Wafer rolls with filling fried in a frying pan. Quick waffle rolls in a frying pan. Cooking in a frying pan

Wafer rolls with filling fried in a frying pan. Quick waffle rolls in a frying pan. Cooking in a frying pan

We all love sweets, especially if they were prepared at home. One of the favorite dishes is waffles. But buying them in a store is expensive, but baking them yourself is exactly what we need.

But in order to make waffles, we need a waffle iron. And if it is not there, then many people have a question - how to make waffles without a waffle iron.

In fact, there are recipes you can use to make waffles without a waffle iron.

Today I will tell you the recipes and secrets of making crispy waffles, which do not require a waffle iron.

The presence of a huge number of recipes allows everyone to choose exactly what they need. Of course, everyone has different tastes and therefore it’s up to you to choose.

Sweets without using a waffle iron recipe

For cooking delicious delicacy, we need a dough recipe. If you decide to first try cooking for a small portion, then simply divide all the ingredients in half.

Viennese delicacy can be prepared without the use of special equipment as follows: take butter– 200 grams, chicken eggs – 5 pieces, baking powder half a teaspoon, two and a half cups of flour, milk – 500 ml., sugar ¾ cup, warm water one and a half cups.

Let's move on to cooking waffles in a frying pan:

  1. Take eggs and combine with milk. Mix thoroughly to obtain a homogeneous mixture;
  2. Remove the butter from the refrigerator in advance, cut into pieces and add to the previous mixture.
  3. Mix all bulk products, that is, flour, sugar, baking powder. Add all this to the pre-prepared milk-egg mixture and knead the dough until it has the consistency of pancakes.
  4. Place the frying pan on the fire and heat it up. The surface is lubricated with oil.
  5. The dough is poured into the pan with a tablespoon.

You can give your product the shape you want. After the wafer acquires a golden color, you can remove it. Allow the baked goods to cool and serve.

Many housewives are interested in how to cook a dish, but not in a frying pan. In this case, a recipe for cooking in the oven will suit you.

How to cook baked goods in the oven without a waffle iron

We will need: 1/3 cup flour, vanillin, chicken egg (yolk), 60 grams butter, powdered sugar.

  1. Remove the butter from the refrigerator in advance. After it melts, add powdered sugar (about 50 grams). Beat the mass well until the mass doubles in size;
  2. beat constantly and add one at a time while beating egg yolk and flour. Be sure to add flour that will be sifted. Beat the dough until there are no lumps left.
  3. Cover the pan in which you will bake the waffles with parchment. Pour the dough and put it in the oven.

Bake at 200 degrees. Bake until it turns golden brown.

You can serve the finished dish with any dessert. It could be condensed milk, jam or whatever you like best.

Many housewives who often bake for their loved ones try to use various recipes, in order to make dishes varied.

Today we will prepare waffles in a frying pan, the recipe for which involves adding sour milk.

Cooking Viennese waffles with sour milk

For the test we will need the following products: a tablespoon of vanillin, slaked soda in vinegar, one and a half cups of white flour, 2 chicken eggs, a quarter cup of sugar, half a teaspoon of salt and one and a half cups of sour milk.

Let's move on to cooking:

  1. mix spoiled milk and eggs. Beat well (you can use a mixer or blender).
  2. After the milk and eggs have been mixed, add slaked soda in vinegar and add vanillin. Stir until smooth.
  3. In a separate container you need to mix all the bulk products: flour, sugar, salt.
  4. We add bulk products to our liquid and mix. It is necessary to obtain a homogeneous dough without lumps.
  5. Bake waffles in a preheated frying pan.

It is better to serve the finished baked goods slightly cooled. You can pour condensed milk or delicious jam on top.

In addition to Viennese pastries, you can use the Belgian recipe.

Belgian sweets without using a special device

To prepare you will need: milk - one and a half cups, butter - 120 grams, yeast one packet, wheat flour two cups, chicken eggs - 2 pieces, syrup - ¼ cup.

  1. Pre-melt the butter over the fire. After removing the butter from the heat, add milk.
  2. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs until the volume doubles and add syrup to them.
  3. yeast is mixed with flour.
  4. All products are mixed and flour is added. The dough should turn out without a single lump. Cover with cling film and place in a warm place until ready (usually about an hour).
  5. lower the risen mass and put everything in the mold. It is better to use silicone molds, which need to be filled a third full.
  6. put in the oven and bake at 200 degrees.

Serve with any sweet sauce. Many people use salty cheese, which is cut into small slices.

There are also a huge number of recipes that will add chocolate or other additional products.

Let us prepare a Belgian dish with the addition of chocolate and almonds.

Belgian waffles with chocolate (recipe)

To do this, we take the following products: flour a little more than half a glass, granulated sugar 3 tablespoons, a pinch of salt, vegetable oil 3 tablespoons, chicken eggs - 2 pieces, butter - 30 grams, kefir - you will need the same amount as flour.

We will prepare additional sauce for this dish. For it we take: chocolate bar - 40 grams, cream 100 ml, almonds, pomegranate seeds.

Of course, preparing this recipe will require more financial costs, but believe me, the waffles will be incredibly tasty and you will be able to surprise not only your household, but also your guests.

The preparation of the dish is quite simple:

  1. everything that is listed in the paragraph for preparing the dough is mixed. Vegetable oil don't add yet. Ready dough for baking it should turn out like liquid sour cream.
  2. pour everything into silicone molds put in the oven for 10 minutes. We take them out of the molds and put them on a baking sheet so that the beautiful side is on top, and put them in the oven again, but for about 5 minutes.
  3. While everything is preparing, you need to grind the nuts. You can do this in a blender or grate through a coarse grater.
  4. Place the finished baked goods on the dish in which we will serve. While everything is cooling, we will prepare the syrup.
  5. break the chocolate into small pieces. Mix with cream and put on fire. This mixture must be stirred constantly to ensure it is homogeneous.

Pour chocolate over the top of the finished baked goods, sprinkle with nuts and place a pomegranate seed on top. You can decorate as you see fit.

You don’t have to top it with chocolate; you can top it with, for example, strawberry syrup.

We can cook tasty dish with the addition of condensed milk.

Recipe with condensed milk

This type of baking will be sweeter and crispier. So if you're cooking for your sweet tooth, this is just the thing for you.

Let's take the following products for preparation: one glass of wheat flour, 2 pieces of chicken eggs, vanilla, half a teaspoon, a can of condensed milk, half a teaspoon of baking powder and half a stick of butter.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. the oven must be hot, so preheat it to a temperature of 200 degrees;
  2. beat the eggs, but this must be done so that no foam appears;
  3. In a separate bowl, mix butter, condensed milk and vanillin. Then pour it all into the eggs. Mix everything thoroughly and add little by little wheat flour. Don't forget to mix the flour and baking powder in advance. The dough should be like pancakes.

Pour everything into the molds, fill them ¾ full and put them in the oven.

Bake for 15 minutes in the oven. Then cool and serve with condensed milk, powdered sugar. Adding ice cream works great too.

Baking with the addition of ginger is very popular.

Baking with ginger

We will need: granulated sugar 110 grams, cognac – 30 grams, dry ground ginger – 4 grams, more than half a glass of flour, honey – 125 grams.

The preparation of this dish is quite simple:

  1. The butter must be cut into pieces and placed in a container that can withstand the heating temperature. We put everything in a water bath. After the butter is completely melted, you need to add honey and sugar to it. Do not remove the bowl, stir until everything is melted. Once everything is ready, you need to remove the bowl and leave to cool.
  2. After the oil has cooled, you need to add cognac, ginger and flour.
  3. Transfer the finished mass to a baking sheet previously covered with paper. Place in the oven for minutes
  4. The heating temperature is 180 degrees.

This the only recipe, according to which baked goods do not need to cool. Leave for literally a minute and roll all the cakes into tubes. Pour any cream or jam into the finished tubes.

This can be done with a teaspoon or a special device such as a syringe.

I would like to tell you about the secrets of the recipe, preparing a delicious dish.

As soon as I start cooking, I always think about them, and my waffles turn out very tasty and crispy.

My cooking secrets

Of course, many will say that to make waffles you will need a waffle iron. Yes, it’s easier to cook in it, but no one has canceled the frying pan.

Therefore, you can use the dishes that you have.

  • in order for your baked goods to turn out just like this, this is provided when preparing delicious Viennese waffles, you can use silicone molds. They are sold in a form that will suit your requirements and desires.
  • When preparing the dough, you can add kefir, milk or sour cream.
  • According to the recipe for cooking in a frying pan, the dough needs to be kneaded to the same consistency as for pancakes.
  • in order to homemade baking smelled good, you need to add additional flavorings - vanillin, citrus zest.
  • If you want to make delicious Viennese waffles with the addition of filling, you need to bake them thin and then roll them into a tube.
  • crispy waffles served with berries and condensed milk.
  • chicken eggs are a must room temperature. If the recipe calls for adding yolk and white separately, then you need to keep the yolks warm and the whites, on the contrary, cool.
  • The butter must be melted naturally. Especially if you just need to cut it. If melted butter is required, it is better to heat it in a water bath.
  • To prevent the dough from burning during cooking, use powdered sugar rather than sugar. Even if you decide to add sugar during cooking, you do not need to overcook them in the oven. Otherwise they will turn out very dark and not beautiful.
  • When cooking, it all depends on the consistency. Therefore, if it is liquid, it will spread on its own. There is no need to spread it over the form.

Experiment: add nuts (pre-ground in a blender), chocolate or chocolate syrup. You can even eat them with smoked sausage or cheese.

If you are cooking holiday dish for a child's birthday, then in this case make a tube from a cake and fill them with ice cream.

It would be better if it was a regular ice cream. And you can pour strawberry jam syrup on top.

Regardless of which recipe you use, you can please your loved ones with wonderful baked goods.

And perhaps waffles will become a favorite family dish. Cook with pleasure!

My video recipe

Very often we cannot think of what can be prepared very quickly and tasty for breakfast. Traditional sandwiches and scrambled eggs are already “sitting in the liver,” but you want to please your loved ones with a hearty and aromatic breakfast. Waffles will come to the rescue. And not the usual store-bought ones, but homemade ones, prepared with your own hands.

Most people believe that in order to make waffles, you must have a special device at home called a waffle iron. But, as practice shows, this is a mistaken opinion.

In order to prepare delicious crispy waffles, you just need to stock up on the necessary products, a frying pan, a stove, skillful hands and a good imagination. Believe in yourself, and then you will definitely succeed.

Cooking in a frying pan

So let's start from the very beginning simple recipe making homemade waffles. It is suitable for those who do not have a waffle iron. The dish is very easy to prepare, quick, and most importantly, it will appeal to all lovers of such a sweet dessert.

Take the following products:

  • 3 small raw eggs;
  • about 200 grams of sugar;
  • about 200-250 grams of flour;
  • 50 grams of regular butter.

With this set of products you get about 5 full servings. The recipe is quite simple, so even a schoolchild can handle it.

  1. Take a deep dish (preferably a wide bowl).
  2. Break the eggs into a bowl and pour in all the sugar.
  3. Using a mixer, beat our mass. You should see foam.
  4. Melt the butter and pour it into the eggs with sugar. Mix everything.
  5. Next, very carefully and in small parts, add flour. Do not forget to constantly stir the entire mixture. As a result, the dough should become thick and quite tight.
  6. Heat the frying pan on gas and grease it with vegetable oil.
  7. Using a regular tablespoon, pour out our dough into small circles.
  8. Fry the waffles on both sides. It should take you no more than 20 seconds on one side.

Our crispy and delicious waffles ready in the pan. All that remains is to top them with your favorite jam or condensed milk before serving. As they say, everything ingenious is simple.

These waffles do not have a very standard and familiar look to us, but they taste much better than in the store. Even the most avid gourmet will not be able to resist this breakfast. And we don’t need any special waffle irons.

Homemade Viennese waffles

Austria is rightfully considered the traditional homeland of waffles. Of course, because famous people cook there Viennese waffles, from which it is impossible to tear yourself away. So why not try making them at home. To do this, you don’t have to go to Vienna or buy a special waffle iron. Homemade Viennese waffles are very tasty and filling.

To prepare them you will need:

  • 3 medium chicken eggs;
  • about 100 grams of sugar (use according to your taste);
  • 250 ml regular milk (it will taste better with homemade milk);
  • 300 grams of regular flour;
  • 80 grams of melted butter;
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder or slaked soda.

The recipe is simple:

  1. Using a fork, a regular whisk or a mixer, beat all the eggs well.
  2. Add the ingredients to our mixture one by one. You should have a dough like pancakes.
  3. Heat a frying pan and pour a little vegetable oil.
  4. Fry our waffles on both sides until golden brown.

These Viennese waffles in a frying pan look more like pancakes. But, believe me, when you try them, you will definitely understand that you have prepared real Viennese waffles. Your whole family will be delighted with this dish.

According to this recipe, you can prepare waffles using a special waffle iron. Then you will get them in the desired shape and size. Therefore, if you have the opportunity to use a waffle iron, do not miss your chance.

Preparing waffle rolls

Who among us did not love delicious food as a child? wafer rolls with condensed milk! Basically, we could enjoy this “children’s” delicacy while relaxing on the beach. But why wait for summer and sunshine if you can make delicious waffle rolls at home.

Moreover, this is done very quickly and easily. You can also bake them, but we'll look at quick recipe cooking using a familiar and indispensable frying pan.

You need to take the following products:

  • 1 pack or about 200 grams of ordinary butter (can be replaced with margarine);
  • about 400 grams of ordinary flour;
  • about 200 grams (or 1 glass) granulated sugar;
  • 4 small chicken eggs (if large, then take 3 pieces).

The recipe consists of a few simple steps:

  1. Melt margarine or butter (choose any method that is most convenient for you).
  2. Beat the eggs using a regular whisk or a mixer.
  3. Pour the melted butter into the eggs and add sugar and flour. Mix everything thoroughly. As a result, you should get a dough whose consistency resembles thick sour cream.
  4. The frying pan must be preheated and greased with any oil (lightly).
  5. Use a standard tablespoon to place our future waffles onto the frying pan.
  6. Fry the waffles first on one side and then on the other. The final color of the waffles should be light brown. The approximate time required for one waffle is less than one minute.
  7. Remove them from the pan and give the waffle a tube shape. It is very important to do this right away, before the wafer has time to harden.

This completes the basic preparation of the tubes. Choose your favorite filling as a filling. It can be condensed milk or any cream. But even without filling, such waffles will be very tasty, and most importantly, crispy.

These homemade waffles are suitable for both breakfast and evening tea. They are very easy to prepare, so if you have unexpected guests over, you can surprise them with a fresh dessert.


It's not enough to know the right recipe preparing waffles. Every housewife who takes on this business should have a few small secrets in stock.

They will help not only reduce cooking time, but also make tastier, juicier, more aromatic and crispy waffles.

  • First of all, you need to pay attention to the ingredients that are used in cooking. For example, eggs should not be cold. They should be at room temperature.
  • But if according to the recipe you need to beat the yolks and whites separately, then the whites will need to be cooled first. The yolks, in turn, need to be warmed to room temperature.
  • Waffle batter loves experiments. Don't be afraid to add small pieces of chocolate, ground walnuts, dried fruits or sesame seeds. Even small pieces of the same bacon or sausage will not hurt if you are not going to make sweet waffles.
  • Before frying waffles in a frying pan, it must be preheated. Depending on what kind of stove you have (gas or electric), the heating time can vary from 1 minute to 5 minutes.
  • The frying pan must be constantly lubricated with vegetable or butter. But if the dough recipe contains margarine or butter, then it is not necessary to constantly grease the pan. It will be enough to lubricate it initially and that’s it.

Easy cooking and bon appetit!

Is it possible to bake delicious, thin, crispy waffles without a waffle iron? Easily! Waffles in a frying pan are a lifesaver recipe for those who do not have the necessary device to prepare them. There are no difficulties here. On the contrary, the process is so simple that even a novice cook can handle it.

The waffle dough is kneaded in literally 5-10 minutes. In composition, it is practically no different from the traditional (Soviet) one - we only replace part of the butter with milk and that’s it. Despite this small change, the finished waffles are just as tasty, aromatic and crispy as if they were baked in an electric waffle iron.

From the specified amount of ingredients I got 15 waffles (pan with a diameter of 20 cm).


  • butter – 100 g,
  • milk – 100 ml,
  • egg – 3 pcs.,
  • sugar – 150 g,
  • vanillin – 0.5 sachet,
  • flour – 200-220 g,
  • salt - a pinch.

How to cook waffles in a frying pan

Break the eggs into a bowl, add sugar to them and beat the mixture well. Our goal is to achieve complete dissolution of sugar grains. You can beat with a fork or with a mixer/blender - whichever is more convenient for you.

Then add milk to the sweet egg mixture.

And butter, previously melted and slightly cooled. It’s more convenient for me to melt butter this way: chop it into small pieces and put the bowl in the microwave at maximum power for 30 seconds. Fast, simple and convenient.

Add some salt to the mixture, add vanillin and mix thoroughly again. At the end you should get a homogeneous, liquid, sweet mass. Add sifted flour into it.

Knead the dough - and it's ready! Smooth, homogeneous, the consistency is the same as for classic waffles. It is important that it is well distributed (not spread, but smeared, otherwise you will end up with pancakes and not waffles) in the pan.

The authors of most of these recipes recommend baking waffles in a pancake pan (with a thin bottom). For me, this option is not very successful, because in such a frying pan the waffles burn and brown very quickly, without having time to dry properly. And in order to achieve the desired result, you have to turn the heating of the stove to a minimum, which makes the baking process quite long - 4-5 minutes. on one side and about 1-2 minutes. with another. A thick-bottomed frying pan heats up more slowly and retains the set heat level better. Accordingly, you can turn the heat up to medium and bake quietly on it - the waffles will dry perfectly and brown. Approximate baking time: 2-3 minutes. on one side and about 1 min. with another.

Heat the frying pan, add 1-2 tbsp. l. dough and quickly spread the dough along the bottom in as thin a layer as possible. I used a frying pan with a stone coating, diameter 20 cm. I laid out the dough in 2 tbsp. l. (no slide). There is enough oil in the dough so that it does not stick, so there is no need to additionally grease the pan.

Let the waffle brown on the bottom and dry on top. Then turn it over using a spatula and dry it on the other side as well. If you bake waffles at maximum heat on the stove, like pancakes, the waffles will still turn out tasty, with a characteristic creamy taste, but they won’t dry out enough, and that’s why, alas, they won’t turn out crispy.

Remove the finished wafer from the pan and immediately roll it into a tube (or cone). A delay of even a few seconds threatens that the wafer will set, dry out and become impossible to roll - it will break.

The remaining tubes are baked in the same way. The waffles become crispy almost as soon as you remove them from the pan. They need to be stored in a dry, well-ventilated area. Do not put them in a bag, plastic container or any other container (especially warm ones) - the waffles will become damp and soft.

Now the tubes can be served immediately or filled with cream (condensed milk). It seemed to me that without the traditional waffle pattern they looked a little boring, so before serving I sprinkled them with a little powdered sugar. They are delicious, soft creamy and crispy in any version!

Bon appetit!

Don't have a waffle iron? This is not a reason to deny yourself a delicious dessert! We suggest preparing waffles, the recipe for which is designed for a frying pan. Let's share step by step instructions cooking and culinary tricks.

Homemade waffles: recipe in a frying pan

To make delicious waffles, take:

  • 250 g margarine;
  • a glass of flour;
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • 5 eggs.

The recipe for homemade waffles consists of simple steps:

  1. Melt the margarine (in the microwave, in a frying pan or in a water bath).
  2. Add sugar.
  3. Mix everything and add flour.
  4. Beat the eggs separately.
  5. Combine the mixtures.
  6. Beat until smooth.
  7. Heat the frying pan and add vegetable oil.
  8. Spread the dough with a tablespoon.
  9. Fry on both sides, pressing the waffles tightly with a spatula to the surface of the pan.

Crispy waffles take about an hour to prepare. If you want to make waffle rolls, roll them before the cakes have cooled, otherwise they will become too dense and brittle later.

Viennese waffles: recipe

Viennese waffles - delicious dessert. The waffle recipe is not at all complicated and does not require hard-to-find ingredients.

To create a simple culinary masterpiece you will need:

  • 3 eggs;
  • 300 g wheat flour;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 250 ml cow's milk;
  • 80 g butter;
  • a teaspoon of baking powder.

The waffle batter takes 5-10 minutes to prepare and the total cooking time is less than half an hour.

We tell you how to make waffles:

  1. Melt the butter.
  2. Beat the eggs.
  3. Add butter, flour, sugar and baking powder one by one.
  4. Mix everything thoroughly.
  5. Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil.
  6. We bake the waffles like pancakes, frying them on both sides.

The result is aromatic Viennese waffles - homemade ones are much tastier than store-bought ones.

Serve dessert with berries, syrup or any sweet topping to taste.

To make any waffle recipe a success, you should know a few culinary tricks.

So, how to make waffles even tastier and more appetizing:

  • soften margarine or butter before cooking;
  • Do not let the butter boil when melting it;
  • adjust the quantity sunflower oil in a frying pan;
  • use a silicone pastry brush to spread the oil evenly over the hot surface of the pan;
  • add turmeric to the dough for a rich golden hue of waffles;
  • Do not stack the waffles until they have cooled, otherwise they will stick together;
  • replace milk with boiled water to reduce the calorie content of the dessert.

How do you cook waffles in a frying pan?



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