Apricot jam in slices with kernels. Apricot jam with kernels – daily, “five-minute”, royal. Recipes for apricot jam with kernels of various nuts

Apricot jam in slices with kernels. Apricot jam with kernels – daily, “five-minute”, royal. Recipes for apricot jam with kernels of various nuts

Housewives prepare apricot jam with kernels for the winter every summer. This tasty treat how fragrant apricot jam, on a cold winter evening can be used as a sweet dessert with a cup of hot tea. And it can be an excellent filling for baking. And if, while preparing such jam, you add kernels extracted from apricot seeds to the fruit pulp, you will get an incomparable delicacy.

Indeed, in this case, the slightly bitter kernels, soaked in sweet syrup, will become very tender and pleasant to the taste. But, when preparing such jam, you should keep in mind that it can be stored for no more than one season. Apricot kernels contain prussic acid, which can become toxic when stored for long periods of time.

Therefore, do not twist the apricot jam too much. And if you have excess fruit, then from ripe apricots you can also prepare delicious compotes, preserves and jams with and without seeds for the winter. Housewives often combine seasonal berries and fruits to create a delicious sweet assortment.

Subsequently, such jam or jam is used for baking. lush pies in winter or just for tea with friends. Write down, rather, the most delicious and at the same time simplest recipe for apricot jam with kernels from the seeds. You will definitely need it!

Apricot jam for the winter with kernels - a royal recipe

Try not to use soft and overripe apricots for apricot jam; such fruits are more suitable for making jam or marmalade. Ideal for in this case there will be dense (hard) fruit without dents or other flaws.

Yield: 1.5 liters of prepared jam.


  • apricots – 1.2 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 1.1 kg;
  • drinking water – 150 ml;
  • citric acid – 1/3 teaspoon.

How to make apricot jam with kernels from the seeds - step by step recipe with photo:

Cooking time is generally at least 6 hours. The cooking process itself will take no more than 1 hour (including preparing the fruit).

Soak apricots in cold water literally for a third of an hour, this will make it easier to remove all the dirt from them. You can do this directly in the sink or use a saucepan, bowl or cup.

Wash the apricots and place in a colander. Then cut each fruit and remove the pit.

If the seed is difficult to remove, pry it out with a coffee or teaspoon.

Cut the apricot halves in half (that is, each fruit will end up divided into quarters).

Pour a little granulated sugar into the bottom of the pan (or basin), and place a row of apricots on it.

Sprinkle with sugar again. Lay out all the fruit in this manner, sprinkling each layer with sugar.

Close the pan and leave it like this for 4-6 hours. If you want, leave it overnight, but then put it in the refrigerator. During this time, the apricots will release juice.

In the meantime, get busy extracting the nucleoli from the seeds. If you have a special tool for cracking nuts, use it.

But if there is no such item in your home, then the most convenient and safe assistants in this matter will be pliers and a hammer.

Place the pliers on the edge, insert an apricot pit into them, squeeze the handles of the tool and hit it with a hammer. With this method of breaking the seeds, the nucleoli most often remain intact.

True, pieces of their shells are scattered throughout the area. Therefore, before you engage in this unpleasant task, make sure that there are no children near you.

Place the pan with the apricots that have already given juice on the stove, pour water into it and throw in the kernels.

Mix the contents of the container very carefully and turn on medium heat. Stirring from time to time, bring the apricots in the syrup to a boil, reduce the heat so that they barely simmer, and, skimming off the resulting foam, cook for no more than 5 minutes.

It is possible that during the cooking process the apricots will lose their integrity (fall apart), but this trouble will in no way affect the taste of the jam.

Turn off the heat under the pan (or remove it from the stove altogether) and leave for an hour so that the fruit absorbs the sweet syrup. Then throw it in the pan citric acid, stir.

This additive will not only give the jam a slight sourish tint, but will also act as a preservative, thereby facilitating its longer storage.

Cook the apricot jam (after boiling) for another 5 minutes, pour into sterilized jars.

Seal with lids and leave on the counter until completely cool.

You can store cold apricot jam with kernels in a cupboard or closet for storage. Sweet moments to you!

Video: how to prepare apricot jam with kernels for the winter - a simple and quick recipe

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

In our family, apricot jam was considered a treasure and an amazing delicacy. Our grandmother always brought us from the village several buckets of ripe and fragrant apricots, which shone and fragrant throughout the kitchen. If in the summer grandmother’s luggage always consisted of fresh fruit, then in the winter she always brought us delicious preparations in jars. Since my mother worked around the clock, she never had time to stand in the kitchen and make jam, and grandmother’s gifts saved the whole family. Of course, we loved sweet jam most of all and, of the many varieties, we preferred apricot jam. I remember now that my grandmother brought us her signature apricot jam with kernels - this was the subject of her special pride, and we, in turn, instantly emptied everything she brought. We even specially chose the kernels, as they were very tasty and sweet. Mom loved this jam for its specific nutty aroma; she always said that it tasted like almonds. And my grandmother called this jam royal, maybe it was made at court. It was a secret to us, but we loved jam very much. Now I make my own apricot jam with kernels. I offer you my step-by-step recipe for this delicious dessert.

- 700 grams apricot,
- 700 grams of granulated sugar.

How to cook with photos step by step

Let's prepare apricots for our jam, divide them into equal halves, remove the seeds and put them aside.

Place the apricot halves in a deep container and cover with granulated sugar. Let's leave the apricots for a couple of hours so that they release juice, in which we will cook the jam. I don’t add water so that the jam doesn’t turn out too runny.

Boil the jam 2 times for 5-7 minutes, then leave for 10 hours in the resulting syrup.

Break the apricot pits and place the kernels in a bowl.

Pour boiling water over it for 10 minutes to make the bitter peel easier to remove.

Drain the water from the kernels, clean them and place them in hot jam. By this time the jam should be boiled a third time, the main thing is that it boils well over low heat. Boil the jam for another 5 minutes along with the kernels, carefully stirring with a spoon.

Place hot jam with kernels in sterile jars. We will prepare the jars in advance: steam them or bake them in the oven.

Roll up the lids: regular ones will do. iron caps under a seaming wrench or take screw ones that can be tightened without any keys, just by hand.

The finished jam is very tasty and presentable. It can be safely served festive table when guests are on the doorstep.

Bon Appetite!
It turns out no less tasty

We will prepare a real delicacy for children and adults - apricot jam with kernels for the winter!

This jam is not only very tasty, appetizing and beautiful, it is a real storehouse of vitamins. Because When fruits lose their vitamins when cooked, the apricots themselves in jam are “only” incredibly tasty. And in the nucleoli, according to some authors, substances are stored that have a positive effect on the condition of hair and skin. I don’t dare to confirm, but in that short moment of pleasure that you will get when drinking tea with such jam, you can forget about everything!

There are options for preparing such jam with whole fruits, with the kernels hidden inside. Maybe it's beautiful. But in my opinion, it’s not very convenient to eat: after all, apricots are not such small fruits, and biting into a large apricot from jam in a company is not very nice. You can sprinkle the syrup or pour it on yourself, so I always cut the apricots and dip the kernels in the syrup. It is no less beautiful.

So, to prepare apricot jam with kernels for the winter, take the necessary products.

Rinse the fruits and dry. Cut each in half and remove the pits. I have Shalah apricots, which are quite large, so I also cut each half in half.

Sprinkle the apricots with sugar and shake until each slice is coated in sugar. Leave it like this for 2-3 hours at room temperature. If you make jam in the evening, then put this preparation in the refrigerator overnight. The apricots will release their juice.

The next day, when the apricots have stood overnight in the refrigerator with sugar, place them in a saucepan, add water and bring it all to a boil, skim off the foam. Cook the jam over low heat for 5 minutes, stir gently, shake better. Cool completely.

Break the seeds and remove the kernels. Try them. There are varieties with bitter kernels; they need to be doused with boiling water and the outer skin removed. Mine were sweet, so there was no need to remove the skin.

Now boil the jam again for 5 minutes and cool again. Try the apricots; if they are all cooked evenly, then the jam can be put into dry jars and stored. You can repeat this step again - you will get more thick jam, you can add lemon juice if desired.

We have such a bright, aromatic apricot jam with kernels!

Try it, bon appetit!

Apricot jam with kernels is my favorite! With this method of preparation, the fruits turn out translucent, saturated with syrup and the juice of the fruits themselves. The aroma during cooking is simply divine, and the most interesting and tasty thing is, of course, the kernels. They give a slight bitter taste to the whole delicacy, and because of this it does not turn out so sweet. Interestingly, after it sits, it acquires a certain almond flavor.

But for some reason, no matter how many nuts you add, there are always not enough!

Put it down ready-made jam into a vase, after a while you look, the vase is still full, but the nuts have somehow miraculously disappeared from it. And this always happens. Moreover, somehow they disappear from open can which is in the refrigerator. Please tell me, does this happen to you? If so, do you happen to know where they disappear?

Yesterday I cooked and at the same time made jam. Knowing that I would cook it, I collected the seeds long before. I wanted to prepare just this version - we all love it more than any other.

Once we buy the fruit and eat it, I will collect the seeds, wash it, dry it and put it in a jar. I know that there won’t be enough nucleoli from those that I will use anyway. So a sufficient number of them gathered. Now you can make jam.

Five-minute pitted apricot jam - step-by-step recipe

From this quantity of products we get 6 x 0.750 liter jars, and 1 half liter.

We will need:

  • apricots – 4 kg
  • sugar - 3.5 kg
  • water - 0.5 l
  • nucleoli


1. Just like for compotes, first we choose apricots. They should be ripe, but not overripe. If the fruits are soft, then it is better to make jam or jam from them. It is very pleasant to eat jam when you come across whole halves of the fruit that have not fallen apart. They turn out to be the most saturated with syrup, and therefore more tasty.

It is not advisable to take unripe fruits; the finished product from them will not have the desired taste and aroma. It is better to choose unbruised fruits with intact velvety skin.

2. When we have chosen and bought fruits of the required quality, we sort them at home and wash them in water. First, you can briefly place them in a container with cool water for a while. You can often see stains on the fruits from crushed fruits. If they sit in water for a while, it will be easier to wash them. And so wash them and let the water drain.

3. Take a basin or other suitable container and pour 1 kg of sugar into the bottom.

4. We begin to cut the apricots directly into the basin. We cut them along the groove into two halves. If they are quite large, then you can cut them into 3 or 4 parts. Set the bones aside on a separate plate. Thus we cut about half.

5. Then pour 1 kg of sugar over them again. And along the edge, from all sides, we add water, it can be cold, preferably spring water, or, in extreme cases, filtered.

6. We cut the remaining copies in the same way.

7. And add sugar on top again. We leave it so that the water dissolves the sugar, and the cut pieces begin to release juice when interacting with water and sugar. This may take approximately 5 hours.

8. In the meantime, let's take care of the bones. We chop them using a “nut cracker”. If I'm not mistaken, this is the name of a special device for cracking nuts. It is desirable that the nucleoli are all intact. I split the pits from the fruits I peeled today, as well as the pits I saved for the occasion.

A very important point! You need to taste the kernels so that they are not bitter. If, nevertheless, such a nuisance happens, and you want to prepare a delicacy with nuts, add a couple of handfuls of almonds.

9. Add nuts to the bowl with apricots and sugar.

10. Place on the lowest heat possible and begin heating the ingredients. The fire should be as small as possible so that nothing burns. Also, for this reason, the contents must be mixed carefully while the fruits are still hard. It is better to use a slotted spoon for mixing. The fruits should be mixed with it very carefully so as not to damage them. It is best to hook them from the edge to the middle.

11. When the sugar dissolves, you can turn up the heat a little, but not too much.

12. Bring to a boil. Foam will appear and should be removed with a spoon with holes. You can then enjoy the foam with hot tea.

13. When the syrup boils over the entire area, set aside for 5 minutes. And after this time turn off the fire.

14. Leave the contents to cool and infuse for 24 hours. You can place an oven rack on top of the basin and cover with a towel.

15. After 24 hours, put it on the fire again and repeat the entire procedure. That is, bring it to a boil again, remembering to stir so as not to burn, and skimming off the foam. Then let it simmer for 5 minutes and turn off the heat. Leave again for 24 hours.

16. And repeat the same thing for the third time. But only this time you need to have ready-made sterilized jars and lids. Because this time you will need to immediately pour the boiling jam into jars and screw on the lids.

As we can see in the photo, it has become a pleasant golden color, the fruits are translucent, saturated with syrup. All intact and undamaged. These will be nice to take with a spoon and drink with tea.

17. Usually, if I cook in the first half of the day, then before the last time in the evening I wash the jars and lids with detergent and immediately scald them with boiling water. That is, I boil water and slowly pour it into each of the jars, filling it about 1/3 of the way. I let it sit for 5 minutes, then pour out the water and turn the jar over on a towel.

Boil the lids the next day, just before screwing on the jar.

I use jars with screw caps.

18. The next morning, the jars are already clean, sterilized, dry and ready to put jam in them.

19. Place the hot contents into the jars, turn the twisted jars over and cover with a blanket or blanket until they cool completely.

20. You can store it in a dark, cool room, for example, in a pantry, or in the underground.

It is believed that such a delicacy with nuts can be stored for no more than a year, due to the presence of hydrocyanic acid in them. That's probably true. But the whole point is that the jam turns out so tasty, it would be good if it lasted for at least six months!

Apricot delicacy prepared in this way turns out very tasty. The fruits are translucent, simply soaked in juice. The nuts also became thicker. And when they lie in the jar even longer, they will become even thicker, they will also become saturated with juice and syrup, and they will begin to disappear from the jars to God knows where.

If time permits, the kernels can be peeled. This is very easy to do. You just need to fill them with hot water for a while and then just clean them.

In this version, the jam will be golden, with beautiful white nuts. It looks very beautiful, and the nuts, from such manipulation with them, become even tastier. It’s not for nothing that it has such a name - royal!

There are recipes where it is also prepared three times for 5 minutes each, but is not kept for 24 hours. As soon as it cools down, it is immediately put on the fire again. Of course, it can be prepared during the day, but it still tastes better when cooked without haste. Which is infused and saturated with syrup longer, and therefore better.

Each of you can choose a time mode at your own discretion. Or you can conduct an experiment and cook with two different ways. Subsequently, leave the one you like best.

Bon appetit!

How to make apricot jam with kernels? It’s easy, if you have the necessary products, time and desire. For this you will need:


  • 1 kg apricot;
  • 1 kg sugar;
  • 1 tbsp. water;
  • Citric acid on the tip of a knife.


  • 1 hour for preparation;
  • 24 hours to prepare.
  • Yield: 2 cans of 0.5 l
  • A storehouse of vitamins

On long winter days you can create a real summer mood with delicious jam from apricots. Yes, not easy, but with a surprise. Hidden inside each amber fruit is a kernel with the exquisite taste of almonds. It’s not for nothing that this jam is called “royal” or also “royal”. Truly, it has an amazingly luxurious taste and rich summer color - as if the sun dipped its rays into the sweet syrup and dissolved in it.

In addition to the fact that apricot jam with kernels is incredibly tasty and beautiful, it is a real storehouse of vitamins. Apricots are valued for the presence of carotene, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iodine, and iron. The kernels inside the fruit have the ability to have a positive effect on the condition of the skin and hair, and therefore their derivatives are often used in cosmetology.

The only difficulty when making jam from apricots with kernels is that it is difficult to maintain the integrity of the fruit; the filling tends to jump out from the inside. Therefore, in order for the surprise to take place, you have to act extremely carefully.

How to make apricot jam with kernels

Wash the fruit and dry it

Pour a glass of water into the bottom of the pan and add granulated sugar. Boil the syrup over medium heat. The readiness of the syrup can be determined by the degree of transparency. It should stop foaming and turn into a transparent, evenly boiling mass.

You can remove the kernels by breaking the fruit with your hands or cutting along one side. Then carefully use the tip of a knife to pry the bone and remove it.

The bones can be broken using a hammer or a bench vice. It is better to twist the bone into any tissue - this will avoid damaging the integrity of the nucleolus. Each kernel will be put back into the apricot.

Pour the stuffed apricots into the syrup and carefully drown the fruit in the sweet boiling mass using a wooden spatula.

Bring to a boil, simmer for 2-3 minutes and then turn off. In order not to spoil the attractive appearance of the jam, you should not stir the mass, but it is better to periodically drown the floating fruits with the back of a wooden spoon.

Let the jam sit for 6 hours. And then put it back on the fire. Repeat the cooking procedure three times. By the end, the syrup should thicken and the fruit should become amber-transparent.

Then pour the hot mixture into sterilized jars and roll up.

There is no point in experimenting with different additives. Believe me, jam made from juicy apricots is delicious in itself, and the kernels give it a special piquancy. The only thing you can do is add citric acid at the tip of the knife 10 minutes before the end of cooking. This is for those who prefer a sweet and sour aftertaste.



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