Apricot jam with orange and lemon. Apricot and orange confiture Apricot jam with orange reviews

Apricot jam with orange and lemon. Apricot and orange confiture Apricot jam with orange reviews

The jam according to this recipe turns out to be very aromatic, beautiful and tasty. And it’s easy and simple to prepare! It is much thicker than regular apricot jam and spreads excellently on bread. It turns out a very beautiful amber color. The wonderful aroma of apricots and oranges will create a summer mood on cold winter evenings and bring joy to your family and friends!


  • 1 kg apricots (pitted)
  • 3 oranges
  • 750 g sugar
  • 3 teaspoons lemon juice.

Step-by-step cooking process:

  1. We prepare the apricots - wash them in cold water, dry them a little, remove the seeds. We will need 1 kg of pitted apricots.
  2. Cut the apricots into small pieces and place them in a saucepan.
  3. Wash the oranges with a sponge in cold water, place them in a bowl and pour boiling water over them for three minutes.
  4. Take the oranges out of the boiling water and wipe them dry. Using a fine grater, grate the zest of the oranges directly into the pan with the apricots, being careful not to touch the white layer, otherwise the finished dish will be bitter.
  5. Peel the oranges and separate them into slices. Remove the seeds and membranes, and add the pulp to the pan with the apricots.
  6. Pour lemon juice over the apricots, add sugar, and mix everything.
  7. Bring the apricot mass to a boil and cook over medium heat for 15 minutes.
  8. The hot mass must be blended until smooth with an immersion blender.
  9. Place the pan of jam back on the stove and cook for another 15 minutes.
  10. Pour the boiling jam into sterile jars and close the lids. From the specified amount of products, three 0.5 liter jars of jam were obtained.
  11. Turn the jars upside down and cover them with a blanket. Leave it like this until it cools completely.

The jam turns out very aromatic, apricots go well with oranges. Over time, the jam becomes even thicker. A wonderful dessert for tea, it will remind you of summer on long winter evenings!

Enjoy your tea!

For more details on preparation, watch the video:

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Sweet dishes are always loved by one of the family members. For those with a sweet tooth, you definitely need to make apricot jam with orange. It is readily consumed immediately after preparation, as well as in winter with tea. The resulting sweet joy can be eaten immediately or preserved in jars for the winter. Jam is perfectly preserved sealed in the pantry.

When apricot trees have produced a large harvest, it would be pointless if it was lost. You can make compotes, juices, jams, and preserves from the bright yellow fruits. A variety of culinary recipes will help you make dishes from apricots. Below are step-by-step descriptions of preparing apricot jam with the addition of citrus fruits.

The benefits of apricot, orange and lemon

It is reasonable to combine three ingredients together to get a sweet dessert - apricot jam with orange and. You will find not only a fortified dish, but also a very tasty one.

The presence of citric, malic, and tartaric acids in apricots, as well as vitamins A, B, C, H, E, P, make them a healthy fruit. The abundant iodine content in the fruit makes it possible to treat thyroid diseases. Thanks to pectin, toxic substances are eliminated. Microelements potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and others normalize the vital functions of the body.

Orange, which contains vitamins and beneficial microelements, improves appetite, improves the functioning of the heart, blood vessels, stomach, intestines and, in general, strengthens the entire body.

Lemon is popular for its huge content of vitamin C. A lot of other vitamins, along with it, help the body cope with colds and simply serve as a preventive measure.

Orange and apricot jam (with pits)

This recipe for apricot jam with oranges can be cooked in three batches for an average of 20 minutes, or there is the option of one batch, which will take an hour of cooking. Both options are equally effective and will adequately keep your provisions in good quality.

Cooking steps:

You can add seed kernels to the jam recipe provided. The dish will acquire an unusual taste and be filled with an additional set of vitamins. To do this, the removed bones are not thrown away, but are carefully broken with a hammer. The resulting kernels should be added to the mass during the last cooking.

Apricot jam with oranges and lemon

You can also add lemon to regular apricot-orange jam to get a slightly sour taste. Thus, you will get a very tasty apricot jam with oranges and lemon. This dish can be made in two ways: boil the fruit or leave it raw. Provisions in any of these cases will be well stored, because there is lemon there.

Option 1. Apricot jam with oranges and lemon (boiled)

Cooking steps:

The color of the finished jam depends on the time it is spent on the fire: 10 minutes gives a light shade and liquid consistency, from 15-20 minutes you will get a thick and dark sweet dessert.

Option 2. Orange jam and apricot with lemon (without cooking)

To prevent the jam from fermenting and to keep it for a long time, add citric acid or lemon to the ingredients. Raw apricot and orange jam is not subjected to hot processing, which means it retains the entire range of vitamins and does not change the taste.

Cooking steps:

If you want to get jam with a piquant bitterness, you do not need to remove the orange and lemon peels.

Apricot jam with orange can contain not only lemon, but also lime, grapefruit, gayanima, rangpur, citron and other citrus fruits. Apples, plums or pears will also perfectly complement this jam. Only when preparing a mixture of different ingredients for the winter, it is advisable to mix in half a teaspoon of citric acid per 1 liter jar.

A simple recipe for apricot jam with orange - video

Incredibly aromatic, incredibly tasty viscous confiture of apricots and orange will conquer you from the first try! The delicacy is so stunning that you won’t even notice how you eat it completely, emptying the entire outlet or jar with it. Be sure to prepare such a dessert to serve on winter and cold days, so that it warms you not only with its aroma, but also lifts your mood for the whole day with its bright color. By the way, confiture is also very useful, as it contains vitamin C, which our body needs in cool weather to prevent seasonal diseases. So be sure to prepare confiture and stock up on it for the winter!


  • 400 g apricots
  • 1 orange
  • 1 tbsp. granulated sugar
  • 0.5 tsp. lemon juice


1. Rinse the ripe apricots in water, peel them and cut them into small pieces into a container with a non-stick bottom.

2. Grate the orange zest without touching the white layer underneath, then peel the white layer from the fruit and divide it into slices.

3. Pour the sugar along with the orange zest into the container with the apricot slices. Pour lemon juice or replace it with citric acid (2 pinches).

4. Peel the orange slices from the transparent shell and seeds, and place the pulp in a container. Be sure to peel off this shell, as it does not soften during heat treatment and will creak on your teeth. Place it on the stove and bring the ingredients to a boil. Let it simmer for about 10-15 minutes over low heat and turn it off.

5. Puree the contents of the container with an immersion blender, turning it into a liquid mass and let it cool slightly for about 15-20 minutes so that the mass thickens. At this time, scald or steam the jars and lids into which we will pour the delicacy. Place the container back on the stove and bring to a boil, cover with a lid, as the jam will gurgle and splatter. Let's turn off the heat.

Apricots, whose beneficial properties are very valuable for human health, are best eaten fresh straight from the tree. However, if the fruit harvest is large, part of it will have to be harvested. For example, apricot jam with the addition of lemons and oranges is not only a tasty, but also a healthy dessert. Such a dessert, prepared in the summer season, can be eaten throughout the whole year, when good juicy ripe apricots are no longer available. You can not only eat the prepared jam with tea, but also bake pies by adding it to the filling. From these ingredients it is possible to prepare several options for delicacies that will differ in taste and cooking time.

Apricot jam with orange and lemon five minutes

This dessert cooks very quickly - 5 minutes, and eventually acquires an attractive amber color, sweet aroma and marmalade consistency. The most difficult thing here is to prepare the fruit, which will need to stand overnight, and then quickly cook and roll it into jars.

What you will need:

A kilogram of ripe fleshy apricots;
one lemon;
one medium-sized orange with a thin peel, or one large orange;
900 gram package of granulated sugar;
2 half-liter glass jars.

How to cook:

1. Apricots are soaked in cold purified water for a couple of hours. Then they wash thoroughly and drain the water. The fruits are laid out on a waffle towel and dried. Each fruit is divided in half so that the pit can be removed. You don't need bones for this recipe. The apricot pulp is transferred to the pan.
2. Peeled fruits are covered with sugar. If the apricots themselves are very sweet, it is better to add 800 grams of granulated sugar. In this state, the apricots are left overnight at room temperature.
3. The next morning, the orange is thoroughly washed, doused with boiling water, and cut into small pieces along with the peel. To make the jam enjoyable, you need to remove all the seeds from the orange.
4. The same actions are done with lemon.
5. Citruses are crushed in a blender. You can also use a meat grinder. As a result, the orange and lemon should acquire the consistency of porridge.
6. While the apricots were brewing, juice came out of them and mixed with granulated sugar. Citrus porridge is poured into the same container. The whole mixture is thoroughly mixed and placed on medium heat.
7. The future dessert is brought to a boil, and then kept on the stove for another 5 minutes.
8. As soon as the jam has reached room temperature, it must be boiled for 5 minutes 2 more times. The last time you can leave it on the stove a little longer to get a thicker jam. It is also worth considering that the longer the dessert is cooked on the stove, the more its color will acquire an increasingly amber hue.
9. Readiness is checked using a plate. To do this, place a small amount of jam on it, and use a spoon to make a groove in the middle of the dessert; if it remains, then the jam is ready. If the furrow is immediately filled with fruit mass, the jam needs to be cooked a little more.
10. Banks are thoroughly washed and sterilized.
11. The cooked jam is placed in glass containers and closed with sterile lids. The jars are well wrapped in a towel, and then in this state they cool down.
12. If after twisting there is still a small amount of jam left, you can drink strong black tea with it, and at the same time appreciate the resulting unique taste of the mixture of apricots, lemon and orange, as well as its aroma.

Enjoy your tea!

Apricot jam with lemon and orange

This recipe adds an interesting flavor note to the apricot kernels, which add a slight bitterness to the dish.

What do you need:

A kilogram of apricots;
half a large orange;
half a medium lemon;
800 grams of granulated sugar;
liter glass jar.

How to cook:

1. Apricots are carefully sorted to prevent stale fruits from getting into the delicacy. Then the fruits are filled with cold water and left for a couple of hours. The apricots are placed in a colander, dried, and then divided in half so that the pit can be removed. The seeds are piled up and the fruit is poured into the pan.
2. Lemon and orange are washed, doused with boiling water, and then cut into small pieces. Citrus fruits must be cut with the peel, and the seeds must be removed from the pulp.
3. Citrus fruits are transferred to a blender and crushed. Then lemon and orange, which have a mushy consistency, are added to the apricots. The fruits are mixed.
4. Sugar is poured into the pan, all ingredients are mixed again and left for a couple of hours. This is necessary so that the fruit is saturated with sweetness.
5. When the sugar takes the form of syrup, you can start making jam.
6. To do this, move the pan to the stove and simmer the fruit over medium heat. After boiling, the heat should be reduced to a minimum. Cook the dessert, stirring constantly, for either 20 minutes if you want it to have a thick structure, or 10 minutes for a thinner consistency. During boiling, a film will form, which must be removed.
7. The cooked jam must be removed from the heat and allowed to brew for 10 hours.
8. Apricot kernels are split with a hammer and the kernel is removed.
9. The resulting nuts are added to the jam, everything is mixed, and then the dessert is cooked again.
10. Immediately after removal, the dessert is poured into a sterilized glass container and closed with a sterilized lid. After this, the jar is wrapped in a warm towel and placed in a dark place.

When preparing apricot jam with the addition of orange and lemon, you should remember that a richer color and marmalade consistency of the delicacy can be obtained by increasing the cooking time of the fruit. And adding apricot kernels to it will help give the dessert a slightly tart taste.
It is important to understand that as you increase the time you spend warming apricots, lemons and oranges, the beneficial properties of the fruit only decrease, since the fewer vitamins and nutrients remain in them. The choice is yours...

We continue the harvesting season: the price of apricots has been reduced in the markets, and residents of the southern regions can enjoy homemade berries. But summer tends to end, so I propose to save a piece of it in a jar: make thick and very tasty jam from apricots and oranges.

A beautiful, very aromatic, incredibly tasty delicacy will delight you on long winter evenings and help you return to the hot summer days. Apricots go well with oranges, resulting in a thick jam (which cannot be said about other methods of making apricot jam). The preparation process is simple and very fast: in just 30 minutes you can pour the jam into jars. To spend less time on preparation, less sugar (and, therefore, make the jam healthier), buy jellyfix from Dr. Oetker in the supermarket.

Product composition

  • one kilogram of apricots (weight indicated without seeds);
  • three large juicy oranges;
  • 750 grams of granulated sugar;
  • three teaspoons of lemon juice.

Thick and delicious apricot and orange jam: step-by-step preparation process

  1. We buy ripe soft apricot berries, rinse them under running cold water and remove excess moisture.
  2. Then take a saucepan with a thick bottom, cut the apricots into small pieces, remove the pits.
  3. Advice. The weight of apricots is indicated in the recipe already without seeds, so buy berries with a small margin.
  4. We wash the oranges with warm water, using a clean sponge, and wipe with a towel.
  5. Place the fruit in a bowl and pour boiling water over it, leave for three minutes.
  6. Then we wipe again, grate the zest on a fine grater, without grabbing the white layer (otherwise the finished dish will be bitter).
  7. Then we peel the oranges, separate them into slices: remove the film from them and remove the seeds. Cut the pulp into pieces and place in a saucepan with apricots.
  8. Sprinkle the resulting mass with granulated sugar, add lemon juice and stir thoroughly.
  9. Place the pan on the fire, bring the contents to a boil, then cook for 15 minutes: over medium heat, stirring occasionally.
  10. Remove from heat and immediately blend with an immersion blender until smooth.
  11. Place on the stove again and cook for another 15 minutes over medium heat, stirring occasionally.
  12. Immediately pour the boiling jam into dry, sterilized jars and roll up the lids.
  13. Turn the jars over (I got 3 pieces, 0.5 liters each), wrap them up and leave them until they cool completely.

Thick and very tasty jam from apricots with oranges turns out incredibly beautiful and very aromatic. It spreads well on bread and makes a wonderful dessert for tea. You will find even more homemade recipes on our website: save a piece of summer in jars and enjoy the aromas on long winter evenings.



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