Stewed carrots with onions. How long to fry carrots? What are the benefits of soy sauce?

Stewed carrots with onions. How long to fry carrots? What are the benefits of soy sauce?

We always prepared stewed onions with carrots and tomatoes as a side dish, and in different forms. Incredibly simple way to cook, affordable ingredients and less than an hour of time. An amazing feature of such a vegetable dish is that, depending on the thickness, it can be a side dish, a main dish, a sauce, or even a tomato soup.

Simple and affordable vegetables: onions, fresh juicy carrots, a little tomato paste or natural tomato juice - stewed onions with carrots will be incomparable. Using this principle, we prepare sauce for minced pork, as well as a favorite family fish dish, reminiscent of the taste of sprat in tomato - with mashed potatoes.

Who doesn't know what a carrot is? We are so accustomed to beautiful orange root vegetables that we don’t even think that this is just the root of an Umbrella plant with incomparably beautiful tops. Carrots grow all over the world, they say even in Antarctica, in greenhouses, of course, and in space at the station. Cultivated varieties of carrots, called table carrots, are used in cooking, while fodder carrots are used as animal feed.

Stewed onions with carrots and tomatoes are made from onions, one of the most popular vegetables in cooking. Raw onion is a rather pungent and “fragrant” plant, when heat treated, the smell and pungent taste disappear, and when properly fried, the onion even becomes sweet. I read somewhere that the hotter the onion, the more sweet substances it contains. When frying, the sugar apparently caramelizes and gives the fried onions that nice golden color.

Stewed onions with carrots are very tasty thanks to the tomato. In cooking, fresh tomatoes or canned pulp, natural tomato juice or tomato paste are used. Paste - used most often, and is condensed pureed tomato pulp. The dry matter content of tomato paste can be up to 40%.

As a side dish, stewed onions and carrots go well with fried or stewed meat in large pieces. The advantage of this side dish is that it can be prepared in advance and reheated as needed. In addition, for vegetarians, stewed onions with carrots and mashed potatoes is an excellent option for a good lunch.

Stewed onions with carrots. Step by step recipe

Ingredients (2 servings)

  • Large carrots 2 pcs
  • Onions 3-4 pcs
  • Vegetable oil 3 tbsp. l.
  • Tomato paste 2 tbsp. l.
  • Salt, black pepper, ground coriander, sugar Spices
  1. The dish is best prepared from large and sweet-tasting carrots. Often you come across carrots that are apparently fodder carrots with a rather unpleasant and bitter taste. It is better not to use such carrots. It is better to take onions that are large enough and not sprouted.

    Selected carrots and onions

  2. Peel the carrots and grate them on a coarse grater. You can also cut the carrots into large strips or use some kind of “fashionable” grater, fortunately there are plenty of them. Peel the onion and cut into large strips along the onion. With this type of cutting, the onion is less susceptible to spreading during heat treatment.
  3. Heat vegetable oil in a saucepan. If the oil has a smell, it is better to let it boil a little over medium heat. Place grated carrots in heated oil and fry them.

    Place grated carrots in hot oil

  4. Fry the carrots over medium heat, stirring and without covering the saucepan with a lid. The carrots should be soft and starting to show signs of browning.

    Fry carrots over medium heat

  5. Add chopped onion to the fried carrots, stir and add a little salt. Continue frying the onions and carrots, stirring. The onions and carrots should be completely soft and the onions should be golden.

    Add chopped onion to fried carrots

  6. Pepper the onions and carrots to taste, add 1-2 pinches of ground coriander and 1 tsp. Sahara. Dilute 2 tbsp in half a glass of water. l. tomato paste and add to fried vegetables. Instead of tomato paste, if desired, you can add natural tomato juice.

    Add tomato and simmer covered

  7. Stir the vegetables and tomatoes, bring to a boil and cover the saucepan with a lid. Reduce heat to low and let cook for 10-15 minutes. If there is liquid left in the vegetables, you can remove the lid from the saucepan and let the moisture boil away.

    The onions and carrots should be completely soft

  8. Place the finished dish on a plate and add fried or stewed meat, possibly fish or regular boiled potatoes.

The dish may differ in the way the carrots are chopped. To do this, you can take a Korean or regular grater, a meat grinder, a blender, or a regular knife. Cut into cubes, strips, cubes, circles or wheels (when square cuts are made on carrot circles). Usually the onion is fried in the pan first - this happens in most recipes. Then chopped carrots are added to it, and everything is stewed until done under the lid with periodic stirring. Salt and spices are added almost at the very end. You can add garlic, bay leaf, and fresh herbs.

The five most commonly used ingredients in carrot stew recipes are:

In addition to serving as an independent dish or snack (which can be served on pieces of bread), these carrots are good to use as a fur coat or pillow for fish baked in the oven. Also as a filling for pies, sandwiches, pies.

It turns out original when carrot sticks are pre-marinated in soy or vinegar marinade. And at the time of stewing with onions, rosemary is added. This version of the dish is served with fried fish or meat. It looks beautiful and appetizing on the plate.

Five of the fastest recipes for stewed carrots with onions:

In addition to the main products, you can add to the dish: corn, peas, beans, zucchini, bell peppers, tomatoes, beets. Can be cooked in sauce: sour cream, cream, tomato, milk. Can be mixed with boiled rice, millet, pasta.

Everyone knows that stewed vegetables are much healthier than boiled ones. Stewing in its own juice or in a small amount of water allows you to preserve more of the nutrients included in the composition. Stewed carrots, the recipes of which you will find on the website, have a pleasant specific aroma and taste, and the spices added during stewing will give the finished dish a piquant hue.

Stewed carrots (classic recipe)


  • Dried fruits - 250 g
  • Sour cream - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Wheat flour - 2 teaspoons
  • Carrots - 1 kg
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons.

Cooking method stewed carrots:

Peel the carrots and rinse. Cut into slices or circles, place in a saucepan and add cold water so that the water covers half the carrots. Add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vegetable oil. Simmer the carrots for 30 minutes with the lid closed.

Mix the flour with the remaining oil, season the carrots with the resulting mixture.

Stewed carrots can also be prepared with dried fruits. In this case, the carrots must first be boiled until half cooked, combined with prepared and washed dried fruits, seasoned with oil and flour (or sour cream) and simmered until tender.

Carrots stewed in milk


  • Salt - to taste
  • Sour cream - 100 g
  • Granulated sugar - to taste
  • Wheat flour - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Carrots - 1 kg
  • Milk - 0.5 cups
  • Butter - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Citric acid.

Cooking method carrots stewed in milk:

Peel the carrots and rinse under running water. Cut into circles about 5 mm thick. Place the carrots in a thick-bottomed saucepan or deep frying pan. Add milk to carrots. Milk should not be visible on the surface of the carrots, which produce a significant amount of juice when stewed.

Add a little sugar to the carrots (to taste), salt, add a little citric acid and butter. Cover the saucepan or frying pan with a lid and simmer the carrots until soft for about half an hour, remembering to stir.

Heat a frying pan over heat, add flour and fry until golden brown. Dilute sour cream in a small amount of water, add fried flour and stir everything quickly so that no lumps form. You can use a blender.

Pour the resulting sauce into the carrots, mix gently and simmer for about 5 minutes.

When serving, you can garnish with finely chopped onion and fried until golden brown.

Recipe for stewed carrots with vegetables


  • Sour cream - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Khmeli-suneli seasoning - 2 teaspoons
  • Premium wheat flour - 2 teaspoons
  • Carrots - 5-6 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil
  • Mayonnaise - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Onions - 2 pcs.
  • Dill greens - 0.5 bunch
  • Water.

Cooking method stewed carrots with vegetables:

Peel the carrots, rinse well, cut into circles.

Heat the oil in a deep frying pan, add the carrots there and fry them until the oil is golden brown. Add a little water and leave on low heat to simmer
To prepare the sauce, mix sour cream and mayonnaise in a deep bowl. Add flour and salt, seasoning for vegetables, pepper. Mix all ingredients well, add water. The sauce should be as thick as pancakes.

When the water has evaporated from the carrots, fry them a little and pour in the prepared sauce. Leave the pan on the same heat until the sauce has boiled by half.

Serve sprinkled with herbs.

Best Chef Anvar Makhmudov - the best recipes

To stew carrots in the easiest way, you need to do this.

Grate it on a coarse grater. Dissolve butter in a hot frying pan. Fry the carrots. If it does not release much juice, add a spoonful of boiling water. Cover with a lid and simmer until tender over low heat. The same can be done in a slow cooker using a special mode. Or in a double boiler with the appropriate function.

The five most commonly used ingredients in stewed carrot recipes are:

At different stages of preparation of this easiest dish, you can add various products. Starting with vegetables and ending with meat. What you shouldn't do without is onions. It will be delicious with it. Carrots stewed in cream are also very good.

If you marinate vegetables in any suitable marinade, cut them into cubes or circles. And then fry in oil, we get the perfect side dish for almost all meat and fish dishes. It looks beautiful on a plate. It can be sprinkled with chopped herbs and dry spices. And you can also eat it as an independent dish. Especially if you're on a diet.

Carrots stewed with green peas may appeal to younger members of the family. In principle, in this way you can even force them to eat carrots (by adding peas or sweet corn).

With garlic and hot pepper, it will be an excellent snack for strong drinks.

And when grated, it is used as a filling for pies and pies of all sizes and shapes.

Five of the fastest stewed carrot recipes:

Is it worth mentioning that stewed carrots have low calorie content. It also has special properties that prevent irritation of the mucous membranes. She maintains strength during illness. And with short heat treatment, it retains all its vitamins. In addition to any types of fat (butter, sour cream, cream), it is better absorbed by the body. Indeed, in their naked and raw form, carrots are practically not perceived by our body.

One of the most “tolerant” side dishes both to other foods and to your figure is stewed carrots. It is not for nothing that this vegetable, fried or stewed, is included in most first and second courses. Its compatibility with any meat, wild and poultry, other vegetables and fish is simply beyond praise. Moreover, stewed carrots (including onions) are prepared quickly, in many different ways, with a lot of other additions and with a variety of sauces.

Dairy recipe

To begin with, you can try preparing this dish this way: take a quarter kilogram of carrots, cut them into equal cubes or thin slices, pour half a glass of milk in a small saucepan. Immediately add salt (a little) and sugar into the container; the amount depends on the type of carrot (it can be both sweet and not so sweet), as well as on your personal tastes. On average, a tablespoon of sand is usually taken. At the same time, add a small slice of butter. The vessel is closed with a lid and placed on low heat for about half an hour (until the stewed carrots become soft). Separately, whisk flour and milk in a cup - a tablespoon at a time. When the dish is almost ready, the mixture is poured into a saucepan. After adding, you need to simmer for no longer than a minute, just until the sauce thickens. Try it - the side dish turns out great.

Favorite combination: onions and carrots

Frying is attractive in itself, so children often steal it from the frying pan right during the cooking process. You can simply cook it in larger quantities as a side dish and season it a little extra. The only thing is that many people grate it, but for stewing it is more suitable when cut into cubes or strips. Otherwise, the process is almost identical: a large onion is cut into squares and simmered in sunflower oil until transparent. At this point, the onions are sprinkled with two tablespoons of sugar for caramelization and stirred vigorously. When the mass in the frying pan begins to thicken, so that the stewed carrots and onions become more spicy and acquire a dark shade, a quarter cup of soy sauce is poured into it at this stage. Next, a kilogram of chopped carrots is added, and the dish is stewed under the lid for about a third of an hour. Finally, it is seasoned with salt and seasonings, after which it is served with meat or fish.

What do the Germans offer?

They, too, cannot do without such a magnificent side dish, although they prepare it differently. About six medium carrots are chopped, poured with half a glass of broth, salted and sweetened with sugar. To prevent stewed carrots from “spreading,” in Germany, 0.5 teaspoon of vinegar is poured into the pan, after which it is simmered over low heat for about half an hour. About five minutes before the end of the process, put a teaspoon of butter into the carrots and add a large spoonful of white breadcrumbs. Naturally, everything is mixed and covered again. The result is a worthy alternative to sauerkraut for sausages!

Honey carrots with prunes and raisins

By the way, it can also be a dessert for children - they even agree to give up other sweets for its sake. Moreover, if the dish is intended for the younger generation of the family, you can grate the carrots - this will result in a more homogeneous mass. First, two large chopped root vegetables are fried for about four minutes, then two tablespoons of milk are poured into the saucepan. When it is half-ready, add about seven steamed and chopped prunes, as well as a tablespoon of raisins, washed and softened in the same way. At the same moment, a spoonful of natural honey is poured in, and the stewing continues until the main component is ready. It turns out sweet and tasty stewed carrots. The recipe can be modified: add dried apricots, add crushed nuts at the very end - in any case it turns out very tasty, and is also useful for growing organisms.

Carrots with apples

This is also a recipe, the implementation of which can be offered to children. You can also serve it as a side dish or instead of a salad. Preparation is elementary: a large root vegetable is finely crumbled, stewed in a quarter glass of water with the addition of a spoonful of butter. Shortly before readiness, the stewed carrots are “enriched” with small apple slices and sugar; if it is to serve as a traditional garnish, salt is added. Juicy and tasty!

With sour cream

Still easy to prepare. Carrots (a large root vegetable) are randomly chopped, simmered in a couple of tablespoons of water until soft, after which 0.5 cups of rich sour cream is poured into the frying pan, and the dish is stewed until it is completely cooked. Stewed carrots in sour cream are seasoned according to personal preferences. In principle, you can do without spices at all, even without salt - the bright combination of carrot juice and sour cream flavor is quite self-sufficient.

So if you are in doubt about what to make as a side dish (or how to distract children from eating lollipops), feel free to take note of stewed carrot recipes.



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