Antonovka jam. Antonovka jam, in slices, transparent for the winter. Delicious apple jam in clear amber syrup with orange

Antonovka jam. Antonovka jam, in slices, transparent for the winter. Delicious apple jam in clear amber syrup with orange

5 RECIPES OF LAYER SALADS FOR THE NEW YEAR'S TABLE 2020. 1. Salad “Mistress” 2. Salad of pink salmon and potatoes. 3. Salad "Mushrooms in the snow." 4. Ladies' salad. 5. Salad "Bride". All housewives should definitely know the recipe for the “Mistress” salad. This salad combines completely different tastes: the sweet taste of carrots and beets, the salty taste of cheese and the pungent taste of garlic. ABOUT! This food will surprise your loved ones and friends. For the “Mistress” salad you will need: 1. Beets (2 pcs.) 2. Hard cheese (150 g.) 3. Raisins (1 handful) 4. Carrots (3 pcs.) 5. Garlic (3 cloves) 6 Walnuts (1 handful) 7. Mayonnaise “Mistress” salad recipe: Boil beets and carrots. Then grate the cooked products on a fine grater. In this case, all ingredients should be grated into separate plates. Grate the cheese also on a fine grater. The garlic should be squeezed out and the nuts should be chopped. The raisins need to be steamed; to do this, simply put them in boiling water for a few minutes. In order to give the salad a beautiful and appetizing shape, you need to assemble it in layers: 1st layer – mix carrots with mayonnaise and raisins (you can simply grease this layer with mayonnaise, but if you mix it, it will be tastier). 2nd layer – mix mayonnaise, garlic and cheese. The 3rd layer includes beets, mayonnaise and nuts. All ingredients must be mixed thoroughly. The salad can also be decorated on top. To do this, leave the carrots and cheese out of the layers. But other products can also be used in decoration. Don't ignore this salad because of the name. You will remember the taste of the dish for a long time. 2. Pink salmon and potato salad. Another delicious salad for every day or for a holiday table, all the ingredients in it are quite simple and economical, but together they give a very good combination, try it yourself. Ingredients: Canned pink salmon - 340 grams (in its own juice) Potatoes - 3-4 pieces Carrots - 3 pieces Egg - 2 pieces Onion - 1 piece Apple - 1 piece Cheese - 60 grams Canned peas - 300 grams Mayonnaise - - To taste Description preparations: If you are planning a holiday in the near future, I suggest that, in addition to all other dishes, you also prepare a salad of pink salmon and potatoes at home. It will not only look good on the table, but will also delight guests with its excellent taste. In addition to the main ingredients: pink salmon, vegetables, eggs and cheese, we will add an apple to it, which will give the salad a special twist. All in all, this simple pink salmon and potato salad recipe will definitely add some variety to your holiday menu. 1) So, to begin with, we peel the onions and chop them finely, grate the carrots on a fine grater, and also grate the cheese, but on a coarse grater. 2) Wash the apple, cut out the core, cut off the peel and grate the apple on a coarse grater. 3) Boil the potatoes in their skins until fully cooked, cool, peel and grate them. We also boil the eggs and grate them. 4) Now open the jar of pink salmon, place it on the bottom of the salad bowl and knead the fish with a fork, evenly place the onion on top, and grated potatoes on it, grease this layer with mayonnaise. Then there are canned peas, then a layer of carrots, then grated eggs and the whole thing is completed with a layer of apple, which we also grease with mayonnaise. 5) Place our salad in the refrigerator for about 3 hours so that it is thoroughly soaked, and then serve. Bon appetit everyone! 3. Salad "Mushrooms in the snow." The very hearty and tasty salad “Mushrooms in the Snow” is quite easy to prepare at home. And all the ingredients are available. Therefore, it seems to me that nothing prevents you from preparing it! Ingredients: Champignons - 500 grams Boiled meat - 400 grams Hard cheese - 200 grams Mayonnaise - 250 grams Potatoes - 5 pieces Onions - 4 pieces How to prepare "Mushrooms in the Snow Salad" 1. First, boil and cool the potatoes. If the meat is not ready yet, boil it too. Chop the onion and champignons and fry in vegetable oil. Let cool. 2. Three cheese on a fine grater. 3. Cut the meat into cubes. 4. Now lay it out in layers. Grate the potatoes and place them on the bottom. Then - mushrooms with onions, then meat and mayonnaise. Sprinkle the top of the salad with grated cheese and garnish with herbs. Ready! 4. Ladies' salad. Salad "Ladies" is a very original and unusual salad in terms of taste. If you like to experiment in cooking, a simple recipe for Ladies' salad may interest you. Ingredients: Beetroot - 2 pieces Carrots - 2 pieces Cheese - 200 grams Oranges - 2 pieces Walnuts - - To taste Mayonnaise - - To taste Salt - - To taste Description of preparation: I tell you how to prepare the Ladies' salad: 1. Beetroot and Boil the carrots until tender, peel, grate and add salt. Grate the cheese coarsely too. 2. Peel the oranges and remove the inner films. Cut the orange pulp into small pieces. 3. Finely chop the walnuts. 4. Take a round salad mold and cover it with cling film (this will make it easier to turn the salad over). We lay out the salad in layers in the following order: a layer of grated beets, mayonnaise a layer of grated cheese, mayonnaise a layer of carrots, mayonnaise a layer of oranges a layer of beets, mayonnaise a layer of nuts, mayonnaise a layer of carrots, mayonnaise a layer of cheese. 5. Let the salad stand in the refrigerator for at least half an hour, after which we carefully turn the “Ladies’ salad” onto a plate and serve. Bon appetit! 5. Salad "Bride". The “Bride” salad is perfect for both a festive table and an everyday lunch or dinner. A very simple recipe for “Bride” salad will not cause any difficulties even for an inexperienced cook. Ingredients: Beets - 3 pieces Carrots - 3 pieces Potatoes - 4 pieces Onions - 1 piece Chicken egg - 3 pieces Processed cheese - 100 grams Mayonnaise - - To taste Greens - - To taste How to prepare the "Bride" salad: 1. Prepare the ingredients : Boil potatoes, carrots, beets and eggs (hard-boiled) until tender. Let cool, and then grate each of these ingredients separately on a coarse grater. 2. We begin to lay out the salad in layers on a wide dish, not forgetting to lightly salt each layer and grease it with mayonnaise. The first layer is coarsely grated beets, the second is carrots, the third is potatoes, the fourth is finely chopped onion, the fifth is eggs, the sixth is grated processed cheese. 3. Decorate the salad with herbs and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour, after which the “Bride” salad will be ready to serve. Bon appetit!

Hello, dear guests of our site! The most common and affordable fruit, especially this season, is apples. I don’t know about you, but our garden plot has a rich harvest of apples and apples this year. To celebrate, I made compotes, jams, marmalade, but completely forgot about the jam. But I decided to correct this omission.

I have some amazing recipes for sweet apple treats in my bag of recipes. I will share them with great pleasure with you. Since childhood, I remember this transparent, amber delicacy, similar to honey, with a beautiful golden color. The dessert is very easy to prepare, I hope you will see for yourself. Jam will delight the whole family over a cup of hot tea, but that’s not all. It can be added to pies or any other baked goods.

A bright, beautiful delicacy will delight the eye and more. This jam can be used to decorate cakes or sweet pies. Transparent apple slices will retain a lot of useful vitamins. It will take a lot of time to prepare, but what a result you will get!

We will need:

  • Apples – 1 kg
  • Sugar – 1 kg

Step by step description:

The first and perhaps most important thing in preparing a sweet dessert is the choice of fruits for jam. They should be without signs of spoilage, ripe, elastic. Cut the apples into slices, removing the core and seeds.

The best time to start preparing the treat is in the evening.

Place the chopped slices into a deep saucepan or any other container in which you will then cook the jam. Fill the apples with sugar, mix carefully so as not to damage the slices, but so that each piece is covered with sugar.

Leave the crushed fruits in this state overnight, they should release juice.

In the morning, the apple slices will look something like this; most of the sugar should dissolve. The amount of juice in the container depends largely on the variety of apples you choose. There is no need to worry about this if in your opinion it is not enough. When heated, the sugar will dissolve and there will be enough juice.

Move the pan to the stove, turn on the stove to moderate heat. Wait until the contents begin to boil, stir gently. Cook after this for another 5-7 minutes. Then you need to remove the pan from the stove and give the delicacy time to cool a little.

But that’s not all, in order for the delicacy to turn out amber with transparent slices, you need to repeat the cooking procedure again. Place the container on the stove, after boiling, cook for 5-7 minutes, as the first time.

This is what the finished treat should look like. Wash the jars thoroughly and sterilize them along with the lids. Then fill them with jam up to the neck and close the lids tightly.

Have a sweet winter dessert and enjoy your tea!

How to make clear jam from apples and pears with lemon slices

The aromatic treat is achieved through a very successful combination of fruits. The jam will be stored all winter; the main thing is to follow all the rules during the preparation and subsequent storage of the sweet dessert. A detailed recipe with a step-by-step description especially for you is below.

We will need:

  • Apples – 2 kg
  • Pears - 1 kg
  • Sugar – 1 kg
  • Lemon - 1 pc.

Step by step description:

Wash the apples thoroughly, then cut into pieces, removing the central part with the seeds. Place in a saucepan with thick walls; it should be deep enough.

The same procedure needs to be done with pears, wash and chop. Transfer to apples.

Place the bowl with the future jam on the stove and cook over low heat for half an hour. The dessert needs to be stirred periodically to avoid burning.

Cut the washed lemon into small cubes, place in a saucepan a few minutes before the jam is ready, mix.

Apples in combination with pears and lemon acquire a slight sourness and a special aroma.

The treat can be eaten immediately with hot tea, for example, or filled with jars prepared in advance according to all the rules.

Enjoy your tea, good luck with your winter preparations!

The best recipe with orange and lemon

The enormous benefits of citrus fruits in combination with apples give an incredible aroma and taste of the finished sweet treat. Everything is incredibly simple, see for yourself. Everyone will like the result without exception.

We will need:

  • Apples – 1 kg
  • Orange – 1 piece
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Sugar – 1 kg

Step by step description:

Step 1. Wash the fruits thoroughly with cool water and cut into small pieces.

Step 2. The orange and lemon need to be peeled, then pass the fruit through a meat grinder; you can use a blender instead, then the consistency will be more uniform.

Step 3. Place the chopped orange and lemon into a deep bowl and add sugar. Next, you need to send it to a water bath so that all the sugar dissolves.

Step 4. Place the apple pieces into a saucepan or other container in which you will cook the jam. Add the orange-lemon mixture with sugar to them and stir.

Step 5. Turn the stove on to medium heat. Cook the dessert for half an hour after it boils. Do not forget that the contents of the dish must be stirred, as the jam may burn.

Step 6. Prepare the jars, wash them thoroughly, and sterilize them.

Step 7 Fill the jars with apple, orange and lemon treats and close the lids.

Step 8 Once the winter sweet treat has cooled at room temperature, move the jars to the place where you store all the preparations.

I wish you a good day and a pleasant tea party!

Recipe for a delicious dessert from Antonovka

One of the simplest, most affordable and delicious sweet treats for the winter. The recipe is not complicated, so if this is your first time deciding to make apple jam, you can do it without a doubt. The Antonovka variety contains a large amount of vitamin C, which means that it will help save you from colds.

We will need:

  • Apples – 1 kg
  • Sugar - 1/2 kg
  • Cinnamon - to taste

Step by step description:

Wash the apples and cut into quarters. This will make it easier to cut out the center with the seeds.

Place the chopped pieces into a thick-walled pan and add sugar. After this, we leave the apples to juice for several hours.

After a few hours, move the pan to the stove and turn on moderate heat. Cook after boiling for 15-20 minutes, at the same moment add cinnamon if desired, this ingredient is optional.

Prepare the dishes that you will fill with dessert. The jars must be thoroughly washed and sterilized; the lids also need this procedure. Place the finished jam into jars while still hot.

Close the jars tightly with lids, turn them over as shown in the photo and cover. After cooling completely, the sweet treat can be put away in the pantry or down into the cellar.

Enjoy your tea!

Preparing apple jam slices with walnuts in a slow cooker

Aromatic, spicy jam will be an excellent addition to various baked goods or ice cream without additives, for example, ice cream or butter. The process will be simplified many times if you prepare the dessert in a slow cooker, and I will tell you in detail how to do this.

We will need:

  • Apples – 450 g
  • Water – 50 ml
  • Sugar - 200 g
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Cognac - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Walnuts - 100 g

Step by step description:

Cut clean apples prepared in advance into medium-sized slices, remove the core. Finely grate the zest of one lemon.

Place the fruit in a multicooker bowl, squeeze out lemon juice, and add sugar. Boil water and pour over apples with zest. Turn on the “Frying” mode on the multicooker and set the time to 15 minutes. Sometimes the contents need to be mixed carefully, try not to damage the apple slices.

After finishing the “Frying” mode, pour in cognac, add chopped walnuts, which can be fried before this. Nuts will add a special charm to the dessert. Turn on the multicooker to the “Baking” mode; 10 minutes will be enough for the jam to reach the desired consistency.

Serve the treat immediately or fill clean, sterilized jars for later storage. It is best to store treats in the refrigerator.

Enjoy your tea!

Amber delicacy from ranetki at home

A stunning-looking dessert, but that’s not all, a very tasty jam that is prepared with pleasure and almost in one go. We won’t cut or chop the ranetkas; we’ll make a sweet delicacy from whole fruits.

We will need:

  • Ranetki – 1 kg
  • Sugar – 1 kg
  • Water – 250 ml

Step by step description:

Prepare the ranetkas, rinse them under running water, and sort the fruits. Do not under any circumstances use ranetki or worms for spoilage.

In a deep metal container, bring water to a boil, and then put small apples in boiling water for 5 minutes. Then quickly drain them in a colander and rinse them with cold water. This will help the ranetkas retain their shape when preparing dessert.

Place the Ranetki in a saucepan, pour in hot syrup and cook for about 15-18 minutes. If foam forms, it must be removed. Then remove the pan from the stove and allow the contents to cool.

Repeat the procedure after cooling. As soon as the jam boils, keep it on the stove for another 15 minutes.

Then fill the clean jars you prepared in advance with the sweet treat.

Enjoy the amazing jam yourself, treat your friends and acquaintances. Enjoy your tea!

Fragrant apple jam with cinnamon

Cinnamon can turn any sweet dish into a masterpiece. The same goes for jam, try it yourself!

Good luck with your cooking and have a great mood!

How to make delicious clear apple jam - useful tips

Of course, the most important thing that I first want to note is the freshness of the apples when choosing before making jam. Leaving for several days, or even weeks, whether apples or ranetkas, will not give the dessert the result you expect from them.

The choice of cookware is also of great importance. Ideally, it should be an enamel pan, or stainless steel will also work. The main thing here is the thickness of the bottom of the container in which you are going to prepare the sweet treat; it should not be too thin.

Arm yourself with a wooden spoon or spatula; this sweetness does not tolerate metal utensils. Well, everything is simple here, if you don’t want to get porridge, but beautiful transparent jam in slices, use only a wooden spoon/spatula. The risk of damaging the lobules will be reduced to zero.

The sweet apple delicacy should be cooked gradually, in several stages. In this case, the heating of the stove should not be maximum. In order for the jam to be transparent and the apple slices to acquire an amber color, they should be thoroughly boiled. Avoid unwanted burning.

There is one more secret to ensure that the slices remain intact and unharmed in the finished product. Before cooking, soak whole apples in a bowl of cold water for a quarter of an hour. Only then cut them into slices and cook a winter and not only apple treat.

And the last thing for today, so that the jam stands for as long as possible and does not become sugary, add a little lemon juice to the finished dessert. Citric acid will cope with this task no worse.

With all my heart I wish you good luck in such a difficult task as preparing for the winter. Your efforts are not in vain, and the main thing is that everything has its time, which sooner or later comes to an end.

But let's not talk about sad things, see you soon!

Apple jam is one of the most popular jams. It has a pleasant apple aroma; the apples themselves become transparent when cooked and acquire an amber color. You can add various spices to this jam, for example, cinnamon, cloves, saffron or ginger. The combination of apples with oranges and lemon or with their zest also turns out delicious. Today I will write 7 recipes for various apple jams. Write in the comments which recipe you liked best.

Do you know the difference between preserves, marmalade and marmalade? The jam should contain whole pieces of fruit or whole berries in a clear syrup. Therefore, the jam is cooked for a short time, often in several batches, to maintain its shape. Jam is also made from pieces, but they are not kept whole. That is, there will be small pieces of fruit in the jam. And jam is made from fruit puree. It should be uniform and thick.

In this article I will write how to make apple jam so that whole slices remain in it. I’ll also tell you the secrets of making thick apple jam.

Apple jam cannot be cooked in enamel containers, because the jam will stick and burn. Also, you must remove the foam from any jam when cooking. If this is not done, the jam may ferment during storage.

Apple jam should be poured hot into sterilized jars. Jars can be sterilized over steam. For example, fill a wide saucepan with water and place a wire rack on it. Place clean jars, washed with a new sponge and soda, on the wire rack upside down. Steam the jars for 15 minutes until the glass becomes clear. The jars can also be sterilized in the oven for 15 minutes at a temperature of 140-150 degrees. But you need to put the jars in a cold oven so that they don’t burst. The lids need to be boiled for 5 minutes.

Jars that are no more than 5 years old are suitable for preservation. See the year of manufacture on the bottom of the can.

With jam wedges you need to tinker more than with marmalade. Precisely because it takes a lot of time to cut fruit. But in the jam, where the pieces have been preserved whole, more useful substances that were in fresh fruits will remain. In good apple jam, the fruit slices and syrup should be transparent and have a beautiful amber color. In addition to being a treat for tea, this delicacy can be used as a filling for pies and other baked goods.

Ingredients (neat weight):

  • pumpkin - 500 gr.
  • apples - 500 gr.
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • citric acid - 0.5 tsp. or lemon juice - 1 tbsp. (for soaking)

Cooking method:

1.Make sour water by dissolving half a teaspoon of citric acid in a liter of water. Acid can be replaced with natural lemon juice. Cut the washed apples into cubes or strips and place in prepared sour water. This way the fruit will not darken and the jam will have a beautiful color.

2.Cut the pumpkin into cubes. Drain the apples and add the fruit to the pumpkin. Add sugar, stir and leave for 1-2 hours until the juice appears.

3.Now you can start making jam. Place it on the stove, bring to a boil and cook for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove the jam from the heat and let it sit for several hours, maybe a day. The next day, let the jam cook for a second time. After boiling, cook again for 20 minutes and immediately place hot in sterilized jars and seal.

This jam can also be covered with nylon lids. In this case, it can be stored for no more than 2 months.

4. It is not necessary to wrap the jam in a blanket, just let it cool at room temperature. It turns out tasty and bright!

Clear jam from whole apples

Before this, I wrote recipes for apple jam in slices. But you can make jam from whole apples. In this case, do not use heavenly (small) apples, but ordinary ones. This jam will look unusual on a plate. Although the apples will be whole, they will still be soft. Therefore, eating them will not be difficult. Of course, such jam is not suitable for filling baked goods, but it will be just right for tea.

You can make jam in the same way by cutting the apples into slices.


  • green apples - 2 kg
  • sugar - 2 kg

How to make apple jam:

1. Take apples that are firm but ripe. Wash them and remove the core. It is convenient to use a special kitchen device for apples. Place the apples in a saucepan and cover them with sugar. Leave it like this overnight or for 12 hours so that the apples release their juice.

2. If the apples are not juicy and little juice has been released within 12 hours, add 100 ml of water so that the apples do not burn during cooking.

3. Let the jam simmer over low heat. Gradually the sugar will dissolve and the apples will give even more juice. Bring the syrup to a boil and turn off the heat. While the jam is boiling, turn the apples periodically. The side that will be in syrup will cook faster. Therefore, the fruit must be turned over. As the apples heat up, they will change color and become golden.

4.After boiling, cover the jam with a plate and place pressure, weighing about 1-1.5 kg. Pressure is needed so that all the apples are immersed in the syrup and not floating on top. Now remove the pan from the heat and let the jam cool completely.

5. Let the apples cook a second time. Bring the syrup to a boil over low heat in the same way. Remove the foam. Boil for 2-3 minutes and remove from heat. Put it under pressure and let it cool again.

6. For the third time, cook the jam after boiling for 10-12 minutes. When hot, place in sterile jars, pouring syrup over the apples. Roll up the lids and let the preserves cool. It turns out very beautiful and tasty apple jam. The syrup will be quite thick, so there is no need to cook the jam for too long, reducing it.

Making jam with apples and oranges

This is a very tasty jam, homogeneous in structure, with an orange aroma. For it, you definitely need to take only green sour apples, such as semerenko.

Ingredients (unpeeled fruit weight):

  • Semerenko apples – 1 kg
  • oranges - 1 kg
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.
  • sugar - 800 gr.
  • cinnamon stick - 1 pc.

Apple and orange jam - how to prepare:

1. Wash the apples, peel them, cut them into 4 parts, and cut out the core. Cut the apples into arbitrary medium pieces. The cutting does not matter since the jam will be crushed a little later.

2. Wash the lemon and one orange well with a brush. Grate the zest of an orange and half a lemon on a fine grater. It is important to wash only the top bright layer, not to reach the white layer of the fruit (the white part of the peel will taste bitter). Squeeze the juice from half a lemon into the apples and stir. The sour juice will help preserve the color. Lemon seeds should not get into the jam.

3. You can optionally add 1 teaspoon of Imeretian saffron to the lemon and orange zest, if available. Saffron will add brightness to the color of the jam, but you can do without it. Add the zest to the apples.

4. Peel all oranges, removing any white residue. Cut the pulp into pieces and place in apples. Add sugar to everything and mix. Leave the fruit in the sugar for several hours to release the juice. When the juice appears, you can start making jam.

5. Bring the jam to a boil and cook for 3-4 minutes, stirring occasionally. Turn off the heat and leave until completely cool. Next, let the jam cook for the second time. Bring to a boil again and simmer for 3 minutes. Let cool.

6. Grind the cooled jam with a blender. It is acceptable for small pieces of fruit to remain in the jam. Let the jam cook in crushed form. Add a cinnamon stick to the puree, which will add a special aroma. Bring the mixture to a boil over low heat, stirring, and cook for another 5 minutes. Take out the cinnamon stick, it has already given off its smell.

7. Pour the hot jam into sterilized jars and roll up. This delicacy will smell very tasty of orange and cinnamon. Enjoy your tea!

Apple jam with ginger in the microwave - a simple recipe

Ginger is added to this jam, which makes the taste of the usual jam not quite ordinary. This jam is cooked in the microwave.


  • apples - 500 gr.
  • sugar - 500 gr.
  • fresh ginger root - 20 gr.
  • cinnamon - 10 gr.
  • citric acid - 3 gr.

How to make apple and ginger jam:

1. Wash and peel the apples. This recipe does not use the peel; it can be used to make compote. Cut the apples into small cubes or thin slices. Weigh it already chopped and take the same amount of sugar.

2. Peel the ginger and chop it finely and thinly. You can first cut it into thin slices with a vegetable peeler, and then chop them even more.

3.Add ginger to the apples, add sugar and mix.

4.Place the sugared apples in the microwave for 9 minutes. Set the power to 700 watts. There is no need to set the power to maximum so that the jam does not boil too much and splash. Remove the jam after the allotted time. The sugar should dissolve and the apples will float in the syrup.

5.Add cinnamon to the jam and stir. And microwave for another 9 minutes. Add citric acid to the finished jam, stir, and microwave for another 30 seconds. After this, the jam needs to be poured into sterilized jars and rolled up. That's all.

Different varieties of apples can take different times to cook. Look at your apples - they should become transparent.

Thick apple jam: cooking secrets

There are some mistakes that housewives make when preparing jam. Because of these mistakes, the jam may burn and may not be thick enough. I’ll tell you how to cook delicious and thick apple jam.

It is important to choose the right apples for the jam. Take sour varieties (they have more pectin, which means the jam will thicken faster) - Antonovka, Semerenko, Granny Smith, Gloster. If you only have sweet apples, you will need to add something with a lot of pectin to them - quince, peaches, plums, citrus zest, pumpkin.


  • green sour apples - 2 kg
  • sugar - 1.2 kg
  • water - 300 ml
  • lemon juice - 4 tbsp.

Cooking method:

1. Wash and peel the apples. Don't throw away the skins, they will come in handy. It is the peel that contains twice as much pectin as the apple pulp. Therefore, these peelings will be boiled together with the jam so that it thickens faster. Place the skins in gauze and tie them into a knot, leaving long tails of the gauze. You will then use these ends to remove the peel from the pan.

2. Cut the peeled apples into 4 parts and cut out the core. Weigh the peeled apples. For 1 kg of peeled apples, take 150 ml of water. Pour water into a stainless steel pan. Place apple peelings in the bottom of the water and sprinkle apple quarters on top.

3.Place the pan over high heat and bring to a boil with the lid closed. After boiling, turn the heat to medium and cook the apples for 15-20 minutes.

Do not fill the pan more than 3/4 full. Otherwise, foam will come out through the top.

4.Check the apples with a skewer - they should be soft. If this is the case, take out the cheesecloth with the peelings and wring it out of the pan. No more skins needed. Boiled apples need to be pureed. First, place them in a sieve to drain excess liquid. It does not need to be added to jam. Next, grind the apple pieces through a sieve or use an immersion blender.

5.You need to add sugar and lemon juice to the applesauce. For ideal jam, take 600 grams of sugar per 1 kg of peeled apples. This amount will help the jam stand for a long time and not ferment, but at the same time the jam will not be cloying. Lemon juice will prevent the apples from becoming too dark. Stir the puree with sugar and juice.

6. To make the jam thick, you can simmer it over low heat. But this will happen for a very long time. To reduce the time by three times, you need to bake the jam! To do this, preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Pour applesauce and sugar onto a baking sheet and smooth out the layer. The thickness of the layer should be no more than 3 cm. The thinner it is, the faster the liquid will evaporate. The baking tray does not need to be covered or greased with anything.

7. When you put the jam in an oven preheated to 200 degrees, reduce the heat to 150 degrees and bake it for 1 hour. Meanwhile, sterilize the jars and lids.

8.Check the readiness of the jam. It should decrease in volume by about half. Place some jam on a saucer and turn it over. If it doesn't fall (like ) then it's ready.

9.Hot jam should be quickly poured into hot sterilized jars. The jars are sterilized over steam for about 15 minutes until transparent. Therefore, 15 minutes before the jam is ready, put the jars to sterilize, 5 minutes before the jam is ready, boil the lids. The jam should be placed along the “marusin belt” - this is the place of the jar where it begins to narrow (the shoulders).

Don’t forget to rinse the ladle you will use to pour the jam in boiling water.

10. To prevent the jam from becoming moldy, sprinkle sugar on top. The sugar layer should be about 5-10 mm. This is the so-called sugar castle or sugar plug. Condensation from the lid will fall not onto the jam, but onto the sugar. And immediately roll up the hot lid, which you need to remove from the boiling water and shake off all the water. Turn the jar over and check that the lid is tight and there are no leaks.

11.Now the jam is ready. Once cooled, store it in a dark, dry place where it can be stored for up to 3 years. When the jam sits for a while, it will become even thicker, almost like marmalade. Use it as a filling for bagels, pies and just for tea.

I think from these 7 recipes you can choose a recipe that will become a favorite in your family. For recipes for other jams, see the section.

If you make Antonovka jam in slices, you are guaranteed a delicious winter. Transparent, amber in color, will appeal to all family members. Juicy, firm-fleshed, sweet and sour apples are perfect for cooking a dessert with slices beautifully floating in clear syrup. Antonovka is one of those apple trees that are distributed throughout the country. The fruits ripen in the fall, when the main crop has already been processed.

The variety is universal and goes well with other apples when cooked. You can add very interesting flavor notes to the dessert if you add chokeberries or lingonberries, which ripen at the same time as the fruit. Recently, preparation options with the addition of citrus fruits: lemon and orange have become popular. I have collected a good selection of recipes that I suggest you use.

Antonovka jam in slices for the winter - recipe

To make the jam tasty, with slices beautifully floating in the syrup, take slightly unripe fruits. If the apples are ripe, take them fresh from the tree, with firm flesh.


  • Apples – 1 kg.
  • Granulated sugar – 700 gr.
  • How to cook:
  • Rinse the fruits and blot dry. Cut into halves, remove the core and seeds. Cut into thin slices, no wider than 5-7 mm.
  • Place in a saucepan in layers, sprinkling with sugar. Leave to stand on the counter for about 2-4 hours to allow the fruit to release its juice.
  • Let it cook. First over moderate heat, then when the mixture boils, reduce the heat to low. Boil for 5 minutes, immediately turn off the burner. Set aside further cooking for 8 hours. During cooking, do not stir the contents, just carefully submerge the slices in the syrup with a spoon. Then they will remain intact.
  • After 8 hours, repeat cooking, cool the jam again and make the last third approach. During the last cooking, increase the duration to 10-15 minutes. check readiness by dropping a drop on a saucer. If it does not spread, then you can turn off the stove.
  • For long-term storage of delicacies, jars with lids must be sterilized, then the dessert will not ferment. Fill the jars, close them with nylon lids or roll them up.

Don't stop at one taste! Add a handful of pumpkin seeds, pine nuts, walnuts or almonds to the jam. Throw in some orange or lemon peels, and then the taste of the dessert will sparkle with new flavor colors.

Transparent amber jam from Antonovka

A lot of transparent amber-colored syrup, beautifully floating slices of Antonovka - this is the dessert you will get if you cook it according to this recipe.

You will need:

  • Antonovka – 1 kg.
  • Granulated sugar – 800 gr.
  • Cinnamon – ½ small spoon.
  • Cloves – 3 buds.
  • Star anise – 1 bud.

How to cook:

  1. Prepare the fruits: wash, divide into thin slices, cutting out the middle.
  2. Cover the slices with sugar, leave to infuse for several hours and release the juice.
  3. After 6-8 hours, place on the stove and bring to a boil over low heat. Make sure the sugar dissolves completely.
  4. Cook for exactly five minutes, then remove from heat and let cool.
  5. Cook for another five minutes, but immediately add the spices listed. Finally, let the contents boil vigorously and turn off the burner.
  6. Distribute the hot dessert among the jars. Cover with lids and refrigerate. Store indoors.

Apple jam from Antonovka with oranges - step-by-step recipe


  • Apples – 1.8 kg.
  • Sugar – 1.5 kg.
  • Oranges – 1.2 kg.
  • Water – 1.5 cups.

Step-by-step preparation:

Do not peel the peel, just divide the apples into slices. If there is no special cutting, use a knife.

Divide the orange into slices, removing the peel.

Pour the sweetness into the pan and fill it with water. Place on low heat to cook the syrup. I don’t recommend going far, because the mass needs to be stirred so that the grains of sugar dissolve.

Place all the fruit slices in another pan. Pour in the boiling syrup. Start cooking the jam over moderate heat.

After boiling, remove the pan from the stove and wait for the dessert to cool completely.

Place the treat back on the burner, bring to a boil, and cook with a gentle “gurgle” for 30 minutes. Gently stir the contents a couple of times during the process. Make sure that the fruit slices are always covered with syrup. Lay out the finished dessert, roll it up and hide it in an unheated room.

Delicious Antonovka jam with lemon

It has long been noted that the addition of citrus fruits adds a certain charm to desserts. Recently, jam with orange or lemon has become something commonplace. The dessert will turn out thick, but if you don’t want it, don’t add a thickener.

  • Antonovka – 6 pcs.
  • Lemon - a couple.
  • Sugar – 2.5 cups.
  • Gelatin (pectin) – 2 large spoons.
  • Cardamom – ½ small spoon (more is possible).
  1. Remove the peel from the washed antonovka, then cut into pieces. Squeeze the juice from one lemon, pour it into a bowl, carefully stir the apples, then they will not darken.
  2. Fill the prepared slices with sugar, add cardamom, and mix the contents gently.
  3. Pour in the pectin, add the second lemon cut into pieces (be sure to remove the seeds).
  4. Let it cook. When the syrup boils, gently stir the jam. Time for exactly 30 minutes and cook on the lowest heat. Don't forget to stir the contents periodically.
  5. Adjust the thickness yourself. The longer you cook, the thicker the consistency of the treat.
  6. Place the finished dessert in pre-sterilized jars and store in a cool place.

How to make Antonovka jam with chokeberry

Fans of unusual combinations will appreciate jam with chokeberry and nuts. The tartness of the berry and the spiciness of the nut together with the sweet and sour Antonovka give an unexpected taste.

  • Chokeberry – 1 kg.
  • Antonovka – 0.5 kg.
  • Walnuts – 0.5 kg.
  • Lemon.
  • Granulated sugar – 1.5 kg.
  1. Sort the berries, remove them from the branches, remove wrinkled or rotten ones, and wash them.
  2. Boil water, pour in the rowan, cover with a lid, leave for 8 hours.
  3. Remove the nuts from the shell, crush or chop with a knife. Cut the Antonovka into equal pieces.
  4. Drain the chokeberry infusion, spread the berries in a layer on a paper napkin and dry thoroughly, do not pour out the infusion - we will need it.
  5. Bring the infusion to a boil, adding sugar. Stirring until the sweetness dissolves.
  6. Add chokeberries, apples and nuts, and bring to a boil over medium heat.
  7. Reduce heat and cook for 10 minutes, skimming off any foam.
  8. Remove the cooking container from the burner and allow the contents to cool completely.
  9. Repeat cooking again, boiling the delicacy for another 10 minutes. Do 1-2 more approaches with cooking and subsequent cooling.
  10. When you start cooking for the last time, squeeze the juice out of the lemon and pour it into the pan.
  11. Sterilize the jars with lids, lay out the dessert and roll up.

Antonovka jam with lingonberries

Another seasonal berry collected together with Antonovka is lingonberry. When I shared recipes, I said that apples go best with berries.


  • Antonovka – 1 kg.
  • Lingonberries – 1 kg.
  • Water – 2 glasses.
  • Granulated sugar – 2.5 kg.
  1. Prepare syrup from water and sugar. Place berries and apples in it and stir gently.
  2. Cook over low heat for about 30-35 minutes.
  3. Lay out sterile containers, roll them up, and take them away for permanent storage for the winter.

Video recipe: cooking apple jam in a slow cooker

The multicooker frees up your hands, freeing them up for other things. And the jam, they say, turns out to have a completely different taste. Have you tried it? Follow the recipe with a step-by-step story and prepare a fragrant dessert! Have a sweet winter!

Antonovka jam, probably one of the simplest and most versatile types of jam that I make at home. Its versatility lies in the fact that we often use it in baking, for example in. Apples of the Antonovka variety are the leader in pectin content; due to this, the jam turns out thick, with a minimum liquid content, so it is ideal for fillings.

I cook this jam with minimal labor costs, at a time, without any intermediate stages of standing between cooking, etc. I store it in refrigerators or in the cellar, however, even just in a cool place in the apartment, the jam is stored quite well all winter.

For apple jam you will need:

  • Green apples. 2 kg. The best one is Antonovka.
  • Sugar. 1.8 kg.
  • Chokeberry - a few berries for color. Completely optional ingredient. The jam turns out great without it.

About Antonovka.

A very tasty, sweet and sour variety of apples. Antonovka is often used in cooking - like pork, fried as a side dish, soaked, etc. The main reason for such frequent and varied use of this variety of apples is not only the wonderful taste, but also the unique aroma of Antonovka.

Unfortunately, these apples do not tolerate long-term storage. Therefore, you can only buy them in the fall, since apples are autumn. What is often passed off as Antonovka in markets, especially in winter, is not this variety. Only in the fall can you buy a truly real Antonovka.

Making apple jam.

I repeat, I make this jam very simply, the way my grandmothers made it. Moreover, in this case there is no goal to preserve the shape of the apples or their pieces, although the pieces still retain their shape. I am completely satisfied with the result, so it is unlikely that I will switch to any other technology.

And further. You can peel the apples or leave them on. I personally like it better with the peel because the jam is more aromatic. My family is of the opposite opinion; they don’t like apple peels in jam, so they have to peel them. This time I combined - I peeled most of the apples, but still left a couple of them with the peel.

So, we peel the apples, cut out the seed capsule and cut the apples into small pieces.

Pour all the chopped apples into a bowl for making jam and cover them with sugar.

Gently mix the apples with sugar with your fingers, adding a few chokeberries if desired and possible.

We leave the apples with sugar to stand for 40-60 minutes so that they give juice. This is necessary so that when heated, the sugar does not start to melt and burn.

Place the bowl of apples on low heat and bring the jam to a boil. After which we reduce the heat further and leave the jam to cook until done, avoiding rapid boiling - let it gurgle slightly lazily.

If any foam forms, carefully remove it. It is not advisable to stir the jam - you can gently shake and lightly shake the entire bowl so that the contents are gently mixed.

We cook the jam for about an hour and a half, you will see for yourself that it begins to thicken a little, and all the apple pieces will begin to become transparent.



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