Cottage cheese chocolate pie in a slow cooker cooker. Chocolate cake with cottage cheese in a slow cooker. We bake a velvet chocolate-curd cake in a slow cooker

Cottage cheese chocolate pie in a slow cooker cooker. Chocolate cake with cottage cheese in a slow cooker. We bake a velvet chocolate-curd cake in a slow cooker

Today there will be one recipe, but already with two backstories.
Background first.

Yesterday my beloved son turned 9 months old. I don’t know about you, but for me this is a holiday that at least deserves a festive pie. Previously, traditional charlotte would most likely have acted in this capacity. But not now. Having seen enough of the masterpieces of our Alimerov beauties, I decided that this time I would try to cook something unusual.

Just then, by the way, I remembered a recipe I recently peeped on the Internet. Even yesterday, I would most likely have passed by: to cook for quite a long time and there is no certainty that the result will be as impressive. And today… Today I made up my mind. Moreover, our nascent friendship with cottage cheese required another confirmation.

Background second.

I think that most mothers will understand me, the first month after the birth of my son passed in a coma. There was only one desire - to sleep. And that's it. There was no strength left. For cooking too. Oddly enough, my husband understood me and supported me in every possible way. But the desire to eat from this did not stop. But he endured.

And then the words of a friend flashed in my mind, they say, there is such a miracle device, a slow cooker, in which you only need to lay food and he will cook everything himself. “But this is the way out!”, I thought. And she began to persuade her husband to buy. The husband resisted. But can you stop a breastfeeding mother?

In the end, we bought a multicooker, tried it out and ... We set it aside. My son grew up a little, I got used to the role of mother and returned to my duties as a wife. Traditionally, it's easier for me to cook.

I returned to this device only with the beginning of complementary foods, as it turned out, steamed vegetables in it are wonderful. But from my husband’s reproachful look, I realized that if I didn’t urgently start cooking in a slow cooker, then I wouldn’t see any more kitchen assistants.

The example of Xenia turned out to be very useful, who showed me that the slow cooker can also bake.

So everything worked out and I decided to try out the possibilities of the multicooker on the new recipe. Here's a two-in-one experiment.


For chocolate dough
- 140 g flour
- 35 g cocoa powder (that's about 5 normal tablespoons, not exactly flush with the edges, but not with a huge slide)
- 3 eggs
- 100 g sugar
- 210 g sour cream 20% fat
- 70 g butter
- 0.5 teaspoon of soda

For curd filling
- 500 g cottage cheese (slightly less than 3 packs)
- 100 g sugar
- 2 eggs
- 25 g potato starch(that's about 3.5 tablespoons)


Time for preparing:
30-40 minutes to prep, 1 hour 20 minutes to bake

I melted the butter in the microwave. And left to cool.
To the eggs
added sugar
and beat with a mixer.
Added oil to the mixture
sour cream
and mixed it up again.
Pour the flour into a separate bowl
cocoa powder
and soda.
Mixed until smooth.
I poured half of the dry mixture into the liquid,
whipped with a mixer.

added the rest
and mix again until smooth and uniform. The chocolate dough is ready.
Then I mixed the eggs with sugar (if you want the filling sweeter, then you can add more sugar than in the recipe)
and whip everything up in a blender.
Added cottage cheese to the mixture
and starch.
And again went through the blender until smooth.
Lubricated the multicooker bowl with butter and poured all the chocolate dough.
And then - the most important thing! In the middle of the chocolate dough, gently, literally spoon by spoon, added the curd filling.
I laid out everything so that a white circle was formed in diameter smaller than the brown circle.
I turned on the slow cooker for baking for 1 hour and 20 minutes.

And this is where the magic begins! After opening the lid of the multicooker, a beautiful, completely brown pie looked at me - a Negro. Absolutely without any hint of the admixture of the white race in its composition.
The pie was taken out using a stand for a double boiler. And let it cool down.
I looked at him and realized that something was missing.

Decided to decorate. I will not talk about jewelry for a long time, because there is nothing. Just in time, the ready-made icing came in handy, mixed the rest of the cottage cheese with sugar and rolled the balls. For balls - frozen cherries.

The most interesting thing happened when we sat down to drink tea. The inside of the cake was completely white. What exactly happened to the test, I do not know. Residual knowledge from the school physics course suggests that, apparently, the matter is in the different density of the dough and filling, but in the end the result exceeded my wildest expectations. My husband still does not understand how I put the filling inside so carefully. To which I smile mysteriously and wink at the slow cooker.

Perhaps we will now make friends with this kitchen machine.

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Good day, dear readers of the multicooker site. Today we will prepare a festive dessert - chocolate curd cake in a slow cooker. This delicacy will be enjoyed by your whole family. It is tender and very tasty, and it is not at all difficult to cook it, the main thing is to follow our recipe and you will definitely succeed.

Step-by-step recipe for chocolate curd pie in a slow cooker

Required Ingredients:

For filling:

  1. 400 grams of cottage cheese (we recommend taking 12% cottage cheese);
  2. Two tablespoons of semolina;
  3. One hundred grams of sugar;
  4. Two eggs;

For test:

  1. Two eggs;
  2. One hundred grams of sugar;
  3. Two hundred grams of flour;
  4. Two tablespoons of cocoa;
  5. One teaspoon of soda;
  6. Two hundred grams of sour cream;
  7. 50 grams of butter;


Cooking dough.

  • First of all, we need to melt the butter, you can do it in the microwave, or you can do it right in the multicooker bowl, in any case, you need to grease the surface and sides of the bowl with oil, pour the rest into a separate bowl.
  • Next, we need to mix two eggs, and one hundred grams of sugar, sour cream and butter in one container, beat with a mixer.

  • Now, with the help of satiety, we sift here, flour, cocoa and soda.

  • We knead the batter, and leave it to infuse, in the meantime we take up the preparation of the filling.

We are preparing the stuffing.

  • Mix the remaining two eggs with cottage cheese.

  • Next you need to add semolina and sugar.

  • Pour the batter into the multicooker bowl.

  • Pour our curd filling on top of the dough.

  • We are preparing our chocolate cheesecake in a slow cooker a total of two hours. First, we set the “baking” program for an hour, after which we add another 40 minutes. After this time, we transfer the multicooker to the “keep warm” mode and leave it there for another twenty minutes. Open the lid of the multicooker with a sharp movement, and carefully remove the cake onto a plate, you can sprinkle powdered sugar on top.


That's it, our dessert is ready. Believe me, you haven’t tried such deliciousness for a long time, so feel free to buy all the ingredients of a chocolate pie and cook it in your slow cooker, the result will delight you and your family. We wish you good luck in cooking, and we say goodbye to you, and we are waiting for you on our website next time, if you want to cook something, tasty and healthy, dietary and not so, we have everything multicooker recipes for every taste!

Time: 130 min.

Servings: 6-8

Difficulty: 5 out of 5

We bake a velvet chocolate-curd cake in a slow cooker

Confectioners never tire of delighting us with a variety of sweets. In the shop, culinary, bakery, you can find everything that even the most spoiled customer desires. We are offered dozens of types of sweets, gingerbread, stuffed pies, cakes.

However, none of the best commercially prepared cupcakes compares to a simple homemade cake! Pastries, lovingly prepared at home by the hostess, are always tastier. Don't believe?

Then I invite you to the kitchen! There we will cook a chocolate-curd cake in a multicooker, from which it is impossible to tear yourself away until you eat it all! To prepare it, the following products should appear on your table:

Let's move on to the process of preparing our amazingly delicious pie.

Step 1

Preparing dried fruits. Wash the fruits, pour boiling water over them, dry them on a napkin, relieving them of excess moisture. We cut the dried apricots into pieces.

Step 2

We start the dough in a bowl. We put the eggs and beat well with sugar and vanilla.

Then add melted butter and sour cream, mix thoroughly. In another bowl, sift 1 cup flour and cocoa powder. This operation must be done so that the flour and chocolate powder are airy, without lumps.

Add baking soda to this dry mixture, mix and begin to put two tablespoons into the first bowl, thoroughly grinding the dough with each addition. The result should be a homogeneous mass, with a consistency like thin sour cream.

If one cup of flour is not enough, add a little more. Do not overdo it, the dough, although slowly, should still pour.

Step 3

Cottage cheese carefully grind it with half the sugar and vanilla. In another bowl, beat the eggs with the remaining sugar into a thick foam, combine with the curd mass and starch (semolina), mix. It is advisable to do this with a blender, then the filling will be more tender.

Then add dried fruits, evenly distributing them in the total mass.

Step 4

Grease the bowl of the multicooker well with melted butter. Pour 90% of the prepared dough, leveling it on all sides. Then from above, in the middle we put the filling from the cottage cheese flush with the chocolate mass. Try to keep the dough around the edges of the bowl.

Spread the remaining 10% of the mixture on top with a very thin layer.

Step 5

Put the bowl in the slow cooker, close the lid and start on the “baking” mode. The total baking time is 1.5 hours. The temperature should be 110-120 degrees (for multicookers, where time and temperature are manually selected).

After the end of baking, do not rush to get the cake. Let the multicooker work for 15-20 minutes in the heating mode.

Step 6

Before pulling out the finished cake, check with a wooden stick for its readiness. If it is baked, proceed to the extraction. To do this, use any round cup or pan with a flat bottom, slightly smaller in diameter than the multicooker bowl.

Place it carefully on top of the cake and turn the bowl upside down. The pastry will lie on the bottom of the inserted dish. Transfer the delicious two-color pie with filling to a dish and decorate as your inspiration and fantasy tell you!

See another version of this dish in the video below:

Are you already tired of all the standard dishes, and you want something new? We will share delicious recipe chocolate pie in a slow cooker. This dessert will turn out fragrant, tender and every sweet tooth will definitely like it. The most amazing thing about cooking is that you lay one layer of dough on top of another, and during the baking process, the chocolate mass itself envelops the dessert. Below we will tell you what ingredients you will need to prepare a delicious yummy.

The classic recipe for chocolate pie with cottage cheese filling in a slow cooker

Chocolate pie with cottage cheese filling in a slow cooker is prepared quite quickly. You will spend a little more than an hour preparing delicious pastries, and you will enjoy the whole day! In order to prepare a homemade and very beautiful dessert, you will need a small amount of products.

Required Ingredients

To prepare a fragrant and tender cottage cheese pie, you will need the following ingredients for the filling:

  • 400 grams of cottage cheese, we recommend taking a 12% fat product;
  • two tablespoons of semolina;
  • 100 grams of sugar;
  • two chicken eggs.

Dough Ingredients:

  • 100 grams of sugar;
  • 200 grams of flour;
  • 200 grams of sour cream;
  • 50 grams of butter;
  • two chicken eggs;
  • 125 grams of dark chocolate, you can use cocoa powder;
  • one teaspoon of soda;
  • 70 grams of butter.

Step by step cooking

The main plus of the multicooker is that you can put the consistency in it in advance and set the delayed start mode. By the time you need it, you will already have something to please your guests. Below we describe in detail step by step cooking dishes, namely juicy and airy chocolate cake:

  1. Take the butter and melt it in the microwave and let it cool down. Beat eggs with sugar with a mixer until the consistency becomes homogeneous. Then add sour cream and some butter. Mix thoroughly again.
  2. Remove the bowl and sift the flour, soda and cocoa powder through it, mix with a spoon. Add dry ingredients to wet ingredients, stir vigorously with a whisk. Knead the dough until it turns into a homogeneous structure. Lubricate the multicooker bowl with butter, put the dough inside.
  3. Remove the blender and beat two eggs with sugar, add cottage cheese and bring the resulting consistency to a homogeneous state. It is very important that there are no lumps in the resulting mass. Take a tablespoon and carefully spread curd dough to the center. Please note that the curd mass should form a circle, smaller in diameter than chocolate. Both layers must be on the same level.
  4. On the multicooker, set the special “Baking” mode and set the cooking time to 80 minutes. Cook the cake at a temperature of 110-120 degrees. After an hour, you can check the readiness of the pie. Some multicookers cook faster, it depends on the manufacturer and power.
  5. Remove the finished chocolate-curd cake from the multicooker and let it cool slightly in an inverted position.
  6. You can serve the dessert warm or cold. In the refrigerator, such yummy will be stored for about four days. An important point: in the refrigerator, the dough will decrease slightly in size and change shape a little.

Video of making chocolate pie with cottage cheese filling in a slow cooker

Marble chocolate-curd cake in a slow cooker

With the advent of the multicooker in the house, the life of every cook has become not only easier, but also more diverse. In it, you can cook any appetizing dessert that will give a joyful mood to others. In this recipe, we will show you how to make a chocolate pie with cottage cheese in a slow cooker. Following further tips and instructions, you can easily bake a homemade cake with a very delicate curd filling.


In order to prepare delicious chocolate pastries, you will need the following ingredients for the dough:

  • butter - 100 g;
  • sugar - 125 g;
  • two chicken eggs;
  • wheat flour - 100 g;
  • dark chocolate - 100 g;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • baking powder - one teaspoon.

For curd filling:

  • sugar - 75 g;
  • one chicken egg;
  • cottage cheese - 250 g;
  • vanilla sugar - a quarter of a small glass.

You can replace chocolate with cocoa, decide at your discretion.

Step by step cooking

The cooking process does not take much time. We recommend that you prepare all the necessary products in advance so as not to be distracted during baking. In the beginning, take care of the curd mass.

  1. Get a large and deep bowl, pour the cottage cheese and break one egg. Using a blender, mix the consistency until smooth. Then add sugar and vanilla sugar, mix everything thoroughly again. The structure will turn out lush, it should not have extra lumps. A little advice - use soft cottage cheese, the dessert will turn out more tender and appetizing.
  2. Now prepare and lay out the dough. Take another bowl, beat sugar and eggs in it until white. Volume and mass should increase.
  3. At the next stage of cooking, take care of the chocolate. Take out a bowl, put the butter in it and start breaking the chocolate, melt it. Use the microwave to speed up the process. Leave the chocolate for a minute and a half, and it will completely melt. You can create a water bath if you don't have a microwave.
  4. Add the chocolate mixture to the beaten eggs with sugar. Please note that the melted chocolate must cool down, it must be added strictly cold.
  5. Sprinkle the sifted flour with baking powder and vanilla sugar. The chocolate dough should turn out like thick sour cream. Add some salt and mix everything thoroughly;
  6. Lubricate the multicooker bowl with butter. Put two tablespoons of chocolate dough in the center of the bowl, then add two tablespoons of curd mass in the middle. Continue these steps until the mass is finished.
  7. Next, close the lid, select the "Baking" mode for 60 minutes. To bake the dough well, let the cake stand for another twenty minutes. Thanks to this, the product will become even more magnificent, and it will be several times more pleasant to eat it.
  8. Transfer the delicious cake to a special rack and let it cool slightly.
  9. For beauty, decorate the product with powdered sugar, add vanillin to taste and boldly serve the finished cake to the table.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in cooking baking in a slow cooker. We recommend eating this yummy with Pu-erh tea. You will enjoy a noble drink, and in combination with dessert you will get double pleasure. For a variety of taste, we recommend adding raisins.

Cottage cheese pie with cherries or berries in a slow cooker

In this recipe, we will show you how to quickly and easily cook a delicious cottage cheese pie with cherries in a slow cooker. Cocoa can be used during the baking process to give the dessert a richer flavor.

Grocery list

In order to cook a pie with a delicate curd filling in a slow cooker, you will need simple ingredients and a little free time. Use frozen berries or fresh. In the process of cooking cocoa can be replaced with chocolate. When choosing chocolate, give preference only to trusted manufacturers.

You will need the following ingredients for the test:

  • two chicken eggs;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • two tablespoons of sugar;
  • wheat flour - 320 g;
  • baking powder sachet.

For filling:

  • cottage cheese - 400 g;
  • three chicken eggs;
  • sour cream - 150 g (any fat content is suitable);
  • cherry or other pitted berry - 280 g;
  • starch - one tablespoon

Cooking steps

At the beginning of cooking, beat the eggs with sugar and butter. We recommend melting the butter so that it becomes soft. Mix vanilla with baking powder and knead a soft dough. Further:

  1. Lubricate the multicooker bowl with butter first. Add mass, it is important that the consistency occupies the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bowl. For convenience, use a spoon, and make small sides on the sides.
  2. Put a cherry or other berry on top of the dough, sprinkle starch on top. This is necessary so that the berry does not flow while cutting the dessert.
  3. In a bowl, mix eggs with cottage cheese, add sugar and sour cream. Mix the consistency with a blender until smooth and pour the berries with the resulting mixture.
  4. Set the "Baking" mode to 1 hour 20 minutes. Do not open the lid during cooking. After the pastry has cooked, leave the cake with the lid closed for another hour. Then open the lid and let the cake cool down a bit.
  5. Your dessert is ready! Serve the finished cake to the table and delight your friends.

A multicooker is a useful thing for every cook. In it, you can cook delicious and mouth-watering desserts quickly, easily and with pleasure. The preparation of the dish, as a rule, takes no more than 80 minutes.

The preparation of such a cake will not take much time and money, because its recipe is as simple as possible, and the cake turns out to be very tasty. This cake will delight you with its quick and rather easy preparation, and your household will definitely appreciate its delicate curd taste. Enjoy your meal!

Chocolate cake from cottage cheese in a slow cooker.

  • Total Time: 03h 20min
  • Training: 30 minutes
  • Cooking: 60 minutes
  • Total time: 1,5 hour

Cake Ingredients:

  • Chocolate 2 bars (it is best to take bitter)
  • Margarine or butter 150 gr.
  • Sugar 200 gr.
  • Flour ½ cup
  • Eggs 4 pieces. For the curd cake we need:
  • Cottage cheese (any, most importantly, not fat-free), can be replaced with curd mass without additives 400 grams.
  • Coconut shavings (optional) 30 gr.
  • Salt ½ tsp
  • Baking powder 1 tsp.
  • A pinch of red pepper, optional.
  • Vanillin 1 pack.


    1. Melt the chocolate slices in a water bath, add the butter, previously cut into cubes. While the mixture is cooling, beat 3 eggs and half the sugar in a deep bowl. At full speed of the mixer, pour in the chocolate-butter mixture. Whisk lightly.
    2. Pour into a saucepan: flour, salt, baking powder and pepper. Stir and sift into chocolate mixture.
    3. In a mixer, combine the cottage cheese, the remaining egg, 100 grams of sugar and a bag of vanillin. Add shavings and mix. The consistency of the curd and butter mixture should be approximately the same.
    4. Lightly grease the multicooker bowl with butter or cover with parchment and pour in two types of dough unevenly. Pour in the chocolate mass first, then the curd, continue until the entire mixture is used up. Thus, your cake will turn out puffy.
    5. Depending on the power of your equipment, turn on the "Baking" button for one hour. Cooking time can vary from one hour to one and a half. The finished cake may be slightly damp, but you should not worry at all, after it has completely cooled down, the mass will strengthen itself.

Tips for making cottage cheese dessert in a slow cooker:

  1. - Is the curd mass very different in consistency from the chocolate mass? You can add two tablespoons of sour cream (if the dough is thick), or a couple of tablespoons of starch, if, on the contrary, it is thin. - If your children do not like granular cottage cheese, then you can quickly replace it with curd mass, this will not change the taste of the cake at all. The main thing: take into account the fact that if you use the mass with raisins and other additives (dried apricots, prunes), then the cake will turn out to be more crumbly. - Serve the cake completely cooled, when it finally “grabs”.



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