Pickling eggplant. Salted eggplants with carrots and garlic. Pickle whole eggplants for storage at room temperature

Pickling eggplant. Salted eggplants with carrots and garlic. Pickle whole eggplants for storage at room temperature

It is quite possible that summer will come someday in the middle zone. So, it still makes sense to put bread kvass. It will take at least a week to prepare a good starter, and as forecasters promise, by that time the air temperature should rise above 20 C (daytime).

How to prepare sourdough for
homemade bread kvass


  • 2 liters of cold water;
  • 0.5 loaves of Borodino bread or 100 grams rye flour+ 100 grams of rye bread;
  • 4 tablespoons granulated sugar;
  • 3 grams of yeast.
  • Preparation time - 5-6 days

How to put kvass:

  • Fry the flour or pieces of bread until they darken (but do not char; with black bread it is sometimes difficult to tell whether it is just toasted or already burnt).
  • Dissolve yeast and 1 tablespoon of granulated sugar in lukewarm water.
  • After 10 minutes, add a third of the flour or breadcrumbs.
  • Drain almost all the water, add the same amount of fresh water, another spoonful of sugar and another third of crackers or flour with crackers.
    And insist again for a couple of days.
    Drain again, add the remaining crackers (or flour with crackers) and sugar. And fill it with fresh water again.
    During this time, the sourdough will lose its insolent yeasty taste and unpleasant bitterness and it will be possible to use it for drinking kvass. To do this, once every 1.5-2 days in three liter jar with the prepared sourdough you will need to add water, sugar to taste and a large handful of fresh rye crackers, first removing some of the old soggy ones that have sunk to the bottom. For taste you can add raisins, mint, ginger, honey...

  • Salted eggplants like mushrooms

    Canning for the winter


    • 1 kg eggplants
    • 0.3 kg carrots
    • head of garlic
    • 1.5 tbsp salt
    • Spices, herbs to taste
    • 1 tbsp vinegar

    Cooking method

    • Cut the eggplants and boil in salted water for 5 minutes.
    • Cool under pressure.
    • Chop the carrots, chop the garlic.
    • Salt the middle of the eggplant, add garlic and carrots.
    • Place in a pickling container, layering with herbs.
    • Pour the brine from the water with the remaining salt, spices and vinegar.
    • After 3 days of keeping at room temperature, transfer to the refrigerator or roll into jars.

    For the winter? If you haven’t done this yet, then most likely you are simply not familiar with the methods of salting them. After all salted eggplants incredibly tasty, they can be used for snacks and salads of the most different types. Salted eggplants harmonize especially well with fried meat dishes.

    First of all, let's talk about choice proper eggplants for pickling. Select fruits that are strong, neat, of medium size, without damage to the peel. When pressed, the fruit should spring back; it should not have voids, soft spots, or suspicious repulsive spots. The inflorescence of the stalk near the tail should be small in size. Peel good eggplant- shiny, not dull. A ripe eggplant is heavier in weight than its appearance would suggest, so weigh it in the palm of your hand before purchasing.

    Proper preparation will make eggplants much tastier, highlighting their pleasant nutty flavor and making the pulp tender. To pickle eggplants, you must first wash and blanch them in salted water (500 g of salt per 10 liters of water) for 5-10 minutes. To check the readiness of the eggplants, use a sharp wooden stick: the fruits should be easily pierced.

    Blanched eggplants are cooled and the water is squeezed out of them - this must be done, since the spongy eggplant pulp absorbs liquid well and can soften when salted if it is not squeezed out. Next, the eggplants are either cut along the length, slightly short of the stalk, or cut into circles, cubes or plates. When salting eggplants “Georgian style,” they are cut into bars approximately the size of a little finger.

    Eggplants prepared in this way can be dry salted. To do this, they are placed in a suitable container, sprinkled with spices and salt, and oppression is placed on top. Under the oppression
    eggplants are infused indoors for a week. Place the finished eggplants in the cold (in the cellar or refrigerator) - and you can eat them any time you wish.

    The wet method of salting eggplants - using brine - requires a slightly longer waiting time. Prepare a brine with a strength of 60 g of salt per liter of water, adding to it all the spices required by the recipe, pour it over the eggplants and put them in a cold place for a month. Store prepared eggplants in the refrigerator.

    Eggplants can be pickled stuffed. They are usually stuffed with vegetables - carrots, parsley root, celery root, fried onions. Raw vegetables It is better not to use, otherwise the filling will be hard: fry them or stew them before placing them inside the eggplants. Cut the fruit lengthwise, carefully remove the seeds and place the chopped vegetables inside. To prevent the filling from falling out, the cut eggplants are tied with a thread. Next, salt in the usual way, dry or wet.

    Among the spices used when salting eggplants are traditional salt, vinegar, dill, garlic, bay leaf, black peppercorns, and onion. In addition to these ingredients, parsley sprigs, hot red pepper, sugar, cilantro, and thyme can also be added.

    Salted eggplants taste a little like mushrooms. They go well with rice, potatoes, pasta and other side dishes. They are stored for about a month in unsealed jars, in sealed jars - much longer.

    In addition to pickling, eggplants tolerate pickling and pickling well. They can also be prepared whole, in pieces or with filling. For preparations they are used different kinds vinegar, a variety of combinations of herbs and spices. For example, they are made using a technology very similar to pickling eggplants. Eggplants are usually pre-fried before harvesting.

    Stay with the Home Guru portal! We will tell you the secrets of various types of winter preparations.

    Salted eggplants with garlic- verified family recipe, which my mother-in-law shared with me. The eggplants (or, as they are also called, “little blue ones”) turn out simply wonderful - moderately spicy, moderately salty. Nice variety and alternative, and.


    • small eggplants
    • non-iodized salt
    • water
    • garlic (for 1 small eggplant 1 medium clove of garlic)
    • bay leaf (1 piece per liter jar)


    1. Suitable for pickling are small eggplants (the height of a liter jar or less), dark purple, dense, elastic, and ripe. We wash them and cut off the stalks (no need for the butts).
    2. Using a knife, make a slit in each eggplant along the length, slightly undercutting to the end.
    3. Fill the eggplants with water, salt the water (adding 2 tablespoons of salt per 1 liter of water). We press them with a weight, such as a plate or saucer, so that they do not float and cook evenly. Cover with a lid and cook over medium heat for min. 15 from the moment it boils. We check the softness by piercing it with the end of a match (not sharpened), there is no need to overcook it. As soon as the match goes in easily, the eggplants are ready. Immediately remove them from the boiling water onto a plate.
    4. We prepare a clean inclined surface for water drainage. To do this, place a clean cutting board at an angle (about 45°) in a large bowl or pan. Place 2 eggplants at the very bottom of the board and 2 more on top, press down with another clean cutting board. We put a load on top (a 3-liter jar or plastic bottles of water, placing them on the board on their side. So we leave the eggplants to cool for about an hour. We prepare the remaining eggplants in the same way. If possible, prepare an inclined surface and a larger press so that if all the eggplants fit in at once - it will be even better.
    5. Prepare garlic with salt: take 4 medium cloves of garlic for 4 small eggplants. Finely chop the peeled garlic, add salt: for this amount of garlic (4 cloves) - ½ teaspoon. l. salt without a slide, mix well.
    6. Place a teaspoon of garlic and salt into the cut of each cooled eggplant.
    7. Eggplants, stuffed with garlic, close.
    8. Prepare the brine. For 1 l. add 60 grams of cold boiled water. salt, mix (it takes about 0.5 liters of brine per liter jar).
    9. Place 1 bay leaf in a thoroughly washed liter jar and place the eggplants there tightly, vertically with the cut side up (we fit 6 eggplants in a liter jar, but you need to put as many of them as will fit). You can also prepare eggplants in 3-liter jars.
    10. Pour in the brine, making sure that the brine gets on all sides, to the bottom and top. If the eggplants are in the way, you need to “move” them with a knife.
    11. Cover the jar with cloth, gauze or an inverted nylon lid and leave it in the apartment for 3 days at a temperature of 18-25 °C. If the temperature is higher, the salted eggplants will be ready faster.
    12. Check readiness after 2-3 days by tasting the brine. If sourness or fermented taste appears, the salted eggplants are ready. We close the jar with a nylon lid and put it in the refrigerator. Let the eggplants stand there for another 1-2 days - you need to taste it, when the eggplants acquire a pickled taste - they are ready to eat. These eggplants can be stored in the refrigerator for quite a long time, maybe even a month - we haven’t tried it longer, we always eat them earlier.
    13. Before serving, take the salted eggplants with garlic out of the jar, cut them into small pieces crosswise, season with vegetable oil and herbs. Serve as cold snack. Like

    Delicious and unusual dish- salted eggplants. Their preparation is not difficult, and they are actively used in dietary nutrition, since per 100 g of product there are only 24 kcal. Salting eggplants allows you to preserve all the beneficial substances contained in the vegetable, including calcium, carotene, phosphorus, B vitamins, and folic acid. This is why eggplants are so popular in cooking.

    A tasty and unusual dish - salted eggplants

    Canned vegetables perfectly retain taste and aroma. For cooking you will need the following ingredients, based on 5 kg of vegetables:

    • Running water, not bottled – 4 l (of which 1 l is for brine);
    • table salt (non-iodized) – 100 g;
    • garlic cloves – 100 g;
    • fresh herbs of your choice – 100 g,
    • dried bay leaf, whole – 4 pcs.

    Cooking steps:

    1. Wash the vegetables, cut them, trim the stalks.
    2. Add salt (half of the total amount) to water (3 l), then add the prepared vegetables, place the container on medium heat, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes.
    3. Pour into a separate container cold water and put the eggplants in for 2-4 minutes.
    4. Cut the vegetables into rings, place them in a row (on a cutting board) in layers, press on top so that they release juice (this will take 3 hours).
    5. Chop the garlic or pass through a press.
    6. Salt the eggplants in an enamel container. If there are a lot of them, then it’s better in a pan.
    7. Place the greens at the bottom of the container, then the blue ones and garlic.
    8. Prepare brine using water and salt.
    9. Pour it over all the vegetables and put pressure on top.

    Black milk mushroom: description of the mushroom, cooking recipes

    Place the container in a cool place, then put the vegetables in sterilized jars, roll them up and put them in the refrigerator.

    Eggplants prepared for the winter are tender and aromatic and do not taste bitter. They can be used in other dishes or as an independent snack.

    Salted eggplants: a simple recipe (video)

    Eggplant with carrots and garlic

    You can deliciously pickle vegetables with garlic and fresh carrots. For 3 kg of vegetables you will need the following ingredients:

    • fresh carrots (but you can add already pickled ones for taste) – 1 kg;
    • greens to taste – 100 g;
    • fine salt, not iodized – 100 g;
    • young garlic – 20 cloves;
    • pepper (allspice and peas) - to taste;
    • apple cider vinegar – 65-70 ml;
    • non-fragrant vegetable oil – 50 ml;
    • water – 3 l.

    You can pickle vegetables not only with garlic, but also with fresh carrots

    Cooking steps:

    1. Pour 500 ml of water into a deep container and add a little salt, heat.
    2. Wash the eggplants and make a cut on them.
    3. Place vegetables in water and boil for 5 minutes.
    4. Then transfer them to cold water, and then place them under a press (the vegetables should spend several hours under pressure).
    5. Eggplants should not be prepared whole - you need to open them and add salt to remove the bitterness.
    6. Grate carrots onto coarse grater.
    7. Place it on the eggplant (you can inside each half).
    8. Coarsely chop the greens and place them on the bottom of the container.
    9. Place vegetables on top.
    10. Heat 500 ml of water, add pepper, salt and garlic to it, boil for several minutes.
    11. Cool to 50 degrees and add vinegar.
    12. Pour brine over the eggplants and place weights on them, leaving them to brine for 48 hours.
    13. Sterilize the jars, add the eggplants, add a little vinegar.
    14. Pour the brine into a separate container, boil, and pour evenly into the jars.
    15. Roll up with metal lids and store in a cool place.

    Pickled cucumbers in jars: the best recipes

    Salting under pressure

    A simple recipe that allows you to store eggplants in jars during the winter after sterilization. For preparation you will need:

    • Eggplants without barrels and rot - 10-12 kg.
    • Bay leaf - to taste.
    • Fresh garlic – 30 g.
    • Bay leaf - to taste.
    • Salt – 200 g.
    • Water – 2 l.

    A simple recipe that requires the use of pressure

    Cooking process:

    1. Sort the eggplants (it is important that they are not overripe, you need to choose blue or purple ones, without barrels and rot).
    2. Next, you need to rinse the vegetables in running water under strong pressure.
    3. Remove the stems and make a cut on each eggplant.
    4. Peel the garlic, pass through a press, and then mix with salt.
    5. Also add salt to the vegetables themselves to remove the bitterness.
    6. Heat water in a container and salt it, place vegetables in it (cook for 10 minutes).
    7. After this, the blanched eggplants will need to be transferred to a towel or placed in a colander to get rid of excess liquid in them.
    8. Then another kitchen board with a weight on top is installed on them (for 4 hours).
    9. You need to put a garlic mixture in each vegetable;
    10. Place a bay leaf in a container for pickling eggplants, and stuffed eggplants are placed tightly on it.
    11. To prepare the brine, take 1 liter of water (boiled) and 70 g of salt, pour into a container with vegetables. Leave to dry for a week indoors.
    12. After the week has expired, move the container to a cool room with a temperature no higher than + 10 degrees (or put it in the refrigerator).

    Bell peppers for the winter: simple recipes

    You can serve salted vegetables with fresh herbs as original snack or a side dish for meat or chicken.

    Marinating without sterilization

    The recipe allows you to quickly and tasty prepare pickled eggplants without first sterilizing the containers.

    The following products will be required:

    • Whole, firm, ripe eggplants – 1.5 kg.
    • Hot pepper (red) – 1 pod (small).
    • Garlic – 4 cloves (fresh).
    • Black peppercorns – 5 g.
    • Water – 2 l.
    • Table vinegar (9%) – 25 ml.
    • Salt (fine, non-iodized) – 30 g.
    • Sugar – 20 g.
    • Dry bay leaf – 4 pcs.

    It’s easy to quickly and deliciously prepare pickled eggplants without first sterilizing storage containers

    Cooking process:

    1. Wash the vegetables and cut into 4 parts.
    2. Prepare the marinade - mix water (2 liters) with salt, sugar and vinegar, boil.
    3. Pour water (1 liter) into a container, place chopped vegetables, cook over medium heat for 5 minutes.
    4. Rinse the jars with hot water, place the peppers and garlic.
    5. Place prepared vegetables in each jar and pour hot marinade over them.

    The dish should be eaten on the 5th day after preparation. It is not necessary to roll up the lids. If we preserve it for the winter, sterilization is necessary.

    Eggplants are like mushrooms

    This recipe also falls into the simple category. In order to get a “mushroom” appetizer, you will need:

    • Eggplants - 2 kg.
    • Garlic - 1 pc.
    • Dill -300 g.
    • Vegetable oil - 300 ml.
    • Vinegar 9% - 11 tbsp. l.
    • Salt - 4.5 tbsp. l.
    • Water (cool) - 2.5 l.

    This recipe also falls into the easy category.

    Cooking process.



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