Cheese or mayonnaise on top. Delicious pizza (step-by-step recipe with photos). Replace meat with minced meat

Cheese or mayonnaise on top. Delicious pizza (step-by-step recipe with photos). Replace meat with minced meat

Some people prefer to buy pizza only in a pizzeria or an Italian restaurant. Yes, many of us believe that this beloved and revered dish can only be prepared by dedicated people. On the one hand, there is some truth in this. For example, Italian chefs are constantly arguing about how exactly real food is prepared. tasty pizza what should be put in it and what products should never be put in it. On the other hand, every housewife has her own signature recipe for making pizza. And, it should be noted, her finished dish enjoys no less popularity and respect in certain close circles.

In the meantime, Italians argue, I suggest you try my version of delicious pizza. I make pizza from yeast dough, using a specially prepared pizza sauce (and I will show the dough in detail in separate recipes).

Cooking steps:


Yeast pizza dough, tomato sauce for pizza (2 tablespoons), ham (150 grams), champignons (200 grams), canned corn (2-3 heaped tablespoons), tomatoes (2 pieces), olives, lemon, cheese hard (150 grams), mayonnaise, greens

Surprise your family and guests by serving them the most original salad - let them guess what you seasoned it with! They'll never guess! But you, like me, will take a risk and season the salad with cream cheese.

Well, it’s just that he’s boring as a spread on a bun. I decided to continue the experiment that began not so long ago, when I included cream cheese in the composition impregnation for tilapia. The fish turned out simply incomparable.

So, this time I soaked a delicious salad with this soft creamy mass, replacing mayonnaise. It is impossible to describe the taste in words. Let's cook!

Cooking time: 15-20 minutes (if eggs are ready)

Complexity: average

For the salad:

    vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.

    sesame - to taste

For impregnation:


I always have boiled eggs in the refrigerator, so all I had to do was remove the shell and dice the egg.

Next we have to fry the onions and mushrooms. In order not to waste time, I first put a frying pan with oil on the stove and chopped the champignons into strips.

Then I peeled a small onion and sliced ​​it thinly. My frying pan was already hot and the oil was sizzling. That's why I sent the onions here first.

And then I added straws of champignons. Fry and simmer under the lid, adding salt and pepper. I must say that I don’t fry mushrooms for a long time. 5-7 minutes and they are ready. After all, champignons can generally be eaten raw.

Chicken fillet can be taken optionally smoked. It’s just that the smokedness gives the salad a spicy kick. The fillet can be cut into any format or simply disassembled into pieces, as I did.

I put the jar of cream cheese in hot water to soften it. And at the same time I trimmed a fresh cucumber.

I chopped the greens.

That's it, you can start assembling the salad. This can be done in different ways. For example, assemble everything and fill it with softened cream cheese. Or you can do it the way I did it. Layer and sprinkle sesame seeds on top. It makes no difference what will follow here. The main thing is not to forget to flavor each layer with soft cream cheese, drawing it into a syringe while hot and quickly spreading it with a spatula. I will now dress some puff salads like this. And also... But this is another recipe that I will definitely share!

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The female half of humanity has long noted that if you want to please your male half, then take the meat and bake it. Now, this is the most popular dish for all holiday dinners.

But you have to know how to cook meat deliciously. In ancient times, coals were used for this purpose, but now everything is much simpler - we use an oven.

So, here are 5 delicious recipes for you to cook delicious meat with French charm.

Being a housewife who was not yet very experienced in cooking, my French-style meat always turned out dry and difficult to chew. And sometimes I couldn’t get it off the pan at all.

For a long time I could not understand what was the matter. Until I started asking the older generation what I was doing wrong.

First, I used chicken. But it turns out that chicken is not meat, pardon the pun. Of course, it can be used, but only by cutting it across the grain into thin slices and beating it well.

Another nuance is not to put the meat in the first layer, otherwise it may burn. Let it go next, soaking the potatoes or onions with its juice.

By the way, not everyone adds potatoes either, but with them it turns out much more satisfying and cheaper. It needs to be mixed with spices in a separate bowl so that each circle is evenly covered with spices.

It is better to put foil or cling film on the baking sheet itself, this way you will save time on washing dishes. But you can grease the leaf or baking dish with oil.

Well, the most important nuance is a lot of filling.

In addition to mayonnaise, I watered the layers with water. Now I understand that it is better to add sour cream instead of water.

It’s very tasty when you mix sour cream with mayonnaise, egg and garlic. The dish topped with this sauce is juicy and aromatic.

I know that lemon juice or pieces of olives are also added to this filling instead of garlic. In any case, it will be very tasty.

It is better to use dried greens or sprinkle with fresh parsley before eating. Well, maybe it’s just my family that doesn’t like boiled greens.

Sometimes housewives add cheese immediately before putting it in the oven, but for some reason it’s the cheese that burns then.

Therefore, I put it on the prepared dish and send it to a hot oven to melt.

And, of course, don’t forget to put a bit of your good mood of love for your family into the dish. They will definitely feel it!

Classic French pork recipe in the oven

Baked pork is a favorite dish for many men. It gives quick strength and is easy to chew. Due to its fat content, it soaks better than beef.

I want to give you a recipe for making it with cheese without potatoes. It goes perfectly with a side dish of fresh or baked vegetables. I think that with potatoes this dish is quite difficult to digest, so snack on the meat with a cucumber.


  • Pork - 0.8 kg
  • 4 onions
  • 300 g hard cheese
  • Mayonnaise
  • Greenery
  • Vegetable oil

1. We wash the pork under running water and dry it with a towel. Cut into pieces 1 cm thick.

2. Beat off the pieces with a hammer or the end of a rolling pin. Soak them in spices and salt.

3. Prepare the onion.

4. Place foil on the leaf and grease it with vegetable oil.

5. The first layer is onion, so the meat will not burn.

6. Place meat on it, which we grease with mayonnaise or sour cream.

7. The final layer is cheese.

Baking time: 30 minutes at 180 degrees.

Delicious meat with potatoes and tomatoes in the oven

For those who do not think about proper nutrition and the complexity of combining pork and potatoes, I offer another recipe.

We take meat and potatoes in equal proportions.

It is better to buy hard cheese that melts well. But my mother uses it for these purposes. He freezes it in the freezer and takes it out when he is going to bake meat in French or pizza.


  • Pork tenderloin - 0.7 kg
  • Potatoes - 0.7 kg
  • Cheese - 200 g
  • 3 fresh tomatoes
  • 2 onions
  • Mayonnaise
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • spices
  • Oil for greasing the mold

1. Cut the tenderloin and beat it.

2. Place potatoes on a greased leaf.

3. Then comes the meat and onion rings.

4. Tomato slices on it.

5. Make the sauce: squeeze garlic juice into mayonnaise, add spices (Italian herbs, suneli hops or something else).

6. Pour the sauce over the entire dish and bake in the oven for 20 minutes.

7. While the dish is being prepared, grate the cheese and sprinkle it on the semi-finished dish 7 minutes before it is ready.

Prepare this dish with mushrooms

Nowadays, housewives most often understand mushrooms as champignons. If you are the owner of jars or bags of milk mushrooms, butter mushrooms and honey mushrooms, then you are very lucky.

The most affordable option for most families is champignons. You can buy them frozen or canned. It’s best to evaporate excess moisture from them and drain the liquid that remains after defrosting.


  • 500 g meat (beef, veal, pork)
  • 500 g potatoes
  • 200 g frozen mushrooms
  • 100 g sour cream
  • 50 g cheese
  • Salt pepper

1. It is better to cut the potatoes into rings or half rings, mix with spices in a bowl and place on a leaf.

2. Fry the mushrooms to evaporate excess moisture and place on top of the potatoes.

3. Cut the meat thinly against the grain, beat and salt. Lay out the next layer.

4. Grease the meat with sour cream.

5. Pour grated cheese onto the sour cream.

6. Cover with foil.

Baking time: 45 minutes at 220 degrees.

French-style meat in a slow cooker

Every time I write about a multicooker, I praise those people who came up with it. She has helped me out many times already. And you can also deliciously bake any dish in it.

But here is a nuance - first the meat is laid out on the bottom, so it is baked better.

Some people first fry it using the “Fry” or “Fry” mode, but it’s better to start baking right away.


  • Brisket (any meat) - 0.4 kg
  • potatoes - 0.5 kg
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • cheese - 150 g
  • 1 egg
  • 3 tomatoes

1. Cut the brisket into lengthwise pieces and beat. Season with salt and pepper on both sides.

2. Carefully place these chops on the bottom of the slow cooker.

3. We need potatoes in the shape of rings. Cut it thinner, it will taste better. Place it on top of the meat.

4. The next row is onion rings.

5. Cut the canned champignons in half and also put them in the slow cooker.

6. Tomato pieces come next. If you have cherry tomatoes, then cut them in half only.

7. Mix the egg, mayonnaise and grated cheese to cover the entire dish with this mixture.

Select the “Baking” or “Cake” mode.

Replace meat with minced meat

The fastest French meat is made from minced meat. We take minced pork and mix it in equal proportions with beef or chicken. And it cooks faster than whole meat slices. It will be more important here that the potatoes are baked and soft.


  • 0.4 kg minced meat
  • 4 potatoes
  • 1 onion
  • 0.2 kg cheese
  • spices
  • Champignons - 0.2 kg
  • Mayonnaise
  • Spices

1. Place potato rings on a baking sheet and add a little salt on top.

2. Next next to it is minced meat, scatter onion half rings on it.

3. Grated cheese comes next.

Bake for 30 minutes at 200 degrees.

The cheese will form a crust and will not allow the moisture from the minced meat to evaporate.

Check readiness with a knife; if the potatoes are soft, crumble and are easily pierced, then feel free to invite your family to eat.

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