Salted play dough that can be molded. Salted dough for children for modeling, simple recipes, step-by-step photos. Original souvenir - funny dachshund

Salted play dough that can be molded. Salted dough for children for modeling, simple recipes, step-by-step photos. Original souvenir - funny dachshund

A mass that holds its shape perfectly, does not float and does not deteriorate over time is the dream of all lovers. And the dream of all parents is safe plastic mixture without allergens and harmful additives. Salty dough skillfully combines all these qualities and, thanks to baking, is preserved better than plasticine.

It will become an exquisite decoration for your room and a wonderful tool for playing. How to make salted dough soft and pliable, and also preserve products made from flour mixture for a long time? Pustunchik knows the answer!

Classic salt dough recipe

Modeling from salt dough is not a new activity. The origins of this type of creativity are lost deep in the history of our culture. Just remember Kolobok from folk tale and the custom of baking larks on . Keep the basic recipe for salt dough for crafts - continue the traditions of your ancestors with pleasure!

To prepare salt dough you will need:

  • 1 cup fine salt,
  • 2 cups of flour,
  • half a glass of water,
  • 5 tbsp. l. sunflower oil,
  • natural juice or gouache (optional).

Get to the point!

In a deep container, mix the dry ingredients: salt and flour. Add sunflower oil and pour some water. Knead the dough. To give the mixture a certain color, carefully stir in carrot (beetroot) juice or gouache diluted in water. If necessary, add water or flour in small portions to adjust the viscosity of the dough.

Important! Keep ready dough It is best to keep it in the refrigerator for no more than a day, tightly wrapping the mass in cling film.

Salt dough recipe for delicate works

If you plan to make thin relief figures or miniature products from salt dough, you will have to add a secret ingredient to the classic recipe. Which? Read on - I'll tell you everything!

To make salt dough according to a special recipe you will need:

  • 1.5 cups flour,
  • 1 glass of salt,
  • 125 ml water,
  • 1 tbsp. l. PVA glue or starch,
  • food coloring.

Get to the point!

Prepare a deep container. Mix salt with flour and add 125 ml of water. Mix the ingredients thoroughly. Now add a tablespoon of starch or PVA glue. Starch increases the plasticity of the mass, and glue increases its strength. PVA can be replaced with 2 tsp. wallpaper glue diluted in water, according to the instructions. At the end add food coloring and knead the dough well. If you need a lot of different colors, divide the dough into several pieces and add the necessary dyes. Happy creativity!

Preparing tools for working with salt dough

You can make anything from salt dough - toy products, animals, flowers and luxurious paintings. But to make your work look original and intricate, you will need various tools. You don't need to buy anything, use items you have on hand.

To create unique patterns on the surface of salt dough, the following are ideal:

  • a shaped rolling pin or a bottle of water,
  • toothpicks (for making holes),
  • felt-tip pen caps,
  • ballpoint pen refill,
  • plasticine knife,
  • cookie cutters,
  • buttons,
  • beads,
  • pasta,
  • lace and other embossing stamps,
  • garlic press.

Feel free to experiment with patterns and shapes! In case of failure, the part can be easily corrected or molded again.

How to properly dry salt dough products?

In order for the finished craft to delight the eyes of your guests for a long time, it must be properly dried. Remember: the main rule for drying salt dough products is no sudden temperature changes.

There are two ways to dry salt dough figures:

1. The simplest one is natural. Just leave the figurine to dry at room temperature for a few days or weeks. Under no circumstances should you dry the product on a hot radiator - it will crack or crumble. A room that is too humid is also not suitable - the dough, like a sponge, absorbs moisture and can easily get wet. The natural way is extremely easy, but oh-so slow. But we want it faster, right?

2. Oven drying. Place the figure on parchment in a cold oven and bake over low heat, gradually increasing the temperature. Turn the product regularly so that it bakes evenly on all sides. After finishing the work, do not take the craft out immediately - let it cool in the oven.

When drying salt dough products, refer to the following table.

Low products (up to 2 cm thick) Volumetric works (thickness more than 2 cm)
1 hour at 50 °C 1–2 hours at 50 °C
1-2 hours at 75 °C 2-3 hours at 75 °C
1 hour at 100 °C 1–2 hours at 100 °C
1 hour at 125 °C 2 hours at 125 °C
0.5–1 hour at 150 °C 1 hour at 150 °C

You can also dry dough products in a switched off oven. Warm it up properly and put the figures in a warm place. Wait until the oven cools down. Repeat the procedure several times.

Reading time: 7 minutes

The benefits of modeling are undeniable. Another question is what material is best to choose for this. Plasticine? Clay? Salty dough? Each of them has its own advantages and features.

Salt dough is considered the most suitable for working with young children - as early as a year and a half, you can begin to accustom your child to manual creativity using this material.
Why not? It is much more plastic than plasticine, does not require special processing and special conditions storage, like, say, clay, and after finishing work with salt dough you will not have difficult-to-remove stains on your clothes, furniture, or hands. And the cost of this material is significantly lower.

Of course, both plasticine and clay have their advantages. However, salt dough is most suitable for teaching with small children. Let's take a closer look at the advantages of this material over others.

We wrote about recipes for making homemade plasticine; you will surely find one that both you and your baby will like.

Advantages of salt dough:

  • The dough can be easily prepared with your own hands at any time.
  • It leaves no marks and is easy to clean.
  • Completely safe for children, as all ingredients are natural.
  • The child will not put it in his mouth if he only tastes the dough once.
  • At proper preparation The dough has an excellent structure, molds well, is flexible and does not stick to your hands.
  • If necessary, you can dry it both in the fresh air and in the oven.
  • The dough can be colored in almost any way, and also has unlimited possibilities for painting.
  • If desired, you can varnish it so that the product retains its appearance for many years.
  • When making a product, you can use it as a toy - it does not lose its shape or attractive appearance.

Now that we have determined that this material is best suited for handicrafts by little ones, let's talk about the process itself. How? Of what? Where to get? What tools? What to sculpt?

How to make salted play dough with your own hands: recipe

You can find a huge variety of recipes for making salted play dough online, but the base always remains the same.

Basic recipe for making salt dough incredibly simple - to do this, mix ¾ cup salt, 1 cup flour, 5 tablespoons vegetable oil and add some warm water. If you want the dough to be more flexible, replace the warm water with starch jelly.

Before cooking, the salt must be dissolved in warm water, and then you can add all the other ingredients.

If you want to paint the dough in different colors, then when working with older children, you can safely add gouache. If you are planning to do handicrafts with a very young child, use carrot juice, beet juice or even coffee.

We wrote how to make colored salt dough.

To prevent the dough from drying out, simply cover it with a glass. If you make a very large quantity that you cannot use with your child at one time, the dough can be stored in the refrigerator. To do this, simply place it in a bag or in a closed jar so that the moisture does not evaporate from the mass.

When you have finished working with the dough and want to save the result of your joint creativity with your child, simply put the figures in a cold oven, turn on the heating to a low temperature, and open the oven door slightly. This is necessary so that when the temperature in the oven increases, the dough does not crack.

Once the figurine has cooled, it can be varnished or painted in different colors.

Dough exercises for young children

Kids love working with dough! Their hands are drawn to this material to squeeze it, tear off a piece, and stick it back. This material is simply ideal for children to understand, because it easily lends itself to any transformations that a child can think of!

Kids can easily work with the dough on their own - to do this, just push them by showing them what they can do with it. And you can do the following:

  • Pinch off pieces of dough with two fingers, and then stick them back to the common lump.
  • Clap the dough with your whole palm, the edge of your palm, roll the sausages with your fingers or with your whole palm.
  • Leave fingerprints or palm marks on a piece of dough, make marks with different objects - a stick, a fork, etc.
  • Make bagels and invite the child to put them on a string, make small candies and wrap them in paper or foil.
  • Roll into balls for future beads or make pendants, and then bake in the oven. It is not recommended for either a child or an adult to wear such jewelry, but they can be painted at their discretion - and this separate species joint creativity.

  • Invite your child to cover the jar, glass, lid, and walnuts with dough.
  • Roll out the dough into a layer and cut out different figures from it with a glass, shot glass, or cookie cutters, which, after drying, can be painted with watercolors or gouache. And if you make holes in the figures before drying, then you can later use them as decorations for the Christmas tree. If this is too difficult for your baby, just roll them into balls, dry them and then decorate them with interesting patterns - this will make wonderful homemade Christmas tree balls.
  • You can make letters out of salt dough, and when they dry, play with words.
  • Invite your child to cover a pre-prepared cardboard base with dough - it will be a kind of pie), and then let him decorate " holiday dish» various cereals, peas, beans or other natural materials (pebbles, shells, twine, etc.). Excellent decorations and excellent helpers in the development of fine motor skills of a child’s hands are pine cones, dry grass, shaped pasta, beads and other small things.

  • Cut out a template from cardboard in advance (for example, a house, an apple, a mushroom) and invite the child to cover it with dough and decorate it.
  • Take a small cardboard or plastic plate as a basis, fill it with a large amount of dough and invite the child to stick various dried plants, leaves, and fir cones into the “clearing.” The resulting “forest” can be decorated with live leaves, pieces of cotton wool, chestnuts, and nut shells (depending on the time of year).
  • You can make figures of different animals from salt dough and show your child fairy tales. Or you can simply show, with the help of molded figures of animals, how they stomp and where the animals live, who they are friends with, who they go to visit.

Making salted dough for modeling is simple: choose the tools to work with the material

After the dough is ready, you can start modeling. If your child is no longer interested in just pinching off pieces of dough and sticking them back, you can encourage him to work with different tools.

Moreover, for this it is absolutely not necessary to use any special equipment. Take standard household appliances that will be safe for your child: a standard cutting board, a small dull knife, a fork, a colander, a rolling pin, a spoon, dough molds.

Before starting a modeling lesson, let your child get acquainted with each instrument so that he carefully examines it and touches it. At this time, you should not teach the child anything - give him complete freedom of action. After he has more or less studied the subjects, you can give him the dough. There is no need to rush here either - let the child turn the piece of dough in his hands, twist it, and knead it. Getting to know new objects and sensations can take anywhere from a few minutes to several sessions, so don't rush.

As soon as the child learns the properties of the dough, he will most likely want to try what will happen when the material interacts with other objects. Here you will offer him kitchen utensils. You can first show your child how to work, or you can immediately give him the right to act and figure out how to use this or that object.

Demonstrate how a simple rolling pin can turn a piece of dough into a flat pancake, and how different marks are left on this cake by different objects - a fork, a colander, a child’s finger, etc.

If your child already plays in a sandbox with cookie cutters and a bucket, he or she will probably be interested in cookie cutters. In fact, these are the same “Kupik cakes”, the advantage of which is that they will keep their shape perfectly. Such lessons are ideal for children's initial acquaintance with geometric shapes - square, circle, triangle, rhombus.

When children already know how to repeat simple movements after adults, you can show them how to roll a ball themselves - roll a piece of dough between two palms or between a palm and a flat hard surface (table, board). You can start rolling the ball on the child’s palm so that he “feels” this process.

Invite your child to roll balls of different sizes - large and small. With an older child, you can begin to connect the balls, resulting in a snowman, a caterpillar, or an unusual animal (here the child can fully express his imagination).

A wonderful tool that is always at hand is the baby’s own hands. With their help, he can sculpt sausages of different thicknesses and different ways. For example, by making a thick sausage, you can prepare the body for a future dog. From thinner sausages you can make her legs and tail. By flattening the edges of the sausage, you can make excellent ears.

Since children are still too young, let adults do the attaching of the pieces. To do this, you can lightly cut the joints with a knife and lubricate them with water.

Products made from mucosol (testoplastics, bioceramics) are very popular and for good reason - this material is suitable for activities with children; many different souvenirs and gifts can be made from it. Moreover, they do not always need to be baked - crafts made from colored dough are not suitable for baking; it is better to dry them in air or on a radiator. Making salt dough is not difficult - the materials for it are usually available in any home. So let's figure out how to cook it? What to start with so that the products do not crack? Read our material and choose the best recipe!

Salt dough is a good replacement for the well-known plasticine. It is much more pleasant to work with it, because it is softer, does not stick to your hands and allows you to preserve your masterpiece for many years. Its advantages also include safety and the ability to cook at home. How to make salt dough at home is the first question that arises when getting acquainted with this type of needlework. And for good reason, because homemade salted dough (do not confuse it with puff pastry under any circumstances) will cost an order of magnitude cheaper than store-bought dough.

Salt dough is a good replacement for the well-known plasticine

The following are used to prepare the dough: simple ingredients like salt, water and flour. In addition to the listed products, some recipes also contain PVA glue, glycerin, and potato starch.

Note: not every salt is suitable for making dough. When choosing, it is best to give preference to the “Extra” brand. It is fine and dissolves well without forming lumps.

Let's move directly to the recipes.

Salt dough made from salt and flour: 2 methods of preparation

Method 1.


  • flour - 1.5 tbsp;
  • salt - 1 tbsp.;
  • water - 125 ml.

Pour water into a clean, dry bowl, then add salt and stir until it is completely or partially dissolved. Then add flour and knead the dough.

The dough is easy to make

Method 2.

  • a glass of flour;
  • a glass of salt;
  • 125 ml water.

Mix flour and salt, then add all the water in several additions and knead the dough. This recipe is great for making crafts that don't have small parts.

How to make salt dough with PVA glue

In this recipe, PVA glue is added to the standard ingredients. The composition of such a test will be as follows:

  • 1 tbsp. finely ground salts (preferably “Extra”);
  • 2 tbsp. flour;
  • 1 tbsp. water;
  • 1-2 tbsp. spoons of PVA glue.

Directions: Mix dry ingredients first. Then add PVA glue to the water prepared for the test and mix thoroughly. Combine both mixtures and knead the dough.

Recipe for making salt dough with glycerin

In order to give their crafts shine, after making and drying, many craftsmen coat them with varnish. However, this is not at all a mandatory measure, since the desired result can be achieved by adding glycerin to the dough. You can buy it at any pharmacy.


  • 300g flour;
  • 200g salt;
  • 4 tbsp. l. glycerin;
  • 2 tbsp. l. dry wallpaper glue;
  • 125 ml water.

The dough will turn out beautiful


First, mix the salt and flour. Then dilute the wallpaper glue in water and add glycerin to it. Combine both mixtures and knead a stiff dough.

Salt dough without flour and salt


  • a glass of starch;
  • 2 glasses of soda;
  • 1/2 glass of water.

To prepare this dough, it is best to take a saucepan, since it starts over the fire. Pour starch and soda into the prepared container. Gradually stirring the mixture, pour water into it. Then place the container on the stove over low heat and cook until the mixture forms a ball. Remove the dough from the heat, place it on a floured surface and knead thoroughly.

Important: properly prepared dough should be homogeneous and not sticky. To obtain this effect, you need to follow the proportions and knead it well. Since the dough dries quickly, it should be stored in a plastic bag. Shelf life in the refrigerator varies from a couple of weeks to several months (depending on the composition).

How to make salt dough: a simple recipe (video)

How to make crafts from salt dough at home: lessons for beginners

To make crafts, you do not need any special tools. You can easily get by with what you have at home. Below are some examples of simple crafts that even beginners can do.


  1. Tear off a small piece of dough and divide it into smaller pieces of equal size.
  2. Roll them into balls.
  3. Insert a toothpick into each ball and leave it like that for several days to dry. To ensure even drying, it is recommended to turn the balls over from time to time.
  4. After the balls have dried, the toothpicks must be carefully removed. From the resulting beads you can assemble beads by threading a cord or ribbon through them. Beads can also be painted and varnished.

Making crafts does not require any special tools.


  1. Draw or download from the Internet and print a figurine of some animal, car, flower, etc.
  2. Transfer the design to cardboard and cut along the outline. This will give you a stencil.
  3. Roll out the dough into a layer, attach a stencil to it and cut out the shape.
  4. Leave overnight to dry. In the morning, using a sharp knife, divide the figure into several parts and leave them until completely dry.
  5. That's all, the puzzle is ready. All that remains is to color it to your liking.


  1. Form a small piece of dough into a cone. This will be the middle of the flower.
  2. Rose petals are made from small balls, slightly tapered downwards. The balls are rolled out into flat oval cakes, reminiscent of a flower petal in shape, and glued to the base using PVA glue.
  3. The first two petals are glued opposite each other. They form a bud. The remaining petals are glued in a circle.
  4. As the flower is made, it should be left to dry. This will avoid its deformation.
  5. The last petals are glued only from the bottom. The top edges bend slightly back, and the sides are pressed against the base.
  6. After drying, the rose can be painted in your favorite color.

A rose can be made very beautiful

In addition to crafts for the soul, you can also make practical items used in the household from salt dough.


Manufacturing process step by step:

  1. Take an unnecessary jar of chips, mayonnaise, sour cream, and so on. Trim it to the height you need.
  2. Roll out the dough into a thin layer. Lubricate the prepared base with PVA glue on the outside. Cover it with dough so that there is not a single air bubble between them. Fold the top edges inside the mold and remove the excess.
  3. Using available materials (beads, buttons, lace, etc.), process the outside of the box. You can glue lace or other material with non-fraying edges inside.
  4. The base is ready, all that remains is to make a lid for it. For this you will need the most ordinary foil. Lay it on the table, place the base of the box on top of it upside down. Next, use a pen or pencil to outline the edges.
  5. Set the base aside and start sculpting the lid. Make a small ball from the dough, place it in foil with the edges of the lid marked and roll it out to the desired size. The top of the lid can be decorated with a flower, a berry, and so on, at your discretion.
  6. The base can be either left to dry in the fresh air or dried in the microwave. It all depends on what form was used inside the box.
  7. After drying, the box can be decorated as you wish.

How to paint dough crafts?

You can color the salt dough both during kneading, using food coloring or natural juices (beets, carrots, cocoa, turmeric, etc.), and after making the craft. For this, acrylic paints, gouache or marker are used.

You can color the salt dough while kneading.

It is worth noting that at the time of painting the color may seem very saturated, and after drying it may fade slightly. Varnish (acrylic, parquet, for wood) will help to return it.

How to dry finished products?

Drying salt dough plays an important role. Often it is she who can ruin the finished work. The most optimal is free drying in the open air. However, sometimes it takes quite a long time. You can significantly reduce it using the oven, but even here there are a few simple rules.

How can you replace clay if you feel the talent of a sculptor or potter, but do not have a high-temperature kiln at your disposal? Plasticine is not suitable, because it will remain soft, which means it will not retain its shape forever. The best material would be salt dough, because crafts made from it turn out to be inedible, so they will not suffer the same fate as cookies, and they can be fired in an ordinary oven. home oven. There are several options for making salt dough for sculpting figurines, vases, medallions, etc. The properties of the ornamental material depend on the input ingredients, and the resulting properties determine the ability to make large and small parts, color the products, etc. Let's look at traditional and innovative recipes for salt dough: what they are used for, how to take advantage of their properties to make the most effective craft.

Types of test

Salted dough for making figurines differs in composition and method of preparation. The classic version uses only table salt and flour. TO basic recipe Dyes are added - ordinary food dyes or gouache - to sculpt colored crafts. If desired, you can even create luminous crafts.

Besides classic version There is a recipe for salt dough with starch. Usually oil is added along with this ingredient, and then the mass acquires high plasticity, which allows you to sculpt small parts. From such dough you can create elaborate dolls and animals, intricate ornaments, and complex sculptural figures. For this salty dough, take two glasses of flour, one of salt, and half a glass of starch. You will need about two-thirds of a glass of water. Do not forget about a tablespoon of any vegetable oil. It is better to take deodorized oil.

An alternative to butter in salt dough can be glycerin, but you will also have to add wallpaper glue. It is advisable that the latter does not contain toxic elements if a child will be sculpting from the dough.

When there is still material left after work, it can actually be stored in a home refrigerator, carefully wrapped in plastic. Citric acid is an excellent preservative for salt dough. A couple of teaspoons of this ingredient per glass of flour is added to the total volume.

In addition to the cold method of kneading modeling dough, there is a method of brewing in a water bath. Why this method is better, we’ll figure it out a little lower. Some craftsmen brew the material directly on the fire, others prefer to use modern equipment - a microwave oven.

An interesting version of the dough for making souvenirs is obtained by adding various spices to it. Of course, there is no guarantee that the aroma will remain with the craft forever, but at the moment of presenting a surprise, the fragrance is guaranteed.

When a child works with play dough, it is better to include only natural ingredients. The child will certainly taste the dough: even if only once, but still pull it into his mouth to make sure that the material is tasteless, the child can. When an adult is involved in modeling, it is quite appropriate to add bustilate or wallpaper glue to improve the properties of the composition. For a shiny coating, PVA glue is used.

Step-by-step recipes for salted play dough

Let's take a closer look at how to make salted play dough and how to give it various properties. The luminous dough is probably of greatest interest. And such material is quite easy to knead at home. But first you need to understand the basic recipes step by step.

Classic recipe

Flour and salt are taken in equal proportions, so the material turns out to be relatively edible, but incredibly salty. The mass is kneaded like an ordinary hard dough for baking. Ideally, the material should not crumble or flow. Small parts from it are not very good due to low elasticity. The finer the grind of salt and flour, the more plastic the mass becomes. A tablespoon of vegetable oil per glass of flour and glass of salt will add viscosity. In order for the crafts to harden, they need to be kept in a low-heat oven for at least an hour.

Quick dough in 5 minutes

If you need to quickly prepare play dough, you should call on heat to help - a faithful assistant to many chemical reactions. Additional soda and food coloring are added to the recipe, because it will be mixed immediately during cooking.

In the pan we immediately determine:

  • glass of water;
  • similar volume of flour;
  • a couple of teaspoons of soda;
  • a third of a glass of salt;
  • a teaspoon of refined, odorless vegetable oil.

We heat everything on the stove, stirring. Add portioned food coloring to the warm mass, which has acquired signs of homogeneity, and mix further. As soon as the dough begins to stick to the spoon, remove the pan and cool. It is better to immediately spoon the material onto a plate so that it cools faster. We do not leave it for a long time, because the dough may dry out.

Although salt dough is prepared quickly using this technology, it will take some time for the mass to cool, which should not be forgotten.

With glycerin

This salt dough recipe should be used when you need to achieve high plasticity. For one and a half glasses of flour, take two tablespoons of glycerin, a glass of salt, a couple of spoons of dry wallpaper glue and half a glass of water. First, the dry ingredients are mixed, after which glycerin and water are added. The latter is poured in portions, with periodic stirring: first with a spoon, then with your hands. You can buy glycerin for work at a regular pharmacy.

From such dough it will even be possible to sculpt miniature Greek vases, amphoras with ears, and make small figurines.

Without flour with starch

This play dough recipe excludes not only flour, but also salt itself! However, it is not inferior in properties to traditional salt dough. It is better to stock up on corn starch, as it is whiter than potato starch. You need to add a couple of glasses of baking soda to a glass of this raw material. The mass is poured with one and a half glasses of warm water, after which it is brewed on the stove while stirring until it becomes a single lump. If you need to give more hardness to the finished products, then PVA glue is added to the recipe.

Crafts made from such a mass can simply be dried so that they harden. There is no need to put it in the oven.

Salt dough mixed according to this recipe can glow in ultraviolet rays. To achieve the effect, you will need not only ready-made figures, but also a quartz lamp to illuminate them.

Attention! Protect your children's eyes (and yours too) from direct exposure to the rays of an ultraviolet lamp! Such light is not perceived by the eye, so the pupil does not react to it and does not narrow, which is why the danger of damaging the retina is very high.

How to make salt dough for sculpting glowing figures? The secret of the composition is in its ingredients:

  • vitamin B;
  • wine stone

The remaining components are already familiar:

    water - about half a glass (the amount will be determined by the consistency of the dough);

    salt - an incomplete glass;

    flour - a full glass;

    vegetable oil - a tablespoon.

IN secret recipe salt dough, vitamins are introduced either in tablets crushed between spoons, or an ampoule is used, the contents of which are simply added to the composition. Cream of tartar is taken in the amount of two teaspoons.

First, the dry ingredients are mixed, then the liquid ingredients are poured in, after which the mass is boiled down to a lump. Sometimes the dough, taken out of the container and slightly cooled, has to be kneaded with your hands.

It is better to air dry it in a warm room. This dough owes its glowing effect to vitamin B.

What can you make from salt dough? Beginners should be advised to roll out a flat sheet and take a cookie cutter. You can add three-dimensional elements to the figures, for example, on the petals of a flower you can press through the middle, then the edges will protrude. It is good to cut an eye for an animal, bird or fish with the end of a cocktail straw.

A more complex option is to create a sculpture, as if from plasticine. Such figures must either be subjected to forced drying in the oven, or sculpted into parts. The first is dried, then the second is attached to it, and again everything is sent for drying, then the third part, etc.

What masterpieces can be sculpted from salt dough can be seen in the photographs. The works of experienced craftsmen are simply impressive! Also in the photographs you will be able to see additional decorative elements made using the decoupage technique or simply glued. It is advisable to start with colored pieces of dough, and then work as your imagination dictates.

How to make colored salt dough

There are two options for working with dyes when making play dough:

  • dissolve the paint in the water with which the mixture is mixed;
  • Introduce bulk dye directly into the kneaded salt dough and knead thoroughly.

When you need to get different colors, it is better to use the second option, because then you won’t have to measure the proportions of salt, flour and water every time for a new portion. If you have once achieved the desired consistency of the material, then adding dye will not spoil anything. When the salt dough is properly kneaded, the colors do not transfer from one part to another.

How to design and decorate crafts

If you didn’t find any food coloring to add to the dough right away, it doesn’t matter, there are still many ways to decorate and diversify your crafts. Even white play dough will serve as a good base for a bright toy. Color it with a marker, apply the image with stamps, large parts and surfaces can be painted well with gouache or watercolor.

You can make salt dough for modeling some basic shade, and apply the halftones with a felt-tip pen or marker onto the finished dried craft. It is also convenient to decorate salt dough products with sparkles, otherwise called glitter. This material is mixed with PVA glue and applied to the desired surfaces.

Typically, modeling dough has a matte surface, and when the product dries, nothing changes unless you use one trick: cover it with glaze, which is easily prepared at home. You need to mix one part of salt in two volumes of water. The surface of the craft is treated with the resulting liquid, after which it remains to be baked at 50ºC in the oven. If you do not monitor the temperature, you will be able to get a different effect: brown glaze. It is advisable, of course, to ensure that the oven does not overheat above 200ºC.

To decorate crafts made from salt dough using the decoupage technique, it is convenient to take colorful napkins, cut out flowers or other images from them and attach them using clear varnish.

Drying salt dough at home

For the success of the enterprise, it is not enough to make the salted dough for modeling correctly; it is important to dry it so that the craft does not change its geometry, does not burn or dry out. If the craft must maintain a flat shape, then it is better to dry it on a perfectly flat surface, but when drying in air, the product will have to be turned over. It's better to do this with a spatula.

When you don’t have time to wait, you can put the figures on the battery. In summer, an alternative to drying on a heating device is to expose crafts to the sun. If small parts are made from modeling dough, then you need to protect it from direct sunlight until it dries. Therefore, it is better to send it for “firing” in the oven of the kitchen stove. You should not heat the oven too much. It is advisable that the temperature does not exceed 100ºС. The door should be kept slightly open, then it is easier to prevent overheating.

How to store salted play dough

If you've made salted play dough in such quantities that you have a large piece left over that you don't want to throw away, put it in the refrigerator. It is necessary to protect the salted dough from access to air, so it is advisable to wrap it either in cling film or in plastic.

Do not send play dough to freezer, because then you will have to defrost it for a long time, and it may lose the necessary properties. If you need to preserve the material for longer than a couple of weeks, you should mix it with citric acid- a reliable preservative.

It should be remembered that salt dough is made from plant ingredients that can spoil. We can tell when our “clay” has spoiled by its unpleasant smell. Then it’s better to throw away this portion and make the salted modeling dough again.

Video: making figures from salt dough for children

You can watch the videos on how to use the prepared play dough. Many ideas and techniques for their implementation are demonstrated by real sculptors - masters of sculpting from salt dough.

Greetings, dear parents, readers of our blog! Recently, an old technique for developing a child’s fine motor skills has been revived - dough modeling. And today I want to tell you more about salted play dough. You will find recipes with photos at the end of the article.

Modeling is a great opportunity to express yourself or relax for adults, as well as develop fine motor skills and imagination for children. Modeling with children is fun and interesting. The big advantage of modeling from salt dough is that it will cost you much less than other materials for children's creativity.

For modeling, you can use pottery clay, plasticine, and regular dough while cooking cookies or dumplings together. Children love to make and roll balls from such materials. Salt dough is used exclusively for creativity, because it is inedible.

Since ancient times salt dough has been used to make:

  • Charms;
  • Kids toys.

Now this type of creativity is becoming popular again; the dough can be used to make:

  • Decor items;
  • Figures, toys;
  • Paintings;
  • Baby's hand or foot prints.

It’s no secret that adults love to do this type of modeling, preferring salted dough to clay or plaster; they sculpt entire paintings that decorate the house or are given as gifts:

2. Why salt dough?

Many people are surprised to hear that the dough must be salted in order to make something out of it. The fact is that you can sculpt something from any dough, because it is always plastic, but not from any dough you can make crafts that will be stored for a very long time without losing their appearance.

The secret material - salt - cements the dough, so the products hold up after drying. The main ingredients of this test:

  1. Flour;
  2. Salt;
  3. Water.

In addition, you can add other components, depending on what you want to get. This can be glue, oil or paint and can be added to any recipe. But the main thing here is salt, which should be finely ground and without impurities (iodine).

3. Salt dough recipes

There can be many recipes, let's look at a few of them. You need to choose the simplest flour, without additives, and the water should be very cold.

3.1. Regular salt dough


  • Wheat flour – 1 tbsp;
  • Salt – 1 tbsp.;
  • Water – 0.5 tbsp.

How to make modeling material from these ingredients?

  1. You need to mix flour and salt, then add water little by little, quickly mixing everything with your hands.
  2. You don’t need to knead the dough for long; if it turns out too tight, add a little more water.
  3. If the dough is sticky, add a little flour. It all depends on the flour, so sometimes more water may be needed, sometimes less.

3.2. Salted dough with rye flour


  • Rye flour – 1 tbsp;
  • Wheat flour – 1 tbsp;
  • Water – 0.5 tbsp;
  • Salt – 1 tbsp.;
  • Oil – 1 tbsp.

Rye flour will give the product a soft brown color, especially if you dry it in the oven. Just one rye flour do not use it, as the dough will be very tight and difficult to mold something out of it. The oil will give the dough elasticity and will not stick to your hands.

3.3. Salt dough with glue


  • Flour – 2 tbsp;
  • Salt – 1 tbsp.;
  • Dry wallpaper glue – 2 tbsp;
  • Oil or glycerin – 4 tbsp;
  • Water – 125 ml.
  1. First you need to combine flour and salt, then add glue diluted in water.
  2. Mix everything and add oil.
  3. If the mixture is sticky, add a little flour. In addition to wallpaper glue, PVA glue is used, this is done for the strength of the material.

How to make colored dough?

To tint the dough, you can add food coloring or natural juice, adding drop by drop and mixing with the finished mass. In addition, you can paint the finished craft after it has dried using art paints.

4. Crafts made from salt dough

As soon as the baby turns 1-1.5 years old, he can be introduced to the test as a way of play and development.

Another advantage of the test is that a child will not be poisoned if he tries it, and it does not smell like plasticine. This natural material is an excellent tool for making crafts. The dough can be stored in a bag in the refrigerator for several days.

A child of any age can use the salt dough modeling technique, gradually complicating the task. For beginners, sculpting small, simple figures is best.

The child can do the following:

  • Roll out the dough with a rolling pin;
  • Cut out figures from it using molds (from construction sets, cubes or cookie cutters);
  • Make sausages and balls;
  • Combine several elements into one figurine (attach buttons, sticks, beads to the figurine);
  • Make hand or foot prints on the rolled out dough;
  • Paint dried figures or crafts with paints (watercolors, a mixture of gouache with PVA glue, acrylic paint) - under adult supervision.

The child can stick different elements onto a thin layer of dough, creating pictures. Also, ready-made flat figures can then be glued onto canvas and inserted into a frame, resulting in a work of art.

5. Drying salt dough products

There are the following types of drying:

  1. on air;
  2. in the oven;
  3. on battery;
  4. in the sun.

One way or another, the products need to be dried well. If the layer of dough is thin, it will take less time. Three-dimensional dough pictures or figures need a long drying time.

The surest and easiest way is to air dry, preferably in a warm place, but not in direct sunlight. For a product up to 1 cm thick, it will take 4-7 days. Then check by tapping the surface with your finger. If the sound is ringing, the product is dry; if it is dull, it needs to be dried further.

It will take about one day to dry on the radiator; in summer you can put the product on the windowsill.

When drying in the oven, you need to set the temperature to low (50-150 degrees) with the door open. It will take about 3 hours for a thin product.

After drying, the craft can be painted or varnished to protect the surface from damage and brittleness.

You can watch a video on how to easily and simply prepare salt dough here:

Develop together with your kids, sculpt and create for your own joy! Subscribe to updates and share the article with friends on social networks! And I'm waiting for you on our website again.



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