Cheesecakes from cottage cheese: calorie content, composition, BJU. How many calories are in cottage cheese pancakes? Cheesecakes made from low-fat cottage cheese Calorie content of cheesecakes made from cottage cheese with flour

Cheesecakes from cottage cheese: calorie content, composition, BJU. How many calories are in cottage cheese pancakes? Cheesecakes made from low-fat cottage cheese Calorie content of cheesecakes made from cottage cheese with flour

Fragrant sweet fried cheesecakes are a taste familiar to all of us since childhood. For many, this dish has become part of the daily diet and has become one of their favorites. It is generally accepted that any desserts that contain cottage cheese are healthy and low-calorie. Is it really? You will learn about this, as well as how many calories are in cottage cheese pancakes, in this article.

Curd cheesecakes: benefit or harm?

Say what you will, but classic cheesecakes prepared with wheat flour and sugar. And this, in turn, already casts doubt on the benefits of the dish. Cottage cheese is truly a healthy and nutritious product that contains amino acids, vitamins, iron and calcium. Cottage cheese is also valued for its high protein content, as much as 16 g per 100 g of delicacy. However, during heat treatment, most of these properties are lost. Classic cheesecakes are usually fried in vegetable oil. That is why it is a mistake to consider this dish 100% healthy.

Of course, eating a few cottage cheese donuts with jam as a dessert is much healthier than eating, for example, a cake. But if you are on a diet and want to lose extra pounds, it is best to reduce the consumption of the dish to a minimum.

Calorie content of cheesecakes: how many calories in one serving

The calorie content of any prepared dish depends on the nutritional value of all the ingredients used. There are a lot of recipes for delicious curd donuts. Mandatory in most of them is use of eggs, sugar, salt, flour. Very often, housewives add chocolate, raisins, dried apricots, candied fruits, lemon and orange zest, coconut flakes, bananas, or, for example, finely grated carrots to curd donuts.

Calculating the calorie content of a dish is easy. Let's consider how many calories are in classic cheesecakes without additives according to this recipe: 600 - 700 g of fresh cottage cheese, 160 g of eggs (two medium ones), 5 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 5 tbsp. spoons of premium wheat flour, half a packet of vanilla sugar (teaspoon).

In 600 g of cottage cheese - 795 calories, in eggs - 172, in 5 tablespoons of sugar - 398, in flour - about 430. A teaspoon of vanilla sugar - about 40 calories. Thus, for the entire quantity we get approximately 1830 calories. Per 100 g serving – 2-3 crumpets depending on size – 216 calories. In general, considering the daily diet of an ordinary person (2 thousand kilocalories), this is quite a bit. But for those who are losing weight, there are still too many calories. Moreover, curd donuts are usually eaten with sour cream, all kinds of jams, condensed milk, marmalade - all this increases the calorie content.

Do not forget that calorie content largely depends from used cottage cheese. The recipe given above uses cottage cheese with a fat content of 9%, 1 kg of which contains 1590 calories. Very often, housewives use homemade cottage cheese for cheesecakes, the fat content of which can reach 18%. The calorie content of such cottage cheese per 1 kg is 2320 calories. When using such cottage cheese, the calorie content of the curd donuts will increase accordingly. For those losing weight and those watching their figure, it is best to use cottage cheese with a fat content of 0.1% to 5%. This will not greatly affect the taste, but the calorie content of the cheesecakes will be reduced several times. Let's look at the calorie content of another recipe that is loved by many:

  • Cottage cheese 5% fat – 1 kg.
  • Sugar – 150 g.
  • Chicken eggs – 4 pcs.
  • Semolina – 80 g.
  • Raisins – 3 tbsp. l.
  • Dried cranberries – 3 tbsp. l.
  • Candied fruits – 1 tbsp. l.

So, for 1 kg of cottage cheese 5% fat - 1210 calories, eggs - 345, sugar - 597, vanilla sugar - 40, semolina - 262, raisins - 198, cranberries - 157, candied fruits - 60. Total is 2870 calories for everything or 178 per 100 g serving. Based on this, we can conclude that the calorie content of cottage cheese donuts becomes much less if you use less fat cottage cheese and semolina instead of flour. It should be noted that the curd donuts with semolina are more tender and soft, literally melting in your mouth.

Another ingredient that can affect the calorie content of cheesecakes is vegetable oil. In order to make the dish less calorie and healthy, you can use olive, corn or coconut oil. The ideal option is to fry the cheesecakes in a non-stick frying pan or bake in the oven. You will learn about dietary recipes for cottage cheese donuts below.

How to make cheesecakes dietary: recipes for losing weight

Of course, the main ingredient of dietary curd donuts is skim cheese. As we have already found out earlier, the calorie content of cheesecakes made from low-fat cottage cheese is much lower. By the way, you can degrease it at home. There are also several basic secrets that will help make cheesecakes dietary:

  • Use whites instead of whole eggs;
  • Instead of wheat flour, you can use corn, oat, rice, coconut flour;
  • Instead of sugar, you can use sweeteners; a good alternative is stevia;
  • It is not at all necessary to fry the cheesecakes; they can be baked in the oven.

In order not to add sugar to the dish, you can add more dried fruits or a ripe banana.

Recipe for dietary banana cheesecakes without flour

You will need:

  • 0.5 kg low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 1 ripe banana;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 30-40 g oatmeal;
  • Vanillin.

To get started, mash the banana with a fork or puree it in a blender. Then beat the eggs, add vanillin, prepared banana puree, and cottage cheese. It is best to grind oatmeal into flour using a coffee grinder and then add it to the curd dough. You can fry in a non-stick frying pan, after greasing it with a drop of oil, or bake in the oven. For the second method– Roll each crumpet in oatmeal and place on a parchment-lined baking sheet. These cheesecakes should be baked for 25-30 minutes, until golden brown. You can also use silicone molds. The calorie content of cheesecakes prepared according to this recipe is 140 kcal per serving.

Please note that when preparing dietary cheesecakes it is very important to use the right cottage cheese. Too dry, crumbly, grainy will not work. If you buy cottage cheese at the market, make sure that it is not too wet. For a dietary version of the dish, an excellent option is creamy cottage cheese in briquettes.

Recipe for dietary cheesecakes with rice flour and dried fruits

To prepare these cheesecakes use:

  • 300 g. cottage cheese;
  • 1 egg;
  • 3 tbsp. rice flour (if you can’t buy it, make it yourself from rice using a coffee grinder);
  • Raisins, dried apricots, dried fruits to your taste;
  • Vanilla extract.

To prepare, mix cottage cheese with egg, add flour and vanilla extract. It is best to pre-soak dried fruits in hot water, and then rinse well and add to the rest of the ingredients. The dough needs to be refrigerated for 15 minutes. Next, roll each cheesecake in flour and fry in a non-stick frying pan without oil. The calorie content of such cheesecakes is 155 kcal per 100 grams. You can serve with natural yogurt without additives or with honey.

Cheesecakes are a dish familiar to everyone since childhood, because we so often ate them in the gardens for an afternoon snack; for some, their beloved grandmother prepared them, and for others, they became the first dish they prepared themselves. Such popularity of cheesecakes is not accidental, because this is a delicious dish that even children and teenagers can prepare. One can talk almost endlessly about the wonderful taste and usefulness of this dish, but many are worried whether the calorie content of cheesecakes will allow them to be consumed often enough without harming the figure.

To give answers to all questions, we will look at cheesecake recipes, cooking methods and, of course, their calorie content. It may seem incredible to many, but there are different ways of preparing cheesecakes and different recipes, so the calorie content of cheesecakes may vary. What doesn't change for sure is the huge boost of energy that you can get after consuming them.

Calorie content of cheesecakes and its dependence on the recipe

To determine how many calories are in cheesecakes, you need to study all the products that are included in their composition. The main product included in cheesecakes is cottage cheese. The calorie content of cottage cheese (18% fat content) is 236 kcal, the calorie content of flour is 334 kcal, sugar is 399 kcal, margarine or butter is 743 kcal, and the calorie content of egg is 157 kcal. All these products are mixed in different quantities, but the result is an excellent morning dessert or even a full breakfast with approximately 300 kcal calories, and this number of calories includes 100 grams of cheesecakes and a dessert spoon of sour cream.

As you can see, cheesecakes contain a lot of calories, so many people may have the idea of ​​giving up this delicacy in favor of lower-calorie foods. But if there are no problems with weight, then they can be consumed in the first half of the day. Also, the calorie content of cheesecakes can be significantly reduced due to small changes in the recipe. For example, you can make cottage cheese that does not require frying. To prepare them, you need to mix grated carrots, radishes and cucumber with cottage cheese and serve, forming the mixture into balls.

It is also possible to reduce the calorie content of cottage cheese pancakes without changing the recipe. It is enough to avoid frying them in oil. You can bake cheesecakes in the oven; they will turn out golden brown, tasty and aromatic, but at the same time much less fatty and high in calories. Also, the calorie content of cottage cheese pancakes will be significantly reduced if you do not use sour cream as a sauce. Another trick is to add fruit or dried fruit to the dough. Banana, apple, pear, raisins or dried apricots will not increase the calorie content of cheesecakes, but they will make their taste more refined and unique.

Anyone who is wondering how many calories are in cheesecakes needs to clearly understand that their calorie content depends, first of all, on the recipe and method of preparation. There are excellent recipes for cheesecakes with honey instead of sugar and with semolina instead of flour; cheesecakes can also be sweet with fruit or salty with meat and vegetables. Therefore, when they talk about the calorie content of cheesecakes, first of all, they mean classic cheesecakes, which every housewife should be able to prepare.

How to make classic cheesecakes

Making cheesecakes is not the most difficult thing. To get six servings of a delicious dessert you will need a little effort and about 40 minutes. To prepare six servings of cheesecakes, you need to take half a kilogram of cottage cheese, half a glass of flour, one egg, two tablespoons of sugar, about 25 grams of melted butter and a little salt. Since this recipe is classic or basic, each housewife has the right to add something of her own to it, for example, add dried fruits or a little more sugar, berries or honey.

After all the ingredients are prepared, we begin preparing the dish. Grind the cottage cheese thoroughly and carefully in a plate, add flour, egg, salt and sugar to it, and then mix thoroughly. The result should be a soft but not sticky dough. If the dough sticks to your hands, it means that the cottage cheese was a little damp and you need to add more flour.

After the dough is prepared, sprinkle the table with flour. Roll out the dough into sausages up to 5 centimeters in diameter and cut into pieces about a centimeter thick. Roll the resulting pancakes in flour and fry in a frying pan in melted butter. Separately, sour cream or jam is served with classic cheesecakes.

Of course, there will be plenty of calories in such cheesecakes, so those who are watching their figure will have to change and redo the recipe to get a less calorie dish. Fortunately, cheesecakes are a dish that is almost impossible to spoil, unless you openly burn them in a frying pan. Any changes to recipes only add uniqueness and originality to the dish.

Calorie content of cheesecakes, as well as their benefits and harms

The main component of cheesecakes is cottage cheese, therefore it is the usefulness of cottage cheese that determines the usefulness or harm of cheesecakes. But do not forget about other products that are included in their composition. Since cottage cheese is one of the most valuable protein products, it is simply unrealistic to deny the usefulness of cheesecakes.

Fermented milk products, unlike fresh milk, are very easily digestible, so a huge amount of calcium, fluorine, potassium, iron, magnesium and other minerals, as well as vitamins, enters the human body easily and unhindered. Cottage cheese is often recommended even for small children as a first food, and for children of kindergarten age it is simply necessary, which is why cottage cheese casseroles and cheesecakes are frequent guests in kindergartens. Cottage cheese does not irritate the digestive tract, so it can be consumed by those who have diseases in this area; it is indicated for pregnant and lactating women.

But many may be confused by the question of how many calories are in cheesecakes. It's no secret that fatty and high-calorie foods, such as cheesecakes fried in butter or other fat, are not the best choice. Therefore, those who are watching their figure should not fry the cheesecakes, but bake them in the oven.

Another question is the quality of the cottage cheese itself, which is used to make cheesecakes. It's no secret that falsification of products is a very highly profitable business, so under the guise of cottage cheese you can buy mass with the addition of protein of unknown origin and dangerous trans fats. Therefore, you need to choose cottage cheese very carefully, giving preference to manufacturers who adhere to GOST standards and are as conscientious about production as possible. It is also very important to check the freshness of the cottage cheese, since this is a perishable product, and the right conditions for preservation are not available everywhere.

Among the large number of desserts and breakfast options, curd cheesecakes can be considered the most popular. The calorie content of cheesecakes is one of the key points in favor of this choice.

You can prepare a truly unique culinary masterpiece from cottage cheese. In addition, dried apricots with raisins, a filling of finely chopped carrots, pears, apples or fruit jam can be used as a filling.

Cottage cheese itself is an extremely popular product for the body, since it contains a lot of calcium and is easily absorbed by the digestive system. Every 100 grams of cheese balls eaten will help strengthen bone tissue; they will be useful for diseases such as gout, hypertension, excess weight and liver diseases. Cheesecakes will improve metabolism in the body and strengthen nerve cells.

Although the calorie content of cheesecakes made from cottage cheese is 183 kcal for any 100 grams of this dish, which in itself is not small, this figure will be lower for products made from low-fat cheese.

Lactic bacteria have a positive effect on our digestion, and intestinal motility also normalizes with them. The milk proteins and fats contained in curd cheesecakes can successfully replace proteins of animal origin. This product is also useful because it helps form hemoglobin in the blood.

Fresh cottage cheese is the most useful in terms of its qualities, but even after heat treatment it retains many valuable qualities.

This should be taken into account by those who like to cook cheesecakes in the oven. For those who are interested in how many calories are in cheesecakes, it will be useful to know that with such preparation there will be fewer calories in the product. Well, of course, baked cheesecakes will be easier to digest by the body.

A few words about calories

In general, the calorie content of such a product will be directly related to the calorie content of the cottage cheese from which they were made.

For example, if cottage cheese is 18% fat, then 100 grams of cheesecakes will contain 236 kcal, and 100 grams of cheesecakes made from low-fat cottage cheese will contain no more than 110 kilocalories.

Nutritionists recommend consuming no more than 200 grams of curd products, since they contain a large amount of proteins. It is not recommended to consume fried or baked products for those people who have kidney problems. Cottage cheese also contains purines, which should be taken into account by those who have contraindications for them.

Recipes for delicious curd balls

How to make delicious cheese balls in the oven yourself?

For a dietary dish we will need the following ingredients:

  • half a kilo of cottage cheese (preferably low-fat), depending on the calorie content of cheesecakes you need;
  • four egg whites;
  • half a banana;
  • a little dried apricots with raisins, finely chopped;
  • a tablespoon of flour and the same amount of semolina.

For another recipe, we are advised to stock up on a glass of flour and half a kilogram of cottage cheese. Take some salt (to taste) and seasoning. We will also need a couple of eggs and oil in which we will fry it all. Again, we form small balls from the mixture of all the ingredients and fry them alternately on both sides in a frying pan under a lid. You can serve sour cream, fermented baked milk or yogurt separately.

Syrniki are a delicious and tender dessert dish, suitable for both a hearty breakfast and a light dinner. The basis is cottage cheese, which even after heat treatment does not lose its beneficial properties. Such food has a positive effect on the digestive system, normalizes metabolic processes and strengthens the immune system. Even when losing weight, including this dish in your diet is not contraindicated. And the calorie content of cheesecakes can be reduced if you resort to dietary recipes.


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Calorie content of cheesecakes

The calorie content of curds prepared according to a universal recipe varies between 190–200 kcal per 100 grams of product, with BJU: proteins - 18.5 g, fats - 3.5 g, carbohydrates - 18.1 g. This indicator can be changed by variations in cooking methods and ingredient composition. In the dietary version, low-fat cottage cheese is used. Then the number of calories is reduced by 30–40 units. 1 piece will contain about 90 kcal, which corresponds to the acceptable norm in a diet for weight loss. To accurately understand the degree of benefit and harm of cheesecakes, you need to know the energy value of the basic component - cottage cheese.

Cottage cheese with a fat content of 18% contains 235 kcal, 9 percent - 167 kcal, low-fat (0.5%) - 110 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Curd pancakes baked in the oven or steamed are lighter than fried in oil. You can even skip vegetable oil altogether if you place the preparations on special baking paper. Calorie content is significantly reduced in the following cases:

  • replacing granulated sugar with dried or fresh fruits and berries; dried fruits are also suitable, they do not affect the number of calories, but increase the benefits of the product;
  • using bran, semolina, oatmeal or corn grits instead of wheat flour;
  • the use of olive oil, which is used to lubricate a non-stick frying pan in small quantities before frying;
  • baking in the oven at low temperature (170–180°C).

When on a diet, it is not recommended to eat this dish with high-calorie additives: sour cream, honey, jam, condensed milk, butter. This contributes to the appearance of extra pounds. For example, a 100-gram serving of cottage cheese with sour cream contains about 380 kcal.

Nutritionists have developed many menus that include cottage cheese and other fermented milk products. It is a natural source of protein for the body, as well as a number of other beneficial substances. To make the dietary dish tastier and more fluffy, it is first recommended to add a little natural yogurt to the curd mass and mash with a fork.

Useful properties of the dish

The composition of cheesecakes may vary slightly, depending on the incoming components. The classic dessert contains: vitamins (A, E, B), mineral components (zinc, magnesium, phosphorus), calcium, lipotropic substances. This product is indicated for use not only by those losing weight, but also by all people who adhere to the principles of proper nutrition. Cheesecakes in the regular diet have a beneficial effect on the skin, nails and hair. Also, with PP with the inclusion of this dish, an overall positive health effect is noted:

  • brain activity improves;
  • the functioning of the cardiovascular system is improved;
  • digestion is restored;
  • teeth and bones are strengthened;
  • the level of hemoglobin in the blood increases;
  • muscles become stronger.

Due to the large amount of protein, curds are suitable for protein and protein diets. They promote rapid muscle growth.

Cottage cheese is often used in the treatment of gout, obesity, sclerosis, hypertension, and some kidney pathologies. People prone to purine allergies may not be afraid to eat this food. Milk proteins and fats in cottage cheese will become a complete alternative to animal products.

The only contraindication for use is serious renal impairment.

Cooking methods

There are many options for preparing this dessert dish. Various additives add a special flavor to the taste: cinnamon, lemon or orange zest, cocoa, vanillin, coconut flakes, berries, dried apricots, raisins, etc. Carrots, green herbs, pumpkin, broccoli, and vegetables are added to vegetarian pancakes. Sugar in this case is excluded from the composition. The duration of cooking depends on the method: in a slow cooker the process takes 20–25 minutes, in a frying pan - no more than 10 minutes.

The most interesting selection of dietary cheesecakes is presented in the table.

Option Ingredients Step by step recipe
OrdinaryLow-fat cottage cheese - 400–450 g, chicken egg - 2 pcs., ground bran - 4 tbsp. spoons, 20 g raisinsThe raisins are pre-soaked in water for 2-3 hours, then dried on paper towels. Knead the cottage cheese with a fork, add eggs and other ingredients. The resulting dough is formed into flat cakes and fried in a non-stick pan. Can be used with applesauce
Unsweetened curds200 g low-fat cottage cheese, egg, 25 g raisins, 30–35 g wheat flour, 1/2 part apple, vanillin and cinnamon - on the tip of a knifeThe curd mass is ground together with flour, spices and eggs. Stir in chopped apple and raisins. Place the rolled dough balls on parchment and bake in the oven at a temperature of 180–200 °C. If you want to diversify the taste, add dried apricots, prunes and other dried fruits to the batch
With cornmealCottage cheese - 300 g, 60 g corn flour, brown sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon, egg - 1 pc., cinnamon, citrus zest, almondsCombine all ingredients and stir until fluffy and homogeneous. At the end, add flour and knead into a plastic dough. Form cheesecakes of any shape and fry in a frying pan with a small amount of olive oil.
On semolinaCottage cheese - 150 g, granulated sugar - 1 teaspoon, semolina - 1 tbsp. spoon, sachet of baking powder, 2 tbsp. spoons of oatmeal, 50 g raisinsSemolina-based curds are lower in calories than classic ones. Add sugar to the cottage cheese, beat in an egg and grind thoroughly. Honey can be an alternative to sugar. Add the remaining dry ingredients. At the end, add raisins. Make small flat cakes and fry
With branFor 3 servings you will need: sweetener - 3-4 tablets, cottage cheese - 500 g, eggs - 2 pcs., vanillin, oat bran - 4-5 tbsp. spoonsThe tablets are pre-dissolved in a small amount of warm water. Mix all ingredients in a blender. The dough turns out watery, so it is poured into silicone molds and baked in the oven
With semolina and flourUnsweetened curd mass - 450 g, sugar - 2 tbsp. l., 2 eggs, 45–50 g of wheat flour and the same amount of semolina, soda - 2 g, saltCottage cheese is mixed with sucrose, semolina and eggs. Salt, stir again and leave for 15-20 minutes. After the dough has swelled, add soda and wait about 5 minutes. Add flour in portions and knead the dough. Make pancakes and fry
With prunes and dried apricots250–300 g cottage cheese, dessert spoon of honey, 2 eggs, 2 large spoons of flour, prunes and dried apricotsThe dessert is tender and low-calorie. The dough is prepared by combining all the ingredients of the recipe step by step. Form flat cakes 1.5–2 cm thick and fry in a greased frying pan.
With sweetenerLow-fat cottage cheese - 500-550 g and 4 sweetener tablets, eggs - 2 pcs., bran - 4-5 tbsp. spoons, vanillin, baking powder - 5 gGrind all the ingredients until smooth, then pour in the dissolved sugar tablets. The resulting mixture is laid out in molds and baked in an oven heated to a temperature of 180 °C. Cooking time: 25 minutes until golden brown on top
In a slow cookerCottage cheese - 400 g, egg, sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons, vanillin, salt, cinnamon and coriander - to tasteMake cottage cheese cutlets and place them in a multicooker bowl. Set to “Baking” mode, duration – 20–25 minutes. Time can be increased if necessary
With bananasRequired: 50–70 g of dry cottage cheese, banana, 60 g of oatmeal, vanillin - a pinch, raisins - 1 tbsp. spoonThe fruit is first crushed or crushed by hand, and everything else is mixed into it. When creating curd cakes, hands are moistened with water to prevent the dough from sticking. They are then dipped in flour and fried in a frying pan. To reduce calorie content, baking in an oven is suitable
In a steamerThick cottage cheese - 200–250 g, quail eggs - 2 pieces or half a chicken, a small spoon of olive oil, semolina and rice flour - 1 tbsp. spoon, frozen cherries - 150 g, salt and vanillinThe berries are first defrosted naturally, at room conditions. Prepare the dough separately by mixing the remaining ingredients. The result should be a mass of medium consistency. Pull the film over the top and allow the semolina inside to swell. This will take at least 30 minutes. The berries and the released juice are added after the allotted period, then the mass is distributed into silicone muffin tins. Place in a double boiler for 15–20 minutes. The curds are not taken out immediately, but left to cool inside. Before serving, remove the dessert from the molds.

To obtain delicious dietary cheesecakes, it is recommended to take low-fat cottage cheese or a fat content of up to 2%. But such a product contains less vitamin D, which slows down the process of calcium absorption. But you can enjoy such a dessert to your heart’s content, without restrictions. And the missing calcium salts are replenished in other ways.

Probably, every housewife has her own tricks for making cheesecakes, but the main ingredient remains the same - cottage cheese. Curd cheesecakes are a favorite delicacy of most people, but many adherents of proper nutrition and diets are concerned about the benefits and calorie content of cheesecakes. After all, of course, when eating this dessert, you want not only to enjoy the taste, but also to fill your body with vitamins, without gaining extra pounds.

The benefits of cheesecakes

Cottage cheese is the most useful fermented milk product; it is easily digestible and has a positive effect on the functioning of almost all internal human organs. Therefore, cottage cheese dishes, and in our case cheesecakes, bring invaluable benefits to the body, namely:

  1. They strengthen human bones, because cottage cheese contains a high concentration of calcium.
  2. They restore and improve metabolic processes, thanks to which the body gets rid of fat and excess fluid.
  3. Improves a person's condition with hypertension.
  4. Resume the functioning of the liver and kidneys.
  5. Improves intestinal microflora and restores stomach function.

By the way, if you make cheesecakes from high-quality real cottage cheese, then even with heat treatment most of the beneficial microelements and minerals will be preserved.

Calorie content of curd cheesecakes

The number of calories in any dish, including cheesecakes, depends on the fat content of the ingredients and the cooking method. If you prepare this delicacy from good homemade cottage cheese, then the calorie content of cheesecakes will be very high and will be 300 kcal per 100 g of product, but the benefits from such a dish will be maximum. But if you take the main ingredient with a fat content of less than 5%, then 100 g will equal 230 kcal.

The calorie content of fried cheesecakes increases due to vegetable oil, which we cannot do without when frying the curd dessert, so on average, 100 g of product already accounts for up to 320 kcal. These data will be lower and amount to approximately 240 kcal per 100 g if you cook this dish in the oven.

Cheesecakes for weight loss

If you control your weight and try to stay in shape, then you should prepare this curd delicacy correctly. To reduce the calorie content of cheesecakes it is recommended:

Nutritionists have developed many diets based on cottage cheese, because this product can replenish the body’s reserves of all the most important vitamins and minerals. Therefore, when on a diet, curd cheesecakes can be safely consumed, the main thing is that they are as dietary as possible. And to do this, they must be prepared only from low-fat cottage cheese, without sugar, and it is advisable to bake them in the oven at a low temperature. The calorie content of such dietary cheesecakes will be approximately 170 kcal per 100 g. You can eat 2-3 pieces per day, depending on the severity of the diet that you are currently following.



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