Chocolate cake with strawberries for birthday. Chocolate cake with strawberries - various recipes for its preparation. Ingredients for making cream

Chocolate cake with strawberries for birthday. Chocolate cake with strawberries - various recipes for its preparation. Ingredients for making cream

No one ever gets tired of cakes. And chocolate cake is always a hit. A sponge cake prepared with fresh strawberries, delicate sour cream and chocolate will take pride of place in the center of the festive sweet table among other desserts. And it will become the most delicious and beautiful dish there. For contrast, each guest can be served with a scoop of creamy ice cream, topped with strawberry and chocolate topping and a cup of black coffee with cognac.

The main thing in any sponge cake is that the cake rises well during baking and does not fall down after. Our cream will be traditional, sour cream, but you can make it with protein or combined - condensed milk plus proteins - the cakes are so versatile in taste that it will be delicious in any case. Or you can whip heavy cream with sugar and you’ll get a classic - strawberries and cream.

The advantage of tender and properly prepared biscuits is that they do not require long-term soaking of the cakes, like Napoleon dough or shortbread dough. If you don’t have time to wait, just leave the cake at room temperature for 2 hours and refrigerate for an hour before serving, this is usually enough for the cakes to soak a little.

Biscuit ingredients

  • 5 eggs;
  • 2 tbsp. cocoa;
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 1 tbsp. flour;
  • 1/2 chocolate bar;
  • 1 tsp baking powder.

Cream ingredients

  • 450 gr. sour cream;
  • 3 tbsp. powdered sugar;
  • 10-15 pcs. strawberries;
  • 1/2 chocolate bar.

How to make chocolate strawberry cake at home

  1. Before cooking, the eggs must be in the refrigerator - then you will get a dense, perfect foam and a high-quality sponge cake. Wash the eggs well with soda and break them on the edge of the bowl. Separate the whites into a clean and dry container, and put the yolks in the refrigerator. Beat the egg whites with sugar, which we introduce gradually. Without turning off the mixer, bring the whites to a dense thick foam. There should be no liquid at the bottom, so be patient. In order to get good foam, the mixer speed needs to be increased gradually, approximately every 2-3 minutes. When you turn the bowl over, the whipped mass should not flow out, but remain in it.
  2. In a separate bowl, beat the yolks and pour into the whites. Combine everything with a mixer.
  3. Then add sifted flour and sifted cocoa. Chill the chocolate in the freezer and grate half a chocolate bar into the dough. You can also melt it in a water bath, cool it a little and then pour it into the dough. In general, whichever is more convenient.
  4. Mix the dough again so that there are no lumps of flour or chocolate. This step doesn't have to be very long, 3-5 minutes is enough to mix the dough. The best way to do this is with a spatula or large spoon, but you can no longer use a mixer.
  5. Turn on the oven to warm up, set the temperature to 200 degrees.
  6. Prepare your baking pan by lining the bottom and sides with baking parchment. If you have regular parchment, grease it with butter, but if it is non-stick, you can skip this step. Slowly pour all the batter into the pan. To ensure that there are no large lumps and the surface of the cake is even, lightly hit the pan on the table surface. This way, excess air will come out of it, and the surface will then be even and smooth.
  7. Carefully place the biscuit in the oven and bake for 30 minutes. At first, do not open the door under any circumstances - the biscuit may fall and the dessert will be ruined forever. After half an hour, check the biscuit for readiness by piercing it with a toothpick. If it is completely dry, the biscuit is ready; if not, bake for another 5–7 minutes.
  8. Turn off the oven and leave the crust out for another 5 minutes. We open the door a little and wait a little more. And only after we take the biscuit out of the oven, it should still be warm, but not hot. Cool the finished biscuit completely in the mold and remove it by slightly tilting the mold.
  9. Turn the cake upside down and remove the parchment. If it lags behind poorly, place a warm, damp kitchen towel on top of it for a couple of minutes. This will make the parchment come off much easier. Turn the biscuit upside down.
  10. For the cream, beat powdered sugar and cold sour cream with the highest percentage of fat content. Ideally, it is better to use homemade sour cream. If it has a low percentage of fat content, it will not fluff up and will be liquid. In this case, add a thickener for cream or cream into the mixture, the cream will be quite thick, but its taste will not change at all.
  11. Using a sharp long knife, cut the biscuit into two layers.
  12. For the cake, use medium-sized and fairly dense strawberries; they should remain intact after cutting, and not turn into puree. Prepare the strawberries - rinse well, dry completely and chop coarsely.
  13. Cover the bottom of the sponge cake with sour cream and evenly distribute strawberry pieces on top. Top the three with the remaining half of the chocolate bar.
  14. Place the second half of the biscuit on top.
  15. Spread the rest of the sour cream on top of the cake. We decorate the sides with cream using the attachment for a “Star” culinary syringe.
  16. Cool the cake in the refrigerator for a couple of hours if possible. Before serving, decorate the cake. Why lay out strawberry pieces, waffle flower and mastic leaves. Also sprinkle grated chocolate on top.
  • If you want to achieve the perfect chocolate sponge cake, replace some of the flour with high quality cocoa powder, and use 78% extra dark chocolate.
  • If you love coffee, you can make coffee impregnation. Just add 4 tablespoons of sugar to good brewed coffee (preferably espresso) and pour it over the cakes. And when the cakes are dry, follow the recipe.

Prepare the jelly according to the instructions on the package, only use half as much water. Pour the jelly into a tray and cool.

To prepare the biscuit, beat the egg with sugar, placing the container on a pan of hot water (the dish with the egg should not touch the water and do not put the pan on the fire), until the volume increases 3 times within 5-6 minutes.

Remove the egg mixture from the water bath and carefully add the flour-cocoa-baking powder mixture, stirring gently until smooth. Line the bottom of a baking dish (diameter 20 cm) with baking paper, grease with oil (do not grease the sides of the pan), pour out the dough. To ensure that the sponge cake is even when baking, turn the pan with the dough clockwise several times.

Bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 20 minutes. Cool by inverting cake onto a wire rack.

To prepare the soufflé, pour gelatin into 60 ml of cold water, let it swell and then dissolve (dissolve the gelatin) in a water bath. Mix sour cream, yogurt, sugar and beat with a mixer until thickened and increased in volume. You need to start whipping at low speeds, gradually increasing them. At the end of whipping, pour in the dissolved gelatin in a thin stream.

Place pieces of strawberries and jelly in the soufflé, mix and pour into the mold on top of the sponge cake. Place in the refrigerator for 2 hours to harden.

Delicate and delicious “Strawberry in Chocolate” cake can be served.

Bon appetit!

The most accurate and complete description: strawberry chocolate cake recipe with photos - from the best chefs in a large but informative article collected from all corners of the Internet and books.

  • Chocolate and strawberries are a great combination! Let's bake a summer chocolate cake with strawberries! The recipe is so simple, so effective and tasty. 🙂

    Once I already experimented with baking with strawberries and chocolate - I made a chocolate sponge cake with this berry. However, I liked the new version better - it has a brighter taste and appearance.

    This cake combines strawberries, cream and chocolate perfectly. Wonderful company, isn't it?

    I made the cake crust with strawberries according to the recipe

    chocolate cake in boiling water

    You can also use this recipe, or

    homemade chocolate cake recipe

    – it will turn out just as tasty, and perhaps even tastier! The boiled water cake is taller, while the homemade chocolate cake is fluffier and more tender.

    So, if we prepare according to 1 recipe: mix flour, sugar, cocoa, soda, baking powder.
    Separately, beat the eggs, pour in the milk and butter.
    Combine both mixtures, dry and liquid, mix, pour in 1 cup of boiling water and knead the dough.

    Line a 24 cm springform pan with pastry parchment and grease the bottom and sides with vegetable oil.

    Pour the dough into the mold.

    Bake the cake at 180-200C for 50-60 minutes, test with a wooden stick. When there is no dough left on it, and the cake has become high, it’s ready!

    We take the cake out of the mold, let it cool, then cut it into 3 parts with a wide knife.

    We do the impregnation. I usually soak it with tea with lemon, or jam syrup, but now I thought that strawberry soak would go well with a cake with strawberries. I took a few crushed berries, rubbed them through a colander and diluted them with cool boiled water. The result was a fragrant strawberry juice, which I soaked the cakes with.

    No video available

    Preparing the cream. Both butter cream with condensed milk and custard without eggs are perfect for this cake, but the tastiest thing is just thick cream whipped with powdered sugar. Very tender and pleasant to the taste, and goes harmoniously with strawberries!

    Whip the cream and powdered sugar briefly, about half a minute or a minute, so that it thickens a little - because if you overdo it, you’ll end up with butter :)

    Spread the bottom cake with cream and place strawberry slices on top.

    Place the middle cake layer on top, also grease with cream and lay out the strawberries. Cover with the top crust.

    Drizzle the cake with chocolate glaze. You can melt a chocolate bar with a couple of spoons of milk in a water bath. Or make a cocoa frosting. This is how she prepares. Mix half a glass of sugar with a tablespoon of cocoa, stir with 3 tablespoons of milk and, stirring, bring to a boil over low heat. When the glaze starts to foam, turn it off and let it cool a little so that it becomes thicker, just don’t miss it, otherwise it will become sugary and you’ll have to heat it up again.

    While the icing on the cake has not hardened, decorate it with strawberry pieces; if the icing has time to set, the decoration will not stick.

    We put the chocolate cake with strawberries in the refrigerator - slightly chilled, it becomes even tastier, cool buttercream is especially good.

    What a gorgeous summer cake this turned out to be!

    Juicy, sweet and ripe strawberries combined with delicate chocolate - what could be better? This is probably one of the best desserts in the whole world. What do you get when you combine strawberries and chocolate in a cake? The result will be simply amazing, as every sweet tooth will be delighted. No one can pass by the magical, tender, light and amazingly tasty cake, prepared with love at home.

    Secrets and tricks of making a cake

    Chocolate cake with strawberries comes in two types, namely with and without baking. As for cooking a cake in the oven, it is advisable to make shortbread or sponge cakes. You can put chocolate and cocoa powder in the dough. As for no-bake cakes, they are made from ready-made products, namely store-bought cakes, cookies, and gingerbread. Chocolate strawberry cake, prepared without baking in the oven, can have a jelly structure, and the base is dairy products. The following components are used as a cream:

    • whipped cream;
    • custard;
    • condensed milk with butter and cocoa;
    • sour cream;
    • curd mass;
    • yogurt;
    • fatty cottage cheese.

    It is important to note that all the ingredients combine very well with each other, and the berry emphasizes the rich, refined chocolate taste of the dessert. To prepare, you will need a high-quality recipe with photos, some free time and fresh ingredients.

    The interesting thing is that chocolate cake with strawberries lasts much longer and is better preserved, because the strawberries do not disintegrate. However, we should not forget that such desserts quickly lose their attractiveness, since the berries still turn sour and release juice, so the delicacy loses its appetizing and seductiveness. The solution to this problem has several clever, practical options.

    Read also: Prague cake classic recipe step by step

    1. It is advisable to use greenhouse strawberries, because they have a high density. Despite the fact that it is not so sweet and aromatic, it is able to hold its shape for a long time and look at the highest level.
    2. If you wish, you can pour a thin layer of jelly over the berries, which can fix them and prevent subsequent souring. Use regular jelly, namely transparent or red.

    If you don’t know what cream to choose for making a chocolate cake, then you can resort to the classics, namely strawberries and cream. Oddly enough, but such a combination is the most successful, effective and contrasting. However, you should not ignore other dairy products: cottage cheese, sour cream, yogurt, the taste is no worse. To prepare a low-calorie, light cake, you can take pasty dietary cottage cheese!

    When a recipe with a photo involves using chocolate instead of cocoa powder, it is advisable to melt it in a steam bath. Never forget to stir it so that nothing burns. If you want, you can even melt it in the microwave. If you use cocoa powder in the recipe with the photo, be sure to sift it using a fine strainer. This manipulation will help avoid the formation of lumps.

    No video available

    As for the shelf life of the finished chocolate-strawberry dessert, it is not very long, because the berries are considered perishable. That is why, use the proposed recipe with photos to prepare a real confectionery masterpiece with your own hands. Believe me, such a cake will easily decorate any festive table or home tea party.

    Chocolate Cake Recipe

    A delicious, rich, bright cake with summer berries, covered with icing, will not leave anyone indifferent. To prepare the dessert you will need a high-quality, step-by-step recipe with photos.

    Ingredients for the dough:

    • milk - about 140 milliliters;
    • butter – 55 grams;
    • chicken eggs – 3-4 pieces;
    • cocoa powder – 3 tablespoons;
    • sugar – 150 grams;
    • flour – 1.5 cups;
    • soda – 1 level teaspoon.

    Ingredients for making cream:

    • sugar – no more than 5 tablespoons;
    • fresh strawberries – 200 grams;
    • full-fat sour cream - about 200 milliliters.

    Ingredients for glaze:

    • cream – 120 milliliters;
    • chocolate (black or milk) – 120 grams.

    Features of making chocolate cake with strawberries:

    1. Prepare all the necessary ingredients according to the suggested recipe. First of all, you should mix all the dry ingredients, namely cocoa powder, flour, sugar and soda.
    2. Pour the milk into a saucepan, add a little butter and heat until it melts.
    3. Beat chicken eggs into a bowl, add sugar and beat with a mixer until fluffy and voluminous. Then gradually add the dry part and stir.
    4. Then add warm milk, stir until you get a nice, homogeneous and smooth consistency without lumps. Divide the finished dough into 3 layers and pour into a baking dish. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, bake each cake for twenty minutes, then cool.
    5. The next step is to prepare a delicious, tender, unusually light and airy buttercream. First of all, take care of the strawberries, you need to wash them, get rid of the tails, and then grind them in a blender.
    6. Beat the sugar with sour cream; volume and viscosity should form. Mix with strawberry puree, cool in the refrigerator for fifteen minutes.
    7. Next, you can prepare the glaze using the suggested recipe with photo. Chop the chocolate, mix with cream and heat, but never boil.
    8. Take a beautiful dish, place the first cake layer on it, generously brush with strawberry cream. Do this with all the cakes except the last one. It must be filled with glaze and the top decorated with fresh juicy and sweet strawberries.

    Read also: Vegan cake cream recipe

    As you can see, the proposed recipe with photo is quite simple and original. It won’t take too much time to prepare, and the result will delight you with its amazing and delicate taste, chic appearance and incredibly delicate aroma. Bon appetit everyone!

    Step-by-step recipes for delicious chocolate cakes with strawberries and butter, sour cream, cheese cream

    2018-05-28 Marina Vykhodtseva

    In 100 grams of the finished dish


    Option 1: Classic chocolate cake with strawberries

    The recipe is not only a cake, but also a wonderful sponge cake with the addition of chocolate. Sour cream cream with powdered sugar. It’s just better not to use sand, as it dilutes the mass very much. We choose fresh and dry strawberries, since frozen berries release a lot of moisture and the cake will simply flow.


    • 5 eggs;
    • 3 spoons of cocoa;
    • 60 g chocolate;
    • 1 tsp. baking powder;
    • 150 g sugar;
    • 600 g sour cream;
    • 300 g strawberries;
    • 150 g flour;
    • 90 g powder.

    Step-by-step recipe for classic strawberry cake

    Break the chocolate, put it in a water bath and slowly melt it. Don't overheat it. Mix cocoa with flour and baking powder, sift.

    Beat the eggs until foamy. If the mixer is weak, it is better to separate the whites and yolks separately. We start adding sugar only when the mass becomes airy. Beat until dissolved and add chocolate flour. There is no need to beat with it; it is better to remove the mixer completely. Stir with a spatula and add melted chocolate.

    For biscuits, it is better to use a springform pan. In this case, the optimal size is 21-23 cm. Cover the bottom and lay out the fluffy chocolate dough. Bake for 40 minutes at 170 degrees. We don't do any higher. Then cool completely.

    The cream is the simplest: mix sour cream and powder, if desired, you can add cocoa to it, we get a denser mass. Strawberries need to be cut into slices. This is why it is important to use dense berries. We leave a few things for decoration.

    Cut the cooled chocolate sponge cake into three layers. This is easily done with a long knife. Lubricate all this one by one with cream, lay the berries. Since sour cream is used, there is no need to soak anything additional, it will handle it perfectly.

    Gently grease the top and cover the sides. Decorate the cake with fresh strawberries and let it soak for at least four hours.

    You can make this sponge cake simply with cocoa without adding chocolate, it will also work out great.

    Option 2: Quick recipe for chocolate cake with strawberries

    For this cake, we simply take ready-made chocolate cake layers. As a result, the entire process of preparing an amazing dessert will not take more than half an hour. The cream is made with condensed milk and cream, and a chocolate bar.


    • 3 chocolate cakes;
    • 250 g cream 33%;
    • 400 g strawberries;
    • 300 g condensed milk;
    • 90 g chocolate;
    • 0.5 cups of coffee.

    How to quickly make strawberry cake

    Whip the cream, brew and cool the coffee, you can use cocoa, be sure to add sugar, or vanilla. Add condensed milk to the whipped cream to give the cream a pleasant taste.

    Chocolate can be added in two ways. Usually it is melted, cooled and poured into the total mass. But you can also just grate it finely and add it. We choose a method that is acceptable to us, but in any case, stir the cream well to obtain a uniform consistency.

    Chop the strawberries and start making the cake. Sprinkle one cake layer with coffee, but not too much, grease it with butter cream and chocolate, and lay out the strawberries. Cover with the second cake layer and press down lightly. We repeat. Coat the top with cream and sprinkle with grated chocolate if desired.

    Read also: Mink mole cake with bananas and cottage cheese recipe with photo

    You can make homemade chocolate sponge cake for this cake. Moreover, it tolerates storage and even freezing well.

    Option 3: Chocolate cake with strawberries in boiling water

    Biscuit in boiling water (aka chocolate in boiling water) tastes completely different, but is also simple and easy to prepare. This is a wonderful base for chocolate strawberry cake. If you prepare everything correctly, you will end up with a wonderful dessert at minimal cost.


    • flour – 2.5 cups;
    • 0.5 tbsp. oils;
    • Two eggs;
    • 6 spoons of cocoa;
    • 300 g mascarpone;
    • 1 tbsp. boiling water;
    • 300 g strawberries;
    • 1.5 tsp. soda;
    • 1.5 tsp. baking powder;
    • 350 ml cream;
    • 5 spoons of powder;
    • 50 g chocolate (for decoration);
    • a glass of milk;
    • 2 tbsp. Sahara.

    How to cook

    The dough for such a biscuit is made quickly, so immediately turn on the oven and put the kettle on the stove. We heat the oven to 180 degrees. In a bowl, mix flour with cocoa and add baking soda and baking powder; nothing needs to be quenched separately. Also, do not use only baking soda or only baking powder.

    Mix eggs and sugar and add milk. You can beat it with a whisk or even knead the whole dough with a mixer, it will turn out quickly. Pour the milk mass into the dry ingredients, stir, add refined oil.

    We measure out a glass of boiling water, pour it into the finished dough, mix and send it all into the mold. Bake the biscuit in boiling water until done. Cool and cut into slices, usually making three layers.

    The cream is simple but very tasty. We start with cream. Beat until foamy, gradually add powder, and then cream cheese. You don't need to beat it for a long time with it. We wash and dry the berries, cut the strawberries into two or three slices.

    Now we just assemble the cake. Layer each layer with cream and chopped berries. After applying the next cake layer, press it down a little. Decorate with berries and chocolate.

    You can lubricate a sponge cake in boiling water with other types of cream, use ice cream or butter with condensed milk; sour cream and sugar (powdered) also go well with it.

    Option 4: Chocolate cake with strawberries without baking

    One of the easiest ways to make chocolate strawberry cake. The base is cookies, which can also be chocolate, as well as cottage cheese. Gelatin is needed to harden. It is very important to dissolve it correctly for everything to work out.


    • 500 g cottage cheese;
    • 300 g strawberries (strawberries);
    • 300 g sour cream;
    • 50 g cocoa;
    • 150 g sugar;
    • 150 g cookies;
    • 60 ml water;
    • 20 g gelatin;
    • 70 g butter.

    Step by step recipe

    Grind the cookies and combine with melted butter. Mix and place in a springform mold of small diameter about twenty centimeters. Level it out and put it in the refrigerator to harden.

    While mixing gelatin with water. We insist on it for as long as indicated in the instructions.

    It's best to take a blender. Mix sour cream and cottage cheese, season with sugar and cocoa. Beat until fluffy and homogeneous cream. If you don’t want to add that much cocoa, you can reduce it a little. Sometimes melted chocolate is added. As soon as the gelatin swells, dissolve it in a water bath and add it to this mass, mix.

    We wash the strawberries, but you can also use strawberries. Cut into quarters and place into chocolate curd. Stir. Take out the mold with the base and pour the cream into it. Align. If some berries stick out, we lower them inside.

    Let the chocolate cake harden again. Then carefully remove the springform ring and transfer the dessert to a flat plate. You can use a few fresh strawberries for decoration.

    The amount of ingredients is designed for a small 20 cm mold. If the dishes are much larger, then simply increase the amount of products. It is better not to make a low cake.

    Option 5: Chocolate cake with strawberries (quick)

    Another simple and fairly easy to prepare version of a berry cake made from chocolate cake layers with strawberries. Sour cream is used for dough, we use any fat content. Consistency doesn't matter much either.


    • 3 tbsp. l. cocoa;
    • a glass of sour cream;
    • 250 g strawberries;
    • can of condensed milk;
    • a glass of sugar;
    • pack of butter;
    • 1.5 tbsp. flour;
    • sachet of ripper.

    How to cook

    Read also: Quick condensed milk cake recipe with photo

    Beat eggs and sugar, add sour cream, stir, add cocoa with flour and one small packet of baking powder. It usually contains 10 grams. Pour the kneaded dough into the mold.

    Chocolate dough can be baked in a slow cooker; pour it into a bowl and cook for 50 minutes. Or put it in the oven and cook at 180 degrees for about half an hour. Let cool and divide into three thin layers.

    Beat the softened butter, gradually adding condensed milk. You can use boiled milk. We cut the berries. Grease the cake and layer with chopped strawberries.

    You can bake such a cake not only with sour cream, but also with regular kefir or use yogurt, everything works great with them too.


    • 300-400 strawberries
    • 200 g butter
    • 4 tablespoons cocoa powder
    • 3 medium oranges
    • 200 g fine sugar
    • 3 eggs
    • 200 g flour
    • 1 tsp. baking powder
    • 200 ml heavy cream

    For decoration

    • 20 g fresh mint

    For the chocolate topping

    • 100 g butter
    • 100 g dark chocolate (70% cocoa)
    • 100 g sugar


    Preheat oven to 180°C. For the cakes, place baking paper cut to size on the bottom of a baking dish (diameter about 20 cm). Brush the edges with a little butter.

    Add 4 tbsp. l. boiling water into cocoa powder and stir until smooth. Zest 2 oranges. Beat sugar with softened butter, add cocoa mixture, as well as eggs, flour, baking powder and orange zest, mix gently.

    Divide the resulting dough between the pans and bake in the oven for 20-25 minutes. To check if the cakes are ready, insert a skewer into the middle of one layer and remove after 5 seconds. If the skewer remains clean after this, the cakes are ready. Cool the cakes for about 10 minutes, then remove from the pans, transfer to a wire rack and let cool completely.

    Place all chocolate topping ingredients in a heatproof bowl. Place it in a pan of gently simmering water (water bath). Make sure the water is not boiling and the bottom of the bowl is not touching the water. Stir until the chocolate melts.

    Zest 1 orange and squeeze out the juice. Whip the cream into a fluffy foam and carefully add the orange juice and zest.

    Scoop out the remaining oranges and divide them into slices. Wash the strawberries, cut off the stems and cut into small pieces. Leave some of the strawberries to decorate the cake.

    Place one cake on a plate. Distribute the orange cream evenly and drown the orange slices and part of the strawberries in it. Cover the top with the second cake layer and press lightly.

    Drizzle the chocolate topping over the cake and let it cool slightly. Garnish with remaining strawberries and orange zest, and mint.

    Cooking time

    Number of servings

    Difficulty of preparation


    Alexey Karpov

    If you notice an error or inaccuracy, please write

    All sweet tooth lovers know that chocolate goes well with strawberries. By combining these two components, you get a really tasty and very attractive dessert. To pass by such an amazing cake will require iron willpower. But why deny yourself the pleasure of trying this delicacy?

    Strawberries are not uncommon in our climate, especially since they are sold even in winter. And the remaining components can easily be found at the grocery store around the corner. So why not spend a few hours to prepare such a desirable and delicious chocolate strawberry cake? A cake decorated with fruit looks much more attractive.

    Choosing a cooking method

    First, you need to find a suitable recipe that you can not only prepare without any problems, but also treat your friends with a chocolate delicacy. Prepare a confectionery product with white chocolate if you are tired of the usual taste. You can even combine several ingredients and get a delicious chocolate fruit cake.

    Before studying recipes, you need to choose which delicacy you would like to cook. They can be divided into two categories: with and without baking. The cakes can be either shortbread or biscuit. Choose according to your taste. To give the dough a rich chocolate flavor, cocoa, chocolate, or both are added to the dough. This way you can even make a pancake cake with strawberries.

    If you are not going to use the oven, you need to purchase ready-made ingredients in advance: cakes, cookies, etc. A cake that is not baked in the oven will have a jelly structure. The milk base will be the main component. Remember that a cake decorated with strawberries will attract more attention.

    Various components are traditionally used to prepare the cream:

    • Cottage cheese (the fattier the better);
    • Sour cream;
    • Cheese;
    • Whipped cream or custard;
    • Sour cream;
    • Condensed milk + cocoa with butter.

    Enough theory, now you can start practicing cooking. You will learn several new recipes for yourself and understand how to decorate a cake with strawberries and fruits at home to make it beautiful and tasty.

    Recipe I

    The result should be a chocolate cake with fruit. It will look like a chocolate basket.

    Cooking method:

    1. Take two biscuits and soak them in syrup.
    2. Glue the biscuits together using cream.
    3. Spread chocolate cream over the top of the cake. Yes, fatter! We make a thematic pattern on the sides.
    4. Spread the cream again, completing the pattern so that it looks like the weave of a basket.
    5. Add pre-cooked strawberries from the cream.
    6. We draw patterns using icing along the edges of the cake.

    Method for preparing the cream:

    1. Flavor the cream with strawberry essence.
    2. Fill the pastry bag to capacity, and then squeeze out our cream in small circles.
    3. Place in the refrigerator until completely cooled.
    4. Color the sugar with food coloring.
    5. Roll the circles in granulated sugar and shape the resulting product into a strawberry shape.

    If you make several pies from the same volume of ingredients, you will get small baskets, which will be enough for everyone.

    Recipe II

    Dough and filling


    Cooking method:

    1. Mix eggs with sugar. Beat until foam forms. The mixture should be fluffy and thick.
    2. Sift cocoa and flour and mix them in one bowl.
    3. Add dry ingredients to the mixture and stir with a spoon.
    4. Pour the resulting dough into a suitable form and place in the oven at 180 degrees. We wait until a dry crust forms.
    5. Remove the biscuit from the oven and cool on the counter.
    6. Cut the cooled biscuit into two parts.
    7. Mix the powdered sugar with the sour cream, but not for too long. So that the cream is slightly thick.
    8. Grease the bottom cake with the resulting cream.
    9. Scatter the cut strawberries over the crust.
    10. Many people pour hot chocolate over strawberries.
    11. Place the second cake layer on top and spread the remaining cream over the entire product.
    12. The main decoration of the cake is strawberries.
    13. If the cake is covered in chocolate, then everything is ready.

    Recipe III




    How to cook:

    1. The ingredients must be prepared and located on the table.
    2. Mix together cocoa, flour, sugar and soda - all the bulk ingredients of the recipe.
    3. Pour milk into a saucepan and put on fire.
    4. Place the butter in a saucepan and wait until it melts.
    5. Start beating the eggs, sprinkling them with sugar. You can use a mixer. When the mixture takes a fluffy shape, it can be combined with the dry mixture.
    6. Add warm milk and butter to the resulting mixture and stir until a homogeneous mass is formed.
    7. Divide the entire dough into three parts and pour each into a mold.
    8. Preheat the oven and bake each cake in turn for 20 minutes at 180 degrees.
    9. Give the cake time to cool.
    10. Let's prepare a lush cream. First you need to wash the strawberries in water and remove leaves and other unnecessary tripe. Grind pure strawberries with sugar and sour cream in a mixer.
    11. Let's prepare the glaze. Finely chop the chocolate into a saucepan over a water bath and mix with the cream.
    12. Heat the mixture, but do not bring to a boil.
    13. Place the first cake layer and cover it all with cream.
    14. Do the same procedure with the second cake and place it on top of the first.
    15. Finish the tower with the third cake layer, but do not grease it.
    16. Fill the top of the cake with the resulting chocolate glaze.
    17. Decorate the top of the cake with fruits and berries.

    Recipe IV

    eggs10 pieces.
    flour122 gr.
    sugar3 tbsp.
    butter200 gr.
    cottage cheese400 gr.
    cream100 ml.
    milk500 ml.
    starch80 gr.
    red (semi-sweet) wine100 ml.
    gelatin7 tbsp
    vanillin0.6 tsp
    chocolate60 gr.
    syrup60 ml.

    Cooking method:

    1. Prepare all the necessary ingredients.
    2. The strawberries need to be washed and removed from the leaves.
    3. Add granulated sugar to strawberries.
    4. Pour a small amount of boiling water over the strawberries and sugar for 3 hours.
    5. Take eggs, sugar, flour and vanillin. Mix all this to form a dough.
    6. Preheat the oven in advance. The temperature should be at least 180 degrees.
    7. Pour the batter into a suitable pan and bake until done, about 45 minutes.
    8. Cut the finished sponge cake into two even pies.
    9. Stir sugar into cottage cheese to prepare curd cream.
    10. Add cream and vanilla to it.
    11. Mix starch and sugar, adding egg yolks. Place the whites in the refrigerator
    12. Grind until they become a homogeneous mixture.
    13. Bring milk to a boil and add sugar and vanillin.
    14. Cool the milk.
    15. Carefully add the milk to the starch and sugar mixture.
    16. Make a cream from this consistency.
    17. Add some of the cream to the prepared curd mass.
    18. Gently beat the mixture with a blender.
    19. Add the second half of the cream to the butter. Place in the refrigerator.
    20. Dissolve gelatin in water.
    21. Add gelatin to curd cream.
    22. Place the first cake layer and pour syrup onto it for soaking.
    23. Place strawberry pieces and spread thickly with curd cream.
    24. Place the first finished cake in the refrigerator to cool.
    25. Mix the whites, a pinch of salt and sugar, beat until thick foam appears.
    26. Combine the resulting mass with butter cream.
    27. Add gelatin to the cream and mix.
    28. Pull out the second cake and carry out the same procedure as with the first.
    29. Place it in the refrigerator to cool.
    30. Strain the strawberry broth, adding wine and gelatin.
    31. Place in the refrigerator and wait until thickened.
    32. Connect the two halves of the almost finished dessert and spread the resulting strawberry jelly on top.
    33. Melt the chocolate and pour it over the top. You can use white chocolate to taste.
    34. Crumble almonds on top if you want to add some flavor.

    Recipe V

    How to cook:

    1. Grind granulated sugar in a bowl and add eggs there.
    2. Add vanillin to the mixture and mix.
    3. Using steam, we warm up our mixture.
    4. While the mixture is still warm, add butter and berries.
    5. Mix carefully.
    6. Divide the biscuit in half.
    7. Soak in tasty syrup (for example, you can take fruit jam) diluted with water.
    8. Add berry filling.
    9. Soak the outer sides with syrup.
    10. Cover the top cake with cream and berries.
    11. If desired, you can decorate the cake with chocolate or chocolate icing.
    12. Perhaps a little crushed almonds are needed for flavor.

    Helpful cooking tips:

    • Always sift bulk products such as cocoa, flour, etc. This way, your dough will be more airy.
    • Carefully study the process of preparing chocolate cake with strawberries to get a beautiful and tasty delicacy.
    • Usually the chocolate bar is melted in a water bath. But for convenience, you can also use a regular microwave. Simply chop the chocolate into slices, put it in a bowl and put it in the microwave to heat up.
    • Strawberries spoil very quickly. Therefore, it is better to start cooking immediately after buying berries. Or put the berries in the freezer. But then you’ll have to make a cake with frozen strawberries. And make a delicacy based on the number of people who will eat it. Berry pie will not last long in the refrigerator because of the same strawberries.
    • We recommend using greenhouse strawberries due to their increased density. This way the cake will hold its shape longer. But if you don’t have the opportunity to purchase greenhouse ones, regular strawberries will do.
    • If you dip the berries in transparent jelly, the berries will not spoil so quickly and the sweet product will last much longer.
    • When creating cakes with strawberries and chocolate, put it in the refrigerator for at least a day so that it does not lose its shape, and the cakes have time to soak in all the additives that you used during cooking.
    • Don't skimp on the cream! How beautiful a delicacy with interesting patterns will look! And the taste will become rich and juicy.
    • Strawberries and cream are a classic and very successful combination. Feel free to use it, it's really delicious!

    Learn a couple of recipes and delight your loved ones with unexpected sweets. You can also prepare a similar cake for someone close to you for their birthday. They will definitely be happy with such a gift.

    In contact with

    Amazingly juicy cakes made from simple ingredients, bright berry notes and just a sea of ​​chocolate - no one can resist!


    So, a step-by-step recipe for chocolate cake with strawberries:

    First, let's prepare the cream. Bring the cream to a boil (in the microwave or on the stove), break the chocolate into small pieces and add it to the cream.


    Mix thoroughly with a spatula or spoon until the chocolate is completely dissolved and place in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours.


    Meanwhile, mix flour, cocoa powder, baking soda and baking powder, then sift the mixture.


    Beat the sugar and sunflower oil with a mixer for two minutes.


    Add eggs and beat for a couple of minutes until smooth.


    Add dry ingredients to the whipped mixture in parts (in two or three additions), pour in milk and boiling water and mix with a mixer at low speed until smooth.


    The finished dough should be glossy, thick, and deep brown in color. And what a chocolate smell, mmm!


    You can bake the cakes in the oven, in which case we divide the dough into two parts and bake each part at 180 degrees for 50-60 minutes (until a toothpick is dry in the center of the cake).

    You can also bake in a slow cooker on the “baking” mode for 1.5 hours. Usually I baked in the oven, but this time I decided to bake in a slow cooker, and it is much more convenient: you don’t need to divide the dough, use two molds, etc.


    The finished cake turns out very tall, beautiful and fragrant! Leave it to cool for about half an hour at room temperature, and then wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator for about an hour. The cake turns out very juicy and does not need additional soaking, but it needs to cool thoroughly.


    In the meantime, let's get to the cream. We will put four tablespoons in a separate plate, this will be our glaze.


    Beat the rest of the cream at high speed with a mixer until fluffy and thick.


    Cut the strawberries into arbitrary pieces. I cut it small.


    Cut the cooled cake into three or four parts (if you had two cakes, cut each in half accordingly). Place the top part down


    Divide the cream into approximately three equal parts and place one part on the cake. Distribute evenly and place half of the chopped strawberries on top.


    Lubricate the top with a small amount of cream so that nothing moves :)


    Cover with the second cake layer, do the same thing and cover with the last cake layer, which was at the very bottom, because... it is the most even.


    Cover the top and sides of the cake with most of the remaining cream and put it in the refrigerator for about half an hour until it sets.



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