Salted goby mushrooms. Cams or gobies are unusual value mushrooms. Let's get to know Valuy. Interesting features of Valueu

Salted goby mushrooms. Cams or gobies are unusual value mushrooms. Let's get to know Valuy. Interesting features of Valueu

Goby is the popular name for the mushroom. Officially it is called valui. It is immediately noticeable in the forest, attracting attention with its shiny hat.

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The hat of such a mushroom can be up to fifteen centimeters in diameter. It is found in almost all forests where birch grows. Young mushrooms have white caps, and then they acquire a yellow tint with brown spots.

It is better to collect them young. Having collected such mushrooms, you can pickle them or marinate them according to your choice. Once you taste the mushroom, it will be a little bitter. But when valuev is salted, they acquire an amazing, refined taste. Let's look at how to salt goby mushrooms?

There are several types of pickling mushrooms:

  • Cold salting with soaking
  • Cold salting without soaking. Goby mushrooms are not pickled with this type because of their initial bitter taste.
  • Hot salting.

You can choose the salting method that you like or is more suitable for.

How to salt goby mushrooms using cold salting

  • Initially, the mushrooms need to be prepared. Clean them of all kinds of debris, sand and dirt, and rinse thoroughly.
  • Soaking. You need to prepare a small saline solution. The solution is prepared specifically for soaking mushrooms. Take and add a little salt to cold water. The proportions are approximately as follows: for one liter of water, half a tablespoon of salt. Mushrooms need to be soaked for four to six days, depending on their bitterness. Change the water periodically - every half day. For example, morning and evening. This is done so that the mushrooms do not spoil or sour. After the soaking time, the solution is drained and the mushrooms are wiped. It is better to wipe with a soft cloth, nylon is excellent.

Ingredients for pickling.

  • coarse table salt,
  • Bay leaf,
  • allspice peas,
  • horseradish leaf,
  • currant leaf,
  • cherry branches.
  • Spices can be selected to suit your taste, they add zest.

You can do without spices at all, then the mushrooms will smell of their own aroma and have their own special taste. If you can determine the amount of spices yourself, then it is better to take salt at the rate of forty grams per kilogram of goby mushrooms.


  1. Let's start pickling the goby mushrooms. We choose a container suitable for our mushrooms. The utensils you need are either wooden, enamel or glass. It should be such that mushrooms can fit there, so that it is possible to put a wooden oppression on top.
  2. Place the first layer of goby mushrooms on the bottom. We lay them with their caps down in a decent layer of several centimeters. Then sprinkle with coarse table salt. And again we put a layer of mushrooms a few centimeters deep. We repeat this, alternating mushrooms and salt, until the very top of the dish.
  3. If you are making with spices, you can add a few different seasonings. Do not overdo it with spices, so as not to drown out the taste of the mushrooms. Start adding spices from the very bottom. Cover the top with a clean lid or a wooden circle covering the entire area of ​​the dish. And oppression is placed - a heavy object. It is better not to use bricks or metal things as heavy objects.
  4. After a few days, the mushrooms will give juice - a brine will appear. The mushrooms themselves will seem to settle under oppression. We will periodically drain the brine so that the top layer remains covered with liquid, but the mushrooms do not float in it. Let it continue to stand under pressure until ready. The mushrooms will be ready in about forty-five days.

How to salt goby mushrooms using hot salting

When hot salting, mushrooms are not soaked, they are boiled.

  1. We take a container, fill it with water and place it on the stove. The water needs to be salted - a glass of water, a little salt per kilogram of mushrooms. The water should boil. Then we’ll add a little to your taste. Place bull mushrooms in boiling water. Boil them for approximately twenty minutes. When the mushrooms have sunk to the bottom and the water has become clear, it’s ready. Pour the boiled mushrooms into a colander over the sink. Let them drain and cool.
  2. Before salting, the mushrooms are washed with running cold water. Salted using the same method as for cold salting. The layers of mushrooms and salt alternate. Pickled mushrooms should be kept in a cool place. But, in no case should it be minutes or more than 12 degrees plus. They also take more than a month to prepare.

You can pickle it in jars. We sterilize jars. Place garlic, dill, horseradish on the bottom. Arrange the mushrooms beautifully, periodically placing dill and garlic between them. Pour in the salted brine in which the mushrooms were cooked. The brine should cover the mushrooms. We close the lids, do not roll them up, but close them. Store in the refrigerator.

Valuy, a mushroom close to russula

Who knows how to properly cook or pickle VALUI?

  1. Cold salting with pre-soaking.
  2. This method is used to salt milk mushrooms, white mushrooms, serushki, some types of russula and a number of others. The mushrooms are cleaned of debris, soil and sand, then washed and filled with cold salted water at the rate of 0.5 tablespoon of salt per 1 liter of water. It is recommended to change the water 2-3 times a day, preferably every 4-5 hours, so that the mushrooms do not sour. The soaking time varies depending on the presence and degree of bitterness of the milky juice: volnushki - 1-2 days, from 2 to 5 days, and valui up to 6 days. After soaking, clean the mushrooms again with a brush or nylon cloth. The mushrooms are placed in a bowl with their caps down in layers of 5-7 cm each, sprinkled with coarse non-iodized table salt at the rate of 30 g per 1 kg (iodized salt causes the mushrooms to quickly sour). Spices are placed at the bottom of the dish and on top of the mushrooms at the rate of 2 g bay leaf and 1 g allspice per 10 kg of mushrooms. Cloves, horseradish leaves, black currants, cherries, etc. are also used. Milk mushrooms and valui are salted without any spices in order to preserve their inherent flavor. The mushrooms are covered with a wooden lid that fits freely into the dish (in a circle), on which oppression is placed. For a full 50-liter barrel, for example, the press weight should be 8 - 10 kg. The lid and bending are pre-washed well. After 2-3 days, a brine should form and the mushrooms will begin to settle. Excess brine is drained and a new portion of mushrooms is added, which have undergone all the processing described above. If after 3 - 4 days the brine still does not appear, the weight of oppression should be increased. It is necessary to ensure that the top layer of mushrooms is constantly covered with brine.

    Valui marinated

    Ingredients used in the recipe:

    Water - 2 l

    80% vinegar essence - 30 g

    Salt - 400 g

    Bay leaves - 10

    Allspice - 20 peas.

    Cooking Instructions:

    Boil the mushrooms in salted water (1% salt solution) for 20 minutes, counting from the moment of boiling. Then drain the water, pour the marinade over the mushrooms and continue for another 20-25 minutes. After this, cool them and transfer them to jars.

  3. Soak for 3 days in 3 waters, otherwise they will be bitter!
  4. and then as usual!

  5. after soaking, be sure to scald with boiling water, and then salt the raw ones with salt, no need to boil

Valuei mushrooms pickling and cooking

Let's analyze the following topic - Valui mushrooms, salting and cooking. Waluis (Russula foetens Fr.) are popularly called cams, and in some areas - gobies. As a rule, they are not taken because of their bitter taste, although with the correct processing method, salted valui will give a head start to any russula in taste. Snotty fists grow in flocks in the middle of summer until frost, throwing out more and more fruiting bodies around the old worm-eaten fellow with enviable regularity.

Only very young, unopened specimens with plates are collected; in older mushrooms, the plates and stem begin to turn gray. Despite their bitterness, valui are heavily affected by forest pests, and it can be difficult to find even young specimens intact. The leg with white flesh is always eaten away by the clearly visible yellowing thick passages of the wireworm, but the cap can be saved, especially if the juvenile gobies are collected immediately after the rain. The yellow shiny skin on the mushroom cap is not peeled off; all collected mushrooms are soaked in cold water and kept under light pressure (so that they do not float up) out of the sun for three days, changing the water twice a day. The bitterness goes away, and the mushrooms are suitable for pickling.

Salting is usually done hot, by boiling the washed mushrooms in boiling water for 10 minutes and immediately cooling them, draining them in a colander and dipping them into cold well water. Then put it in layers in a bucket, sprinkle with coarse salt (10 liters - 1.5 cups). Salt is measured for the entire portion at once; in hot summers the norm can be increased. They put pressure on top and wait for the juice to appear, which must necessarily overflow the edge of the bucket - with it the rest of the bitterness goes away.

Valui mushrooms pickling and cooking. Attention! If the mushrooms were not soaked enough, the bitterness will ruin the taste of the entire magnificent preparation! It’s good to mix different types of mushrooms in one container - the crunchy fists will play a leading role in such an assortment. The mass of mushrooms should be periodically pierced with a stick to the very bottom. After pouring some of the juice over the edge, the load is slightly reduced and the pickling is kept for at least 40 days. The top layer of mushrooms is covered with dill branches, horseradish and black currant leaves, as well as a clean cloth, on which the ubiquitous mold will certainly develop. At the end of the salting, the fabric is removed, as well as the moldy branches. The load (stone or jar) must be thoroughly steamed before adding mushrooms, but it is impossible to get rid of mold. Mushrooms are tightly stuffed into scalded jars, dill sprigs and leaves from the bucket are placed on top and covered with lids.

If salting occurred for 40 days with free access of air, there is no fear of the development of botulinum toxic bacillus, which develops only in the absence of oxygen. Mushrooms should only be stored in a cool, dark place (basement, refrigerator), where they will safely last a year. Other types of blanks from valuei are not practiced.

Valuy - and description - mushrooms - wild summer resident -

VALUY found frequently, in some places very abundantly throughout the forest zone and in the mountain forests of the Caucasus, in deciduous and spruce forests, more often in birch and oak forests, from July to October. Its cap is up to 15 cm in diameter, at first almost spherical, tightly adjacent to the stem at the edge, then convex, flat, depressed in the middle, with a thin wavy edge, with detachable skin, very slimy in wet weather, ocher-yellow or yellow-brown. The plates are at first pale yellow, later yellowish-brownish or with brownish spots; young mushrooms secrete drops of clear liquid even in damp weather. The stem is up to 12 cm long, up to 3 cm thick, cylindrical, often swollen, hollow, lighter than the cap. The pulp is dense white, later pale yellow, pungent, with a somewhat unpleasant smell of dampness, which almost completely disappears in hot, dry or, conversely, very damp weather.

The mushroom is edible. Suitable only for pickling with preliminary soaking or boiling, after which it acquires a good taste. The strong pulp of valuu is good for preparing mushroom caviar.

Mushroom valui

Mushroom valui common in deciduous and mixed forests, does not grow in dense coniferous forests. Valui is found in large colonies, clearly visible against a green background with its yellow, with shades, characteristic color. The mushroom is lamellar, up to 15 cm in diameter, the flesh of the mushroom is white with yellowish, dense, has an unpleasant odor. The cap of a young mushroom resembles a hemisphere or half a globe; in old mushrooms, the cap straightens and becomes almost flat. The color of the cap can vary from bright yellow to yellow-brown.

The valui mushroom appears in July, is especially common in August-August clearings of mixed forests, and disappears at the end of September. Usually, valui is collected along with other mushrooms, when there are no other, more valuable mushrooms.

Only salted and pickled caps are used for food.

Mushrooms are collected only with unblown caps, since old, blossomed mushrooms are entirely wormy. Valui must be soaked and boiled before eating. Simple recipes for cooking valuev are given here, for more complex and delicious ones, see the section “Recipes for cooking mushrooms.” Some recipes are also applicable for other types of mushrooms, but not all. For example, valui cannot be dried, while porcini mushrooms, when dried, acquire a wonderful aroma that is preserved and transferred to dishes.

Valui mushroom, in Latin Russula foetens.

In Russia, the mushroom is widespread in the European part, Western Siberia and the Far East. Prefers moist places in birch forests and forests mixed with birch. It grows solitarily, but is more often found in small groups.

The flesh of the valuuy mushroom is white, turns brown when cut, the valuuy juice is bitter, and the smell is unpleasant.

The stem of the mushroom is white, covered with brown spots. In older mushrooms, a cavity forms in the middle of the stem.


The value caps, pre-soaked for 3 days in running water, are boiled in salted water for 20 minutes, then the water is drained, the mushrooms are poured with marinade and cooked for 20-25 minutes. After cooling, they are transferred to jars.

For 1 kg of mushrooms:

2 liters of water;

30 g of 80% vinegar essence:

10 bay leaves;

400 g of non-iodized salt;

20 peppercorns.

Salted valui.

Fresh caps of small valuevs are soaked for 3 days in running water.

Then boil the mushrooms for 10 minutes, put them into a saucepan in layers and salt each layer with the addition of horseradish, dill, cherry leaves. Place gauze over it and place a wooden circle on it. The mushrooms are salted for 40 days, then put into jars and stored in the refrigerator.

300 g of non-iodized salt;

5 dill umbrellas;

3 medium sized horseradish leaves;

20 large cherry leaves.

Cutlets with salted vegetables.

A piece of beef is boiled until cooked, peeled whole potatoes are added to the pan. When the potatoes and meat are ready, they are minced through a meat grinder, and finely chopped salted vegetables are added. Sunflower oil is added to the resulting thoroughly mixed mass and cutlets are formed. Cutlets breaded in crumbs of crackers are fried in sunflower oil. Served hot with sour cream.

200 g beef;

6 caps of salted value;

100 g vegetable oil;

4 large or 5 medium potatoes;

Breadcrumbs (crumbs).

Fish with value sauce.

Pieces of boneless river fish fillet in a mold are covered with shredded salted vegetables and sautéed onions. A small amount of mushroom brine is added to the mold. Then the mold is placed in the oven, where it is stewed under the lid for 25 minutes. At the end of the stewing, lemon juice, parsley, bay leaf and pepper are added to the mold on top.

1 kg fish fillet;

300 g salted value caps;

1 small lemon or half a large one;

Spices to taste.

Kulbiki mushrooms: value mushroom and goby mushroom in your basket - description and photo

Birch groves and mixed forests are rich in various mushrooms from July to the end of autumn. But kulbiki mushrooms are especially common among them. They have a large number of popular names. Such as goby mushroom, value mushroom, snot mushroom. But they all belong to the same representative of the world of agaric fungi. Their distinctive feature is a wet cap. After even a light summer rain, the kulbiki mushrooms become slimy and slippery to the touch. This was the beginning of their second name - snot mushrooms.

Mushroom valui Quite tasty when marinated and salted. Thanks to their dense pulp and strong lamellar tissue structure, they retain their crunchy properties even after long-term storage. When salted, they can be used to prepare salads and pie fillings.

What is a goby mushroom

The goby mushroom has a strong spherical cap, which, as the mushroom grows, straightens and turns into a flat plate. In young individuals, the cap resembles a fist and reaches a diameter of up to fifteen centimeters. If the weather is dry, hot, the surface of the cap is shiny and smooth. When it rains, it becomes covered with mucous contents produced by the fungus itself. During the growing season, the goby mushroom can change its color from cream, white to a yellowish rusty hue.

What does the snot mushroom look like?

The snot mushroom is distinguished by a dense arrangement of plates on the inner surface of the caps and a short, hollow stalk. The second distinctive feature is the absence of milky juice. We do not advise you to take into your mushroom picker’s basket overripe individuals whose cap edges have completely straightened. Their pulp has a bitter, unpleasant taste, which cannot be eliminated by soaking and boiling.

Collecting kulbik mushrooms

Kulbiki mushrooms should be collected correctly. First of all, you should learn the rule that you can only take young mushrooms that are not covered with wet droplets on the inside of the cap. Caps covered with mucous secretion in young individuals are not an obstacle to collection.

After collecting, you should soak the kulbiki mushrooms in water for several hours. After this, they can be salted and pickled in traditional ways. In some cases, to make the mushrooms stronger, the dumplings should be boiled before use and the resulting broth must be drained.

All about mushrooms (Gorlenko M.V., Garibova L.V., Sidorova I.I.)

© Zlygostev Alexey Sergeevich, selection of materials, software development, design 2001-2012

When copying project materials, be sure to include a link to the source page: " Library about mushrooms"

Valuy. goby. snotty. cam. Kulbik. - mushrooms of central Russia

It is often found in deciduous, coniferous and mixed forests with an admixture of birch, in large groups, from July to late autumn.

The cap is up to 15 cm in diameter, at first (in young mushrooms) round, spherical, resembling a fist, then flattened, with a tubular-striped edge, ocher-yellow or yellow-brown, very slimy in wet weather, shiny in dry weather. When ripening, it often cracks into radial lobes. The skin peels off easily. The pulp is dense, white, yellowish in old mushrooms, with a very bitter taste and unpleasant odor.

The plates are adherent, white at first, yellow or rusty-yellow in mature ones, with brownish spots and droplets of clear liquid. They secrete drops of unpleasant-smelling yellowish watery sap. The spore powder is white or pale yellow.

The leg is up to 10 cm long, up to 3 cm thick, sometimes thickened in the middle, white, loose. The leg is thick, smooth, always hollow and brown inside, as if burnt, affected by a wormhole.

Conditionally edible, third category. After boiling, it is suitable for pickling and pickling.


Valui, or bull, as it is also popularly called, from the family Russula, is immediately noticeable in the forest with its shiny, seemingly varnished surface of the caps in dry weather and the sticky mucus on it in damp weather. The mushroom is widespread in birch and mixed forests (with birch), often growing in families from mid-July to September. However, massive, abundant growth begins in August.

By its color and shape value somewhat reminiscent of a porcini mushroom. Therefore, inexperienced pickers from a distance often mistake it for a real porcini mushroom. But, coming closer, they are immediately convinced of their mistake: after all, the bottom of the value’s cap is lamellar, and the porcini mushroom’s is tubular, and then they “take revenge” on him for their mistake by knocking down entire families of value with their feet and sticks.

Valui Only suitable for pickling. However, some mushroom lovers use small mushrooms for pickling. For pickling, only young ones are taken, with a cap size of up to 6 centimeters. The legs are trimmed to fit the cap. Before salting, they are soaked in cold water for at least two days, changing it often, and sometimes they are also boiled for 3-5 minutes.

You can not soak the valui, but in this case they should be cooked for 25-30 minutes.

Method of salting bulls like this: soaked or boiled valui are placed in a barrel and filled with a salty solution with spices. They are eaten only after two months.

Pre-blanched, valuei after salting they acquire a good taste. The strong pulp of the mushroom is used to prepare mushroom caviar.

Young mushrooms in the form of “fists” with an unopened cap must be collected.

Valuy. encyclopedia. mushroom guide

The section helps to identify edible and poisonous mushrooms, and also suggests possible ways to prepare them.

To achieve complete culinary success, check out the section:

  • “Mushroom cooking - collecting, salting, pickling, pickling, canning, drying mushrooms and recipes for delicious dishes with mushrooms”
  • Encyclopedia of mushrooms

    Mushroom key

    Photos, descriptions, culinary tips

    • Never eat too many mushrooms (in any form). Although edible mushrooms are tasty, they still require good digestion; the best mushrooms, eaten in excessive quantities, can cause severe and even dangerous stomach upsets in people with weakened and improper digestion.
    • For aging mushrooms, before cooking them, you should always remove the lower, spore-bearing layer of the cap: for agaric mushrooms - the plates, for spongy mushrooms - the sponge, which in a ripe mushroom mostly becomes soft and is easily separated from the cap. Mature spores, contained in abundance in the plates and sponge of a ripe mushroom, are almost not digested.
    • Cleaned mushrooms should be placed in cold water for 30 minutes to soak off the sand and dry leaves that have stuck to them, and washed thoroughly 2-3 times, pouring fresh water each time. It’s good to add a little salt to it - it will help get rid of worms in the mushrooms.
    • There are fewer mushrooms in the shady wilderness than in sunlit areas.
    • Don't try raw mushrooms!
    • Do not eat overripe, slimy, flabby, wormy or spoiled mushrooms.
    • Remember about false honey mushrooms: do not take mushrooms with a brightly colored cap.
    • They are well preserved if they are soaked in cold water for several hours, then cut off the contaminated parts of the legs, rinse in water with the addition of citric acid and boil in water with a small addition of salt to taste. After this, place the hot champignons along with the broth into glass jars, close (but do not roll up!) and store in a cool place (in the refrigerator). These can be used to prepare various dishes and sauces.
    • Never pick, eat or taste mushrooms that have a tuberous thickening at the base (like the red fly agaric).
    • Be sure to boil morels and strings and rinse thoroughly with hot water.
    • Before salting or eating fresh, boil milky mushrooms or soak them for a long time.
    • Raw mushrooms float, cooked mushrooms sink to the bottom.
    • When cleaning fresh mushrooms, only the lower, contaminated part of the stem is cut off.
    • The top skin of the cap is removed from the boletus.
    • The caps of morels are cut off from the stems, soaked for an hour in cold water, washed thoroughly, changing the water 2-3 times, and boiled in salted water for 10-15 minutes. The decoction is not eaten.
    • Broths and sauces are prepared from porcini mushrooms; they are tasty when salted and pickled. Whatever the cooking method, they do not change their inherent color and aroma.
    • Only a decoction of porcini mushrooms and champignons can be used. Even a small amount of this decoction improves any dish.
    • Boletus mushrooms are not suitable for making soups either, as they produce dark decoctions. They are fried, stewed, salted and pickled.
    • Milk mushrooms are used mainly for pickling.
    • Russulas are boiled, fried and salted.
    • fried. The small caps of these mushrooms are very tasty when salted and pickled.
    • Chanterelles are never wormy. They are fried, salted and pickled.
    • Before stewing, the mushrooms are fried.
    • Mushrooms should be seasoned with sour cream only after they are well fried, otherwise the mushrooms will turn out boiled.
    • Champignons have such a delicate taste and smell that adding pungent spices to them only worsens their taste. They are the only mushrooms of their kind that have a light, slightly sour taste.
    • It is better to season such native Russian food as mushrooms with sunflower oil. All tubular mushrooms are fried on it, as well as russula, chanterelles, and champignons. It is seasoned with salted milk mushrooms and trumpet mushrooms. Oil is poured into glass jars with pickled butter and honey mushrooms so that a thin layer of it protects the marinade from mold.
    • Do not leave fresh mushrooms for a long time, they contain substances that are hazardous to health and even life. Immediately sort and start cooking. As a last resort, put them in a colander, sieve or enamel pan and, without covering, put them in the refrigerator, but for no more than a day and a half.
    • Mushrooms collected in rainy weather spoil especially quickly. If you leave them in the basket for several hours, they will soften and become unusable. Therefore, they must be prepared immediately. But ready-made mushroom dishes cannot be stored for a long time - they will spoil.
    • To prevent peeled mushrooms from turning black, place them in salted water and add a little vinegar.
    • It is easy to remove the skin from russula if you first pour boiling water over it.
    • Be sure to remove the mucus-covered film from the butter before cooking.
    • Spices are added to the marinade only when it is completely cleared of foam.
    • To prevent the marinade from boletus and boletus from turning black, pour boiling water over them before cooking, hold in this water for 10 minutes, rinse, and then cook in the usual way.
    • To prevent peeled champignons from darkening, place them in water slightly acidified with lemon or citric acid.
    • Be aware of the possibility of botulism and other bacterial diseases if sanitary and hygienic requirements are not followed when preserving mushrooms.
    • Do not roll up jars with pickled and salted foods with metal lids; this can lead to the development of the botulinus microbe. It is enough to cover the jar with two sheets of paper - plain and waxed, tie it tightly and put it in a cool place.
    • It should be remembered that botulinum bacteria produce their deadly toxin only under severe lack of oxygen (i.e. inside hermetically sealed cans) and at temperatures above +18 degrees. C. When storing canned food at temperatures below +18 degrees. With (in the refrigerator) the formation of botulinum toxin in canned food is impossible.
    • For drying, young, strong mushrooms are selected. They are sorted through and cleaned of adhering soil, but not washed.
    • The stems of porcini mushrooms are cut off completely or partially so that no more than half remains. Dry them separately.
    • The stems of boletus and aspen mushrooms are not cut off, but the entire mushroom is cut vertically in half or into 4 parts.
    • All edible mushrooms can be salted, but most often only lamellar mushrooms are used for this, since tubular mushrooms become flabby when salted.
    • The marinade from boletus and boletus will not turn black if you pour boiling water over the mushrooms before cooking, soak in this water for 5-10 minutes, then rinse with cold water.
    • To keep the marinade light and transparent, you need to remove the foam during cooking.
    • Salted mushrooms cannot be stored in a warm place, nor should they be frozen: in both cases they darken.
    • Store dried mushrooms in a sealed container, otherwise the aroma will evaporate.
    • If dry mushrooms crumble during storage, do not throw away the crumbs. Powder them and store them in a well-sealed glass jar in a cool, dry place. Mushroom sauces and broths can be prepared from this powder.
    • It’s good to keep dried mushrooms in salted milk for several hours - they will become like fresh.
    • Dried mushrooms are much better digestible if they are crushed into powder. This mushroom flour can be used to prepare soups, sauces, and add to stewed vegetables and meat.
    • Dried chanterelles boil better if you add a little baking soda to the water.
    • Mushrooms containing milky juice - volnushki, nigella, white mushrooms, milk mushrooms, podgruzdi, valui and others, boil or soak before salting to extract bitter substances that irritate the stomach. After scalding, they should be rinsed with cold water.
    • Before cooking, the strings and morels must be boiled for 7-10 minutes, and the broth (it contains poison) must be poured out. After this, the mushrooms can be boiled or fried.
    • Before marinating, boil the chanterelles and valui in salted water for 25 minutes, place in a sieve and rinse. Then put it in a saucepan, add the required amount of water and vinegar, add salt and boil again.
    • Cook the mushrooms in the marinade for 10-25 minutes. Mushrooms are considered ready when they begin to sink to the bottom and the brine becomes clear.
    • Salted mushrooms should be stored in a cool place and at the same time ensure that mold does not appear. From time to time, the fabric and the circle with which they are covered must be washed in hot, slightly salted water.
    • Pickled mushrooms should be stored in a cool place. If mold appears, all mushrooms should be placed in a colander and washed with boiling water, then make a new marinade, boil the mushrooms in it and, putting them in clean jars, pour in vegetable oil and cover with paper.
    • Dried mushrooms easily absorb moisture from the air, so they should be stored in a dry place in moisture-proof bags or tightly closed jars.
    • When pickling mushrooms, do not neglect dill. Feel free to add it when marinating boletus, salting russula, chanterelles, and valui. But it’s better to salt milk mushrooms, saffron milk caps, milk mushrooms and white mushrooms without fragrant herbs. Their natural aroma is more pleasant than dill.
    • Don't forget about horseradish. Horseradish leaves and roots placed in mushrooms not only give them a spicy pungency, but also reliably protect them from souring.
    • Green branches of black currant give the mushrooms an aroma, and cherry and oak leaves add appetizing fragility and strength.
    • Most mushrooms are best salted without onions. It quickly loses its aroma and sours easily. Chop onions (you can also use green ones) only into salted mushrooms and milk mushrooms, as well as into pickled honey mushrooms and boletus mushrooms.
    • A bay leaf thrown into boiling honey mushrooms and boletus will give them a special aroma. Also add a little cinnamon, cloves, and star anise to the marinade.
    • Store salted mushrooms at a temperature of 2-10°C. At higher temperatures they sour, become soft, even moldy, and cannot be eaten. For rural residents and owners of garden plots, the problem of storing pickled mushrooms is easily solved - a cellar is used for this. City dwellers must salt just enough mushrooms to fit in the refrigerator. They will freeze on the balcony in winter and will have to be thrown away.

    next page >

    Goby mushrooms grow in abundance in forests, but they belong to the category of those that mushroom pickers often ignore, despite the fact that they are not at all poisonous and it is quite difficult to confuse them with their “bad brothers”. Their pungent odor and bitterness contained in the pulp are the reason for the negative attitude of most mushroom pickers towards them. “Popular about health” will introduce you closer to these representatives of the mushroom people. So, goby mushrooms - photo and description of the species, how to cook them?

    Description of gobies

    Outwardly, the young goby mushroom resembles a ball, because its cap clasps the short stem so tightly that it seems as if the latter is not there at all. Young representatives of this species have a clear resemblance to boletus - the same strong leg, the same round dense cap of a brownish-red hue. An experienced mushroom picker, of course, can distinguish a goby from a boletus in no time at least by the presence of mucus on the cap. As they grow older, the cap straightens a little, its surface is freed from mucus.

    In the forests there are large specimens – the diameter of a saucer. However, gobies are not so popular among mushroom pickers and there are two reasons for this. Having gone into the forest, you want to wander for a long time in search of a rare species and rejoice at the successful find, but with the bulls (gobies) you hardly have time to enjoy the walk - they are literally at every step.

    The second reason has already been mentioned - an unpleasant bitter taste and smell. But still, these mushrooms have their fans - with skillful processing and the right cooking technology, they are quite worthy of being on the table.

    The fruiting season begins in July and lasts until mid-October. Valui belongs to the third category of conditionally edible mushrooms. This requires careful processing and soaking before cooking. This species grows in moist mixed forests, often adjacent to birches. Now, to get a more complete picture of the species, let’s look at its photos and external characteristics.

    What goby mushrooms look like?

    In front of you in the photo are goby mushrooms. They really do vaguely resemble boletus mushrooms, especially when it comes to young specimens. The cap of the valuu reaches a diameter of 8-14 cm, it is quite thick - from 3 to 5 cm. The color is light brown, sometimes yellowish; a depression forms in the center of the cap with age. On the surface of the caps you can see darkening of brown or brown color (see photo), this is not a sign of spoilage, but a feature of the mushrooms. There may be radial cracks. Only young specimens feel slimy to the touch, which is clearly visible in the photo.

    The leg of this species resembles a barrel, it grows in length up to 5-13 cm, and its diameter is 2.5-3.5 cm, hollow inside. The plates are located frequently, on them you can see a characteristic brown spotting, which is often mistaken for a wormhole. When cut, the pulp is light, but when it reacts with air, it gradually darkens. It tastes bitter and burning, and has an unpleasant smell of old oil. This concludes the description of mushrooms. How are mushrooms with such characteristics used in cooking?

    How to process mushrooms?

    Due to the specific taste and smell, this mushroom species requires long-term soaking in water. But before starting this procedure, the valui should be thoroughly cleaned of debris and washed. Begin processing immediately after harvest to avoid product spoilage. When cleaning, remove the mushroom stems; they are of no value, but leave the caps. Rinse the plates well, where sand and dust, remaining soil and leaves usually collect. Damaged tissue must be cut off with a knife. Only after this are the mushrooms soaked.

    How to soak steers?

    Fill a bowl with cold water and place the product there. To prevent the mushrooms from floating up, it is better to press them down with something, making something like a weight. Valui should be kept in water for at least 2-2.5 days, and every day you need to change the water in the basin several times to clean one. During the soaking process, the bitter juice will be released into the water, and the mushrooms will almost completely get rid of it. On the third day, it is advisable to place them not in ordinary water, but in salted water, preparing a solution based on a tablespoon of table salt per liter of water. Let the bulls lie in it for 3-5 hours, after which the water is drained and the product is washed in running water.

    How to cook goby mushrooms?

    This type of mushroom is rarely fried, but they are eaten with pleasure when salted. Prepare a suitable container for pickling. For every kilogram of product you will need 40 grams of salt. You also need spices in large quantities - leaves of fruit trees, horseradish, peppercorns, bay leaves. The bulls are laid out in layers, sprinkled with salt and herbs. Horseradish leaves are placed on the surface and a load is constructed. The tub is kept at room temperature for several days, and then put into the cellar, where the pickling will continue for a month and a half. When you try salted bullocks, adding garlic and onions to them, you will be sincerely surprised why many people neglect this forest gift. They are in no way inferior to most other species.

    We hope that the information received will help you navigate the wide variety of mushroom species and learn to distinguish the goby from its relatives. Photos and descriptions are what you should rely on when picking mushrooms, and now you know how to cook gobies correctly. The main thing is to soak them thoroughly so that the bitterness goes away.

    Gobies, better known by their scientific name “valui”. There is an opinion that they do not taste very good. But, as a rule, this version is supported only by those who have either never tried them or consider porcini, chanterelles and milk mushrooms to be the best mushrooms. But valui is no worse, and they make not only excellent side dishes, meat casseroles, but also marinated bulls for the winter. The main thing is to cook them correctly.

    Valuy is one of the representatives of the Russula family. It is not very appreciated by mushroom pickers, primarily because of its unpleasant, bitter odor, which is why it received the title “smelly russula.” For the same reason, valui are not very fond of collecting and cooking.
    It's actually not that bad. There is just one secret when picking mushrooms - young gobies are very tasty and have virtually no rancid taste, a hint of which disappears after pre-boiling the mushrooms before cooking. But large adult mushrooms, in which the cap is more than 10 cm in diameter and has a dark spot in the middle, and the stem is longer than 9 cm, are no longer suitable for food. Consumption of adult value can cause serious gastrointestinal problems characterized by nausea and vomiting.
    Most often, gobies can be found in the forests of the Krasnodar region, but local residents do not really like it and prefer to consider it edible only in theory. But with pre-soaking and proper preparation, the bitterness and harmful substances that accumulate in the mushrooms come out, and valui becomes an excellent product for preparing various dishes, with high nutritional value and excellent taste.

    How to pickle goby mushrooms recipes

    Most often, bull calves are salted or boiled and used for preparing “one-time” dishes. But people also know several options for pickling goby mushrooms for the winter. The main thing is to properly pre-process the mushrooms.

    Preliminary preparation of values

    Proper pre-preparation allows you to improve the taste and nutritional value of the product, ridding it of milky juices that give bitterness and accumulated harmful toxins. For the same reason, it is customary to boil other varieties of mushrooms before cooking, changing the water several times.
    So, processing goby mushrooms begins with soaking. To do this, freshly picked mushrooms are sorted from spoiled units, placed in a container and covered with water so that all the mushrooms are under water. The water should be salty (add 1/2 tablespoon of salt per 1 liter of water). A small pressure is placed on top of the mushrooms - a plate turned upside down will do. You can put a 0.5 jar of water on top, but nothing heavier. Soaking is carried out for a minimum of 24 hours, a maximum of 3 days. The water is changed at least twice a day, and at this point the mushrooms are washed under running cold water.

    The digestion process consists of the following steps:

    1. Sort the mushrooms for suitability - discard rotten ones, eaten by insects, wash good whole mushrooms, dry lightly on a paper towel;
    2. Heat the water;
    3. Add the bulls to boiling water, reduce the heat slightly and cook for 10 minutes. Place in a colander and rinse in it, let the liquid drain;
    4. Repeat the digestion process 2 more times. Cook for the last time until all the mushrooms sink to the bottom. Rinse under running water.

    How to pickle bull mushrooms

    The difference with this recipe is that the mushrooms are sterilized directly in the jars, after which they are sealed.


    • goby mushrooms - 5 kg;
    • regular onion - 1/2 kg;
    • vegetable oil - 150 ml;
    • purified table water - 2 1/2 l;
    • table salt - 75 g;
    • table vinegar - 30 g;
    • ground cinnamon - 5 g;
    • laurel - 3 leaves.

    How to marinate bulls for the winter:

    1. Prepare the mushrooms by soaking, peel, and cut large ones into 4 pieces.
    2. Prepare the onion: peel, wash, cut into rings 3-5 mm thick.
    3. Stir the onions and mushrooms together, add oil, stir again.
    4. Filling for valuev: heat 2.5 liters of water, add salt, bay leaf, cinnamon, pour in vinegar. Wait until it boils.
    5. Pour the hot marinade into jars with bullheads and onions.
    6. Place the jars in a deep container of water so that they are half immersed in the liquid. Place the container on the fire and bring to a boil.
    7. Sterilize the jars for a quarter of an hour from the moment the marinade boils in the jars.
    8. Roll up the container in the usual way and leave to cool under a warm towel.

    Marinated bulls for the winter

    Bulls prepared according to this recipe retain their elasticity and may even “crunch” a little.

    • valueu mushrooms - 2.5 kg;
    • table salt - 1/2 tbsp. spoons for cooking and 100 g for marinade;
    • vinegar essence - 10 g;
    • laurel - 4 leaves;
    • garlic - 1 tablespoon finely chopped;
    • currant leaves - 3 pieces;
    • allspice peas - 5 pieces.

    How to marinate bulls for the winter:

    1. Boil the soaked and washed valui in water with salt for 20-25 minutes after the water boils.
    2. Drain the hot water, pour running water over the bulls to cool them.
    3. While the mushrooms are cooling, prepare the marinade: boil water, add salt, essence, prepared garlic, peppercorns, bay leaves, currant leaves.
    4. The marinade should cook for a quarter of an hour from the moment it boils.
    5. Place the bulls into a sterilized jar, pour in the hot marinade and roll up.

    How to pickle goby mushrooms

    In this recipe, the bulls are boiled directly in the marinade. Very tasty mushrooms, suitable for snacks and salads.

    Ingredients for cooking:

    • valueu mushrooms - 2 kg;
    • table vinegar - 100 ml;
    • salt - 2 tbsp. spoons for marinade and 1 tsp. cooking spoon;
    • dill - 3 umbrellas;
    • currants - 6 leaves.

    To marinate bulls for the winter:

    1. Pre-soak the mushrooms using the method described above. Wash, if there are large ones, cut into quarters. Boil them in salted water for a quarter of an hour.
    2. Place the bullheads on a sieve. Meanwhile, collect water for the marinade, add dill, currants, salt and vinegar. While the marinade is boiling, stir it until the salt dissolves well.
    3. Add mushrooms after boiling, cook for 10-15 minutes.
    4. Place the valui in sterilized jars and pour in the marinade. Roll up hermetically.

    Marinated gobies recipe for the winter

    The marinated goby mushroom recipe is amazingly easy to prepare. It uses a minimal list of ingredients, which allows you to maximize the taste of goby mushrooms.

    So, what is needed for marinating valuei:

    • mushrooms - 1 kg;
    • vinegar essence 80% - 30 g;
    • bay leaf - 10 leaves;
    • salt - 400 g;
    • allspice - 20 peas.

    Marinated goby mushrooms recipe:

    1. Valui is soaked for 1-2 days and cleaned.
    2. The mushrooms are boiled for a quarter of an hour in slightly salted water.
    3. Place on a sieve to drain and rinse.
    4. While the digestion is going on, put another container for preparing the marinade: put bay leaf, pepper, salt and essence into the water, let it boil.
    5. After the boil begins, add the gobies and cook for another 1/2 hour.
    6. Place the dish among the jars and close the lids.

    Marinated gobies for the winter recipes

    This option is called “a fragrant recipe for pickled bulls for the winter.” And all because the list of ingredients includes aromatic cloves.

    The cooking recipe is as follows:

    • mushrooms - 2 kg;
    • salt - 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
    • table water - 3-4 liters;
    • regular vinegar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
    • bay leaf - 3 leaves;
    • allspice peas - 4 pieces;
    • fragrant cloves - 3 buds.

    Marinated bull calves recipes:

    1. Sort out the pre-soaked mushrooms and cut the stems shorter. In this recipe, only the caps are pickled, but you can leave 2-3 cm of the stem length. Wash thoroughly.
    2. Heat the water very hot, adding a little salt (10 grams of salt per 1 liter of water).
    3. As soon as it boils, put the caps of the valui in there and cook for 7-10 minutes. Then pour out the water and rinse under cool water.
    4. The second boiling of the mushrooms occurs in this way: take water, add salt, boil, and add the gobies.
    5. The readiness of the mushrooms is determined by their position in the container; if they sink, it means they are ready. At this point, add all the spices and vinegar, cook for another 15-20 minutes.
    6. Place everything in sterilized containers and close tightly with lids. Leave to cool under a towel.

    1. To prepare pickled bulls, you need to spend a lot of time. But time and effort will be rewarded if the mushrooms are prepared using the correct technology.
    2. See below for some recommendations and interesting facts about marinating valuei:
    3. It is recommended to cook mushrooms only in an enamel or tinned container. Other metals will come into contact with vinegar and release chemical compounds harmful to the human body.
    4. You can use any salt for pickling, but fine salt will dissolve faster. The same can be said about regular sugar and granulated sugar.
    5. Valui is never used to prepare marinated platters with other mushrooms or vegetables except onions and garlic.
    6. If you add greens (dill, leaves of fruit trees, etc.) to the marinade during pickling, it will absorb harmful compounds released from the mushrooms. For this reason, it is not recommended to drink marinade from bulls.
    7. Only very young valui mushrooms can be eaten. The younger the mushrooms, the less toxins and milky bitter juice have accumulated in them.
    8. If you are an inexperienced mushroom picker, do not try to collect gobies yourself. They can be confused with a false toadstool, and only an experienced mushroom picker will distinguish the toadstool by the wavy edge of the cap and the shape of the stem.
    9. Pickled mushrooms should be stored in a cool place, at a temperature of 7 ± 2 degrees.

    In addition to recipes for preparing mushrooms for the winter, we have collected for you other, no less interesting options for preparations, such as -, and.

    We will be happy to answer any of your questions in the comments.

    Any housewife who knows how to pickle mushrooms at home has at least a couple of jars of this tasty snack in her stock. And, despite the fact that valui (as the species is correctly called) are not so in demand, collecting them is a pleasure.

    We offer several proven recipes in which we tell you step by step how to cook goby mushrooms correctly. This activity should be taken with responsibility, because valui have a bitter pulp, like milk mushrooms or milk mushrooms. And in order for them not to become bitter, it is necessary to soak the product for about three days, periodically changing the liquid.

    Recipe for cold salting of bulls

    Using this technology, you can make a delicious snack that will disappear from the table in the blink of an eye. For the salting process, it is recommended to use enamel-coated containers.


    Servings: – + 60

    • Gobies 3 kg
    • Black pepper 10 peas
    • Table salt 150 g
    • Lavrushka 3 pcs.
    • cherry tree leaf 10 pieces.
    • Horseradish leaf 2 pcs.

    Per serving

    Calories: 10 kcal

    Proteins: 0.9 g

    Fats: 0.4 g

    Carbohydrates: 0.8 g

    1 hour. 10 min. Seal

      Before you start salting mushrooms, you need to prepare them for this. Scrape off the film from the outside of the cap, remove forest debris and soak for four days. After the time has passed, transfer the mushrooms to a sieve and wait until the moisture drains.

      Line the bottom of the dish with some of the leaves, sprinkle with a small amount of coarse salt and place the valui with their caps down. Lay out layers 5 centimeters high, adding spices to each layer. Lay the greens on top, cover with any clean cloth and apply pressure. Wait 20 days. If you notice that mold begins to form on the canvas, then either replace the cut or rinse it in warm water.

      After a while, place the mushrooms in jars, fill with the resulting brine and cover with nylon lids. Store in the refrigerator or cellar.

      Advice: To prepare seaming, you only need rock salt, without any additives. This will provide your workpieces with long-term and high-quality storage.

      Recipe for salted gobies in a cold way for the winter in jars

      For those who do not have the opportunity to prepare mushrooms in bulk containers, we offer a simple recipe for snacks directly in jars. It is better to choose small containers, which must first be thoroughly rinsed and steamed for 15 minutes.

      Number of servings: 80

      Cooking time: 2 hours

      Energy value

      • calorie content – ​​9.6 kcal;
      • proteins – 0.9 g;
      • fats – 0.4 g;
      • carbohydrates – 0.8 g.


      • mushrooms – 4 kg;
      • spicy cloves – 8 buds;
      • table salt – 180 g;
      • dill (seeds) – 1 tbsp;
      • horseradish - 2 large leaves.

      Step-by-step preparation

    1. In order to prevent possible souring of the product, it must be placed in boiling liquid for 5 minutes after you have cleaned and soaked the mushrooms. Now you need to leave the valui on the sieve until all the moisture has drained. Be sure to rinse in cold water so that the mushrooms do not continue to cook due to their own high temperature.
    2. Tear the horseradish leaves and place them in the bottom of the jar. Add salt. Lay out the bulls in layers, not forgetting to add salt and spices. When the container is full, press down the mushroom mass with force and add a glass of boiled chilled water.
    3. Cover with lids. Take it to the cold. You can taste it after half a month.

    Hot salted valui

    This step-by-step recipe with photos will tell you how to cook mushrooms deliciously and quickly. Another advantage is that by following our recommendations, you will absolutely protect your health, because the product is not only soaked, but also subjected to additional cooking.

    Number of servings: 68

    Cooking time: 1 hour 30 minutes

    Energy value

    • calorie content – ​​11.1 kcal;
    • proteins – 0.9 g;
    • fats – 0.3 g;
    • carbohydrates – 1.2 g.


    • mushrooms – 3 kg;
    • large onions – 4 pcs.;
    • dill with umbrellas – 5 pcs.;
    • horseradish root (chopped) – 3 tbsp;
    • table salt – 180 g.

    Step-by-step preparation

    1. Clean the mushrooms and cut off the stems. Then soak for 5 to 7 hours, and then boil for 30 minutes. Don't forget to get rid of any foam that forms.
    2. Place the bulls in cool liquid, rinse, and drain in a colander.
    3. Cut the onion into half circles. Combine with horseradish, herbs, salt and mushrooms. Mix vigorously with your hands to ensure even distribution.
    4. Compact everything and place the filled bottle on top as a weight. Take it to a room with low temperatures. After a week, you can please yourself by taking the first sample.

    Advice: Be sure to sterilize containers. Half-liter jars are convenient to process in the microwave. To do this, pour in just a little plain water and place it in the device’s chamber for a couple of minutes.

    Recipe for salted valuev with barberry

    Dried barberry fruits add originality to this snack. The taste will be appreciated by both guests and family members.

    Number of servings: 60

    Cooking time: 1 hour 20 minutes

    Energy value

    • calorie content – ​​10.6 kcal;
    • proteins – 0.8 g;
    • fats – 0.3 g;
    • carbohydrates – 1 g.


    • valui – 3 kg;
    • barberry – 1 tsp;
    • blackcurrant leaf – 5 pcs.;
    • coarse salt – 170 g;
    • dill branches – 5 pcs.

    Step-by-step preparation

    1. After you have soaked the mushrooms for 5 hours, boil them for at least 20 minutes and then cool.
    2. Combine all components in a separate bowl. Let it brew. After a couple of hours, the salt crystals will dissolve in the released juice. Divide into containers. Load the load.
    3. Place the jars in a cold room (on a glassed-in balcony). The salting process continues for a month. All this time, it is necessary to periodically pierce the mass with a long wooden stick to release excess gas.

    Gobies are classified as semi-edible, but they are worthy of attention. If you want to seal fried mushrooms in jars, then it is better to choose another type and use this one for pickling. When done correctly, it makes an excellent snack. Good luck!

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