Cottage cheese Easter with condensed milk: recipe with photo. Easter curd with condensed milk Recipe for Easter curd with condensed milk

Cottage cheese Easter with condensed milk: recipe with photo. Easter curd with condensed milk Recipe for Easter curd with condensed milk

Don’t like to bake on Easter Eve or for some reason they don’t come out? Then I recommend preparing you Easter from cottage cheese with condensed milk. It tastes simply delicious. It is prepared simply and very quickly! There is no need to bake and knead the dough for this cottage cheese Easter with condensed milk, so I would recommend taking this recipe, which I prepared with a photo, as a note, first of all, to those people who are not “friendly” with any type of dough.
This Easter cottage cheese with condensed milk can decorate any holiday table. If you are planning to go on a visit, then feel free to take it as a treat. A few beautifully decorated Easter eggs will complete the holiday, so don't forget about them. I think you can decide for yourself, since these days there are many ways.
- 500 grams of curd mass (I have it with candied fruits and raisins) or homemade fatty cottage cheese,
- 1 egg (only the yolk is needed),
- 40 grams of butter with a fat content of at least 72.5%,
- 4 tablespoons of condensed milk.

How to cook with photos step by step

Please note that it is highly undesirable to add sugar or powder, since condensed milk is sweet and it is quite enough for Easter cottage cheese to turn out the same.
So, if you don’t have the cottage cheese in the bowl yet, then quickly transfer it into it
Then add a piece of butter.

Carefully open the can of condensed milk using a special device or a regular knife.
Pour condensed milk into the curd mass.

Then send the chicken yolk there, which you first separate from the protein using a special device.

Mix the mass well. If you use homemade cottage cheese to prepare this Easter, then be sure to beat it with an immersion blender to achieve homogeneity.
Place the mixture in a bowl or plastic Easter pan, making sure to cover it with gauze. Place pressure on top. Leave the Easter in the refrigerator for a day.

Serve Easter decorated the way you like best. I used powder and waffle butterflies as decoration.

See others, no less interesting

Cottage cheese Easter is considered a traditional treat for the Holy Day, and many housewives prepare it. Many people put chocolate in this Easter, but today I suggest you make cottage cheese with condensed milk. I made this Easter for the first time when we moved to a new apartment. Since I didn’t have an oven at the time and didn’t have time to buy one, I had to figure out how to cook Easter cakes. And a friend told me that you can prepare an Easter treat without an oven. Cottage cheese Easter with condensed milk was perfect for me. As you will see from my step-by-step recipe with photos, there is no need to bake it, so I prepared for the holiday according to all the rules. It turned out very unusual, tasty and very solemn.

- 500 grams of cottage cheese,
- 200 grams of boiled condensed milk,
- 100 grams of sour cream,
- 70 grams of butter,
- 50 grams of granulated sugar,
- 1 handful of raisins,
- 0.5 tsp. l. vanilla sugar.

Recipe with photos step by step:

Be sure to rub the cottage cheese through a fine sieve so that Easter comes out more tender, like a real dessert.

Add granulated sugar to the curd mass and stir so that the sugar dissolves quickly.

Add vanilla sugar, then add sour cream, which is thoroughly mixed with cottage cheese.

Add very soft, almost melted butter to the mixture and stir until the butter combines perfectly with the ingredients.

Add condensed milk and a few raisins to make Easter even sweeter and more beautiful.

Line a special Easter mold with a damp gauze cloth, soaked in water and wrung out. Spread the entire curd mass, compacting it well. We put pressure on the form and let Easter stand.

Overnight, the whey from the curd mass will separate and flow to the very bottom of the mold. This way you will end up with a perfectly dry Easter cake that will keep its shape and will not fall. Turn the mold over, remove the gauze fabric and Easter is ready for the holiday!
See also our note,

Incredible, tender, festive, with the taste of ice cream... all this can be said about Easter cottage cheese with condensed milk. If you are making cottage cheese Easter for the first time and are worried that you won’t succeed, pay attention to this recipe. The recipe for this Easter cottage cheese recipe is very simple, no dancing at the stove, and you can even involve the children in the preparation.

Very tasty curd pastry

Easter recipe without raw eggs

In addition, there are no raw eggs in this cottage cheese Easter recipe, in case you don’t like them in desserts, or you will give Easter eggs to small children. I would like to note that I am absolutely calm about raw eggs in desserts; I often prepare classic tiramisu and homemade ice cream that contains raw eggs.

Required Ingredients

  • 400 gr. Cottage cheese
  • 100 gr. Sour cream
  • 200 gr. Condensed milk
  • 100 gr. butter
  • 10 gr. (1 sachet) vanilla sugar
  • Candied fruits 50 gr.


  • Form for cottage cheese Easter (pasochnitsa)
  • Gauze
  • Ready-made Easter decorations

Preparation: step by step

First of all, melt the butter. This can be done on the stove, or in the microwave.

Place cottage cheese, sour cream in a deep and comfortable bowl, pour in butter, and add vanilla sugar.

Mix the curd mixture first with a spoon.

Modern technology to help you

Then puree with an immersion blender into a homogeneous and smooth curd mass. If you do not have an immersion blender, then the cottage cheese needs to be rubbed through a sieve, or passed through a meat grinder twice. The activity, I’ll tell you, is not the most exciting, so I always use a blender

For this recipe for cottage cheese Easter, I crushed the candied fruits a little so that they would be soft in the finished Easter. But, this is not at all necessary.

At this stage, you need to add condensed milk and candied fruits to the curd mass.

Mix our future Easter cottage cheese with a spoon until a homogeneous mass is obtained. It turned out a little liquid, but that's how it should be.

Subtleties of assembling a bean bag

Now we assemble the bean bag and place it in a bowl where the liquid will drain.

Cover the mold with slightly damp gauze folded in 2-3 layers. The ends of the gauze should hang down.

Transfer the curd mass into the pan. For this recipe I used a 1000 gram pan. The entire curd mass fit in without leaving a trace.

Then we close the hanging ends of the gauze, approximately as I showed in the photo.

How and how long to keep in the refrigerator

Now we put the Easter in the form in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours, placing it under a press. I used an inverted liter jar of water as a weight. From Easter the glass is about 150 ml. liquids.

Preparing delicious Easter cottage cheese for the holiday is not a tricky matter. There are so many different recipes on the mighty Internet... There is only one in my collection of delicious homemade recipes. This recipe has lived in our family for many, many years and invariably decorates the Easter table with its presence. This year I wanted to make a simple but quite tasty cottage cheese Easter with the addition of condensed milk. This product (condensed milk) must be of good quality in order to impart its aroma and unique taste to the cottage cheese and make Easter worthy of this Great holiday. Cook with love and pleasure and you will succeed! Happy Easter to you - I wish you peace, goodness and health to everyone!


  • Cottage cheese - 400 gr.
  • Condensed milk - 5-6 tbsp. (half a can)
  • Butter - 100 gr.
  • Raisins (or any other dried fruits) - a handful
  • Nuts - any, optional
  • Candied fruits - optional
  • Sugar confectionery sprinkles - 2 tbsp.
  • Gauze

How to prepare cottage cheese Easter with condensed milk:

Making cottage cheese Easter with condensed milk is quite simple. You don’t have to brew anything here; on the contrary, we simply combine all the ingredients and put them in the prepared form for Easter. You can use either just a regular plastic cup (from sour cream) or a special bean box (wooden or plastic). But do not forget to pre-line the mold with gauze in 2-3 layers. Otherwise, you will scrape the curd mass out of the mold with a spoon... This can happen if you use soft, not rustic, cottage cheese.

So, let's get started. We rub the cottage cheese through a sieve and combine it with softened butter and condensed milk (it should preferably be very thick, or you can use boiled condensed milk, it will turn out even tastier). Grind with a fork.
Add steamed and dried dried fruits and, if desired, crushed nuts. You can add pieces of candied fruit to Easter.

Mix everything well
Place the curd mass in a bowl lined with 2-3 layers of gauze. This is important so that the finished cottage cheese Easter comes out of the mold well.

Carefully cover the top of the curd mass with layers of gauze.

We put pressure on top of the mold with cottage cheese and put the cottage cheese Easter in the refrigerator for at least 1 day. I admit honestly, I couldn’t resist, so I wanted to try the delicious, sweet Easter curd - and I pulled it out of the mold after 4.5 hours. The result pleased me. My family gobbled up the cottage cheese Easter with condensed milk in 15 minutes. It turned out to be a very tasty Easter and it was very quick and easy to prepare.

After the required holding time has passed, carefully remove the curd Easter from the mold. You can decorate the top of the cottage cheese Easter with condensed milk at your discretion with nuts, candied fruits and dried fruits. It is advisable to take the finished Easter cottage cheese to the Temple and consecrate it!

This simple and fairly affordable recipe for making cottage cheese Easter will appeal to many housewives, especially those who do not have a lot of time for cooking and household chores.

Bon appetit everyone and Happy Easter - wishes Svetlana and my home site!

This year for Easter I finally made cottage cheese Easter. I’ve been planning it for several years, but something just didn’t work out, this year everything worked out - I bought a mold for making it and selected the recipe in advance. So welcome - Easter cottage cheese with condensed milk, recipe with photo.

Everything turned out delicious and I thought that I would share the recipe with you next year, then I decided why put off until tomorrow what you can do today, you can have a good recipe in reserve.

Initially, I liked this recipe because it was easy to make. And also because there are no eggs in the recipe, because it is still a raw product, and there are no guarantees that eggs from the store can be eaten raw.

Now I can add my impressions to the above. The recipe is really simple, everything worked out the first time, it took me longer to prepare. When I freed it from the form, I was worried about its appearance, I really wanted the letters and the cross to stand out, like in all the photos from the Internet. My expectations were met; Easter cottage cheese with condensed milk turned out festive and very tasty.

Cottage cheese Easter with condensed milk - recipe with photo


  • cottage cheese - 500 gr.
  • sour cream 25% fat - 200 gr.
  • butter - 150 gr.
  • condensed milk - 150 gr.
  • powdered sugar - 0.5 cups
  • candied fruits - 100 gr.

For Easter cottage cheese to turn out really tasty, all the ingredients must be the freshest and most natural - you should not take the cottage cheese product and butter with condensed milk with herbal additives.

Recipe with photo:

I shared with you a step-by-step recipe with a photo of Easter cottage cheese with condensed milk. I think you are convinced that the recipe is quite simple, but as for the taste, for now you will have to take my word for it. Don’t lose this recipe; you will definitely need it for the holiday, just as a good one will come in handy.

If, for example, you don’t have a mold for Easter and haven’t planned to buy one yet, then you can use a plastic ice cream bucket for this, making holes in the bottom so that the whey can drain, but in this case you need to put the bucket on sticks, then the whey did not come into contact with the bucket.

Watch the video for useful tips for preparing Easter and interesting recipes.

Bon appetit.

Elena Kasatova. See you by the fireplace.



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