Drying dill for the winter in the oven. Homemade dried dill. How to dry dill

Drying dill for the winter in the oven. Homemade dried dill. How to dry dill

Almost any dish can be given good color and a pleasant aroma by adding spices. In our climate zone, dill, parsley and other fragrant plants readily grow. Although these herbs can now be easily purchased throughout the year, it is better to prepare them during the growing season on domestic soil. They will provide more rich taste and aroma, rather than their “fresh counterparts” from supermarket shelves, grown in greenhouse conditions. Moreover, the harvesting process will not take much time and effort, especially if you remove moisture from leaf parsley in the dryer.


Fresh parsley leaves.

How to properly dry parsley in a dryer

Parsley leaves intended for drying should be not rough, fresh, green with thin petioles. The greens should be thoroughly washed, wilted and yellowed leaves, random weeds and other debris should be removed.

Since the petioles at the base of the root are thicker, they take longer to dry, so they either need to be dried separately from the leaves or thrown away, for which the stalks are cut off from a bunch of parsley.

The remaining greens are cut into pieces 3-5 centimeters long and laid out in a loose layer on the drying tray.

If the dryer is equipped with a thermostat, then the temperature is set at 50 degrees. It is recommended to swap the trays about once an hour to ensure uniform and simultaneous drying of the parsley.

After the leaves have dried, they should be brittle and without a hint of moisture. Well-dried parsley turns into a fine powder when rubbed between your fingers. After turning off the dryer, the parsley leaves should cool, but they should not be left for a long time, otherwise they will become soft. Can be stored dried leaf parsley in a container or in a plastic bag, closed with a ZIP-LOCK lock in its “pristine form” - cut into pieces. I believe that it is better to grind the dried leaves for later use and storage. To do this, use a food processor or mortar and pestle. Important! You should chop freshly dried parsley, which has barely cooled after drying. If it manages to get damp, then it will not be possible to grind it, large pieces will remain.

It is better to store ground, dried parsley in a glass container, tightly closed with a lid, which should preferably be kept in the refrigerator. It is recommended to make a mixture of several herbs. A good composition is obtained from dill, onions and garlic, parsley and celery. You can also prepare a mixture to improve the taste of main courses by adding dried and ground tomatoes, carrots, Bell pepper, heads of garlic and onion (it is better to grind these ingredients in a coffee grinder). In the refrigerator, ground parsley dried in a dryer will stand quietly for two years, but over time the aroma will weaken, and therefore it is better to prepare such a homemade seasoning for a year. If there is no special dryer in the house, then the parsley prepared as described above is dried outside in hot weather in the shade or in an oven with a temperature set at 40-50 degrees. Fragrant and delicious dishes to you! Bon appetit!

Vegetable growers do everything to preserve the entire harvest. To do this, they have to use drying, freezing and even canning the collected fruits. All of these harvest storage methods are publicly available and therefore are popular among many dill gardeners. However, most often, when preserving collected greens, they use drying. To preserve the collected greens longer, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with how to dry dill.

To harvest harvested dill bushes, two common methods are used: freezing and drying. Many people use the first method of storing greens, as it allows them to save some beneficial features plants. However, it is better to use another method - drying. By drying ripe dill, it will be possible to preserve much more vitamins and other useful components. Also preserved in dried greens essential oils.

The disadvantages of drying plants include the complexity of this procedure, since not every vegetable grower can dry the crop correctly.

How to prepare dill for drying?

Before you start drying the harvested greens, it is recommended to prepare them in advance. To do this, all the dill is thoroughly washed in a small container with warm water. It is then placed in salt water for 5-10 minutes to release toxins from the plant.

When the dill is washed, wipe it with a waffle or regular paper towel and lay it out on the table to dry completely.

In what form should you dry dill?

Drying chopped dill

First you should start preparing the place for drying. To do this, a flat surface is covered with cloth or special wrapping paper. Do not cover the surface with newspapers, as the branches will become saturated with printing ink.

After preparing the place, all the collected dill is finely chopped and laid out on the surface. It is not recommended to place chopped greens in the sun, as this will cause them to quickly deteriorate.

Drying dill sprigs

Most housewives prefer not to chop the dill, but to dry it entirely. Many of them consider this method to be the best since it does not require much time or effort. To do this, just collect ripe greens from the garden and thoroughly wash them from dirt. Then the branches of all the collected bushes are broken off and laid out in the sun so that they dry faster. When the plants are well dry, the leaves are plucked from the branches and placed in a container for further storage.

The main advantage of this method is that the essential oils from dill, which is dried in this way, will evaporate more slowly.

How long to dry dill?

It is very important to determine the optimal drying time for harvested greens. If you take too long to dry dill leaves, they will spoil.

Experienced gardeners recommend drying dill for no longer than three hours in cloudy weather. On sunny days, the duration of this procedure is reduced to two hours. Also, the duration of drying depends on the number of plants located on the drying surface. If the layer of greens is too thick, it will take longer to dry.

Basic methods for drying dill at home

There are five main methods of drying dill that you should familiarize yourself with.

Drying in the fresh air

Most often, the harvested crop is dried outside. To do this, 4–6 bunches of plants are hung on the canopy with their leaves facing down. It is very important that they are not exposed to sunlight, which can damage the dill leaves. The top of the grass can be covered with a cloth to protect it from dust.

How to dry dill in the oven?

Some people do not have the opportunity to dry the leaves outside and therefore use the oven. Using oven you have to be careful not to accidentally spoil the greens. The temperature in the oven should be within forty degrees.

To dry the herb, place all the branches on baking sheets and place in the oven for 20–25 minutes. Then the greens are taken out and the degree of dryness is checked.

Drying greens in an electric dryer

The easiest way to prepare dill for the winter is for owners of electric dryers, since this device greatly facilitates the drying process. To prepare the grass, just lay it out on dryer trays and select the appropriate mode with a temperature of no more than 35–40 degrees. After half an hour, all the leaves will be well dried.

Drying dill in the refrigerator

Another common harvesting method is drying in the refrigerator. To do this, the entire dill is laid out on a plate and covered with a piece of cloth. The plate with the herb is then placed in the top of the refrigerator at a positive temperature. Drying time is 1–2 weeks. During this time, all moisture will come out of the leaves.

How to dry greens in the microwave?

Sometimes microwaves are used to completely dry the herbs. When using this method, the harvested crop is laid out on any flat container with a napkin on the surface. The laid out greens are covered with another napkin, after which the container is placed in the microwave for five minutes. If the stems have not dried during this time, the procedure is repeated.

How to dry dill for the winter so that it does not turn yellow?

Often, during the drying process, the leaves lose their original appearance and become covered with yellow spots. This occurs due to the effect of high temperatures on the leaves. Therefore, in order to protect the plants from yellowing, all leaves are covered with cloth or paper during drying.

How to check the readiness of dried herbs?

It is recommended to always check the readiness of the greens so as not to accidentally dry them out. To do this, it is recommended to crumple the leaves a little in your hands. If they wrinkle and do not break, then you will have to continue drying. Well-dried grass should break easily under any impact on it.

How to store dried dill?

All dried harvest must be properly stored so that it does not spoil in winter. To do this, it is placed in small glass jars and cover tightly with lids. All containers with herbs should be stored in a dark room.

Dill is one of the popular spicy plants, widely used in preparing various dishes. Many cooks prepare spices grown in the summer for the winter. But not everyone knows how to dry dill correctly, how to preserve the color, smell and beneficial properties of the healing and tasty herb. This article will introduce you to how to dry this spice at home.

Preparing dill for drying

In order to dry dill, it needs to be prepared. For this:

  1. We collect young plants that have not yet developed umbrellas with seeds, usually this happens in early summer.
  2. Dill must be dry, so we harvest it in the morning, but after the dew has dried. It is better to wash purchased plants with running water and dry them thoroughly with a waffle or paper towel, or place them in a draft to evaporate moisture.
  3. We sort through the collected spices, remove the grass and yellowed twigs or stems of dill, cut off the roots near the stem if the plant is pulled out with them.
If you water the dill abundantly a day before harvesting, it will be easier to pull it out by the roots and it will better retain its properties.

In what form are greens dried?

Housewives usually try to dry chopped dill. But to preserve the essential oils of the plant, it is better to do this with twigs, which are separated from the stems and threshed in an already dried form. The preserved oils will make the spice even more flavorful. You can chop dried herbs before cooking by simply rubbing them with your fingers.

Basic drying methods


You can dry dill at home in a place that is well ventilated, but where the direct rays of the sun do not reach, they turn the greens yellow. In addition, when dried in the sun, the content of vitamin A in the stems and leaves increases, but everything else disappears. Plants are tied in bunches of about 6 branches. The brooms of greenery are placed with their leaves down, tied to any crossbar of the canopy.

  1. Dried branches can be crushed by rubbing through a sieve.
  2. The chopped greens are dried in the shade, spread on a tray in a thin layer. To prevent the workpiece from becoming covered with dust, it is covered with one layer of gauze.
  3. You can spread the spice on parchment, covering it on top with another piece of paper.
  4. The dill takes several days to dry. To keep it green, it needs to be stirred regularly and monitored so that it does not get wet. If the greens are exposed to sunlight, drying will go faster, but the quality of the seasoning will be worse.

In the oven

The plant is dried in the oven, spread on baking sheets on top of wax paper. The drying temperature should not exceed 40°C. A higher temperature will change the color of the workpiece and reduce the content of nutrients in it. The drying process in the oven lasts about 2 to 4 hours, while you need to regularly remove the baking sheets and mix their contents, while the oven door should be slightly open.

In an electric dryer

Drying dill in a special unit is very convenient. The dryer has a “Herbs” mode, by setting it you can safely wait for the finished seasoning in about 4 hours.

In a refrigerator

Dried sprigs of herbs can be obtained by placing them on the bottom shelf of the plus compartment of the refrigerator for several weeks. Over time, the moisture from the dill will evaporate and it can be stored.

In the microwave

Using a microwave oven, the greens are dried in a few minutes. The microwave is set to maximum power, and after 3 minutes the workpiece is taken out for mixing. If necessary, the process is continued for another 3 minutes.

Checking the readiness of dried herbs

The way to check the readiness of the greens is simple: you need to rub the dried sprig with your fingers. If it crumbles and makes a crunchy sound, then the drying was carried out correctly. If the branches become wrinkled, the process must be continued.


Dried greens are stored in glass jars with a tight-fitting lid, which are placed in a dark and dry place. If the storage conditions of the dried product are met, then dill will delight the cook with its smell and taste for more than six months.

The process of drying greens does not take much time and effort, but the resulting seasoning will help prepare delicious dishes in any season.

Dill is the favorite seasoning of most housewives. In addition to the fragrant aroma and spicy taste, this herb has a lot of beneficial properties and contains a large amount of useful vitamins. It is not surprising that many people want to stock up on this miracle plant for future use. Perhaps the best solution would be to dry the product, because this is how it will retain most of the benefits and characteristic taste. How to dry dill at home? Not every housewife has such information.


Many lovers of this seasoning think about how to dry dill for the winter, preserving its taste and aroma. Unfortunately, store-bought weed does not always have the desired qualities.

Achieving the desired result directly depends on the properly organized process of preparing the product for drying. First, you need to collect it correctly. Experienced housewives advise collecting grass in the morning in dry weather, after the dew on the grass has evaporated. Otherwise, the product may rot or turn black due to moisture. Secondly, you should cut off the roots and sort through the product, removing yellowed and damaged branches. After this, you need to rinse the dill.

Advice! To cut the plant, you should prepare a special cutting board, used only for cutting vegetables or fruits, a knife and a kitchen towel.


There are several ways to dry dill: you can cut it, or you can dry it whole; it is important to remember that the stems are dried separately from the leaves.

  1. To dry chopped dill, you need to spread it on clean white paper in a thin layer. You need to dry it in a place with good air access and good ventilation. In order to dry the product in this way, 3-5 days are enough.
  2. You can dry dill much faster without chopping. To do this, sprigs of herbs are placed in a vegetable dryer for two hours. During this time, the sheets have time to dry to the desired state and are completely ready for further use.
  3. Another method involves hanging small bunches of dill in a well-ventilated area. In such conditions, the grass can dry out in a few days. You can check the degree of readiness by rubbing the weed in your hands.

You should not use newspaper to dry the product, it will only spoil the product and saturate it with harmful substances contained in the printing ink.

From the above tips on how to dry dill, it becomes clear that this herb is not picky and does not require special conditions. It is important not to keep it in a room with high humidity and ensure a good flow of fresh air.


It is important to properly preserve dried dill so that your efforts are not wasted. An airtight container or glass jar with a tight lid is best for this.

It is important to create conditions under which moisture cannot enter the jar of dry dill. This is why you need a tight lid. You can also use a thick dark ziplock bag for storage. In order for dill to be stored better and longer, it is important not to overdry it. Experienced housewives claim that three days is more than enough for this.

Place the container with dry herbs in a cool, dark room.

There are several ways to dry dill. It can be pre-chopped or left as whole branches. If all the recommendations of the selected option have been followed, the spice will retain its healing properties and a pleasant aroma. Dry herbs can be seasoned various dishes. Another important point is compliance with the rules for storing dried spices.

Dill is considered the most popular spicy crop, which housewives use in the cooking process. variety of dishes. It contains many useful substances.

The disadvantages include the duration of the drying procedure and a thorough preparatory stage. Each method requires compliance with certain conditions.

How to prepare dill for drying

Preparatory work for preparing greens for storage includes compliance with certain rules:

  • If you intend to use the harvest from your garden, then young bushes that have not yet formed umbrellas with inflorescences are best suited for drying. The greenery harvest occurs at the end of June.
  • It is recommended to collect greens in the early, dry morning, before dew falls, or in the evening. During these periods of time, air humidity is lowest and there are no active sunlight.
  • The bushes are pulled out of the ground along with the roots, immediately removing the roots and damaged leaves.
  • For drying, it is better to select elastic, undamaged branches with a uniform green color and a characteristic dill smell, as well as without stains or signs of rotting.

A collected or purchased bunch of greens should be rinsed under running water. cold water. To disinfect the twigs, you can immerse them in a solution with soda for several hours. Then the spicy leaves are spread on clean paper to dry completely. It is advisable to dry large twigs and inflorescences separately, as they have the greatest aroma.

How to dry dill

It is best to initially dry the greens with whole sprigs and then chop them. With this method, the spice will retain the essential oils for a long time, so the aroma will be strong.

If you decided to pre-chop the greens, then you should not cut them too finely. You can also chop dried herbs before adding them to a dish by rubbing them between your fingers.

Drying chopped dill

Before you begin the drying procedure, you need to choose the right place, protected from sunlight. The room should have good air ventilation. Lay paper on a flat surface. The entire harvested crop is finely chopped and distributed on the prepared area.

Drying dill sprigs

The method of drying whole branches takes less time and effort. The harvested crop is distributed on a flat surface. If the weather is dry, you can leave the grass to dry in the sun.

As soon as the picked greens have dried well, the branches are torn off and placed in containers prepared for storage. With this drying method, essential components are preserved longer.

How long to dry dill

If you do not dry or overcook dill leaves, they can lose all their beneficial properties and quickly rot. In clear, dry weather, drying for 2 hours is sufficient. If the weather is cloudy, the time increases to 3.5 hours.

The duration of the procedure is also affected by the amount of harvest prepared for storage. The thicker the layer spread on the surface, the longer it will take the grass to dry.

If you plan to dry the herbs at home, the time of the procedure depends on the chosen method. For example, drying in the microwave will take a maximum of 5-6 minutes, and in the oven about three hours.

Basic methods for drying dill at home

You can dry prepared and processed greens different ways. It is pre-chopped or left as whole branches. If all the rules are followed, the spice will retain its taste and healing qualities for a long time.

Drying in the fresh air

Dill sprigs are tied together, creating small bunches. After this, hang them upside down, protecting them from exposure to sunlight. At the same time, fresh air should flow freely to the spice.

Finely chopped dill can also be dried in the open air. To do this, the greens are distributed in one layer on a flat surface and covered with gauze to prevent contamination.

How to dry dill in the oven

You can also dry the herb in the oven, but the air temperature should not exceed 42 degrees, otherwise all the essential oils will evaporate:

  • Too hot air destroys the beneficial properties of the product and changes the appearance of the product.
  • Place paper on the bottom of the baking sheet and distribute dill sprigs in one layer; you can also arrange already chopped greens.
  • The oven door should not be closed tightly, you need to ensure air flow.

The drying procedure lasts about 3.5 hours. During this time, every 25 minutes you need to take out the baking sheet and transfer the greens.

Drying greens in an electric dryer

Easy and quick to cook greens long-term storage You can use an electric dryer. The trays of the device are filled with herbs and a mode is set where the temperature does not exceed 38 degrees. The procedure lasts on average 40 minutes.

Drying dill in the refrigerator

The collected greens are laid out on a flat surface, covered with a napkin and placed in the refrigerator, where it is warmest, for 16 days. During this period of time, all the moisture from the greenery will evaporate. The finished dried spice is transferred into containers and stored in a dark place.

How to dry greens in the microwave

Place a napkin on a plate with a flat bottom, spread the herbs and cover with another layer of napkin. Then the product is placed in the microwave. After 2.5 minutes, check the greens for readiness. If necessary, you can return the herb to the microwave for a couple more minutes.

How to dry dill for the winter so that it does not turn yellow

If the procedure for drying the herb was carried out incorrectly, the appearance of the greenery changes and it becomes covered with yellow spots. A common cause of changes in appearance is too high a temperature during drying.

To prevent dill leaves from drying out using any chosen method, they should be covered with a light cloth or paper.

How to check the readiness of dried greens

You can easily check whether the dill has dried well by simply rubbing a small amount of dry herb between your fingers. If the result is a dry powder, then the product is ready for further storage. If the branches break but do not crumble, you need more time to dry them.

How to store dried dill

For long-term storage of dried dill, containers with tight lids and dark walls that do not allow light and moisture to pass through, as well as linen bags and paper bags are suitable. The room where the spice is stored should be warm and dry.



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