Thin sourdough pancakes. Culinary corner Rye pancakes on sourdough without yeast

Thin sourdough pancakes. Culinary corner Rye pancakes on sourdough without yeast

Sourdough pancakes

Excellent sour pancakes made with sourdough bread, which have a pronounced sour taste (better than kefir). The thickness depends on the proportions (amount of flour). You can bake very thick pancakes, or you can make quite thin ones. Suitable for wrapping fillings. A very simple set of products. If you don’t have starter, use regular pressed yeast.


1 option of proportions – Thin pancakes

for 26-30 pancakes (pan bottom diameter 18-20 cm)

  • Flour – 4 cups;
  • Warm water – 4 glasses;
  • Sugar – 4 tablespoons;
  • Sourdough – 3 tablespoons;
  • Salt – 1 teaspoon;
  • Egg – 1 (optional);
  • Vegetable oil – 4 tablespoons (+ a little bit, about 1 tablespoon for the first greasing of the pan).

Proportions option 2 – Thick pancakes

for 14-16 pancakes (the diameter of the pan bottom is 18-20 cm)

  • Flour – 4 cups;
  • Warm water – 3 glasses;
  • Sugar – 3-4 tablespoons;
  • Sourdough – 3 tablespoons;
  • Salt – 1 teaspoon;
  • Egg – 1 (optional)
  • Vegetable oil - 1/3 cup (4 tablespoons + a little for the first greasing of the pan).

For the filling (optional)

Processed cheese or regular cheese, honey, butter + sugar, apple or other jam, plastic marmalade, cottage cheese. Or your other favorite pancake filling options.

I also made a creamy filling for pancakes from semolina porridge with butter. I greased half of the pancake with it and rolled it into a tube. Additives to it are processed cheese grated on a fine grater, raisins, candied fruits or dried cranberries. Proportions for semolina porridge: for 1 liter of water – 1 cup of semolina (+ 0.5 cups of sugar, 0.5 tsp of salt). Ready porridge mix with 50 g butter. Enough for 20 pancakes (2 tablespoons per pancake, this is a noticeable creamy layer). If you put less, you can divide it by 30, the creamy part will be thinner, but it will still be delicious.

How to cook

  • Combine flour and sugar. Pour in warm water (temperature 36-40 degrees). Add the starter and stir. Cover with a lid and place in a warm, windless place for 7 hours (or longer, 12) or overnight. Under certain circumstances (summer time, heat, very active fermentation) the dough will ferment faster, look at what has grown under the lid.

When the dough has more than doubled in size, it is ready.

  • Add salt, egg (optional if you like) and vegetable oil to the dough. Mix.
  • Heat the frying pan well. Drop some oil on it. Pour the pancake into the frying pan (for a bottom diameter of 18-20 cm you need a little more than half of a regular ladle, maximum 2/3, if you have a whole ladle, the pancake will be very thick).

Bake the pancake from the first side, focusing on the change in color of the top of the pancake - at first it is white, as it bakes it darkens a little and before your eyes, bubbles burst from the white to the top and freeze (the pancake becomes holey).

When the edges of the pancake have dried and browned, and the pancake on top has changed color (darkened slightly), then you can turn it over to the second side. One side of the pancake will be reddish-brown, and the second can be lighter; it is not necessary to fry it too much.

  • Place the finished pancakes in a stack - one on top of the other. While they stand, their dried edges (if any) will soften.

Pancakes taste even more interesting with filling!

The leaven dough grew 2.5-3 times in 7 hours
This is the consistency of dough for thin sourdough pancakes
The dough on top gradually changes color from white to darker. Where it is white, it is liquid; where it darkens, it has already set and bubbles have appeared.

Fry the pancake on the second side
30 thin pancakes, ready to be stuffed with filling
Thin sourdough pancake

These are thin sourdough pancakes

These are thick sourdough pancakes with more flour. The only difference is this.

Thick pancake rolled into a tube

Sourdough pancakes turn out porous, with beautiful holes

That's how thick it is!

After baking, the pancakes can be stuffed with whatever you like - salty or sweet. Since sourdough pancakes taste sour, I do not recommend adding a very sour filling. Something neutral or obviously sweet, with butter or cheese (that is, with something enveloping) will taste better.

I stuffed thin pancakes with honey, honey with processed cheese, honey with butter (it turned out to be honey caramel), butter with sugar (a piece of butter + 0.5 tsp inside the pancake and roll it with a handkerchief), processed cheese, apple jam.

Sugar and butter filling
Cover the sugar and butter with the second half of the pancake, and then fold it again (“handkerchief”)
Pancakes rolled up with a handkerchief sweet filling(butter+sugar, butter+honey)

Pieces processed cheese. Then we roll the pancake into a tube. You can add greens and pieces of sweet pepper
Processed cheese goes well with honey. We also roll it up into a tube.
Gradually fill the plate stuffed pancakes. To avoid confusion, salty ones - tubes, sweet ones - handkerchiefs

Pancakes stuffed with cheese, honey, butter and sugar and apple jam

How often to grease a pan

I grease before baking the first pancake and somewhere at the end when I feel the need for it. Sometimes only at the beginning. Sourdough pancakes already contain butter; they bake well in a dry frying pan. The main thing is to heat it up well (and it’s better to use a proven cast iron one than a Teflon one).

If there is no sourdough

Bread leaven is the same yeast, only homemade(fermentation-fermentation). It looks like a starter for kvass, the composition is rye flour fermented in warm water.

Therefore, instead of sourdough, you can take 15 g of pressed live yeast or dry French yeast (based on 650 g of flour, see instructions on the package, as a rule, a small bag is designed for 900 g or 1 kg of flour, then you need to take 2/3 of the bag ).

When preparing pancakes with yeast instead of sourdough, the time required to rise the dough will be reduced by approximately 2-3 times (see how it has risen by half, you can bake pancakes).

  • Sourdough pancakes turn out incredibly fluffy and soft. They have a delicate texture and a slight sour taste resulting from lactic acid fermentation.

    Today there are many ways to prepare this dish. They all differ in the set of ingredients, and therefore in the taste of the final product. If you add less flour to the dough, you can fry thin sourdough pancakes. The recipe for this dish involves the use of potato broth. This secret component contributes to the elasticity of the dough and replaces chicken eggs. To pamper your loved ones lean pancakes, you will need:

    • Two glasses of flour.
    • Three and vegetable oil.
    • One hundred grams of sourdough.
    • Three glasses of potato broth.
    • A teaspoon of table salt.

    From the specified amount of products, eight servings of the finished dish are obtained.

    Process description

    If you don't have sourdough starter, you can make your own. True, you will have to spend a certain amount of time on this. For this you will need fifty grams of wheat or rye flour. It is dissolved in the same amount of water and mixed. Every day for a week, 50 g of flour and water are added there. Store this product in a dark place at room temperature. If you want to get sour pancakes with sourdough, then you need to use rye flour to prepare the latter.

    Now that you have everything necessary products, you can start working with the test. To create it, dissolve the leaven in a cooled potato broth and gradually add flour that has been sifted through a sieve. Vegetable oil, table salt and granulated sugar are also sent there. Beat all this well with a mixer or whisk and hide in a warm place for eight hours. The consistency of the dough should be quite liquid. Therefore, if necessary, add potato broth or boiled water to it. Fully ready dough Gradually scoop into a ladle and pour into a hot frying pan. Sourdough pancakes fried on both sides without yeast are stacked on a flat plate and served. Most often they are eaten with squash caviar, honey or jam.

    Option with cream

    Using this technology it is relatively easy to prepare openwork pancakes. Their taste is somewhat reminiscent yeast baked goods. So that you can succeed fragrant pancakes with sourdough, the recipe of which requires the complete absence of eggs, double-check in advance whether you have everything you need on hand. IN in this case you will need:

    • A glass of mature wheat sourdough.
    • A teaspoon of table salt.
    • A glass of milk and 10% cream.
    • Two tablespoons of vegetable oil.
    • Two hundred and thirty grams of flour.
    • A tablespoon of sugar.

    Additionally, you should have half a stick of butter in your kitchen. You will need it to grease ready-made sourdough pancakes.


    In one suitable vessel, combine cream and wheat sourdough. Granulated sugar, rock salt, pre-sifted flour and vegetable oil are also added there. Mix all this thoroughly, trying to get rid of the slightest lumps. Immediately after this, the almost finished dough is diluted with milk. If you plan to fry thick pancakes with sourdough, then the quantity can be reduced slightly. Now cover the bowl with the dough with a clean towel and set it aside in a warm place. After about a couple of hours it will increase in volume, and only then will it be possible to proceed to the next stage.

    The dough is poured in small portions onto a hot frying pan, the bottom of which is greased with any vegetable oil. The pancakes are fried on both sides and placed on a flat plate. It is important not to forget to grease them with butter.

    Option with eggs

    Using this recipe, you can prepare thin, elastic and soft sourdough pancakes without any problems. They turn out very fragrant and have a sour, bready taste. The process of preparing them takes much more time than required yeast pancakes. Therefore, it is advisable to do this only when you are in no hurry. Before you start creating your test, make sure you have everything you need in your arsenal. In order to make a dough, you should have at your disposal:

    • One hundred grams of rye sourdough.
    • One hundred milliliters of warm drinking water.
    • Fifty grams each of rye and wheat flour.

    To prepare the dough from which sourdough pancakes will subsequently be fried, you will additionally need:

    • One hundred grams of rye flour.
    • Three hundred and fifty milliliters of warmed milk.
    • A teaspoon of salt.
    • Three eggs.
    • One hundred and fifty grams of wheat flour.
    • A couple of tablespoons of sugar.

    Step-by-step technology

    First you need to do the dough. To prepare it, mix all the required ingredients in one container and hide it in a warm place. After a couple of hours, bubbles will appear on its surface, indicating that you can proceed to the next stage.

    Add to the finished dough egg yolks, previously ground with granulated sugar. Two types of sifted flour, heated milk and salt are also sent there. Mix all this thoroughly, cover with cling film and leave warm.

    After about four hours, add whipped ingredients to the pancake dough. egg whites and add a little more milk if necessary. The prepared pancake mixture is sent in small portions to a hot frying pan coated with vegetable oil. Fry the products on both sides until golden brown and transfer them to a flat plate. Usually these pancakes are served with various savory fillings.

    Sourdough pancakes can safely be called universal.

    The thing is that the recipe allows you to bake pancakes in which you can wrap a filling of meat, cottage cheese, seafood, serve them for breakfast on their own with yogurt or sour cream, fill them with fish, even top them with jam or your favorite condensed milk.

    It turns out that the recipe for pancakes based on sourdough is perfect. I recommend baking thin pancakes. In this case, they can even be used in the form of pancake cake layers. Their taste is special.

    But what is the secret of the dish? Everything is very simple. It is based on a starter that needs to be put in a jar in the refrigerator every day. It can be either fresh or already with a significant shelf life.

    Recipe for sourdough pancakes without yeast

    Ingredients for the dough: 160 gr. sourdough; 320 gr. psh. flour; 640 ml water; 2 pcs. chickens eggs; 60 gr. Sahara; 5 gr. salt; 50 ml plant. oils

    If you want, then chickens. You can replace quail eggs. Only in this case you need to take them pcs. – 10. You can bake such pancakes with rye flour, it will be no less tasty.

    The recipe has a simple combination of ingredients: water: flour: leaven = 4:2:1.

    Cooking algorithm:

    1. I use starter from the refrigerator. The volume of the bowl should be at least 3 liters. The starter should be mixed with warm water using a silicone spatula. Only then can you add flour. Remember that it must be sifted.
    2. I leave the mixture for 2-3 hours. I cover the dough with food. film and leave in a warm place. Avoid leaving the dough in a draft. I advise you to place a towel under the bowl, this way the fermentation process will begin. Just don’t put it on a radiator or a heated floor system, as the process will be fast, but this is not necessary. 2 I put the dough in the cold for 10-18 hours. This is necessary for the gluten to develop. You can leave the bowl overnight. In the morning I see that the dough is covered with white liquid. Everything is as it should be. This is the main indicator that gluten has worked. I mix the mixture with a spoon.
    3. I put salt, veg. butter, sugar. I stir the chicken with a fork. eggs, then add them to the dough as well. I leave it again for 2 hours so that the dough warms up. But remember that the temperature should be within 25 degrees, otherwise the mass may turn sour.
    4. When the dough is very thick, dilute it with 50-100 ml of water. In this case, you will personally regulate how thick your pancakes become during baking. I mix the mass well. I advise you to add water before you start frying pancakes or when adding the rest of the ingredients that the recipe specifies.
    5. I'm baking pancakes. To speed up the process, I advise you to take 2 pans at once. From these ingredients you can make about 20 pancakes. They will be a little sour, but that's their plus. The taste is extraordinary, so don’t let it bother you that they will turn out a little sour.


    Use any jam, dessert mixtures, or salty toppings as filling. I advise you to take Mascarpone cheese, ready-made whipped cream with a fat content of 33%, and sugar. powder

    Mix everything and dilute with finely chopped fruits. For example, it could be tangerine or kiwi.

    You should put a couple of tablespoons in the center of the pancake. finished filling. Roll the pancakes into rolls and cut diagonally.

    As a result, the serving can be in the form of a “clearing” on a dessert plate, poured with sauce or sprinkled with sugar. powder. I leave this point at your discretion.

    Vanilla pancakes based on Prostokvashino sourdough

    Vanilla snack will be an ideal dish for tea. Dessert pastries will be thin, lacy, sweet and smell like vanilla.

    Feel free to add pancakes at Prostokvashino fresh berries, dried fruits, candied fruits, ice cream or condensed milk. You can roll the pancakes into rolls and pour the sauce over them.

    Components: 3 pcs. chickens eggs; 0.5 tsp salt; sugar; vanilla sugar; 100 gr. wheat flour; cook. starch; 150 ml sourdough Prostokvashino; sl. oil.

    Flour can be replaced with rye flour.

    Cooking algorithm:

    1. I mix chickens. eggs, sugar, salt, van. sugar, starch and flour together. I fill it with sourdough.
    2. I drown the words oil. I pour it into the dough mass. I beat the mixture and leave for 30 minutes. in the cold.
    3. I heat a frying pan with heat. oil I mix it with sl. oil I pour the dough in the amount of one ladle and cover the bottom of the pan.
    4. Fry until cooked, the pancake should turn brown.

    I pry up its edges and turn it over. I also fry the second side until done. I put it on a plate. I serve it warm.

    Pancakes with sourdough and zucchini

    Zucchini pancakes are an excellent solution to treat your loved ones to a delicious and healthy breakfast. Since the baked goods will be sourdough, they will turn out thin and lacy, tender and have a pleasant taste.

    Fill vegetable pancakes with sour cream, natural yoghurt and serve.

    Components: plant. oil; sl. oil; 250 ml of starter; 1 tbsp. bran; 1 PC. zucchini; 200 gr. wheat flour (rye flour is also possible); 1 PC. chickens egg; 0.5 tsp salt.

    Cooking algorithm:

    1. I peel the zucchini and grate it using a grater. I mix it with chickens. egg, salt and bran. I knead tbsp.
    2. I add the starter, then the growth. oil. Add flour and mix. The dough should be thick, so add as much wheat or rye flour as needed.
    3. I bake pancakes in a hot frying pan with vegetable oil. etc. oil
    • I believe that it is better to bake pancakes in a special frying pan or cast iron base. If you bake on a ceramic bottom of a dish, then it is better to wet its surface with melt. oil, but using a paper towel. In this case, the dough will not stick to the day.
    • If you bake pancakes, which you plan to stuff later, then it is better to take a larger frying pan. You can add Ricotta cheese to the dough.
    • The recipe can be diluted slightly differently. Add 2 tbsp. cornstarch into the dough. In this case, the pancakes will be stronger, even if the frying pan is larger in diameter, they will not tear.
    • It is very convenient to turn the pancakes over when you first pry up their edges, and then bring a spatula to the center under them. Actions should be careful, but sharp.
    • It is better if the edges of the blade are thin and the surface itself is wider. Thus, I manage to successfully flip both large and medium-sized pancakes. They don't tear at all.
    • If the pancakes are too big, then you can help with your hands while turning them over, just know that in this case there is a chance of getting burned. I urge you to be more attentive and careful. Newbies in the kitchen can wear gloves; with experience, everything will be easier.
    • Planning to bake pancake cake, make the cakes thin. As I already mentioned, you need to adjust the thickness by adding water to the batch. To bake pancakes, pour a little batter into a ladle. As a result, you can make a cake from 15 pieces. sourdough pancakes.
    • When choosing ingredients for sourdough pancakes, know that any flour can be used. It is best to take the composition for a dessert snack premium. But if this is a portion of healthy pancakes, pay attention to rye and oat flour.
    • To keep sourdough baked goods fresh and soft longer, I always cover the stack with ready-made pancakes lid or put them in a pan. Another option to achieve the same goal is to store pancakes in disposable containers.
    • You can fold homemade sourdough pancakes in the form of envelopes. In this case, they will remain fresh for about 3 days.
    • If you want, you can heat up pancakes with delicious sourdough in a frying pan or in microwave oven. You can also pour non-rasta into the frying pan. oil, and sprinkle a little water on its surface.
    • Ready-made sourdough dough can be stored for even three days if you put it in the refrigerator. In fact, it will even benefit him. You should bake pancakes from sourdough dough no earlier than 2 hours later.

    At this point, I propose to complete the recipes, start practicing. After just a few preparations, you will understand how tender, tasty, and even inexpensive baked goods are by kneading dough with sourdough.

    Prepare treats more often, please not only your loved ones for breakfast, but also treat your guests, and if they are interested in recipes, recommend my site.

    I will continue to delight you with new cooking methods in the future. interesting dishes, and therefore visit my blog more often so as not to miss important and useful information for all housewives. Culinary success to all of you!

    My video recipe

    If you have never cooked pancakes with sourdough, then this needs to be corrected urgently, because such pancakes turn out gorgeous in both taste and appearance. They are easy to prepare, turn over perfectly and do not tear. They are also very beautiful and delicate, with many holes on the surface. They are best served hot with jam, honey or sour cream. I recommend trying it.

    Prepare the required set of ingredients.

    Pour the starter into a suitable bowl, add salt, sugar and beat in the eggs.

    Using a whisk, stir everything until smooth.

    Add sifted flour and soda. Mix.

    Then pour in warm water and stir again. The dough should be homogeneous, without lumps. Leave the dough warm for 15–20 minutes.

    Heat the pan well. Before frying the first pancake, grease it with vegetable oil. Pour a portion of pancake batter and distribute it evenly over the bottom of the pan. Literally immediately holes will begin to appear on the surface. Fry the pancake over medium heat on one side for 1-1.5 minutes until the edges begin to brown.

    Then carefully turn over and fry the other side. Continue baking pancakes in this manner until all the dough is gone.

    Very delicious pancakes sourdough ready. Transfer them to a dish and can be served with jam, honey or sour cream.

    Bon appetit!

    Which are formed by everyone who decides to get themselves this useful “pet”. But don’t think that this is where the benefits of sourdough pancakes end: on the contrary, they can be considered an improved version. Sourdough pancakes are delicious, beautiful, and fragrant fresh bread with a light, unobtrusive sourness, and are good for health.

    This recipe for sourdough pancakes is designed for slightly thicker pancakes than many are used to. To make the pancakes thinner, add another half glass of milk and, pouring the dough into the pan, quickly let it spread over its surface before it has time to set. Even in thin pancakes sourdough makes sense: they turn out delicate, with a beautiful pattern, and the great taste doesn’t go away either.

    Here is a recipe for making thick sourdough pancakes, which are the best way recycling its surplus. But sourdough pancakes have enough advantages even without this: they are tasty, beautiful, have the aroma of fresh bread with a light, unobtrusive sourness, and are healthy.
    Alexey Onegin

    Combine all ingredients in a bowl except salt and vegetable oil, and beat with a mixer until you get batter with a complete absence of lumps. Cover the bowl with a towel or cling film and leave at room temperature for 4 hours. The risen dough should acquire a pleasant smell of bread; bubbles may appear on its surface, but do not be upset if there are none: sourdough does not work as quickly as yeast, so we will focus on the smell.

    The dough can be prepared in advance and stored in the refrigerator, taking it out a few hours before baking. Leave for at least an hour so that the dough has time to heat up until room temperature, and sourdough means “wake up.” Just before baking, add vegetable oil to the dough and mix gently but evenly.

    Read also:

    Place the frying pan over medium heat and grease it with a small amount of vegetable oil using a silicone brush (this was once done with a feather, but outside, tea, not the 19th century). Scoop up a ladle or a little less dough, pour into the pan and shake it from side to side so that the dough is evenly distributed over its surface. Turn the pancake over when the top has gone from liquid to gooey, and bake for another minute or two, depending on the thickness of the pancake, then remove from the heat. Stack the pancakes, brushing them with melted butter if desired.

    The most convenient way to bake pancakes is in a special pancake pan - wide and with low sides, which make it easier to flip the pancakes. However, if you know how to flip pancakes by simply tossing them, the height of the sides will not be a hindrance to you.

    If desired, you can add seasonings - onions, mushrooms, chopped eggs, fish and generally anything that comes to your mind. To do this, put the roast in a frying pan, fry it a little if necessary (I, for example, like the roast from the quickly fried white part of green onions), pour in the dough and then bake according to the recipe.

    Well, after the smallest pancake is baked from what is left at the bottom of the bowl of dough, you can take the plate of pancakes to the table, where they are probably already waiting for it.



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