator.
  3. Place the prepared ingredients into one bowl or other container of a suitable size and beat with a mixer until smooth. In a few minutes the cream will be ready.

Chocolate sour cream

Chocolate lovers can make a mega chocolate sponge cake by topping the chocolate sponge cake with chocolate sour cream. For this cream, you can use sour cream of any fat content, but depending on it, you will need a little more or a little less powdered sugar to get the desired consistency of the mixture.

Products for the chocolate-sour cream layer of sponge cakes:

  • 100 ml sour cream;
  • 150 g dark chocolate;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 10 g vanilla sugar;
  • 3 g table salt;
  • 280-300 g of powdered sugar.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Melt the dark chocolate along with the butter in a steam bath or in the microwave, stir until the mixture is smooth, and cool completely.
  2. Stir sour cream, vanilla sugar and table salt into the cooled mixture of butter and sour cream. Then, while beating the mixture with a mixer, gradually add powdered sugar in small portions. Beat the cream very thoroughly until the required fluffiness and thickness are achieved.

Custard sour cream - step by step recipe

This cream got its second name “Ice Cream” for its delicate taste, reminiscent of ice cream. When finished, the cream is moderately dense, ideal for creating thick creamy layers between sponge cakes or for decorating various cakes.

To prepare “Ice cream” you need the following products:

  • 300 g sour cream 20%;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 120 g crystal sugar;
  • 20 g vanilla sugar;
  • 50 g wheat flour;
  • 200 g butter.


  1. In a thick-walled saucepan, mix sour cream, raw chicken egg, both types of sugar and flour. Stir everything well so that there are no lumps;
  2. Place the pan with the mixture in a steam bath and cook until thickened, stirring constantly with a spoon so that the custard base does not burn. The consistency of the mixture after boiling should be such that the groove does not disappear after stirring with a spoon;
  3. After thickening, remove the sour cream from the steam bath, immediately add a quarter of the butter to it and stir. Cool the custard base;
  4. Separately, beat the softened butter into a fluffy mass and gradually add the custard base into it. Whisk everything together. It would be good to let the cream stabilize in the cold overnight and you can start decorating the cake.

Sour cream is a wonderful base for many culinary masterpieces. It is especially actively used in the art of confectionery. Quite popular is a cream based on sour cream, which has received the appropriate name - “sour cream”. It is considered a true classic for home baking. This impregnation is also widely used in the confectionery industry. Professional chefs produce a thicker sour cream, while housewives produce a thinner one. In this case, similar ingredients of good quality and first freshness are used. A logical question arises: To do this, you need to take into account several culinary nuances that will help thicken the filling to the required degree.

Composition of sour cream

This filling has gained its popularity due to its ease of preparation and availability of ingredients. It is especially popular for honey cake and sour cream biscuits. Sour cream can be mixed with cocoa or any syrup. It is worth considering that this is a fairly liquid confectionery mass, that is, a flowing substance that is well suited for making dry dough softer and more tender.

Standard sour cream is prepared from 3 required products:

  1. Fat sour cream.
  2. Powdered sugar.
  3. Vanillin.

How to thicken sour cream for a cake? Firstly, you need to use sour cream with maximum fat content, and cool the finished cream thoroughly in a cool place. These tricks will make the mass more viscous, but not thick enough. To significantly thicken the sour cream, you should use several techniques and additives.

Ways to make thick sour cream

How to make sour cream for a cake thick? Confectioners use several fairly effective options. Possible remedies:

  1. Remove excess moisture from sour cream. For a high-quality cream, it is better to choose the maximum fat content of a dairy product - 30%. To enhance the effect, you can place the sour cream in cheesecloth and hang it over a bowl for several hours. This way, the excess liquid will drain and the finished impregnation will come out thicker.
  2. Reducing whipping time. Contact with granulated sugar makes any sour cream more liquid. To avoid this, you need to beat the cream at maximum mixer speed for a negative time. In addition, before whipping, you should cool all products and equipment.
  3. Use of starch. Any starch can make the impregnation slightly thicker and does not affect the taste in any way.
  4. Addition of gelatin. This is a universal thickener that can slightly change the taste of a dessert. It will take time to cool down after adding.
  5. A combination of sour cream and butter. Sour cream with the addition of butter turns out to have a slightly different taste, it is heavier and denser. In fact, this is a different product, but this option is very common. It is especially often used for filling eclairs.
  6. Using a special cream thickener. This method is the easiest to use. There are thickeners with different names, but they are all similar in application.

These simple tricks help thicken the sour cream during cooking. You can add thickness to the finished cream only by whipping it again with the addition of any suitable additive.

Recipes for thick sour cream impregnation

To prepare a medium-sized cake you will need approximately 500 g of sour cream, 100 g of powdered sugar, and a pinch of vanillin. Additional components are taken in accordance with the recipes provided below.

and gelatin

How to make sour cream thicker? You can use gelatin. It requires 15 g and 100 ml of water. To swell, gelatin is kept in cold water for 20-30 minutes, then dissolves in a water bath, avoiding boiling. While the gelatin mass cools, the base of the cream is whipped - sour cream and sugar. After 10 minutes of intensive beating, vanillin and cold gelatin are added. After which the cream is whipped for a couple more minutes. The finished mass should be placed in a cool place for 5-6 hours. During this period, the gelatin will set and you will get a really thick and delicate cream.

Sour cream with added starch

How to make sour cream thick using starch? The volume of ingredients indicated above will require only two teaspoons of powder. The cooled sour cream is whipped with a chilled mixer for 10 minutes, then sugar is added and after another 5 minutes of beating, starch is added and whipped again. In order for the cream to set and thicken, it is put in a cool place for half an hour.

Impregnation with added oil

Another 500 gr. sour cream, about 70 g of butter. It should be slightly warmed up. Grind 50 g of powdered sugar with butter in a large container. When the mass turns white, sour cream, the remaining powder and vanillin are added to it. Beat this mixture with a chilled mixer for 10 minutes. The result is a soft and dense confectionery mass with a uniform consistency. It is better to use it chilled.

Sour cream with condensed milk

How to make sour cream thick? You can use condensed milk. You can completely eliminate the use of sugar in this recipe. affects the volume, because of it more impregnation comes out. To the standard ingredients add a regular can of condensed milk and 50 grams of butter. The oil should be at room temperature. The cooled sour cream is whipped for 10 minutes, after which the whipped mixture of condensed milk and butter is added to it. This mass needs to be beaten for another 10-15 minutes until a fluffy, homogeneous mass is formed. This cream can be served as an independent dessert, decorated with dried fruits or nuts.

Sour cream using a thickener

How to make sour cream thick? Dry concentrated is perfect for this purpose. The instructions usually indicate the exact proportions (they vary among different manufacturers). Most often, 500 gr. sour cream requires one package of thickener. For 10 minutes, cold sour cream is whipped with sugar, then vanillin and thickener are added. The resulting mass must be whisked vigorously for another 5 minutes. Afterwards the cream is placed in a cool place for half an hour. If the resulting consistency is runny, add more thickener and beat the sweet mass again.

As you can see from these recipes, various culinary additives are used when preparing thick sour cream. In any case, it is important to use fresh, high quality products. Sour cream should be high in fat. Both the sour cream and the equipment must first be cooled.



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